Free Download Memory Genius Book
Free Download Memory Genius Book
Free Download Memory Genius Book
Virender Mehta
World Record Holder in Memory
For memorizing Oxford Dictionary with Page nos.
Aditi Mehta
M.A, M.Phil (English)
Mob Nos. (+91 9729094562, +91 9813558453)
Virender Mehta
Copyright: Virender Mehta
Aditi Mehta
Publisher: Vasudev Publication
Mob Nos. (+91 9729094562, +91 9813558453)
All rights reserved, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the Publisher. Making copies of this book or any portion
there of for any purpose other than your own is a violation of copy rights law.
Note: For easy learning of different types of information related to few events, religion, famous
personalities, etc author has used some ridiculous associations. There is no meaning of it except
learning the related information.
Feb, 2011
About theAuthor
Mr. Virender Mehta has earned the reputation of World Record Holder in Memory for
memorizing all 80,000 words from Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 6 th edition with Page nos.
Mr. Virender Mehta has featured in LIMCA BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS as a result of his
extraordinary memory power. His name is also registered in the list of 25 Unusual Indians
surveyed by THE WEEK Magazine. He has participated in Worlds No.1 reality show
SHABAASH INDIA telecasted on ZEE TV. He is an Asst professor in engineering college in
Computer science & engineering department.
Mr. Virender Mehta is a trainer, speaker & the author of the best-selling book: Memory
Genius. He has conducted many seminars and workshops nationally addressing more than 10
lakh audience and He has a very rich experience in conducting training in areas such as
memory improvement, soft skills and personality development in many schools, colleges,
symposiums and conferences all over India.
Human brain
Our brain is divided into two parts, left brain and right brain. These two parts of brain are subdivided by a wall of fibers called as corpus callosum. There are innumerable brain cells called
neurons in our brain. We have a very complex nexus of neuron networks.
Diagram of brain cells (Neurons)
A Neuron has a center called nucleus and branches called dendrites. In other words, we can say that
our brain has a huge network of connected neurons. The total connections among neurons are more
than the total number of atoms in the whole universe. The human brain has around 10 billion to 100
billion neurons.
These two brains set communication through the wall of corpus callosum. The left brain
controls the right part of the body and right brain controls the left part of the body.
Our modern education system deals with the left brain only and this reduces the performance
and power of our right brain. So, there should be good co-ordination between these parts.
Brain waves and Brain states
When we drop a small stone in the water, we see a number of waves emerging on the surface of
water. Similarly, our heart and brain have wave patterns. The wave patterns of heart is
measured by ECG (Electro Cardio graph) and the brain waves are measured by EEG (Electro
Self Hypnosis
The aim of our life is to acquire all round progress. There is a therapy which can help us in a great
manner. This is called self hypnosis therapy and it acts as a wonderful instrument to improve our
life. By using this therapy, we can get access to our subconscious mind and learn to change our old
thinking pattern into new one and at the same time, we can enhance our memory.
we know that our mind is a super computer and it generally works at two levels: Conscious and
Subconscious level. Our mind is like Aladdin Ka Chiraag and the Jinn of this Chiraag is our
Subconscious mind. What we can perceive and believe, we can achieve. This can be made possible
with the help of self hypnosis process. First of all, the question arises; what is self hypnosis? Most
of the people take the meaning of hypnosis in a negative manner. The hypnosis can be both positive
and negative. Self Hypnosis is nothing but a self positive instruction that we give to our
Subconscious mind. This is also called neural linguistic programming. The instruction we send to
CPU goes for execution. Similarly, our Subconscious mind performs actions according to the
instructions given to it. These instructions must be positive. Auto suggestion can be like this I have
strong Memory power. This is the instruction that goes to Subconscious Mind. Now, I have to
believe that I have strong Memory power. Our belief system will accept this instruction and act over
This is nothing but the programming of our Subconscious mind. This therapy can tremendously
help us to face difficult situations. It should be practiced every day at the time of breathing
exercises. Life is full of problems and miseries. We fail many times when we see impediments in
our way. To deal with these impediments, this therapy can prove extremely helpful. This art is
capable to enhance our abilities and strengths and at the same time; remove fears, complexes and
This skill is helpful in removing the unnecessary tension of exams and interviews as it gives us self
esteem and positive motivation by effacing stress and anxiety. Even, we can annihilate our physical
problems. It makes our mind more creative. Self hypnosis works with all of us. For example, we
feel urge to yawn when we see someone yawning.
Therefore, it is truly said what we can believe, we can achieve.
Now, we shall learn how to use this technique. First, we have to set our goal. For achieving that
specific goal, we have to write some positive auto instructions. Say for example, this is an
instruction, I want to be millionaire. Auto instructions for this goal can be I am becoming a rich
man day by day, I am getting millions of rupees. We dont have just to repeat these instructions,
but we have to feel these instructions. At the time of reciting these positive auto instructions, we
have to be in relaxed breathing process and must have positive mental attitude also. The most
important thing is 100% belief in the instructions. We must try to eliminate our negative old beliefs
with the help of powerful positive instructions. Because all these negative beliefs like My Memory
is weak, what can I do? can affect our self image and memory power. For example, in our
childhood our mother used to say many a times have milk or lion would come. By reciting these
lines, we became conditioned with these negative old beliefs and the impression of fear resided in
our mind for a long time. Here is way to plant new suggestions, which will eliminate our old
We can follow a number of steps given below:
1. Enter any pious place and imagine a white screen in front of you. Try to imagine your old
instructions printed on the white screen.
2. Now, in a relaxed state try to efface these old instructions from the white screen.
3. After effacing complete screen, now we can write new positive instructions like I am in a
fearless state, I am becoming a successful man day by day, I am going to be popular in my
country, I am earning millions day by day, I have a strong memory power.
4. Next, we have to visualize these instructions. For example, the instruction is I am becoming
grandiloquent speaker, and then we are to visualize our self speaking in public with 100%
Whatever instruction we give to our subconscious mind, it automatically accepts it. But, we are
capable to plant new memories and transform our self into a complete new person who is full of self
confidence, energy and wonderful memory. Our old beliefs and negative suggestions are the biggest
impediments in our life. There are ways to find out whether these negative instructions exist or not.
Even, we have methods to eliminate these negative suggestions.
Here are the ways to find out:
5. If one feels tense in a situation where we have to take decisions or writing a proposal.
6. If one suspects that some negative energy is holding him back.
7. Negative thoughts come at the time of study and memorizing.
If above factors come into picture then we have to eliminate these negative suggestions from mind
by self hypnosis exercises. To change the personality and the behavior, we have to change our old
belief system. These positive auto instructions are the keys to Success. They should always be made
in the present tense only. By self talk, we can change our mental and emotional thinking.
Here are few ways to change negative feelings.
1. Recall the most salubrious day of your life and try to bring the same joyful feelings of that
particular day.
2. You can go for the deep breathing exercises; take a deep breath, hold it for some time and
slowly exhale it. At the same time you can go for the self hypnosis.
These actions can change our mental state. These exercises require regular practice. The more the
practice, the more it becomes easier, In fact, the stage comes when it comes automatically. As the
part of practice, we can write these instructions on a paper or can store on a tape. We can play the
tape during self hypnosis exercises. Some times, our left brain refuses these auto instructions, as it
also argues, how I can be rich by reciting these statements, then, block the right nostril and take a
deep breath through left nostril. This process will activate our right brain and all mental
disturbances will be pacified.
As the saying goes that if you repeat a lie often, it becomes truth. In the same way, go on repeating
auto instructions and the stage will come when our behavior will be controlled by subconscious
mind. Finally, you will get the desired personality.
The second experiment for strengthening your observation power:Take a piece of paper and by memory, make a list of objects in one of the rooms- table, chair, bed,
pictures etc without looking in the room. Now, try to observe the things that you left in the list and
again repeat the same process for other room also.
Now, think of any person you know. Try to draw his picture on the paper and go in the minutest
details about his dress, countenance, every nicety, hair style, ears, eyes etc. and try to find out what
you missed when you meet him next.
Look at the shop window which has displayed its goods. Try to observe and make a list in your
memory of all the goods that you observe. Many people had witnessed an apple falling on the
ground. However, some observed keenly and thought about it unlike others who did see but
didnt observe. The true act of memory is the art of attention. Often, it is found that majority of
people use only two percent of their mind power. We should concentrate our attention on any one
point without letting any other thought enter in our mind.
This act can be accomplished by doing Yoga and meditation.
that our imagination has no end. Now, if you have carefully imagined each step in the above picture,
you will understand what visualization means. You can make any mental picture with the help of the
power of visualization.
Some people imagine everything that they want and some think that it is very difficult to
demonstrate unless they possess the power to visualize. This is not the case. When a little number of
your thoughts and soul power is mixed, then your mind can create wonders. All the great inventors
just had strong imagination power and they created wonders for the society.
It is necessary to understand that we are dealing with a soul power that is just like soil of the
ground, which will produce the tree in accordance to the seed we plant. It does not matter if we
have never seen a plant before like the one that is to be planted for us. Our imagination is the seed
and mind is the soil. We are always planting and harvesting some ideas. What we need to do is to
plant only that thought which we want to harvest. This is not difficult to understand but very easy to
imagine. Just take care that you are always dealing with law of imagination and this is the only way
that can turn anything into reality. Don't have any doubt over this law. Otherwise, your imagination
power will not work as smoothly as it should. Be convinced and just observe its wonders.
Now, we can take some real examples of mind meditations.
Think of a room and you are lying on a chair with your eyes closed. And you are trying to be
relaxed. Imagine, there is a door of another room and you are entering that room through the door.
Imagine that it is a very beautiful room having colorful curtains. Just feel peaceful, calm and
relaxed. @ remember good days of your life, the day when you were happy. Hear the beats of music
you like. All these are the ways for imagination which help to enhance the memory. Everyone can
imagine what they want to be in their life, if someone is weak in his studies, he can imagine that
they are becoming so intelligent day by day that no one can beat them in any case. Just by giving
your 100% to your dream or desire you can do anything in your life. Sports people can imagine
themselves as famous athletes as they strive to improve their performance. One can even use his
imagination to improve health as some believe that disease like cancer can also be annihilated.
And when someone is feeling nervous or feeling down due to any personal problem, he can use soul
power to calm himself, and he can remember the time when he was completely relaxed and lying on
the beach side, and enjoying the cool atmosphere with the waves splashing on. Take a few deep
breaths and just relax.
There are some meditations which can boost your self confidence and also increase your
How can we do ?
Lie straight on the chair with feet touching the carpet and palms resting on the thighs. Close your
eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in the natural way. You find that breathing will slow
down and deepen slowly and slowly.
After sometimes open your eyes, take a few breaths and stretch the body but do not get up before
the normal consciousness returns. This practice of breath counting meditation has several
advantages. It will enhance your self confidence and improve concentration power.
First of all, I would like to define the most important term called Success. Success has different
definitions for different people. For some, success is money and for some, success is fame. But,
money and fame are the physical and temporal things; these are perishable. Success is the
progressive realization of worthy goals. Success is a journey, not the destination. The worthy goal
of success is self awareness, which means to recognize oneself. In other words, we can say that
success is equivalent to 99% failure. Success does not means the absence of failures. We have to
face many difficulties and impediments in achieving success. There is a wall of failures between an
individual and success. These failures are fear of failure, future worries, insecurity, negative people,
relationship challenges, job challenges, financial challenges and the feeling of unworthiness. The
biggest impediment in our way to success, that we may conclude, is the fear from nine ghosts.
Now, let us describe these nine ghosts.
5. Negative Attitude
6. Coward ness
7. Anger
8. Ego
9. Shyness
10. Jealousy (Negative)
11. Tendency to Criticize
12. Fatalistic Attitude
13. Mental Weakness
Now, the most important question arises is, how to kill these ghosts?
To kill these nine ghosts, we have nine weapons in the arsenal of our brain. These weapons are as
8. Positive Attitude
9. Courage
10. Love
11. Egoless ness
12. Open Mindedness
13. Positive Jealousy
14. Dont Criticize
15. Passion
16. Smart Brain
The foundation of success is the positive attitude. This is the most crucial factor for success. It
affects our dreams and goals. Let us understand the importance of attitude with the help of a story:
There was a man who used to sell balloons. He had balloons of all colors; Yellow, Black, Red, Blue
and Green. A boy came and asked him, Can you uplift the Green balloon? The seller replied with
smile, it is not the color of the balloon; it is what is inside that makes it go up.
The same thing applies to our life also. It is what is inside that count. The difference between a
topper and the average student is not much in terms of knowledge but more in terms of mental
preparation and in terms of attitude. To achieve success, you must have a burning desire.
Now, how can we build positive attitude?
We have to annihilate all negative thoughts from our brain. We should always think positive and
creative. We should program our subconscious mind with positive auto instructions. Negative
people always grumble and criticize but, positive people always think for the solution of the
problems. They have propensity to encourage, inspire and motivate others. Try to look at the sunny
side of every thing. You should always try to learn from the mistakes and concentrate on the lofty
goals. Try to feed your mind with positive thoughts. You can start your day with something positive
and creative. You can read Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta and learn from the gospels of Vedas and
Shastras. You should try to be happy at every moment; this is the greatest devotion to God. At last,
we can say that attitude plays a very important role in our life. It is the attitude which defines your
You should focus at achieving your goals. The most important quality of the human beings is that
they can dream. Take always positive dreams with open eyes. Try to visualize your goals with
positive auto instructions. You must have vision and action towards your goal. If you have full
dedication, devotion and burning desire, then nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.
Some body has rightly said if you can perceive, your mind can believe it, only then you can
achieve it.
You must know your strengths and weaknesses. You have to convert your weakness into strengths
by giving direction, shape and proper guidelines to your dreams and belief system.
Focus on our goals is very important. We can understand it by a short story, when Dronacharya
asked Arjuna what he could see; he replied I can only see the eye of the bird. Dronacharya said,
very good, then shoot, and the arrow went straight and hit the eye of the bird. We can learn a lot
from this small story. Until and unless we focus on our goals, we can not achieve them. We must
have capability to see how far we are from our goals. Let us see another beautiful example.
On June 4, 1962, Florence was about to become the first woman to swim the Catalina Channel.
She had already conquered the English Channel. The entire country was watching. Florence fought
the dense fog. Florence was striving to reach the shore. Every time she looked up, all she could see
was the dense fog. Unable to see through fog, she gave up. Florence was extremely disappointed
when she found out that she was only half a km away from the shore. She quit not because she was
scared but, because she could not see her goal. She said in her public meeting I am not making
excuses, if only I had seen the land, I could have made it.
And one month later, she tried again and this time in spite of bad weather, she not only crossed the
Channel but also broke her previous record.
What we can learn from this small story is that always keep your eyes on the goal so that you know
how far you are from it.
If you have the three values you can achieve success easily. These three values are patience,
perseverance and time. You can make your dream come true if you have strong will power, strong
determination. You can cross all obstacles and impediments if you have the value of perseverance.
The stumbling blocks will become the stepping stones of your path. I believe that a man is not
measured by how tall he stands, but how many times he stood up when life made him buckle on the
ground. Sometimes, patience, perseverance and time are the simplest ingredients to achieve success.
There are some great personalities who faced number of failures in their lives but in spite of all the
difficulties and impediments, they achieved success. There was a child who didnt know how to
read and write; he had one mental disease called dyslexia due to which he was incapable to
recognize alphabets and digits. The characters would appear dancing in front of his eyes and would
irritate him much. The teachers threatened him to expel from the school. But, the little boy faced
them with gallantry. On one day, the same boy invented a theory and the whole world was
astonished at this miracle. That theory was the theory of relativity and that little boy was the great
Scientist Albert Einestein.
Chances are there that you will be reading this book in your room under the electric bulb. Well, you
can thank Thomas Edison for that. Do you know that Edison failed over 1000 times before
inventing the light bulb? In my opinion, Thomas Edisons efforts would come under the term
perseverance. After Edison had invented and produced the electric bulb, a reporter asked him how
he felt to fail over 999 times.
Edison replied, I am glad I invented 999 ways for not inventing the electric bulb. After this point,
Edison went on to receive 1093 patents, more than any other person in U.S history.
Now, we can learn this success formula; it takes time, patience and persistence is the key to success.
Another great man and artist Picasso could not understand the number 7 in mathematics. He would
say that the number seven is the opposite nose of his uncle. But today his paintings are inspiration
for any artist.
Your personality must be full of courage like Guru Gobind Singh, Swami Vivekananda, Swami
Ram Tirth and our history is full of such respectable names.
destroy your biggest enemy called anger with
the strongest weapon called love. But, positive anger is also required some times. We should be
egoless and open minded in our life, we should get spiritual inspiration from great Saints. Jealousy
is one of the horrible ghosts in our life which can push us back from the path of success. People
spend most of their life in thinking how to pull the legs of others; they are least concerned about
their own upliftment. Passion is one of the great qualities of your personality which can make you
achieve success. People fail not just because of lack of mental potential, knowledge and strength but
they fail due to lack of passion, dedication, devotion and burning desire.
Today, in this competitive era, there is great need of smart brain to get ahead of others. Due to lack
of self restraint and celibacy, we are destroying our personality, moral values, self potential and the
memory power. We must concentrate on self restrain instead of sex education. For utilizing the
hidden capacities of our brain, we need to learn from vedic sutras and the fundamentals of Dynamic
Now, these symbolic pictures will work for you at the place of numerical digits. We can memorize a
number of information with their respective numbers using peg system of the memory. This is very
important system that is used many times a day to memorize required information, whether we are
in the market, in the lecture hall, in meetings, in seminars or in conferences. Now, we will learn
how we can memorize information with their respective number. This is the just the play of mental
pictures on our mental screen.
Let us assume that we have some items given below which we want to memorize with their
respective numbers.
1. Drum (Duffli)
2. Rat
3. Dollar
4. Dog
5. Table
6. Brain
7. Horse
8. Mars
9. Crocodile
10. Helicopter
These are the set of imaginations to memorize above items with their respective numbers.
1. We can link drum with sun (Peg image of 1). We can imagine that sun is playing drum in the
2. We can link rat with shoe (Peg image of 2). We can imagine that there are many rats coming
out from a gigantic shoe.
3. We can link dollar with tree (Peg image of 3). We can imagine trees growing on an extremely
large dollar.
4. We can link dog with door (Peg image of 4). We can imagine that a dog is trying to open the
5. We can link table with knife (Peg image of 5). We can imagine that there are big knives
attached with the table.
6. We can link brain with vicks (Peg image of 6). We can imagine that we are cleaning brain
with vicks.
7. We can link horse with heaven (Peg image of 7). We can imagine that horses are coming out
from the heaven.
8. We can link Mars with plate (Peg image of 8). We can imagine that planet Mars is situated on
the gigantic plate.
9. We can link Crocodile with wine (Peg image of 9). We can imagine that a crocodile is
drinking alcohol from a bottle.
10. We can link helicopter with hen (Peg image of 10). We can imagine that a hen is flying
helicopter in the sky.
Similarly, we can memorize any number of information with their respective numbers.
The further pegs are given in the next chapter of Phonetics system.
Workshop Outline
Virender Mehtas Super Memory Power Workshop has significantly enhanced the Memory
Power of millions of people in India.
It is highly unfortunate on the part of human race that they are unable to recognize their
hidden potential. They are only using one out of lakh part of their capabilities and even by
using this very part, they are today counted in the list of highly sage people, says Swami
The invaluable gift Brain is given to us by God, but we are ignorant to use its capacities
effectively. There is no limit to the power of human mind. The more concentrated it is, the
more power is brought to bear on one point, that is the secret. You will learn from the
workshop to make the effective use of your God gifted equipments.
Workshop Objectives
Building strong memory power
Stress Management
Building self confidence and self dependence
Personality development
Unleash hidden potential
Enhancing IQ, EQ and SQ (spiritual quotient)
Emotional intelligence
Building positive attitude
Waxing cognitive abilities
Soft Skills development
Basics of memory
Self hypnosis & NLP system
Exercises to boost concentration and observation power
Stress releasing exercises
Memory mechanism
Encoding & Association method of memory: How to memorize foreign languages,
spellings, GK & names-faces.
Link method of memory: How to memorize shopping lists, list of words etc.
Peg & Phonetic method of memory: How to memorize telephone numbers, numerical
data, birthdays, historical events, values, numbers and Calendar memory.
Loci method of memory: How to memorize time tables, meetings & appointments.
Journey method of memory: How to memorize speeches, lectures, presentations &
mind diagrams.
Designing speedy notes
Speedy Calculation for competitive exams based on Vedic Math
Methodology of Workshop
Visual / Audio Presentations
Memory Workshop Kit
Workshop material includes Memory Kit comprising of Memory book & Shree Chakra
Invite us for workshop
Would you like us to do Memory Power Workshop to your institute, group, society,
organization or company? Invite us to give an explanatory, in depth presentation on Memory
Power to improve the quality of individual life by waxing your Intelligence and Emotional
Quotient. Let Virender Mehta, the Facilitator of the Memory Power Workshop, entertain you
and recharge your life stream with his energy, humor and enthusiasm. His easy, professional
air achieves immediate rapport with any audience, and he is the walking model of workshop
itself. At the end of workshop, you are guaranteed to feel dynamically empowered and happily
alive. In a world filled with needless discord, pollution, accidents and disease, there is an
urgent need for people to use 100% of their human potential. If old patterns of behavior are
not bringing you favorable results, then practice and establish new patterns of behavior.
Who can attend this workshop?
Students, Teachers, Professionals, Businessmen, Housewives
Though age is not a restraint but minimum age for attending this workshop is 7 yrs
and maximum has no limits.
Benefits of Memory Power Workshop
3. Improve productivity by powerful memory management techniques
4. Achieve powerful focus, concentration and improve work and study performance
5. Achieve positive attitude towards learning, memorizing and retaining information
6. Come out of absent-mindedness forever
7. Save time and mental energy
8. Achieve perfection in skimming techniques to deal with different types of written
9. Achieve perfection in vocabulary building and enhance your reading speed
10. Achieve the productivity mindset that will help you to accomplish tasks and achieve
your targets
11. Achieve the power of affirmation & visualization
12. Learn smart techniques to remember sales presentations, names and faces and
personal details of prospects and clients
13. Learn tips to manage workload and reduce stress
14. Coming out excuses syndrome a big barrier for momentum
15. Development of faculty and employees of respective institute.
16. Effective absorption of information from workshops, seminars and training programs
Profile of Virender Mehta (Trainer Speaker & Author)
Impossible is a word found in the dictionary of fools goes a famous saying. Who could think in
dreams that born in a below average family to a watch maker for whom earning bread and
butter was always a question, would bring national and international repute not only to the
family, but his society and nation as well. And of course, heroes always emerge from adverse
circumstances and the life history of Mr. Virender Mehta is the greatest evidence of this fact.
He made every face turned towards him by turning impossible into possible. He created his
own destiny because of his desire to overcome his weaknesses, his desire to show to the world
that genius don't grow in congenial circumstances but they grow and flourish in such
circumstances that appear almost impossible to an ordinary human being.
Interestingly, until a few years ago,he remained a poor student at school with dismal academic
record. He was extremely absent minded during his childhood. He lacked confidence and
stammered while interacting in English and scraped through his exams by skilfully copying
from the girl ahead of him and even wrote her name on his exam.
Today he is an eminent figure in all print and electronic media. He is recognized as a polished
memory wizard who guides, trains and facilitates people about how to fight with their weak
memory. In spite of his extremely busy schedule, he keeps his eyes consistently on the mission
of his life, that is, to train every child, every student of his country by making them realize
their hidden potential.
His Aim of life
He is such a professional who not only focuses on enhancing IQ but on EQ and SQ as well
which is need of the hour. He is such a dynamic,gregarious and renowned speaker and trainer
who is incessantly working upon the aim of his life to take the country towards World Guru.
His life is dedicated to the noble cause of upliftment of mankind and changing their old
behavioral patterns which are not yielding them any result.
His Publications
He has penned the books on enhancing memory and brain power entitled The handbook of
powerful memoryby Vasudev Publication and Unlock your Memory Geniuspublished by
Excel publications which have been acclaimed as India's best selling book on memory power.
It has attracted feedback from the scholars and academicians from different parts of the
country. If this book is kept along with other books on memory power, this one book suffices
all ancient and scientific techniques and methods of memory and mind power enhancement.
He has written a booklet on Vedic Math which again has got appreciation of readers and
booklet on vocabulary building with mnemonics which is getting extremely popular among
competitive aspirants.
: 3341002100009937
Description of all memory boosting concepts and methods.
Description of functioning of brain.
Personality development from memory power.
Importance of self hypnosis, meditation and concentration power.
Techniques to remember English vocabulary.
These are online training conducted by Virender Mehta through his powerful pdfs and
presentations on Skype or google hangout.
The Duration of Training is 5-6 hours.
To do any online training Foreigners can deposit $ 100 in our Paypal account by visiting our
Foreigners can deposit $ 5 in our Paypal account by visiting our website
: 3341002100009937
Kit contains: Memory Book (Eng or Hindi), 2 Ebooks on Vedic Maths &
Vocabulary, 5 Shree Chakra (Yantra) Posters
Foreigners can deposit $ 40 (including shipping charges) in our Paypal account by visiting our
: 3341002100009937
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