Online Shopping SRS
Online Shopping SRS
Online Shopping SRS
Sr. No.
1.1) Document Convention
Literature survey:
2.1) The Effects of Online Shopping Familiarity and Internet
Self-Efficacy on the Formation of Trust Toward Online Shopping
2.2) Bridging the gap between traditional and online shopping
methods for Indian customers through digital interactive experience
2.3) GPS: location-tracking technology
2.4) Low-Cost Mobile GPS Tracking Solution
2.5) Real-time tracking management system using GPS, GPRS and
Google earth
SRS Document:
3.1) Aim
3.2) Purpose
3.3) Objective
3.4) Scope
3.5) User of the System
3.6) Functional Requiremnet
3.7) Non- Functional Requiremnet
3.8) Tool to be Used
Design Document
4.1) System Archietecture
4.2) Sequence Diagram
4.3) Collaboration Diagram
4.4) Class Diagram
4.5) Activity Diagram
4.6) Flow Diagram
4.7) Component Diaggram
Online Shopping Software main purpose is to provide customers with the possibility to perform
online purchases on products already on store. Customers are identified properly and are able to
perform online transactions using three kind of methods: either using credit card or banking
documents, but also through PayPal account. Online Customers are divided on two categories upon
user account types: basic and business.
Basic accounts beside other attributes contain a specific one named Fidelity which deals with the
number of years the user has been joining the online shop. On the other hand is business plan which is
characterized uniquely by the Volume attribute that is the total amount of transactions performed
within the online shop. The customer is able to operate throughout the system after properly
authenticated. He is able to create a cart and add products to it or delete them as well. Then he decides
whether he might go on with the checkout operation and complete the purchase. Once the user
decided upon the plan to use: basic or business, he is given the alternatives to pay through the
previously mentioned methods accordingly. Once the purchase is confirmed by the customer and
admitted by shop commission, customer details come into use in order to define the shipping address
and other supplementary information. Customer can also choose delivery option either normal deliver
or on time delivery. Customer is given the possibility to view and print some information regarding
his activity on the shop. For instance he can print the number of purchases completed by him from eh
beginning of the current year.
He can print the status of previously performed purchases and decide whether to cancel or not a
specific purchase if it is still in Not available status.
During the process of product selection and addition to cart specifying correspond quantity the system
automatically checks if the product is available within the quantity or not. In case of negative
response the system generates a request to the product supplier. Stated in short terms this is the overall
situation on hand.
2) Literature Survey
2.1) The Effects of Online Shopping Familiarity and Internet Self-Efficacy on
the Formation of Trust Toward Online Shopping
Insufficient trust is one of the reasons suggested that individuals hesitate to purchase via Internet. This
study integrates the literature on familiarity and self-efficacy to determine their joint impact upon
individual trust toward shopping online. Based on social cognition theory, we advance a new
nomological structure that positions online shopping anxiety as a proximal mediating construct
between online shopping familiarity, Internet self-efficacy, and the dependent constructs of trust
toward shopping online. This research finds empirically that Internet self-efficacy and online
shopping familiarity contribute to online shopping anxiety; online shopping anxiety fully mediates the
relationship between the general constructs and trust toward online shopping; and online shopping
familiarity contribute to trust toward online shopping.
Published in:
E-Business and Information System Security, 2009. EBISS '09. International Conference
Gongan Yao
Sch. of Econ. & Finance, Xi''an Jiaotong Univ.
2.2) Bridging the gap between traditional and online shopping methods for
Indian customers through digital interactive experience
On Line shopping has many advantages over traditional physical shopping such as low cost, real time,
interaction, personalized, cross-domain etc. Indians prefer to shop in real environment where there is a
direct contact between customer and retailer. Unlike in Online shopping, the factors of Touch, See,
and Feel results in an everlasting experience on the minds of the shopper. This paper presents the
results of a survey performed among Indian customers, relating to the behavior of online shoppers,
their understanding and the reasons for their inclination towards traditional offline shopping. The
survey indicates a dire need of replicating the conventional shopping experience onto the online
shopping. The paper also reports a conceptual design of a virtual shopping experience that attempts to
replicate conventional offline shopping experience into online shopping.
Published in:
Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2013 International Conference
Agarwal, R.
Dept. of Design, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India
2.5) Real-time tracking management system using GPS, GPRS and Google
Due to the high cost of fossil-based energy, several methods are proposed to reduce the usage of the
energy in logistics and fleet management to be even more. GPS tracking system is a common
approach to get vehicle location information in real-time for fleet planning. We proposed a GPS
tracking system called Goo-Tracking that is composed of commodity hardware, open source software
and an easy-to-manage user interface via a Web server with Google Map or via Google Earth
software. The system includes a GPS/GPRS module to location acquisition and message transmission,
MMC to temporary store location information, and an 8-bit AVR microcontroller. Our system
prototype is shown and tested on a trip from Bangkok to Chonburi. It has shown great stability and
also robust message transfer protocol that most of locations are accurately acquired and transmitted to
the server in real-time.
Published in:
Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology,
2008. ECTI-CON 2008. 5th International Conference on (Volume: 1)
Chadil, N.
Dept. of Electr. Eng., King Mongkut''s Univ. of Technol. North Bangkok, Bangkok
3) SRS Document
3.1) Aim:
To provide On-Time delivery of the product on Online Shopping using the concept of GPS
3.2) Purpose:
The scope of this project is to design and develop a system that is necessary to shops when they need
to operate online, sell products online. The shop can keep an electronic history of all purchases and
transactions. This gives more control over the operations that the company offers. The system can be
adapted to a range of shops from simple small ones to big markets. A shop can outsource the function
of shipping to another external company or can handle it itself. Project scope also includes delivery of
the product is done on on-time by using real time tracking device (using Drone).
3.3) Objective:
The main objective of our project is to deliver the product to customer in 1 to 2 hours using REALTIME tracking device.
3.4) Scope:
Project scope from customer perspective, limits the range of customers to only those who have
internet connation on some form and have a bank account in hand.
Administrator can see the daily sell. Can also see the the feedback given by the customer.
Administrator maintaining the deliveries.
4) Design Document:
4.1) System Archietecture
Register User
Authenticate/Identify User
Give Login
New User
View Category
View Product
View Price/Specification
View category
View Product
View Price Specification
Make Purchase
Delivery Option
1: Authenticate/Identify User
2: Give Login
3: Create New User Account
11: Purchase Item is Added to the Cart
7: View category
8: View Product
9: View Price Specification
10: Make Purchase
New User
4: View Category
5: View Product
6: View Price/Specification
CartId : int
ProductId : int
Quantity : int
Product Date : int
Customer Name : String
Cust_Address : String
Cust_email_id : String
CreditCardInfo : String
OrderId : int
OrderDate : int
DateShipped : int
CustomerName : String
CustomerId : int
Status : String
UserName : String
UserId : String
LoginStatus : String
ShippingId : String
ShippingRegion : String
ShippingCost : int
ShippingType : String
NormalShipping : String
On-TimeShipping : String
AdminName : String
email-is : String
OrderId : int
ProductId : int
ProductName : String
Not Found
View Item
View Cart
Add to Cart
Choose Delivery
View Home
Web Customer
View Item
New Customer
View Price/Specification
Make Purchase
Payment Option
Delivery Module
Payment Service
On Time Delivery
Sopping Site
5) References
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