Behaviour Based Safety
Behaviour Based Safety
Behaviour Based Safety
Which of the given options best describes the value of a formal and
structured safety condition and behavior observation?
In order to prepare for corrective feedback you need a clear idea of the
desired result.
Which one of the given options best describes the mindset that
must be in place on the highest level of a safety maturity ladder?
Safety is a way of thinking, working and running the business and the safety
aspect is part of every work related consideration.
Everybody holds the responsibility for the safety onboard. Everybody should
react upon poor and unsafe behavior and condition whether it involves a
subordinate, a colleague or a superior.
Which one of the given option has been identified in the module as
one of the key elements of safety communication?
Which one of the given options is the true main reason why it is
always important to follow up on safety behavior modification
Define and specify what to observe, prepare the observation, intervene and
provide corrective feedback and follow up on actions.
Which one of the actions in the options given is most likely to reveal
why the feedback advice given to an employee was not followed by
the employee?