G7 A Giant Module

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by RC Pinnell

This adventure is designed for a party of 5 to 8
characters with levels ranging from 6 to 10. It should
contain at least one cleric and magic user and
several fighters; dwarf and gnome fighters being the
more preferred for their subterranean skills. A party of
Prerolled characters is provided in the appendices
after the adventure and can be used by the DM to
add NPCs to the party or to allow players lacking a
character of appropriate level to venture along.
Created for 1st Edition Rules, this adventure can be
played with any of the generally established RPG
systems still available with minor modifications. If
characters used are from a more Basic system the
monsters' counterparts from those should be used
instead to maintain an equilibrium of sorts.
The author would like to dedicate this adventure to
the members of Dragonsfoot, past and present. As it
would require too long a list to acknowledge each
individual, let this then declare that the support and
encouragement of the DF society has been, and is,

A long time ago two dwarf brothers, Zeffon and
Kraggo of the Mountains, discovered a large vein of
gold beneath the ground. With their families and
several others they established a colony deep within
the Crystal Peaks. In a short span the trade of
precious metal from the dwarf mines to the surface
dwellers became lucrative for all involved parties. This
went on for almost a century until, one day,
shipments ceased. Human, elf and hobbit merchants
and artisans that had been well supplied by the
yellow ore were suddenly cut off. Expeditions were
raised to visit the dwarfs to find the cause but none
came back. Rather than continue to risk and lose
lives over the matter, the local lords put a stop to the
attempts, instructing their citizens to look elsewhere
for raw materials. And in time, the colony under the
mountain was all but forgotten.


Players begin with their characters in a large village
along an established road going north and south. To
the north lies a range of mountains that stretches for
miles east and west. With peaks reaching 16,000 feet
it is easily seen from the village, 30 miles distant. South
of the village the road bends and turns through an
endless blanket of hills and dales until reaching the
coast and the sea ports there, 150 miles distant.
The nameless village is left entirely up to the DM to
design and populate if so desired. It is not critical to
the actual adventure, aside from providing rumors
and incentive to encourage the party. If the DM is
not able to construct it, published products should be
easily obtainable with a bit of searching. The author
recommends the following as potential candidates:
the city of Jonril, published by Midkemia Press, the
Village of Hommlet T1 module by TSR, or even the
Keep on the Borderlands B2 module. All of these are
out of print but they, and many more, are still
Once the party is together and has restocked itself
with normal equipment they should begin hearing
bits and pieces of information regarding the "long
forgotten" dwarf colony, and the large deposit of
gold supposedly discovered by the brothers. While a
long and detailed list of suggested rumors would
expedite play the author leaves the actual writing of
such to the DM. (This is not to penalize the referee,
but to give back to him the role of co-creator that, in
this author's opinion, slowly eroded over time due to
the intentions of adventure publishers to control as
much of the product as possible.) Having said that, it
is not unreasonable to have the party actually be
contacted by a dwarf or two residing in the village,
wondering what became of their long lost kin, and
seeking the party's services to find out. In any event,
once the DM has given the party enough information
to point them north, they should arrive at the base of
the mountains in short order without incident, and
come across faded and ancient tracks leading into
the black open mouth of a large tunnel.
If the party includes a ranger he (or she) will be able
to detect faint signs of tracks leading into the
enormous maw of the tunnel. If not, there's a chance
that one of the other characters might notice. Allow
each player to roll the % dice, with success occurring
should the roll be equal or less than their level x 3. If
no one succeeds it only means they do not realize
that the tracks are not those of dwarves. A ranger will
know upon sight that large, "giant class" creatures -like trolls or giants, made them.

Upon entering the tunnel the party will have to move
slowly down a long, carved passage. Consulting the
Subterranean Wilderness map, you will see Primary
tunnels indicated by solid (though sometimes they
curve) lines leading from one Encounter Cave to the
other. These tunnels are a good 20-40' wide, with an
average ceiling height of 12'. The floor within is level,
and fairly even, and smoothed out. Each hex shown
is equal to 1 mile distance, and the party can only
move as slow as its slowest member. With humans
able to travel 12 miles per day, and dwarves only 6,
the math quickly indicates the rate at which the
party will move. The slowness of this is dictated by
various factors: light, incline, turns, etc., that do not
necessarily show on the map. Using this map piece
(the full sized version appears after the adventure)
the DM can plot the movement of the group, and
arrange locations where wandering monsters might

upside down, to provide an array of lengths and

variations for which to plot party movement, actions
and monster placement.
Secondary tunnels, indicated by the dashed lines are
half the width of the primary ones, with ceiling
heights about the same.
The secret tunnel, represented with dots, is but 8'
wide and very twisting and winding. Discovering it will
require a successful detect secret doors by an elf or
other member, or through magical means.
For each hex entered or passed through a check
should be made to determine if a "wandering
monster" has been encountered. The DM should use
the following table to determine what kind. To keep
the action moving as quickly as possible the party will
only face a wandering encounter on a roll of 1 on a
d6. How far away the party is from the creature(s)
when this occurs must be determined by standard
creature type(s) encountered
1 Giant Slug (HP 54)
4-9 Trolls (HP 40, 38, 36, 34, 2 x 32, 3 x 30)
1-6 Umberhulk (HP 69, 66, 63, 60, 57, 54)
1-4 Ettin (HP 45, 43, 41, 39)
1-4 Black Pudding (HP 45, 43, 41, 39)
1-3 Roper HD12/11/10 (HP 54, 49, 45)
1-2 Purple Worm (HP 82, 67)
These creatures will not be carrying any significant
treasure, with the exception of trolls or Ettin, who may
have sacks containing minor amounts of coins. The
DM should determine this.

The DM should photo-scan the full-sized map piece

and cut each tunnel section into separate strips.
These can then be lined up, mixed around, turned

After the party has traveled deep into the mountain,

they will pass through 3 Set Encounter areas. These
are not the final destination they seek, but areas they
must overcome regardless. The first will likely take a
day or two to locate, but upon doing so they will
enter a large, wide cavern with several features. First,
they will come upon a secret tunnel along the east
wall of the location that, if discovered, will make it
easier for them to proceed. To the west (left) is a side
chamber where 1 of the residents will be met upon
entering. Further north a sheer drop of 100' must be
negotiated to reach the chamber beyond, unless
the party discovered the secret tunnel. From the
ledge high above they can see 4 great rock
formations, stalactites dripping down and nearly
touching the stalagmites growing up from the floor of
the cavern to meet them. There is also a large

crevasse in the northwest part of the lower cavern.

The DM should consult the map to see the initial
positions of the creatures residing here when the
party first arrives. An X indicates one's location. Any
prolonged descent down the cliff will likely result in
one or more of the creatures sallying forth to check
out the commotion. In all, 4 Fire Lizards (HP 65, 55, 45,
45) reside in the lower chamber; though one is in the
upper chamber when the party arrives.
The secret tunnel-passage running just east of the
great chamber enters and exits two smaller caves
where the party can rest safely if need be.
In the western chamber where the monsters tend to
spend most of their time are mounds of accumulated
treasure from previous expeditions that had tried to
reach the dwarf colony and failed. Their combined
treasure includes 8000 CP, 6000 SP, 4000 EP, 3000 GP,
4 gems (100 GP base each), a +2 suit of scale mail
(sized for a dwarf), 8 metal flasks/potions as follows:
climbing (half full), diminution, extra-healing, giant
strength, growth, levitation, speed, sweet water. And
a long, hollow bone tube containing 2 scrolls as
follows: protection vs. petrification, cursed! (The DM
should consult the DMG for its function)
This large nearly round chamber can actually be
avoided by the party should they discover the secret
tunnel-route noted on the Underground Wilderness
map. Should they have to pass through here they will
be met by a pod of 6 Giant Spiders! The queen of the
nest is double the HD and of commensurately more
hit points than the rest, attacking as an 8HD monster,
and doing 2-16 damage plus poison (HP 44; 26, 25,
24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19.) While normal spider nests are
highly flammable the queen's unusually high
intelligence has reasoned that keeping it coated
with a thick liquid substance would help ward off fire
attacks by intruders. Thus she and her subjects have
taken great steps to prevent their prey from losing
their bodily fluids too quickly, using them to coat the
web-strands periodically. But it has been some time
since the last intruder has come along, and the webs
are just beginning to dry out. So the queen and her
followers will quickly attack any and all intruders,
hoping to subdue their victims with as little loss of
blood and fluids as possible. The dried out empty
husks of former victims lie upon the floor between the
3 large stalagmites, most turned nearly to dust now.
Among the corpses may be found, 3000 CP, 1500 SP,
1500 EP, 500 GP, a +2 dagger, a cloak & boots of elfkind, and a ring of spell storing allowing the wearer
to cast the following spells as if a druid of the
appropriate level: Speak with Animals, Barkskin,
Create Water, Hold Animal, Neutralize Poison.


The last of the "set encounters" before the party
reaches its true destination, it is as potentially deadly
as the others, yet deceivingly appears not to be. If
the party enters from the south they will find they are
on the west side of a wide deep crevasse that runs
south to north in the chamber. An opening in the
west wall leads to a secondary, smaller cave where
the resident normally dwells, and keeps its treasure.
At the north end of the chamber a steep incline of 20
feet must be climbed to reach a large open area
that looks down upon the crevasse. Should the party
have entered from the southeast they will have to
find a way to ford the pit dissecting the chamber. As
the party enters from either direction, they will see a
distant shape standing upon the ledge to the north.
A Lamia (HP 49)resides here, and she will use all her
abilities to ensnare as many intruders as she can
without risk to herself; those she cannot physically
control she will attempt to drive into the crevasse by
whatever means. Besides her natural abilities and
skills, she wears a ring on each hand. On her left is a
ring of regeneration, and on the right is a ring of free
action. The treasure within her private chamber to
the west includes 8,000 CP, 12,000 SP, 10 gems (2 x 50
GP base, 3 x 100 GP base, 3 x 500 GP base, 2 x 1,000
GP base). She will of course use all her powers of
illusion to entrap as many as she can, for she is very
hungry and would like a warm snack.
Once the party has negotiated all the Set Encounter
Caves they will eventually reach the Great Cavern,
where the adventure truly begins.
There is no way to describe the vastness of the main
chamber and do it justice. For those fortunate
enough to have experienced the Carlsbad Caverns
or any similar to it, they will have a fairly good picture
of what it is like inside. Sharp and jagged walls and
ceiling glisten under torch light from trickling moisture
and countless flakes of precious ores embedded in
them. The floor is rough and uneven generally,
except where paths have been worn from constant
use over the decades of being inhabited. But within
the smaller caves ringing the great chamber there
has been a skilled working of the stone to form walls
with doorways and roofs, creating chambers in
which the dwarves resided long ago. These are
noted as areas d on the large map. They and the
shrine at area 3-B are finely chiseled and carved as
opposed to the natural surroundings.
In addition to the monsters indicated in the text that
follows, it is possible for the party to encounter some
wandering creatures. Where these will be located, or
going to or coming from, and at what distance they

and the party will see and recognize one another are
variables left to the DM to determine. For every 3
turns spent in chamber 3 a check must be made,
with a result of 1-2 on a d6 indicating an encounter
of some sort. That being the case the DM should use
the following table to determine the type.


Encounter or Event
Loose stalactites break free of ceiling and plummet onto
the party. 1 to 3 large pieces among the little pieces and
cause 3-24 points of damage to whomever they strike.
1-6 trolls (HP 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28)
1-4 giant trolls (HP 36, 34, 32, 30)
1-2 2-headed trolls (HP 45, 43)
1-2 ettin (HP 55, 53)
Rain shower of guano falls upon party from creatures up
above. Unless their faces and mouths are well covered
there is a 5% chance of ingesting bits of feces, resulting in
contracting some kind of disease. (Consult the DMG for
types that would apply)


1. ENTRY CAVE. A 20' wide tunnel enters this chamber
from the south. A secret door in the west wall allows
access to a hidden chamber (A) in which 2
shambling mounds reside (HP 36 ea.) If not
discovered they will sally forth into the open
chamber upon hearing any commotion occurring
there. The foyer to the great chamber beyond is
dissected by an underground river flowing from the
southwest to the northeast. A large wooden bridge
spans the river supported by guide wires and ropes
from one side to the other, connected to it. A large
giant troll (HP 39) is on the southeast side of the river
(X) doing some repair work with its back to the party
as they approach. If he is attacked he will call for
help from his companions on the other side of the
river. He has no treasure.
2. NORTH SIDE/ENTRY CAVE. Two ledges rise up 8' on
this side of the river where a giant troll (HP 39 ea.) is
working at each to secure the anchor post that helps
support the bridge (X). Should they hear their
comrade call for assistance they will slide down the
banks of the ledges and stride to his defense. Packed
down into the ground (B)is a circular object barely
noticeable unless actively checking (allow a 5%
chance per character who casually passes over the
object). If spotted, only the rim of the object will be
seen, appearing as merely as a metallic circle on the
ground. If dug out the discoverer will have found a
ring of swimming.
It is possible during a melee or otherwise for a person
to be thrown or fall into the rushing river. If such is the
case the DM should determine what steps are to be
taken to rescue the victim. The river will sweep the
hapless victim downstream to the docks (see map)

where it is possible to latch on and rescue oneself. If

that should fail, anyone caught in the river will be
dragged down into the earth and never seen again.
3. THE GREAT CAVERN. This colossal cavern stretches
from the southwest to northeast parallel to the river.
The walls of its perimeter average 6' to 9' before they
begin to curve upwards, connecting to the ceiling
high above; in places this canopy of jagged rock is
as little as 50' to as much as 150' above the cavern
floor. Naturally stalactites large and small cover the
ceiling and cling to it. In the middle of the chamber Is
a huge pit (A) running in the same general directions,
with widths of about 40' at its southwestern edge to
over 100' in its midsection. A winding trail 8' across is
carved out of its side that descends to the bottom
over 150' below. North of the pit are iron rails laid to
convey ore cars that were filled with the pyrite and
guided to the eastern chamber beyond this one and
put into river boats at the docks there. Along the
tracks are the remnants of busted and collapsed
buildings and sifting machines the dwarves used to
process the raw ore into more precious metal.
Several rickety and rotted crane devices still stand
about the pit. A shrine to the dwarf god of the earth
stands just southwest of the pit (B). Atop a terrace
rising 6' from the cavern floor are 3 stone figures that
appear to have been attacked and disfigured. Who
or what they represented is not clear, now. Over 2
dozen 8' tall round stone columns fill the southwest
section of the cavern around the shrine. Their
purpose, too, is unclear. Looking down upon this
great chamber from a ledge high above (C) are the
pit-watchers! 4 cloakers (HP 31,29,27, 25) dwell upon
the ledge (50' above) and act as sentinels for the
monsters posted throughout the chambers. They are
30% likely to notice a band of non-trolls or giants
moving about in the cavern, but will not swoop down
to attack. Instead they will use their sonic screeching
to alert the other creatures of intruders. A small bit of
treasure has accumulated on their ledge as follows:
10,000 CP, 12,000 SP, 1,500 EP, 500 GP, and a wand of
fireballs (having 4 charges left).
Eleven smaller chambers surround the Great Cavern.
For most, these were the homes of the dwarf
brothers, their families and associates long ago. As
previously described, walls with doorways, and floors
and ceilings were meticulously carved out of the
rock to form buildings with chambers in which they
resided (d). Designed for small beings of no more
than 5' in height, it is not clear what could have
made it inside these and attacked the residents, but
when searched they will be found long abandoned
and filled with rubble, debris and in ruin. Nothing of
value remains within the ruins. Regardless, at present
the caves containing the ruins now house a large
population of creatures the party must confront. At
each location marked T will be found the following:


6 2-headed trolls (HP 55, 2x45, 3x35)

10 trolls (HP 45, 43, 41, 39, 37, 35, 2x33, 2x31)
12 giant trolls (HP 52, 50, 4x48,4x46,44,42)
12 giant trolls (HP 51, 4x49, 4x47, 3x45)
10 trolls (HP 44, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 2x32, 2x30)
8 ettin (HP 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58)

These creatures will have no personal treasure to

themselves. Everything they have collected from the
parties that have explored in search of the lost dwarf
colony belongs to their master in chamber 4! If they
are all destroyed replacements will begin to appear
after one week, with 1-6 trolls, 1-4 giant trolls, and 1-2
ettin or 2-headed trolls showing up then, and again
every 4 days thereafter until their ranks are full.
THE PIT. Beyond the previous description the following
should be noted--the bottom of this great hole is filled
with the dead. Scattered about are dozens of
mounds and piles at least 4' deep of bones and
rotted corpses. Some of these are dwarf, but many
are of other races. None are wearing any armor, or
packs or pouches, and will thus not have treasure or
thing of value amongst them. While some former
colonists' remains are among the dead, most are
those of explorers come in search of the colony. In
all, there are roughly 300 corpses or partial remains, in
various states of decay all the way to mere skeletons.
conclusion is that the colony was attacked by the
creatures now roaming the caverns and tossed into
the pit that would be incorrect. At least, for some of
them. While many are in fact dead, and have been
eaten or tossed into the pit, a small number have
actually been taken prisoner and are at another
location. For what the brothers did not know when
they discovered the hole of gold, was that it is
basically in the cellars of a clan of mountain giants
that dwell above. When finally discovered, the
brothers and their families were taken prisoner, while
the remaining dwarves were eaten or killed and
tossed into the pit as a kind of ironic justice. But not
wanting their cellars to be again "discovered" and
homesteaded, the giants have assigned many of
their servants to reside in the cellars and drive away
any newcomers that might show up. A tunnel in the
northeast part of the cavern ascends to the
mountain giants' abode. Knowing their troll servants
would need strict overseeing, the giants put one of
their cruelest warriors in charge. He resides in the
large cave to the southeast.
4. THE OVERSEER'S CAVE. Several large solid sections
of rock fill the entry to this cave, standing like guard
curtains from floor to roof and creating passage ways
in between. Going southeast will eventually deliver
the party into the larger, open chamber itself. To get

there they must get past the Overseer's watch dog,

an unusually large and strong worg (HP 48) that
attacks as a 6 HD creature, doing 2-12 per bite; he
lies against one of the rocky walls (see small X on
map). From here it can see, hear and smell anything
entering the chamber. It will immediately go to
investigate, but not attack unless surprised. Instead, it
will rush back to its master and sound the alarm, then
takes its position behind the last rock wall to surprise
those that rush its master. In the southwest corner of
the cavern is the abode of the Overseer. A large and
cruel mountain giant (HP 84), he wields a +3 giant
club for 4-40 points of damage, + the weapon's
bonus and his own strength of 19, for +7. He can hurl
stones for 2-16 damage each if he is alerted and has
enough time. Otherwise, any non-troll or giant that
enters will immediately be attacked as he instructs his
dog to assist him. If combat is going against him he
will try to evade his attackers and flee up the tunnel
in the northeast part of the Great Cavern. If captured
and/or subdued he will not reveal to his inquisitors
any information of value unless magic is used against
him to force him to. Most of all valuables collected
from search and rescue parties that have come
looking for the dwarf colony have been sent "up" to
the mountain giant abode. But the Overseer has
been allowed to hold back a few pieces for himself.
He keeps all his treasure in a huge wooden chest
7'x3'x4' in the alcove area at the far northeast corner
of the cavern. This is buried and will require 3 turns of
vigorous excavation to retrieve, but littered with
bones and wolf excrement, one would simply
deduce the area to be the dog's place of interest.
Inside the chest is 5,000 CP, 15,000 SP, 1,000 EP, 500
GP, 50 PP, 9 gems (base value 50 GP ea.), 7 pieces of
jewelry (base value 750 GP ea.), a suit of finely made
elfin chain mail, a cloak of elven-kind, boots of
elven-kind, a +1 cloak of protection, a +2 dagger
and a +3 hammer, dwarven thrower.
5. THE SECRET CAVE. Discovery of this chamber
depends upon the party locating the secret portal
that allows entry to it. And injured and weak beast
managed to reach this spot long ago, and remained
hidden since. It is very hungry and in need of some
nourishment. Anyone exploring the cave will see a
shiny or unusual formation in the center of the floor
and should they go to examine it the creature will
fold up its great form like a blanket, attempting to
capture its prey. The beast is a trapper (HP40), and
has no treasure, having not been detected in all the
time it has been here.
6. THE STABLE CAVERN. The only side chamber to
have an entry/exit tunnel that leads northwest of the
Great Cavern, this fairly large cave contains 8 stalls
along its west wall, and a pen taking up the
northeast part of the chamber. Oddly, there are 4
creatures within the stalls that look very much like

mules. These must have been captured when the last

search party explored the area, with the Overseer
taking them for possible food snacks later. In any
event the stables were often used by the dwarves to
port in materials from the surface world. All the tack
and gear for the animals is stored in the building in
the chamber. The pen area offers nothing unusual or
of value to the party. The tunnel leading out of this
chamber goes deeper into the mountains and
should not be accessible to the players unless the DM
has planned something connected to it.
7. PRISONERS' CAVE. Iron-bar gates are set into the
walls and locked fast with chains and padlocks,
preventing those inside from escape. Inside are two
dozen beings, some taken in raids by the mountain
giants and sent down here, and a few surviving
fighters from failed expeditions. The former are all 0level beings, humans, from surrounding villages and
hamlets. Most are typical farm folk and have nothing
of importance to tell the party. All will be thankful if
rescued, but none can afford a reward. But 4 others
are fighter types, former henchmen of one or two of
the fighter lords in the last expedition to enter the
caves and fall prey to the trolls. Three are male,
being a human, half-elf and hobbit, all 2nd level (HP
19, 15, 14) while the fourth is a half-orc female of 1st
level (HP 10); she is also a multi-classed thief. The DM
should roll up their abilities and determine their
names and alignments and other information that
might be required should they be offered up as NPC
henchmen to the players. The fighters have heard
talk of giants above, and have battled the Overseer
personally and if found before the party reaches
area 4 they will warn the group of him. The half-orc
fighter-thief is actually a spy, a servant of the
mountain giant chief, planted among the prisoners
to gain information. If questioned with magic and
forced to be truthful she will reveal that her name is
Faluna Fruklep, and that she was captured by the
mountain giants 4 years ago and kept alive as a sexslave and play toy.
8. RIVER CAVE & DOCKS. Back when the colony was
in full swing boats from other underworld beings
would come by and dock, exchanging with the
dwarfs exotic items crafted by underworld denizens
for dwarven made armor and weapons. Much of
that trade stopped long ago, as the dwarves
became more and more involved with extracting the
gold from the deep pit. Humans and other surface
beings attempting to navigate the underworld water
ways will get lost and maroon themselves within a
week. The miles of river tunnels are endless, and filled
with swift currents, eddies, and whirlpools that will
force the untrained down blind ways, and into even
deeper levels from which they will never return. When
the party reaches this area they will find 2 boats
secured to the docks. Each is capable of carrying up

to 3 large humans, half-elves, dwarves or half-orcs, or

2 of either and 2 elves, gnomes or hobbits. They
cannot be used to go upstream! However, if the
mules are alive when the party finishes clearing out
the area, the boats could be ported via the animals
through the tunnels. The cart rails end here, where
the unloading and loading of goods would take
place. All that is left now is a single cart, with its
bottom inches deep in soil. Oddly, if the cart is
thoroughly search, requiring at least 6 turns, a pearly
white ioun stone will be found along with a stone of
good luck. Why these are here and have not been
discovered by now is an enigma.

Written & Designed by RC Pinnell

Cover Art by Glenn Barnes
Back cover Art by Russell Flowers
Maps by T. Volz
The author wishes to extend a deep gratitude to the
artists and cartographer mentioned above. Without
their contributions this product would not be the

Being the 4th installment of a series of supplemental
giant adventures, many might question its inclusion in
a set of adventures primarily dealing with giants,
when so few are actually within it(8 ettin and 1
mountain giant). My main response would be that
the trolls do fall under the category of "giant class"
opponents (See PHB) and 2-headed and giant-trolls
are actually crossbreeds with giants. These, of course,
do not qualify as the pure races of the 6 major ones,
but mountain giants are clearly defined as one of at
least 2 sub-races.
More importantly this adventure can serve as a
springboard for characters wishing to go on to more
challenging Giant modules. Whether this means
using the second part of this adventure or going to
the G1-2-3 by Gary Gygax, or this author's G4-5-6 is a
matter for the DM and his players.




Race (Sex)






Human (F)
Human (F)









+1 mace, +1 shield, ring of warmth, potion of gaseous form

+1 chain mail, 10 +1 arrows, boots of elf kind
+2 axe, +1 shield, +1 chain mail, 3 +2 bolts
+1 long sword, +1 banded mail, +1 short bow, potion of extra-healing
+1 leather, 10 +1 sling bullets, potion of strength, potion of swimming
+1 ring of protection, staff of striking
Wand of magic missiles (1/2 full), bracers of defense AC5
+1 short sword/flaming, +1 cloak, ring of feather falling

The DM and players must flesh-out the characters, providing height, weight, age, back
-ground, equipment, etc. Each should have standard backpacks filled with necessary
items (allow 4 weeks iron rations for these levels). Mules can be rented or purchased to
take into the tunnels. Assume characters have a wealth of 1000 GP times 1/2 their

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