HR Ethical Issues
HR Ethical Issues
HR Ethical Issues
Cash and
Race and
Ethical issues
Safety and
and layoffs
Privacy issues
Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal lends itself to ethical issues. Assessment of
an individual’s performance is based on observation and
judgment. HR manager are expected to observe the performance
in order to judge its effectiveness. Ethics should be the
cornerstone of performance evaluation, and the overall objective
of high ethical performance reviews should to provide an honest
assessment of the performance and mutually develops a plan to
improve the ratee’s effectiveness.
Employment Issues
While discrimination and harassment situation receives mort
publicity, HR
practitioners are more likely to face ethical dilemmas in the areas
of employee hiring. One challenge commonly encountered is
pressure to hire a relative o a friend of a highly placed executive.
Another area related to employment is that of faked credentials
submitted by a job applicant. While discovery of this kind of
fabrication usually leads to termination of the employment, the
choice becomes difficult when the applicant has a blend of skills
set and a proven track record with his or her previous employers.
Privacy issues
Privacy issues to protecting a person’s private life from intrusive
and unwarranted actions. The employee believes that his or her
religious, political, and social believes as well as personal life style
are private matters and should be safe guarded from being
snooped or analysed. Exceptions are permitted grudgingly only
when job involvement is clearly involved. For example, it may not
be inappropriate to intrude into an employee’s private matter if it
is suspected that he or she discusses with competitor, through
email messages, the specification of newly developed product not
yet launched into the market.