Comparison of A New, Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery Technique With The Usual Limbal Approach For Rectus Muscle Recession and Plication

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Comparison of a new, minimally invasive strabismus surgery

technique with the usual limbal approach for rectus muscle
recession and plication
D S Mojon
Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:7682. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2006.105353

Correspondence to:
Dr D S Mojon, Department
of Strabismology and
Kantonsspital, 9007 St
Gallen, Switzerland;
Accepted 2 October 2006

Aim: To present a novel, minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) technique for rectus muscle operations.
Methods: In this prospective study with a non-concurrent, retrospective comparison group, the first 20
consecutive patients treated with MISS were matched by age, diagnosis and muscles operated on, with 20
patients with a limbal opening operated on by the same surgeon at Kantonsspital, St Gallen, Switzerland. A
total of 39 muscles were operated on. MISS is performed by applying two small radial cuts along the superior
and inferior muscle margin. After muscle separation from surrounding tissue, a recession or plication is
performed through the resulting tunnel. Alignment, binocular single vision, variations in vision, refraction,
and number and types of complications during the first 6 postoperative months were registered.
Results: Visual acuity decreased at postoperative day 1 in both groups. The decrease was less pronounced in
the group operated on with MISS (difference of decrease 0.14 logMAR, p,0.001). An abnormal lid swelling
at day 1 was more frequent in the control group (21%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 9% to 41%, 5/24 v 0%,
95% CI 0 to 13%, 0/25, p,0.05). No significant difference was found for final alignment, binocular single
vision, other visual acuities, refractive changes or complications (allergic reactions, dellen formation,
abnormal conjuctival findings). A conversion to a limbal opening was necessary in 5% (95% CI 2% to 17%, 2/
39) of muscles.
Conclusions: This study shows that this new, small-incision, minimal dissection technique is feasible. The MISS
technique seems to be superior in the direct postoperative period as better visual acuities and less lid swelling
were observed. Long-term results did not differ in the two groups.

inimally invasive surgery has been one of the most

important revolutions in surgical techniques since the
early 1900s.1 2 In many operating disciplines, it allows
minimisation of tissue traumatism, postoperative patient
discomfort, hospital stay and working disability. Minimal
surgical techniques are now routinefor example, for cholecystectomy, splenectomy, adrenalectomy and sentinel node
In ophthalmology, many minimally invasive procedures have
been developed over the past decadesfor example, for
phacoemulsification for cataracts,3 non-penetrating techniques4
and miniature drainage implants for glaucoma,5 transconjuctival approaches6 and minimal buckling for vitreoretinal surgery,7
endoscopic techniques for the lacrimal system,8 and smallincisions for lids.9 In strabismus surgery, some attempts have
been made to reduce the conjunctival incision size as it is one of
the major components contributing greatly to postoperative
quality of life, cosmesis and later the function of the operated
muscle. The type of conjunctival opening also influences the
ease to perform revision surgery. Many surgeons use the limbal
approach first described by Harms in 194910 and later
popularised by von Noorden,11 12 allowing direct access to
Tenons space for horizontal muscle recession, resection or
plication. The conjuctiva is raised as a flap at the limbus with
two radial incisions along both muscle borders11 (fig 1A). The
opening can be started either perilimbally11 or radially to the
limbus.13 One modification of this technique is to perform only
one radial incision (fig 1B). Several other access techniques
have been described for horizontal rectus muscle surgery. Swan
suggested a conjunctival incision parallel to the limbus close to
the fornix, followed by a radial incision of Tenons capsule over
the bulk of the muscle (fig 1C).14 After muscle surgery, Tenons

capsule and conjunctiva have to be closed separately. Parks

advocated a fornix incision for conjunctiva and Tenons
capsule.15 Unless the muscle has to be supraplaced, the lower
fornix is selected (fig 1D). In younger patients with elastic
conjuctiva it enables the opening to be made over the muscle,
allowing full visualisation of the surgical procedure. This
technique is widely used in the USA. Velez suggested a radial
incision covered by the upper lid. For medial rectus surgery the
incision is made in the nasal superior quadrant, and for lateral
rectus surgery in the temporal superior quadrant16 (fig 1E).
Santiago tried a paralimbal approach with an opening placed
halfway between the limbus and the muscle insertion17 (fig 1F).
In this study, a new access for horizontal rectus muscle
recession and plication has been used. Muscle exposure was
performed through only two small radial cuts, one along the
superior and the other along the inferior margin of the
horizontal muscles, allowing to perform minimally invasive
strabismus surgery (MISS), as the opening and tissue dissection are minimised. Postoperatively, such openings will remain
covered by the lids apart from during upgaze and excessive
lateral gaze.

This study presents the results of the first 20 consecutive
patients operated on with the MISS technique at Kantonsspital,
St Gallen, Switzerland The investigation followed the tenets of
the Declaration of Helsinki. The president of the Ethical
Committee of Kanton, St Gallen, has approved the use of this
new technique.
Abbreviation: MISS, minimally invasive strabismus surgery

Rectus muscle recession and plication


Figure 1 Schematic representation of the most important types of conjunctival openings reported in the literature. The eye is represented as seen by the
surgeon (upper eyelid is inferior). (A) Classical limbal approach with two radial cuts. (B) Variation of (A), with only one radial cut. (C) Conjunctival incision
parallel to the limbus close to the fornix. (D) Lower fornix incision. (E) Radial incision covered by the upper lid. (F) Paralimbal approach with an opening
placed halfway between the limbus and the muscle insertion.

Patients undergoing MISS

Inclusion criteria: During a 5-month period, the first 21
consecutive patients needing horizontal rectus muscle surgery
operated on by the author were prospectively included.
Exclusion criteria: Patients with one or more of the following
were operated with the usual, limbal approach: excessive
conjunctival scarring from previous surgery, previous muscle
recession, need for retroequatorial fixation sutures, vertical
rectus muscle surgery, muscle transposition, recessions
.7 mm, plications .9 mm or expectation of increased bleeding
level (eg, diagnosis of endocrine orbitopathy or acetyl-salicylic
acid intake). One patient with an intracranial tumour was lost
from follow-up and was therefore excluded. All patients had at
least one complete orthoptic examination 5 days before the
surgical procedure, on the first postoperative day and after 6
months (range 57 months) at the Department of
Strabismology and Neuro-Ophthalmology. Between day 1 and
month 6, only patients harboring a complication or not referred
by an ophthalmologist were seen at our department. The other
patients were followed by the referring ophthalmologists. The
schedule of follow-up visits in between was at day 10 (range 1
2 weeks) and at week 4 (range 35 weeks). The patients age
ranged from 3.3 to 74.3 years (mean (standard deviation (SD))
27.1 (20.9) years).
Patients with traditional, limbal approach
Patients with MISS were matched by age at the time of surgery
(4 years), by diagnosis and by muscles operated on, with a
group of patients operated on by with the limbal approach
(fig 1A) in the 34th month before starting the MISS technique.

Matching was performed in a masked manner without knowledge of surgical outcome. Two patients could not be matched
for all three criteria. One 51-year-old patient with large
exotropia with bilateral lateral rectus recession and unilateral
medial rectus plication was matched with another 26-year-old
patient with the same diagnosis and same operated muscles.
One 3-year-old patient with a large congenital esotropia with
bilateral medial rectus recession and unilateral lateral rectus
plication was matched for diagnosis and age. However, only
one patient with unilateral medial rectus recession and lateral
rectus plication could be found. This is the reason for the
different amount of eyes in the two groups. In the control
group, ages ranged from 4.6 to 75.4 years (mean (SD) 24.4
(20.5) years). Follow-up was identical to that described for the
MISS group. All study patients were re-examined at our
department 6 months later.
Outcome measures
Final alignment, binocular single vision, variations in vision,
refraction, and number and types of complications and
retreatments required during the first 6 months after surgery
were the outcome measures.

Surgical technique for MISS
The whole surgical procedure is performed under the operating
microscope under general anaesthesia. All surgical steps can be
performed by oneself, so there is no need for an assistant. First,
a limbal traction suture (Silkam 6-0 or Safil 6-0, B Braun
Medical, Seesatz, Switzerland) is applied to rotate the eyeball



Figure 2 Schematic representation of the new minimally invasive strabismus surgery technique. The eye is represented as seen by the surgeon (upper eyelid
is inferior). (A) Two small cuts are placed at the upper and lower borders of the muscle insertion. (B) The muscle insertion is dissected from surrounding tissue.
(C) The tendon is hooked. (DF) Muscle recession. (D) Two sutures are placed through the upper and lower parts of the muscle insertion. (E) The muscle is
disinserted. (F) The muscle is reattached after recession. (GI) Muscle plication. (G) Two sutures are placed at the upper and lower borders of the muscle at
the distance from the tendon insertion site corresponding to the plication amount. (H) Application of the iris spatula. (I) Plication. (J) Closure of both openings.
(K, L) Procedures if larger openings become necessary. (K) Anterior prolongation of both cuts. (L) Anterior prolongation and joining by a limbal cut.

Rectus muscle recession and plication


away from the field of surgery (fig 2A). During surgery, a direct
contact of the traction suture with the cornea has to be avoided.
Then, two small radial cuts are performed, one along the
superior and the other along the inferior muscle margin
(fig 2A). The anterior margin of the cut is at the level of the
tendon insertion. The size of the cuts will depend on the
amount of muscle displacement that has to be achieved. As a
rule of the thumb, the opening size will be 1 mm less than the
amount of muscle displacement which has to be achieved. For
example, a recession or plication of 4 mm can be performed
through two 3-mm openings. Usually, for sizes .5 mm, an
opening of 2 mm less than the amount is sufficient. In patients
with reduced elasticity of the conjunctival tissue, slightly larger
openings will be necessary. With blunt Wescott scissors using
the two cuts for access, the episcleral tissue is separated from
the muscle sheath and the sclera (fig 2B). When the borders of
the muscles have been identified, the muscle is hooked. Then, a
meticulous dissection of the check ligaments and intramuscular
membrane is performed (fig 2C). This dissection is performed
67 mm backward to the insertion. The resulting tunnel allows
a recession or plication to be easily performed. We performed
plications however, the tunnel also allows resections. To
perform a recession, two sutures (Vicryl 7-0, Ethicon,
Spreintenbach, Switzerland) are applied to the superior and
inferior borders of the muscle tendon as close as possible to the
insertion (fig 1D). Then, the tendon is detached using a Wescott
scissor (fig 1E). If necessary, haemostasis is performed. After
measurement of the amount of recession, the tendon is
reattached with the two sutures to the sclera (fig 2F). The
tendon has to be stretched to avoid the middle part of the
muscle bowing backwards. To perform a plication, two sutures

Figure 3 Photographs showing four steps

of a muscle plication in one of the patients
operated on with minimally invasive
strabismus surgery reported in this study. The
eye is shown as seen by the surgeon (upper
eyelid is inferior). (A) A suture is placed at
the upper border of the lateral rectus muscle
at 4.5 mm from the tendon insertion site. (B)
Plication of the muscle. (C) Appearance of
the eye after closing of the cuts for a slight
right-upgaze position. (D) Appearance of the
eye in primary position after closing of the

(Vicryl 7-0, Ethicon, Switzerland) are applied to the upper and

lower borders of the muscle at the distance from the tendon
insertion site corresponding to the plication amount (fig 2G).
Then, the sutures are passed at the superior and inferior tendon
insertions. An iris spatula is inserted between the tendon and
the sutures (fig 2H) and the muscle is plicated (fig 2I). The
surgical procedure is finished by applying two sutures (Vicryl
Rapid 8-0, Ethicon) to each of the two small cuts (fig 2J). At the
end of surgery, TobraDex ointment (1 mg dexamethasone and
3 mg tobramycin per gram of 0.5% chlorobutanol) was applied.
No eye patch was used. For the first 2 weeks after surgery, the
following treatment was prescribed: TobraDex suspension
(1 mg dexamethasone and 3 mg tobramycin per ml of 0.01%
benzalkonium chloride) thrice daily and TobraDex ointment in
the evening. Figure 3 shows a 4.5 mm lateral rectus plication in
the left eye of a 74-year-old patient. After the two small cuts
have been applied, a suture is applied 4.5-mm behind the
muscle insertion (fig 3A). The muscle is plicated using an iris
spatulum (fig 3B). After closing the cuts, only a minimal
redness of the conjunctiva is visible (fig 4A in the slightly rightupgaze, fig 4B in the primary position). At any time during
surgery the cuts can be prolonged anteriorly (fig 2K), and, if
necessary, joined with a limbal cut (fig 2L). This can become
necessary if excessive bleeding occurs, which cannot be stopped
with cautery through the small cuts or in patients with previous
surgery with excessive scarring.
Surgical technique for traditional, limbal approach
The whole surgical procedure is performed under the operating
microscope under general anaesthesia. First, a limbal silk
traction suture (Silkam 6-0 or Safil 6-0, B Braun Medical) is



Figure 4 (A) Photograph at 24 hours and

(B) at 2 weeks after surgery of the patient
described in figure 3, with bilateral lateral
rectus plication of 4.5 mm. Informed patient
consent was obtained.

applied to rotate the eyeball away from the field of surgery.

Then, a limbal opening with two radial relaxing incisions of
3 mm is performed (fig 1A). With blunt Wescott scissors the
episcleral tissue is separated from the muscle sheath and the
sclera. When the borders of the muscles have been identified,
the muscle is hooked. Then, a meticulous dissection of the
check ligaments and intramuscular membrane is performed.
Then, a recession or plication is performed in the same manner
as described for the MISS technique. The surgical procedure is
finished by readapting the conjunctiva, applying four to six
sutures (Vicryl Rapid 8-0, Ethicon, Switzerland). At the end of
surgery, TobraDex ointment was applied. No eye patch was
used. For the first 2 weeks after surgery, application of
TobraDex suspension three times daily and TobraDex ointment
in the evening was prescribed.
Statistical methods
Fishers exact test was used for the comparison of the following
variables between MISS and standard technique: sex, muscles
with previous surgery, binocular vision, refractive changes, final
alignment, number of allergic reactions, dellen formation and
conjunctival abnormalities. The x2 test was used to compare the
total number of eyes with abnormalities at the first postoperative day. The paired t test was used to compare the age
between groups and for differences of logMAR visual acuities
within the groups, the unpaired for comparisons of logMAR
visual acuities between MISS and the standard technique. The
power to detect differences between two proportions depends
on the expected proportion. For most comparisons of proportions performed in that study (.90%), critical differences of
,0.2 would have been detected with a power of 0.8 and a
confidence of 0.9. Two non-significant comparisons in this
study allow detecting critical differences of only approximately
0.3. The two inconvenient values are found for the parameters
binocular vision at month 6 and alignment at month 6. As
muscle surgery is performed identically in those operated on
with MISS and in controls, large differences in these two
Table 1

Table 1 shows the preoperative characteristics of patients
operated on with MISS and controls.
No statistical difference was found between the groups for
sex, age and number of muscles previously operated on. In two
of 39 (5%) muscles, conversion from a minimal opening to a
normal conjunctival opening was necessary to stop bleeding. In
both cases there was a cause for excessive bleeding. In one,
muscle scarring from previous surgery was unexpectedly
extensive. The other patient had a previously unknown
intake of acetyl-salicylic acid. Both patients did not develop
complications during follow-up. Table 2 summarises types of
strabismus of the patients operated on with the MISS
techniques and the controls.
Frequencies are identical for patients operated on with MISS
and controls as patients were matched for diagnosis. Table 3
shows the postoperative results of both groups.
The amount of surgery was similar in both groups. Visual
acuities decreased in both groups at day 1 after surgery. The
decrease was much less pronounced in the MISS group
(difference of decrease between groups 0.14 logMAR,
p,0.001). All other visual acuity comparisons (day 1 and
month 6) did not show significant differences. At month 6,
binocular vision was also similar in both groups, with an
increase for both groups after surgery. Only slight and similar
refractive changes were observed after month 6 in both groups
(for all eyes (0.5 dioptres (dpt) of spherical equivalent
respective astigmatism change). Proportions of successful final
alignment at month 6 were similar in both groups for both
criteria used. 65% (13/20) of patients operated on with MISS
and 60% (12/20) of controls had an alignment (10 prism

Preoperative characteristics of patients operated on with MISS and controls

Recessed muscles
Plicated muscles
Age (years)
Previously operated muscles

MISS, 20 patients

Controls, 20 patients

p Value

11/20 (55%)
27.1 (20.9)
2/39 (5%)

10/20 (50%)
24.4 (20.5)
2/39 (5%)


MISS, minimally invasive strabismus surgery.

*The age of the patient with age match .4 years is included.

parameters are unlikely. The power to detect differences

between two non-significant, normally distributed variables
was calculated using the pooled variance. Assuming a twosided test, a power of 0.8 and a confidence of 0.9, differences of
,0.1 would have been detected for all comparisons performed.

Rectus muscle recession and plication


Table 2 Frequencies of types of strabismus. Since the type

of strabismus was one of the matching criteria, frequencies
are identical for patients operated on with MISS (n = 20) and
Frequencies (%)
Essential infantile esotropia
Esotropic microstrabismus
Esotropic myopic myopathy
Esotropia with normal retinal correspondence


Primary exotropias
Exotropic microstrabismus
Essential infantile esotropia*

4/20 (20)
1/20 (5)
1/20 (5)


(n = 20).
*At time of surgery consecutive exotropia

diopters (pdpt) for near or distance. 90% (18/20) of patients

operated on with MISS and 85% (17/20) of controls had an
alignment (10 pdpt for near and distance. Apart from more
abnormal lid swellings in the control group (21%, 5/24 v 0%, 0/
25, p,0.05), no significant differences were found at postoperative day 1. In both groups the same number of allergic
reactions from topical eye drops have been observed. They all
resolved after discontinuing the use of eye drops. One patient in
each group had a dellen formation, which resolved under
lubrication. Although at postoperative month 6 an increase in
conjunctival redness could be observed in 8% (2/24) of control
eyes and in none of the patients operated on with MISS, the
difference was not significant. Figure 4 shows the postoperative
appearance after 24 h and 2 weeks in a 74-year-old patient
with bilateral lateral rectus plication.

Minimally invasive surgery is becoming important in almost
every facet of surgery, including eye surgery. Instrument
miniaturisation, endoillumination and optical improvements
have changed and will continue to influence the way in which
surgery is performed. In this study, the results of 39 horizontal
rectus muscles operated on with a novel MISS technique in 20
patients have been presented. Squint surgery is performed
through two small radial cuts along the superior and inferior
muscle margin (fig 2). Postoperatively, these openings remain
covered by the lids apart from during upgaze and excessive
lateral gaze, which minimises visibility of the surgical procedure during the immediate postoperative period. If a better
visibility of the operative site is needed, this type of cut can be
prolonged anteriorly (fig 2K) or even joined with a limbal cut
(fig 2L). In this patient series, this was necessary for two
operated muscles. Conversion was not associated with an
adverse postoperative course. The whole surgical procedure can
be performed with the same instruments used for standard,
limbal approach. There is no need for an assistant. Despite a
restricted conjunctival opening, the MISS technique allowed
adequate muscle exposure to perform displacements, minimising anatomical disruption. As a rule of the thumb, the opening
size necessary to perform a recession or plication will be
12 mm less than the amount of muscle displacement. The
exact operating time has not been monitored. The time
necessary to perform an MISS recession or plication, taken
from the time of anaesthesia, was approximately the same as
for the usual, limbal approach. With more expertise, MISS
procedures might also shorten the operating time. At 2 weeks
after surgery, the eyes often looked normal or nearly normal in
primary gaze position (fig 4).
A conjunctival opening situated at a reasonable distance from
the cornea should decrease the incidence of corneal dellen

Table 3 Postoperative characteristics of patients operated on with MISS and controls

20 MISS patients/25 eyes

20 controls/24 eyes

5.2 (1.2) mm
6.5 (1.8) mm

5.8 (0.5) mm
6.7 (2.7) mm

0.17 (0.24)
0.23 (0.33)
0.06 (0.06)
0.16 (0.30)
0.06 (0.01)*

0.06 (0.10)
0.26 (0.15)
0.20 (0.13)
0.05 (0.07)
0.07 (0.01)*

0/20 (0, 0 to 16)

14/20 (70, 48 to 85)
6/20 (30, 15 to 52)
5/25 (20, 9 to 39)`

0/20 (0, 0 to 16)

13/20 (65, 43 to 82)
7/20 (35, 18 to 57)
4/24 (17, 7 to 36)`


Alignment at month 6
Near and distance (10 pdpt
Near or distance (10 pdpt

13/20 (65, 43 to 82)

18/20 (90, 70 to 97)

12/20 (60, 38 to 78)

17/20 (85, 64 to 95)


Abnormal findings at day 1

Allergic reaction to topical treatment
Dellen formation
Abnormal conjunctival swelling
Abnormal lid swelling



Abnormal findings at month 6

Increase in conjunctival redness

0/25 (0, 0 to 13)

Amount of surgery
Logmar visual acuity
Postoperative at day 1
Difference between preoperative and day 1
Postoperative at month 6
Difference between preoperative and month 6
Binocular vision at month 6
Refractive changes at month 6

(16, 7 to 35)
(4, 0 to 20)
(8, 2 to 25)
(0, 0 to 13)

p Value


(17, 7 to 36)
(4, 0 to 20)
(17, 7 to 36)
(21, 9 to 41)


2/24 (8, 3 to 26)1


MISS, minimally invasive strabismus surgery.

*Increase due to occlusion therapy in amblyopic eyes.

Values in parentheses are percentages and 95% CI.
All (0.5 dpt of spherical equivalent respective astigmatism.
Only slight increase.


formation, avoid a prolapse of Tenons capsule and minimise

postoperative discomfort. There is also increasing evidence that
non-limbal strabismus surgery affects less perilimbal blood
supply and may safeguard anterior segment ischaemia in highrisk patients. However, because of the low incidence of such
complications, only larger studies with more statistical power
will be able to show whether such complications will be less
frequent with the new technique. MISS seems to be superior in
the immediate postoperative period as, compared with controls,
the visual acuity decrease on day 1 was much less pronounced
and no abnormal lid swellings could be seen. Although not
objectively measured, we had the impression that in the
immediate postoperative period patient discomfort was
reduced. After month 6, no significant difference was found
between MISS and the control group for final alignment,
binocular single vision, other visual acuities, refractive changes,
number of allergic reactions and dellen formation. No increased
conjunctival redness could be seen in patients operated on with
MISS, whereas two patients in the control group had an
increase. However, this difference was not significant and the
increase of redness was only slight. Only a minimal cicatrisation was found along the incision lines, which did not hinder
free movement of the conjunctiva over the sclera and muscle.
Sometimes even biomicroscopically it was not possible to see
the scars. It could be hypothesised that this minimal scarring
might facilitate reoperations.
In this study, MISS has not been compared with Parks fornix
opening.15 Both techniques avoid corneal complications. The
advantage of Parks technique is the better visualisation of the
surgical site, whereas MISS can be performed without an
assistant and in older patients with inelastic conjunctiva.
Although these first results are promising, definitive superiority of MISS over the traditional, limbal approach has to be
proved by reports including larger number of patients as
increased incidences of rare complications could have been
missed in this studyfor example, the frequency of
In summary, the results of a new access technique for
horizontal rectus muscle surgery has been presented, which
seems to be safe and more rational than previous openings.
Incision placement in the region where the surgical procedure
of the muscle occurs allows to minimise the total opening size,


to reduce postoperative discomfort and possibly also to reduce

hospital stay, working disability and complications related to
limbal approaches.
Competing interests: None.
This research followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. The Ethical
Committee of Kanton, St Gallen, has approved the use of this new

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