Enhanced Management Framework For Information Management/Information Technology Project Plan Template

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Enhanced Management Framework

for Information Management/Information


Project Plan Template Overview

What is a Project Plan?
The project plan is the controlling document to manage an Information
Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) project. The project plan describes the:

Interim and final deliverables the project will deliver,

Managerial and technical processes necessary to develop the project deliverables,

Resources required to deliver the project deliverables, and

Additional plans required to support the project.

Why create a Project Plan?

Documenting the decisions is essential. As you record, gaps appear and inconsistencies
protrude. Creating the project plan usually requires hundreds of mini-decisions and these
bring clarity to the project.
The project plan communicates the decisions to others. Often what we assume is common
knowledge is unknown by other members of the team. Fundamentally, the project
managers goal is to keep everyone progressing in the same direction and communication
is essential to achieve this goal. The project plan makes communicating a lot easier.
The project plan is a wealth of information as well as a checklist. By reviewing the
project plan, as often as is required, the project manager knows where the project is to
identify what correction action or changes of emphasis or shifts in direction are needed.
80% of a project managers time is spent on communication: hearing, reporting, teaching,
counselling, and encouraging. The other 20% is spent on activities where the project
manager needs information that is data-based. The project plan is a critical set of
documents that should meet this need.
The job of the project manager is to develop a project plan and to accomplish it. Only the
written project plan is precise and communicable. The project plan consists of documents
on who, what, why, when, where, how and how much. The project plan encapsulates
much of the project managers work. If their comprehensive and critical nature is
recognized in the beginning, the manager can approach them as friendly tools rather than
annoying overhead. The project managers can set the direction much more crisply and
quickly by doing so.1

Brooks, P., The Mythical Man Month Anniversary Edition, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995.

Draft Version 1.0 November 1999

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Is the Project Plan Applicable to all IM/IT Projects?

The project plan is applicable to all types of IM/IT projects regardless of size, complexity
or criticality. Not all projects are concerned with developing source code for a new
software product. Projects can cover
Business cases,
Feasibility studies and the definition of IM/IT requirements,
Specific phases of an IM/IT product life cycle,
Major modifications to existing software products, and
Upgrades to technical infrastructure.
Smaller projects may require less formality than larger projects, but all components of the
project plan should be addressed by everyIM/ITproject.

Who is responsible for the Project Plan?

The individual or organization responsible for the IM/IT project will be responsible for
the project plan.

Evolution of Project Plans

One of the first activities to be completed in a project is the initial version of the project
plan. Over time, as the inputs to the project are better understood, the plans will become
more detailed. Each version of the project plan should be placed under configuration
management, and each version should contain a schedule for subsequent updates to the
project plan.

What is the Project Plan Template?

The project plan template presents the format and content of an IM/IT project plan. The
ordering of the sections is not meant to imply the order to develop the sections. The order
is meant for ease of reading, presentation, and use, and not as a guide to the order of
preparation of the various section.
This template is based on the IEEE Std 1058-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Project
Management Plans.
The text within each section is for the benefit of the person writing the project plan and
should be removed before the project plan is completed.
The template is for project managers and other individuals who prepare and update
project plans and track adherence to those plans.

Draft Version 1.0 November 1999

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Tailoring the Project Plan Template

Incorporate additional elements by inserting or appending sections by direct
incorporation or by reference to other documents.
Organizations can develop generic project plans so that projects can reuse sections that
are common across the organization such as organization charts, roles and
responsibilities, supporting processes, and infrastructure allowing projects to focus on
project-unique elements such as requirements, schedule, budget, etc.


Project Management Process


Project Planning Process


Project Tracking and Oversight Process

IEEE Std 1058-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Project Management Plans.
Watts S. Humphrey. Managing the Software Process. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.,

The Project Planning, Tracking, and Oversight (PPTO) Working Group of the Enhanced
Management Framework (EMF) of the Chief Information Officer Branch (CIOB) of the
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) developed this document.
The following individuals contributed to the development of this document:
Linda Albert

Revenue Canada

Vern French


Mark Jennings

Department of National Defence

Debbie Jones

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Roy Mundt

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Debbie Sleeman

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Raymond Vilbikaitis Prior

Draft Version 1.0 November 1999

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Document Change Control


Date of Issue


Brief Description of Change




Initial Draft




Updates from first level review.



TBS Client

Updates to comply with TBS

Document/Web standards




Updates from PPTO Working Group





First Draft

Draft Version 1.0 November 1999

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Document Revision #:
Date of Issue:
Project Manager:

Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Approval Signatures

Approved by:

Prepared by:

Business Project Leader

Business Project Manager

Approved by:

Prepared by:

Reviewed by:

< Insert Revision Number and Date of Issue >

IM/IT Project Leader

IM/IT Project Manager

Quality Assurance Manager

Page i

Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Table of Contents

Project Overview............................................................................................
1.1 Purpose, Scope, and Objectives....................................................................................
1.2 Assumptions and Constraints.........................................................................................
1.3 Project Deliverables........................................................................................................
1.4 Schedule and Budget Summary.....................................................................................
1.5 Evolution of the Plan.......................................................................................................
1.6 References.....................................................................................................................
1.7 Definitions and Acronyms...............................................................................................


Project Organization......................................................................................
2.1 External Interfaces..........................................................................................................
2.2 Internal Structure............................................................................................................
2.3 Roles and Responsibilities.............................................................................................


Managerial Process Plans.............................................................................

3.1 Start-up Plan...................................................................................................................
3.1.1 Estimates...............................................................................................................................
3.1.2 Staffing...................................................................................................................................
3.1.3 Resource Acquisition.............................................................................................................
3.1.4 Project Staff Training.............................................................................................................

3.2 Work Plan.......................................................................................................................

3.2.1 Work Breakdown Structure....................................................................................................
3.2.2 Schedule Allocation...............................................................................................................
3.2.3 Resource Allocation...............................................................................................................
3.2.4 Budget Allocation...................................................................................................................

3.3 Project Tracking Plan......................................................................................................

3.3.1 Requirements Management..................................................................................................
3.3.2 Schedule Control...................................................................................................................
3.3.3 Budget Control.......................................................................................................................
3.3.4 Quality Control.......................................................................................................................
3.3.5 Reporting...............................................................................................................................
3.3.6 Project Metrics.......................................................................................................................

3.4 Risk Management Plan..................................................................................................

3.5 Project Closeout Plan...................................................................................................


Technical Process Plans.............................................................................

4.1 Process Model..............................................................................................................


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

4.2 Methods, Tools, and Techniques...................................................................................

4.3 Infrastructure.................................................................................................................
4.4 Product Acceptance......................................................................................................


Supporting Process Plans..........................................................................

5.1 Configuration Management..........................................................................................
5.2 Verification and Validation.............................................................................................
5.3 Documentation.............................................................................................................
5.4 Quality Assurance.........................................................................................................
5.5 Reviews and Audits......................................................................................................
5.6 Problem Resolution......................................................................................................
5.7 Subcontractor Management.........................................................................................
5.8 Process Improvement...................................................................................................


Additional Plans...........................................................................................

Annex A................................................................................................................
Annex B................................................................................................................


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Document Change Control

This section provides control for the development and distribution of revisions to the
Project Charter up to the point of approval. The Project Charter does not change
throughout the project life cycle, but rather is developed at the beginning of the project
(immediately following project initiation approval, and in the earliest stages of project
planning). The Project Charter provides an ongoing reference for all project stakeholders.
The table below includes the revision number (defined within your Documentation Plan
Outline), the date of update/issue, the author responsible for the changes, and a brief
description of the context and/or scope of the changes in that revision.
Revision Number

Date of Issue



Approved by


Brief Description of Change


Page iv

Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

1. Project Overview
This section of the IM/IT Project Management Plan provides an overview of the
purpose, scope and objectives of the project for which the Plan has been written, the
project assumptions and constraints, a list of project deliverables, a summary of the
project schedule and budget, and the plan for evolving the IM/IT Project
Management Plan.
1.1 Purpose, Scope, and Objectives

Define the purpose and scope of the project.

Describe any considerations of scope or objectives to be excluded from the

project or the deliverables.

Ensure that the statement of scope is consistent with similar statements in

the business case, the project charter and any other relevant system-level or
business-level documents.

Identify and describe the business or system needs to be satisfied by the


Provide a concise summary of:

the project objectives,

the deliverables required to satisfy the project objectives, and
the methods by which satisfaction of the objectives will be determined.

Describe the relationship of this project to other projects.

If appropriate, describe how this project will be integrated with other

projects or ongoing work processes.

Provide a reference to the official statement of project requirements (e.g.: in

the business case or the project charter).

1.2 Assumptions, Constraints and Risks

Describe the assumptions on which the project is based.

Describe the imposed constraints and risks on the project such as:

software to be reused,
existing software to be incorporated,
technology to be used, and
external interfaces.


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

1.3 Project Deliverables

Identify and list the following, as required to satisfy the terms of the project
charter or contract:

project deliverables (either directly in this Plan, or by reference to an

external document),
delivery dates,
delivery location, ands
quantities required.

Specify the delivery media.

Specify any special instructions for packaging and handling.

1.4 Schedule and Budget Summary

Provide a summary of the schedule and budget for the IM/IT project.

Restrict the level of detail to an itemization of the major work activities and
supporting processes (e.g.: give only the top level of the work breakdown

1.5 Evolution of the Plan

Identify the compliance of this Plan to any standards.

The structure of this Project Plan is in compliance with the recommendations of

IEEE Std 1058-1998.

Specify the plans for producing both scheduled and unscheduled updates to
this Plan.

Specify how the updates to this Plan shall be disseminated.

Specify how the initial version of this Plan shall be placed under
configuration management.

Specify how changes to this Plan shall be controlled after its issue.

1.6 References

Provide a complete list of all documents and other sources of information

referenced in this Plan.

Identify each referenced document by title, report number, date, author and
publishing organization.

Identify other referenced sources of information, such as electronic files,

using unique identifiers such as path/name, date and version number.

Identify and justify any deviations from the referenced standards or policies.


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

1.7 Definitions and Acronyms

Define, or provide references to documents or annexes containing the

definition of all terms and acronyms required to properly understand this


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

2. Project Organization
2.1 External Interfaces

Describe the organizational boundaries between the project and external


Identify, as applicable:

the parent organization,

the customer,
subcontracted organizations, and
other organizational entities that interact with the project.

Use organizational charts or diagrams to depict the project's external


2.2 Internal Structure

Describe the internal structure of the project organization.

Describe the interfaces among the units of the IM/IT development team.

Describe the interfaces between the project and organizational entities that
provide supporting processes, such as configuration management, quality
assurance, and verification and validation.

Use organizational charts or diagrams to depict the lines of authority,

responsibility and communication within the project.

2.3 Roles and Responsibilities

Identify and state the nature of each major work activity and supporting

Identify the organizational units that are responsible for those processes and

Consider using a matrix of work activities and supporting processes vs.

organizational units to depict project roles and responsibilities.


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

3. Managerial Process Plans

This section of the IM/IT Project Management Plan specifies the project
management processes for the project. This section defines the plans for project
start-up, risk management, project work, project tracking and project close-out.
3.1 Start-up Plan




Specify the estimated cost, schedule and resource requirements for

conducting the project, and specify the associated confidence levels
for each estimate.

Specify the methods, tools and techniques used to estimate project

cost, schedule and resource requirements;

Specify the sources of estimate data and the basis of the estimation
such as: analogy, rule of thumb, standard unit of size, cost model,
historical database, etc.

Specify the methods, tools, techniques to be used to re-estimate the

project cost, schedule and required resources.

Specify the schedule for re-estimation, which might be regular, a

periodic or event-driven (e.g.: on project milestones).


Specify the number of required staff, providing the following

number of personnel by skill level,
numbers and skill levels in each project phase, and
duration of personnel requirement.

Specify the sources of staff personnel (e.g.: internal transfer, new

hire, contracted, etc.)

Consider using resource Gantt charts, resource histograms,

spreadsheets and tables to depict the staffing plan by skill level, by
project phase, and by aggregations of skill levels and project phases.

Resource Acquisition

Specify the plan for acquiring the resources and assets, in addition to
personnel, needed to successfully complete the project.

Describe the resource acquisition process.

Specify the assignment of responsibility for all aspects of resource



Project Plan
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Project Plan


< Insert Project Name >

Specify acquisition plans for equipment, computer hardware and

software, training, service contracts, transportation, facilities, and
administrative and janitorial services.

Specify when in the project schedule the various acquisition

activities will be required.

Specify any constraints on acquiring the necessary resources.

If necessary, expand this subsection to lower levels, to accommodate

acquisition plans for various types of resources.

Project Staff Training

Specify the training needed to ensure that necessary skill levels in

sufficient numbers are available to successfully conduct the IM/IT

Specify the following training information:

the types of training to be provided,

numbers of personnel to be trained,
entry and exit criteria for training, and
the training method, for example: lectures, consultations,
mentoring, computer-assisted training, etc.

Identify training as needed in technical, managerial and supporting

activity skills.

3.2 Work Plan


Work Breakdown Structure

Define a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to specify the various

work activities to be performed in the IM/IT project, and to depict
the relationships among these work activities.

Decompose the work activities to a level that exposes all project risk
factors, and that allows accurate estimation of resource requirements
and schedule duration for each work activity.

Specify the following factors for each work activity:

necessary resources,
estimated duration,
products or deliverables of the activity,
acceptance criteria for the work activity products, and
predecessor and successor work activities.

The level of decomposition internally within the WBS may vary

depending on the quality of the requirements, familiarity of the
work, applicable level of technology, etc.


Project Plan
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Project Plan



< Insert Project Name >

Schedule Allocation

Specify the scheduling relationships among the project work

activities in a manner that depicts the time-sequencing constraints
and illustrates opportunities for concurrent work activities.

Identify the critical path in the schedule.

Indicate any constraints on the scheduling of particular work

activities, that are caused by external factors.

Identify appropriate schedule milestones to assess the scope and

quality of project work products and of project achievement status.

Techniques for depicting schedule relationships may include

milestone charts, activity lists, activity Gantt charts, activity
networks, critical path networks and PERT charts.

Resource Allocation

Provide a detailed itemization of the resources allocated to each

major work activity in the project WBS.

Specify the numbers and required skill levels of personnel for each
work activity.

Specify, as appropriate, the allocation of the following resources:


personnel (by skill level),

computing resources
software tools
special testing and simulation facilities, and
administrative support.

Use a separate line item for each type of resource for each work

Budget Allocation

Provide a detailed breakdown of the necessary resource budgets for

each of the major work activities in the WBS.

Specify the estimated cost for activity personnel, and include as

appropriate, the costs for the following items:

computing resources,
software tools,
special testing and simulation facilities, and
administrative support.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Use a separate line item for each type of resource in each activity

3.3 Project Tracking Plan




Requirements Management

Specify the process for measuring, reporting and controlling changes

to the project requirements.

Specify the processes to be used in assessing the impact of

requirements changes on product scope and quality, and the impacts
of requirements changes on project schedule, budget, resources and
risk factors.

In the configuration management processes, specify change control

procedures and the formation and use of a change control board.

In the processes for requirements management, include traceability,

prototyping and modeling, impact analysis and reviews.

Schedule Control

Specify the schedule control activities by identifying the processes

to be used for the following purposes:
to measure the progress of work completed at the major and
minor project milestones,
to compare actual progress to planned progress, and
to implement corrective action when actual progress does not
conform to planned progress.

Specify the methods and tools that will be used to measure and
control schedule progress.

Identify the objective criteria that will be used to measure the scope
and quality of work completed at each milestone, and hence to
assess the achievement of each schedule milestone.

Budget Control

Specify the budget control activities by identifying the processes to

be used for the following purposes:
to measure the cost of work completed,
to compare the actual cost to the planned and budgeted costs,
to implement corrective action when the actual cost does not
conform to the budgeted cost.

Specify when cost reporting will be done in the project schedule.


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >




Specify the methods and tools that will be used to track the project

Identify the schedule milestones and objective indicators that will be

used to assess the scope and quality of the work completed at those

Specify the use of a mechanism such as earned value tracking to

report the budget and schedule plan, schedule progress, and the cost
of work completed.

Quality Control

Specify the processes to be used to measure and control the quality

of the work and the resulting work products.

Specify the use of quality control processes such as quality

assurance of conformance to work processes, verification and
validation, joint reviews, audits and process assessment.


Specify the reporting mechanisms, report formats and information

flows to be used in communicating the status of requirements,
schedule, budget, quality, and other desired or required status
metrics within the project and to entities external to the project.

Specify the methods, tools and techniques of communication.

Specify a frequency and detail of communications related to project

management and metrics measurement that is consistent with the
project scope, criticality, risk and visibility.

Project Metrics

Specify the methods, tools, and techniques to be used in collecting

and retaining project metrics.

Specify the following metrics process information:

identification of the metrics to be collected,

frequency of collection, and
processes for validating, analyzing, and reporting the metrics.

3.4 Risk Management Plan

Specify the risk management plan for identifying, analyzing, and

prioritizing project risk factors.

Specify plans for assessing initial risk factors and for the ongoing
identification, assessment, and mitigation of risk factors throughout the life
cycle of the project.


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Describe the following:

procedures for contingency planning,

procedures for tracking the various risk factors,
procedures for evaluating changes in the levels of the risk factors and
responding to changes in the levels of the risk factors,
risk management work activities,
procedures and schedules for performing risk management work
risk documentation and reporting requirements,
organizations and personnel responsible for performing specific risk
management activities, and
procedures for communicating risks and risk status among the various
customer, project and subcontractor organizations.

Identify and describe the applicable impact of any of the following risk

risks in the customer-project relationship,

contractual risks,
technological risks,
risks caused by the size and complexity of the product,
risks in the development and target environments,
risks in personnel acquisition, skill levels and retention
risks to schedule and budget, and
risks in achieving customer acceptance of the deliverables.

3.5 Project Closeout Plan

Identify the plans necessary to ensure orderly closeout of the IM/IT project.

Specify the following:

a staff reassignment plan

a process for archiving project materials,
a process for capturing project metrics in the business projects
a process for post-mortem debriefings of project personnel, and
a plan for preparation of a final report to include lessons learned and an
analysis of project objectives achieved.


Project Plan
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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

4. Technical Process Plans

4.1 Process Model

Define the relationships among major project work activities and supporting

Describe the flow of information and work products among activities and

Specify the timing of work products to be generated.

Identify the reviews to be conducted.

Specify the major milestones to be achieved.

Define the baselines to be established.

Identify the project deliverable to be completed.

Specify the required approvals within the duration of the project.

In the process model for the project, include project initiation and project
termination activities.

Use a combination of graphical and textual notations to describe the project

process model.

Indicate any tailoring of your organization's standard process model for a


4.2 Methods, Tools, and Techniques

Specify the development methodologies, programming languages and other

notations, and the processes, tools and techniques to be used to specify,
design, build, test, integrate, document, deliver, modify and maintain the
project deliverable and non-deliverable work products.

Specify the technical standards, policies, and procedures governing

development and/or modification of the work products.

4.3 Infrastructure

Specify the plan for establishing and maintaining the development

environment (hardware, operating system, network and software), and the
policies, procedures, standards, and facilities required to conduct the IM/IT
project. These resources may include workstations, local area networks,
software tools for analysis, design implementations, testing, and project
management, desks, office space, and provisions for physical security,
administrative personnel, and janitorial services.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

4.4 Product Acceptance

Specify the plan for customer acceptance of the deliverables generated by

the IM/IT project.

Specify objective criteria for determining acceptability of the deliverables.

Reference a formal agreement of the acceptance criteria signed by

representatives of theIM/ITorganization and the customer.

Specify any technical processes, methods, or tools required for deliverable

acceptance, such as testing, demonstration, analysis and inspection.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

5. Supporting Process Plans

5.1 Configuration Management

Specify or reference the configuration management plan for the IM/IT

project, providing the information identified in the following lines.

Specify the methods that will be used to perform the following activities:

Specify the processes of configuration management including procedures

for the following activities:

configuration identification,
configuration control,
status accounting,
evaluation, and
release management.

initial baselining of work products,

logging and analysis of change requests,
change control board procedures,
tracking of changes in progress, and
procedures for notification of concerned parties when baselines are
established or changed.

Identify the automated configuration management tools used to support the

configuration management process.

5.2 Verification and Validation

Specify or reference the verification and validation plan for the IM/IT
project, providing the information identified in the following lines.

Specify the scope, tools, techniques and responsibilities for the verification
and validation work activities.

Specify the organizational relationships and degrees of independence

between development activities and verification and validation activities.

Specify the use of verification techniques such as traceability, milestone

reviews, progress reviews, peer reviews, prototyping, simulation and

Specify the use of validation techniques such as testing, demonstration,

analysis and inspection.

Identify the automated tools to be used in verification and validation.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

5.3 Documentation

Specify the plans for generating non-deliverable and deliverable project


Specify the organizational entities responsible for providing input

information, and for generating and reviewing the project documentation.

Specify the following information or object identification:

list of documents to be prepared,

controlling template or standard for each document,
who will prepare each document,
who will review each document,
due dates for review copies,
due dates for initial baseline versions, and
a distribution list for review copies and baseline versions and quantities

5.4 Quality Assurance

Specify or reference the quality assurance plan for the IM/IT project,
containing the information identified in the following lines.

Specify the plans for assuring that the IM/IT project fulfills its
commitments to the IM/IT process and the IM/IT product as specified in the
requirements specification, the IM/IT Project Management Plan, supporting
plans and any standards, procedures, or guidelines to which the process or
the product must adhere.

As applicable, specify the quality assurance procedures to be used, such as

analysis, inspection, review, audit, and assessment.

Indicate the relationship among the quality assurance, verification and

validation, review, audit, configuration management, system engineering,
and assessment processes.

5.5 Reviews and Audits

Specify the schedule, resources, and processes, and procedures to be used in

conducting project reviews and audits.

Specify the plans for joint customer-project reviews, management progress

reviews, developer peer reviews, quality assurance audits, and
customer-conducted reviews and audits.

List the external agencies that approve or regulate any project deliverable.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

5.6 Problem Resolution

Specify the resources, methods, tools, techniques and procedures to be used

in reporting, analyzing, prioritizing and processing IM/IT problem reports
generated during the project.

Indicate the roles of development, configuration management, the change

control board, and verification and validation in problem resolution work

Provide for separate tracking of effort expended on problem reporting,

analysis and resolution, so that rework can be tracked and process
improvement accomplished.

5.7 Subcontractor Management

Specify or reference the plans for selecting and managing any

subcontractors that may participate in or contribute to the IM/IT project.

Specify the criteria for selecting subcontractors.

Generate a separate management plan for each subcontract, using a tailored

version of this Project Plan, and include all items necessary to ensure
successful completion of each subcontract as follows:

requirements management,
monitoring of technical progress,
schedule and budget control
product acceptance criteria,
risk management procedures,
additional topics as needed to ensure successful completion of the
subcontract, and
a reference to the official subcontract and subcontractor/prime
contractor points of contact.

5.8 Process Improvement

Specify the plans for periodically assessing the project, for determining
areas for improvement, and for implementing the improvement plans.

Ensure that the process improvement plan is closely related to the problem
resolution plan.

Include in the improvement plan, a process to identify the project processes

that can be improved without serious disruption to an ongoing project, and
to identify the project processes that can best be improved by process
improvement initiatives at the organizational level.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

6. Additional Plans

Specify or reference any additional plans required to satisfy product

requirements and contractual terms, which may include:

plans for assuring that safety, privacy, and security requirements are
special facilities or equipment specification,
product installation plans,
user training plans,
integration plans,
data conversion plans,
system transition plans,
product maintenance plans, or
product support plans.


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Annex A


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Project Plan

< Insert Project Name >

Annex B


Project Plan
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