Instruction and Assessment Units
Instruction and Assessment Units
Instruction and Assessment Units
Assessment Units
S ocial J ustice
The concept of social justice is multifaceted. This unit seeks to give students the
foundational skills needed to understand
the breadth and depth of social justice. The
introduction to this unit guides students
through one definition of social justice that
is action- and process-oriented, and develops
in learners the key role of empathy in
addressing issues. Prior to exploring specific
examples of injustice, students should first
develop their understanding of key terms
and concepts of social justice. Students will
explore the meaning of terms such as equity,
human rights, and marginalization.
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Unit 1:
I ntroduction to Social J ustice
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Unit 1: I ntroduction
This unit can be used to help students achieve the following prescribed learning outcomes in
whole or in part:
S ocial J ustice
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
S ocial J ustice
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Unit 1: I ntroduction
S ocial J ustice
Have students reflect individually on any
negative attitudes or stereotypes that they
hold toward particular groups or individuals
in society. Emphasize the importance of being
honest with themselves, to help them move
beyond prejudices. Have them consider:
How have these views been acquired?
What are the basic values underlying
such views?
What are the effects of such views when
held by a large number of people?
Have students write a short reflection piece
(1,000 words, 3 pages), or make a small
group presentation (groups of three or four,
15 minutes) that addresses questions such as
the following:
Why is creating a safe space and having
ground rules for the course and class
Is Social Justice 12 different from other
courses in this regard? If so, how?
What are my basic values that guide my
behaviour and participation in the course?
How will I respond if a classmate expresses
prejudice or hurtful attitudes towards a
person or group of people during a class?
An assessment rubric with sample criteria
(Student Reflection) is included at the end
of this unit.
Social Justice Dictionary
Explain to students the nature and purpose
of the Social Justice Dictionary, and that
each student will be creating a dictionary of
social justice terminology and definitions. As
terms arise in class readings, class discussion,
student research, or work on their class project,
students should add terms with definitions
to their dictionaries. Students can choose to
keep their dictionary in paper or electronic
form, and may choose to use any layout that
facilitates their understanding of the terms
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Building EmpathyAnimal
Ambassadors Project
S ocial J ustice
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Unit 1: I ntroduction
sexual orientation
socioeconomic status.
Provide opportunities for students to share
their work with others for feedback and
An assessment instrument for students
research presentations is included at the end
of this unit (Ethics Research Presentation).
S ocial J ustice
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Basic values: clearly identifies a comprehensive and complete list of basic values (respect,
dignity of all people, empathy, embracing diversity, equality, courage, fair-mindedness,
willingness to act to prevent harm to others); may include additional values
Responding when harmful comments are expressed:
demonstrates an excellent understanding of when intervention is necessary
provides several specific ways to appropriately and effectively intervene, illustrated with
clear examples
Writing: Very good structure and organization, very clear, few grammatical errors
Basic values: identifies most of basic values (respect, dignity of all people, empathy, embracing
diversity, equality, courage, fair-mindedness, willingness to act to prevent harm to others)
S ocial J ustice
Basic values: clearly identifies a complete list of basic values (respect, dignity of all people,
empathy, embracing diversity, equality, courage, fair-mindedness, willingness to act to
prevent harm to others)
Purpose of the ground rules: demonstrates a very good understanding of reason for
having ground rules
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Student Reflection:
Ground Rules for Creating a Safe Space
Basic values: identifies a few basic values (respect, dignity of all people, empathy, embracing
diversity, equality, courage, fair-mindedness, willingness to act to prevent harm to others)
Responding when harmful comments are expressed:
demonstrates a minimal understanding of when intervention is necessary
provides few and less appropriately and effectively ways to intervene, provides poor
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Writing: Very poor structure and organization, lacks clarity, very many grammatical errors
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Purpose of the ground rules: does not demonstrate an understanding of reason for having
ground rules
Basic values: fails to identify basic values (respect, dignity of all people, empathy,
embracing diversity, equality, courage, fair-mindedness, willingness to act to prevent harm
to others)
Responding when harmful comments are expressed:
demonstrates little or no understanding of when intervention is necessary
does not provide ways to appropriately and effectively intervene, does not provide
S ocial J ustice
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
CriteriaTo what extent does the student
include appropriate and relevant terms
include terms from all parts of the course:
all units and sub-units
class readings
class discussions
student research
students class project(s)
S ocial J ustice
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Unit 1: I ntroduction
Empathy Journal
includes personalized, innovative, and thoughtful responses that demonstrate a high
degree of empathy with the subject (i.e., the person from whose point of view journal
entry is being written)
provides specific evidence that demonstrates close familiarity with and understanding of
issues related to the victimization or marginalization of the subject
interprets and analyses solutions related to achieving justice for the subject
shows evidence of reflecting on and revising initial responses
includes personal and thoughtful responses that demonstrate clear empathy with the
provides specific evidence that demonstrates familiarity with and understanding of issues
related to the victimization or marginalization of the subject
interprets and analyses some solutions related to achieving justice for the subject
usually shows evidence of reflecting on and revising initial responses
includes personal and generally thoughtful responses that demonstrate empathy with the
S ocial J ustice
provides some specific evidence that demonstrates familiarity with and understanding of
issues related to the victimization or marginalization of the subject
sometimes interprets and analyses solutions related to achieving justice for the subject
may show evidence of reflecting on and revising initial responses
includes personal and sometimes thoughtful responses that may demonstrate empathy
with the subject
may provide some evidence that demonstrates familiarity with and understanding of
issues related to the victimization or marginalization of the subject
may attempt to interpret and analyse solutions related to achieving justice for the subject
may show evidence of reflecting on initial responses, but rarely revises them
includes responses that may demonstrate empathy with the subject; responses may not be
personal in nature
limited evidence that demonstrates familiarity with and understanding of issues related to
the victimization or marginalization of the subject
little or no attempt to interpret and analyse solutions related to achieving justice for the
generally does not revisit initial responses
errors in writing seriously impede understanding and expression
Social Justice 12: Teacher Guide
Assessment Assessment Teacher Comments
demonstrates understanding of
concepts of dignity, value, and
worth of life
Unit 1: I ntroduction
S ocial J ustice