Qarl News

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EDITORs column


I am so happy to work with the special issue of QARL

news, the official news letter of the Quilon Amateur
Radio League, which is being issued on the occasion of
the Ham Fair 2015.

The Official Newsletter of the Quilon

Amateur Radio League,Post Box No 335,

Thanks are extended to our friends, who have

contributed articles and compliments to this issue of our
Care is taken to publish all the articles with least errors.

Ham Fair 2015


Have a memorable eyeball QSO at Hamfair 2015 and

Happy Homebrewing
Thanks and 73
Nishanth A.K., VU3MOE

Editors column

Presidents Message

Secretary writes


In memory of a faithful friend and companion

Radio, Software Defined

Radios and PCs

My sincere and hearty...

Mor-Gain antenna




Bhopal Gas Tragedy


Bargraph / LED VU meter


Selecting a Transistor for Tx Design


Why HAM Radio.....




BC Dxers



QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Fellow hams!
Greeting from your president!
Today I complete thirty four years in the ham movements. This is also the exact age of the
Quilon Amateur Radio League. I am happy to state that I am one of the four surviving founder
members of the club. We started in a very small way, with half a dozen members, only one of
whom had a ham licence. Today we have become a huge and powerful organization ever at the
service of the nation in the area of disaster management.
Age has finally caught of with me and today I lay down office as president. I leave with
your kind permission and I leave with a sense of perfect satisfaction and complete fulfillment.
First of all we were able to bring hundreds of men and women in to the ham radio field and help
them secure ham licence. We have been conducting for the last nineteen years the Kerala V.H.F
for hunt. We have been regularly celebrating Hamfair to mark he World Amateur Radio Day. We
have hosted Hamfest - the All India Ham Festival. We have organized workshops and seminars on
regular basis. We have made a remarkable contribution in the area of disaster management.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my fellow hams for the love and support
I have received from them. It is precisely because of this, that I have completed twenty five years
as president. Men may come and men may go but the ham movement will go on for ever. I hope
and pray that the Quilon Amateur Radio League will go from strength to strength. As I bid farewell
to you I wish you all the best.

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Dear members,
Welcome to the month of May, this year IARU celebrating 90th world amateur radio day on 18th,
as usual we Quilon amateur radio league (QARL) also celebrating with a grant get together of
hams named as HAM FAIR.
We conducted a contest on March 14th & 15th, and more hams actively participated on 80, 40
&20 mtr bands. A VHF fox hunt was also held at Alappuzha on 12th April, Ham radio club" SPARES"
Alappuzha hosted the fox hunt. I congratulate all the club officials and members of SPARES for
their interest.
This is the second attempt of this general body to undertake such type of event .The activities of
the club to the large extend are dependent on the dedication and hard work of our office bearers.
We are fortunate to enjoy the benefit in the quality and loyalty of our executive committee
members, especially our president VU2KGN, He allowed his resort free of cost to all our club
Ham population has doubled after 2005, but very sad to say that most of them are not
active on air. We need to make a study regarding this. Ham radio clubs in different part of the
country do some effort to boost up the activity. Now a day's many low cost, homemade transceivers
are coming out from few home brewers. , I myself and on behalf of QARL, appreciate them for
developing the same and their effort. Through ham fair exhibition stalls they can introduce their
equipment to the new comers. QARL provides stall space for exhibitors free of cost.
I hope the activities of Kollam club will enhance at least a small percentage of live(active) hams in
coming months.

19th all kerala

1st Place Winners
QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Last year Quilon Amateur Radio
League organized work shop, New Year
calibration, field days, demonstrations at
different engineering colleges, conducted
ASOC examination periodically monthly
meetings awareness classes etc . Many
new SWLs obtained their ham licenses
during this period, and are active on air
Regular net on 7.085 Mhz (HF) in
the morning between 8:00 hrs and 8.30 hrs
named lake city and 145.500 (VHF) at
9:15 PM as lake city vhf evening net are
familiar and a very good number of hams
are checking for the nets regularly ,most
of the controllers are from QARL and both
nets are very active . Many hams are
coming forward to be the net controllers
now a days, this is the best way to coordinate hams far better than the activity
of a club. We congratulate all net controllers
for spending their valuable time for taking
up the nets. The following hams are much
active for controlling lake city net than
other nets, VU2HSM, VU2SYT, VU2RDL, VU2KNT,
and many. Other nets , like Charminar net
7.0800 MHZ, Belguam net on 7.050 and
7.12345 Mhz are also active in morning
time and garden city net is at 9,00pm to
9.30 on 7.085 khz and 80 mtr net at 9.30
pm through 3.6000 mhz is also in regular


1 st place VU3SIO
2 nd place VU3DMT
3 rd place VU3YFD

Recently started a net in 14.210 mhz from

north India at night 8.00pm onwards all
are invited to join this net too .All the nets
are well known and interesting useful for
exchanging report and study for
propagation condition.
The aim of our club is to boost home
brewing activity, hence we are more liable
to conduct work shop in assembling
transceivers, SWR meters, Antennas etc. We
are planning to conduct an assembling
work shop for SDR transceiver which are
very cheap and features much higher when
compared with commercial transceiver, also
can monitor through a computer. Signal
processing work of the transceiver is to be
done at the microprocessor of the
computer hence the audio quality is also
far better. So new generation hams are
concentrating on this type of transceivers.
The CSD repeater is now working
with low power because of the trouble in
the unit. As part of up gradation of the
repeater we have ordered a new
commercial duplexer and will be active
very soon.
We have a web site for updating
all the club activities, also facility to express
your opinions are also available in our
website, your opinions are welcome and
are helpful to enhance and correct our
further activities , so please visit our website frequently.

19th All Kerala vhf fox hunt result

1st . TTeam
eam no14 VU3VIO Vishnu and VU2ZA
G Soor
2 ..T
eam no 6 vu3KVV KKunjumon
unjumon &vu3DMT
3 ..T
eam no 9 vu2AJF Aja
WS LLoowr
Ajayyan &vu3L

Ion behalf QARL I congratulate all the winners as well as participants


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Radio, Software Defined Radios and PCs - vu2ghb

Like it or not software is enhancing our everyday
life from traffic lights to under the hood of the
car you drive to the everyday appliances that one
use at home, not to mention the mobile phones
which provide you the unlimited connectivity.
With that happening in our daily life, radios that
we use is no exception, starting from the older
generation radios (commercial and homebrewed)
they all had micro controllers controlling the PLL
and the other housekeeping like SWR display and
inbuilt antenna tuners.
As processing power is becoming more
accessible, the shift is happening in way in which
the SSB signal is generated and demodulated. (for
that matter AM/FM is possible once you have I
and Q ). Transceivers of today use some form of
signal processing either an IF-DSP or an AF-DSP
processing to enhance the signal quality.
Before we get into details lets first understand
methods used for SSB modulation and
The most common method is the filter method,
where in with a balanced modulator a double
sideband with suppressed carrier is generated
and then using a crystal filter the unwanted
sideband is attenuated generating the needed
Most of the transceivers we see today follow this
method, Yaesu , Kenwood and Icom radios and
various flavors of homebrew designs found in

Block Diagram of a typical SSB transmitter

India using either BEL 9Mhz filter or ladder filters
comes under this category.
Phasing SSB Generation
Even before the crystals and crystal filters became
available there were other methods with which
SSB signals were generated, Barker and
Williamsons transmitter is an example of such a
SSB transmitter which used a phasing type SSB

Block Diagram of Phasing SSB transmitter

signal generation where the SSB signal is
generated at the operating frequency itself.
The Phasing SSB transmitter the AF signal and the
RF (oscillator) is phase shifted and then mixed,
producing sidebands, when these sidebands are
added together finally the ones in-phase will add
and one which is out of phase will subtract or
cancel each other generating only one sideband.
Its important to note that the SSB signal could be
either generated at the operating frequency
itself, or at an intermediate frequency and later
up converted to working frequency.
Generating a phase shift (wide range a minimum
of 300 Hz-3 KHz) at audio frequency could be done
with networks comprising resistors and capacitors
and for RF or carrier frequency L and C networks
were used to realize the phase shifts. Another
common method used is to have signal divided
by a flipflop and generating signals with phase
Early amateur radio transmitters used these
networks to generate SSB signals, interestingly
VU2VWN designed a phasing SSB transmitter
which was published in the 80s KARL news letter
used similar technique. The design used then
available BFW10 fets , RC and LC networks to
generate SSB signals, my efforts to build that in
the 90s resulted in insufficient sideband
The trouble with such designs is the need for
precision (1% or better) resistors and capacitors
with good thermal stability.
Phasing SSB generation did not get into the main
stream, reasons could be the complexity of the
circuits and the need for precision networks which
does the phase shift of audio and RF signals.
Unwanted sideband attenuation is dependent on

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

the phase accuracy and these were decided by the

networks which generated the phasing signals.
Today with new age components (SMD and
precision 0.5% capacitors and resistors) making a
SSB phasing transceiver is definitely possible;
JUMA-2 (1) is an example of that.
It is unclear to me as of why and when the
transition happened from the phasing designs to
crystals filter based designs. The following could
be one of the reasons why this would have
For building a crystal filter based design you need
multiple crystals and that too with few Khz
separation based on what they are being used for
a lattice filter or ladder filter or a LSB/USB carrier
oscillator. Comparing the size of the crystals that
you see today to one shown below one can
imagine this could be one of the reasons as form

FT243 -Crystal
FT243 the crystals became smaller and easy to
obtain with high Q.
We will continue the discussion with Phasing SSB
as this is one of the most widely seen
implementation in Software defined radios for
modulation/demodulation. (Other methods like
third method, fourth method, Weaver method is
omitted for simplicity)

Where is the Software ?

Imagine a case where in the entire phasing SSB
generation is done in software, all of a sudden
the physical mixers and the oscillator hardware
vanishes simplifying the whole design and the
need for precision resistor and capacitors and the
effects of their thermal properties also vanishes
from the challenges list. Since there is no physical
RC or LC networks the degradation of the phasing
networks and the sideband suppression over time
is never an issue with software implementation.
Taking this further some of the software
implementations can track and compensate the
phase differences in software easily.
Refer the diagram of the Phasing SSB generation;
if the audio signal is digitized then the entire

process can be done in software not needing any

hardware components. The typical application
either the phase shifted audio signals is generated
by the processor and converted back to analog and
with the left and right audio channels.
In other designs the, RF signal is down converted
to a lower IF (say 15Khz) this IF signal is fed to the
codec and then all the demodulation is done by
the processor and audio is given out. Similarly mic
input is taken in and a SSB signal at 15Khz is given
out for further up conversion.
The signals can be processed by a processor when
its represented as a number or a digital
representation/quantity, the analog signal is fed
to an analog to digital converter which converts
the signal to an equivalent number which could
be understood by the processor ( a dedicated DSP
chip or the PC).
All the processing , the process of mixing the signal
with a carrier and filtering the signals to give
needed bandwidth is done by the processor and
then comes up with a number which is the
equivalent of the processed signal. This digital
representation is converted back to analog world;
we use the digital to analog converter to convert
the number to an analog voltage.
An ADC is used to convert the analog values to
digital and DAC is used to convert digital values to
equivalent analog voltage, a chip which contains
both (mostly two channels one for left and one
for right ) is called a codec(2), classic example of
such an application is the sound card found in your

Why is the PC there with the SDR?

Signal processing software is very intensive and
involves reading of data and multiplying and also
implementing circular loops (doing multiplication
for 200 times or so) and also implementing FFTs
for spectrum displays.
PCs come with a sound card and runs at hundreds
of Mhz if not Ghz speed today unleashing a lot of
processing power (consuming more than 50W
even for 5W SSB signal ?) its this combination of
the CODEC and the computational power used by
most of todays SDRs which use the PC as the
platform. Some of the laptops come with only
MONO sound card which cannot take the I and Q
signals, in those cases an external USB stereo
sound card is used.
Not using a PC is always an option; DSP-10(4)
published by W7PUA implements a DSP IF
transceiver using an Analog devices evaluation kit.
Other designs like the PIC-A-STAR by G3XJP and

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Experimental Homebrewed Codec board using

PCM2900 , connects via USB

The box on top is an off board Audio processor

under experimentation.

Block Diagram of the Receiver

Homebrewed Signal processing board with
STM32F4 , ARM Cortex M4

45Mhz IF with First and Second mixer board

Here is the Block diagram of such a Receiver
which does not use a PC

A 0-30Mhz SDR currently in use at VU2GHB.

Processor board with codec piggy on the top

Direct conversion, SDR not using PC

Contd Page... 9

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


On the occasion of 2015 Kollam ham
fair , I would like to express my sincere and
hearty tributes to few of our fellow ham friends
those who have become silent key years ago.
During the period of 1970 to 1985when
I was working in survey department, I met OM
Vasanth Vu2, VWN occasionally in my official
trips to Ernakulam side. He was a very good
friend of mine. Being an expert home brower
and very much devoted ham radio he has
established good relation with fellow hams and
short wave listeners. His QRP AM transmitter
was very popular at that time since it was very
simple to assemble. Components used were
early available and very cheap. He was a
devoted tourist and has visited frequently
Manasarovar and other northern Hindu religious
places and later in such a trip he has lost his
life near Himalaya. Considering his devotion to
ham radio, and ambition for sight seeing and
pilgrimage Ernakulam hams have honoured him
by establishing an HF net in 712345 mhz at 7.30
AM on all days. I do express my hearty tributes
to OM Vasanth at this insatant.
OM Das Vu2 CSD who has become
silent key years ago was also very active at
Thiruvananthapuram in earlier days. He was
dealing arms and amunations in his MQH
named twins armoury. He has a passion to
posses latest ham equipments. It was he who
has spared one very good transceiver Collins
KWM2, during 1982, which is till now I am using.
It is a fully valve tye equipment running 150 wts
with twin 6146 is final . Kollam ham friends
headed by OM Natarajan Vu2 KGNa Veturan
town planner the present president of QARL has
established Kollam VHF repeater Vu2 CSD in
memory of OM Das for his devotion to ham
radio.My hearty tributes to him also in this
OM kutty Vu2 PKK retired from VSSC,
his harmonic OM Dr. Venu Gopal Vu2 KVG at

Rajan VU2 RJR

Thiruvananthapuram were become silent key.
Both of them were very active on bands, in dxing
and also participated in several emergency ham
radio traffics especially Perumon railway
disaster,union carbide gas tragedy etc etc. While
I was an SWL during 1970, I used to visit OM
kutty in his home QTH Maniveena very often.
He has no hesitation to give spare components
, cable, connectors etc, which were very rare to
get at that time. I do remember that Kutty has
helped me to build a BFO to listen SSB signals
during 1975, when most of Kerala ham stations
were in AM setup. The construction details of
the useful BFO with circuit diagram and
component list as given by Kutty is shown in a
separate article of this souvenier. Almost all
hams in Thiruvananthapuram city and nearby
places were there in Maniveena to pay homage
to himon his day of demise. The cremation at
Santhikavadam electric crematorium where OM
RajagopalVu2 RDL, OM Gopi Vu2 EGM, OM Anil
Vu2 EEI (formerly 3JQZ ) and my self were
present. I do hereby express my sincere and
warm tributes to OM Kutty and also to his
harmonic. OM Dr.Venugopal who has become
silent key years prier to that of his fundamental.
OM Neelakanda Iyer Vu2 LN who has
left us years ago at Thiruvananthapuram was a
KSEB Engineer in profession and later
employed in United electricals Kollam as
technical advisor. He was also a very good home
brower and a very helping minded senior ham.
During 1970's while I was an SWL, I used to
listen his strong and legible QSO with OM Guhan

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Menon Vu2 TG Kottayam, who has become

silent key years ago. He was also very helpful
to beginners in an around Kottayam. I do hereby
express my sincere tributes to both of them in
this occasion.
OM Jayaprakash Vu2 JPK father of our friend
OM simpson Vu2 SJE was very active on band
during 1980's at Kollam with his home made
AM transmitter. He has arranged several club
meetings in his traditional Ayurvedic heritage
home QTH near Asramom. I do remember still
such instance when OM Jayaram Vu2 JN
formerly Principal college of Engineering
Thiruvananthapuram and Rtd Technical
education Director has made an informative talk
on ham radio. OM Jayaprakash who has
become silent key years ago was also a very
good home brower, devoted to ham radio and
very much active on club activities eventhough
he was handicaped. I do hereby express my
warm tributes him also in this occasion.
OM Austin ThomsonVu2 TF was very much
devoted to ham radio and he also was an expert
qualified homoeopathic practitioner apart from
his job in VSSC . It was he who has controlled
the 1992 Ernakulam popular car Ralley
communication net with the help of OM Girish
Contd from Page ... 7

Babu Vu2 KGB the present CEO in

Thiruvananthapuram Techno park and few of
hams. I do remember that c tar ralley was
Ernakulam town to Munnar where there were
nearly 25 VHF stations on road side with control
station at the top of Ernakulam Medical Center
which was the topmost building at that time. I
have also got the privilege to operate one station
at high ranges. Please note that there was no
cell phone facility at that time and hence the
setup was very much appreciated by the public,
car ralley authorities and also the city police. The
credit of the project was entirely due to OM Austin
and also Girish Babu. OM Austin Thomson is
unfortunately not with us now and hence I do
express my sincere tributes to him on this
The details of earlier hams and instances noted
above are collected only from my poor memory
and if there are any mistakes, kindly excuse me
considering my old age .May I conclude this
article after expressing once again my warm and
sincere tributes to all the earlier hams listed here
and also to other hams not listed. I would also
like to request all present active hams to be
helpful to new comers always.
73's and regards

Radio, Software.....

SDR-CUBE are classic example of homebrewed

radios which are SDRs and do not use a PC.
Simplicity of the direct conversion based designs
cannot be ruled out when discussing SDR and any
discussion without that is incomplete, no wonder
why you see softrock and various derivatives of
that being widely used around the world.
The photograph above shows a two band
based on softrock with an
independent signal processing board using a dspic
processor doing the DSP heavy lifting.
Back in the 80s or early to mid 90s signal processing
could be considered as difficult commodity, today
with digital signal controllers and ARM processors
with SIMD instructions the muscle power of a PC
is no more needed to build an SDR which could be
easily carried around.

Some of my favorites are dspic33E family of signal

controllers from Microchip, PIC32MZ from
Microchip, STM32F4 from ST.
About the Author
Hari, VU2GHB has been active since licensed in
1997, His interests are building homebrew test
gear and radios, he is active on 40M (7075).
References:1) -
2) The DSP-10: An All-Mode 2-Meter Transceiver
Using a DSP IF and PC-Controlled Front Panel,
QST -1999 September, W7PUA
3) Experimental Methods in Radio Frequency
Design, ARRL
4) PIC-A-STAR , G3XJP Radcomm 2003
6) Softrock ,

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Mor-Gain antenna for home brewing

The Mor-Gain antenna is a 2 band antenna originally designed for 80 and 40 m,
but later extended to other bands, still as 2 bander. On 80 m this antenna is
behaving as a dipole, which is inductively extended by the inner . On 40m
this antenna is a dipole and the inner is behaving as a parallel circuit.
Calibrating the antenna for 80m is done by moving the bridge a-a, in-or outside.
Prepaire 4 bridges with wire and needles at the end. Start at the original
dimensions and move the bridge until you are as close to 1:1 swr as you find
acceptable. Do the same with the b-b bridges. You will find that the 80 m and
40 adjustments interact with each other.
Use for the wire a copper one 2mm2, coated with a vinyl isolation


morgain antenna 40/80


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Ham radio and stamp collection is my
main hobby.Collectingis a hobby of mine, and
over the years I have collected a variety of items
like stamps, coins, postcards, QSL cards,
radios, old gramophone records, magazines,
newspaper cuttings and all are arranged in
good manner.This hobby of collecting helps me
tolearn things and keep from wasting of my time.
No doubt to say this hobby helps me to be active
always. I was very active collecting stamps until
I became active in radiolistening initially,
shortwave listening, and later, ham radio. As I
became more active in ham radio, I became
less active in philately. Working foreign radio
stations (shortwave stations, as well as hams)
resulted in the receipt of QSL cards that were
usually sent by using foreign postage attached
to the card or an envelope. So now I became
very active in Ham radio as well as stamp

Amateur Radio Postage Stamps

Amateur Radio USA

Amateur Radio Luxembourg

Philately and Stamp collecting

Stamp collection and philately are
different in meaning- Philately is the study
of stamps and other related postal items, it
involves more than just stampcollecting. Many
casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps
for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without
worrying about the tiny details. The word
philately is the English version of the French
word philatlie, coined by Georges Herpin in
1864.The word Philatelie means exempt from
duties and taxes. Stamp collection on a specific
theme is called thematic philately.Many
countries issued stamps about ham radio, short
wave communication and short wave listening.
So for me philately and Ham radio is an
interconnected hobby and I prefer ham radio is
my main theme in philately. I was amazed to
discover many countries have postage stamps
related to radio and telecommunication
recognizing the important role that amateur
radio has played in history.

Amateur Radio China

Amateur Radio Bosnia

Amateur Radio Canada

Amateur Radio Bulgaria

Amateur Radio Germany

Amateur Radio Japan

Amateur Radio Viet Nam

Amateur Radio Zazzle

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Radio Reception Stamps

Radio reception stamps were used
some commercial broadcasting station in their
QSL cards and valuable for its rarity. These were
not official postage stampsand .The EKKO
Company of Chicago developed the
advertising concept of radio verification
stamps as a means of exploiting this new
technology that had captured the interest and
passion of America. Their idea was to sell to
the emerging radio broadcasting industry a
marketing tool to help promote public interest
in specific radio stations.

Pittsburgh, PA

Colorado Springs, CO San Francisco, CA

St. Louis, MO

Hartford, CT

Ottawa, Ontario

Kansas City, KS

Buffalo, NY

Evansville, IN


The EKKO stamp from Adventist World Radio

received by me
Radio and Television Licence Fee Stamps
(BRL fee stamps)
With the arrival of television some
countries created a separate additional television
licence, while others simply increased the radio
licence fee to cover the additional cost of TV
broadcasting, changing the licences name from
radio licence to TV licence or receiver
licence. India introduced a radio receiver licence
system in 1928, for All India Radio Aakaashavani.
With the advent of television broadcasting in
195657, television was also licensed. With the
spurt in television stations beginning 197172,
a separate broadcasting company,
Doordarshan, was formed. The radio&TV
licenses to be renewed at the post offices on a
yearly basis. Annual premium for radio was
Rs.15 in the 1970s and 1980s. Radio license
stamps were issued for this purpose. In 1984,
the licensing system was withdrawn with both
of the Indian national public broadcasters, AIR
and Doordarshan, funded instead by the
Government of India and by advertising. Itis rare
and valuable collection of these stamps.

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Old radio Television licence

in New Delhi on 21st January 1970 to study

technical and operating questions relating to
radio communication and to issue
recommendations on them.
Ham fest India Special Covers

Radio communication covers issued by India

Many radio communication covers
issued by Indian in different occasion. India post
have issued a first day cover on the occasion of
celebrating the silver jubilee of All India Radio in
1961 with the cancelation of antenna design post

This cover is issued to commemorate

International telecommunication Union and it is
released by India post on the occasion of
celebrating centenary on 17th May, 1965.

During the Ham fest, 2009 Bangalore

Amateur Radio Club, VU2ARC issued a special
cover with special postal cancellation approved
by India Post Karnataka Circle was released.
The special postal cancellation had Bangalore
Amateur Radio Club VU2ARC Golden Jubilee

This special cover is issued during Hamfest India

The theme Ham radio provides choosing a
wide variety of subject specialized in stamp
collecting like telecommunication stamps,
satellite stamps, radar stamps, antenna
stamps,ITU stamps,etc. A ham can easily make
a Ham radio stamp album with his interest and
expertness in this field.
Ham radio is often called the hobby of Kings
and stamp collecting is the King of Hobbies.
Think. who is the King?

This is the first day cover issued by India post

on the occasion of XIIth Plenary Assembly of the
International Radio Consultative Committee met

Dense House
Kattilkadavu P.O, Karunagappally,
Kollam. Ph.9446526220

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Bhopal Gas Tragedy

HariDas Vu2 HEL

The worlds worst industrial disaster due

to leakage of toxic gas in Union Carbide India
Ltd at Bhopal, an American owned company
happened in late midnight of 2nd December
1984, when we heard the shocking news in next
morning. The victims were mostly poor,
innocent local people slept at night in small huts
open places near railway station etc ; The
intensity of leaked Methyl Iso cyanate (MIC) gas
was very high, so as to spread quickly at about
17 Kms around the factory resulting immediate
death of thousands suffered severe suffocation.
The victims were unable to realise what is going
on in midnight. It was reported that a huge tank
with more than 40 tons of MIC gas, which is
above safety rules happened to be heated up,
increasing temperature inside resulting release
of emergency ventage of the gas tank.
Following this the Toxic gas spread in the
atmosphere all on a sudden.
The local administration authorities and
police those who are expected to attend
immediate casualities were at first in confusion,
and by that time thousands met with tragic death
in spot. Immediately few medical teams with
first aid facility conveyance etc; were rushed to
the spot and victims were taken to nearby
hospitals . With in no time hospitals in the
locality were filled with victims.
Necessary facilities like public
conveyances, local telephone setup, even
electricity were all interrupted. When I heared
the news early morning myself with OM Sharan,
Vu2 NB, the President of radio and electronic
club of BHEL were alerted to establish few Ham
radio communication stations in and around


the factory. So we with the help of OM Ravi, Vu2

Ruz, OM Ramaya Vu2 PRO, OM Advani Vu2
ARK made few quarter wave lamda VHF ground
plane antene for immediate use in the ham radio
communicatioin stations. By that time few
Hams from Mumbai with ample vehicles,
communication equipments , tents etc; were
arrived in spot under the control of OM Capt:
Dasan Vu2 AID. We together have setup 2 HF, 6
VHF and one mobile base communication
station in the gas affected area. The location of
these stations were (1) Police station, (2)
Collectorate, (3) Factory site, (4) Nearby
Hospitals (3 stations), (5) One mobile base
control station in the jeep of OM Capt: Dasan.
Shri.K.B.Mohan the then Dy Supdt: of police
( telecommunication wing) Bhopal has helped
us with co- axial cable, connectors etc ; for
immediate use. All the ham radio stations were
bussy through out day and night and the
communication traffic was mainly for arranging
ambulances, wheel chairs, stretchers etc; to
take victims to hospitals. The movement of
medical teams with medicines from place to
place was also dealt with through ham radio.
We have also arranged civil supply items like
rice, sugar, oil etc; according to necessity with
the help of local administration and Dt:
authorities. Several nongovernmental
organisations were also involved on relief
activities in the locality. We hams have also
attended enquiries regarding the condition of
residents of Bhopal, especially in and around
the factory. Several enquiries from kerala side
were also dealt with. We have made on spot
enquiry on each cases and the result intimated
promptly. In Kerala the following hams were

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

active on bands for handling emergency gas

disaster traffic.
1. Vu2
2. Vu2 KVG, OM Dr. VenuGopal from
3. Vu2 MKS, OM Sukumaran from Ernakulam
4. Vu2 NYR OM Narayanan Nair from Calicut.
All the ham radio stations involved in the
emergency communication traffic were active
day and night for 22 days after the gas tragedy
on 2nd December 1984. Please see that there
was no cell phone facility at that time and the
local land line setup was also interrupted.
In such a situation the service rendered
by hams in establishing radio communication
stations was very much appreciated by the
public, local administration and police
authorities. As a reward to the meritorial service,
the commissioner of Bhopal has given us
special and individual certificates on the day of
I would also like to mention few more
instances noticed in the locality. One railway
station master on night duty was found dead on
his chair. He was also the one among the
thousands of Bhopal gas disaster victims. The
death toll according to district authorities was
nearly 3,500 in first instance and those met with
injuries were estimated to be six lakhs. Later it
was reported that nearly 15,000 victims died
from gas related diseases. Thousands of pet
and domestic animals were also died in the
tragedy. Mass funerals of human and cattle dead
bodies were arranged then and there in isolated
convenient places.
Madhya Pradesh government have
started some rehabitation schemes for the
welfare of the survivors of the gas tragedy.
Several new hospitals and work sheds were
built. Out of thousands survived, the state
government have given job for few people in
public and private sector fields. Government
have built nearly 2000 flats called Widows
colony for use of widows survived in the gas
tragedy. It look nearly 10 years for normal
functioning of primary facilities like schools,

offices, public conveyance setup etc in the gas

affected area and nearby places. The state
government have disbursed nearly 1000 million
rupees to the victims. Food was given for some
time and later special ration cards issued to the
survivors. Widow pension of Rs 200/- in first
instance and Rs 750/- per head after 1990 was
also given. The final compensation for injury was
Rs 25000/- and for death, it was Rs 62,000/.For about six lakhs of victims got this previlage,
including those injured and the relatives of those
dead in gas tragedy.
Frankly say that the gas disaster was
happened mainly due to the negligence of the
Union Carbide India Ltd authorities. The CEO of
the company Warren Anderson was arrested in
the next day of disaster and later released on
bail on 7-12-84 at Bhopal. One way or other he
has left India and reached America safely. Later
during 1987 India government have summoned
him, and ten other company officials with
homicide charges to appear Indian court. But
they denide to accept it saying that the company
was not under the jurisdiction of Indian court. It
was a fact that the company officials including
the CEO were very reluctant to attend periodical
maintence of the plants and not cared to provide
skilled operators for the smooth and safe
functioning of the plants. Most of the safety
equipments used at the time of disaster were
unsuitable. In brief , we can say that the incident
was purely a man made one.
While concluding this article on the
occasion of 2015 Kollam Ham fair , three
decades after the most tragic Bhopal gas
disaster, I pay my tributes to thousands lost life
in the tragedy. I also wish happy living and good
luck to remaining survivors those who have
suffered very much till now after the gas disaster.
73s and regards.

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


With best compliments from:

With best compliments from:

Sunil Radhakrishnan

With best compliments from:


With best compliments from:

With best compliments from:

Rajesh R K Nair VU2IDB & Seethal Rajesh VU3JES

Syamalalayam, 95/Asramam Gardens, Asramam, Kollam-691002
Mob: 9447556407, 9072812500


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Bargraph / LED VU meter

LM3915 a monolithic integrated circuit

that detects analog voltage levels and
powers 10 LEDs, supplying a logarithmic
30dB display range ( 3 dB/step) which can
be calibrated logarithmically and is suitable
for log measurements as logarithmic bar
graph driver

Bargraph. Hence, replacing conventional

meters with an LED bargraph results in a
faster responding, more rugged display with
high visibility that retains the ease of
interpretation of an analog display

The principle of operation lies with the

working of LM3915. It basically consists
of a buffer amplifier which drives a series
of 10 comparators. The input to the
amplifier is the input analog voltage. Each
comparator receives a reference voltage
signal through a 1:10 potential divider
arrangement and compares the input
voltage with the reference voltage.
Accordingly the corresponding LED
connected to each comparator is driven
incase the input voltage is more than the
reference voltage. LM3915 can be
operated in dot or bar mode, wherein the
former means a single LED glows at one
time and the latter means LEDs glow in
continuous fashion. In other words dot
mode represents the instantaneous value
of audio wave. A Bar / Dot mode selector
may be brought out to pin 9. Leaving pin 9
unconnected results in a dot display.
Connecting pin 9 to pin 3 results a

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


R1 - trimpot 100 k
R2 - 2,2 k
R3 - 1 M
R4 - 2,7 k
R5 - 6,8 k
C1 - 0,47 uF
C2 - 10 uF
C3 - 47 nF
C4 - 4,7 uF
C5 - 0,1 uF C6 - 100 uF
C7 - 100 nF
IC1 - LM386
IC2 - LM3915
D1 - 1N4148
D2-D11 LED bargraph module or LEDs
Circuit specification
Supply voltage: 12 V. Supply current: 10 mA in stand-by, max. 80 mA. Input voltage:
min. 20 mV rms. Indication range: 30 dB. LED currents: 7 mA. Ref. voltage of IC2: 5 V.

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Selecting a Transistor for Tx Design

A guide for beginners

How to choose a transistor.

Before you read this page, please get a
Transistor data book made by manufacturer.
This page describes how to choose a transistor
in very amateurish way. Though it may not be a
correct way, but will be easy to understand.
1. Reference.
Reference means the transistor maker
manufactures and deals the transistor mainly
for particular usage. This is the most important
information. If you want to make 50MHz
transmitter, you must choose the UHF
transistor. You can not use the switching
transistor for this transmitter. The reference of
2SC1815 is low frequency amplification.
Therefore it is good for sound frequency
2. Maximum value of the collector
dissipation .Pc.
Pc means how much energy the
transistor can deals. In order to use transistor
safely from the damage, you must choose the
transistor which has 4 times higher Pc than the
output power of the amplifier. For example ,
2SC1815 has its Pc of 400mW therefore it can
deliver 100mW maximum power output. The
bigger Pc you choose the more safety the project
becomes. But it is not cost-effective to use a
transistor with too bigger Pc .However, a power
transistor with enough size of heat sink will be
more safe. Without a heat sink, the power
transistor may gets damaged easily.

the collector and the emitter. You must choose

a transistor which has twice the Vceo than the
voltage of the power supply. Foe example,
2SC1815 has 50 volts of Vceo. Therefore it can
be used with 25 volts or less as the Vcc of the
4. Transient frequency. ft.
The transient frequency means frequency limit
of the transistor . But on the transient frequency,
the transistor has no gain. Therefore, in order to
get enough gain, you must choose the transistor
ten times bigger of ft than the frequency you
must deal ( amplify or oscillate ) on the circuit.
For example 2SC1815 has 80 MHz of ft.
Therefore it can be used on the audio frequency
and Hf frequency lower than 8MHz. But ft
changes with its collector current. With enough
current, the ft of 2SC1815 becomes 500MHz.
Therefore it can be used on 50MHz.
The data book informs you many another
characteristics of the transistor. But you can
choose a transistor with above four
characteristics, which will be enough for many
amateur design.

3. Vceo
Means maximum value of emitter
grounding voltage which can applied between


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Why HAM Radio for

Disaster Management ?
Key to disaster management

- Effective

In these days disaster and terrorism

can strike at any moment. Communication is
the only relief as times of disaster and hence
the need for a efficient disaster management
system becomes imperative in public places
and even in business establishments and
important commercial joints where people
move around in large numbers. Disaster might
strike in the form of natural calamities,
terrorists attacks and accidents. Thus an
efficient disaster management system which
will work in adverse conditions is needed.
In times of natural calamity like floods, storms
or fire the usual mode of communication like
phone, mobile etc might not work or might
be lost in the calamity.
communication lines get disabled due to
flooding, cell towers are blown over or simply
choke due to high utilization, backup
generators run out of fuel or are filled up
with water.
Whatever be the situation, one can not
rely transporting fuel to keep the power up
for vital facilities since the power lines could
be snapped (often seen in photographs) with
uprooted trees and power lines and towers
twisted and broken completely, or simply
there is no road to the generators - either due
to floods, or due to various obstacles like
trees, or damaged roads or bridges.



There are others with Radios - Why HAM

Radios of police may not be
necessarily on same frequency as that of
firefighters. The military has its own set of
frequencies and even other departments that
use radio for communication can
communicate, however the communication is
limited within there own group! The truth is
they cannot communicate with each other and that is The biggest challenge. How to
convey message between diverse group of
disaster or relief agencies when they all have
sets, but cannot talk to each other.
The response phase after any disaster
includes the mobilization of the necessary
emergency services and first responders in the
disaster area. This is likely to include a first
wave of core emergency services, such as
firefighters, police and ambulance crews. This
is where HAM (Amateur) Radio comes in
picture. Using HF radio sets, messages can
be conveyed or relayed to long distance and
accurate picture of situation on the ground,
requirements and key information could be
sent to disaster response team.
Advantage Amateur (HAM) Radio

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


The society at large must be well

protected and the protection given by the
disaster management forces must be instant
and immediate. Thus the disaster management
crew must be well trained and equipped with
the best appliances which might help them to
communicate the condition they are in and the
status of the calamity in the region they work
for. With HAMS, Amateur Radio operators,
you have a ready workforce that is efficient
with regards to communicating with each
other efficiently and effectively. They are
known for innovation and apt at adapting to
situations. Unlike commercial systems,
Amateur radio is not as dependent on
terrestrial facilities that can fail. It is dispersed
throughout a community without choke
points such as cellular telephone sites that
can be overloaded.
Amateur radio operators are
experienced in improvising antennas and
power sources and most equipment today can
be powered by an automobile battery. Annual
Field Days are held in many countries to
practice these emergency improvisational
skills. Amateur radio operators can use
hundreds of frequencies and can quickly
establish networks tying disparate agencies
together to enhance interoperability.
Some recent examples where HAM
Radio operators played a significant role in
communication during disasters are 2001
attacks on the World Trade Center in
Manhattan, 2003 North America blackout , and
Hurricane Katrina in September 2005
In India, Ham communication support was
given for Orissa Cyclone, Latur Earthquake,
Tsunami and Aila
Despite the fact that many states in
India get affected by natural and other
calamities, proper coordination between
different agencies is still not very effective.

Amateur Radio Operators volunteer to offer

help as and when needed, however there is no
national database on active operators who can
be called upon during any disaster, and also if
they have right setup (which means - ready to
go on air gear) at short notice. UN and other
agencies do allocate funds to various
departments for establishing suitable amateur
radio stations, but apathy and lack of vision has
so far done nothing substantial to setup a
national backbone or disaster management
setup other than creation of various agencies
for disaster management.
Amateur Radio has also been included
in school textbooks, but nothing beats a
practical demonstration and in that regard, not
many would ever see a rig in operation. They
could write about it in exams without even
looking at how an amateur radio really looks
The Ham Emergency And Rescue Team
(HEART) is a sub-division of the Quilon
Amateur Radio League.
The team consists of Amateur Radio
Operators who are trained and dedicated to
providing radio communications for
governments,civil-preparedness and relief
agencies during periods of local,regional or
national civil emergencies.These emergencies
may include natural disasters or man made
Established by the QARL, in April 18 2012,
the HEART provides communications to Govt.
agencies in times of need and supports the
district administration with radio
Heart is under the administration of QARL
executive board. HEART operators meet and
train with govt officials so that they can be an
effective part of an emergeny response.

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam



QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

6 Element monoband 20m yagi

QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


BC Dxers
I listens to Radio National DE Brazil and Radio
Argentina Al Exterio on my small radio in a good

stations. Commonly heard powerful foreign radio

stations in India are BBC, China Radio

propagation condition. A serious SW listener or

BC Dxer will exchange this type of information

International, Radio Romania International, Awr

Asia from GUAM and Srilanka Broaad Casting

with other Dxer. Very few people will be familiar

with the foreign radio station broadcasts and in

corporation. Even with a small analogue

receiver it is very easy to pick up these stations

this section I am referring the category of

listeners who have avid knowledge about all radio

on the sw bands. Now a days so many private

FM broadcasts are available from various cities

This fascinating and scientific hobby of radio

all over India. A listener can tune to the

broadcasts beaming to his area either in English

listening is entirely different from other hobbies

and it requires lot of patience. Perhaps

or in his own mother tongue.

By listening to all stations, he will get a good

everybody knows Dxers are famous for their

patience. Then what is Dx-ing? Who is a Dxer.

understanding of the world in which he live in

and also good knowledge of different culture and

The listener who sits in front of the radio twiddling

the knobs of the receiver for whisper

After listening to the concerned station he should

of sounds from a distant foreign broadcast

station with the expectation of picking up new

send a reception report to the station by post or

email, which may be acknowledged by the radio

stations is called BC Dx-er and this wonderful

hobby is called BC Dx-ing. All you have to need

station with a beautiful QSL card. In the reception

report he will include date, time in GMT or UTC,

is a good sw receiver and it doesnt require any

monitory investment. Dxing involves tuning into

frequency in KHZ on MHZ, language, place

received, type of receiver antennas, content of

farthest and faintest broadcasts. A Dxer always

scan the entire sw spectrum day and night to

the program and reception report using the

SINPO or SIO code. This reception reporting

pickup new radio station. For a Dxer, monitoring

a new station is just discovering a new station

code is internationally accepted by stations and

for genuine rating S meter is needed in your

in the galaxy. Once you are involved in this hobby

you couldnt escape from it. The listener monitor

receiver. Now a days many stations prefer SIO

code which is easy to understand and lets have

many radio stations in order to get up-to-date

information about in and out of their country and

a look at this. S stands for signal strength I

for interferance and O for overall merit. This

also to listen to their traditional music and songs.

This is the only hobby which will keep you

again are divided into 5 classes.

Signal Strength
oveall Ratings

informed about the current developments in and

out of your country.
A beginner Dxer, in the initial stages of Dxing
must devote much time to this hobby and be
ready to listen to the well known and powerful


5. Excellent
4. Good



3. Fair
2. Poor



1. Barely Audible



QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

Suppose you are listening to foreign radio

band scan during the particular seasons. The

stations and if the signal strength is good you

author has also served as a official monitor for 2

can write it as No. 4 and if the interference is nil

US stations previously. The listeners may know

you can write it as 5. Then the overall rating is

some station have technical programs weekly

the most important item in the code. The overall

and promoting the activity Wave San is a very

rating will vary from person to person at the place

informative DX programe aired by Adventist

he lives. So you can give the overall rating as

world Radio (AWR) from guam island in pacific

good No. 4. So the reception report in SIO code

ocean on every Sunday. You can listen their

is 4-5-4. If you put the SIO code as 5-5-5 even if

program from 15.30 to 16.00 hours GMT on

it is actually not, this mislead the station and

15660 Khz and it is repeated from 16.00 to 16.30

your reception report will not be of much use to

hours GMT on 15530 Khz on Sundays.

the technical department of the foreign radio

Presently many radio stations have

station. Please remember that there are other

closed down their English programs on SW and

DXers like you who will be sending similar

moved to internet. Radio Netherland, Radio

reports from your areas. The stations also need

Budapest, Belgium radio & TV, Radio Sweden

your comments, views, suggestions criticism

Radio Norway, Radio Finland swiss radio

about their program and little bit about you, your

international, Italian Radio & TV, Radio Tashkent

works, surroundings etc.

etc all left the SW . Now a days popular stations

Soon after the station receives the reception

reports, they will check the same with their station
log and will send QSL cards, stickers and other
promotional materials. Generally return postage
is not required for the stations broad costing to
your area, but few stations prefer postages like
IRC for an AIR mail reply. By monitoring all
stations transmitting to your area next step is to
pick up broadcast not meant for your area. The
time taken for a reply varies depending upon
the location and QSL policies of the station.
Hence it is very difficult to comment on the QSL

from Europe were BBC, Radio Romania

International & Vatican radio etc. You can also
listen signal from Radio Havava, CUBA from
01.00 to 2.00 hours GMT on 6000 Khz.this is a
popular station from caribiean. From USA, WRMI
(Radio Miami international) Wrno-World wide
WEWN-Alabama are presently active.
Subscribing DX magazine from DX club and
joining as a member will improve your activity.
World Radio & TV handbook published from
Denmark is a Bible of BC DXer and he will keep
it as a pride of his collection.

policies of station not broad costing to your area.

Well if you are turning to the HAM BAND at 8.30

Many radio stations in African continent, does

1st (3.00 hours) UTC) on the frequency of 7085

not have foreign service outside their continent

Khz, on SSB you will be hearing hams

but this may be picked up by listeners outside

exchanging BC DX information on BC DxNet

Africa, especially in a good propagation

on Sundays. The net will keep you informed


about the latest times and frequencies of radio

There are many official monitors appointed by

various foreign radio stations. It is their duty to
moniter the broadcast on a daily basis as

broadcasts, QSL policy etc.

Try to be patient and start BC DXing and
make friends around you.

informed by this stations and also to send

reception reports covering no of days and to do
QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


With best compliments from:

Vibin Lukose VU3VBN

9447211385 ,9947712668

_nkn-\kv t]Pv
(Reg. No. Q230/2014) ssjkv Sqdnv sk, Ccp-p-]m-e-n\v kao-]w, sImw

tlmw \gvkv, hop-tPm-en, Hm^okv m^v, skbnkv m^v

am-nwKv FIvkn-Iyq-o-hv, skIyq-cn-n, ss{Uh, tlmkv]n- etc
tPmen Bh-iy-ap--hcpw
tPmen-msc Bh-iy-ap-Xpw _-s-SpI

TRADE MARK RGD. NO: 837164/18-01-99


Industrial Nagar PP.O.,
.O., Changanacherry- 686106
Phone : 0481 - 2722877, Mob: 944712877


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

With best Compliments from:

S Rajendran VU2BOS, Usha Rajendran VU3ILO

Reshma Rajendran VU2INS, Neha Rajendran VU3HYR
P R Aneesh VU2AOU

With best compliments from:

Prasad Sivapalan VU2TBK


With best compliments from:


DLF DX club
Street. EDAPPADI-POST 637101
Selem dist.
Tamilnadu, India
Mob. 09943345999
QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Hamfest India 2014 held at Muffakham Jah college of engineering technology on November
8th &9th November 2014 at Hydrabad. The event was a grant success WITH MORE THAN 1000
We congratulate the Lamakaan Amateur Radio Club office bearers and members for the
effort ,and the sponsors, IEEE Hydrabad chapter and Muffakham Jah college of engineering Managing
committee. The next hamfest goes to Rajkot in Gujarat . Hope to meet u all AT Rajkot.

With best compliments from:

Nakesh R VU3HLX
Chinnu Nakesh VU3HLZ
With best compliments from:

Anilkumar VU2NTH


Kenwood TS 480 - SAT

Alinco 30A Power Supply (SMPS)
I Com 2 m base IC 2200H
Opek Commu- Speaker with Noice Filter
Kenwood TH 235A
Kenwood TH K2
Kenwood TH 255 + OPB -43 H + OBC (New not used)
Lenear Diawa LA 2080H
3 SS wire all band HF antenna Australia make Bush Comm.
(can use with out antenna tuner)
VHF Collinear (Japan make)
Antenna rotater with base R 7000 Nippon
(Special dicount for bulk purchase, individual items will not
be sold)
Please Contact : 8086195273


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam


Electronic Wires, Cable Connectors, Sleeves & Panel Accessories
Opp. Medical Trust Hospital, Pallimukku, M.G. Road, Ernakulam,
Cochin-16, Phone: 0484-2354532, 2371067

Electronic Cables, Wires & Connectors

Moulded Cables - HDMI, VGA, Patch Code &
Audio Video Calbe Accessories


QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam



QARL NEWS - Official news Letter of the Quilon Amateur Radio League,Kollam

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