Stock Market
Stock Market
Stock Market
BSE has set various guidelines and forms that need to be adhered to and submitted by the
companies. These guidelines will help companies to expedite the fulfillment of the various
formalities and disclosure requirements that are required at various stages of
• Public Issues
o Initial Public Offering
o Further Public Offering
• Preferential Issues
• Indian Depository Receipts
• Amalgamation
• Qualified Institutions Placements
The following eligibility criteria have been prescribed effective August 1, 2006 for
listing of companies on BSE, through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) & Follow-on Public
Offerings (FPOs):
1. Companies have been classified as large cap companies and small cap companies.
A large cap company is a company with a minimum issue size of Rs. 10 crore and
market capitalization of not less than Rs. 25 crore. A small cap company is a
company other than a large cap company.
b. In respect of Small Cap Companies
i. The minimum post-issue paid-up capital of the Company shall be Rs.
3 crore; and
ii. The minimum issue size shall be Rs. 3 crore; and
iii. The minimum market capitalization of the Company shall be Rs. 5
crore (market capitalization shall be calculated by multiplying the
post-issue paid-up number of equity shares with the issue price); and
iv. The minimum income/turnover of the Company shall be Rs. 3 crore
in each of the preceding three 12-months period; and
v. The minimum number of public shareholders after the issue shall be
vi. A due diligence study may be conducted by an independent team of
Chartered Accountants or Merchant Bankers appointed by BSE, the
cost of which will be borne by the company. The requirement of a
due diligence study may be waived if a financial institution or a
scheduled commercial bank has appraised the project in the
preceding 12 months.
The listing norms for companies already listed on other stock exchanges and seeking
listing at BSE, made effective from August 6, 2002, are as under:
1. The company shall have a minimum issued and paid up equity capital of Rs. 3
2. The company shall have a profit making track record for the preceding last three
years. The revenues/profits arising out of extra ordinary items or income from any
source of non-recurring nature shall be excluded while calculating the profit making
track record.
3. Minimum net worth shall be Rs. 20 crore (net worth includes equity capital and free
reserves excluding revaluation reserves).
4. Minimum market capitalisation of the listed capital shall be at least two times of the
paid up capital.
5. The company shall have a dividend paying track record for at least the last 3
consecutive years and the dividend should be at least 10% in each year.
6. Minimum 25% of the company's issued capital shall be with Non-Promoter
shareholders as per Clause 35 of the Listing Agreement. Out of above Non-
Promoter holding, no single shareholder shall hold more than 0.5% of the paid-up
capital of the company individually or jointly with others except in case of
Banks/Financial Institutions/Foreign Institutional Investors/Overseas Corporate
Bodies and Non-Resident Indians.
7. The company shall have at least two years listing record with any of the Regional
Stock Exchanges.
8. The company shall sign an agreement with CDSL and NSDL for demat trading.
Companies delisted by BSE and seeking relisting at BSE are required to make a
fresh public offer and comply with the extant guidelines of SEBI and BSE regarding initial
public offerings.
Companies desiring to list their securities offered through a public issue are
required to obtain prior permission of BSE to use the name of BSE in their prospectus or
offer for sale documents before filing the same with the concerned office of the Registrar of
BSE has a Listing Committee , comprising of market experts, which decides upon the
matter of granting permission to companies to use the name of BSE in their
prospectus/offer documents. This Committee evaluates the promoters, company, project ,
financials, risk factors and several other aspects before taking a decision in this regard.
Decision with regard to some types/sizes of companies has been delegated to the Internal
Committee of BSE.
As per Section 73 of the Companies Act, 1956, a company seeking listing of its
securities on BSE is required to submit a Letter of Application to all the stock exchanges
where it proposes to have its securities listed before filing the prospectus with the Registrar
of Companies.
Allotment of Securities
and approach the Designated Stock Exchange for approval of the basis of allotment.
In case of Book Building issues, allotment shall be made not later than 15 days from the
closure of the issue, failing which interest at the rate of 15% shall be paid to the investors.
Trading Permission
As per SEBI Guidelines, an issuer company should complete the formalities for
trading at all the stock exchanges where the securities are to be listed within 7 working
days of finalization of the basis of allotment.
A company should scrupulously adhere to the time limit specified in SEBI (Disclosure and
Investor Protection) Guidelines 2000 for allotment of all securities and dispatch of
allotment letters/share certificates/credit in depository accounts and refund orders and for
obtaining the listing permissions of all the exchanges whose names are stated in its
prospectus or offer document. In the event of listing permission to a company being denied
by any stock exchange where it had applied for listing of its securities, the company cannot
proceed with the allotment of shares. However, the company may file an appeal before
SEBI under Section 22 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956.
Requirement of 1% Security
All companies listed on BSE are required to pay to BSE the Annual Listing Fees by
30th April of every financial year as per the Schedule of Listing Fees prescribed from time
to time.
The schedule of Listing Fees for the year 2009-10, prescribed by the Governing Board of
BSE, is given here under:
Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)
1 Initial Listing Fees 20,000.00
2 Annual Listing Fees
(i) Companies with listed capital* upto Rs. 5 crore 10,000.00
Companies which have a listed capital* of more than Rs. 20 crore are
required to pay an additional fee @ Rs. 750 for every additional Rs. 1
crore or part thereof.
NOTE: In case of debenture capital (not convertible into equity shares) ,
the fees will be
25% of the above fees.
*includes equity shares, preference shares, fully convertible debentures, partly convertible
debentures and any other security convertible into equity shares.
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1 Initial Listing Fees NIL
Annual Listing Fees
(i)Issue size up to Rs.5 crore Rs.3,750.00
Mutual Funds
Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Initial listing fee Nil
Annual Listing Fee: Full Year Less than 6 months
Issue size up to Rs.100 Crores 32,000 16,000
Above Rs.100 Crores and up to Rs.300 Crores. 58,000 29,000
Above Rs.300 Crores and up to Rs.500 Crores. 94,000 47,000
Above Rs.500 Crores and up to Rs. 1000 Crores 1,56,000 78,000
Above 1000 Crores 2,50,000 1,25,000
The above schedule of Listing Fee is uniformly applicable for all companies
irrespective of whether BSE is the designated stock exchange or not.
The last date for payment of Listing Fee for the year 2009-10 is April 30, 2009.
Failure to pay the Listing Fee (for equity and/or debt segment) by the due date will attract
interest @ 12% per annum w.e.f. May 1, 2009.
Companies desirous of getting their securities listed at BSE are required to enter
into an agreement with BSE called the Listing Agreement, under which they are required to
make certain disclosures and perform certain acts, failing which the company may face
some disciplinary action, including suspension/delisting of securities. As such, the Listing
Agreement is of great importance and is executed under the common seal of a company.
Under the Listing Agreement, a company undertakes, amongst other things, to provide
facilities for prompt transfer, registration, sub-division and consolidation of securities; to
give proper notice of closure of transfer books and record dates, to forward 6 copies of
unabridged Annual Reports, Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Accounts to BSE, to file
shareholding patterns and financial results on a quarterly basis; to intimate promptly to the
Exchange the happenings which are likely to materially affect the financial performance of
the Company and its stock prices, to comply with the conditions of Corporate Governance,
The Listing Department of BSE monitors the compliance by the companies with the
provisions of the Listing Agreement, especially with regard to timely payment of annual
listing fees, submission of results, shareholding patterns and corporate governance reports
on a quarterly basis . Penal action is taken against the defaulting companies.
In order to simplify the system of payment of listing fees, BSE has entered into an
arrangement with HDFC Bank for collection of listing fees from 141 locations all over the
country.Details of the HDFC Bank branches are available on our website site as well as on the HDFC Bank website This facility
is being provided free of cost.
Companies intending to utilize this facility for payment of listing fee should furnish
the information (as mentioned below) in the Cash Management Cash Deposit Slip. These
slips are available at all the HDFC Bank branches.
The cheque should be drawn in favour of Bombay Stock Exchange Limited , and should be
payable locally. Companies are requested to mention in the deposit slip, the financial
year(s) for which the listing fee is being paid. Payment made through any other slips would
not be considered. The above slips will have to be filled in quadruplicate. One
acknowledged copy would be provided to the depositor by the HDFC Bank.
STOCK EXCHANGE is an organized market place, either
corporation or mutual organization, where members of the
organization gather to trade company stocks or other securities.
The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, (formerly, the Stock
Exchange, Mumbai; popularly called as BSE) is the oldest Stock
Exchange in Asia with a rich heritage. It is located at Dalal Street,
Mumbai, India.
BSE is one of the factors Indian Economy depends upon. BSE has
played a major role in the development of the country. Through BSE,
Foreign Investors have invested in India. Due to inward flow of foreign
currency the, the Indian economy have started showing the upward
trend towards the development of the country.
In most of major industrial cities all over the world, where the
businesses were evolving and required investment capital to grow and
thrive, stock exchanges acted as the interface between Suppliers and
Consumers of capital. One of the key advantages of the stock
exchanges is that they are efficient medium for raising resources and
channeling savings from the general public by the way of issue of Equity
/ Debt Capital by joint stock companies which are listed on stock
Not to forget that the taxes and other statutory charges paid by BSE are
substantial and make a sizeable contribution to the Government
exchequer (Financial resources; funds). For example, transactions on
the stock exchanges are subject to stamp duties, which is paid to the
State Government. The annual revenue from this source ranges from Rs
75 – 100 crores
With no doubt we can clearly state without BSE, the Indian Economy
would have been a complete different story. Various companies wouldn’t
have been a strong and successful as they are today and the brokers
and traders would have been elsewhere.
BSE is an asset to our country and its existence plays a vital role in
many people’s life who depends on it. Indeed, BSE has made a major
contribution to the industrial and economic development of India.
Act of Magic:
Most of the investors are interested in short-term investments. The
requirements of companies are, however, long-term in nature—they
require equity capital on a more or less permanent basis and
debenture capital for 3 to 15 years. Thanks to the negotiability and
transferability of securities, through the stock market, it is possible
for companies to obtain their long-term requirements from
investors with short-term horizons. While one investor is
substituted by another when a security is transacted, the company
is assured of availability of funds.
Flow of Capital in the Most Profitable Channels:
Companies which have more profitable investment opportunities are
normally able to raise substantial funds through the stock market,
whereas companies which do not have such opportunities are
normally not able to do so. As a result, the stock market facilitates
the direction of the flow of capital in the most profitable channels.
In order to list securities of a company & get its shares traded on
any recognized stock exchanges, the Public Ltd Company may
either come out wit ha public issue (i.e. to offer further securities
to public) or make an offer for sale of existing securities to
public. This can be done by issuing of Prospectus & Complying
with all The Provinces of Company Act 1956.
Each stock exchange has its own criteria for listing securities
which should also be met.
Eg: If company intends to get listed its securities in Bombay
Stock Exchange, Mumbai post issue capital (paid up capital after
proposed public issue) of such companies should be Rs. 10
Crores atleast.
Each Stock Exchange has listed and permitted securities that are
traded on it. There are two ways of organizing the trading activity.
Under the open outcry system traders shout and resort to signals
on the trading floor of the exchange which consists of several
‘notional’ trading posts for different securities. A member (or his
representative) wishing to buy or sell a certain security, reaches the
trading post where the security is traded. Here, he comes in contact
with others interested in transacting in that security. Buyers make
their bid and sellers make their offers and bargains are closed at
mutually agreed-upon prices. In stock where jobbing is done, the
jobber plays an important role. He stands ready to buy or sell on
his account. He quotes his bid (buying) and ask (selling) prices. He
provides some stability and continuity to the market.
To mitigate the cost and the risks associated with the physical
delivery, settlement in the developed securities market is mainly
through electronic delivery facilitated by depositories. A ‘depository’
is an institution which immobilizes physical certificates (of
securities) and effect transfers of ownership by electronic book
entry. A beginning in the direction of electronic delivery has been
made in India with the establishment of the National Securities
Depository Limited (NSDL), India’s first depository, in 1996. As
NSDL expands its operations and as new depositories come into
being, settlement will progressively be done more by electronic
delivery and less by physical delivery.
It is more risky
A successful short term trading mindset instead requires iron
discipline, intense focus and steely devotion.
Short term trading can be divided in 3 sections
• Day Trading
• Swing Trading
• Position Trading
Day Trading
Day traders buy and sell stocks throughout the day in the hope that
the price of the stocks will fluctuate in value during the day,
allowing them to earn quick profits. A day trader will hold a stock
anywhere from a few seconds to few hours, but will always sell all
of those stocks close of the day. The day trader will therefore not
own any position at the close of the each day, and there is
overnight risk. The objective of day trading is to quickly get in and
out of any particular stock for profits anywhere from few cents to
several points per share on an intra-day basis. Day trading can be
further sub-divided into number of styles, including.
Scalpers: This style of day trading involves the rapid and repeated
buying and selling of a large volume of stocks within seconds or
minutes. The objective is to earn a small per share profit on each
transaction while minimizing the risk.
Momentum Traders: This style of day trading involves identifying and
trading stocks that are in a moving pattern during the day, in an
attempt to buy stocks at bottoms and sell at tops.
Swing Trading
The principal difference between day trading and swing trading is that
swing traders will normally have a slightly longer time horizon than day
traders for holding a position in a stock. As is the case with day traders,
swing traders also attempt to predict the short term fluctuation in a
stock’s price. However swing traders are willing to hold the stocks for
more than one day, if necessary, to give to stock price some time to
move or to capture additional momentum in the stock’s price. Swing
traders will generally hold on to their stock positions anywhere from a
few hours to several days.
Swing trading has the capability of providing higher returns than day
trading. However, unlike day traders who liquidate their positions at the
end of each day, swing traders assume overnight risk. There are some
significant risks in carrying positions overnight. For example news
events and earnings warnings announced after the closing bell can
result in large, unexpected and possibly adverse changes to a stock's
Position Trading
Long Term Investment:
A successful long term trading mindset requires, above all, patience and
perseverance. These are more difficult attributes to develop in the
average trader. Too often the average short-term trader succumbs to
the markets lure and develops a frantic, get-it-now mindset believing
every price blip represents a trading opportunity. As this attitude is
fanned by the media and brokerage industry, more and more long term
traders have become aggressive swing traders and swing traders
become rabid day traders - more often than not with disastrous
Long term trading results in less trades with fewer mistakes and lower
commission and slippage costs because overtrading is one of the biggest
sources of losses facing both new and established traders. Why is this
so? Obviously, more trades mean more commissions and more slippage.
Few short-term traders realize, however, that their total commission
and slippage costs in any year often exceed their total losses for the
year. In other words, many losing short-term traders would have
actually made money on an annual basis had they not incurred the
exorbitant commission and slippage costs of trading throughout the
year. Fewer trades mean fewer mistakes.
Long term trading unlike short term requires dramatically reduced time
for analysis and trading. If you are trading using weekly data, only one
to two hours each weekend are required to implement a sophisticated
long term trading system for 21 or more commodities. This includes the
time to completely download your quotes and update your data files,
verify which are the correct months to trade for each commodity, figure
out if you have any positions to rollover, generate your trading signals,
and write down orders to your broker. On the contrary a typical
successful day trader literally becomes a slave to their quote machines
during market hours.
The first arrest in the scam was of the noted bull, Ketan Parekh (KP), on
March 30, 2001, by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Soon,
reports abounded as to how KP had single handedly caused one of the
biggest scams in the history of Indian financial markets. He was charged
with defrauding Bank of India (BoI) of about $30 million among other
KP's arrest was followed by yet another panic run on the bourses and
the Sensex fell by 147 points. By this time, the scam had become the
'talk of the nation,' with intensive media coverage and unprecedented
public outcry.
Bank of India along with Punjab National Bank and SBI were at the
receiving end. Madhavapura Bank and Classic Cooperative Bank are the
others affected. Ketan Parekh owes around Rs1.3bn to the Bank of India
KP’s scam was one of the major scam in India after Harshad Mehta
which lost the confidence of investors in investing in share market. KP’s
scam is also regarded as one mans army scam.
The Indian stock markets are both shallow and narrow and the
movement of stocks depends on limited number of stocks. As FIIs
purchases and sells these stocks there is a high degree of volatility in
the stock markets. If any set of development encourages outflow of
capital that will increase the vulnerability of the situation. The high
degree of volatility can be attributed to the following reasons:
The change in the name of Asia's oldest stock exchange, from the Stock
Exchange, Mumbai to the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd., (BSE Ltd.) is of
more than cosmetic significance. Along with the change in name comes
a new perspective, one brought about by a comprehensive change in its
ownership and management. Until now, the BSE like most other
exchanges in India was owned and managed by brokers, who also had
the sole right to trade in the exchanges. Conflicts of interest were bound
to arise in such situations. Until the advent of the National Stock
Exchange in 1994, the BSE was India's pre-eminent exchange,
accounting for an overwhelmingly large proportion of the share market
transactions of the country. Companies wherever located were advised
to seek a listing of their shares on the BSE so that they could have
access to its large reservoir of capital and investor base. Legally
speaking, it was enough if they listed their shares on any one of the
regional stock exchanges, closest to their registered office. This last
rule, like so many others connected with the securities market, had to
be discarded in the wake of the sweeping changes in the financial
markets since the 1990s. Perceptions of both investors and regulators
changed dramatically forcing the stock exchanges to overhaul
The stock markets of the future will have a redefined pupose and
reinvented architecture due to the advent and widespread use of
technology. Information and stock price quotations are available
almost instantaneously, and, more importantly, investors can act on
this data by executing a trade from anywhere at anytime. This new
market will bring benefits to investors, the listed companies, and
the economies of the company. Trading will become cheaper, faster
and settlement will be simpler wit reduced risk. Raising capital for
companies will become easier, thereby contributing directly to the
Economic Growth.