The ABC of ERP
The ABC of ERP
The ABC of ERP
What is ERP?
When will I get payback from ERPand how much will it be?
What is ERP?
Enterprise resource planning software, or ERP, doesnt live up to its acronym. Forget about planningit doesnt do much of that
and forget about resource, a throwaway term. But remember the enterprise part. This is ERPs true ambition. The software attempts
to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those
departments particular needs.
Building a single software program that serves the needs of people in finance as well as it does the people in human resources and
in the warehouse is a tall order. Each of those departments typically has its own computer system optimized for the particular ways
that the department does its work. But ERP combines them all together into a single, integrated software program that runs off a
single database so that the various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other.
That integrated approach can have a tremendous payback if companies install the software correctly.
Take a customer order, for example. Typically, when a customer places an order, that order begins a mostly paper-based journey
from inbox to inbox throughout the company, often being keyed and rekeyed into different departments computer systems along
the way. All that lounging around in inbox causes delays and lost orders, and all the keying into different computer systems
invites errors. Meanwhile, no one in the company truly knows what the status of the order is at any given point because there is no
way for the finance department, for example, to get into the warehouses computer system to see whether the item has been
shipped. "Youll have to call the warehouse" is the familiar refrain heard by frustrated customers.
ERP vanquishes the old standalone computer systems in finance, HR, manufacturing and the warehouse, and replaces them with
a single unified software program divided into software modules that roughly approximate the old standalone systems.
Finance, manufacturing and the warehouse all still get their own software, except now the software is linked together so that
someone in finance can look into the warehouse software to see if an order has been shipped. Back in the 90s ERP was developed
as a tightly integrated monolith, but most vendors software has since become flexible enough that you can install some
modules without buying the whole package. Many companies, for example, will install only an ERP finance or HR module and
leave the rest of the functions for another day.
improve the ways your people take orders and manufacture, ship and bill for goods, you will see value from the software. If you
simply install the software without trying to improve the ways people do their jobs, you may not see any value at allindeed, the
new software could slow you down by simply replacing the old software that everyone knew with new software that no one does.
Gradually, enterprise software vendors came to realize that to serve customers better, they needed to break up their suites
into application components and create complex ways to link to them over the Internet so that customers would not have to
rewrite connections to pieces of the suite such as financials, which didnt change much.
The final death knell for the original enterprise software architecture model came in 2004 when the major enterprise software
vendors all announced that they were offering packages of integration middlewaretacitly acknowledging the reality that had
been clear since middleware was first invented decades ago: Integration happens best outside of specific software applications,
not inside them. The enterprise software vendors have been conspicuously absent from the Web services standards
movement, looking ever more like the Dark Princes of Lock-In while the originators of the lock-in concept, IBM and Microsoft,
looked like white knights for doing the lions share of work to create free (so far, anyway) standards for integration in Web
services. And its great stuff. How ironic that those companies that were going to save your CEO from integration in 1999 have
been the laggards in developing truly useful enterprise integration.
This is not to say that ERP is a boondoggle, or even that the software isnt valuable to the companies that bought it. Even though
most vendors have had some big bumps in the road, most of their products work well. The happiest customers are those who
used enterprise software to create new capabilities and processes that they could not express in software with their old systems.
But back in 1999, many CIOs talked about ERP as an integration strategy, about replacing systems that had more and
better functionality than the enterprise software they were installing in order to be more integrated, more efficient when the
new software was installed. For the few companies that could afford to install enterprise software in the manner envisioned in
the vendors R&D labs, they may have gotten there. Many are still maintaining the custom code they had to write for outraged
business users who lost capabilities they had in the old software.
for tracking employees time and communicating with them about benefits and services. ERP can fix that.
In the race to fix these problems, companies often lose sight of the fact that ERP packages are nothing more than
generic representations of the ways a typical company does business. While most packages are exhaustively comprehensive,
each industry has quirks that make it unique. Most ERP systems were designed to be used by discrete manufacturing companies
(that make physical things that can be counted), which immediately left all the process manufacturers (oil, chemical and
utility companies that measure their products by flow rather than individual units) out in the cold. Each of these industries has
struggled with the different ERP vendors to modify core ERP programs to their needs.
up with one statistic that proves that ERP is expensive no matter what kind of company is using it: The TCO for someone who uses
the system a lot over that period was a staggering $53,320.
When will I get payback from ERPand how much will it be?
Dont expect to revolutionize your business with ERP. Its contribution is optimizing the way things are done internally rather than
with customers, suppliers or partners. Again, value depends on ambition. If ERP is the focus of an effort to bring
dramatic improvements to the way a company does business, it will bring more value than if the project is treated as a simple
systems replacement. And even if ERP does bring dramatic change, because it affects mostly existing "back office" processes such
as order management rather than creating new revenue opportunities, the bottom-line value may not be much. Veterans say ERP
is more a cost of doing business to make the company operate more efficiently than something that offers dramatic payback. And
most veterans say it takes six months or more to get the new systems and processes running up to snuff. A Meta Group study of
63 companies a few years ago found that it took eight months after the new system was in (31 months total) to see any benefits.
The median annual savings from the new ERP system were $1.6 millionpretty modest, considering that ERP projects at
big companies can cost $50 million or more.
4. Data conversionIt costs money to move corporate information, such as customer and supplier records, product design data
and the like, from old systems to new ERP homes. Although few CIOs will admit it, most data in most legacy systems is of little
use. Companies often deny their data is dirty until they actually have to move it to the new client/server setups that popular
ERP packages require. Consequently, those companies are more likely to underestimate the cost of the move. But even clean
data may demand some overhaul to match process modifications necessitatedor inspiredby the ERP implementation.
5. Data analysisOften, the data from the ERP system must be combined with data from external systems for analysis purposes.
Users with heavy analysis needs should include the cost of a data warehouse in the ERP budgetand they should expect to
do quite a bit of work to make it run smoothly. Users are in a pickle here: Refreshing all the ERP data every day in a big
corporate data warehouse is difficult, and ERP systems do a poor job of indicating which information has changed from day to
day, making selective warehouse updates tough. One expensive solution is custom programming. The upshot is that the wise
will check all their data analysis needs before signing off on the budget.
6. Consultants ad infinitumWhen users fail to plan for disengagement, consulting fees run wild. To avoid this, companies
should identify objectives for which its consulting partners must aim when training internal staff. Include metrics in the
consultants contract; for example, a specific number of the user companys staff should be able to pass a projectmanagement leadership testsimilar to what the consultants have to pass to lead an ERP engagement.
7. Replacing your best and brightestIt is accepted wisdom that ERP success depends on staffing the project with the best and
brightest from the business and IS divisions. The software is too complex and the business changes too dramatic to trust the
project to just anyone. The bad news is a company must be prepared to replace many of those people when the project is
over. Though the ERP market is not as hot as it once was, consultancies and other companies that have lost their best people
will be hounding yours with higher salaries and bonus offers than you can affordor that your HR policies permit. Huddle with
HR early on to develop a retention bonus program and create new salary strata for ERP veterans. If you let them go, youll
wind up hiring themor someone like themback as consultants for twice what you paid them in salaries.
8. Implementation teams can never stopMost companies intend to treat their ERP implementation as they would any other
software project. Once the software is installed, they figure the team will be scuttled, and everyone will go back to his or her
day job. But after ERP, you cant go home again. The implementers are too valuable. Because the implementers have worked
so closely with ERP, they know more about the sales process than the salespeople and more about the manufacturing
process than the manufacturing people. Companies cant afford to send their project people back into the business because
theres so much to do after the ERP software is installed. Just writing reports to pull information out of the new ERP system will
keep the project team busy for a year at least. And it is in analysisand, one hopes, insightthat companies make their
money back on an ERP implementation. Unfortunately, few IS departments plan for the frenzy of post-ERP installation activity,
and fewer still build it into their budgets when they start their ERP projects. Many are forced to beg for more money and staff
immediately after the go-live date, long before the ERP project has demonstrated any benefit.
9. Waiting for ROIOne of the most misleading legacies of traditional software project management is that the company expects
to gain value from the application as soon as it is installed, while the project team expects a break and maybe a pat on the
back. Neither expectation applies to ERP. Most of the systems dont reveal their value until after companies have had them
running for some time and can concentrate on making improvements in the business processes that are affected by the
system. And the project team is not going to be rewarded until their efforts pay off.
10. Post-ERP depressionERP systems often wreak cause havoc in the companies that install them. In a recent Deloitte
Consulting survey of 64 Fortune 500 companies, one in four admitted that they suffered a drop in performance when their ERP
system went live. The true percentage is undoubtedly much higher. The most common reason for the performance problems is
that everything looks and works differently from the way it did before. When people cant do their jobs in the familiar way and
havent yet mastered the new way, they panic, and the business goes into spasms.
Political fights erupt over howor even whetherthe software will be installed. IT gets bogged down in long, expensive
customization efforts to modify the ERP software to fit with powerful business barons wishes. Customizations make the software
more unstable and harder to maintain when it finally does come to life. The horror stories you hear in the press about ERP can
usually be traced to the changes the company made in the core ERP software to fit its own work methods. Because ERP covers
so much of what a business does, a failure in the software can bring a company to a halt, literally.
But IT can fix the bugs pretty quickly in most cases, and besides, few big companies can avoid customizing ERP in some fashion
every business is different and is bound to have unique work methods that a vendor cannot account for when developing
its software. The mistake companies make is assuming that changing peoples habits will be easier than customizing the software.
Its not. Getting people inside your company to use the software to improve the ways they do their jobs is by far the harder challenge.
If your company is resistant to change, then your ERP project is more likely to fail.
unit revenue, for example), or for processes that dont vary much from business unit to business unit (perhaps HR benefits).
Usually, these implementations begin with a demonstration or pilot installation in a particularly open-minded and patient business
unit where the core business of the corporation will not be disrupted if something goes wrong. Once the project team gets the
system up and running and works out all the bugs, the team begins selling other units on ERP, using the first implementation as a
kind of in-house customer reference. Plan for this strategy to take a long time. Interestingly, many companies that initially installed
ERP using a franchising strategy are now trying to consolidate as many of those different instances of ERP as possible down into
a handful or even one for the entire company.
Slam dunkERP dictates the process design in this method, where the focus is on just a few key processes, such as those contained
in an ERP systems financial module. The slam dunk is generally for smaller companies expecting to grow into ERP. The goal here
is to get ERP up and running quickly and to ditch the fancy reengineering in favor of the ERP systems "canned" processes.
Few companies that have approached ERP this way can claim much payback from the new system. Most use it as an infrastructure
to support more diligent installation efforts down the road. Yet many discover that a slammed-in ERP system is little better than
a legacy system because it doesnt force employees to change any of their old habits. In fact, doing the hard work of
process reengineering after the system is in can be more challenging than if there had been no system at all because at that point
few people in the company will have felt much benefit from the new software.
integration headaches: Web services and the promise of service-oriented architecture (SOA). Web services couldwith the
emphasis on couldallow CIOs who have invested in best-of-breed solutions to integrate their standalone systems without
either shelling out millions for single instance or tying their companys future to a single vendor. Trouble is, Web services and SOA
are still immature and require complex planning and a long list of programming and architectural talents inside the IT department
and dont forget implementation time and cost.
Most pundits believe some form of standard, simple, vendor-independent integration will emerge over the long term, but that
doesnt help CIOs today. Most experts recommend waiting for better integration standards if the costs of operating your systems asis dont outweigh the costs and benefits of ripping and replacing with a single instance and the business is not missing out on
important revenue opportunities because of problems with the current system.
Essentially, single instance and Web services/SOA are two ways to get to the same place, and CIOs will need to choose which path
to lead their company down. For much more detail on this choice, see Ben Worthens piece "Extreme ERP Makeover" www.cio.
com/archive/111503/erp.html Here are some very basic guidelines:
You should consider single instance if you...
Have fairly commonplace business processes that extend across all divisions
Have older systems that need to be replaced
Have multiple ERP instances from a single vendor
When vendors began breaking up and componentizing their suites to make them easier to integrate with each other and with
legacy systems inside the company, they also broke up one of the value propositions that had been so enticing in the first place:
free upgrades. Freed of the suite model, enterprise software vendors started charging fresh license fees for the new components
they developed. Many early ERP suites had their development frozen. Customers could continue to get support, but newer
features cost extra and worked much betteror sometimes onlywith the newer version of the vendors software. And CIOs
stuck with the old suites began wondering where all their maintenance fees had gone. They couldnt afford to upgrade to the
newer, componentized version of the vendors software models and if they could, theyd pay a new license fee for their trouble.
In theory, early users of ERP paid for those new versions of the software through yearly maintenance fees to the vendor that
every ERP vendor charges. The largest percentage of those fees went to R&D rather than to support and maintenance of
existing software. But the economics became untenable for vendors. When the ERP boom crashed after 2000, sales of new
software slowed to a crawl and vendors said they were forced to charge for new components. It may be true, but it ended the short
era of free upgrades.
(SOAP). Those 25 systems immediately line up and march, sending customer information to the new application and
saving developers months, even years, of development time each time the service is used.
The most interesting new feature being developed by the ERP vendors today is the extent to which they will make their software
part of a service SOA using their own homegrown integration software, known as middleware, and Web services so that
customers can more easily link ERP with other types of software in the architecture. Each vendor has claimed fealty to the concept
and each has its own vision of how to create an integration layer independent of its own software that is capable of linking to any
other piece of software in the universe. But view their pronouncements skeptically because if they do it well they will eliminate
an important piece of their competitive differentiation: dominance over the software acquisition process of their customers.
When CIOs call themselves a SAP shop or an Oracle shop, its because software from those companies dominates
their architecture and new software from those providers works better with their existing code base than does code from other
vendors. Vendors who make integration with their software truly universal eliminate the built-in advantage they have with
existing customers. Some ways that vendors use their new middleware strategies to keep customers: The middleware is offered
only to customers who upgrade to the latest version of ERP, or customers are charged a fee for using the middleware to link
with software from another vendor.
ERP systems themselves) never penetrated much beyond a manufacturers top tier (read biggest, richest) of suppliers, due to the
cost of installing and managing the links at the supplier. In third-world manufacturing destinations, even an Internet connection is
often a luxury. The market for managing the core ERP information (orders, inventory, etc.) of the extended supply chain, is only
now beginning to emerge.
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Dated: January 10, 2006