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The document discusses various surface hardening techniques for stainless steel such as carburizing, nitriding, nitrocarburizing and boriding that can improve the hardness and wear/corrosion resistance of stainless steel surfaces.

Euro Inox is the European market development association for stainless steel. Its objectives are to create awareness of stainless steel properties and further its use in new applications and markets through conferences, guidance publications, and technical/market research.

Common surface hardening techniques discussed include carburizing, gas and plasma nitriding, nitrocarburizing, and boriding. These involve diffusing carbon, nitrogen or boron into the steel surface to increase hardness.

Surface Hardening of Stainless Steels

Materials and Applications Series, Volume 20

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

Euro Inox
Euro Inox is the European market development association for stainless steel. Members of Euro Inox
European stainless steel producers;
national stainless steel development associations;
development associations of the alloying element
The prime objectives of Euro Inox are to create awareness of the unique properties of stainless steel and
to further its use in existing applications and in
new markets. To achieve these objectives, Euro Inox
organises conferences and seminars and issues guidance in printed and electronic form, to enable architects, designers, specifiers, fabricators and end users
to become more familiar with the material. Euro Inox
also supports technical and market research.

Full members
Acciai Speciali Terni

Associated members
British Stainless Steel Association (BSSA)
Centro Inox
Informationsstelle Edelstahl Rostfrei
International Chromium Development Association
International Molybdenum Association (IMOA)
Nickel Institute
Paslanmaz elik Dernei (PASDER)
Polska Unia Dystrybutorw Stali (PUDS)
Stowarzyszenie Stal Nierdzewna

ISBN 978-2-87997-387-6


S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

Surface Hardening of Stainless Steels
First Edition 2013
(Materials and Applications Series, Volume 20)
Euro Inox 2013
Euro Inox
Diamant Building, Bd. A. Reyers 80
1030 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 706 82 67
Fax: +32 2 706 82 69

1 Introduction
2 Principle
Thermochemical diffusion methods
3.1 Carburising
3.2 Gas nitriding
3.3 Plasma (ion) nitriding and liquid nitriding
3.4 Nitrocarburising
3.5 Boriding or boronising
Applied energy methods
4.1 Induction hardening
5 Costs
6 Summary
7 References


Alenka Kosma, Brussels (B)
Cover photos
Expanite, Hillerd (DK) (left)
Heat & Surface Treatment, Eindhoven (NL) (bottom right)
iStockphoto (top right)

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Euro Inox has made every effort to ensure that the
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material contained herein is for general information
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disclaim any liability or responsibility for loss, damage or injury, resulting from the use of the information
contained in this publication.

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

1 Introduction
Scratch resistance of
the surface is often
requested for highvisibility applications.

Stainless steel is widely used in applications in which corrosion resistance is of high

importance. In many end-uses, the material
is also expected to have a hard, non-scratch
surface. When improved wear resistance is
required, surface engineering provides solutions. Commonly available processes are
available that improve surface hardness,
scratch and wear resistance.
Properties most often expected from surface hardening [1, 2]:
scratch resistance
surface hardness above 900 HV0.05

unchanged corrosion resistance

reduced friction coefficient
no dimensional change
minimal or no change in visual appearance
no cracking or flaking of the hardened layer
minimal or no change in surface roughness
no pre-treatment
no post-treatment
enhanced lifetime and reduced downtime
and costs

Surface hardening provides surfaces for

different consumer products and ensures
that stainless home appliances, household
objects, cutlery and highly exposed objects
maintain their pleasing appearance and durability. It is also necessary in applications
where exceptional wear resistance combined with corrosion resistance are needed.
A wide range of such applications can be
found in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
consumer goods
home appliances
food and beverage industry
mobile devices
industrial fluid handling
industrial and consumer fasteners
valve and pump parts
medical applications
marine applications
automotive components
axis and rotating parts

Surface hardening can

be used in many different areas, from building
and architecture to
the food and beverage
industry. Photo: Heat
& Surface Treatment,
Eindhoven (NL)

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

2 Principle
Surface hardening includes a wide variety of
techniques. Most often it is used to improve
the wear resistance of parts without affecting the softer, tough interior necessary to
resist impact occurring during operation.
Wear involves the physical removal of
material from a solid object. It can be
divided into three categories: abrasive,
adhesive and fatigue wear.
Abrasive wear is when two surfaces rub
together and the harder surface grinds
away the softer. It can be characterized
by a rough appearance. Often, work
hardening of the surface can occur.
Adhesive wear, like abrasive wear, is
caused by loaded surfaces rubbing together. With adhesive wear, high localized temperatures are created by friction
at the tips of opposing asperities on rubbing surfaces. These tips can deform and
weld together, due to localized temperatures. They usually break and fall
away as debris.
Fatigue wear occurs whenever a surface
is subjected to repeated high-stress
load. Wear rates are less affected by temperature than is corrosion [6].

There are three distinctly different approaches to the various surface-hardening

methods [7]:
Thermochemical diffusion methods,
which modify the chemical composition
of the surface with hardening species
such as carbon, nitrogen and boron. Diffusion methods allow effective hardening
of the entire surface of a part and are generally used when a large number of parts
are to be surface hardened.
Applied energy or thermal methods,
which do not modify the chemical composition of the surface but rather improve
properties by altering the surface structure that is they produce a quench-hardened surface, without additional alloying
species. They can be used to harden the
entire surface or only part of it (selective
3. Surface coating or surface-modification
methods, which involve the intentional
build-up of a new layer on the steel substrate.
Various process methods for the surface
hardening of steels are shown in Table 1.
These long-established techniques are
continually improved and remain among
the most widely applied ones. This publication discusses the most important surfacehardening methods used on stainless steels
(marked in italics in the table overleaf).

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

Table 1. Process methods for the surface hardening of steels [7]

Diffusion methods

Coating and surface modification


Hard chromium plating


Electroless nickel plating


Thermal spraying


Weld hardfacing

Boriding or boronising

Chemical vapour deposition

Thermal diffusion process

Physical vapour deposition1

Applied energy methods

Ion implantation

Flame hardening

Laser surface processing

Induction hardening
Laser-beam hardening
Electron-beam hardening

Vickers test scheme

The pyramidal diamond

indenter of a Vickers hardness

Source: Wikipedia; Vickers hardness test

Photos: R. Tanaka (middle); Dennis M. Clarke, (right)

An indentation left in casehardened steel after a Vickers

hardness test. The difference
in length of both diagonals and
the illumination gradient, are
both classic indications of an
out-of-level sample. This is not
a good indentation.

Physical vapour deposition is discussed in the Euro Inox publication Colouring Stainless Steel, Materials and Applications
Series, Volume 16,

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

3 Thermochemical diffusion methods

Traditional thermochemical treatment on
stainless steel is associated with a loss of
corrosion resistance as nitrogen and carbon react with chromium to form carbides/
nitrides, thus withdrawing chromium from
solid solution. In the case of stainless
steels, hardening by thermochemical treatment has been considered bad practice or
a compromise between corrosion proper-

ties and tribological properties [8]. Some

recently developed processes, in contrast,
do not diminish the corrosion resistance of
stainless steels.

Table 2. Typical characteristics of thermochemical diffusion treatments for stainless steels [7, 8]

Name of case


Typical case


Process characteristics


Diffused nitrogen and/

or carbon compounds




Hardest cases from nitriding

steels, low distortion, bulk
batches possible


Diffused nitrogen and/

or carbon compounds




High equipment cost, close

case control, good controllability of layer formation

Diffused boron, boron




1500 to over

Produces a hard diffusion

layer, high process temperature can cause distortion

Boriding or

Photo: Heat & Surface

Treatment, Eindhoven (NL)

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

3.1 Carburising

Chromium content [%]


Grain boundary

Stainless steels can be carburised to improve surface hardness and resistance to

galling. During the carburising process, the
carbon atoms diffuse through the surface
and have the affinity to react with the chromium present in stainless steels. They can
form chromium carbide (Cr23C6). This process is known as sensitisation. Some chromium could therefore be lost and eventually
corrosion resistance reduced. Conventional
carburising has mostly been replaced by nitridation, which does not incur problems of
sensitisation [10].
Sensitisation occurs when the material is
heated to the 600800 C temperature
range. At these temperatures, chromium
and carbon diffuse to the grain boundaries to form type Cr23C6 chromium carbides. As the carbides form, chromium
is depleted from the base material but
is considerably increased at the grain
boundaries. In areas with a low chromium level, the chromium content is below
that of the bulk alloy, making these areas
susceptible to corrosion.
Some recently developed techniques have a
hardening effect without affecting the original corrosion resistance. No coating is applied to the surface, but a carbon-rich (up
to 23 % weight rate) diffusion zone is produced from the surface inwards, with excellent toughness and no risk of delamination
or peeling. It is low-temperature carburising,
at a diffusion temperature below 450 C. The
process increases the surface hardness of
most austenitic stainless steels to a level of






Boundary of passivity

about 10001200 HV0.05. High compressive

stresses are formed on the surface, due to interstitial solution of carbon atoms. No loss of
corrosion resistance is reported in austenitic
stainless steel 1.4401/1.4404 (316/316L). The
process has also been successfully applied to
duplex stainless steel grades. Sharp edges,
the inside of bores and gaps present no limitation to the process [4, 11, 12, 13].

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

Uniform hardening of sharp edges can be achieved

with a carburised layer. Photo: Bodycote Hardiff,
Apeldoorn (NL)

3.2 Gas nitriding

Gas nitriding is a case-hardening process
whereby nitrogen is introduced into the
surface by holding the steel at a suitable
temperature in contact with a nitrogenous
gas, usually ammonia. Quenching is not required for the production of hard case. The
nitriding temperature for most steels is between 500 C and 550 C. Although nitriding adversely affects corrosion resistance,
it increases surface hardness and provides
a lower coefficient of friction, thus improving abrasion resistance. Before being gas
nitrided, austenitic stainless steels and ferritic steels should be annealed and relieved
of machining stresses. Normal annealing
treatments generally employed to obtain
maximum corrosion resistance are usually
adequate. Martensitic steels should be in
the quenched-and-tempered condition2 [9].
Alloying elements such as chromium and
molybdenum are beneficial in nitriding,

since they form nitrides that are stable at nitriding temperatures. Because of their chromium content, all stainless steels can be
nitrided to some degree [9]. However, the
high chromium content of some stainless
steels makes them more difficult to nitride.
This is because chromium forms a passive
layer on the stainless steel surface, which
has to be removed before nitriding. Once
the passive film is broken down (by dry honing, wet blasting, pickling, chemical reduction in a reducing atmosphere, submersion
in molten salts or one of several proprietary
processes), nitriding is effective. The positive side of this is usually a high surfacehardness value. Other alloying elements,
such as nickel, copper and manganese,
have little if any effect on nitriding characteristics [7]. Nitridable stainless steels are:
Martensitic stainless steels. The hardenable martensitic stainless steels are
capable of providing high core strength
to support the nitrided case. Hardening,
followed by tempering at a temperature
at least 15 C higher than the nitriding
temperature, should precede the nitriding operation.
Austenitic stainless steels. Austenitic
stainless steels are the most difficult to
nitride. Nevertheless most can be successfully nitrided [9]. If nitrided, parts
must be in the annealed condition, to
prevent flaking or blistering of the nitrided case. Stabilised or low-carbon grades
are recommended for nitriding, for the

More information on specific heat treatment conditions of different stainless steels can be found in the Euro Inox publication Stainless Steels: Tables of Fabrication Parameters, Materials and Applications Series, Volume 17,

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

obvious reason that the nitriding temperature of approximately 540 C is in

the sensitising range. The nitrided case
that can be achieved on austenitic
grades is very thin and seldom above
0.125 mm. In addition, it seriously impairs resistance to corrosion in most media. Nitriding austenitic stainless steels
is therefore only carried out for highly
specialised applications for example,
when the material must be non-magnetic
and still have an abrasion-resistant surface [14].








1.4016 (430)

5 suppliers

1.4749 (446)

Hardness, HK

5 suppliers


5 heats





1.4541 (321)




Distance below surface, 0.0001 in.



5 suppliers
Hardness, HK

Hardness, HK

Precipitation-hardening stainless steels.

Steel grades such as 1.4542, 1.4548 (17-4
PH), 1.4564, 1.4568 (17-7 PH), 1.4545 (155 PH), 1.4980 (A-286) can be successfully

Distance below surface, 0.0001 in.



Hardness, HK

Ferritic stainless steels. Ferritic stainless

steel grades are non-hardenable by conventional heat treatment methods. However, the grades on which surface hardening can be successfully applied include
1.4016 (430) and 1.4749 (446).





Distance below surface, m








Distance below surface, m

Figure 1. Hardness related to case depth for four stainless steels that were annealed prior to nitriding. The annealing temperature was 1065 C for steel grades 302 and 1.4541 (321), 980 C for steel grade 1.4016 (430) and 900 C
for steel grade 1.4749 (446). Hardness is measured in Knoop values [9].

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

Table 3. Surface hardness ranges and case depth for some corrosion-resistant and acid-resistant steels [7]
Steel designation


Nitride hardness

EN Number

EN Name






0.2 max.




0.2 max.



440 B


0.2 max.




0.2 max.





0.2 max.





0.2 max.





0.2 max.




0.2 max.




Stainless steel
2035% dissociation

Depth of case, 0.001 in.

Depth of case, m

Austenitic (300 series)

525 C
550 C

Martensitic (400 series)

525 C
550 C







Duration of nitriding, h

Figure 2. Comparison of the nitriding characteristics of austenitic (300 series) and martensitic (400 series) stainless steels, single-stage nitride at 525 C and 550 C [9]

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

In stainless steel cutlery,

surface hardening is
available as an option to
improve wear resistance.
Photo: WMF, Geislingen


3.3 Plasma (ion) nitriding and liquid


in etched cross-sections [9]. This process is

particularly suitable for stainless steels.

Plasma (or ion) nitriding is a method of surface hardening that uses glow-discharge
technology to introduce elemental nitrogen to the surface of a metal part, for subsequent diffusion into the material. In a
vacuum, high-voltage electrical energy is
used to form plasma, through which nitrogen ions are accelerated to impinge on the
workpiece. This ion bombardment heats
the workpiece, cleans the surface and provides active nitrogen. It actually avoids the
need to remove the passive layer, as this is
removed by sputtering prior to the nitriding
phase. Ion nitriding provides better control of case chemistry and uniformity and
has other advantages, such as lower part
distortion than conventional gas nitriding.
For most ferrous alloys, the diffusion zone
formed by nitriding cannot be seen in a metallographic image, because the coherent
precipitates are generally not large enough
to resolve. In stainless steels, however, the
chromium level is high enough for extensive nitride formation, which can be seen

Liquid nitriding is performed in a molten,

nitrogen-bearing, fused-salt bath containing either cyanides or cyanates. Cyanidefree liquid nitriding salt compositions have
also been introduced. However, in the active
bath, a small amount of cyanide, generally
up to 5 %, is produced as part of the reaction. This is a relatively low concentration
and these compositions have gained widespread acceptance within the heat-treating
industry because they contribute substantially to the alleviation of a potential source
of pollution. Liquid nitriding treatments result in some loss of corrosion resistance because the formation of nitrides and carbides
depletes adjacent matrix areas. Corrosion
data based on weight loss indicates that in
some cases liquid-nitrided stainless steels
face some loss of corrosion resistance. However, these materials remain largely superior
to untreated carbon and low-alloy steels [9].

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

3.4 Nitrocarburising
Some gas-based and plasma-based processes dissolve carbon and/or nitrogen atoms in the surface region of the material.
Dissolution of carbon and nitrogen atoms is
possible due to their smaller size compared
to the alloy metal atoms. The surface hardening results not in a coating but in a surface zone with a high concentration of carbon and/or nitrogen [1, 2, 3]. Large amounts
of atomic nitrogen and/or carbon dissolve
in stainless steel at temperatures below
approximately 450550 C, expanding the
original microstructure. The maximum lattice
expansion can reach nearly 40 % (by
volume) for nitrogen. The thickness of the
zone is approximately 2040 m. Expanded
austenite surfaces are four to eight times
harder than those of the base material.
Along with the increase in hardness and
wear resistance, corrosion resistance is fully
maintained [15, 16].

Cross-section of lowtemperature nitrocarburised precipitation-hardening stainless steel.

Photo: Bodycote Hardiff,
Apeldoorn (NL)

The outer zone is richer in nitrogen and the

inner one in carbon. The thickness of each
zone can be influenced by gas composition
i.e. by modifying the nitrogen and carbon
content in the gas. The combinations of
thickness of each zone allow different material properties to be achieved. Gas-based
and plasma-based processes enable nitriding, carburising or nitrocarburising to be
employed, depending on requirements.

Cross section of nitrocarburised stainless

steel (left), depth profile
(right). Photo: Expanite,
Hillerd (DK)


S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

Surface hardening can

be used also on the objects like watch cases.
Photo: Askania, Berlin (D)

It is also possible to nitrocarburise martensitic stainless steels. Grade 1.4057 (431),

treated for 75 minutes, yielded a case approximately 20 m thick with a surface hardness higher than 1800 HV. Depending on
other process parameters, the hardened
zone can be tailored i.e. it is possible to
obtain expanded austenite, however, the
principle can also be applied to martensitic and precipitation hardening grades. As a
consequence of the very high surface hardness, the surface is virtually scratchproof
[15]. Expanded austenite is a metastable

Nitrocarburising can
also be successfully
applied in small bores
and even in very small
cavities. Photos: Bodycote Hardiff, Apeldoorn
(NL) left and Expanite,
Hillerd (DK) right


phase and tends to decompose upon prolonged thermal exposure [16]. Nitrocarburising should not be confused with carbonitriding, which is a higher temperature process
used for low-carbon steels.

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

3.5 Boriding or boronising

Boriding or boronising is a thermochemical
process in which boron atoms are diffused
into the surface of a workpiece to form complex borides with the base metal. It is a diffusion-controlled process. In addition to nickel,
titanium, cobalt alloys and cemented carbides, nearly any ferrous material can be boronised. It should be noted that the diffusion
rate slows down with higher-alloyed steels.
Because of their high hardness, boronised
steels are extremely resistant to abrasion
and their service life can be significantly
increased. The process uses boronising
agents such as powders, granulates of
various grain sizes and pastes, which are
commercially available. The diffusion layer thickness is in a range of 20200 m
depth, depending on the requirements of
the parts. In the case of austenitic stainless steels, layers are much thinner. Due
to the similar thermal expansion coeffi-

cient, boronised steel parts can be vacuum

hardened afterwards to achieve the desired
mechanical properties of the base material. The process temperature for boronising depends on the material grade and lies
between 700 C and 1000 C. To minimize
distortion, a stress-relieving treatment can
be carried out after machining and prior to
boronising. Other heat treatments before
boronising, such as quench-hardening,
should not be performed, since the boronising process removes the results of a preheat treatment [5, 17]. Where dimensional
accuracy (exactness of fit) is paramount,
the workpiece must be undersized during
manufacturing, since the boride layer will
add 2030 % of its thickness to the size of
the part [5].

Table 4. Proven applications for boronised steels [7]

Steel designation
EN Number

EN Name




Screw cases, bushes




Perforated or slotted-hole screens,

parts for the textile and rubber




Valve components, fittings




Valve components, plunger rods, fittings, guides, parts for chemical plants


S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

4 Applied energy methods

Surface hardening by applied energy includes conventional thermal treatments
such as induction hardening and flame
hardening and high-energy treatments,
such as laser or electron beams. All these
methods can be classified as thermal treatments without chemistry changes. The
modification of the surface is done by austenitising the steel followed by fast cooling.
The entire surface of the application can be
treated, or only a part of it. When the heating is only done locally, the treatment is
called selective surface hardening [7].

to a temperature within or above the transformation range. The process is followed by

immediate quenching. It is an electromagnetic process, using a copper inductor coil
fed a current at a specific frequency and
power level.
Induction hardening is favoured for components subjected to heavy loading, especially parts that experience torsional loading
and surfaces that experience impact forces.
Typical applications of induction-hardening
include gears, shafts, spindles mostly
symmetrical parts [18].

4.1 Induction hardening

The induction hardening process is used
to increase wear resistance, surface hardness and fatigue life through the creation
of a hardened surface layer, while maintaining an unaffected core microstructure.
The parts to be heat-treated are placed inside a copper coil then heated above their
transformation temperature by applying an
alternating current to the coil. The alternating current in the coil induces an alternating
magnetic field within the workpiece, which
causes the outer surface of the part to heat

Table 5. Induction-hardenable stainless steels and their approximate induction austenitising temperatures
Steel designation


in mass


EN Number

EN Name





< 0.15





> 0.15







S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

5 Costs
Cost must be weighed against the performance required from the surface-treatment
system. A low-cost surface treatment that
fails to perform its function is a wasted expense. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible
to give absolute comparative costs for different surface-engineering options. Probably the most important factor concerning
the cost of producing a wear-resistant surface on a part is part quantity. Treating many
parts usually allows economies in treatment and finishing. Another consideration
when assessing surface-treatment costs is
part size. There are critical sizes for each
surface-treatment process above which the
cost of obtaining the treatment may be high.
Other factors to be considered are:

the time required for a given surface

fixturing, masking and inspection costs
final finishing costs
material costs
energy costs
labour costs
environment-related costs (for example,
disposal of spent solutions)
expected service life
Because of these various factors, it is difficult to compare costs with a high degree of
accuracy [7].

Surface hardening can

also be applied to complex parts with recess
areas. Photo: Heat &
Surface Treatment,
Eindhoven (NL)


S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

6 Summary
There are several processes by which the
surface of stainless steels can be successfully hardened. These processes not only
improve the hardness of the surface but also
increase the materials scratch and wear
resistance. Such surfaces are also used in
applications where galling is an issue or
cutting edges are required (for example, in
medical equipment). All processes showed
in this publication are based on altering the
original surface without an additional layer
being applied, which might peel or wear off.


It is common belief that surface-hardening

techniques diminish the original corrosion
resistance of stainless steels. The latest
techniques developed show that this is no
longer the case and that corrosion resistance can be retained. Services are available
from specialised companies, some of them
offer also plug-and-play technologies.

S u r f a c e H a r d enin g o f S tain l ess S tee l s

7 References
[1] Expanite Surface Hardening of Stainless Steel, available from
[2] Specialty Stainless Steel Processes (S3P) Benefits available from
[3] Stainihard NC Surface Hardening of Stainless Steel, Heat &Surface Treatment B.V.,
available from
[4] Formosa, D., Hunger R., Spiteri, A., Dong, H., Sinagra, E., & Buhagiar, J. (2012) Corrosion behaviour of carbon S-phase created on Ni-free biomedical stainless steel, Surf.
Coat. Technol., 206, 34793487
[5] Hunger H.-J., Wear Protection by Boronizing, available from
[6] Handbook of Hard Coatings, Deposition Technologies, Properties and Applications,
edited by R.F. Bunshah, Noyes Publications, 2001
[7] Surface Hardening of Steels, Understanding the Basics, edited by J.R. Davis, ASM International 2002
[8] Christiansen, T.L., Somers, M.A.J., Characterisation of Low Temperature Surface Hardened Stainless Steel, Struers Journal of Materialography 9/2006
[9] ASM Specialty Handbook, Stainless Steels, edited by J.R. Davis, ASM International, 1994
[10] Kumar, T., Jambulingam, P., Gopal, M., Rajadurai, A. Surface Hardening of AISI 304,
316, 304L and 316L SS Using Cyanide Free Salt Bath Nitriding Process, ISRS, 2004
[11] Kolsterising, Bodycote, available from
[12] Faccoli, M., Cornacchia, G., Roberti, R., Bordiga, V., Effect of Kolsterising Treatment on
Surface Properties of a Duplex Stainless Steel, 7th European Stainless Steel Conference
Science and Market, 2011
[13] Van Der Jagt, R. H., Kolsterising surface hardening of austenitic and duplex stainless
steels without loss of corrosion resistance. Heat Treatment of Metals (2000), Issue 27,
pp. 62 - 65
[14] Heat Treaters Guide, Practices and Procedures for Irons and Steels, edited by H.
Chandler, ASM International, 1995
[15] Hummelshj, T.S., Christiansen, T.L., Somers, M.A.J., Towards Commercialisation of Fast
Gaseous Nitrocarburising of Stainless Steel, available from
[16] Christiansen, T.L., Hummelshj, T.S., Somers, M.A.J, Low Temperature Thermochemical
Treatment of Stainless Steel; Bridging from Science to Technology, 7th European Stainless Steel Conference Science and Market, 2011
[17 Hunger, H. J.; Trute, G.; Lbig, G., Rathjen, D.: Plasmaaktiviertes Gasborieren mit
Bortrifluorid. HTM 52 (1997) 1, pp. 39-45
[18] Induction Hardening, Bodycote, available from


ISBN 978-2-87997-387-6

Diamant Building Bd. A. Reyers 80 1030 Brussels Belgium Phone +32 2 706 82-67 Fax -69 E-mail

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pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy