Choice of Entity For Scribd
Choice of Entity For Scribd
Choice of Entity For Scribd
Potential Clients
J.P. Fernandes, Esq.
Starting a Business
Alternatives Available.
Sole Proprietorship.
individual that have not adopted another form of business entity. No formalities or
filings are required to create or operate a sole proprietorship, so using a sole
proprietorship to run a business is simple and inexpensive. Since many start-up
businesses operate on a shoestring and have concerns about future viability, saving
organizational and operating costs is attractive.
proprietorship is also attractive. The profit or loss of the business is reported on the
owners individual tax return, so if the business incurs losses in its formative years, the
owner will be in a position to offset these losses against other income. Sole
proprietorships, however, have two disadvantages. The first is that a sole proprietorship
is available only if a business has one owner. If there are two or more owners, another
form of business must be used. The second disadvantage is that the owner of a business
organized as a sole proprietorship is personally responsible for all of the debts and
liabilities of the business. If the business fails or if a customer or other person is injured
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by the operations or products of the business, the personal assets of the owner,
including his or her personal bank accounts and investments, are at risk for payment of
the resulting claims.
Subchapter S Corporation.
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an S corporation are similar to those of an LLC. The costs of creation and maintenance
are comparable for both types of entities. Like a sole proprietorship and an LLC, the
income tax attributes of an S corporation pass through to its owners and are reported on
their individual income tax returns. There are, however, some differences in the tax
treatment S corporations and LLCs. These differences are discussed below.
LLCs, a word should be said about C corporations. C corporations also provide limited
liability for their owners and are comparable to LLCs and S corporations in terms of
their costs of creation and maintenance. The big disadvantage of C corporations for
small businesses, and particularly small businesses in the start-up phase, is that the
income or loss of a C corporation is taxable to the corporation and does not pass
through to shareholders. As a result, shareholders cannot use a C corporations start-up
or other losses to apply against income received by the shareholders from sources other
than the corporation.
operating your business if you will be the only owner and the business is not a type that
involves significant risks of liability to third parties. This form of entity may also be
appropriate if you feel you can adequately insure against what liability exposure there
is or are willing to accept the personal liability exposure in order to avoid the
organizational and operational costs of another form of business entity. If a sole
proprietorship is not a viable alternative, you will need to decide between an LLC and
an S corporation. Both forms of business entity share some common attributes, but
there are important differences, and these differences may make one form of entity or
the other a better choice for your business. The choice between an LLC and an S
corporation is best made by comparing the advantages of each and deciding which
advantages are most important in your situation.
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Advantages of LLCs
feature pass-through tax treatment, an LLC is more transparent for tax purposes than an
S corporation. For example, property can generally be transferred tax-free by a member
to an LLC, and property can generally be withdrawn from an LLC tax-free by a
member. In the case of an S corporation, property can generally be transferred tax-free
to the corporation at the time of its organization, but later transfers may result in the
recognition of gain unless they are made by a shareholder who owns 80% or more of
the stock of the S corporation. In addition, the withdrawal of property from an S
corporation by a shareholder will generally be a taxable event. Their lack of
transparency for tax purposes makes S corporations particularly unsuitable for the
ownership of investment real estate or other property that is likely to appreciate in
value. Once such property is transferred to an S corporation, it may be difficult to
restructure the ownership of the property without incurring a tax.
corporation that can be deducted by an owner in any given year cannot exceed the
owners tax basis in his or her interest in the business. The amount of an LLCs
indebtedness to banks or other third parties is considered in computing the tax basis of
its members, whereas this indebtedness is not included in the tax basis of an S
corporations shareholders even if they have personally guaranteed the indebtedness.
Since many businesses incur losses in their early years, the ability of owners to use a
greater amount of these losses makes an LLC more attractive than an S corporation,
particularly if owners are in high tax brackets.
Owners of a business
sometimes have differing tax or cash needs, and an LLC provides more flexibility than
an S corporation in addressing these needs. An LLC can, for example, attract investor
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owners by offering interests that have the attributes of preferred stock. Investors can be
given a right to a minimum rate of return on their investment (as long as profits are
adequate for its payment) and also a preferential right to both current and liquidating
distributions. An S corporation can issue only one class of stock, so it cannot issue
common stock to working shareholders and preferred stock to investing shareholders.
If some owners of a business are in higher income tax brackets than others, an LLC can
in some cases use special allocations to allocate a disproportionate share of its losses to
these owners, thus minimizing the taxes of its owners as a group. Special allocations
cannot be made by S corporations.
No Limits on Owners. Not only can an LLC facilitate the varying needs of its
members, it can also have more owners and more diverse owners than an S
corporation. An S corporation cannot have more than 100 shareholders, and all
shareholders must be individuals who are citizens or residents of the United States,
estates, or certain types of trusts. Corporations, partnerships, and LLCs cannot own
stock in an S corporation. These restrictions can limit the ability of an S corporation to
bring in outside investors and can limit the ability of S corporation shareholders to
transfer their stock to family members during life or upon death. There are no such
restrictions on the persons who may be members of an LLC. An LLC may have one, or
any other number, of members, and there are no restrictions on the types of individuals
or entities that can be LLC members.
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corporation is like any other corporation for state law purposes, it must be managed
like a corporation. This means that the shareholders must elect directors who are
responsible for the management of the corporation, and the directors must appoint
officers who execute their management directions. The corporate form of management
is familiar to many people, but some find it rigid, particularly in the context of a small
business with a limited number of shareholders who may prefer to operate the business
more like a partnership. The corporate form may also be cumbersome in a situation
where one or more of the owners of a business will be primarily responsible for its
management and other owners will be mere investors.
Advantages of S Corporations.
LLCs for employment tax purposes. This is an important consideration that can be
controlling in the decision of many businesses about whether to operate as an LLC or S
corporation. If all members of an LLC are individuals and participate in management
of the LLCs business, all of the LLCs income is subject to self-employment tax.
Whats more, the income is subject to self-employment tax in the year the LLC earns it
even if the income is not distributed to members but is retained by the LLC to provide
working capital or to acquire capital assets. Only certain limited types of LLC income,
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such as capital gains and rentals from real property, are exempt from self-employment
tax. If an LLC is organized as a manger managed entity and has members who do not
participate in management, income allocated to members who do not participate in
management may also be exempt from self-employment tax. In comparison, income of
an S corporation is never subject to self-employment tax in the hands of its
shareholders. Wages and salaries paid by S corporations to their shareholders are,
however, subject to employment taxes in the same manner as compensation paid by to
any other employee. The combined rate of employment taxes imposed on the employer
and employee is the same as the rate of the self-employment tax, so the difference in
tax systems does not create any savings. But what does create a savings is that
employment taxes are only imposed on amounts paid out by an S corporation as
compensation. Income of an S corporation that is retained by the business or is paid out
as dividends is not subject to employment tax. Self-employment tax is not a nickel and
dime issue. The tax is imposed at a rate of 15.3% on self-employment income of up to
$90,000 received by an individual in 2005, and is imposed at the rate of 2.9% on selfemployment income in excess of that amount. Although one-half of an individuals
self-employment tax is deductible for income tax purposes, the imposition of selfemployment tax as well as income tax on LLC income allocated to a member can
significantly increase the rate of tax on the income.
Cash Basis Accounting If a business has owners who do not participate in the
operation and management of the business, it may be required to use accrual basis
accounting if it is organized as an LLC, even if it does not have inventories or does not
have a member that is a C corporation. This is the result of tax rules designed to
prevent certain syndications from using cash accounting. These rules generally do not
apply to S corporations.
Familiar Management Structure. Most states base their corporate laws on model
legislation that has been widely adopted or base their corporate laws on long-standing
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concepts recognized in other states. As a result, there is a large body of law relating to
the management and operations of S corporations, and this may reduce the number of
potential areas for conflict between shareholders, directors, and officers. In contrast,
the LLC laws of many states differ significantly from those of other states, and all LLC
statutes are of relatively recent origin. Consequently, there may be more questions
about the proper way to operate or manage an LLC.
corporation is the best choice for all businessesboth have advantages and
disadvantages. The form of entity that is appropriate for your business will depend
upon which of these advantages is most important to you. For example, if you plan to
seek outside investors who may have differing tax and cash needs, or if your business
will pay out most of its income currently to the owners, you may want to select an
LLC. On the other hand, if you do not expect to bring in outside investors and have a
business that will retain substantial income for working capital or other purposes, the
employment tax advantages of an S corporation may make that form of entity the
logical choice. I hope that this letter will assist you in getting started on the process of
making the decision about the form of entity that is most appropriate for your business.