Miso Soup
Miso Soup
Miso Soup
co m
Miso Soup
By: Nami On: March 3, 2011 45 co mments Po sted in: Quick & Easy , So ups & Stews , Vegetables, To fu & Eggs , Vegetarian
Miso Soup Recipe
3 cups homemade dashi stock or see how to make quick dashi below
3 T bsp. miso (I use awase/mixed miso)
6 oz silken tof u or sof t tof u
2 tsp. dried ready-to-use wakame (seaweed)
1 green onion/scallion
For quick dashi
3 cups water
1 dashi packet or 1 1/4 tsp. dashi powder
1. In a medium saucepan, add water and dashi packet (some brand of dashi packet may ask you to add
the packet af ter boiling). If you are using dashi powder, bring water to a boil and stir in the dashi
powder and it's ready to use.
2. Bring it to a boil over medium high heat. Af ter boiling, reduce the heat to medium low and simmer f or 5
4. Put 1 T bsp. of miso in a ladle (or strainer) and blend it with dashi until it is thoroughly mixed.
Continue this process until miso is all used. Usually each cup of dashi, you will need about 1 T bsp. of
miso. If you add tof u in your miso soup, tof u dilutes the soup a little bit so you might want to add
T bsp. more miso.
5. Cut tof u into 1/2" (1 cm) cubes and add to the soup. Stir gently without breaking the tof u.
7. Finely slice the green onion and put the wakame and green onion in each bowl.
8. Return the miso soup to a slight simmer until heated through and pour into the bowls. Be caref ul not