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The document discusses standards and guidelines for selecting, installing and maintaining electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

The document is about establishing a code of practice for the selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres other than for mining or explosive processing/manufacturing applications.

Some of the organizations involved in developing this standard include the British Standards Institution, Associated Offices Technical Committee, British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Health and Safety Executive, Institution of Electrical Engineers and more.

ES1 B S * C 3 4 5

P A R T * 4 77

3624hb7 OLq8492 T

BS 5345 : Part 4 :1977

UDC 696.6 : 621.3-7 : 614.825:614.83

Code of practice for

Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical

apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
(other than mining applications or explosive
processing and manufacture)
Part 4. Installation and maintenance requirements for electrical apparatus with
type of protection 'i'. Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and systems

Code de bonne pratique pur laslection l'installation et l'entretien des matriels

lectriques utiliser dans les atmospheres explosibles ( J'exception des applications
dans les mines ou des procds ou fabrications explosifs)
Partie 4. Exigences relatives l'installation et l'entretien des matriels
lectriques mode de protection 'i'. Matriels et systmes lectriques
scurit intrinsque
Richtlinie fr die Auswahl, Einrichtung und Instandhaltung von elektrischen
Betriebsmitteln fr explosible Atmosphren (ausser der Verwendung in Bergbau
oder in explosiver Verarbeitung und Herstellung)
Teil 4. Anforderungen an die Einrichtung und Instandhaltung von elektrischen
Betriebsmitteln des Schutztypes 'i'. Eigensichere elektrische Betriebsmittel
und Systeme

British Standards Institution
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BSI B S 8 5 3 4 5

PART*4 77

1624669 D I 1 4 8 4 9 3 1

BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

Cooperating organizations

Inside front cover
Back cover

O. Introduction
Section one. General
1. Scope
2. References
3. Definitions and explanation of terms
4. Permissible zones of use
5, Relevant specifications
6. Certification of electrical apparatus and systems
Section two. Selection of electrical apparatus
and systems
7. General
8. Permissible zones of use
9. Temperature classification
IO, Grouping of intrinsically safe electrical
apparatus and systems
11. Certification of electrical apparatus and systems
12. Environmental conditions
Section three. Installation requirements
13. General
14. Assurance of safety
15. Specific requirements
16. Earthing of intrinsically safe systems
17. Diode safety barriers
Section four, Inspection and test of intrinsically safe
systems and self-contained intrinsically safe
18. General
19. Initial inspection










20. Routine inspections

21, On-site electrical testing
22. Records
Section five. Maintenance
23. General
24. Removal of electrical apparatus
25. Maintenance work on installed intrinsically safe
systems and self-contained intrinsically safe
electrical apparatus
26. Maintenance in a workshop
27. Shunt diode safety barriers
A. Organizations through which advice on intrinsic
safety applications may be obtained
B. Illustrations of typical intrinsically safe
C. Typical procedural stages for intrinsically safe



1. Minimum conductor sizes
2. Minimum clearance distances


1. Self-contained apparatus: paging system

2. Simple apparatus: thermocouple with direct
deflection indicator

3. Certified associated apparatus

4. Certified apparatus with compatible parameters
5. Other combinations of certified apparatus:
solenoid valve with barrier
6. Certified systems: microphone and loudspeaker


This code of practice represents a standard of good practice and takes the form of recommendations. Compliance with it
does not confer immunity from relevant statutory and legal requirements.

Many gases, vapours, mists and dusts encountered in
industry are flammable. When ignited they may burn readily
and with considerable explosive force if mixed with air in
the appropriate proportions. It i s often necessary to use
electrical apparatus in locations where such flammable
materials may be present, and appropriate precautions
should therefore be taken to ensure that all such apparatus
is adequately protected so as to reduce the likelihood of
ignition of any external explosive atmosphere. When using
electrical apparatus, potential ignition sources include
electrical arcs and sparks, hot surfaces and, in certain
circumstances, frictional sparks.
In general electrical safety i s ensured by implementing one
of two considerations, Either the electrical apparatus should
be located, whenever practicable, outside hazardous areas;
or the electrical apparatus should be designed, installed and
maintained in accordance with measures recommended for
the area in which the apparatus i s located.
Several techniques are available for the protection of
electrical apparatus in hazardous areas. Some of these

techniques (or 'types of protection' as they are known)

have been used for many years and have come to be
regarded as traditional. Other types of protection have been
introduced only recently.
This code of practice describes the basic safety features of
these types of protection, full details of which are given in
the relevant standards, and recommends the selection,
installation and maintenance procedures that should be
adopted to ensure the safe use of electrical apparatus in
hazardous areas. This code takes account therefore of the
significant developments that have taken place in area
classification and in the design, manufacture and use of
electrical apparatus for hazardous areas since the
preparation of the earlier code of practice CP 1003.
For ease of reference Part 1 of this code has been divided
into a number of sections, each dealing with a particular
aspect of the safe use of electrical apparatus in hazardous

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BSI BS*53g5

P A R T x 4 77 13 1 6 2 4 b b 4 0 1 4 8 4 9 4 3
S 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

British Standard Code of practice for

Selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in

potentially explosive atmospheres (other than mining applications or
explosive processing and manufacture)
Part 4. Installation and maintenance requirements for electrical apparatus with type of protection 'i'.
Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and systems

O. Introduction

This Part of the codeshould be read in conjunction with

the other Parts, and in conjunction particularly with Parts 1
and 2 which, taken together, describe the fundamental
considerations which affect the selection, installation and
maintenance of all electrical apparatus used in hazardous

This document is Part 4 of code of practice BS 5345. The

code offers guidance in the selection, installation and
maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in areas where
flammable materials are generated, processed, handled or
stored, and which are therefore potentially hazardous.

Part 5"

Part 6"

Part 7"

Part 8"

Part 9"

The code of practice is based on the concept, which is

accepted internationally, of dealing with the risk of fire and
explosion by area classification. This concept recognizes the
differing degrees of probability with which explosive
(flammable) concentrations of combustible gas or vapour
may arise in installations in terms of both the frequency of
occurrence and the probable duration of existence on each

In common with the earlier code of practice for the use of

electrical apparatus in hazardous areas, CP 1003 : Part 1 :
1964,Part 2 : 1966 and Part 3 : 1967,the present code is
divided into a number of Parts. Each Part deals with the
installation and maintenance requirements appropriate to
one of the types of protection which may be used to
achieve electrical safety, or with basic requirements and
considerations which are fundamental to the use of
electrical apparatus in hazardous areas, and which therefore
provide the basis for the other Parts of the code.
The full l i s t of Parts i s as follows:
Basic requirements for all Parts of the code
Part 1
Classification of hazardous areas
Part 2*
Installation and maintenance requirements
Part 3*
for electrical apparatus with type of
protection Id'. Flameproof enclosure
Installation and maintenance requirements
Part 4
for electrical apparatus with type of
protection 'i'. Intrinsically safe apparatus
and systems



Part 1 1 "

Part 12*

The detailed considerations which are t o be taken into

account are described in Part 2 of the code. For completeness, and for the convenience of readers, the definitions
appropriate to area classification are repeated here. It
should be noted that whereas formerly classified areas were
known as Divisions, they are now called Zones. Three sets
of conditions are recognized, viz:
Zone O In which an explosive gas-air mixture is
continuously present or present for long periods.
Zone 1 In which an explosive gas-air mixture is likely to
occur in normal operation.
Zone 2 In which an explosive gas-air mixture is not likely
to occur in normal operation, and if it occurs it
will exist only for a short time,

Installation and maintenance requirements

for electrical apparatus with type of
protection 'p'. Pressurisation and continuous

It should be noted that this concept of area classification

deals only with risks due to flammable gases and vapours
and, by implication, mists. It does not deal with
combustible dusts which may l i e quiescent for long periods
of time until disturbed into suspension by a suitable
mechanism. An area classification concept is being
developed for dusts.

Installation and maintenance requirements

for electrical apparatus with type of
protection 'e'. Increased safety
Installation and maintenance requirements
for electrical apparatus with type of
protection N

By implication, an area which i s not classified as Zone O, 1

or 2 is deemed to be a non-hazardous or safe area. If doubt
exists as to the classification of an area which is judged to
be hazardous or potentially hazardous, guidance should be
sought a t an early stage from the authority having jurisdiction in the industry or area concerned (see Parts 1 and 2 of
the code).
Electrical apparatus used in each of the classified Zones
should be suitably protected by design and manufacture,
and should also be installed and maintained so as to ensure
i t s safe use. The code of practice BS 5345, in offering
guidance in the selection, installation and maintenance of
suitably protected apparatus, should be used for all new
installations. It should also be used for changes to existing
installations, though it is recognizebthat minor changes
only to certain existing installations may need to tip made

Installation and maintenance requirements

for electrical apparatus with type of
protection 's', Special protection
Installation and maintenance requirements
for electrical apparatus with type of
protection 'o'. Oil-immersed apparatus and
with type of protection 'q'. Sand filled
Installation and maintenance requirements
for electrical apparatus for use with
combustible dusts
Specific industry applications
The use of gas detectors

In course of preparation.
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services

ES1 BSr5345

P A R T x 4 77 U 3624bb7 0348435 5 W

BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

in accordance with the recommendations of the earlier

code. It is intended however, that CP 1003 : Parts 1,2
and 3 will eventually be withdrawn from use.
Notwithstanding application of the installation
recommendations of the code to new installations and
changes to existing installations, the recommendations
for maintenance should be applied to all electrical
apparatus and installations, irrespective of age and date
of installation. It should also be noted that the installation
and maintenance recommendations described in the code
are supplementary to and not alternative to any regulations
which would apply to installations in non-hazardous areas
(see also Part 1 of the code).

Section one. General

i. Scope
This Part of BS 5345 considers the concept of ensuring
electrical safety in hazardous areas by means of type of
protection 'i': intrinsic safety, and offers guidance on the
installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus and
systems, which are protected in accordance with this type
of protection, in hazardous areas.
Only explosion risks due t o the presence of flammable gases
and vapours are considered in this Part of the code.
Combustible dusts are excluded from this Part and are dealt
with in Part 1O.
NOTE. Expert advice on the application of intrinsic safety may be
obtained through the organizations listed in appendix A.

2. References
The titles of the standards publications referred to in this
code are listed on the inside back cover.

3. Definitions and explanation of terms

The definitions and explanations of terms given in Part 1 of
this code of practice apply equally to this Part. The
definitions and explanations of terms which apply
particularly to the concept of type of protection 'i' are
as follows:
3.1 intrinsic safety. A protection technique based upon the
restriction of electrical energy within apparatus and of
interconnecting wiring, exposed to a potentially explosive
atmosphere, to a level below that which can cause ignition
by either sparking or heating effects. Because of the
method by which intrinsic safety i s achieved it is necessary
to ensure that not only the electrical apparatus exposed to
the potentially explosive atmosphere but also other
electrical apparatus with which it is interconnected is
suitably constructed.

3.2 intrinsically safe circuit. A circuit in which no spark

nor any thermal effect produced under prescribed t e s t
conditions (which include normal operation and specified
fault conditions) is capable of causing ignition of a given
explosive atmosphere.
3.3 electrical apparatus. An electrical apparatus is an
assembly of electrical components, circuits and/or parts of
circuits, usually within a single enclosure.
NOTE. The term 'usually' has been introduced to indicate that an
apparatus may occasionally be in more than one enclosure (for
example, a telephone instrument or a portable radio transceiver
with a hand microphone).

3.4 intrinsically safe electrical apparatus. Electrical

apparatus in which all the circuits are intrinsically safe.

3.5 associated electrical apparatus. Electrical apparatus in

which the circuits are not all intrinsically safe but which
contains circuits that can affect the safety of intrinsically
safe circuits connected to it.
NOTE. Associated electrical apparatus may be either:
(a) electrical apparatus which has an alternative standard type of
protection suitable for its use in the appropriate potentially
explosive atmosphere, or

(b) electrical apparatus not so protected which cannot therefore

be used within a potentially explosive atmosphere.
Example: A recorder which is not in a potentially explosive
atmosphere, but which is connected to a thermocouple situated
within a potentially explosive atmosphere where only the
recorder input circuit is intrinsically safe.

3.6 intrinsically safe system. Two or more items of

electrical apparatus and interconnecting wiring in which
any circuits intended for use in a potentially explosive
atmosphere are intrinsically safe circuits.
3.7 normal operation. Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus
or associated electrical apparatus i s in normal operation
when it complies electrically and mechanically with the
requirements of i t s design specification and is used within
the limits specified by the manufacturer.

3.8 fault. A defect of any component, or a defective

connection between components, upon which the intrinsic
safety of a circuit depends.
NOTE. If a fault can lead to a subsequent fault or faults, the
primary and subsequent failures are considered to be a single fault.

3.9 self-revealing fault. A fault which would cause some

malfunction of electrical apparatus necessitating correction
before proceeding with further operation of this, and which
may be indicated, for example, by an audible or visual
3.10 non-self-revealingfault. A fault which would not be
evident to the user in the normal operation of an electrical

4. Permissible zones of use

The technique of intrinsic safety may be applied to all
zones of use. There are, however, differing categories of
intrinsically safe electrical apparatus, associated electrical
apparatus and intrinsically safe systems, and for a given
zone of risk electrical apparatus and systems should be
selected in accordance with clause 8.

5. Relevant specifications
NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in this clause are
given on the inside back cover.

The present construction and test requirements for this

protection concept are embodied in Certification Standard
SFA 3012 : 1972 issued by the British Approvals Service
for Electrical Equipment for Flammable Atmospheres
(BASEEFA). These requirements were based upon a draft
standard produced by Subcommittee 31G of the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The IEC
standard resulting from this draft is published as IEC
Standard 79.1 1. The European Committee for Electrical
Standards (CENELEC) will also shortly publish a standard
EN 50.020.
The requirements of the aforementioned three documents
will be essentially the same and, therefore, electrical
apparatus and systems complying with any one of them
is acceptable for installation under this code.

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PART*K4 7 7 W Lb2Libb OL4849b 7 W

BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

Prior to the introduction of SFA 3012 electrical apparatus

and systems were certified as complying with the requirements of BS 1259 : 1958. Since this standard did not
include certain present requirements (e.g. temperature
classification) electrical apparatus and systems certified
only to BS 1259 may not be suitable for installation under
this code and expert advice should be sought.

6. Certification of electrical apparatus and systems

6.1 General. An intrinsically safe installation normally

consists of an intrinsically safe system (for typical examples
see appendix B). Although, in some cases, the entire
intrinsically safe system may be installed in a hazardous
area, normally part of such a system will be installed in a
non-hazardous area. In either case the safety of the intrinsically safe system depends upon all pieces of apparatus
which form it and upon the interconnecting wiring.
Use of electrical apparatus and systems should generally
comply with the requirements of 6.2 and 6.3.
6.2 Self-contained electrical apparatus. This type of
apparatus should normally be certified as intrinsically safe
electrical apparatus and subsequently installed and used in
accordance with the requirements of i t s certificate.

Section two. Selection of electrical apparatus and

7. General
The general factors affecting the selection of electrical
apparatus and systems for hazardous areas are described in
detail in section two of Part 1 of this code of practice. The
specific factors which need to be taken inlo account when
selecting electrical apparatus and systems with type of
protection 'i' are described in the remaining clauses of this

8. Permissible zones of use

Certification documents for self-contained intrinsically safe

electrical apparatus will specify the appropriate categorization for the apparatus (e.g. 'ia' or 'ib'). Such apparatus
awarded category 'ia' i s suitable for all hazardous areas but
that awarded category 'ib' is suitable for Zones 1 and less
hazardous areas only (but see also 26.1 of Part 1 of this
code of practice)
Certification documents for intrinsically safe systems or
parts of such systems will specify the appropriate
categorization for such systems or parts of systems (e.g.
'ia' or 'ib'). Intrinsically safe systems or parts of systems
6.3 Intrinsically safe systems. Intrinsically safe systems
awarded category 'ia' are suitable for all hazardous areas
should be certified unless they can be shown to be safe in
but systems or parts of systems awarded category 'ib' are
accordance with 6.3.1,6.3.2 and 6.3.3.
for use in Zones 1 and less hazardous areas only.
6.3.1 Simple systems, Simple systems, in which all the
electrical apparatus is certified intrinsically safe or certified Simple intrinsically safe systems, as described in clause 6,
will be awarded category 'ia' if all items of certified
associated electrical apparatus, do not require to be
electrical apparatus in such systems have been awarded
certified provided it is completely clear from the informacategory 'ia' and category 'ib' if some or all of the items
tion given on the electrical apparatus certification
of certified apparatus in such systems have been awarded
documents that the system is intrinsically safe. Simple
category lib'.
systems may also contain uncertified apparatus and
components as specified in 6.3.3.
Simple apparatus and components not subject to
certification (see clause 6) will normally adopt the
6.3.2 Modifications. Where certified pieces of electrical
categorization awarded to the intrinsically safe system or
apparatus form part of a certified intrinsically safe system,
part of a system in which they are installed. Switches and
such items of electrical apparatus may be replaced by
other devices of this type with normally sparking contacts
alternative items of certified electrical apparatus provided
may not normally be installed in category 'ia' intrinsically
that the parameters quoted for the replacement electrical
safe systems or parts of systems unless they are afforded
apparatus are within those quoted on the certification
the additional protection required by one of the standards
documents for the original electrical apparatus.
specified in clause 5.
6.3.3 Simple electrical apparatus and components. Simple
Associated apparatus should be installed only in nonelectrical apparatus and components (e.g. thermocouples,
photocells, junction boxes) may be used in intrinsically safe hazardous areas unless it is protected and installed in
accordance with one of the other Parts of the code of
systems without certification provided that they do not
generate or store more than 1.2 V, 0.1 A, 20 pJ and 25 mW practice.
in the intrinsically safe system in the normal or fault
9. Temperature classification
conditions of the system prescribed in the standards
referred to in clause 5 and, also, if no components located
Certification documents for intrinsically safe systems or
in the hazardous area can dissipate more than 1.3 W in such self-contained intrinsically safe electrical apparatus will give
conditions. Simple electrical apparatus and components
temperature classifications for the items of electrical
should also meet the insulation, creepage and clearance and apparatus intended for use in hazardous areas.
enclosure requirements of one of the standards described in
The temperature classification of simple electrical apparatus
clause 5.
and Components which are not subject t o certification
The temperature classification awarded to simple electrical
should be in accordance with clause 6 or one of the
apparatus and components complyiong with these requirestandards referred to in clause 5.
ments should generally be T4 (135 C). Junction boxes and
The maximum temperature appropriate to the temperature
switches, however, may be awarded T6 (85 "Cl because, by
classification awarded to any item of electrical apparatus
their nature, they do not contain heat dissipating
should not exceed the minimum ignition temperature of

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

any gas, vapour or mist which may be present a t the

intended location of that apparatus, For more detail on
temperature classification refer to Part 1 of this code of

I O . Grouping of intrinsically safe electrical

apparatus and systems
Certification documents for self contained intrinsically safe
electrical apparatus will specify the appropriate subgroup
for the apparatus (ems.IIA, IIB, IIC). For further information on the permissible use of such apparatus refer to Part 1
of this code of practice.
Certification documents for intrinsically safe systems will
specify the appropriate grouping for the system, or part of
a system if differing parts are awarded different groupings.
The grouping awarded to any intrinsically safe system or
part of a system applies not only to the pieces of electrical
apparatus therein but also to all interconnecting cables
within that system or part of a system.
Simple systems referred to in clause 6 will be awarded a
grouping which will be the same as the most restrictive
awarded t o any of the items of certified electrical apparatus
forming that system.
Simple apparatus and components not subject to certification (see clause 6) will adopt the grouping awarded to the
intrinsically safe system, or part thereof, in which they are

11. Certification of electrical apparatus and

See clauses 5 and 6 and Part 1 of this code of practice.

12. Environmental conditions

Electrical apparatus and interconnecting cables should be
chosen taking account of the environmental conditions
existing a t their proposed installation sites (see 12.4 of
Part 1 : 1976 of this code of practice).

Section three. Installation requirements

13. General
Electrical apparatus and systems complying with the
requirements of type of protection 'i' should be installed
in accordance with the general installation requirements
described in Part 1 of this code of practice.
The specific factors which need to be taken into account
when installing electrical apparatus and systems with type
of protection 'i' are described in clauses 14 t o 17.

14. Assurance of safety

It is necessary to ensure that any installation complies with
the requirements of the appropriate certification documents, this code of practice and any other requirements
specific to the plant on which installation takes place.
To achieve this result it i s recommended that the following
information should be made available prior to installation
and, subsequently, remain available to installation and
maintenance staff and those having responsibility for the
safe operation of the plant.
(a) The zonal classification of the areas in which each
item of electrical apparatus and any interconnecting
cables are to be installed.

(b) Relevant certificate numbers for certified

intrinsically safe systems.

(c) Detailed reference to any item of uncertified

apparatus including i t s type number, the name of i t s
manufacturer and the justification upon which i t s use
is based.
NOTE. This requirement is intended to ensure that adequate
justification for the use of simple electrical apparatus and
components (see clause 6) is always available.

(d) For the simple systems described in clause 6, the

certificate numbers for the individual items of certified
electrical apparatus and the justification for the safety
of the installation.
(e) For self-contained intrinsically safe electrical
apparatus, the apparatus certificate number.
(f) Details of the specific types of cable which may be
used with cross reference to any cable requirements
contained in certification documentation.
NOTE. The object of this is to allow cables to be selected on-site
without the necessity of measuring their parameters and, also, to
draw attention to any special requirement which may exist (e.g.
possible special requirements for multicore cables containing
more than one intrinsically safe circuit).

(9) Reference to any special requirements listed in the

certification documentation and the detailed methods
by which such requirements are met in the particular
(h) The physical location on the plant of each item of
electrical apparatus and the proposed routing of any
interconnecting cables.

(i)Categorization and grouping of such intrinsically sa."

system or part thereof or of each item of self-contained
intrinsically safe electrical apparatus.
(i)Inspection check lists against which commissioning
and routine inspections should be carried out.
(k) Details of any electrical testing permitted or required
as part of the commissioning and routine inspections.
(i) A record of any modifications to electrical apparatus
or systems together with the justification for such
It i s considered to be the responsibility of the occupier to
ensure that the above information i s produced but it i s
recognized that he may delegate such work to other bodies
such as consultants, constructors, etc. (see appendix Cl.

15. Specific requirements

15.1 Interconnecting cables. The general requirements
which apply to the interconnecting cables used in
intrinsically safe systems are given in this subclause. Such
cables should also comply with any special requirements
given in the certification documentation.
15.1 .I Minimum conductor sizes. The conductors of
interconnecting cables should not exceed the maximum
temperature permitted by the temperature classification
gwarded to the system or part of a system in which they
are used, when carrying the maximum current which can
occur in the fault conditions specified in one of the
standards referred to in clause 5. For copper conductors
and temperature classes T I to T4 this requirement is met
the conductor sizes are chosen by reference to table 1.

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P A R T * 4 77

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

e .

Table I. Minimum conductor sizes

Maximum current (AI

Cross-sectionalarea (mm2)


I 1.65 I 3.3 I 5 I 6.6

0.017 0.03




The cross-sectional area for stranded conductors is the total

cross-sectional area of all the strands of the conductor.
15.1.2 Insulation. The conductors of interconnecting
cables should be insulated with thermoplastics or
elastomeric material of minimum thickness 0.3 mm or be
mineral insulated.
Completed thermoplastics or elastomeric cable should be
capable of withstanding, between any core and all other
cores and any screen, a voltage t e s t a t 500 V r.m.s.,
without breakdown of the insulation. A suitable method
of t e s t is given in 15.3 of BS 5308 : Part 1 : 1975.

Where interconnecting cables incorporate individually

screened groups of conductors, such screens should be
insulated from other screens in such a manner that the
insulation resistance between screens is not less than
1 MWkm when measured a t 500 V d.c. and 20 O C after
steady electrification for 1 min a t 500 V d.c.
Where thermoplastics or elastomeric cables have an overall
screen, this screen should be insulated from any conducting
material external t o the cable (e.g. cable tray etc.). This
insulation may be provided by an overall thermoplastics or
elastomeric sheath having a thickness compatible with the
cable diameter and which is capable of passing the
appropriate spark t e s t described in 4.1.2 of BS 5099 : 1974.
15.1.3 Mechanicalprotection. To protect the cores of
interconnecting cables from the possibility of faults t o the
cores of other cables and earth faults and to ensure the
preservation of cable parameters (e.g. inductance and
capacity) interconnecting cables should have an overall
sheath, For cables with overall screens this sheath may
provide the insulation required in 15.1.2.
This Part of the code of practice does not require that
cables be screened or armoured for mechanical protection
(but see 15.1.7).


interconnecting cables are sited parallel to and close t o
overhead power distribution lines or heavy current carrying
single core cables. Accordingly, care should be taken to
avoid siting of interconnecting cables containing intrinsically safe circuits close to such cables and lines.
15.1.7 Multicore cables. Intrinsically safe circuits should
not be run in the same cables as other types of circuit.

Mineral insulated copper sheathed cables with copper

conductors should comply with the requirements of
BS 6207 : Part 1 : 1969.

Where intrinsically safe systems or parts of systems are

used in Zone O interconnecting cables containing more than
one intrinsically safe circuit should not be used in any part
of the intrinsically safe system unless it can be shown that
no combination of faults between the intrinsically safe
circuits within the cable can lead to an unsafe condition.
Other intrinsically safe circuits or parts of circuits may be
run in multicore cables containing more than one intrinsically safe circuit without consideration of faults between
circuits provided that the cables used meet the following

(a) The cable should be run, if possible, where the risk

of mechanical damage is low or, alternatively, where the
risk of mechanical damage is high given additional
(b) The cable should be firmly fixed throughout i t s

Each intrinsically safe circuit contained in the cable
should occupy adjacent cores throughout the length of
the cable.
(d) No intrinsically safe circuit, contained within the
cable, should operate, in normal conditions or the fault
conditions specified in one of the standards referred to
in clause 5, a t more than 60 V peak,
Where the conductors of each intrinsically safe circuit are
contained within a screen, which i s insulated in accordance
with 15.1.2 and earthed in accordance with 15.1.4, the
requirements of 15.1.7 concerning apparatus siting and
cable installation do not apply.

15.2 Cable entries. The method of cable entry t o apparatus

be such as to minimize the risk of mechanical
15.1.4 Screening and armouring or metal sheaths. Where an
to the cable (e.g. i f the cable enters through a hole,
interconnecting cable is fitted with a screen this should be
or cable gland should be fitted).
earthed a t one point only and where the intrinsically safe
The cable should be firmly fixed at, or near to, i t s point of
circuit contained within the screen is earthed the screen
entry to apparatus to prevent any stress on conductor
should be earthed a t the same point as the circuit.
Where an interconnecting cable is armoured or has a metal
The method of cable entry to apparatus should be such as
sheath the armouring or metal sheath should be solidly
to preserve the degree of protection required by the
certification documents and that necessary for the intended
15.1.5 Invasion. Interconnecting cables containing
location of the apparatus, whichever is greater.
intrinsically safe circuits may be run in the same ducting
or tray as other cables, provided that either the intrinsically 15.3 Conductor terminations. The method of termination
safe cables or other cables are armoured or metal sheathed.
should be such as to avoid reduction of the clearances
Armouring or metal sheathing i s not, however, required in
achieved by the terminal blocks or connectors associated
locations where the risk of mechanical damage is slight (e.g. with the apparatus. To achieve this, insulation of
in ducting in a control room) but in such cases both types
conductors should be continued as close t o the point of
of cables should be insulated and sheathed.
connection as possible, care should be taken to ensure that
15.1.6 Induction. Induction into interconnecting cables a t
all strands of stranded conductors are terminated (e.g. by
a level which could lead to a significant reduction in safety
the use of a ferrule) and the length of conductors from
has been shown t o be extremely unlikely in most practical
which the outer cable sheath has been removed should be
situations. Significant induction could, however, occur i f
kept t o a minimum.

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

rods. The conductor used for the connection should be

equivalent to a copper conductor of 4 mm minimum
cross-sectional area.


Minimum clearance in air Minimum clearance in air

between terminals of
between terminals and
separate circuits





The peak voltage referred to in table 2 is the maximum

which can occur in normal operation or the conditions of
fault specified in one of the standards referred to in
clause 5.
Where terminals of intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically
safe circuits are adjacent, their points of connection shall be
separated by a distance in air of 50 mm, or by an insulating
barrier or earthed metal barrier which extends to a t least
the height of the terminals being protected and to within
1.5 mm of the inside surfaces of the enclosure. Alternatively, the clearance in and around such barriers should be
50 mm.
All other metal parts of terminals should comply with the
creepage and clearance requirements specified in one of the
standards referred to in clause 5.

15.4.2 Protection against damage. Terminals associated

with intrinsically safe circuits require protection against
damage and, therefore, in any other than a well controlled
environment, the terminals should be provided with an
enclosure giving a degree of protection appropriate to the
conditions a t the site of installation with a minimum of
IP 20 (see appendix A of Part 1 : 1976 of this code of
15.4.3 Connection facilities, The connection facilities
provided by terminals should be in accordance with the
requirements specified in one of the standards referred to
in clause 5.
A permanent means of readily identifying each terminal
should be provided if the conductors to be terminated are
not, themselves, identified.

16. Earthing of intrinsically safe systems

Any connection to earth, either directly or via a resistor or
similar device should only be made in accordance with the
system documentation. Direct connections to earth should
also comply with the requirements given in 16.1 to 16.3.
16.1 Earth connections required for intrinsic safety. Where
earth connections are necessary to preserve the integrity of
an intrinsically safe system (e.g. a diode safety barrier earth,
a transformer screen earth, a barrier relay frame earth) such
connections should be made to a high integrity earth in
such a way as to ensure that the impedance from the point
of connection to the main power system earth point is less
than 1 !2, This may be achieved by connection to a switch
room or similar earth bar or by the use of separate earth

Where the earth connection is made via junction boxes,

plugs and sockets, etc., care should be taken to ensure that
i t s integrity is not reduced (e.g. by the inadvertent removal
of a plug).
The conductor used for the earth connection should be
insulated to prevent invasion of the earth by fault currents
which might flow in metallic parts with which the
conductor could otherwise come into contact (e.g. control
panel frames etc). It should also be given mechanical
protection in places where the risk of damage is high.
16.2 Other connections to earth. Where other connections
to earth are permitted by the system documentation these
need not comply with the requirements of 16.1 but care
should be taken, when making such connections, to
minimize the risk of invasion of the intrinsically safe
system by any currents or voltages from the point of
connection to earth. This normally requires careful choice
of the earth to be used and insulation of the interconnecting conductor.
16.3 Bonding conductors. Intrinsically safe circuits are,
normally, insulated from earth or earthed a t one point
only. Some circuits may, however, be earthed a t more than
one point. Such circuits will have galvanic isolation
elements between the points connected to earth or the
system documentation will specify the use of a bonding
conductor between the earths used.
Where a bonding conductor i s specified this should be an
insulated conductor equivalent to a copper conductor of
4 mm minimum cross-sectionalarea. It should be
permanently fixed between the points of connection to
earth and terminations within a hazardous area should
comply with the requirements of BS 4683 : Part 4 : 1973.
It i s also advisable that terminations in a non-hazardous
area comply with the requirements of BS 4683 : Part 4 :
1973 but they should, in any event, be of high integrity and
not rely on any plug and socket arrangement.
Where bonding conductors are used, care should be taken
to avoid invasion of other intrinsically safe systems, which
do not utilize bonding conductors, by elevation caused by
any currents which may flow in the common earthing
system due to the presence of the bonding conductor (e.g.
where a system utilizing barrier devices is fitted with a
bonding conductor, the bar on which the barrier devices
are fitted should contain only barrier devices associated
with bonded systems and it should be earthed separately
from other barrier bars).

17. Diode safety barriers

Diode safety barriers are devices which are widely used to
minimize the requirements for apparatus associated with
intrinsically safe systems, which is mounted in nonhazardous areas, by limiting the power and energy which
it is possible to transmit to the hazardous area on failure
of such apparatus.
17.1 Use of barrier devices. A wide range of diode safety
barriers is manufactured offering a wide variation in current
and voltage capability. As most of these devices are
superficially similar, care should be taken to ensure that a
barrier device fitted in an intrinsically safe system is that
specified in the system documentation as the use of one of

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

differing characteristics can lead to a situation where power

and energy available in a hazardous area is incendive.
17.1 .I Restrictions on hazardous area apparatus, The only
apparatus which may be connected to the 'hazardous area'
terminals of a diode safety barrier i s that which i s specified
in the system documentation.
17.1.2 Restrictions on non-hazardousarea apparatus. The
only restrictions placed upon apparatus connected to the
'non-hazardous area' terminals of a diode safety barrier are
that such apparatus should not be fed from or contain a
supply of greater voltage or prospective short circuit
current than that specified in the system documentation
and that if it i s fed from a mains supply it should be fed
through a suitably fused, double wound transformer.
17.2 Location and protection of diode safety barriers.

Where intrinsically safe systems enter Zones O, special care

should be exercised when carrying out the inspections and
any testing required by this Part of the code of practice in
view of the increased risk associated with such zones.

Wherever a diode safety barrier is used the location should

be permanently marked to show the correct type of
replacement barrier for that location.

Any change in area classification or process changes on a

plant should be immediately followed by an initial
inspection of all affected systems to ensure that they
remain suitable and any modification to or repair of a
system should be followed by an initial inspection to
ensure the continued suitability of that system.
It i s recommended that the initial inspection should cover
the points dealt with in 19.2 to 19.15.

NOTE. This is necessary because of the variations in characteristics

of diode safety barriers referred to in 17.1.

Diode safety barriers should, normally, be mounted on

copper busbars of minimum cross section 25 x 3 mm which
are earthed in accordance with 16.1.
Diode safety barriers are normally mounted in nonhazardous areas but should be mounted a t the nearest
convenient point to that a t which the intrinsically safe
circuits enter the hazardous area.
To protect diode safety barriers from unauthorized
interference they should normally be mounted in enclosures
offering a degree of protection of a t least IP 20 (see appendix A of Part 1 : 1976 of this code of practice). Alternative
methods of mounting may be used if they offer similar
integrity against interference (e.g. diode safety barriers
mounted on open racks in a normally locked switch room).
Diode safety barriers may be mounted in Zones 1 or 2
provided that they are afforded protection appropriate to
those zones (e.g. diode safety barriers may be mounted in
Zone 1 within a flameproof enclosure or in Zone 2 if their
mounting complies with the requirements of BS 4683 :
Part 3 : 1972). Barrier devices must NOT be mounted in
Zones O.

Section four. Inspection and test of intrinsically

safe systems and self-contained intrinsically safe

19. Initial inspection

19.1 General. After installation and before commissioning,
any intrinsically safe system should be inspected to ensure
that it i s suitable for the hazardous area in which it is
installed, that it complies with i t s relevant system
documentation and that no obvious damage has occurred
during installation. it i s not considered necessary to carry
out detailed examination of the construction of items of
apparatus to ensure that they comply with system
documentation as this should have been carried out before

99.2 Area classification. The documentation for the system

or self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus should show
the following information:

System or apparatus requirements

Zone O

System should be category 'ia'. Selfcontained intrinsically safe apparatus should

be category 'ia'.

Zone 1

System should be category 'ia' or 'ib'. Selfcontained intrinsically safe apparatus should
be category 'ia' or 'ihr.
As for Zone 1.

Zone 2

19.3 Grouping. The grouping shown on the documentation

for the system or self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus
should be appropriate to the grouping associated with the
flammable atmospheres shown on the appropriate area
classification drawing (e.g. for a flammable material
associated with Group IIB, systems or apparatus of
Groups IIB or I I C may be used but not those of Group IIA).
19.4 Surface temperature classification. The surface

Regular inspection procedures, by properly trained

personnel, should be established to minimize-the risk of an
intrinsically safe system or self-contained intrinsically safe
apparatus acting as a source of ignition due to accidental
damage or unauthorized interference.
After any repair to, or modification of, a piece of apparatus
it should be inspected to ensure that it complies with
System documentation before it is reinstalled. It is recommended that this inspection is carried out by a person other
than the one who carried out the repair or modification.

temperature ciassification shown in the documentation for

any apparatus should be appropriate to the minimum
ignition temperature of the flammable materials shown on
the appropriate area classification drawing (e.g. for a
flammable material with an ignition temperature of 150 "C
apparatus with a temperature classification of T4, T5 or T6
is appropriate but not that with a temperature classification
TI, T2 or T3).
19.5 Compliance with documentation. The installation
should be inspected to ensure that it complies with the
requirements of the relevant documentation and,
particularly, that any special installation conditions have
been adhered to.

The inspections recommended in this Part of the code of

practice are for the preservation of intrinsic safety only and
should be considered as additional to any which may be
required for other reasons.

19.6 Labelling. All labels should be inspected t o ensure

that they are legible and comply with the requirements laid
down in the appropriate documentation to ensure that the
apparatus actually fitted is that specified.

18. General

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

19.7 Damage. All installationsshould be inspected to

ensure that there is no obvious damage caused by careless
installation, vibration or other adverse environmental
19.8 Lamps. All lamps on intrinsically safe apparatus
which can easily be replaced (e.g. those mounted on the
outer enclosure which are replaceable without removal of
the enclosure) should be inspected to ensure that they are
of the type specified in the appropriate documentation.
19.9 Fuses. All fuses in intrinsically safe systems or selfcontained intrinsically safe apparatus which can easily be
replaced (see 19.8) should be inspected to ensure that they
are of the type and rating specified in the appropriate
19.10 Earthing. All installationsshould be inspected to
ensure that the only connections to earth are those
specified in the system documentation and that all such
earths have been made in accordance with clause 16.
NOTE. The requirements for electrical testing are contained in
clause 21.

19.11 Cable screens. All installations should be inspected

to ensure that any cable screens are earthed in accordance
with the appropriate documentation, 15.1.4 and clause 16.
Particular attention should be paid to installations utilizing
multicore cables which contain more than one intrinsically
safe system.
NOTE. The requirements for electrical testing are contained in
clause 21,

19.12 Diode safety barriers. All diode safety barrier

installations should be inspected to ensure that the correct
types of barriers have been used and that all such devices
are firmly fixed to the barrier earth bar in a way which
gives good earth continuity.
Because of the importance of the main barrier earth bar
connection particular attention must be paid to inspection
of this in accordance with 19.10.
NOTE. The requirements for electrical testing are contained in
clause 21,

19.13 Diode safety barrier boxes and junction boxes.

Boxes containing diode safety barriers and junction boxes
should be inspected to ensure that they contain no wiring
not specified in the documentation appropriate to any
system passing through them.
19.14 Cabling. All installationsshould be inspected to
ensure that the cables used comply with the system
documentation and 15.1. Particular attention should be
paid to the possibility of unauthorized circuits in multicore
cables containing more than one intrinsically safe system
and to the protection afforded where cables containing
intrinsically safe systems and other cables are run in the
same pipe, duct or cable tray.
19.15 Relays and similar devices. All installationsshould
be inspected to ensure that relays and similar devices which
act as safety barriers between circuits have not become
damaged by repeated operation or vibration in a way which
reduces the segregation afforded.

20. Routine inspections

20.1 General. All installed intrinsically safe systems and
self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus should be
regularly inspected to ensure that they continue to comply
with the appropriate documentation. it is recommended
that the maximum period between routine inspections

should be 2 years but an increase in frequency is advisable

for installations in particularly arduous environmental
It is recommended that the routine inspection should cover
the points dealt with in 20.2 to 20.10.
20.2 Labelling. All labels should be inspected to ensure
that they are legible and comply with the requirements laid
down in the appropriate documentation to ensure that the
apparatus actually fitted is that specified.
20.3 Damage. All installationsshould be inspected to
ensure that there is no obvious damage caused by vibration
or other adverse environmental factors.
20.4 Lamps. All lamps on intrinsically safe apparatus
which can easily be replaced (e.g. those mounted on the
outer enclosure which are replaceable without removal of
the enclosure) should be inspected to ensure that they are
of the type specified in the appropriate documentation.
20.5 Fuses. All fuses in intrinsically safe systems and
self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus which can easily
be replaced (see 20.4) should be inspected to ensure that
they are of the type and rating specified in the appropriate
20.6 Earthing. All installationsshould be inspected to
ensure that the earth connections specified in the system
documentation are in accordance with clause 16.
NOTE. The requirements for electrical testing are contained in
clause 21.

20.7 Cable screens. All installationsshould be inspected to

ensure that any cable screens are earthed in accordance
with the appropriate documentation, 15.1 and clause 16.
Particular attention should be paid to multicore cables
which contain more than one intrinsically safe circuit.
NOTE. The requirements for electrical testing are contained in
clause 21.

20.8 Diode safety barriers. All diode safety barrier

installations should be inspected to ensure that the correct
types of barriers have been fitted and that they remain
firmly fixed to the barrier earth bar.
Because of the importance of the main barrier earth bar
connection particular attention must be paid to i t s
continued integrity.
NOTE. The requirements for electrical testing are contained in
clause 21.

20.9 Diode safety barrier boxes and junction boxes. Boxes

containing diode safety barriers and junction boxes should
be inspected to ensure that they contain no wiring not
specified in the documentation for any intrinsically safe
system which passes through them.
20.10 Relays and similar devices. All installations should
be inspected t o ensure that relays and similar devices which
act as safety barriers between circuits have not become
damaged by repeated operation or vibration in a way which
reduces the segregation afforded.

21. On-site electrical testing

Where compliance with the appropriate documentation
cannot be demonstrated by physical inspection, electrical
testing should be carried out in accordance with 21.1 and
21.2. Other electrical testing should only be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
documentation as the voltages and currents associated with
some test instruments could lead to an unsafe condition
either directly or by damage to safety components.

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

21.1 Insulation testing. In order to ensure that only the

earth connections specified on the appropriate documentation are present the intrinsically safe system or selfcontained intrinsically safe apparatus should first be
isolated from i t s normal source of power and i t s intended
earth, and then, insulation testing should be carried out as
described in 21.1.1 to 21.1.3.
21 .I .I Insulation testing with non-certified test instruments.
Because of the possibility of high voltage test instruments
causing incendive sparking and the possibility of breakover
of the test voltage from one system t o another, it i s not
normally possible to test with such instruments except
when the entire plant can be shown to be free of flammable
atmospheres (e.g. on a completely new plant prior to the
introduction of any flammable material) and only when
specifically permitted b y the relevant documentation.
21.1.2 Insulation testing with an intrinsically safe
insulation tester. Insulation testing with a certified
insulation tester, whose maximum output parameters do
not exceed 1.2 V, 0.1 A and 25 mW and whose energy
storage capability does not exceed 20 pJ, may be carried
out on intrinsically safe apparatus and system regardless of
the possible presence of flammable atmospheres,
21 .I .3 Insulation testing frequency. 1 t i s recommended
that insulation testing in accordance with 21.1 be carried
out on all installations as part of the initial inspection
Routine insulation testing should also be carried out in
accordance with 21.1,as part of the routine inspection
procedure but it is only considered necessary to carry out
such testing on a sample basis. The sample used should, in
general, be 10 % of the installations chosen a t random but
precautions should be taken to ensure that subsequent
routine tests are carried out on different installations to
ensure that all installations are ultimately tested.
I f the results of such tests show that certain installations
are more prone to faults than others then the percentage
sample should be increased and care taken to ensure that
the less reliable systems are checked more frequently than

21.2 Earth continuity testing. In order to ensure that earth

with 21.2 be carried out on all installations as part of the

initial inspection procedure.
Routine earth continuity testing should also be carried out,
in accordance with 21.2,as part of the routine inspection
procedure but it i s only considered necessary to carry out
such testing on a sample basis. The samples tested should be
chosen in accordance with 21 .I .3.

22. Records
A means should be established to record, for all intrinsically
safe systems and self-contained intrinsically safe electrical
apparatus, the results of inspections and tests and, in
addition, to record any action taken to correct defects
found during inspections. These records should be kept
with the information required by clause 14.

Section five. Maintenance

23. General
In order to ensure that maintenance work does not reduce
the level of safety achieved by intrinsically safe systems and
self-contained intrinsically safe electrical apparatus the
precautions detailed in clauses 24 to 27 should be observed
when maintenance is carried out.
Careless maintenance (e.g. careless use of tools such as
screwdrivers), including that of certified apparatus, can
lead to an unsafe condition, either directly or by damage
to safety components, wiring or clearances. Therefore, it i s
considered essential that such maintenance is only carried
out by competent personnel.

24. Removal of electrical apparatus

Where electrical apparatus is removed for maintenance, any
exposed conductors which remain should be mechanically
and electrically secured in an appropriate manner so as to
prevent the occurrence of an unsafe condition.

25. Maintenance work on installed intrinsically

safe systems and self-contained intrinsically safe
electrical apparatus
Maintenance work may be carried out with the intrinsically
safe system or self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus
energized subject to the conditions detailed in 25.1
and 25.2.
25.1 Maintenance work in hazardous areas. Any maintenance work should be restricted to the following:

connections specified in the appropriate documentation are

reliable it may be necessary to carry out earth continuity
tests. In order to carry out such tests the installation should
first be isolated from i t s source of supply and then tested as
f 01Iows ,
21.2.1 Earth continuity testing with high current
Continuity testers. Tests using high current continuity
testers are only permissible in the conditions specified
in 21.1.1. Where such a t e s t is carried out the test used
should be that specified in appendix 6 of IEE Regulations
for the electrical equipment of buildings (14th edition)
and the resistance measured should not exceed that
specified on the system documentation.
21.2.2 Earth continuity testing using intrinsically safe
continuity testers. Earth continuity testing with a certified
continuity tester, whose maximum output parameters do
not exceed 1.2 V, O f A and 25 mW and whose energy
storage capability does not exceed 20 pJ, may be carried
out on intrinsically safe apparatus and systems regardless
of the possible presence of flammable atmospheres.
21.2.3 Earth continuity testing frequency. It is recommended that earth continuity testing in accordance

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(a) disconnection of and removal or replacement of

items of electrical apparatus and cabling;
(b) adjustment of any controls which is necessary for
the calibration of the electrical apparatus or system;
(cl removal and replacement of any plug in components
or assemblies;
(d) use of any test instruments specified in the relevant
(e) any other maintenance activity specifically permitted
bv the relevant documentation.

It is considered necessary that the person carrying out any

of the functions described above should carefully ensure
that the intrinsically safe system or self-contained intrinsically safe apparatus meets the requirements of the relevant
documentation after completion of any of those functions,

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

26.2 Maintenance work in non-hazardousareas. Maintenance of associated electrical apparatus and parts of
intrinsically safe systems located in non-hazardous areas
should be restricted to that described in 25.1 whilst such
electrical apparatus or parts of systems remain interconnected with parts of intrinsically safe systems located
in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Other maintenance work on associated apparatus or parts
of an intrinsically safe system mounted in a non-hazardous
area should be carried out only if the electrical apparatus or
part of a system is disconnected from the part of the system
located in a potentially explosive atmosphere. Also an
inspection in accordance with clause 18 should be carried
out after any such maintenance work to ensure continued
compliance with the relevant documentation.

account in order to ensure safety include the choice of

components of specific types and ratings, physical separation of and electrical insulation of components and wiring
and the types of enclosure used. It is considered essential
for safety that all of these factors remain unaltered and,
therefore, an inspection should be carried out after
maintenance work, in accordance with clause 18, to ensure
that these factors remain unchanged.

27. Shunt diode safety barriers

I f it is known or suspected that a shunt diode safety barrier
has been subjected to an excessive voltage or current, it
should be removed from service and tested in accordance
with the tests specified in the manufacturer's documentation for the device.

26. Maintenance in a workshop

In the design of intrinsically safe and associated electrical
apparatus and intrinsically safe systems, factors taken into

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Appendix A
Organizations through which advice on intrinsic safety applications may be obtained
Expert advice on the application of intrinsic safety may be
obtained through the following organizations.
Health and Safety Executive:
Safety and General Division
HM Factory Inspectorate
HM Inspectorate of Mines and Quarries
British Approvals Service for Electrical
Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres


British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers

Engineering Equipment Users' Association
Institution of Electrical Engineers


Institute of Petroleum



Council of British Manufacturers of

Petroleum Equipment


British Standards Institution


British Industrial Measuring and Control

Apparatus Manufacturers' Association

Scientific Instrument Manufacturers

The Sira Institute Limited



Safety in Mines Research Establishment

National organizations:

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Electrical Research Association

Oil Companies Materials Association



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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

Appendix B

IIlustrations of typical intrinsically safe installations

Figures 1 to 6 are linked w i t h t h e installations discussed i n appendix C and should be used in conjunction w i t h this Part
of t h e code of practice.
Hazardous area

Non-hazardous area



Hazardous area


Figure 2. Simple apparatus (6.3.3): thermocouple with direct
deflection indicator

Figure 1. Self-contained apparatus (6.2): paging system

Hazardous area

Non-hazardous area




Figure 3. Certified associated apparatus

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28 V channel
10 V channel

NOTE. Transmitter with certified effective input capacitance, and inductance, and maximum permitted supply volts matched t o
barrier with certjfied maximum fault voltage and permitted hazardous area parameters.
Moving coil meter may be added as simple apparatus (6.3.3 and clause 8 ) .
Figure 4. Certifid apparatus (6.3.1) with compatible parameters

Hazardous area



Solenoid valve




-- _


shunt diode
safety barrier
area apparatus



NOTE. Compatibility of the two units is not readily demonstrated because of the complex characteristic of the partially suppressed
solenoid. Hence system should be considered by a national authority.
Non-energy storing gallium arsenide display of drive current magnitude could be added without further consideration by national
certifying authority.
Figure 5. Other combinations of certified apparatus: solenoid valve with barrier

Hazardous area

















yI NOTE. Where a specific combination is always used together, the whole may be certified to make best use of the system fault count.
Switch to isolate a particular loudspeaker could be added as simple apparatus later (but see clause 8).
Figure 6. Certified systems: microphone and loudspeaker system

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BS 5345 : Part 4 : 1977

Appendix C
Typical procedural stages for intrinsically safe


(see 14)



(see 22)

Simple apparatus











Certified apparatus
with compatible

Other combinations
of certified









Denotes 'simple apparatus' (6.3.3)which may be added to any system without reference to certifying authority.
Numbers refer to figures in appendix B.

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Standards publications referred to

BS 1259
BS 4683
BS 5099
BS 5308

BS 5345
BS 6207

CP 1003

IEC 79

EN 50.020
SFA 3012

Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and circuits for use in explosive atmospheres
Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
Part 3 Type of protection N
Part 4 Type of protection 'e'
Spark testing of electric cables
Instrumentation cables intended for intrinsically safe systems
Part 1 Polyethylene insulated cables
Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres (other than mining applications or explosive processing and manufacture)
Part 1 Basic requirements for a l i Parts of the code
Part 1 Coppersheathed cables with copper conductors
Electrical apparatus and associated equipment for use in explosive atmospheres of gas or vapour other than mining applications
Part 1 Choice, installation and maintenance of flameproof and intrinsically-safeapparatus
Part 2 Methods of meeting the explosion hazard other than by the use of flameproof or intrinsically-safe electrical equipment
Part 3 Division 2 areas
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
Part 11 Construction and test of intrinsically safe and associated apparatus
Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres - intrinsic safety 'i'
Intrinsic safety (BASEEFA certification standard)

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BS 5345 : P a r t 4 :1977
This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of
the General Electrotechnical Engineering Standards Committee, was
published under the authority of the Executive Board on
30 December 1977.

British Standards Institution, 1977

ISBN: O 680 09527 4

Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in
all BSI publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI. This
does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or
grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed to the
Publicatlons Manager, British Standards Institution, Linford Wood,
Milton Keynes MK14 6LE. The number for telephone enquiries is
0908 320033 and for telex 825777.

Contract requirements
Attention is drawn to the fact that this British Standard does not
purport to include ail the necessary provisions of a contract.
Revision of B r i t i s h Standards
British Standards are revised, when necessary, by the issue either
of amendment slips or of revised editions. It i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t
users of B r i t i s h Standardsshould ascertain t h a t t h e y are in
possession of t h e latest amendments o r editions.
The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:
Committee reference GEL/l14/5 Draft for comment 75/22154

Cooperating organizations
The General Electrotechnical Engineering Standards Committee,
under whose direction this British Standard was prepared, consists
of representatives from the following Government departments and
scientific and industrial organizations:
*Associated Offices Technical Committee
British Approvals Service for Electric Cables Ltd
*British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association (BEAMA)
British Radio Equipment Manufacturers' Association
British Steel Corporation
Department of Energy (Electricity)
*Electric Cable Makers' Confederation
*Electrical Contractors' Association
Electrical Contractors' Association of Scotland
Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunicationsand Plumbing Union
*EiectricaI Research A;sociation
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Electronic Components Board
Electronic EngineeringAssociation
*Engineering Equipment Users' Association
'Health and Safety Executive
Home Office
*Institution of Electrical Engineers
*Ministry of Defence
*National Coal Board
*Oil Companies Materials Association

*Post Office
*Radio and Electronic Components Manufacturers' Federation
Telecommunication Engineering and Manufacturing Association
The organizations marked with an asterisk in the above list, together
with the following, were directly represented on the committee
entrusted with the preparation of this British Standard:
British Electrical Systems' Association (BEAMA)
British Gas Corporation
British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus Manufacturers'
Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers' Association
Council for Electrical Equipment for Flammable Atmospheres
Department of Energy - Petroleum (OIL)
Department of the Environment - Building Research Establishment (Fire Research Station)
Department of Trade (Marine Division)
Fire Offices Committee
General Council of British Shipping
Institute of Petroleum
Institution of Gas Engineers
Lighting Industry Federation Ltd.

Amendments issued since publication

D a t e o f issue

Amd. No.

T e x t affected


British Standards Institution 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS Telephone 01-629 9000 Telex 266933
.861177 -2k-B

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