Local Gov't Code Tax2 Final

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SEC. 130. Fundamental Principles.

- The following quarry resources shall be issued exclusively by the

fundamental principles shall govern the exercise of the provincial governor, pursuant to the ordinance of the
taxing and other revenue-raising powers of local sangguniang panlalawigan. The proceeds of the tax on
government units: sand, gravel and other quarry resources shall be distributed
(a) Taxation shall be uniform in each local government as follows
unit; (b) Taxes, fees, charges and other (1) be equitable and (1) Province - Thirty percent (30%);
based as far as practicable on the taxpayer's ability to pay; (2) Component city or municipality where the sand, gravel,
(2) be levied and collected only for public purposes; and other quarry resources are extracted - Thirty percent
(3) not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory; (30%); and
(4) not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic (3) barangay where the sand, gravel, and other quarry
policy, or in restraint of trade; resources are extracted - Forty percent (40%).
(c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other SEC. 139. Professional Tax. - (a) The province may levy an
impositions shall in no case be let to any private person; annual professional tax on each person engaged in the
(d) The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of this exercise or practice of his profession requiring government
Code shall inure solely to the benefit of, and be subject to examination at such amount and reasonable classification
disposition by, the local government unit levying the tax, as the sangguniang panlalawigan may determine but shall
fee, charge or other imposition unless otherwise in no case exceed Three hundred pesos (P=300.00).
specifically provided herein; and, (b) Every person legally authorized to practice his
(e) Each local government unit shall, as far as practicable, profession shall pay the professional tax to the province
evolve a progressive system of taxation. where he practices his profession or where he maintains his
SEC. 135. Tax on Transfer of Real Property Ownership. - principal office in case he practices his profession in
(a) The province may impose a tax on the sale, donation, several places: Provided, however, That such person who
barter, or on any other mode of transferring ownership or has paid the corresponding professional tax shall be entitled
title of real property at the rate of not more than fifty to practice his profession in any part of the Philippines
percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the total without being subjected to any other national or local tax,
consideration involved in the acquisition of the property or license, or fee for the practice of such profession.
of the fair market value in case the monetary consideration (c) Any individual or corporation employing a person
involved in the transfer is not substantial, whichever is subject to professional tax shall require payment by that
higher. The sale, transfer or other disposition of real person of the tax on his profession before employment and
property pursuant to R.A. No. 6657 shall be exempt from annually thereafter.
this tax. (d) The professional tax shall be payable annually, on or
(b) For this purpose, the Register of Deeds of the province before the thirty-first (31st) day of January. Any person
concerned shall, before registering any deed, require the first beginning to practice a profession after the month of
presentation of the evidence of payment of this tax. The January must, however, pay the full tax before engaging
provincial assessor shall likewise make the same therein. A line of profession does not become exempt even
requirement before cancelling an old tax declaration and if conducted with some other profession for which the tax
issuing a new one in place thereof. Notaries public shall has been paid. Professionals exclusively employed in the
furnish the provincial treasurer with a copy of any deed government shall be exempt from the payment of this tax.
transferring ownership or title to any real property within (e) Any person subject to the professional tax shall write in
thirty (30) days from the date of notarization. It shall be the deeds, receipts, prescriptions, reports, books of account,
duty of the seller, donor, transferor, executor or plans and designs, surveys and maps, as the case may be,
administrator to pay the tax herein imposed within sixty the number of the official receipt issued to him.
(60) days from the date of the execution of the deed or from SEC. 140. Amusement Tax. - (a) The province may levy an
the date of the decedent's death. amusement tax to be collected from the proprietors, lessees,
EC. 136. Tax on Business of Printing and Publication. - or operators of theaters, cinemas, concert halls, circuses,
The province may impose a tax on the business of persons boxing stadia, and other places of amusement at a rate of
engaged in the printing and/or publication of books, cards, not more than thirty percent (30%) of the gross receipts
posters, leaflets, handbills, certificates, receipts, pamphlets, from admission fees.
and others of similar nature, at a rate not exceeding fifty (b) In the case of theaters or cinemas, the tax shall first be
percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the gross annual deducted and withheld by their proprietors, lessees, or
receipts for the preceding calendar year. In the case of a operators and paid to the provincial treasurer before the
newly started business, the tax shall not exceed one- gross receipts are divided between said proprietors, lessees,
twentieth (1/20) of one percent (1%) of the capital or operators and the distributors of the cinematographic
investment. In the succeeding calendar year, regardless of films.
when the business started to operate, the tax shall be based (c) The holding of operas, concerts, dramas, recitals,
on the gross receipts for the preceding calendar year, or any painting and art exhibitions, flower shows, musical
fraction thereof, as provided herein. The receipts from the programs, literary and oratorical presentations, except pop,
printing and/or publishing of books or other reading rock, or similar concerts shall be exempt from the payment
materials prescribed by the Department of Education, of the tax herein imposed.
Culture and Sports, as school texts or references shall be (d) The sangguniang panlalawigan may prescribe the time,
exempt from the tax herein imposed. manner, terms and conditions for the payment of tax. In
SEC. 137. Franchise Tax. - Notwithstanding any exemption case of fraud or failure to pay the tax, the sangguniang
granted by any law or other special law, the province may panlalawigan may impose such surcharges, interests and
impose a tax on businesses enjoying a franchise, at a rate penalties as it may deem appropriate.
not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of (e) The proceeds from the amusement tax shall be shared
the gross annual receipts for the preceding calendar year equally by the province and the municipality where such
based on the incoming receipt, or realized, within its amusement places are located.
territorial jurisdiction. In the case of a newly started SEC. 141. Annual Fixed Tax For Every Delivery Truck or
business, the tax shall not exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of Van of Manufacturers or Producers, Wholesalers of,
one percent (1%) of the capital investment. In the Dealers, or Retailers in, Certain Products. - (a) The
succeeding calendar year, regardless of when the business province may levy an annual fixed tax for every truck, van
started to operate, the tax shall be based on the gross or any vehicle used by manufacturers, producers,
receipts for the preceding calendar year, or any fraction wholesalers, dealers or retailers in the delivery or
thereof, as provided herein. distribution of distilled spirits, fermented liquors, soft
SEC. 138. Tax on Sand, Gravel and Other Quarry drinks, cigars and cigarettes, and other products as may be
Resources. - The province may levy and collect not more determined by the sangguniang panlalawigan, to sales
than ten percent (10%) of fair market value in the locality outlets, or consumers, whether directly or indirectly, within
per cubic meter of ordinary stones, sand, gravel, earth, and the province in an amount not exceeding Five hundred
other quarry resources, as defined under the National pesos (P500.00.
Internal Revenue Code, as amended, extracted from public (b) The manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, dealers, and
lands or from the beds of seas, lakes, rivers, streams, retailers referred to in the immediately foregoing paragraph
creeks, and other public waters within its territorial shall be exempt from the tax on peddlers prescribed
jurisdiction. The permit to extract sand, gravel and other elsewhere in this Code.
SEC. 144. Rates of Tax within the Metropolitan Manila Educational Institutions
Area. - The municipalities within the Metropolitan Manila Canteens and bookstore operated by the school are
Area may levy taxes at rates which shall not exceed by fifty exempted from the payment of business tax.
percent (50%) the maximum rates prescribed in the Concessionaires operating canteen and bookstores are
preceding Section. subject to business taxes.
SEC. 157. Individuals Liable to Community Tax. - Every Amusement Tax
inhabitant of the Philippines eighteen (18) years of age or proceeds shared: 50-50 between province and municipality
over who has been regularly employed on a wage or salary exemptions: operas, concerts, dramas, recitals, painting
basis for at least thirty (30) consecutive working days and art exhibition, flower shows, musical and literary
during any calendar year, or who is engaged in business or presentations except rock and similar concerts.
occupation, or who owns real property with an aggregate Assessment is the inherent function of the local treasurer.
assessed value of One thousand pesos (P=1,000.00) or Securing/applying business permit is under the Office of
more, or who is required by law to file an income tax return the City Mayor.
shall pay an annual community tax of Five pesos (P=5.00) EDP for Billing functions.
and an annual additional tax of One peso (P=1.00) for Acceptance of payment is again a function of the
every One thousand pesos (P=1,000.00) of income Treasurers Office.
regardless of whether from business, exercise of profession Exempt RPT
or from property which in no case shall exceed Five Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages, or convents
thousand pesos (P=5,000.00). In the case of husband and appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit or religious
wife, the additional tax herein imposed shall be based upon cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and improvements
the total property owned by them and the total gross actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious,
receipts or earnings derived by them. charitable or educational purposes;
SEC. 158. Juridical Persons Liable to Community Tax. - All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly
Every corporation no matter how created or organized, and exclusively used by local water districts and
whether domestic or resident foreign, engaged in or doing government-owned orcontrolled corporations
business in the Philippines shall pay an annual community (GOCCs) engaged in the supply and distribution of water
tax of Five hundred pesos (P=500.00) and an annual and/or generation and transmission of electric power;
additional tax, which, in no case, shall exceed Ten thousand The following are exempt from the community tax:
pesos (P=10,000.00) in accordance with the following Diplomatic and consular representatives; and
schedule: Transient visitors when their stay in the Philippines does
(1) For every Five thousand pesos (P=5,000.00) worth of not exceed three (3) months.
real property in the Philippines owned by it during the TARIFF AND CUSTOMS DUTIES
preceding year based on the valuation used for the payment Special Duties
of the real property tax under existing laws, found in the These are levied in addition to the ordinary import duties,
assessment rolls of the city or municipality where the real taxes and charges imposed by law on the imported product
property is situated - Two pesos (P=2.00); and c under the following
(2) For every Five thousand pesos (P=5,000.00) of gross circumstances:
receipts or earnings derived by it from its business in the The anti-dumping duty is a special duty imposed in the
Philippines during the preceding year - Two pesos event that a specific kind or class of foreign article, is being
(P=2.00). The dividends received by a corporation from imported into, sold or is likely to be sold in the Philippines,
another corporation however shall, for the purpose of the at an export price less than its normal value in the ordinary
additional tax, be considered as part of the gross receipts or course of trade for a like product, commodity or article
earnings of said corporation. destined for consumption in the exporting country which is
SEC. 194. Periods of Assessment and Collection. - (a) causing or threatening to cause material injury to a
Local taxes, fees, or charges shall be assessed within five domestic industry, or materially retarding the establishment
(5) years from the date they became due. No action for the of a domestic industry producing similar product.
collection of such taxes, fees, or charges, whether The countervailing duty is a special duty charged whenever
administrative or judicial, shall be instituted after the any product, commodity or article of commerce is granted
expiration of such period: Provided, That, taxes, fees or directly or indirectly by the government in the country of
charges which have accrued before the effectivity of this origin or exportation, any kind or form of specific subsidy
Code may be assessed within a period of three (3) years upon the production, manufacture or exportation of such
from the date they became due. product, commodity or article, and the importation of such
(b) In case of fraud or intent to evade the payment of taxes, subsidized product, commodity or article has caused or
fees, or charges, the same may be assessed within ten (10) threatens to cause material injury to a domestic industry or
years from discovery of the fraud or intent to evade has materially retarded the growth or prevents the
payment. establishment of a domestic industry.
(c) Local taxes, fees, or charges may be collected within Marking Duty
five (5) years from the date of assessment by administrative The marking of articles (or its containers) is a prerequisite
or judicial action. No such action shall be instituted after for every article or container imported into the Philippines
the expiration of said period: Provided, however, that, in accordance with
taxes, fees or charges assessed before the effectivity of this Section 303 of the TCCP.
Code may be collected within a period of three (3) years In case of failure to mark an article or its container at the
from the date of assessment. time of importation, there shall be levied upon such article
(d) The running of the periods of prescription provided in a marking duty of 5% ad valorem.
the preceding paragraphs shall be suspended for the time The discriminatory duty is imposed by the President by
during which: proclamation upon articles of a foreign country which
(1) The treasurer is legally prevented from making the discriminate against Philippine commerce or against goods
assessment of collection; (2) The taxpayer requests for a coming from the Philippines as stipulated under Section
reinvestigation and executes a waiver in writing before 304 of the TCCP.
expiration of the period within which to assess or collect; The amount of additional duty to be levied shall not exceed
and The taxpayer is out of the country or otherwise cannot 100% ad valorem based on the dutiable value of imported
be located. articles.
Community Tax Sec. 2208. Right of Police Officer to Enter enclosure.
Should be paid in the place of residence of the individual For the more effective discharge of his official duties, any
or in the place where the principal office of the juridical person exercising the powers herein conferred, may at any
entity is located. time enter, pass through, or search any land or inclosure or
Branches are not required to secure community tax. any warehouse, store or other building, not being a
Only hospitals and educational institutions are exempt from dwelling house.
paying business tax. A warehouse, store or other building or enclosure used for
Retirement of Business the keeping of storage of articles does not become a
Should be retired on or before the dwelling house within the meaning hereof merely by reason
20th day of January. of the fact that a person employed as watchman lives in the
Should pay for the entire year after January 20.
place, nor will the fact that his family stays there with him 1. The imported articles are seized and a warrant for the
alter the case. detention of the property is issued by the collector of
Sec. 2209. Search of Dwelling House. A dwelling house 2. If the owner or importer desires to secure the release
may be entered and searched only upon warrant issued by a of the property for legitimate, the Collector may surrender
judge or justice of the peace, upon sworn application it upon the filing of a sufficient bond; provided that the
showing probable case and particularly describing the place articles the importation of which is prohibited by law shall
to be searched and person or thing to be seized.
not be released under bond.
Under the Tariff and Customs Code (TCC), a search,
3. The Collector of Customs makes a report of the seizure
seizure and arrest will be made even without a warrant of
purposes of enforcing Customs and Tariff Laws. Without to the seizure to the Commissioner on Audits.
mentioning the need of priory obtained a judicial warrant, 4.The Collector shall give the owner or importer of
the code specifically allows police authorities to enter, property or his agent a written notice of the seizure and
pass through or search any land or inclosure or any shall give him an opportunity to be heard;
warehouse, store, or other building ,not being a dwelling 5.Notice to an unknown owner shall be effected by
house and also to inspect, search and examine any vessel or posting for fifteen days (15) days in the public corridor of
aircraft, trunk, package, box or envelope to any person the custom-house of the district in which the seizures was
onboard or to stop and search and examine any vehicles, made, and, in the discretion of the Commissioner by
beasts or person reasonably suspected of holding or publication in a newspaper or by other means a he shall
conveying any dutiable or prohibited article introduced in consider desirable;
the Philippines contrary to law. 6.The Collector of Customs schedules the hearing and
When importation begins and ends renders his decision after the hearing is conducted;
Importation is the act of bringing goods into a domestic 7.In case the decision of the Collector of Customs is
port from a foreign country. Importation begins when the adverse to the importer/ owner, within fifteen (15) days
carrying vessel or aircraft enters the jurisdiction of the
after notification in writing by the collector of his action or
Philippines with intention to unlade therein and is deemed
decision the importer/ owner may give written notice to
terminated upon payment of the proper duties, taxes and
other charges due upon the articles or secured to be paid, at the Collector and one copy furnished to the Commissioner
a port of entry and the legal permit for withdrawal shall of his desire to have the matter reviewed by the
have been granted. Customs duties Commissioner. Thereupon, the collector shall forthwith
All articles, when imported from any foreign country into transmit all the records of the proceeding to the
the Philippines, shall be subject to duty upon each Commissioner;
importation, even though previously exported from the 8. In case the decision of the collector of Customs is
Philippines.2 affirmed by the Commissioner of Customs, or in case of
The term customs duties are the taxes charged upon inaction on the part of the Commissioner of Customs, the
commodities on their being imported into or exported from importer/ owner may appeal to the court of Appeals
a country. within 30 days from notice of the decision; and
Procedure in Custom Protest Cases 9. In case an adverse decision is still rendered, the
These are the steps: importer/ owner may appeal to the Court of Appeals and
1. The collector of customs shall cause all the articles the Supreme Court.
entering the jurisdiction of his district and destined for Note: If the Collector renders a decision adverse to the
importation through his port to be entered at the customs
Government, such decision shall automatically, be
house. He shall appraise and classify such articles, and
elevated to and reviewed by the Commissioner; and if the
shall assess and collect the duties, taxes and other charges
Collectors decision is affirmed by the Commissioner, such
thereon. He shall also hold possession of all imported
articles upon which duties, taxes, and other charges have decision shall be automatically elevated to, and be finally
not been paid of secured to be paid. be reviewed by the secretary of Finance.
2. The importer / owner make the payment after the final If within 30 days from receipt of the record of the case by
liquidation. the Commissioner or by the Secretary of Finance, as the
3 The importer / owner adversely affected by the case may be, no decision is rendered by either of them,
collectors ruling may file a written protest with the the decision under review shall become final and
Collector of custom at the time of payment or within 15 executory.
days thereafter. Regular duties
4. The Collector of Customs issues an order for hearing These are duties imposed on imported articles that enter
within 15 days from receipt of the protest and renders his the country of the Philippines in avoidance with the
decision within 30 days from the termination of hearing. schedules and classifications provided under the Tariff and
5. In case an adverse decision is rendered within the 30-day Customs Code.
period from the termination, the importer/owner may Specific Duty
appeal to the Commissioner of Customs within 15 days Duty based on the dutiable weight of goods number or
after notification of decision or lapse of the 30-day period
to decide. The importer/ owner may give written notice to
Special Duties
the collector and one copy furnished to the Commissioner
of his desire to have the matter reviewed by the Imposed in addition to regular or ordinary duties
Commissioner. The Collector shall forthwith transmit all principally in order to protect local industries against
the seconds of the proceedings to the Commissioner. unfair competition from foreign manufacturers or
6.In case an adverse decision is rendered, the importer/ procedures; consumer against possible deceptions; and
owner may appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals within 30 national interest.
days from receipt of the decision; and
7 In case an adverse decision is still rendered, the importer/
owner may appeal to the Court of Appeals and the Supreme
Automatic Review in Customs Proceedings Whenever the
decision of the Collector is adverse to the Government, said
decision is automatically elevated to the Commissioner for
review, and if such decision is affirmed by the
commissioner, the same shall be automatically elevated to
and finally received by the Secretary of Finance.
Automatic Review Applies to:
Custom Protest Cases, Seizures and Forfeiture Cases.
Governing Seizure and Forfeiture Cases
The steps are the following:

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