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School of Public Health Publication May 2015


It is clear that we are nowhere near

the end of this battle

Infectious Disease p2

Health Impact! p4

Learn by Doing p8

Alumni News p10

GAVIs Vaccine Mission

Study maps extroversion

types in the brains anatomy

Sarah Davey, life in the MPH

program at Brown

There is life after Brown!


Infectious Diseases

Faculty Profile

4 Health Impact!
7 Welcome New Faculty
8 Learn by Doing
10 Alumni News
13 In Memoriam


Welcome to the inaugural edition of Continuum, a new publication
designed to share news and accomplishments of our students, alumni
and faculty! The editor and major contributor of this issue is Julia
Nagle, MPH 16 who is the Health Communications Scholar in the
School of Public Health. We are very fortunate that her work was been
made possible by an endowment from Perri A. Peltz82 and Eric
Ruttenberg. Julias internship this semester was focused on creating a
communication vehicle, with student, faculty and alumni content, as
a way to connect the important constituents of our School.
Since becoming a school on July 1, 2013, weve made important research
progress, had wonderful student and alumni successes, and garnered
generous gifts that will advance our programs and support our mission.
This is an exciting time for public health at Brown and around the
world. Across the nation, student interest in public health is growing
exponentially both at the undergraduate and graduate levels; Brown is
experiencing similar growth in our undergraduate courses and
concentrations, as well as our graduate program applications.
Our School is well positioned to have a major impact on the creation
of future generations of public health policy makers and practitioners.
We are also expanding the knowledge base that will improve population
health around the world. I am pleased to share the accomplishments of
our School in this publication, and, I am particularly pleased that so
much of this edition of Continuum is written by our own students.
I hope you enjoy reading about our amazing students, alums and
faculty. And let us know what you think about our new newsletter.
We always enjoy hearing from you.

Terrie Fox Wetle, MS, PhD

Dean, Brown University School of Public Health

121 South Main Street

Providence, Rhode Island
02912, USA
Phone: 1.401.863.3375
Fax: 1.401.863.3713

Editors Note
Our publication Continuum is named for the many ways
through which the Brown University School of Public
Health contributes to the innovation and development of
public health as a whole. Merriam Websters Dictionary
defines a continuum as a coherent whole characterized as
a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements
varying by minute degrees. At the Brown University
School of Public Health we seek to bring health care
services, research and education to a place of excellence.
Our goal is to positively affect the health of communities
and populations worldwide. We recognize that a strong
public health school begins with a dedication to exceptional
education and commitment to research that progresses to
real-world experience. The School of Public Health has
embraced this continuum to become recognized as a leader
in helping build awareness of population health issues,

by Julia Nagle MPH16

community has made great strides over the years toward

the eradication of infectious diseases through various
health interventions. However, while these achievements
have resulted in disease reduction, in 2015 we are surrounded by illness around the globe. Today, medical
innovations such as vaccines and antimicrobials help
prevent many infectious diseases and conditions; however,
they do not eliminate all of the diseases threatening our
population. Currently, infectious diseases cause 63% of all
childhood deaths and 48% of premature deaths globally (1).
We are surrounded by diseases such as HIV/AIDS and
tuberculosis and in addition, diseases that we thought had
been extinguished, such as measles and cholera. In a time
when diseases such as Ebola are killing thousands, the need
for public health and public health intervention is immense.
Increasingly, our world has become more susceptible to

Ingenuity, knowledge, and organization alter but cannot cancel humanitys

vulnerability to invasion by parasitic forms of life. Infectious disease which
antedated the emergence of humankind will last as long as humanity itself, and
will surely remain, as it has been hitherto, one of the fundamental parameters
and determinants of human history.
William H. McNeill in Plagues and Peoples, 1976
shape public policy and increase positive health outcomes.
At Brown, our students and faculty bring research and
education to new heights. They continually work to
expand knowledge of health and translate it into public
health practices that make a difference to the population.
Our first issue of Continuum delves into the research and
initiatives of students and faculty members who explore
how the study of epidemics is advancing knowledge of
infectious disease on a global scale. The public health

Continuum / May 2015

infectious diseases, as climate change, migration, population

growth, and increased international travel, among other
things, put us all at greater risk for infectious disease.
The public health community must adopt strategies for
prevention and control. Public health research, education,
and practice expand our knowledge of infectious diseases
and methods of disease prevention.

(1) WHO Report on Global Surveillance of Epidemic-prone Infectious Diseases - Introduction.

(n.d.). Retrieved May 1, 2015, from


by Julia Nagle MPH16

With todays technology, knowledge and vaccines there is no

reason why we should not have everyone in the world healthy.
Seth Berkley
Alumnus Seth F. Berkley, MD78
MD81, epidemiologist and CEO
of Gavi, the Global Alliance for
Vaccines and Immunization,
visited Brown University on
February 25, 2015 to deliver a
presentation titled Going to
scale: delivering vaccines to the
worlds poorest countries.
Berkley, earned his bachelors degree in 1978 and his MD
in 1981 at Brown and currently holds an appointment as
adjunct professor of medicine at the Warren Alpert
Medical School. Gavi, a global health organization that
saves lives through making vaccinations more accessible
to developing countries, has immunized more than half
a billion children and is working toward immunizing an
additional 300 million in the next five years.
Berkleys presentation described Gavis mission and the
changes they are working to implement on a global scale.
Berkley says, We want children to live up to their full
potential. In developing countries, childrens capacity to
thrive and remain healthy is often limited. Gavi brings
together both public and private sectors with the mutual
goal of establishing equitable access to child vaccines.
According to Berkley, vaccinations have the potential to
not only save lives, but to act as a major tool in helping
developing countries move forward toward economic growth
and increased productivity. In fact, Berkley said, Research
suggests that having a full course of immunizations is
equivalent to primary school on long-term economic growth.

Continuum / May 2015

Gavi is working hard to advance its mission and increase

immunization coverage. The Millennium Development
Goals expire this year; one of the goals was to reduce child
mortality by two thirds between 1990 and 2015. Unfortunately,
that is not on pace to happen, although there has been a
dramatic reduction in child deaths. Gavi has nevertheless
strived to help accomplish the Millennium Development
Goals. Improving accessibility to vaccines is crucial to this
mission, as immunization is a key force in the battle
against child mortality.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends all
children receive 11 vaccines, and Gavis aim is to make sure
every child receives these to be protected against those
diseases. Today, however, only 5% of children receive those
11 WHO-recommended antigens. According to Berkley,
the goal moving forward will be to have 50% of children
in Gavi countries fully immunized by 2020.
Gavi emphasizes the importance of vaccinations around
the world. Immunizations have positive long-term effects
beyond the realm of health outcomes. Despite the positive
impacts vaccinations can have, people remain hesitant
about vaccinating their children. Berkley is a strong
believer in the benefits of immunization, and encourages
all parents to vaccinate their children. Created in 2000,
Gavi has proceeded to take the world by storm by protecting
peoples health and increasing access to immunizations. In
the coming years, Gavi intends to invest in vaccinations
and improve the health and well-being of people around
the globe.


by Olivia Kachingwe MPH15

Omar Galarraga, PhD

Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice

Trained as a health economist, Dr. Omar Galarraga has

three main research interests: cost-benefit analysis, health
care reform - particularly surrounding insurance concerns
- and the application of behavioral-economic approaches to
impact behavioral change.

In addition to his project in South Africa, Galarraga has

also accomplished notable work in Mexico City. Working
through the citys largest HIV clinic, Galarraga managed
to interview over 18,000 men who have sex with men
including sex workers on their willingness to receive
regular check-ups and avoid new STIs for varying financial
incentives. These findings have since been published and
used as the basis for an incentive-providing pilot program.
Galarraga and colleagues are very proud of this work
because through it they were able to work in close
collaboration with the citys HIV Treatment and Prevention
Program and ultimately influence policy development. The
legislature in Mexico has recently passed a law to support
HIV-positive patients of low socioeconomic status by
providing a metro pass as transportation compensation
for their clinic visit, thus incentivizing future check-ups.
Galarraga and colleagues have since been asked to evaluate
the impact of this new program.

Galarraga feels he has the potential to improve health

outcomes through behavioral economics, a field that
incorporates insights from both economics and psychology
He is currently working on a project in South Africa
studying HIV prevention and incentives for linkage to care
among young women. Through qualitative observation,
researchers have found that many individuals who find out
that they are HIV positive do not come back to the clinic
for immediate treatment. Instead, they wait until they are
severely ill, which negatively impacts both the patient and
their sex partners. So through behavioral economics,
Galarraga hopes that his research will improve treatment
uptake of ART (antiretroviral therapy) and ultimately
reduce HIV transmission.

Beyond his work in Mexico and South Africa, Galarraga

also works closely with Lawrence Were, a PhD candidate in
Browns department of Health Services, Policy and Practice
focusing on health economics. With Lawrence, Galarraga
is evaluating the impact of Kenyas National Hospital
Insurance Fund on prevention of mother-to-child transmission
of HIV outcomes. Also in Kenya, Galarraga is working
with AMPATH - a large consortium that currently provides
treatment to over 150,000 people in western Kenya. In the
past, AMPATH has been funded by PEPFAR (Presidents
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief). Galarraga and colleagues
are looking to evaluate the feasibility of alternative funding
mechanisms, particularly the use of a community-based
health insurance pilot through Zurich Health.

The findings have since been published and used as the basis for an
incentive-providing pilot program. Dr. Galarraga and colleagues are
very proud of this work.

Health Impact!
by David Orenstein


Tara White, PhD
Assistant Professor of
Behavioral and Social Sciences
Everyday experience and
psychological studies alike tell us
that there are two different types
of extroverts: The gregarious
people-persons who find
reward in sharing affection
and affiliation with others, and the ambitious go-getters
who flash those bright-white smiles in their pursuit of
achievement and leadership agendas. A new study shows
that these overlapping yet distinct personalities have
commensurately overlapping yet distinct signatures in the
anatomy of the brain.
These are people just sharing with you how they tend to
experience the world and whats important to them, said
Tara White, assistant professor (research) of behavioral and
social sciences at the Brown University School of Public
Health and corresponding author of the new study. The
fact that thats validated in the brain is really exciting.
Theres a deep reality there.
The report, published in Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral
Neuroscience, is based on structural MRI scans of 83 men
and women ranging in age from 18 to 54. That makes it the
first study to produce evidence of the physical similarities
and differences between extrovert types in the brain across
adulthood. One other study had made such observations
only in seniors.
This is the first glimpse of a benchmark of what the healthy
adult brain looks like with these traits, said White, who is

Continuum / May 2015

based at Browns Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies.

She studies the neural basis of personality and how such
personality differences change the way people respond to
drugs and alcohol.


In this study, subjects were first screened for mental and
physical health and then were given standard personality
tests that measured scores of both kinds of extroversion
(psychologists call the people persons affiliative and the
go-getters agentic (a-JEN-tick).
The subjects then underwent MRI scans designed to detect
the volume of gray matter in different regions of their
brain. From the psychological literature on extroversion,
White and lead author Erica Grodin, a graduate student,
knew they wanted to look in regions of interest such as the
medial orbitofrontal cortex, which is involved in making
choices based on reward, but they also cast a broader net
of analysis across the whole brain using a technique called
voxel-based morphometry. As expected, they found that
higher degrees of either kind of extroversion significantly
correlated with higher gray matter volumes in the right
and left medial orbitofrontal cortex, even after controlling
for possible confounding factors such as age. But among
the people with higher agentic extroversion scores, they
also found several other regions that had significantly
larger gray matter volumes: the parahippocampal gyrus
(involved in learning and memory for reward); the
precentral gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and caudate (involved
in the cognitive control of behavior and the initiation,
planning, and execution of voluntary movement toward
goals); and, among the men in the study, the nucleus
accumbens (involved in incentive reward).
So while both kinds of extroverts had higher volumes in
one key brain region, agentic extroverts also had higher

volumes in several other areas. White and Grodin found

many of those other areas through the VBM analysis of the
whole brain.
The authors caution that the study shows only an association,
not whether or how larger volumes result in the personality
traits. It also does not explain when larger volumes develop
for example, whether people are born with or acquire
the larger volumes associated with either extroversion
tendency. But with further research, the new data could
help scientists to better understand changes in emotionality
over time.
[The] findings provide a developmental benchmark from
which to better understand the etiology of problems in
agentic extroversion and affiliative extroversion, such as
can occur in normal aging and neurodegenerative disease,
Grodin and White wrote.
This research was supported by grants from the National
Institute on Drug Abuse (DA R01 020725, DA R21 029189),
the Lifespan/Tufts/Brown Center for AIDS Research, the
Foundation for Alcohol Research, and the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (AA P01 019072).


Simin Liu, MD, MPH, Professor of Epidemiology, Professor
of Medicine
The work of Dr. Simin Liu,
professor of epidemiology and
medicine at Brown University,
focuses on understanding the
deep complexity and connections underlying type 2 diabetes,
cardiovascular disease and their risk factors. On Nov. 16
the American Heart Association announced that it will
back him in those studies with a new high-profile award.
The AHA will provide Liu with $500,000 over two years as
one of the first researchers funded under its Cardiovascular
Genome-Phenome initiative.
These scientists are building the future on the power of the
past and are following in the footsteps of the American
Heart Associations founders in a bold and novel way,
AHA President Dr. Elliott Antman said while announcing
the grant winners during his presidential address at the
AHAs annual meeting in Chicago Nov. 16, 2014.

Liu said he is honored and grateful to the AHA for the

award recognizing his teams work in systems medicine
and epidemiology. Last month Liu and his collaborators
published a study in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular
Genetics revealing common genes and biological pathways
connecting type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Now, he said, hell be able to build on that, for instance by
looking at the interactions of genes and diet among
different ethnic groups.
The AHA CVGPS Award will allow us to harness the rich
genetic, genomic, and phenotypic resources from the
Framingham Heart Study, the Womens Health Initiative,
and the Jackson Heart Study to comprehensively investigate
biological pathways, gene regulatory networks, and key
regulatory genes perturbed by genetic and dietary factors
of vascular diseases, using multiple computational and
statistical approaches, Liu said.
His ultimate goal is for the work to yield improved
strategies for fighting the diseases, which affect tens of
millions of people worldwide, he said.
By applying systems biology principles and innovative
computation strategies that integrate multi-omics data
with dietary information in the well-characterized
multiethnic populations, we will gain better understanding
of both shared and ethnic-specific mechanisms for vascular
disease development, he said. The mechanistic insights
will ultimately lead to improved strategies for the prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment of these highly prevalent diseases
and help address health disparity.


Linda Resnik, PhD, Associate
Professor of Health Services,
Policy and Practice (Research)
The Foundation for Physical
Therapy has awarded Brown
University a $2.5-million,
five-year grant for a new center
of excellence to spur research in
the field. In the Center on Health
Services Training and Research (CoHSTAR), Brown,
Boston University, and the University of Pittsburgh will
train researchers and seed new studies to build the
evidence base for physical therapy care and to improve
how care is delivered.

Physical therapists are integral parts of the health care

system, said CoHSTAR director Linda Resnik, a physical
therapist, associate professor of health services, policy and
practice in the Brown University School of Public Health,
and a research career scientist at the Providence VA
Medical Center. Every day there are 750,000 people who
see a physical therapist. Theres great clinical research that
goes on, but there have been very few physical therapist
researchers with the skills to conduct health services
research. Because of that we are lacking the kind of
evidence that we need to inform improvements in health
service delivery and policy.
The center will focus on three areas of research: rehabilitation
outcomes measurement, implementation science and
quality assurance, and analysis of large datasets. CoHSTARs
faculty members will expand the capacity for research in
these areas by training, nine postdoctoral students and five
to six visiting scientists during its five years of funding.
Those programs will begin this summer and fall.
Other programs will include curriculum development and
annual summer institutes and webcasts, led by Boston
University, to reach many more physical therapy scholars.
Although the center grant was announced this week at
the combined sections meeting of the American Physical
Therapy Association (APTA) in Indianapolis, work is
already underway.
We are beginning recruitment immediately for our first
cohort of trainees, said Resnik, a physical therapist who
came to Brown in 2002 as a postdoctoral trainee in health
services research. We plan to be reviewing applications as
soon as possible.
In addition, CoHSTAR has already selected the first three
research projects to earn seed grants, to be administered by
the University of Pittsburgh. One will examine the effect
on care and costs of physical therapy being the first point
of care rather than, for instance the primary care doctor
or chiropractor for people with lower back pain. A
second will seek to develop a linking of measures for
tracking patient functioning through the many settings of
post-acute care, such as inpatient rehabilitation, nursing
home, and then home. The third will accelerate the
development and testing of a pilot registry for management
of knee pain.
Resnik said she is pleased to lead a multi-institution team
in creating more opportunities for people to study physical
therapy services and policy.

Continuum / May 2015

I have had the opportunity to be in this kind of training

environment and to launch my career in this area, but Ive
been one amongst a very small number of physical
therapist health services researchers, she said. Health
services research has never been more important than in
this era of health care reform as the United States tries to
determine how to provide its citizens with the best quality
care and the best value of care. As the call for others to
enter the field has grown louder and louder there really
have been limited opportunities for physical therapist
Funding for the foundations grant came from the APTA
and from dozens of physical therapists, foundations, and


Joseph Hogan, ScD, Professor
of Biostatistics
HIV can be treated, but not
every infection responds the
same way. Treatment requires
monitoring and testing, a
practice that can become
expensive for health care systems
in the developing world. With a
new grant from the National Institutes of Health, Brown
University professors Joseph Hogan and Rami Kantor will
lead an effort to develop data-driven techniques to
improve the effectiveness of monitoring treatment and to
maximize the benefits associated with using expensive
diagnostic procedures. Hogan, professor of biostatistics in
the School of Public Health, and Kantor, associate
professor of medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School,
will combine their expertise to develop statistical methods,
software, and laboratory technologies that use clinical data
from patient records to improve HIV treatment monitoring
decisions. Their work will develop strategies to optimize
timing and frequency of costly diagnostic procedures such
as drug resistance testing and new methods for batch
testing to reduce the number of laboratory assays needed
to determine individual patient viral loads.
In addition to developing the statistical framework and
theory for these ideas, Hogan and Kantor will create
practical laboratory methods and protocols that can be
tested, refined, and implemented in AMPATH, a comprehensive HIV care program based in Eldoret, Kenya, that
sees more than 130,000 HIV-infected patients a year.

Brown University is a member of the AMPATH Consortium,

whose 18 North American institutions collaborate with
Moi University in Eldoret on HIV research, care, and
training. Hogan is co-director of biostatistics and Kantor is
research director of the Brown University-Kenya Program.
He studies the effectiveness of HIV treatment and its
relationship to drug resistance.

Welcome New Faculty

Tongzhang Zheng, MB, ScD
Professor of Epidemiology

Hogan said the project, supported with $3.5 million over

five years, could demonstrate how more sophisticated use
of data can improve medical care.
This grant is emblematic of the emerging field of data
science, wherein new and innovative methods of statistical
analysis and computing are directly motivated by and
applied within a specific context, Hogan said. Despite the
fact that most of the worlds people with HIV live in lowand middle-income countries, patients and doctors in
places like Kenya do not have the resources needed to
follow treatment guidelines that are used in the United
States and Europe. The Presidents Emergency Plan for
AIDS Relief, which funds many aspects of care in AMPATH,
is narrowing this gap. We hope that projects like ours
can help AMPATH and programs like it make the best
use of the information and resources available to them.
Kantor said the work will produce not only academic but
clinical benefits.
It will combine multidisciplinary clinical, laboratory,
and statistical expertise to improve care for HIV-infected
patients in settings where physicians need to limit the tests
they conduct for patient care due to infrastructure and
resource constraints, Kantor said. Development of
methods and close work with and training of clinicians
and laboratory personnel in Kenya, as we propose to do,
will impact patient care and optimize resource use.
In addition to Hogan and Kantor, the team includes Tao
Liu, Allison DeLong, and Mia Coetzer of Brown, Michael
Daniels of the University of Texas, and Lameck Diero,
Wilfred Emonyi, and Ann Mwangi of Moi University
in Eldoret.

Dr. Zheng comes to Brown from the Yale University

School of Public Health, where he was the Susan
Dwight Bliss professor of epidemiology and the
chairman of the department of environmental health
sciences for the past 12 years. Dr. Zheng earned a ScD
in epidemiology from Harvard University and a medical
degree from the Tongji Medical School, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology. Dr. Zheng has
been conducting epidemiological research to investigate
the relationship between environmental exposures,
genetic polymorphisms, epigenetic factors and
gene-environment interactions in the risk of various
cancers in the US and in China.
Dr. Zheng has authored or co-authored over 380
articles and book chapters and co-edited the textbook,
Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He has been leading
two Fogarty training programs in China and he is
currently building three large cohort studies in China.
He is the Chief Scientific Advisor for China National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and he has
served as a senior advisor and member on several
committees for the National Academy of Sciences and
the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO).
Dr. Zhengs office is Room 214, located on the second
floor of 121 South Main Street, and his Brown email
address is His immediate
plans include hosting workshops and symposia at
Brown and in China to facilitate collaboration between
Brown investigators and counterparts in China, and
he is forming collaborations with several groups at Brown,
including the Watson Institute and the Institute at
Brown for Environment and Society. He is a member of
the Center for Environmental Health and Technology.

Please stop by and welcome him to the School!

Learn by Doing
by Julia Nagle MPH16

Julia Nagle MPH16 talks to

Sarah Davey about life in the
MPH program at Brown.

Continuum / May 2015


I chose to pursue an MPH degree so that I could learn the
practical elements of public health that would best prepare me
for a career in the field. I chose Brown University for its strong
focus on learning public health by doing public health, which I
found to be very important, particularly given that I was
pursuing a concentration in Global Health. When I was offered a
position at Brown as a Global Health Scholar, I knew that I had
been given an amazing opportunity. Before I even began my first
course credits, I had already been in close contact with my
advisor (Professor Steve McGarvey), who was encouraging me to
start working on my thesis and finding my field placement. I was
immediately drawn into the practical and personal relationships
at Brown.


As part of the requirements for being a Global Health Scholar, I
had always known that I would spend my MPH internship and
field experience in a foreign country. I spent much of my first
semester at Brown researching faculty throughout the university
and medical school who had research interests that aligned with
my own. One of my biggest public health heroes is Dr. Paul
Farmer, so Haiti had always been in the forefront of my mind as

for Haiti is a 100% Haitian-led nonprofit organization that

provides education, medical care, and humanitarian outreach to
the traditionally underserved populations in Haiti. I recently
returned to Haiti in January to work on a grant proposal for the
Gates Foundations Grand Challenges: Putting Women and Girls
at the Center of Development. While there, we also held services
and memorials in remembrance of the five-year anniversary of
the devastating 2010 earthquake.


My coursework - particularly Global Burden of Disease,
Biostatistics, and Research Methods - all helped prepare me for
this experience in very unique ways. Professor McGarveys Burden
of Disease course prepared me for an international fieldwork
experience, in that we were able to hear first-hand experiences
from researchers regarding their own experiences and what
different research methods they used. I also gained a knowledge
base in this course that prepared me to understand how the
burden of disease in developing countries appears and what
research had been done to understand it. Biostatistics and
Research Methods prepared me more for the thesis aspect of
my field experience, in helping me frame my research study
and analyze my data. Every course offered in the MPH program
provides critical lessons for a practical experience in public
health, so I was really able to tailor my coursework to what
would benefit my trajectory most.

Outside the realm of public health, I think I can say that I learned
more about humanity and the power of love and compassion while in
Haiti than I ever had leading up to that time.
to where I would spend my field experience. Eventually, I met Dr.
Michael Koster, an infectious disease pediatrician at Women and
Infants and professor in the Warren Alpert Medical School, who
had been traveling to Haiti since the earthquake to work at St.
Damien Pediatric Hospital in Tabarre, Haiti. Koster, alongside
other Brown and Haitian colleagues, established an educational
collaborative between a Haitian medical school and Brown that
allowed residents to gain international experience. Dr. Koster
knew that I was interested in program monitoring and evaluation,
so he suggested that I do an evaluation of a PEPFAR-funded HIV
training program for physicians at St. Damien Hospital. With
only 200 pediatricians for the entire country, there is a severely
limited human resources field in Haiti for treating pediatric HIV.
The objective of this training program is to train physicians from
all over Haiti in pediatric HIV care and protocol. We carried out
a program evaluation using a structured survey that was
distributed to all program graduates, evaluating program
statistics such as testing scores, and facilitating a focus group.
Following the completion of my field experience, I began to work
with a Haitian non-profit organization, The St. Luke Foundation
for Haiti, as a Development Consultant. The St. Luke Foundation


The most important lesson that I learned in Haiti was the
difference between solidarity and subsidiarity. There is a huge
difference between developing a project and implementing it
within a foreign community without their own input, and
developing a project in collaboration with a foreign community
and letting them determine the course. The first is an example of
solidarity, which has been a common trend in public health in
Haiti. Especially following the earthquake, a lot of nonprofits and
NGOs filtered a lot of money into the country with many big
plans as to how to spend it. Five years later, however, many of the
Haitians have no idea where that money went or are able to see
the outcomes. Subsidiarity, on the other hand, is something that I
experienced every single day at St. Damien and with the St. Luke
Foundation for Haiti. In these environments, no projects were
able to be implemented or carried out without local Haitian
leadership and decision-making playing a huge role. Outside the
realm of public health, I think I can say that I learned more about
humanity and the power of love and compassion while in Haiti
than I ever had leading up to that time.

Since graduating with a ScM in
biostatistics at Brown in 2006, Briggs
continued on to pursue his PhD in
epidemiology at the University of
California, Berkeley, where his research
focused on characterizing the genetic
component of rheumatoid arthritis and
multiple sclerosis. In 2010, he was
awarded a National Multiple Sclerosis
Society Postdoctoral fellowship to
investigate gene-environment relationships
associated with MS risk. Upon completion
of his fellowship, Briggs was recruited to
Case Western Reserve University as an
assistant professor in the department of
epidemiology and biostatistics in the
School of Medicine. His current research
focuses on the molecular difference
in mesenchymal stem cells between
MS patients and healthy individuals,
and investigating exogenous factors
influencing MS progression.
Currently, Sharron Chakkalackal is
enjoying the communication and
relationship management involved in
her role as a Stakeholder Engagement
Advisor at the Ontario Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care. The past
two years have afforded her the opportunity
to travel around Ontario and hear the
concerns of health service providers
(hospital and community care) within
the fiscal constraints and reform that
has taken place there.

Chakkalackal professional interests

include research, policy, evaluation, and
implementation to improve the mental
health system. A few years ago, she
managed an eight-site research project
collecting data and forming research
from local hospitals and health centers in
Toronto and Montreal. Prior to working
at the Hospital for Sick Children as a
Manager, she consulted on a similar
project in the USA. At the Institute for

Community Health in Cambridge,

Massachusetts, funded by Harvard
University, she sought to address issues
of health care access for non-insured and
non-status populations.
At Brown, she focused on understanding
social determinants of mental health and
community-based participatory
knowledge translation related to mental
health policies and programs that serve
immigrants and refugees. She continues
to dedicate after-work hours to learning
municipal and urban policy issues
(transportation, economy, health).
After graduation in May 2014 with her
MPH, Estefany Flores-Cortez returned
to Hope of Life (HOL) in rural Zacapa,
Guatemala with a mentee from East
Greenwhich High School, Wei Li, to
conduct a week-long Womens Health
Clinic. The women at HOL are rescued
from homelessness and/or domestic
abuse, and many have never received any
type of womens health care. Their
children, who are often malnourished,

receive care and treatment. However, due

to the lack of resources and staff, many
of the womens health issues are not
addressed (mental health/gynecological
care, etc.). Flores-Cortez interest in
public health research and womens
health has motivated her to pursue a
nursing degree. She was recently accepted
into Columbia University School of
Nursing in their Nurse Midwifery
program. She hopes to someday be a
clinician researcher who provides and
promotes quality health care to women
near and far.
After working for more than seven years
as an Analyst and Senior Analyst at UMass
Memorial Health Care in Worcester,
MA, Alan Krinsky returned to the Rhode

Island health care community in

November 2014 as the Health Analytics
Manager for the East Bay Community
Action Program (EBCAP). EBCAPruns
two federally-qualified health centers
and many programs, serving the entire
East Bay, from East Providence to
Newport. Krinsky served on the Board
of the Rhode Island Public Health
Association from 2006-2010, and looks
forward to getting re-involved in public
health and health care in Rhode Island.
He lives with his family in Providence,
RI and can be contacted at adkrinsky@
Dr. William Curt LaFrance, Jr 07
recently led a new study at Rhode Island
Hospital, which found that cognitive
behavior therapy-informed psychotherapy
significantly reduces seizures in patients
with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
(PNES), a conversion disorder present
worldwide that affects up to 400,000
people in the United States.
Marc Manseau completed his medical
training in June 2014 with a fellowship in
public psychiatry at Columbia University.
He then started a job as an attending
psychiatrist in the Bellevue Hospital
Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic and clinical
assistant professor of psychiatry at the
NYU School of Medicine. In addition to
seeing patients and supervising residents,
his role includes some research on better
managing first episodes of psychosis. He
expects his work with people who are
early in their psychotic illness to expand
soon, both with continued research as
well as new clinical/program work. For
instance, Manseau will soon be the
psychiatrist for a new state-funded
program opening at Bellevue, aimed at
intervening early and intensively
amongst people who have had a first
episode of psychosis, with the intention
of improving long-term psychosocial and
clinical outcomes. He has also been
working with the Preventive Psychiatry
Committee of the Group for the
Advancement of Psychiatry (a psychiatric
think tank) on multiple publications
about the social determinants of mental
health. His committee recently published
continued on page 12


Continuum / May 2015


experiences in my Master of Public Health at Brown that

really inspired me to pursue a career in global health.




I am the Follett Sesquicentennial Fellow and Assistant
Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition in the Division of
Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. I am also an
adjunct Associate Professor at St. Johns Research Institute
in Bangalore, India, where my research program is based,
and a Fellow at the Center for Geographic Analysis at
Harvard University.


My research focuses on the intersection of micronutrients,
infectious diseases, and maternal and child health in
resource-limited settings. As a scientist, I am intrigued by
the role of micronutrients in the etiology of anemia and
adverse pregnancy outcomes As an epidemiologist, I
examine these mechanistic questions at the population
level, through randomized trials and cohort studies. As a
public health practitioner, I think about the translation of
evidence and scientific findings into programs to improve
the health of at-risk populations. This approach integrates
epidemiology, nutrition, immunology and infectious
diseases, and biostatistics, with emphasis on translating
cutting-edge laboratory findings to inform interventions
and public health approaches in at-risk populations.


No, I started out as a biology and pre-medical student, and
didnt realize there was a field called public health. The
kinds of opportunities that exist now for international
experiences and global health are really incredible. For me,
it was work experience in research and public health in
Montreal with some passionate public health practitioners
that motivated me to pursue advanced training in public
health. I was interested in international work, but it was

If I had to pick a single moment, it would be my first

experiences working in a resource-limited setting, in the
rural highlands in Guatemala. Here I first witnessed the
vicious cycle of under-nutrition and infectious diseases and
its impact on the health of mothers and young children.
During my fieldwork, I became intrigued with this interplay
between under-nutrition and infectious disease, and the
role of malnutrition as a cause and consequence of disease.
Through my international field research experiences, I realized
that this was something that I was meant to do, and my
MPH training provided a strong foundation for me to
pursue a career in epidemiology and international nutrition.


Public health is an environment where no matter what
disciplinary training or expertise, everyone can contribute.
Public health is an opportunity to understand some of the
most complex health problems and work across disciplines
to design interventions to prevent and target health
problems and improve the health of populations.


The Brown Master of Public Health program provided
me with an outstanding foundation in public health.
The education I received in the classroom, as well as my
internships, work experiences, and my thesis research, all
contributed to my Brown MPH. Its that interdisciplinary
training and critical thinking about public health issues
that has prepared me for the real world. I am still connected
with many of the faculty and classmates. Dean Wetle took
the time to help me explore my interests, encouraged me
to develop research skills, and inspired me to connect
with leaders in the field of international health. Dr. Steve
McGarvey, my MPH thesis advisor, inspired me to pursue
a career in international health, and continues to be an
incredible mentor and colleague. I have had the privilege
of working across the globe in many different research
settings such as Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Sub-Saharan
Africa, India, and Ecuador. I have also worked in academic,
governmental, non-governmental, and private sectors
before joining the faculty here at Cornell. Brown Universitys
MPH program has prepared me for all of these opportunities.
As a faculty member at Cornell University, I now have the
opportunity to recommend the excellent Brown MPH
program to my own students.

by Julia Nagle MPH16


a book on the topic, and he wrote the

chapter on inequality, poverty, and
neighborhood deprivation. Marc plans
to continue writing on topics relevant to
the intersection of public health and
mental health, including a few upcoming
publications on cannabinoids and
psychosis, including the new epidemic of
synthetic cannabinoids (eg., K2 and spice).
Rachel Scagos graduated with her MPH
in May 2014. Due to her husbands job
relocation, she moved from RI to
Virginia Beach, VA and began working
at Operation Smile last fall as the
Medical Oversight Coordinator.
Operation Smile is an international
childrens medical charity that performs
safe, effective cleft lip and cleft palate
surgery, and delivers postoperative and
ongoing medical therapies to children in
low and middle income countries. At
Operation Smile, Scagos works on a variety
of projects including the implementation

and testing of new electronic health

record (EHR) system, quality assurance
audits and initiatives, and analysis of
medical incidents and surgical outcomes.
Operation Smile is the only organization
of its kind to be tackling the challenge of
developing an EHR system that can be
used by our global foundations in multiple
countries. In November 2014, she was
fortunate enough to go on her first
medical mission to Hanoi, Vietnam, where
she helped implement Operation Smiles
first pilot test of full electronic screening
using the new EHR system. Their team
in Hanoi screened almost 300 potential
patients and performed surgery on 116
patients. It was an incredible experience
for her to be a part of such an amazing
organization and team and to witness the
impact that her work has on the lives of
children and families around the world.

Continuum / May 2015


Jiachen Zhou obtained his PhD in
epidemiology in 2013 and MPH in 2010,
both from the Brown University School
of Public Health. He currently works as a
Senior Clinical Data Scientist at Royal
Philips, the Dutch electronics giant. His
team, located near Baltimores Inner
Harbor, focuses on redefining health care
through innovation in telehealth. His
daily work includes the development of
clinical process and outcomes-based
quality benchmark reports, guiding
development of clinical decision support
tools and product design decisions,
managing the worlds largest electronic
clinical database of critically ill patients,
and supporting internal and external
research activities, as well as development
of algorithms for stand-alone clinical
decision support tools.
After graduating from the Brown
University MPH Program with a
specialization in health communication
and womens health, Sundstrom gained
professional experience in strategic
health communication in academic and
non-profit organizations. She graduated
with a PhD in health communication
from the University of Maryland, College
Park. At UMD, she was awarded a
doctoral fellowship, conducting research
and teaching undergraduate courses in
new media and public relations writing.
Sundstrom is an assistant professor of
communication and public health at the
College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C.
She is also a faculty affiliate in the
Womens and Gender Studies program
and a member of the graduate faculty at
the University of Charleston, South
Carolina. Her research interests include
health communication, social marketing,

and womens health. She teaches

undergraduate and graduate courses in
health communication, social marketing,
and public health. Sundstrom also serves
as an adjunct professor for the Brown
University School of Professional
Studies, co-teaching the summer course,
Understanding the Nations Health, an
introduction to public health for high
school students. She also continues to
consult in strategic health communication.
Sundstroms long-term research goal is to
raise the consciousness of women and
empower them to engage in informed
decision-making through communitybased collective action. Sundstrom
continues to collaborate with mentors
and researchers at Brown University and
Women & Infants Hospital in Providence,
Rhode Island. A recent research
project was funded by the Brown
University Healthy Communities
Initiative. This qualitative research
project gathered opinions and insights
from mothers of newborns to identify
health concerns, preferred communication
channels, effective messages, and current
social marketing campaigns targeting
health issues.
Catherine has settled into her routine in
Boston, and is enjoying her work as a
project manager at Mini-Sentinel. Her
company conducts post-marketing drug
and vaccine surveillance, and she works

closely with the team developing analytic

methods and tools. Every day brings a
new question, a new challenge, and a new
chance to make decisions (or facilitate
making decisions) in a field she has
grown deeply attached to.

Dr. David S. Greer, a gerontologist and former dean of
medicine renowned for major contributions to the early
development of the Alpert Medical School and the School
of Public Health, died Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014. Among his
many accomplishments was a share of the 1985 Nobel Peace
Prize for working to prevent nuclear war. Dr. Greer was a
caring physician, educator and advocate who accomplished
great things not only at Brown, but also in the local community
and beyond. As dean of medicine in 1981 to 1992, Dr. Greer
founded initiatives that have helped shape core aspects of
the Medical School and School of Public Health. Dr. David
Lewis, founding director of the Center for Alcohol and
Addiction Studies, said, He was a valued friend and mentor.
His understanding, kindness and consistent support made it
a privilege to work with him.


Stanley Maynard Aronson, MD, was founding dean of the
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University; those
of us who have followed him on the faculty are ever-grateful
for his extraordinary contributions. An accomplished
neurologist and neuropathologist, esteemed educator and
distinguished author, Dr. Aronson stands in the front rank
of academic medical leadership. If there was a physician in
America more deserving of the designation scholar and
gentleman, we do not know him. Humanist, altruist,
clinician, scientist, gifted teacher, loving spouse and,
perhaps most of all, mensch, are also accurate identifiers

of this remarkable man. In addition to his 11 years as dean

of medicine, Dr. Aronson was named a University Professor
at Brown in 1981. In addition to authoring > 400 scientific
articles and chapters, his compelling essays on medicine and
history could be read in the Providence Journal, Brown Medicine,
and the Medicine and Health of Rhode Island Journal. In
addition to these many accomplishments, Dr. Aronson was
a central contributor to the development of laboratory tests
for Tay Sachs Disease and Muscular Dystrophy.
We must also honor Dr. Aronson for his numerous
community contributions, most notably recruiting fellow
physicians, local clergy and the entire RI community to
establish the first hospice program in our state, and the
second hospice in America Home and Hospice Care of
Rhode Island and serving as its inaugural president from
1989 to 1991; and there as a Trustee to this day. Dr. Aronson,
Charlie Baldwin and other founders met in a garage on
Waterman Street! They then moved to a church basement,
where they were flooded out. The only expense they had
was a telephone bill, to which they each contributed $3 a
month. Accordingly, it is fitting that the establishment of a
Lectureship in Hospice and Palliative Medicine by HHCRI
at Brown would be named in Dr. Aronsons honor.
Stanley Aronson was a remarkable renaissance man. He
brought enlightenment, improvement and enjoyment to
Brown, Rhode Island and the nation. His passing is an
incalculable loss; we are all poorer for it.
by Richard Besdine, MD,
Director of the Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research

121 South Main Street

Providence, RI 02912, USA

Julia Nagle, MPH16
Graphic Services
Karen Scanlan
Matt Gannon
David Orenstein
Olivia Kachingwe, MPH15
Richard Besdine, MD

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