Interventions in Nursing Homes
Interventions in Nursing Homes
Interventions in Nursing Homes
Author Manuscript
Am J Geriatr Pharmacother. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 August 22.
Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, and Center for Health Equity Research and
Promotion, Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
BackgroundAppropriate medication prescribing for nursing home residents remains a
ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to conduct a narrative review of the published
literature describing randomized controlled trials that used interventions to improve suboptimal
prescribing in nursing homes.
Address correspondence to: Zachary A. Marcum, PharmD, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Kaufman Medical Building, Suite 500, 3471 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
The authors have indicated that they have no other conflicts of interest regarding the content of this article.
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Medication prescribing for nursing home residents 65 years of age is a complex process
that can potentially improve quality of life, prolong life expectancy, and/or cure disease.
However, sufficient data have been published over the past 3 decades suggesting that
prescribing can be suboptimal (ie, overuse, underuse, or misuse).1 Of concern is that these
different types of suboptimal prescribing can lead to adverse health outcomes, especially
medication-related adverse patient events (ie, adverse drug events [ADEs], adverse drug
withdrawal events, and therapeutic failures).14
Various research approaches have been used in attempts to improve prescribing practices
among physicians in multiple clinical care settings.1,511 These include interventions to
improve education of the health care staff providing patient care, to utilize computerized
decision-support systems, to use clinical pharmacy interventions, to use a multidisciplinary
approach, and to use a multifaceted approach. The conclusions of these various interventions
have produced mixed results, leading to further confusion on effective interventions to
improve prescribing. Unfortunately, previous reviews either are outdated or focus on a
single drug class (eg, psychotropic drugs) or intervention (eg, pharmacists).1,8,11 Because a
review of interventions to improve prescribing in nursing homes has not been conducted in
almost 2 decades,1 this updated review is both timely and relevant. The objective of this
study was to conduct a narrative review of the published literature, describing the current
state of the art of medication prescribing in nursing homes and interventions for
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
With the aid of a trained medical librarian, articles that assessed improving suboptimal
prescribing among elderly nursing home residents (65 years of age) were identified
through searches of the PubMed, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA), and
EMBASE databases for articles published in English between January 1975 and December
2009. The search combined the terms drug utilization, pharmaceutical services, aged, longterm care, nursing homes, prescribing, geriatrics, and randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Additional articles were identified by a manual search of the reference lists of identified
articles and the authors files, book chapters, and recent review articles. Abstracts and
posters from meetings were not included in the literature search. The authors then reviewed
the identified studies and included those that: (1) had a randomized controlled design; (2)
had a process measure outcome for quality of prescribing or a distal outcome measure for
medication-related adverse patient events; and (3) involved nursing home residents.
Identified articles were grouped according to type of intervention using a previously
published approach.7
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Twenty-three publications were identified from the literature search, 5 of which were
excluded. Three of the excluded trials were not randomized,1214 one of the trials did not
focus on improving prescribing as a main outcome,15 and one was a placebo-controlled
withdrawal trial that assessed stopping long-term anti-psychotic treatment as the primary
outcome.16 The 18 studies that met the inclusion criteria are summarized in the table.1734
Seven of those studies described educational approaches using various interventions (eg,
outreach visits) and measured suboptimal prescribing in different manners (eg, adherence to
guidelines). Two studies described computerized decision-support systems to measure the
interventions impact on ADEs and appropriate drug orders. Five studies described clinical
pharmacist activities, most commonly involving a medication review, and used various
measures of suboptimal prescribing, including a measure of medication appropriateness and
the total number of medications prescribed. Two studies each described multidisciplinary
and multifaceted approaches that included heterogeneous interventions and measures of
The following descriptions provide further information about these individual trials,
categorized by type of intervention. Of note, the trials were categorized by the type of
intervention rather than the object of the intervention. For example, an educational
intervention directed at a multidisciplinary target audience would be classified under the
educational approaches section.
Educational Approaches
A study by Avorn et al17 examined the impact of an academic detailing intervention on the
use of psychotropic medications in nursing home residents. The study included 823 elderly
residents from 6 randomized matched pairs of nursing homes and lasted 5 months. The
intervention consisted of a clinical pharmacist educating physicians, nurses, and nurses
aides in the principles of geriatric psychopharmacology. The intervention was associated
with a significant decrease in the use of antipsychotic drugs (32% in experimental group vs
14% in control group; mean difference, 18%; 95% CI, 3% to 33%; P < 0.05). However,
the intervention did not have a significant impact on the use of hypnotics (45% vs 21%,
respectively; mean difference, 24%; 95% CI, 54% to 5%) or long half-life
benzodiazepines (BZDs) (20% vs 9%; mean difference, 11%; 95% CI, 38% to 15%).
Overall, inappropriateness scores for use of psychoactive drugs declined significantly in the
intervention nursing homes compared with those from the control nursing homes (27% vs
8%, respectively; P = 0.02). Most (4/6) measures of clinical status (mental status, anxiety,
behavior, and sleep) remained unchanged in both groups. Residents of the control homes
were less likely than residents of intervention homes to maintain or improve their
performance on memory testing (46% vs 69%; rate ratio = 0.6; 95% CI, 0.3 to 1.0); they also
were less likely to maintain or improve scores on mental status testing (44% vs 62%; rate
ratio = 0.7; 95% CI, 0.4 to 1.1) on 2 measures of cognitive function (delayed-recognitionspan test for memory and the Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE]), although the
differences were not statistically significant. In other words, residents of intervention homes
experienced less deterioration on these measures of cognitive function. However, residents
of intervention homes were more likely to report depression (56% vs 27%; rate ratio = 2.0;
95% CI, 1.1 to 3.9; P < 0.05). This study was limited by its use of an un-validated measure
of psychotropic prescribing quality and its low power to detect differences in health outcomes given the short follow-up period (30 days). Nonetheless, the intervention had some
beneficial effects on improving suboptimal psychotropic prescribing for elderly nursing
home residents.
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A 3-month study by Stein et al18 examined the impact of an academic detailing intervention
on the use of NSAIDs in 147 older residents (65 years of age) in 10 matched pairs of
nursing homes. A 30-minute education training session was held in intervention homes for
nurses and nurses aides on alternatives to NSAIDs for managing musculoskeletal pain. A
study investigator also met with directors of nursing and administrators in the intervention
homes. A study physician visited or talked by telephone with prescribing physicians in
intervention homes to review the risks and benefits of NSAIDs, an algorithm for stopping
use of these agents, and the available alternatives to NSAIDs. The intervention group had
significant reductions in the mean days per week that NSAIDs were used (5.1 days vs 0.8
day for the control group; P < 0.001) and significant increases in the use of acetaminophen
(APAP) (3.1 days vs 0.31 day for controls; P < 0.001). No statistically significant
differences in any of the 7 health outcome measures were found between the 2 groups. It is
likely that the study had limited power to detect differences in distal health outcomes given
the small sample size.
Monette et al19 conducted a 4-month clustered trial in 8 public Canadian long-term care
facilities involving 36 prescribing physicians. The intervention included written materials
about appropriate management of common infections, which were mailed to physicians
along with specific information about their prescribing patterns for anti-infectives.
Nonadherent, or suboptimal, prescribing was defined as any anti-infective prescription that
differed from the mailed guidelines in 1 of the following areas: the choice of the antiinfective according to the diagnosis; dosage; frequency; duration; or adjustment for
creatinine clearance, when indicated. The physicians in the intervention group were 64%
less likely to prescribe nonadherent antibiotics than were physicians in the control group
(odds ratio [OR] = 0.36; 95% CI, 0.180.73; P < 0.05). No information was collected on any
additional health outcomes. The study was limited by the use of unvalidated explicit criteria
to measure suboptimal prescribing and the use of non-blinded evaluators of the outcome
measures. In addition, the generalizability of the results to the United States or other
countries is unknown.
Fossey et al20 tested the effectiveness of training staff from 6 paired nursing homes in the
United Kingdom on antipsychotic use in 349 residents (median age, 82 years) with
dementia. The in-facility training was done by a psychologist, a nurse, and occupational
therapists over 10 months. In addition, 3 geriatric psychiatrists reviewed residents medical
records and wrote specific recommendations to prescribing physicians to discontinue
antipsychotics that had been given for >3 months, especially if behavioral problems had
subsided. Study team members made initial and 12-month follow-up assessments of any use
of antipsychotics, the dosages used, and behavioral complications (based on the CohenMansfield Agitation Inventory35). The proportion of residents taking neuroleptics was
significantly lower in the intervention homes than in the control homes at 12 months (23.0%
vs 42.1%, respectively; mean reduction in neuroleptic use, 19.1%; 95% CI, 0.5%37.7%; P
= 0.045). This improvement did not result in changes in the use of other psychotropics or
behavioral complications. It is important to note that antipsychotic use at baseline (50% in
control homes, 47% in intervention homes) was nearly twice as high as current levels in US
nursing homes; the cost-effectiveness of such a labor-intensive, hands-on intervention was
not provided.
A study by Crotty et al21 assessed the impact of an outreach visit intervention delivered by a
pharmacist on fall reduction and stroke prevention in a residential care setting over 7
months. The study included 897 participants at baseline and 902 participants at the 7-month
follow-up from 20 residential care facilities, 715 of whom (mean age, 83.4 years in control
homes, 84.7 years in intervention homes) had data at both time points; 452 residential care
staff were surveyed, and 121 physicians were invited to participate, 61 of whom attended
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outreach visits. The intervention consisted of two 30-minute outreach visits by a pharmacist.
The first visit focused on relevant evidence related to fall reduction and stroke prevention
using guidelines for community-based patients. The second visit included detailed audit
information about fall rates, risk of psychotropic drug use, and stroke risk-reduction
practices (eg, blood pressure monitoring, use of aspirin and warfarin) using facility-specific
information. Case notes were audited by nurses blinded to allocation for demographic
information, diagnoses, and stroke risk factors. The only significant result of this study was
the greater use of as required antipsychotics in the intervention group than in the control
group (relative risk [RR] = 4.95; 95% CI, 1.6914.50; P < 0.05). No significant difference
was found between the 2 groups in the numbers of residents at risk of stroke on aspirin at
follow-up (RR = 0.54; 95% CI, 0.291.00) or the 3-month fall rate (RR = 1.17; 95% CI,
0.861.58). This study was limited by the short time frame of the trial (7 months), which
may not have allowed detection of changes in prescribing patterns. In addition, because of
the short time frame, the total number of outreach visits (61) may not have been large
enough to have a sustainable effect on suboptimal prescribing.
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the hospital to a long-term care facility for the first time. The study included 110 older adults
(mean age, 82.7 years) assigned to 85 long-term care facilities. Patients were randomly
allocated either to receive the services of the pharmacist transition coordinator or to undergo
the usual hospital discharge process over 8 weeks. The intervention was not associated with
a significant change in the Medication Appropriateness Index (MAI) score (range, 018 per
drug; higher scores = more inappropriate) from baseline in the intervention group (mean
score, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.84.6 at baseline vs 2.5; 95% CI, 1.43.7 at 8 weeks); however, the
MAI score worsened in the control group (mean score, 3.7; 95% CI, 2.25.2 for intervention
group vs 6.5; 95% CI, 3.99.1 for control group at 8 weeks; P = 0.007). In addition, the
intervention group showed a significant protective effect of the intervention against
worsening pain (RR = 0.55; 95% CI, 0.320.94; P = 0.023) and hospital usage (RR = 0.38;
95% CI, 0.150.99; P = 0.035), but did not differ significantly from control patients in terms
of ADEs (RR = 1.05; 95% CI, 0.661.68), falls (RR = 1.19; 95% CI, 0.711.99), worsening
mobility (RR = 0.39; 95% CI, 0.131.15), worsening behaviors (RR = 0.52; 95% CI, 0.25
1.10), or increased confusion (RR = 0.59; 95% CI, 0.281.22). This study was limited by the
small sample size, which may have limited the power of the study and the ability to detect
significant differences in secondary outcomes.
A study by Furniss et al28 assessed the impact of active medication review by a pharmacist.
This 8-month study included 330 nursing home residents from 14 homes. The intervention
involved a medication review by a pharmacist followed up 3 weeks later to see whether the
suggested changes had been implemented and to assess whether any immediate problems
had occurred after making the changes in medication. At the end of the intervention, the
mean number of drugs that were prescribed had decreased in both the intervention group
(5.1 at baseline vs 4.2 at 8 months) and the control group (4.9 at baseline vs 4.4 at 8
months); however, the difference between the 2 groups was not statistically significant.
Interestingly, the intervention group experienced a greater deterioration in cognitive function
(mean MMSE score, 12.5 vs 17.1 in the control group; P = NS). The intervention group
experienced significantly greater behavioral disturbance (mean Crichton-Royal Behaviour
Rating Scale score, 19.4 vs 14.5 in the control group; P = 0.02). However, changes in
depression (mean Geriatric Depression Scale score, 3.86 in the intervention group vs 4.41 in
the control group) and quality of life (mean Brief Assessment Schedule Depression Cards
score, 3.77 in the intervention group vs 3.26 in the control group) were not significantly
Am J Geriatr Pharmacother. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 August 22.
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different statistically. The number of deaths was significantly lower in the intervention
group than in the control group during the intervention period (4 vs 14; P = 0.028) but not
during the study period as a whole (26 vs 28). As in the previously described studies,17,19,27
this study was limited by the lack of a validated measure of suboptimal prescribing. The
clinical impact of the lower number of prescribed drugs in the intervention group is
uncertain. Furthermore, cognitive, depressive, and quality-of-life outcomes are
multifactorial; thus, an intervention focused on medications may be less likely to have an
important impact on such outcomes.
A study by Roberts et al29 assessed the impact of a clinical pharmacy program involving
development of professional relationships, nurse education on medication issues, and
individualized medication reviews. This 12-month study included 905 residents in 13
intervention homes and 2325 residents in 39 control homes and was a clustered RCT in
which an intervention home was matched to 3 control homes. The intervention significantly
reduced the use of BZDs, NSAIDs, laxatives, and histamine H2-receptor antagonists/
antacids compared with the control groups (change in number of prescription items/year/
1000 residents [trial period minus baseline period], intervention minus control: 875, 239,
451, 285, and 82, respectively; all, P < 0.05). No significant difference was found in the
use of digoxin or diuretics (change in number of prescription items/year/1000 residents [trial
period minus baseline period], intervention minus control: 12 and 355, respectively).
Overall drug use in the intervention group was reduced by 14.8% relative to the control
group (P = NS). Finally, no significant changes in morbidity indices (eg, hospitalization,
ADEs, changes in disability index) or survival rates (hazard ratio = 0.85; 95% CI, 0.68
1.06) were found between the intervention and control groups. This study was limited by the
lack of a validated measure of suboptimal prescribing and its short duration.
A study by Thompson et al30 assessed the impact of clinical pharmacist prescribing and
monitoring under the supervision of a family practitioner compared with a traditional-care
control group. The study initially included 152 residents from a single SNF and lasted 12
months; 139 residents (mean age, 85.1 years in the intervention group and 86.3 years in the
control group) were assessed during the study year. The intervention led to a significantly
lower mean number of drugs per resident in the intervention group than in the control group
(5.7 vs 7.1, respectively; P = 0.04). In addition, the investigators reported that the
intervention group had a numerically lower number of deaths (3/67 [4.48%] vs 10/72
[13.89%]; P = 0.05); however, this was not a statistically significant finding and should be
interpreted with caution. Furthermore, significantly more residents were discharged to lower
levels of care in the intervention group than in the control group (8/67 [11.94%] vs 2/72
[2.78%]; P = 0.03). This study reported that clinical pharmacists working collaboratively
with family practice physicians can have a positive impact on the number of drugs
prescribed and the discharge rate. Use of a single-center study with only 2 pharmacists
limited the generalizability of the study results.
Multidisciplinary Approaches
Another study by Crotty et al31 assessed the impact of 2 multidisciplinary case conferences
involving the residents GP, a geriatrician, a pharmacist, and residential care staff. This
study lasted 3 months and included 154 residents (mean age, 85.3 years in the intervention
group and 83.6 years in the control group) with medication problems and/or challenging
behaviors from 10 high-level aged-care facilities. The mean change in MAI score was
greater in the intervention group (4.1; 95% CI, 2.1 to 6.1) than in the control group (0.4;
95% CI, 0.4 to 1.2; P < 0.001). The intervention group also had a significantly greater
reduction in mean MAI score for BZDs (0.73; 95% CI, 0.16 to 1.30) than did the control
group (0.38; 95% CI, 1.02 to 0.27; P = 0.017). Overall, no significant changes in resident
behaviors were found after the intervention. Furthermore, the nonstudy residents in the
Am J Geriatr Pharmacother. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 August 22.
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facility were not affected by the case-conferencing approach, ruling out the possibility that
this approach would carry over within the facility.
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prescribed for suspected UTIs in the intervention homes was significantly lower than in the
usual-care homes (28% vs 39% of antimicrobial courses; weighted mean difference, 9.6%;
95% CI, 16.9% to 2.4%; P < 0.05). This study was limited in that it was underpowered to
detect significant differences in hospital admissions and mortality rates between the 2 study
groups. Furthermore, it was not possible to determine which part of the multifaceted
approach was most successful.
No current or updated narrative review of RCTs evaluating interventions to improve
prescribing in nursing homes was found in the literature search. In a review that was
published in 1990,1 only one RCT had been published on this topic at the time. Only 18
trials met the inclusion criteria for the present review. These 18 trials used a variety of
interventional approaches. Previous research assessing the process of prescribing has been
conducted in a variety of settings.1,511 The present review found that 15 (83.3%) of the 18
studies, regardless of the interventional approach taken, reported a significant improvement
in 1 prescribing-related process outcome. Unfortunately, clinical outcomes were much less
likely to be improved significantly, probably because the studies were underpowered to
detect such differences in multifactorial outcomes. One positive finding is that 3 recent
studies24,26,32 did examine medication-related adverse patient events.
It is interesting to note that 3 major medication classes for unique conditions were targeted
by the studies included in this review: (1) central nervous system (CNS) medications, (2)
anti-infectives, and (3) musculoskeletal system medications. The first class, CNS
medications, was studied in 4 of the trials.17,2022 Educational approaches were used in all
of these studies, and the targeted medications included neuroleptics, anti- psychotics, and
antidepressants. This is an important target because ~50% of nursing home residents are
cognitively impaired.39 Thus, CNS medications should be used cautiously and with diligent
monitoring because of the potential to both worsen cognitive impairment and lead to falls.
Prescribing-related process outcomes were found to be improved in almost all of the studies;
specifically, a significant decrease (19%59%; all, P < 0.05) in the proportion of residents
taking CNS medications was reported in 3 of the 4 studies.17,20,22 Regarding clinical
outcomes, falls were measured in only one of the studies,21 with no significant difference
found between the intervention and control groups. It is important to note that simply
decreasing the number of CNS medications is not as clinically important as the potential
benefits of reducing falls and improving cognitive function without worsening of the
underlying disease process. Therefore, future studies should focus on measuring the clinical
outcomes associated with interventions targeted at these medication classes.
Anti-infectives, the second class examined, were assessed in 3 of the studies.19,23,34 Two
studies19,23 used an educational approach to improve prescribing by reeducating the
prescribers on appropriate antibiotics and duration of therapy for infections commonly found
in nursing homes (eg, UTIs, NHAP, skin and soft-tissue infections). One study34 used a
multifaceted approach. Two of the 3 studies23,34 measured clinical outcomes, but neither
study reported statistically significant results. One study34 measured hospital admissions and
mortality rates, whereas the other study23 measured the 30-day postintervention mortality
rate. It is promising that all of the studies found significant improvements in the
appropriateness of antibiotic prescribing after intervention based on the guidelines or
recommendations implemented in the trials.
As with any educational intervention, the possibility exists for the interventions effect to
decrease over time. Future studies should build on this research by identifying appropriate
clinical outcomes to measure as primary outcomes in the nursing home setting and by
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conducting follow-up studies to assess retention of the knowledge gained from the
educational intervention.
The final medication class, musculoskeletal system medications, was examined in 2 studies.
18,33 One study18 addressed musculoskeletal pain using an educational intervention, and the
other study33 focused on osteoporosis management using a multifaceted approach. The trial
using an educational approach reported a significant decrease in the mean number of days of
NSAID use per week in the intervention group (decrease of 7.0 to 1.9 days; P < 0.001) and a
significant increase in the mean number of days of APAP use in the intervention group
(increase of 3.1 days; P < 0.001) compared with the control group.18 The multifacetedapproach trial reported that completion of an educational module (P = 0.001) and direct
physician contact by an academic detailer (P = 0.03) were significantly associated with
prescribing osteoporosis pharmacotherapy.33 Unfortunately, neither trial found a significant
improvement in a clinical outcome. Because osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are common
causes of disability and decreased quality of life among older adults,40,41 more attempts
should be made to improve prescribing for patients with these diseases. These 2 trials18,33
were only 3 to 6 months in length; longer studies might be needed to detect a difference in
musculoskeletal pain and/or falls.
This review has several potential limitations worth mentioning. Publication bias may exist
because negative studies are less likely to have been published. In addition, although the
PubMed, IPA, and EMBASE databases were searched for relevant articles, it is possible that
some studies may have been missed if they were indexed in other databases. To minimize
the chance of missing such studies, the authors manually searched the reference lists of the
identified articles, recent review articles, as well as their personal files to identify potential
studies for inclusion. The search strategy was also limited to the English language, to older
adults (=65 years of age), to nursing home residents, and to RCTs, because the intent of this
study was to evaluate the impact of interventions on older adults in the nursing home setting.
Using such strict inclusion criteria may limit the generalizability of this review.
Studies using various types of interventions have reported mixed findings with regard to
improving prescribing practices for older adults in nursing homes. Because of the
heterogeneous interventions that were used and the outcomes that were measured, it is
difficult to make a generalized conclusion. However, it is imperative to focus future research
on improving prescribing in nursing homes as the aging population continues to grow and
more medications reach the market. Furthermore, it is critical for future research to study
clinical outcomes and not just report process measures such as prescribing and monitoring.
This study was supported by National Institute of Aging grants (R01AG027017, P30AG024827, T32AG021885,
K07AG033174, and R01AG034056), a National Institute of Mental Health grant (R34 MH082682), a National
Institute of Nursing Research grant (R01 NR010135), an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grant (R01
HS017695), a Veterans Affairs Health Services Research grant (IIR-06-062), and a National Institutes of Health
Roadmap Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Award Grant (K12 RR023267).
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Summary of randomized controlled trials designed to improve medication prescribing in nursing homes.1734
Duration of Intervention
Educational approaches
Avorn et al
6 Matched pairs of
nursing homes;
823 residents
Educational program, by
clinical pharmacist in
provided to physicians,
nurses, and nurses aides
5 Months
Stein et al
10 Matched pairs
of nursing homes;
147 residents
3 Months
Monette et
al (2007)19
36 Physicians
from 8 long-term
care facilities
Mailing antibiotic
guidelines to physicians
along with their antibiotic
prescribing profile covering
the previous 3 months
(targeted infections were
UTIs, lower respiratory
tract infections, skin and
soft-tissue infections, and
septicemia); each antibiotic
was classified as adherent
or nonadherent to the
4 Months
Fossey et al
6 Paired nursing
homes (12
specialist nursing
homes); 349
10 Months
Marcum et al.
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Duration of Intervention
Crotty et al
20 Residential
care facilities; 897
residents at
baseline and 902
residents at
follow-up (715
residents with data
at both time
7 Months
Schmidt et
al (1998)22
33 Long-term care
facilities; 1854
Pharmacist outreach
program designed to
influence drug use through
improved teamwork among
physicians, pharmacists,
nurses, and nurses aides
12 Months
Naughton et
al (2001)23
10 SNFs; 2375
intervention for treatment
of NHAP, including small
group consensus process
limited to physicians and a
similar intervention that
included physicians and
nurses within randomly
selected SNFs
6 Months
Gurwitz et
al (2008)24
2 Long-term care
facilities; 1118
residents of 29
Clinical decision-support
system designed for
preventing ADEs
Field et al
1 Long-term care
facility; 833
residents in 22
Clinical decision-support
system designed to
improve prescribing for
residents with renal
12 Months
Addition of a pharmacist
transition coordinator for
the transfer from hospital to
8 Weeks
Clinical pharmacy
Crotty et al
85 Long-term care
facilities; 110
Marcum et al.
Page 16
Duration of Intervention
baseline vs 2.5; 95% CI, 1.43.7 at 8
weeks); however, MAI score worsened in
the control group (mean, 3.7; 95% CI, 2.2
5.2 vs 6.5; 95% CI, 3.99.1; P = 0.007, for
comparison between intervention and
control mean scores at 8 weeks)
Outcomes: Intervention group showed a
significant protective effect of the
intervention against worsening pain (RR =
0.55; 95% CI, 0.320.94; P = 0.023) and
hospital usage (RR = 0.38; 95% CI, 0.15
0.99; P = 0.035), but did not differ
significantly from control residents in terms
of ADEs (RR = 1.05; 95% CI, 0.661.68),
falls (RR = 1.19; 95% CI, 0.711.99),
worsening mobility (RR = 0.39; 95% CI,
0.131.15), worsening behaviors (RR =
0.52; 95% CI, 0.251.10), or increased
confusion (RR = 0.59; 95% CI, 0.281.22)
et al
65 Nursing
homes; 661
6 Months
Furniss et al
14 Nursing
homes; 330
8 Months
Roberts et
al (2001)29
13 Intervention
homes, 905
residents; 39
control homes,
2325 residents
12 Months
Marcum et al.
Page 17
Duration of Intervention
1 SNF; 152
residents (139
residents assessed
during the study
Clinical pharmacist
prescribing and monitoring
under the supervision of a
family practitioner
12 Months
Multidisciplinary approaches
Crotty et al
10 High-level
facilities; 154
3 Months
Ulfvarson et
al (2003)32
9 Nursing homes;
80 residents
Medication reviews by a
specialist in clinical
pharmacology and a
specialist in cardiology
3 Months
Multifaceted approaches
ColnEmeric et al
67 Nursing
homes; 606
6-Pronged intervention:
modules, reminders, audit
and feedback, academic
detailing, case-based
teleconferencing, and an
osteoporosis toolkit
6 Months
Loeb et al
24 Nursing
homes; 4217
residents (with
12 Months
Marcum et al.
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Duration of Intervention