Tribological Studies of Coated Pistons Sliding Against Cylinder Liners Under Laboratory Test Conditions
Tribological Studies of Coated Pistons Sliding Against Cylinder Liners Under Laboratory Test Conditions
Tribological Studies of Coated Pistons Sliding Against Cylinder Liners Under Laboratory Test Conditions
The presence of coatings and surface topography play an important role in the tribological performance of
sliding components. Depending on the coating used, it is possible to reduce friction and/or reduce wear.
However, although there may be low friction and wear-resistant coatings suitable for use in pistons, some
coatings may hinder the tribological performance by changing the lubrication regime or by preventing
additives from their intended function through chemical mechanisms. In this work, piston skirt segments
extracted from a commercial aluminium alloy piston were coated with a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating, a graphiteresin coating or a nickelpolytetrauoroethylene (NiPTFE) coating and were tribologically
tested using a reciprocating laboratory test rig against commercial grey cast iron liner segments. The
tribological tests used commercial synthetic motor oil at a temperature of 120 C with a 20 mm stroke length
at a reciprocating frequency of 2 Hz. Results showed that the graphiteresin coating, although it may serve
as a good break-in coating, wears rapidly. The NiPTFE coating showed friction reduction, whereas the
DLC coating wore off quickly due to its small thickness. Furthermore, the higher hardness of the DLC
coating relative to the cast iron liner surface led to pronounced changes on the liner counterface by
polishing. In contrast with the uncoated piston skirt segments, all of the coatings prevented the formation
of a visible tribochemical lm on the cast iron surface. Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 30 June 2011; Revised 22 December 2011; Accepted 26 December 2011
KEY WORDS: piston skirt; cylinder liner; coatings; friction; wear
The pistoncylinder system is a signicant source of mechanical friction in internal combustion
engines. It has been shown that the piston skirt contribution to the total friction losses of the piston
cylinder system is substantial.13 Improved tribological characteristics have been achieved by coating
the piston.46 Studies have focused both on the piston ringcylinder liner interface and piston skirt
cylinder interface. However, somewhat limited experimental work has been done on coated piston
skirts in laboratory conditions simulating closely the conditions found inside the engine.7 A coating
on the piston may offer advantages such as friction reduction and better scufng resistance and wear
*Correspondence to: Nicholaos G. Demas, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass
Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, USA.
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protection,8 while reduced clearance due to the coating thickness may reduce oil consumption and engine noise. Although oil viscosity and oil lm thickness affect the operating lubrication regime
between the piston skirt and cylinder liner and are important, the friction between them will also be
affected by clearance and surface roughness and hence are not to be overlooked.9
Nickelceramic composites applied via conventional electroplating over piston skirts slid against
aluminium and cast iron bores have been investigated.6 These coatings varied in thickness depending
on the coating and particles used in suspension during electroplating. Coating thickness between 6 and
25 mm were investigated with hardnesses of 56 GPa. It was found that NiPBN has better selflubricating properties than NiPSiC or NiPSi3N4 coatings and exhibits low wear when slid against
cast iron and aluminium liners. Counterface wear was reduced when commercially available composite polymer coatings were used. These coatings were applied onto the piston skirts by either screen
printing or a spray process, and their thickness was approximately 25 mm. Their tribological properties
were investigated over hard-anodized piston skirt surfaces, and it was found that the anodizing plays an
important role to durability of the coating under starved lubrication conditions.
In this work, skirt segments, extracted from a commercial piston, either uncoated, coated with a
NiPTFE co-deposit, a graphiteresin coating or a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating were
tribologically tested using a reciprocating laboratory test rig. The effect of roughness of the skirt
was not explicitly studied; however, the importance of it is emphasised, and projections based on
our ndings have been made.
The specimens used in this work were extracted from commercial heavy duty diesel engine components. During all machining operations, the original surfaces of both piston and liner were protected
in order to retain the original surface roughness and pattern. The skirt specimens were 19 mm in length
and 19 mm in width and had a thickness of 6.35 mm, whereas the liner segments were 50 mm in length
and 38 mm in width and had a thickness of 8.5 mm. A photograph of the samples as assembled in the
test rig is shown in Figure 1.
The material of the skirt specimens was an aluminium alloy. Circumferential grooves were present
on the surface of the skirt segments as an outcome of the manufacturing process. The liner segments
were made of grey cast iron. The liner was plateau honed (Rq = 1 mm). Three-dimensional maps of
the surface of a liner and a skirt segment are shown in Figure 2a and 2b, respectively. The back surface
of the skirt specimens was machined with an 8.0 mm socket so that a ball-ended holder would enable
self-alignment during testing, ensuring a proper conformal contact. The specimens were either
uncoated or coated with DLC, graphiteresin or NiPTFE. The DLC was an amorphous hydrogenated
carbon (a-C : H) that was deposited by reactive sputter deposition using a carbon target and an ArCH4
gas plasma. The Ar and CH4 ow rates were 70 and 12 sccm, respectively. The graphiteresin consists
of a high temperature-resistant resin with graphite that is applied by spray or silk screen print. The
NiPTFE coating is a dispersion blend that provides up to 28 vol.% of PTFE. The hardness of the
materials used and each of the coatings as determined by microindentation and/or nanoindentation
(for the DLC) is shown in Table I. The thickness of each coating, determined by cross-section
microscopy, is also shown in this table. Both the NiPTFE and DLC coatings showed uniform
coverage and a constant thickness that followed the surface topography of the original samples. The
graphiteresin sample varied in thickness. The cylinder liner was mounted onto a reciprocating table
of a test rig, while the piston skirt was stationary. The reciprocating frequency was 2 Hz.
Figure 2. Original surface 3D maps of the (a) cylinder liner and (b) piston skirt.
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Hardness (GPa)
Thickness (mm)
No coating
Fully synthetic SAE10W30 engine oil that meets ILSAC GF-4 specications formulated for spark
ignition engines was used at 120 C. The duration of these tests was 1 h, but each test was interrupted
every 20 min in order to perform prolometric and mass loss measurements. The oil offers protection
against wear due to the anti-wear additives present in the oil. The reciprocating table had embedded
heating elements, and the temperature was controlled using a temperature control unit. A small amount
of oil (0.3 ml) was applied at the interface of the samples at the start of each test. A normal load of
250 N (approximately 0.7 MPa) was applied with a pneumatic spring and measured with a force
transducer, while the friction force was measured using a lateral force transducer, using computerised
data acquisition.
In a benchtop apparatus, it is important to conduct tests with samples that produce conformal contact
and closely simulate the contact conditions found in the engine. For this reason, blue ink was used
before the samples were tested. Once in contact, a single pass revealed which spots were rubbing
against each other, if there was misalignment and if the contact was conformal. Only samples that
produced a near conformal contact were used in order to produce consistent results. New liner samples
were used for each test.
Figure 3. Graphs showing coefcient of friction as a function of time for the (a) uncoated, (b) DLC, (c)
graphiteresin and (d) NiPTFE samples.
the test (4060 min) started at approximately the same value as where the previous test ended due to
the lesser wear debris generated after the 2040 min. The fresh oil replaced the oil that was not heavy
in wear debris, and therefore, there is little difference between the two tests.
Figure 3b shows coefcient of friction as a function of time for the DLC-coated sample. Even
though the coefcient of friction is initially lower than the previous case, a slight gradual increase
was observed. The reason for this might be due to the presence of the wear debris generated between
0 and 20 min. However, unlike the case of uncoated sample, the DLC wear debris is hard, so when
entrained into the contact, changes the lubrication regime and leads to higher coefcient of friction.
It should be noted that only two curves are shown in this plot. The reason for this is that the DLC
was only 1.2 mm thick and therefore wore off from the top of the grooves. Hence, any subsequent test
would not be evaluating the performance of the DLC coating, but the Al substrate.
Figure 3c shows coefcient of friction as a function of time for the graphiteresin coated skirt
specimen. The coefcient of friction for the test between 0 and 20 min attained a value of approximately 0.13, initially followed by a slow gradual decrease. The curve corresponding to the second test
between 20 and 40 min starts at approximately the same value. Examination of the oil revealed signicant wear of the coating as the oil turned dark. The 4060 min showed very similar behaviour. It is
interesting to note that for both the 2040 min and the 4060 min test, the coefcient of friction
gradually increased in contrast with the 020 min tests. For the latter case, graphite present at the
surface of the sample acts as a solid lubricant and therefore would be responsible for the initially
low coefcient of friction. However, as graphite is depleted, the surface is dominated by the resin
matrix, and therefore, the coefcient of friction in the absence of solid lubricant shows an increase.
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Figure 3d shows coefcient of friction as a function of time for the NiPTFE sample. The friction
starts out low and decreases to below 0.1, which is lower than all of the previous cases. However,
the wear debris generated, similarly to what was described above, leads to a gradual increase in the
coefcient of friction, which attained a value of approximately 0.12 at the end of the test. The
coefcient of friction for the 2040 min test starts at approximately 0.12, but then decreases to
approximately 0.1 and then reaches a steady state. The coefcient of friction for the 4060 min test
behaved in a nearly identical manner. That could be due to PTFE particles in the Ni matrix lling in
the valleys in the cast iron liner, creating a smoother surface compared with the original surface, which
would move the contact into the mixed regime and therefore lower friction. It may also be possible that
a loosely adherent transfer lm on the cast iron liner surface is forming. Because PTFE has a very low
coefcient of friction, the sliding contact is a PTFE lm on the cast iron against the NiPTFE coating
on the piston skirt sample, and therefore friction reduction is observed. From the optical inspection, it
was not possible to see whether the formation of such transfer is evident, and either electron
microscopy or spectroscopic techniques might be necessary to investigate this. A more plausible
explanation might be that the PTFE particles that wear out are incorporated into the oil at which point
the viscosity of the oil would increase, leading to an increased lambda ratio creating a hydrodynamic
effect, which in turn would result in a decrease in coefcient of friction.
Measurements of coefcient of friction as a function of time at a 300 Hz data acquisition rate were
made. The waveforms for an uncoated skirt specimen in 10W30 are shown in Figure 4a, 4b and 4c
for reciprocating speeds of 1, 2, and 3 Hz, respectively. The position of the skirt specimen with respect
to the liner segment is also graphed in this gure and appears as a sinusoid. The minima and maxima of
the sinusoid correspond to the ends of the stroke. The static coefcient of friction value is obtained at
the end of the strokes or equivalently at each end of the wear track, whereas the kinetic friction value is
obtained at the centre. It is obvious that during the tribological sliding between the piston skirt
specimens and the cylinder liner segments, the contact is mostly in the boundary lubrication regime.
The friction waveforms are symmetrical, conrming that the sample used was in good conformal
contact with the liner.
Wear was quantied in terms of mass loss for all skirt samples. Figure 5 shows cumulative mass loss as
a function of time for all tests. As seen in this gure, the DLC-coated skirt sample has the lowest mass
loss for the rst 20 min of testing, followed by the uncoated sample. The NiPTFE and the graphite
resin have similar mass loss during the rst 20 min and higher than both of the uncoated and the
DLC-coated specimens. The highest mass loss was observed for the graphiteresin coating as time
increased. The NiPTFE coating exhibited a gradually slow mass loss beyond the 20 min. The
uncoated sample behaved similarly. The DLC coating was worn off completely after 20 min, and
therefore, only a single data point was generated. It is interesting to note that most of the wear for
all of the samples, except for the sample coated with graphiteresin, happens at the beginning of the
tests up to 20 min, and little mass loss is accumulated beyond that.
Figure 6 shows micrographs of all samples before and after 20 and 60 min of testing, except for the
DLC, which is shown after 40 min (since the DLC coating was worn off completely during the
2040 min test, the last segment of 4060 min was not run). Pronounced machining marks can be seen
in this gure. The machining marks are transverse to the sliding direction (left to right). Figure 6a
shows the uncoated sample in its original state as well as after 20 and 60 min. Removal of the topmost
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Figure 4. Graphs showing coefcient of friction and sliding position as a function of time for an uncoated
skirt liner segment against a cylinder liner for reciprocating frequencies of (a) 1, (b) 2 and (c) 3 Hz.
asperities that come into contact can be seen in this gure; they appear as at regions along the vertical
direction. In fact, at regions appear almost immediately after the sample comes into contact with the
liner. At the end of the 4060 min test, similar plateaus can be seen on the microscope image of
Figure 6a. No signicant widening of the at regions was observed, supporting the cumulative mass
loss measurements of Figure 6. Similarly, for the DLC-coated skirt sample, the original surface
resembled that of the uncoated skirt sample but has a slightly different hue to it. Removal of the
topmost asperities that come into contact can be seen in Figure 6b. At some point between 0 and
20 min of testing, the DLC coating started to wear off, but it is only partially removed, and therefore,
some bright areas that correspond to the Al substrate are visible in this gure. In the 2040 min test, the
DLC coating was almost completely worn off, and the topmost features appear uniformly bright. The
surface of the piston skirt samples coated with graphite resin has a very different appearance under the
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Figure 5. Graph showing cumulative mass loss as a function of time for the (a) uncoated, (b) DLC, (c)
graphiteresin and (d) NiPTFE samples.
microscope than the previous samples. A relatively uniform distribution of black particles can be
observed on the original surface, as seen in Figure 6c. After 20 min of testing, the graphite
particles seem to be rearranged or deposited within the grooves, and the at regions seem to
be depleted from it, exposing the resin matrix. After 60 min, little graphite is present on the
surface compared with that of the original sample. After all tests, a signicant amount of graphite
was removed as evidenced in the darkening of the oil at the end of each test. This was supported
by the cumulative mass loss measurements shown in Figure 5. Figure 6d shows the surface of a
NiPTFE coated skirt sample. The surface features resemble those of the uncoated and the
DLC-coated samples in their original state as well as after 20 and 60 min. As the at regions start
to form, they appear bright under the microscope. At the end of 60 min, they have a brown hue
possibly because with the removal of PTFE, more Ni is exposed and a tribochemical lm is
allowed to form.
Prolometric measurements for all samples are shown in Figure 7. The 2D prolometric
measurements were 1.4 mm long perpendicular to the machining marks and at regions (for the
worn samples). The original proles of each of the samples were superimposed in each of these
plots. Removal of the topmost asperities of the uncoated sample can be seen in Figure 7a. Initially,
little wear was observed for the DLC coating as it offered protection against wear. However, its
thickness was only 1.2 mm. Therefore, since wear was in the order of 5 mm as seen in Figure 7b,
it can be concluded that the DLC coating was worn off. The morphology of the graphiteresin
coated sample looks very different than the previous cases as seen in Figure 7c. The triangular
shape of the piston is not present in this case, and it is difcult to distinguish between the valleys
and actual roughness. The NiPTFE, similar to the DLC coating, showed little wear as shown in
Figure 7d. PTFE coatings are relatively soft and tend to suffer from poor wear characteristics.
Therefore, for tribological applications, they are typically blended with other materials in order
to improve their mechanical properties.10,11 The NiPTFE used in this work was hard (46 GPa)
due to the PTFE incorporated into the Ni matrix and took advantage of the low friction characteristics of PTFE without exhibiting excessive wear.
Figure 8 shows microscope images of the cast iron liner samples. The sliding direction for the liner
counterfaces is left to right in this gure. Figure 8a shows the surface of an untested cast iron liner.
Machining marks are evident from the plateau honing process. It is known that fully formulated oils
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Figure 6. Micrographs of the (a) uncoated, (b) DLC, (c) graphiteresin and (d) NiPTFE samples before
and after testing (sliding direction is left to right).
contain anti-wear additives, which are thermally activated. As a result, during sliding a tribochemical
lm with benecial role usually forms on metallic surfaces. Such lm is evident on the surface of the
cast iron tested against the uncoated sample as shown in Figure 8b. The tribochemical lm has a
blue-brown appearance. There is no signicant wear on the surface of the cast iron liner in this case,
but some visible scratches are present in the sliding direction as a result of rubbing. All of the
machining marks and ner cross-hatching pattern left from the plateau honing are still visible on the
surface. Figure 8c, corresponding to the liner segment tested against the DLC coating, contrary to
the previous case, shows polishing wear. The surface looks shiny as a result. The topmost asperities
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Figure 7. Graphs showing 2D prolometric measurements of the (a) uncoated, (b) DLC, (c) graphiteresin
and (d) NiPTFE samples, before and after 20 min of testing.
of the cast iron surface have been polished, and most of the ner grooves of the plateau honing have
disappeared. Furthermore, there is no visible tribochemical lm on the surface. It is possible that a tribochemical lm cannot form because it is continuously removed during contact. Figure 8d shows the
surface of the liner tested against the sample coated with graphiteresin. Uniform light burnishing is
evident on the surface along the sliding direction as seen in this gure. The formation of tribochemical
lm is also evident by the different colours present on the surface. Figure 8e shows the surface of the
cast iron liner tested against the sample coated with NiPTFE. A faint tribochemical lm can be seen
on the surface, but unlike the other cases where some damage in the form of light scratches, severe
polishing or simple burnishing, was evident, the surface of the cast iron liner in the case of the Ni
PTFE looks unharmed. That may be due to the presence of PTFE in the NiPTFE coating, which is
known to form a transfer layer providing easier sliding and could be responsible for the lower coefcient of friction as was observed in Figure 3d.
While coatings can be benecial, their selection should be guided by surface roughness, clearance,
piston skirt design and operational specications of the engine. The NiPTFE coating used in
formulated 10W30 oil showed a friction reduction compared with the uncoated sample. Graphiteresin
provided a steady coefcient of friction and can serve as a good break-in coating. The DLC coating
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Figure 8. Micrographs of the surface of liner segments: (a) original untested, and slid against the (b) uncoated,
(c) DLC, (d) graphite-resin and (e) Ni-PTFE samples (sliding direction is left to right).
exhibited stable friction throughout with little initial wear. However, longer testing produced complete
coating removal due to wear. Furthermore, due to its higher hardness and possibly harder wear debris,
it caused polishing wear of the grey cast iron counterface. It was found that most of the wear for all
samples, except for the sample coated with graphiteresin, occurs at the beginning of the tests up to
20 min, and little mass loss is accumulated beyond that. Coating thickness would play an important
role in the tribological behaviour or components, and the original prole of the commercial piston skirt
may not be the most effective for lubrication, and a smoother surface topography may be desirable.
This work was supported by the US Department of Energy, Energy Efciency and Renewable Energy, Ofce of
Vehicle Technologies under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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