3 Payment Methods-Lecture
3 Payment Methods-Lecture
3 Payment Methods-Lecture
Payment Schemes
Cost plus fixed fee/% price
Unit price
Guaranteed maximum price
Award Methods
General points
Risk Sharing
Fundamental Ideas
Contractor willing to pay the Owner (charge less for contract) if the
owner takes on risk
For risks that contractor cant control, may be willing to pay a risk
premium to owner to take over
For risks that contractors can control, cheaper for a contractor to manage
risk than to pay a risk premium
Risks that the contractor can handle better are imposed on contractor (i.e.
contractor will lose $ if dont control - to be competitive, will have to
manage these)
Risks that the owner can handle better are kept by owner
Risk can be better handled by A vs. B means that the risk premium that
would be charged by A for taking on this risk is smaller than would be
charged by B
Fundamental Balance
Impact of Risk
Consider parties A and B in an agreement, the greater the risk on party A
The more incentive on party A to manage this risk and less on party B
More incentive on B to make sure that As means of risk management falls within
the agreement (i.e. not cutting corners or cheating)
More risk on one party, less that party is willing to move forward
The owner knows the actual cost of the project before it begins
Minimizes risk for the owner if the project is well estimated, contractual
documents accurate and project clearly defined
Used if the pricing could not be performed in any other way and if it is
Only have to pay for actual costs (If managed closely, can save
money vs. fixed-price)
The total cost for the owner can be greater than planned
Variation of the Cost Plus a Fee but GMP can be a cap on direct
Often start in cost plus fixed fee and then impose GMP at e.g.
90% design
Contract may be higher than for fixed price because design often not
complete when contract is set
Just as for CPFF, quality may be sacrificed whereas without GMP, cost
and/or schedule would have increased