Bevel Gear Technology Cylindrical Gear Technology Measuring Centers Drive Technology Service & Tools Training Purchasing Careers
Bevel Gear Technology Cylindrical Gear Technology Measuring Centers Drive Technology Service & Tools Training Purchasing Careers
Bevel Gear Technology Cylindrical Gear Technology Measuring Centers Drive Technology Service & Tools Training Purchasing Careers
In cars, spiral bevel gears are used in all-wheel-drive systems and rear-wheel-drive systems to transmit torque from the
transmission "to the road." Due to increasing performance requirements, these drives must transmit outputs of up to 300 kW
or more. The bevel gears they use must be efficient, smooth-running, and low-maintenance. Reproducible quality in
standard production with the fastest possible production times are key requirements in this industry.
The optimized machine design covers the entire spectrum for applications in the automotive industry. The built-in loading
unit reduces loading and unloading times to 6 seconds. Thanks to the integrated contour deburring in combination with the
high-speed dry cutting process, the typical machining time for one component is just 60 seconds.
Klingelnberg has developed and perfected the dry-cutting process for spiral
bevel gears.
KIMoS covers all aspects of spiral bevel gear design and optimization
throughout the process chain.
The entire process chain for bevel gears from design, to production, to
measurement is available under one roof.
The closed-loop concept for the entire bevel gearing process chain is
unrivaled on the market.
Complete solutions for all tool-related questions: Klingelnberg continually perfects the tool system and offers a justin-time grinding service for customers.
Supplier of machines with integrated, automatic contour deburring for complete process steps.
Klingelnberg knows the requirements for machine loading better than anyone specializing only in automation. The
integrated Klingelnberg solution has led to tremendous advances in production and process quality.
Application expertise for all of the different work steps involved in bevel gear production.
Klingelnberg offers training courses to pass this expertise and knowledge on to customers.
Haul trucks in the mining industry use bevel gears to transmit several thousand kW of power.
Trucks designed for high-production mining and heavy-duty construction machines generally use rear-wheel drives, which
are subjected to extreme conditions. A Caterpillar 797B ultra class haul truck has a payload capacity of just under 623 tons.
The bevel gears they use transmit nearly 2,400 kW to the rear axle. They are larger than bevel gears used in the automotive
industry, and are only made in small batches.
The Oerlikon Spiral Bevel Gear Cutting Machine C 60 is designed for the highest possible cutting forces, which are
produced when cutting bevel gears on this order of magnitude. Klingelnberg's closed-loop concept guarantees compliance
with the narrowest tolerances, thus effectively eliminating costly rejects. With the horizontal arrangement of the tool spindle
and programmable loading and unloading positions, this is the most user-friendly machine on the market.
Bevel gear sets used in aviation applications have to meet highest pitch and spacing quality (DIN Class 1-3) and reliability
standards. Equally important are also other aspects like surface finish, root fillet radius, low transmission error, high strength
and low weight. The fundamental challenge is to get an acceptable ease-off design from respective software system and to
identify the right machines to deliver the quality requirements stated before.
Aviation gears are typically produced with face milling process in soft stage and finished by grinding to achieve good surface
finish and topography corresponding to design nominals. Auxiliary drive gears are normally below 200 mm pitch diameter
and main drives as in helicopters fall in 400-800 mm pitch diameter. With Oerlikon Spiral Bevel Gear Cutting Machines C 30
and C 50, majority of aviation applications are aptly covered for soft stage manufacturing. The Oerlikon Spiral Bevel Gear
Grinding Machines G 30 and G 60 are ideally suited for finish grinding of aviation gears thanks to their vertical concept
which ensures efficient disposal of grinding swarf and stable grinding results. It goes without saying that the machines are
fully integrated in the Klingelnberg closed-loop system.
The industrial segment represents a wide range of applications where reliability of bevel gears is the key requirement. The
size of the gear sets can vary between 300-2000 mm pitch diameters. Industrial gear boxes, pulverisers, conveyor drives,
transportation systems, marine drives etc. are some of the applications that represent the industrial sector. The gears used
in such applications are typically manufactured by job shops that specialise in small batch production over large varieties.
Rigid machine construction, flexibility and economics of production are the key factors that define the leading technology for
this market.
The batch size holds the key to deciding on the manufacturing process in this industry. Klingelnberg Cyclo-Palloid system
offers the most flexible and economical solution for small batch production of bevel gears. The universal range of machines
consist of Oerlikon Universal Spiral Bevel Gear Cutting Machines C 40 U, C 60 U and C 100 U which between them cover
application range up to 1000 mm pitch diameters. The one machine two process concept allows the soft cutting as well as
the post heat treated hard cutting on the same machine, there by reducing upfront investment for customers. The hard
cutting process (called HPG-S) can deliver DIN 6 quality or better in regular production. This unique solution is the only one
of its kind available in the market and can be utilised in all market segments like industrial gear boxes, marine drives,
conveyors, pulverisers etc. With sturdy machine design, flexible tooling system and the gear technology that is completely
integrated into the KIMoS based closed-loop, Klingelnberg meets all demands of this important niche market.
In agricultural applications such as tractors, spiral bevel gears are built into the rear axles. Harvesters and hay machines use
straight bevel gears to enable the corresponding functions. Whereas the bevel gear set in a tractor rear axle drive must
transmit up to 250 kW, the loads on straight bevel gears are comparably low. During production, the same methods are used
as for commercial vehicles. The most important market requirement for straight bevel gears is a modern production solution
that is cost-efficient.
With Hypoflex, Klingelnberg has developed a unique, computer-aided production method for straight bevel gears. Now for
the first time, straight bevel gears can be produced in a dry cutting process that is fully integrated into the closed-loop
concept. This puts Hypoflex on par with the standard of gear-cutting technology used in the automotive industry.
Spiral bevel gears mounted on tractor axles vary in size from 200-600 mm pitch diameter, depending on the power rating of
the equipment. In high end applications, the gear sets are even ground to derive additional load carrying capacity without
having to increase the size of the gears.
With Klingelnberg, agricultural segment benefits from the same state of the art technology as available in the automotive
sector. Oerlikon Spiral Bevel Gear Cutting Machine C 50 and Oerlikon Spiral Bevel Gear Grinding Machine G 60 are well
equipped to meet all customer expectations pertaining to modern design, low space requirements and operator friendliness.