John Huss
John Huss
John Huss
Huss ordered to be seized and the Bethlehem church razed Deprived of books, including Bible
Public opinion kept the edict from being carried out Sigismund professed to be incensed by defiance of safe conduct
Prag placed under interdict but did nothing
1412 Wenzel persuaded Huss to leave the city for a while At this time, the Pope ran away, exposed for many misdemeanors
But he continued to preach and to write from exile 3/24 Huss transferred to the castle of the bishop of Constance –
"What shall we lose if for His sake we forfeit wealth, friends, the 73 days
world’s honors and our poor life?... It is better to die well than to Hemorrhage, headache, starvation
live badly. We dare not sin to avoid the punishment of death. To The runaway Pope captured and jailed in the same place!
end in grace the present life is to be banished from misery. Truth Public hearings June 5-8
is the last conqueror. He wins who is slain, for no adversity hurts Charged with believing:
him if no iniquity has dominion over him." ? that Christ is in the consecrated bread only as the soul is
1413 – Huss Wrote de ecclesia while in exile in the body,
? Catholic means universal – church of all predestinate ? that Wyclif was a good Christian,
? Unity of the church is unity of predestination, ? that salvation was not dependent upon the pope and
blessedness, faith, charity and grace ? that no one could be excommunicated except by God
? Pope and cardinals are not the church Himself.
? Peter was never head of the Catholic church but a Whenever Huss attempted to explain his positions, he was met
confessor of Christ, the Rock with shouts, "Away with your sophistries. Say, Yes or No."
? Roman bishop equal with others until Constantine made Given 39 written charges including the assertions that
him Pope ? the Church is the totality of the elect,
? Rejected the bulls which banned preaching ? a priest must continue preaching, even though he be under
? Rejected right of Pope to issue indulgences sentence of excommunication,
? Christ alone could forgive sins ? that whoso is in mortal sin cannot exercise authority.
? Denied infallibility of the Pope Like Luther after him, Huss said he would revoke anything
Much of this work came straight from Wycliff’s writings. contrary to the Word of God but not otherwise
1414 Council of Constance But canon law, not scripture, held sway in Councils
Huss summoned to attend by Sigismund, heir to succeed Wenzel Huss was advised that if the council told him he only had one
as king eye, he should agree.
Promised safe-conduct and set out October 11, arriving 11/3 He replied that if the whole world told him so, he would not
Initially, Huss given some liberty to move about the city agree and offend his conscience
11/28, 2 bishops appeared at his lodgings and requisitioned him June 15 – Council decided against giving the cup to laymen
to appear before the cardinals Huss condemned this as wickedness and madness – a virtual
House surrounded by soldiers condemnation of Christ’s example and command
Within a week he was in the dungeon of a Dominican convent June 24 Council ordered his writings to be burned
3 months in prison He bade his friends not to terrified, since Jeremiah’s writings
Sickness and fever set in. Pope did send physician were also burned
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Early July, various delegations sought a recantation but he would excommunication, and attacking the pope’s right to call a
not crusade.
Saturday July 6, conducted to the cathedral In his edition of Huss’letters, printed 1537, Luther praised Huss’
Sentence pronounced on him patience and humility under every indignity and his courage
30 articles of heresy, coupling him to Wyclif, read out. before an imposing assembly as a lamb in the midst of wolves
Huss not allowed to speak and lions. If such a man, he wrote, "is to be regarded as a heretic,
Degraded from the sacerdotal order then no person under the sun can be looked upon as a true
Put a cap on his head, covered with pictures of the devil and the Christian."
word, heresiarch
Church turned Huss over to secular authority
Chained to the stake and wood and hay, mixed with rosin, piled 3. Conclusions
to his neck Three medallions dating from 1572, and preserved in the Prag
Again offered to recant. He replied: library, set forth the relation in which Wyclif and Huss stand to
"I shall die with joy to-day in the faith of the gospel which I have the Reformation. The first represents Wyclif striking sparks from
preached." When Richental, who was standing by, suggested a a stone. Below it is Huss, kindling a fire from the sparks. In the
confessor, he replied, "There is no need of one. I have no mortal third medallion, Luther is holding aloft the flaming torch.
sin." At the call of bystanders, they turned his face away from the What happened after the death of Huss?
East, and as the flames arose, he sang twice, Christ, thou Son of Huss was a national hero. His unjust trial and death led to
the living God, have mercy upon me. The wind blew the fire into revolution and civil war in Bohemia, and war against Rome – 15
the martyr’s face, and his voice was hushed. He died, praying and years of struggle. This was the immediate, physical legacy.
singing. To remove, if possible, all chance of preserving relics
from the scene, Huss’clothes and shoes were thrown into the What about the spiritual realm?
merciless flames. The ashes were gathered up and cast into the
Rhine. There seems to be no doubt that the Bohemian Brethren were
moved by the spirit of Huss, and also that in their earliest period
Luther said brusquely but truly, that Huss committed no more they came into contact with the Waldenses. Pressing up from
atrocious sin than to declare that a Roman pontiff of impious life Italy, the followers of Peter Valdez had penetrated into Bohemia
is not the head of the Church catholic in the later part of the 14th century.
John Huss struck at the foundations of the hierarchical system. Bohemian Brethren were forerunners to the Moravians who were
He interpreted our Lord’s words to Peter in a way that was fatal used in the conversion of John Wesley
to the papal theory of Leo, Hildebrand and Innocent III. His
conception of the Church, which he drew from Wyclif, contains So we see again how God was at work in the time leading up to
the kernel of an entirely new system of religious authority. He the Reformation. Through the Waldenses, the Scholastics, in
made the Scriptures the final source of appeal, and exalted the whose line Wyclif arose, the Mystics and John Hus, God
authority of the conscience above pope, council and canon law as maintained His remnant. He never lacked someone to stand for
an interpreter of truth. He carried out these views in practice by the truth in the darkest of days. Whether it was a Vigilantius,
continuing to preach in spite of repeated sentences of protesting against Pope Sylvester, a Peter Waldo evangelizing
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