Manual Weld Inspection With Ultrasound - Conventionally or With Phased Arrays?
Manual Weld Inspection With Ultrasound - Conventionally or With Phased Arrays?
Manual Weld Inspection With Ultrasound - Conventionally or With Phased Arrays?
In the past years the development of ultrasonic phased array systems has made good
progress. The phased array technique was first applied in fully automated testing
systems, but meanwhile small portable instruments are available due to
miniaturization of electronic components and improved computing pow er, thus
enabling mobile manual inspections similar to conventional ultrasonic testing. The
question is now, whether phased arrays will replace the conventional ultrasonic
testing method and whether this makes sense concerning technical and economic
aspects. For some special applications the phased array technique provides
advantages but the question is still, whether this applies accordingly also for the
classical fields of ultrasonic inspection.
Such a classical field is the manual inspection of welds, wh ich is applied worldwide
in all industries and it always stands under considerable strain to be efficient as far as
possible. New techniques are therefore welcome.
But in spite of that many users face problems to decide, whether in their special scope
of work it makes sense to invest time and money into the new technique or whether it
may be better to remain with the conventional methods. In the following , both
techniques conventional ultrasound vs. phased arrays are compared under the
aspect of weld testing. At the end the advantages and disadvantages of both
techniques are presented side by side, without any judgment. This shall provide
decision-making aids for users to find the right answer for their projects.
Of course it is necessary to mention that the inspection procedures are described as applied in
the practice, e.g. the application of a position encoder when using phased array probes.
Encoders are normally not applied in the case of conventional weld testing.
The principle of the phased array technique is intentionally not described in this paper, because
it is well-known meanwhile.
1.6 Documentation
For documentation the A-scan and the according parameters like echo amplitude, equivalent
reflector size, projection distance and depth can be transferred from the instrument, and if
wanted, also all adjustment parameters. All further parameters, i.e. the defect position in
relation to the object's datum point have to be entered manually into a table or drawing.
Also with phased arrays a weld is inspected between the half and full skip distance. In case of
sectorial scan the weld cross-section is covered with a large angle of sound incidence, e.g. 70,
in the bottom and with a small angle, e.g. 40, at the surface, see figure 7. This could cause the
problem, that the weld bevel (and defects such as lack of fusion) might not be hit by an
appropriate ultrasonic testing angle.
Fig. 8: Defect marked by cursor in phased array screen (A-scan, S-scan, C-scan)
Although there is a considerable difference in size of the two holes it is not possible to estimate
the dimensions from the S-scan. It is possible to improve the imaging by means of focusing to
the according depths. A dynamic depth focusing is not yet available on actual portable phased
array instruments. Furthermore there are not yet standards for the phased array technique and
therefore the defect size estimation still has to be done by means of the conventional DGS or
DAC methods.
2.9 Documentation
The documentation is relatively easy by means of the different views, which contain all
position information. But as mentioned under 2.8, the defect size has to be evaluated
conventionally using the DGS or DAC method. This requires additional documentation.
For this paper numerous test samples were investigated which contained natural weld
defects. Conventional ultrasonics, phased array, TOFD (time of flight diffraction) and for
some cases also X-ray testing were compared.
Fig. 11: Weak detection for phased array insonification from one side (top), X-ray without
indication (middle), and good detection with phased array from second side (bottom)
Fig. 12: The defects could also be well detected with TOFD (middle)
Fig. 13: Metallographic result with lack of fusion parallel to surfaces (not good for X-ray)
The influence of the wall thickness, weld bevel angle and respective test angles, optimum
distance of probe to weld, flaw size to be detected, etc, were documented. Still it remains
difficult to give clear recommendations, because of the large range of test applications.
3. Conclusion
The comparison of the two inspection methods shows that both techniques have
advantages and disadvantages. To provide a clearer overview and possibly as decision making aid the aspects are summarized below:
3.1 Inspection with conventional ultrasound advantages
The conventional ultrasonic inspection is a well-established method for decades. Extensive
experiences and empirical values are available, also for difficult object geometries and material
properties. There are experienced inspectors who do not need additional qualification. The
inspection and acceptance criteria are well described in standards. The conventional setup of the
equipment is relatively easy. By swivelling of the probe echoes of inclined oriented defects can
be optimized. The costs for the equipment and the operators training are relatively low.
4. References
[1] V. Deutsch, M. Platte, M. Vogt: Ultraschallprfung Grundlagen und industrielle
Anwendungen (Ultrasonic Testing Principles and Industrial Applications, in German
language), 372 pages, Springer Publishing House, 1997.
[2] V. Deutsch, M. Platte, M. Vogt, W. A. K. Deutsch, V. Schuster: Ultrasonic Testing
Compact & Understandable, 77 pages, Castell Publishing House Wuppertal, 2002.