December 2006
The information presented here was gathered from on-site sources. Therefore, JICA is not responsible for its accuracy.
ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................................. III
1. BASIC PROFILE................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. HEALTH PROFILE ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.3. EDUCATIONAL PROFILE ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. LABOR PROFILE .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5. GENDER EQUALITY ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.6. GENDER RELATED LAWS ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. GENERAL SITUATION ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. GOVERNMENTAL POLICY ON GENDER .................................................................................................. 8
2.3. DIRECTORATE GENERAL ON STATUS AND PROBLEMS OF WOMEN (DGSPW)....................................... 10
3. CURRENT SITUATION OF WOMEN BY SECTORS....................................................................... 14
3.1. EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2. HEALTH ............................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL WOMEN .................................................................................................... 17
3.4. PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN TO LABOUR MARKET ................................................................................ 19
4. LEGAL REFORMS FOR GENDER EQUALITY ............................................................................... 23
4.1. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 10 AMENDMENT 14.................................................................................... 23
4.2. PENAL CODE .................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3. CIVIL CODE ...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.4. FAMILY PROTECTION LAW (NO. 4320) ............................................................................................... 24
4.5. OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO CEDAW .................................................................................................... 24
4.6. LABOR CODE (NO. 4857) .................................................................................................................. 24
4.7. MUNICIPAL LAW (NO: 5393) .............................................................................................................. 25
5. GENDER INFORMATION RESOURCES......................................................................................... 26
5.1. WOMENS ORGANIZATIONS IN TURKEY ............................................................................................... 26
5.2. LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.1. Organizations for Womens Health..................................................................................... 27
5.2.2. Organizations for Womens Human Rights ........................................................................ 27
5.2.3. Womens Organizations in Ankara ..................................................................................... 28
5.2.4. Womens Organizations in Istanbul and Marmara Region ................................................. 29
5.2.5. Womens Organizations in Eastern Turkey ........................................................................ 31
5.2.6. Womens Organizations in Western Turkey ....................................................................... 33
5.2.7. Womens Organizations in Southern Turkey ...................................................................... 34
5.2.8. Womens Studies and Research Center in Universities..................................................... 34
5.2.9. Women and Gender Studies MA Programs and Departments .......................................... 35
5.3. LIST OF INDIVIDUALS INTERVIEWED .................................................................................................... 60
6. GENDER PROJECTS....................................................................................................................... 36
6.1. PROJECTS OF DGSPW..................................................................................................................... 36
6.1.1. Completed Projects ............................................................................................................ 36
6.1.2. Ongoing Projects ................................................................................................................ 36
Aegean University Centre for Women's Issues (Ege niversitesi Kadn Aratrmalar
European Union
Mediterranean and
Aratrmalar Merkezi)
Small and Medium Industry Development Organization (Kk ve Orta lekli Sanayi
Gelitirme ve Destekleme daresi Bakanl)
Non-Govermental Organization
Office for Social Service and Children (Sosyal Hizmetler Ve ocuk Esirgeme
United Nations
male pop
female pop
Age Group
TSK(Trkiye veren Sendikalar Konfederasyonu) , 2006, Avrupa Birliine Giri Srecinde AB lkeleri ve Dier Aday
lkeler Karsnda Trkiyenin Durumu: TSK Kyaslama Raporu,; Ekonomik ve Sosyal Alanda Seilmi 145 Gsterge, ( Turkeys Positions According to Member and Candidate Countries in the Process of Accession to EU:
Benchmarking Report According to 145 Selected Economic and Social Indicator) (hereinafter TSK)
UNDP, Human Development Report 2006; (hereinafterUNDP)
DPT (hereinafter DPT)
Female 812.302 (41.2 %)
Female to male ratio 71.6
GDI (gender development Index) is a measure of human development that adjusts the human development index (HDI) to
penalize for disparities between women and men in the three dimensions of the HDI 1. A long and healthy life, as measured by
life expectancy at birth. 2. Knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary
gross enrolment ratio.3. A decent standard of living, as measured by estimated earned income (PPP USD). see
of the womens NGOs are becoming strategic partners of equality policies of the government.
This is one of the main strengthening aspects of gender equality policies in Turkey 10 .
Owing to some outspoken NGOs whose mandates were struggling for fulfillment of womens
human rights including equal access to education, elimination of domestic and sexual
violence, increasing womens representation in the TBMM (Grand Turkish National
Assembly) and main governing bodies, the issue of gender equality has been kept quite
visible in media throughout the 90s. As the consequence of this occurrence, main areas of
gender equality agenda become visible as domestic violence, honor killing 11 s high illiteracy
rate, and low participation in political decision making processes, especially in national and
local representative bodies and the labor market appear.
The extent to which gender-based violence is prevalent in a society is often indicative of the
depth of basic inequality between women and men in that culture. In Turkey the prevalence
of different types and forms of violence against women (domestic, community-based, sexual,
etc.) and the effectiveness of measures implemented to combat such violence through the
punishment of perpetrators and through rehabilitation and support services for victims are
currently under discussion. Community and state attitudes as reflected in social norms and
cultural practices over a wide spectrum, ranging from honor crimes to bride-price and
wife-battering, as well as the promulgation and implementation of laws pertaining
specifically to gender-based violence in the home, in the community and in the state
agencies (that is, in police custody or detention) are widely being discussed.
Ongoing inequalities between womens and mens participation in political decision making
processes at the national and local levels in Turkey is one of the main resources of gender
asymmetry. Under-representation of women in political decision-making and the maledominated models of participation in political parties are visible aspects of this fact. Womens
branches in political parties are seen primarily as instruments for the mobilization of female
voters but not for training and assisting women for political representation and so that only a
few powerful women of the elites can be part of the political processes.
Lack of access to labor markets, employment opportunities and productive resources, and
constraints on mobility and time burdens that result from double duties for women in the
public and private spheres are defined as accounting for the lack of opportunity. Lack of
access to public services such as health and education are linked to lack of capabilities, and
vulnerability to economic risks and civil/domestic violence are perceived as leading to lack of
security. Being without a voice and power at the household, community and national levels
is negatively related to empowerment.
The role of women in Turkey in social, economic and political life registered important
improvements in legislation but practical implementation was lagging behind. In near future
this has to be realized by more concrete programs and projects.
gender equality policies of Turkey that are womens NGOs, state ministries, and international
institutions such as EU and UN are working together to get real outcomes of these efforts. At
this stage governmental policy on gender equality is mainly concentrated on the issues of
violence against women, womens reproductive health and increasing girl child enrolment to
education 13 .
One of the early steps of governmental policy on gender equality were to build a national
machinery for womens rights (NWM) that is Directorate General on Status and Problems of
Women (DGSPW) used as a main instrument in accomplishing related efforts. These
governmental efforts on gender equality can be characterized by shifting perspectives from a
general sensitivity for the issues of womens human rights violations towards a perspective
which is more inclusive gender mainstreaming policies. 14
For full and effective implementation of the gender mainstreaming policy, the establishment
of an Advisory Board on the Status of Women accomplished in 2004 by the Organizational
Law of DGSPW 15 which will provide advice on policy planning and implementation will be
useful if effectively used in order to facilitate the coordination between ministries, academic
institutions and NGOs.
Mainstreaming the gender perspective in all policies, plans and programs are targeted by
DGSPW and this has been an on-going process in Turkey, albeit facing strong resistance by
the male dominated mentality in the state bureaucracy. In efforts to mainstream gender
equality, some governmental bodies have been prioritized as targets to be made more
receptive to and accountable for gender equality.
Despite rapid increasing in resources, participants and quantity in womens rights projects
and institutional capacities there are still ongoing deficiencies of gender equality agenda in
terms of the gender inequality issues which are still stayed untouched.
In Turkey, what is currently observed in recent development policies and projects is that only
a separated component is assigned to womens problems, however the rest of the project
stays gender blind. Consequences of this neglecting, it might not be an unpredictable result
for any project that is, on the one hand, including a womens empowerment component and
on the other, unconsciously creating a new gender asymmetry that will become a real
obstacles in the near future. Furthermore, Turkey still has few affinities available on mens
responsibility to become conscious about their involvement in prevailing gender inequalities.
Another deficiency is in resources which have been allocated to researches and to collect
data on women and gender affairs within the capabilities of universities and specific research
institutions, like TUBTAK, and the lack of country-wide data dissemination. Poverty is still a
major problem for women and in near future it will gain more gendered characteristics in
cooperation with other social problems. The role of the social protection system in alleviating
poverty is still very limited and not sensitive for gender asymmetries.
An amendment to Political Parties Law and Election Law were under discussion since the
last years that was at least 1/3 quota demanded for underrepresented gender in the
candidate lists of general and local elections with specific provisions to ensure their
placement in electable positions of lists. This proposal for representation quota is being
forced by most of the womens NGOs 16 and was recommended in EU Commission Reports
both in 2005 and 2006 but it has not been reached to any solution yet 17 .
In Turkey there is no institutional body such as the Parliamentary Committee for Gender
Equality to ensure womens representation in TBMM. It is repeatedly recommended to
government to establish a Standing Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality especially
by CEDAW, EU and NGOs recommendation reports.
Governmental policy to prevent domestic and sexual violence is not evaluated as satisfactory
and it is always suggested that more Shelter should be provided for the victims which has
already become mandatory by recent amendments to the Municipal Law 18 . The
establishment of the Alo 157, emergency call number, for family, women, children and
handicapped telephone provides help for violence cases and considered as a new positive
step at nation-wide 19 .
The Government has no up dated national action plan on women and gender issues but it
was announced that one will be drafted soon especially on the prevention of domestic
violence as prioritized area 20 .
2.3. Directorate General on Status and Problems of Women (DGSPW)
Turkeys national machinery for gender equality policies is mainly composed of a central
coordination unit that is DGSPW and some connected units assigned to different ministries.
DGSPW was established in 1990 under the Prime Ministry in accordance with governmental
liabilities to international resolutions. Its location was changed repeatedly throughout its
existence. DGSPW was first under the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare in 1990 and in
1991, its portfolio was given to the Ministry of State responsible for Women's Affairs, Family
and Social Services. Due to changes in government, 6 ministers were in charge of DGSPW
in 5 years. In 2002, the DGSPW was returned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.
This position changed again and the DGSPW was returned to the Prime Ministry in 2003.
See and preperations for gender indicator action plan see
From the beginning, the political process to establish a NWM was signed by two different
flows of effects that were reflections of the divisions within the political society between more
Western/liberal oriented elites versus those that favored a Turkish-Islamic syntheses. This
political negotiation process led to the establishment of two parallel mechanisms, one
focusing on women, and the other on the family, and again two separate bureaucratic units,
one called the Directorate for Womens Status and Problems, acquiring the official status as
coordination unit of NWM and the other called The Family Research Organization that is
mainly working as consulting unit. In time, DGSPW reached the position of to hold the
responsibility as main policy designer and implementing unit of NWM and other fall back to
secondary importance.
The DGSPW was created by a Decree and did not have a formal legal basis (an
organizational law) until 2004. The lack of an organizational law and its organizational
relocation process weakened the DGSPW and put it in a precarious position and, of course,
limited its effectiveness in fulfilling its responsibilities. The director was appointed on a
temporary basis and the staff members did not have the rights that regular public servants
have such as opportunities for promotion, indemnity and claim to seniority.
The new Organizational Law of 2004 has emphasized on empowerment of women and
promotion of womens rights in all areas and especially in the eradication of violence against
women and political participation. DGSPWs main role in contributing to policy-making, policy
advocacy including working with the media is especially originated from its gender
mainstreaming perspective.
The new Organizational Law stipulates a new Advisory Council mandated to give policy
advice to the Director, comprised of DGSPW officials, representatives of relevant
government organizations and NGO leaders. It met in June 2006 for the first time and
reached the following conclusions:
There is a need for an overall Gender Policy in Turkey, and priority should be accorded to:
womens employment, education, overcoming violence against women, increasing
womens participation in decision-making and politics.
Legal reforms for gender equality have mostly been enacted; what is important at present
is that there is no retreating from these reforms, and priority be given to implementing
these reforms effectively.
The Advisory Council should bring together academics, womens NGO representatives
and all relevant public institution representatives together and meet every three months.
Prime Minister
Advisory Committee of
Womens Status
Main Service
Advisory Department
Directorate of
Economic Status
Directorate of
Strategic Planning
Directorate of
Womens Social
Directorate of Legal
Support Services
Directorate of Human
Documentation and
expertise for their own training and needs in this area. In the presence, DGSPW is going to
employ more expertise as its own staff and also shortage in human resources is going to be
fulfilled by a new European Commission project under the 2005 Pre-membership Financial
Assistance Program titled Expanding Gender Equality aims to strengthen the capacity of
the DGSPW itself.
Source of Funding
Between 1994 and 2004, the DGSPW had been running with an extremely limited budget (its
share of the national budget is 0.00012%). DGSPW had been competed for native resources,
but mostly funding came from external sources for DGSPW programs, including the UNDP,
World Bank, the UNFPA. An EU funded project is has already started. It is important to
remember, however, the government shares the financing of UN projects and the World
Bank. Financing of World Bank comes in the form of loans and is paid back by the
Relationship with womens NGOs
The DGSPW emerged as a bureaucracy that engaged in active collaboration with womens
organizations, activists, and academics and represents the first such experiment for Turkey
in the 1990s. It also demonstrated that the state-civil society gap may not be as
insurmountable as imagined. Many women engaged with the DGSPW assumed multiple
roles, switching between bureaucratic, academic and activist identities. Due to this positive
collaboration DGSPW opened the way to womens groups participation at the global level;
womens groups seized these opportunities and demonstrated strong capacity and
leadership in promoting womens rights for Turkey at international forums and national
forums. The network of NGOs around the country has expanded and contributed to all
related steps, especially during legislative reforms and other political area of policy design 21 .
Directorate General on Status and Problems of Women,
Directorate General on Family and Social Research,
for more information on DGSPW see doc. no. 12, 4/vol.9.
3.1. Education
To the extent that the relationship between human capital and economic growth is relevant,
unequal access to education by women constitutes a critical intervention point for
development polices. For the Turkish case, womens access to education at different levels
(literacy, primary and secondary education, higher education) and types (formal and nonformal education), points to the main bottlenecks with respect to the persistence and
prospects of gender disparities and inequalities in the country.
More than half a million girls do not attend school each year, even though in Turkey it is
compulsory to receive education for at least 8 years. There is a complex range of economic
and social factors that contribute to the non-attendance of girls at school. One of the main
reasons is the reluctance of families to send girls to school. Especially in the South East
region, where the number of girls attending school is disproportionately large, schools are
often situated far from home and many parents do not want their children, especially girls, to
travel far, mainly for security reasons. Many families suffer economic hardship; therefore they
try to augment domestic income by keeping children at home to work. Among the other
reasons, there are that the traditional gender bias of families that favors the needs of men
and boys over those of women and girls and the fact that many parents consider the early
marriage of their girls to be more important than their education. Furthermore, the shortage
of schools and classrooms and the poor physical state of the schools are other reasons for
low interest at education.
In the last years, some important education projects have been launched in order to tackle
this problem and they have had positive effects on the enrolment rate of the girls. Some of
them are 'Dad send me to school', 'Let's go to school girls', 'Snowdrops' and 'Pick your
sibling'. The 'Campaign to support national education' has reached 5 million adults in 4 years,
most of whom are women from rural areas and girls who couldn't go to school. A lot of NGOs
are working as partners of these projects and also international financial supports are really
worth to mention on this respect 22 .
The share of Ministry of National Education and The Council of Higher Education budget in
total consolidated budget has risen from 9.8% in 1996 to 13% in 2005. In 2003, the
government set up the 'Let's go to school girls' campaign together with UNICEF and with
support from NGOs, the EU, the World Bank, the private sector and media with the goal to
close the gender-gap in primary school enrolment. According to UNICEF, the campaign has
resulted in the enrolment of 177,000 girls and 87,000 boys in 53 provinces 23 . The Ministry of
National Education decided to expand the campaign to all the country's 81 provinces.
The campaign has done much to raise awareness about the gender gap in education and
women's rights. Besides, within the context of the 'Social Risk Mitigation Project' of the World
Bank and the Turkish government, families with great financial problems are given what is
called 'Conditional Cash Transfers'. This means that the families get financial incentives
provided that they send their children to school and extra amount of cash transfers are
provided for sending girls to school.
According to 2004 data 79.6% of women as opposed to 95.3% of men over 15 years of age
are literate. When youth literacy rate is considered this female figures increase (between
ages 15-24) to rate 93.3%. According to the numbers of 1997-1998 girl child school
enrolment was at primary level 75.6% at secondary level 33.8% and at university/higher
education level 9.5% and all these figures are increasing respectively to 92.2%, 42.4% and
12.0%, in 2004-2005 24 .
In 2004-2005 year at secondary level schools total girl child enrolment is 1.306.408 as
opposed to 1.733.041 numbers of male (F/M female ratio to male 75.4). Only 415.339 girls
of this numbers are going to vocational school as opposed to 687.055 numbers of male (F/M
female ratio to male 60.5). At non-formal education level the number of females is 1.473.065
and male 1.978.450 (F/M female to male ratio 74.5%) 25 .
In higher education, total number of female is 812.302 (41.2% of total) as opposed to
1.134.140 male and F/M ratio is 71.6%. In academic professional positions 38.5% of total
and 26% of professors are female. These are quite surprisingly high numbers according to
globally lower rate of female over the world in academic positions 26 .
The positive impact of the eight-year compulsory basic education reform on female
enrollment is should be noted. Another positive aspect is the continuing trend for womens
entry into higher education and professional careers; by contrast, ongoing gender-based
character of technical vocational education is seen as an impediment to womens chances of
involvement in income-generating activities. It is also clear that the continuing genderinsensitive and sexist character of educational materials, settings and actors in primary and
secondary education which is inhibiting womens empowerment and access to the public
sphere 27 .
3.2. Health
Since Turkey participated to International Conference on Population and Development
(ICPD) which was held in Cairo (1994) and the United Nations Fourth World Conference on
Women in Beijing (1995) shifts have occurred in policies related to womens health. This new
perspective was a maturation of legal frame of health policies that signifies a change from a
traditional domestic one which was reducing reproductive roles of women to instruments of
birth and to biological reproduction, to the new one which respecting individual rights of
women to decide whether or not, when, how often to have a child. This new legal perspective
does not allow discrimination by marital status in delivering public services related with
population planning including fertility regulation, providing and producing contraceptives and
surgical sterilization 28 .
In Turkey, programs have been initiated to improve the status of women, which is a crucial
determinant of their reproductive and sexual health. In 1996 DGSPW and the MCH/FP
prepared A National Strategic Plan on Womens Health. UNFPA 3rd Country Program has
been prepared on Reproductive and Sexual Health (R/SH) by gender perspective 29 .
Despite these positive developments, when the implementations to be considered in the real
life situations at the peripheral levels it is not much favorable for women in terms of gender
equality because of the attention not much given in the practices of the health care providers.
Reproductive and Sexual Health including Family Planning are major concerns in the country.
Approximately 2 million pregnancies occur in Turkey in one year. 1.4 million deliveries, more
than 300 thousand induced abortions take place. High-risk pregnancies are still widespread.
The total fertility rate (TFR) is 2.2 per women, annual population growth rate is 1.2 (%, 2004).
The infant mortality rate (IMR) is 28 per thousand for the year 2004. Unfortunately, perinatal
causes of infant mortality are still common in the country and perinatal mortality rate is 24 per
thousand total births, which indicate the needs of improvement in reproductive health of
Throughout the years the coverage of antenatal care (ANC) has increased in 2003 being
81% of all pregnant women. The likelihood of a mother receiving ANC increases markedly
with the increase in the mothers education. The proportion of safe delivery was 83% in 2003,
which means approximately one in six pregnant women delivers without any medical help
(assisted by traditional births attendants at home) in Turkey. The prevalence of safe delivery
increases by the increase in the level of education of women and the husbands. Education
level of women is a key determinant of women in the utilization of the health care services 30 .
Early age of marriage is one of the common problems in Turkey. Age at first marriage for
female is 20.0, for male 23.6 years. Unwanted and high-risk pregnancies are seen a lot in
Turkey (i.e. 63.4% of currently married women who dont want any more children; 20.1% of
births in the last 5 years were unwanted; 13.9% of births were mistimed; 39.0% of births in
the last 5 years were in high risk category) 31 . Motherhood at a very young age leads to
maternal deaths. The underlying factors of maternal deaths are again socio-economic status
see results of research Akn (2006), vol. 7.1.3 Bibliography on Womens Health.
of individuals and community, gender discrimination, cultural issues, health care services and
so on.
Turkey is a country where recording and notification of health statistics are very often missing
and incomplete. Almost none of the data related to health including birth and death
information, has been determined-collected routinely. Statistical information about the
country is generally obtained from large-scale representative sampling unit surveys or
information is estimated by projections 32 .
All indicators necessitate the improvement of womens health and health care services in
Turkey. In order to attain this goal, a more strengthened primary health care service policy
and implementation strategy, a holistic approach towards womens health, improvement of
the recording-notification system, integration of gender sensitive policies into the main plan
and programs of the country, cooperation and collaboration between sectors, monitoring and
evaluation of the results and operating the existing mechanisms are required.
3.3. Agriculture and Rural Women
Problems of rural women are closely associated with agrarian and rural structure of Turkey.
Because of fragmented and small land holding and falling rates of return on agrarian
production, men migrate to search work in the cities and women assume the responsibilities
on the land without necessarily having access to required resources, information and
decision making authority.
According to 2005 data total female population is 25.617.000 and 9.815.000 of this number is
living in rural areas. Employed female labour force number in urban areas is 2.525.000 and
in rural areas is 3.175.000. Employment rate of the female population is respectively 19.3%
in urban and 33.7% in rural areas. Female rate of work force participation decreases when
moved from rural to urban areas due to different factors, while male work force participation
quite similarly the same with 73.5% in rural areas and 71.5 % in urban areas 33 .
Female work force participation according to the sectors is quite asymmetrical that is in
51.6% agriculture, 14.6% in industry, 0.5% in construction and 33.3% in services. Most of the
female labour force workers in rural areas (89%) are exclusively working in agriculture and
most of them (81.9%) are working as unpaid family workers. As oppose to this pattern in
urban areas more than half of female work force is working in the service sector 34 .
A gender-based analysis of agricultural sector provides a clear picture of gender differences
in economic activities. Different roles of women and men in agriculture and husbandry,
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies (HUNEE) is periodically doing this kind of large scale exampled, Turkeys
Population and Health Research (TNSA), see vol. 8.6. Main Research on Women/ Reproductive Health of Women. For
figures of this research see Referance Documents 34.
gender differences on the basis of land-ownership, farm size, type of crop, technology use
and productivity need more attention. It is a fact that academic work on rural women and
rural poverty is quite scarce in Turkey, and that studies specifically on the poverty of rural
women are almost absent. Participation patterns of women in rural work, low rate of land
ownership and the division of labor in agriculture prevent women to have equal access to
opportunities such as credit, machinery and new land. What is more critical is that the fact
that most of the existing rural development projects lack a gender component or are at least
gender blind in their implementations. A closer review of the agricultural sector will make the
gender-based prevalence of rural poverty and its implications for the future.
There is strictly a conserved gender division of labour in agriculture. Women are more
heavily involved in livestock production activities than crop production activities and more
involved in the middle phases (weeding, hoeing) of crop production than in the early (land
preparation) and latter stages (marketing). Women are more involved in vegetable, tuber and
fruit (special crops) productions than cereal production and perform more labor-intensive
tasks compared to men who perform more mechanized tasks. Mechanization in agriculture
has a negative impact on womens involvement in agricultural production. Womens
production activities intensify to perform the processing of crop and livestock production for
household consumption. Womens working location is closer to home than that of men.
Womens involvement in agriculture is greater in the summer months, when the harvest
takes place and when mens off-farm employment opportunities are at the peak and work (at
peak seasons) longer hours than men and have inferior working conditions. There are tasks
that are performed only by men such as pruning, grafting and chemical spraying. The
demand for these skilled activities in peak periods is met by employing outsiders even if
there is an available female labor supply in the family.
Inequality in womens access to land puts woman farmers in a disadvantaged position.
These are: limited access to land, lack of technology suitable for women workers, poor
access to extension services, limited intra-household transfer of agricultural knowledge,
womens limited access to financial services lack of mobility and time, lack of education, lack
of incentives and a limited role in decision making at different levels. Among these
constraints, land ownership plays a strategic role.
In Turkey, as in many developing countries, there are no data on how land ownership varies
by gender. The agricultural census will not provide data on landownership by gender.
Several rural development projects of varying scope and size have been implemented in
Turkey. These are aimed at a planned approach. The majority of them aimed at reducing
regional disparities and look at rural women from a modernization point of view.
Government funded projects are carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
(MARA), the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the
Ministries of State responsible for (public) Credit Institutions.
The newly established Department for Women in Rural Development of MARA has
delivered training and extension services since 1998. 35 There is a new attempt to transfer
agricultural information to rural women, although home economics remains as the main
activity. The purpose of the home economics program is to increase the living standards of
rural families. This is achieved by transferring new information and techniques to rural
women and by improving their skills..
NGO activities concerning rural women are quite limited. The most important NGO is Trkiye
Kalknma Vakf (TKV). TKV also cooperates closely with the GAP Administration. The socalled ATOMs 36 benefit to a certain extent from this cooperation.
There are actually very few studies on rural poverty in Turkey, especially on the poverty of
rural women.
The ongoing agricultural reform in Turkey is at its beginning stages and is still gender blind.
There is no awareness of mens and womens specific and different roles in agricultural
production. This will probably have serious implications for the transition crops (such as
hazelnut and tobacco) component of the reform. The reform offers financial incentives to
farmers who will change to other (non-surplus) crops. But this crop transition can also mean
changes in the way of life and has different implications for women and men. The
incentives suffer from gender blindness: however, corrections in future stages of the reform
might be possible 37 .
3.4. Participation of Women to Labour Market
According to labour market participation data, the Turkish employment rate of women is
currently around 27% in 2004, whereas in 1998 the figure was still 35%. This points to a
chronic decrease in the participation of women in the Turkish official labour market. This
means more and more women are losing out on the labour market. This trend needs to be
stopped, and reversed. The reasons for the decrease in women's participation are diverse.
Economic growth in Turkey is not followed by an increase in job opportunities. Many women
have a low level of education, hindering their access to the labour market. Discrimination of
women in the labour market also remains a problem, revealing the underlying biases of a
society which is to some degree still patriarchal.
Gender discrimination in labour market is quiet clear. Different patterns of labor force
participation of women according to men by employment category, level, sector (public
versus private and formal versus informal) and points to differences between the sexes in
earning power, work conditions and benefits, including childcare and on-the-job training
opportunities should be taken seriously to review. The impact of the gender division of labor
at home on womens and mens labor market choices and performances is affecting gender
asymmetry in labour market. Female employment is concentrated on public sector and as
civil servants. The number of women civil servants showed a slight increase over years,
reaching the ratio of 26% according to 2002 figures of middle and high-level decision makers
within public administration are women 38 .
What is the most serious trend in Turkey is the steady decline in the overall labor force
participation rates of women that can partly be attributed to demographics (the high ratio of
the young female population) and social change (rural to urban migration and cultural factors
such as womens domestic role and caring responsibilities), but there are also economic
reasons that account for womens low and declining rate of labor force participation and their
There is an ongoing decrease in the participation of women in Turkish official labour market,
this in contrast to the rise of womens participation in the informal sector, which is often a
result of the low level of education of many women.
The absence of women in the official labour market is to some extent also explained by their
disproportional representation in the informal labour market, in which they often work as
unregistered home workers. Women often are unable to leave the informal sector because
their level of education is too low, they are house-bound by their care for children and sick or
elderly relatives and because of discrimination when it comes to hiring workers in the formal
Labour legislation has already been improved, and gender equality policy of Turkey has
several projects which seek to improve the number of women who are gainfully employed,
such as vocational training programmes and programmes supporting women entrepreneurs.
What is surprising is, in some areas women are doing very well, with around 30% of lawyers,
academics and doctors are women. Trade unions could play an important role in organizing
women already in the labour force and those seeking to be gainfully employed, so that it
becomes easier for women to take part in the labour market. In this light this report also calls
for unionization of the informal sector and training of union representatives concerning
women's rights issues.
Male dominated model of participation is also prevalent in labour unions. In Turkey, only 1415% of all registered women workers are organized in trade unions that amounts to 100.000
women and means 10% membership rate of all unions. According to the official figures of
Ministry of Labour the number of registered female workers are 793.847 in 2002 and 51.53%
of these women that are 409.099 are unionized 39 . In reality, these figures are not reliable
because of non-dropping the registered people when they quit, resigned or got out from job
and at the same time from union membership. Due to this fact, the above estimated figures
by gender experts should be taken more close to reality 40 .
This low unionization rate for female workers is not the result of the employment structure
only, but the patriarchal pattern of organizational participation in Turkey. When we consider
the female representation in decision making bodies in labour unions the situation becomes
clearer. In TURK-IS (the largest labour confederation), none of the 27 labour unions have
female members in their central executive committees. The situation is similar for two other
smaller confederations, HAK-IS and DISK 41 .
A greater reliance on market development and increased deregulation and free market
flexibility in the Turkish economy since the 1980s have intensified the existing gender
inequalities with respect to types and conditions of work, wages and social security. It is also
to be argued that not only are women in the cities (mostly rural migrants) often working in
enterprises where labor law standards are not strictly enforced, but also that employer beliefs,
preferences and prejudices against women play an important role in the implementation of
many rules and regulations with respect to gender equality. It is argued that employers find
numerous ways of circumventing the laws enacted to ensure gender equality and to prevent
gender discrimination in the workplace. Furthermore, the existing protective legislation is
also seen as limiting womens employment opportunities, particularly as regards to
recruitment into non-traditional jobs, and is viewed as an obstacle to their career
Another fact must be underlined related with occupational segregation, unemployment and
underemployment and the need to maximize family income, women in Turkey are
increasingly taking part in activities in the informal sector. Working in the informal sector has
detrimental effects, not only because of low wages but also because there are no social
security benefits and guarantees. Moreover, limited access to resources, products, market,
credit and infrastructure pose serious problems for women in the informal sector 42 .
In the international context, womens micro-enterprise activities are perceived as buffer
mechanisms to control poverty and unrest in the underdeveloped world. They have thus
been supported by governments, international agencies and the media in the last two
decades. Locating womens micro-enterprise activity in Turkey in this context has particular
difficulties. Women as micro-entrepreneurs in Turkey faced different difficulties among them,
the lack of access to formal credit channels, the complexity of formal registration procedures,
and the persistence of traditional gender role expectations must be addressed. It is
suggested that women micro-entrepreneurs should receive increased institutional and
educational support by the reason of the significance of micro-enterprise activity for its
potential to empower women in the private domain as well as to provide income. KUR
offers capacity building courses for unemployed persons who are actively seeking for work.
Over the years, roughly 75% of the participants of these courses are women
(CEDAW/C/TUR/4-5 43 )
see 9, p. 32
born outside marriage as those born within marriage, and allows single parent to adopt
The husband is no longer the head of the family; spouses are equal partners, jointly
running the matrimonial union with equal decision-making powers;
Spouses have equal rights over the family abode;
Spouses have equal rights over property acquired during marriage;
Spouses have equal representative powers;
The concept of illegitimate children, which was used for children born out of wedlock,
has been abolished; the custody of children born outside marriage belongs to their
As a form of activity some of them choose the loose network of organizations as platforms
and arrange campaigns for more concentration on single gender issue. Platforms connect
womens organizations for current issues like domestic violence or any legislative
amendment for further legal gender sensitivity. Campaigns generally aim to mobilize
womens organizations energy to form a current discussion related with womens interests in
TBMM or on media that refers the facts supposed to be violating the womens human rights.
Changing trends, prevalent in womens NGOs in Turkey, in the last two decades can be
stated as from service, elite, charity, volunteer-based organizations to organizations involved
in self-help, advocacy, fund-raising, networking, professionally conducted joint activities and
globally oriented agenda setting. This maturing state of womens organizations can be
observed in womens NGOs increasing capacity for public visibility, enhanced position of
bargaining with governmental bodies and notable achievements in fund-raising supported by
international organizations like UN, EU.
Despite their success in forcing legislation for gender equality in the TBMM and beginning to
hold position as social partners for decision making process of in NWM they are still facing
the problems of discontinuity and de-institutionalization and have limited access to national
butget and depends on international funds. In addition they are still suffering from the lack of
a strong political will on the part of decision-makers backing Turkeys gender equality
perspective in society and in political decision making bodies 44 .
5.2. List of Organizations
5.2.1. Organizations for Womens Health
Trkiye Aile Planlamas Dernei (Turkish Family Planning Association)
Tel: 0312 441 78 00, website:
Trkiye Aile Planlamas Ve Sal Vakf (Turkish Family Planning and Health
Tel: 0212 2577941, website:
Anne ocuk Eitim Vakf (Mother and Child Training Fundation)
5.2.2. Organizations for Womens Human Rights
Avrupa Kadn Lobisi Trkiye Ulusal Koordinasyonu (European Womens Lobby
National Coordination of Turkey)
E-Mail: Tel: 0312 467 88 16
for womens NGOs projects see vol 6. 3. , for publications see vol. 7.1.6. and for documentations
and special reports see vol. 7.2.4.
Ev Eksenli alan Kadnlar alma Grubu (Home- Based Working Women Study
Tahir Paa Sok. No: 15/5, engelky stanbul. Tel: 0216 3180615,
Vilayet arkas lise cad. sanl apt. no: 7, Diyarbakr. Tel: 0412 223 51 20.
E-Mail: ,
Kardelen Kadn Evi (Kardelen Womens House)
Hatboyu cad. tm memurlar sitesi, A blok no: 1-2 Balar, Diyarbakr.
Tel: 0412 233 83 90, E-Mail:
SELIS Kadn Danmanlk Merkezi (Consultancy Centre For Women)
Diyarbakr, Tel: 0412 2247728, E-Mail:
KADMER- Kzltepe Kadn Danma Merkezi- (Kzltepe Consultancy Centre For
Cumhuriyet Mah. Hastane Cad., gretmenler Lojman Zemin Kat, Kzltepe/ Mardin
Tel: : 0482 312 53 31
Kzltepe Kadn Kooperatifi (Kzltepe Womens Cooperative)
Mardin, Tel: 0482 3135804
KAMER Mardin Kadn Danma Merkezi (Mardin Consultancy Centre For Women)
Yeni kent Cad. Atilla Apt. Kat: 1 No: 3, Yeniehir Mardin. Tel: 0482 212 23 53
anlurfa KA-MER (anlurfa Womens Centre KA-MER)
Baheli evler Mah. 11. Sokak, Marmara apt. no: 2, anlurfa. Tel: : 0414 313 95 56
Yaam Evi (Life House)
Bahelievler mah. 8.sok, Yla apt kat: 2 no:5 Urfa. Tel: 0414 315 17 25
Malatya Kadn Danma Merkezi (Malatya Consultancy Centre for Women)
stemiye Mah. Blkemin 2.sok, Yaar Kardeler i merkezi 2/40, Malatya
Tel: 0505 641 59 54
Hacettepe niversitesi Tp Fakltesi, Halk Sal Anabilim Dal 06100 Shhiye, ANKARA.
Tel: 0312 305 15 90, E-Mail:
KAUM stanbul niversitesi Kadn Sorunlar Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi
(University of stanbul Research Center for Womens Studies)
Mrkz.: Bozdoan Kemeri Cd. No: 1.renci Kltr Merkezi, Vezneciler/STANBUL
E-Mail : ,
Marmara niversitesi Kadn gc ve stihdam Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi
(University of Marmara Research and Implementation Centre For Womens Labor and
M..Gztepe kampus, 81040- Fikirtepe stanbul. Tel: 0216 348 37 86, 0212 507 99 251479, Website:
ukurova niversitesi Kadn Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi (University of ukurova
Women's Studies and Research Centre)
Merkezi Ktphane Kadn Eserleri Birimi Balcal/ ADANA.
EKAM Ege niversitesi Kadn Sorunlar Aratrma ve Uygulama Merkezi (Aegean
University Centre for Women's Research and Implementation)
Genlik Cad. No: 12, Bornova zmir. Tel: 0232 3733128,
5.2.9. Women and Gender Studies MA Programs and Departments
Ankara University Womens Studies M.A. Program, Cebeci- Ankara
METU Gender& Womens Studies Graduate Program
Middle East Technical University, 06531 - Ankara
Tel: 312 210 30 19 Website:
stanbul University Womens Studies M.A. Program
stanbul University, E-Mail:
Ege University Womens studies M.A. program
Ege University, Bornova, zmir, Website:
Pamukkale University Womens studies M.A. Program
Pamukkale University, ncilipnar Kamps Denizli, Website:
The specific program for Girl Child Enrollment to School that was a project of NWM jointly
designed with the participation of responsible ministerial offices, related NGOs and partly
sponsored by some native donors and UNICEF 46 is now being realized in 81 provinces until
Projects for Reproductive Health and Family Planning
Increasing the capacity of NWM in mother-child health services and family planning is the
main target of Ministry of Health and specifically by its sub-directory for Mother-Children
Health and Family Planning, with the participation of universities, NGOs and also provided
supports of international organizations (WHO, UNFPA). In addition, a project by the
European Union (EU), Program for Reproductive Health in Turkey has currently come into
the force to support NWM since the year 2003 and will last for 2 years 47 .
Projects for Womens Participation to Labor Market and Women Entrepreneurship
Ministry of Labor and Social Security (SGB) is one of the units of NWM responsible for
equal treatment of women in the work force. Also KUR (National Employment Office) as
another unit of NWM has specific targets to support activities for womens equal access to
work force. KUR is conducting training programs especially aiming to increase womens
capability in entrepreneurship with the assistance of TESK and KOSGEB.
KUR realized an EU project of Programs for Active Workforce and prepared a special
report Background Study on Labor Market and Employment in Turkey 48 that includes
gender integrated collected data on labor market.
KUR has facilitated a reporting effort on a disadvantageous group of orphaned girls hosted
in asylum of SHECEK searching for proper measures in counseling and giving vocational
training for them. This project realized with the participation of European Education
Foundation (AEV) and report was published with the title of Pilot Active Employment
Measures Fostering Social Inclusion and Cohesion with a Specific Focus on Gender Issues
(Ankara, 2006),
National Policy for Eliminating Domestic Violence
A new reformed legal frame is recently available for NWM in combating against domestic
violence. It includes Family Protection Law (4320), Penal Code (5237) and Municipal Law
(5393) that makes the future policies which will be designed on the way of eliminating
domestic violence more effective.
Prime Ministry of Turkey has recently regulated a statement about domestic violence
especially the cases of honor killings, which aims to report quarterly collected data and
monitoring and supervising capabilities of NWM in terms of the implementation of
governmental policies against sexual violence 49 . This statement is a very important turning
point on the way towards the governmental gender mainstreaming policy on eliminating
violence and it has a clear target to pick up related data by periodical reports at
governmental level. The first Quarterly Draft Report has already been prepared by DGSPW 50 .
Sheltering the Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence
NWM with its specific agents, DGSPW and SHECEK are responsible for eliminating
domestic violence and have aimed to design networking activities between the sheltering
services, related womens NGOs, local authorities and police stations. These sheltering
policies have priority on the main gender equality agenda of Turkey that is reaching more
and more attention of public and private sectors, national and international financial supports
and resources. Despite the rapid growth of institutional capacity of womens shelters,
compared to the recent past they are still insufficient in terms of quality and quantity. This
state of prominence has been reached by huge and enduring civic campaigns by womens
NGOs voicing for the elimination of domestic violence nation wide.
The number of Women Shelters in Turkey is still very few; 12 of SHECEK, 3 of local
administrations and some others of womens NGOs. Protection and sheltering victims of
violence has primary importance on the way of empowering a national gender equality
mechanism 51 .
Preventing Women Trafficking
The issue of human trafficking with inclusion of women trafficking is targeted by Ministry of
Interior/ General Directorate of Security, with collaboration of International Organization for
Migration (IOM). 52 By the results of these efforts a specific shelter for women and girl child
forced to prostitution and victims of women trafficking is founded and an emergency call line
ALO 157 in use. Directorate General for Security with partnership of DGSPW is conducting
a capacity building project since 2003 for combating against women trafficking whose donor
was EU.
Special Commission of National Assembly on Honor Killings
Specific Report of National Assembly (date: 11.02.2006) on sexual violence and honor
killings against women is prepared which makes the political authorities aware of and
responsible for eliminating these violations of womens basic human rights 53 .
Gender Indicators Data Base of NWM
NWM has made available gender based statistics on main areas since the foundation of
Department of Women and Gender Statistics as a sub-division of TK (National Institution
of Statistics) in 1993. Main statistics and gender indicators of Turkey are available on the
Project by Women Solidarity Foundation- New steps Against Domestic Violence- Kocaeli
Film project of FLMMOR- Stop Violence Against Women.
ARARAT Women Solidarity Association in Ar project- eliminating violence against
KAYA- Women Citizens Network (KADIN YURRTA AI) project of research aiming to
find the effective strategies against honor crimes.
All Women Association (Tm Kadnlar Dernei) in Trabzon project for womens human
YAAM EV-Urfa project for womens training and providing psychological supports
female directors. This year's festival theme is Love, and male directors are admitted in this
category as well.
Local Women Reporters Project (Yerel Kadn Muhabirler Projesi)
The aim of the project is to initiate a womens information and news network to carry the local
issues and grassroots womens testimonies, demands and priorities to the national agenda;
to break the dependency to the mainstream media as the source of local news about women;
to create a strong and solid ground for the alternative womens media; to provide local
womens NGOs and women the opportunity to take their place in the information society;
and to make use of the different information technologies for a more just, democratic and
egalitarian society. For the implementation of the project, we proposed the establishment of a
local women reporters network as the main methodological device. Eight cities have been
chosen for the first year's implementation of the project. These cities are: anakkale,
Samsun, Izmir, Eskisehir, Mersin, Gaziantep and Diyarbakir.
Young Women are Building Bridges for EU (AB iin Kadinlar Kprler Kuruyor)
The Young women are building bridges for EU project aims to inform and increase the
awareness of young women university students in terms of the EU. To share information
about the EU, its dynamics, enlargement process and one specific policy area: gender
equality. In addition to this, to learn their views and thoughts on the EU, and Turkeys,
Bulgarias and Frances accessions processes. Partners: CEDIFF from France and CWSP
from Bulgaria
From Paths to Roads Project (Patikalardan Yollara)
Aim of the project is promoting to build local networks between local womens NGOs, local
representatives of Flying Broom and local administrations with the purpose of supporting the
development of civic societys initiatives in Turkey. Starting date: 2004
Building Bridges (Kprler Kuruyoruz)
Project aimed to build bridges between women of different region and community with the
purpose of integrating them to design a common agenda for women affairs. Starting date:
6.3.6. AEV Anne ocuk Eitim Vakf (Foundation for Mother and Child Education)
Empowering Families: Reproductive Health and the Parent Education Model (Kaynaklar
Kstl Ailelerin Glendirilmesi: Cinsel Salk/ reme Sal ve Anne Baba Eitimi Modeli
The project will run for two years and through implementations of the Mother Support
Program and the Father Support Program, participants will receive training on both parenting
issues and issues pertaining specifically to reproductive and sexual health. 6,000 mothers
and fathers are being targeted as part of this project. The program also aims to inform men
and women about pre and post natal care services and increase access to them, enable both
the usage of family planning methods and increase the likelihood of their being discussed in
the family, raise awareness about how sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented and
encourage safe practices, raise awareness about breast and uterine cancer and finally,
increase mens awareness regarding their responsibilities on sexual health. Donors: EU,
Turkey-Ministry of Health
Literacy Project for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Our Rights Project
The Project began in the provinces of Adana, Erzurum and Van in 2005 and will run for two
years. The overall aim is to improve, through education, the status of illiterate women who
lack sufficient knowledge on sexual and reproductive health and thus cannot adequately
benefit from related services. The aim of this project is to enable illiterate women young and
old, living in regions of high population density and domestic migration, to acquire this basic
skill, as well as to raise their consciousness on issues pertaining to sexual
health/reproductive health, family health, gender inequalities, and womens rights. Starting
date: 2005
Project for Gender Equality in Education and Social Life (Eitimde ve Toplumsal Katlmda
Cinsiyet Eitliinin Salanmas Projesi)
The Project aims to reduce gender inequalities in education and to increase the participation
of women in activities outside of the domestic sphere. The project is being implemented in
Diyarbakr, Mardin and anlurfa which are all provinces with low literacy rates and in
Istanbul, Turkeys most highly populated metropolis which takes in the highest number of
migrants from the eastern provinces. Illiterate women, parents who have primary schoolaged daughters, community members, local authorities, journalists, non-governmental
organizations, national policy makers, and media organizations comprise the target group of
this three year project. During program implementation, AEV will run project coordination,
and ensure literacy training and parent education implementations are conducted. KA-DER
will provide civic education to women and support AEV on issues pertaining to gender
policies. The third partner ERG will conduct policy making, network formation, advocacy and
evaluation-monitoring activities. Donors: EU. Partners: KA-DER, ERG (Initiatives for Reforms
in Education). Starting date: 2005-2008. Budget: 1 million Euro
6.3.7. ada Yaam Destekleme Dernei (Association for Contemporary Living)
Functional Literacy Training Programme for Adults (levsel Yetikin Okuma Yazma
Project is organizing activities of voluntary trainers from YYD, through the literacy courses
at primary level. Partners: AEV, Ministry of National Education. Starting date: 1996
6.3.8. Yerel Gndem 21- Kadn Meclisleri (Local Agenda 21- Womens Assembly)
This is both an international project sponsored by IULA- EMME and local womens
organizations running for activities of Womens empowerment especially at the local level.
6.3.9. BIANET Kadnn Penceresi (Womans Window)
News web page on womens issues:
6.4. UN Turkey Country Projects
One of the UNs Millennium Development Goals is gender equality. In order to achieve the
goal of gender equality and empowerment of women in all fields, the UN has defined its
priorities in five different spheres:
In partnership with DGSPW and the International Advertising Association, UNFPA organized
competitions for young advertisers in an effort to raise awareness about gender issues
through social marketing.
UNFPA and UNDP are partnering with TRT Regional Radios and Womens Rights New
Way to increase national and local awareness on womens rights. The campaign includes
radio program with 6 regional radio stations.
UNFPA, in partnership with DGSPW and the Turkish Football Federation to increase national
awareness about the link between violence against women and human rights. The Stop
Violence Against Women! national campaign involves multimedia events with national
celebrities and politicians joining forces to address violence.
UNFPAs Parliamentary Advocacy project aims to sensitize parliamentarians and their
advisors on the importance of gender issues. The project includes awareness raising
meetings for women MPs, their advisors and members of the Health Commission.
UNFPA and UNDP, in conjunction with the Population Association (Nfus Bilim Dernei)
conducted research on the Dynamics of Honor Killings in Turkey. The projects aimed to
understand the notion and dynamics of honor in Turkish society and to propose a
comprehensive action plan.
UNICEF is working with the Ministry of National Education on the Policy Partnership for
Girls Education project. The project involves study groups as well as qualitative and
quantitative assessments. The project is developing a Strategic Plan for gender parity in both
primary and secondary education and aims to increase the enrolment of school-age girls by
at least 300,000.
UNFPA, in conjunction with DGSPW and KA-DER, is conducting the Capacity Building for
Local Administrators on Gender Equality project. The projects aim is to transform the
existing gender blind local politics into gender sensitive politics.
UNHCR and UNFPA, in partnership with the Ministry of the Interior, the Social Services and
Child Protection Agency and national NGOs, to prevent sexual and gender based
violence against refugees and internally displaced people. Project activities are based on
findings from a situational analysis and a collaboratively developed action plan. The project
includes awareness rising about sexual and gender based violence, training for NGOs, the
Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice and the Gendarmerie as well as updating of legal
manuals for refugee women and children.
UNHCRs Gender and Children Team is collaborating with the Social Services and Child
Protection Agency and national NGOs on the Asylum Institution Building project. As part
of the project relevant officials of the Ministry of the Interior and the Social Services and Child
Protection Agency are being trained on how to handle sensitive caseloads and in the
practical application of legal protection provisions.
UNDP is partnering with IULA EMME to pursue the Networking among Women in Local
Politics project. The project seeks to increase the active participation of women in municipal
decision making in over 10 cities and supports womens platforms in municipal/city councils.
UNFPA is working together with the Ministry of Health and GATA Military Medical Hospital to
promote reproductive health and reduce gender based violence through the training of
military conscripts. The project includes up-dating training materials for RH serviceproviders and military recruits to include anti- gender based violence and RH components
and training both trainers and military conscripts.
UNICEF and the Ministry of National Education have partnered to work on the Girls
Education Campaign. Campaign activities include training and development of relevant
personnel, social mobilization through NGOs, children, governors, deputies and parents. The
campaign is spearheaded by a multi-media campaign and backed by fundraising. Parents
awareness is being raised about the importance of girls education. 10.000 teachers, 200
social workers, 50.800 health workers and 150 school counselors are being equipped with
communications and outreach skills.
The WHO and Ministry of Health are working with other national partners to strengthen
primary health care with a particular focus on maternal and child health as part of the Making
Pregnancy Safer project. The project is working to prepare a national plan to make
pregnancy safer and the national plan on womens health is being updated. The family
medicine system will be revised to include reproductive health issues.
UNDP, in partnership with GIDEMs and the GAP Regional Development Administration, is
pursuing the Supporting Womens Entrepreneurship project. The project provides
business development services to women owned/operated enterprises in the Southeast
Anatolia region in order to promote womens economic empowerment.
UNDP, in partnership with the GAP Regional Development Administration, is working on the
Multi Purpose Community Centre (ATOM) project. The project aims to encourage
increased productivity among women owned/operated enterprises and NGOs through the
establishment of community centers. The centers provide experts and foster networking
among women operated enterprises.
Gender Thematic Trust Fund: Mainstreaming Gender in UNDP Deliverables & Services,
Budget: USD 90,000 Timeline: May 2005-March 2006 A review of UNDP Turkey's programs
and projects, reviewing needs and potentials in gender mainstreaming; the development and
delivery of replicable training programs to UNDP Turkey staff, project partners and
beneficiaries, and decision makers.
Ilkkaracan, P. (2002), Women, Sexuality, and Social Change in the Middle East and
Maghreb, Social Research, 69(3): 754-779.
Kadn almalarnda Disiplinleraras Buluma, vol. 1, 2, 3, Symposium Papers, Yeditepe
University, 2004, Istanbul.
Kardam, Nuket and Acuner Selma, (2003) National Womens Machineries: Structures and
Spaces in Shirin Rai, ed. Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State? Manchester
University Press, Manchester.
Kardam, Nuket, (2005) Turkeys Engagement with Global Womens Human Rights,
Ashgate Publishers, London.
Ongen, Demet (2006) Attitudes Towards Women: A Study Of Gender And Academc
Domain Differences In A Sample Of Turkish University Students, Social Behavior And
Personality, 34(5), 467-486
Oktik, N., (2002) Feminizmden Kadn almalarna Devletin Fonksiyonu, Dou Bat, no. 21,
Parla, Aye (2001) The Honor Of The State: Virginity Examinations in Turkey, Feminist
Studies 27, No: 1 (Spring)
Senol, Fatma, (2006) Mobilizing Women for Participating in Local Governance A Case
Study From Eskisehir, Turkey, Women & Environments, Spring/Summer
Toksz, G., (2002), We are the few: Women in Labor Unions in Turkey, The Revenges of
Neoliberalism: Economy, Society and Gender in Turkey, Nova Publishers, New York.
Toksz, G. and F. Kardam, (2004), Gender Based Discrimination at Work in Turkey: A
Cross-Sectoral Overview, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakltesi Dergisi, no. Nov.-Dec. 2004.
Yeen, Mesut, (2000), Sendikalar ve Kadn Sorunu: Kurumsal Gelenekler ve Cari Zihniyetler,
Sosyoloji Aratrmalar Dergisi, Fall, 2000, no.:1-2.
Yldrak N., Glubuk B., (et.all), (2003), Trkiyede Gezici ve Geici Kadn Tarm
ilerinin alma ve Yaam Koullar ve Sorunlar, Tarm- Publication, Ankara.
7.1.2. Engendering the Turkish History
Berktay, F. (2002) Dou ile Batnn Birletii Yer: Kadn mgesinin Kurgulan, Modern
Trkiyede Siyasi Dnce: Modernleme ve Batclk cilt 3, letiim Publications.
Durakbaa A. (2000), Halide Edib: Trk Modernlemesi ve Feminizm, letiim Publications.
Saktanber, A., (2001), Kemalist Kadn Haklar Sylemi, Modern Trkiyede Siyasi
Dnce: Kemalizm, cilt 2, letiim Publications.
Sancar, Serpil (2004) Otoriter Trk Modernlemesinin Cinsiyet Rejimi, Dou Bat, zel
Say: deolojiler II, no.29.
erifsoy,Selda (2000), Aile ve Kemalist Modernizasyon Projesi, 1928-1950, in Vatan,
Millet, Kadnlar, (ed.) A. G. Altnay, letiim Publications, stanbul, ss.155-88.
Sirman, Nkhet (2002) Kadnlarn Milliyeti, Milliyetilik: Modern Trkiyede Siyasi
Dnce, cilt 4, letiim Publications.
Zihniolu, Yaprak (2003) Kadnsz nkilap, Nezihe Muhittin, Kadnlar Halk Frkas, Kadn
Birlii, Metis Publications.
7.1.3. Womens Health in Turkey
Akn, A. and N. Ozaydin, (2005) The Relationship Between Males Attitudes To Partner
Violence And Use Of Contraceptive Methods in Turkey, The European Journal of
Contraception And Reproductive Health Care September; 10(3):199206.
Akin, A. and S. Bahar-Ozvaris (2002) Utilization of Natal and Postnatal Services in Turkey,
A. Akin (ed.), Contraception, Abortion and Maternal Health Services in Turkey: Results
of Further Analysis of the 1998 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey, Ankara.
Hacettepe University, TFHP Foundation and UNFPA, 239-289.
Akin, A. and S. Bahar-Ozvaris (2004), Study on the Influential Factors of Sexual and
Reproductive Health of Adolescents/Young People in Turkey (Executive Summary).
Ankara, Hacettepe University, WHO, UNFPA.
Aslan, Dilek, (et.all), (2006), What Are The Predictors Of Health Services Utilization by
Women in A City Center Located in The Eastern Part Of Turkey ?:A Cross Sectional Study
Turkish Journal of Medical Science, 36 37-43.
Akn, A, (2003), Ed., Trkiyede Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Salk DGSPW, HUKSAM and
UNFPA Publication, Ankara.
Akn A., (ed.), (2006), Trkiyede Toplumsal Cinsiyet Perspektifinin Salk Politikasna
Entegre Edilmesi: Bir Vaka almas HUKSAM Publication, Ankara.
Saktanber, Aye (2004) Gndelik Yaamda Dinin Yeniden Kefinin Bir Arac Olarak
Kadnlar, slamclk: Modern Trkiyede Siyasi Dnce, cilt 6, letiim Publications,
Tuksal, Hidayet efkatli (2000) Snni-Muhafazakar evrelerde Kadn Politikas retmenin
Glkleri, in Trkiyede Sivil Toplum ve Milliyetcilik, letiim Publications.
Tuksal, Hidayet efkatli (2001) Kadn Kart Sylemin slam Geleneindeki zdmleri,
Kitabiyat Publications, Ankara.
iman, Nazife (2003), Emanetten Mlke Kadn Bedeninin Yeniden nas, z Publications.
7.1.6. Publications of Womens Organizations
Bora, Aksu and Ceren at, (2006) Dm Bilgisi: Kadnlar iin Yerel Siyaset Eitim El
Kitab, Yarn in Bugnden Kampanyas, KA-DER Ankara Local Politics Study Group,
Alkan, Ayten, (2006) Belediye Kadnlara da Hizmet Eder: Kadn Dostu Belediye
Hizmetleri, Yarn in Bugnden Kampanyas, KA-DER Ankara Local Politics Study Group
KA-DER, (2002) Kadn Siyasetinin El Kitab, KA-DER Head Office Publication.
KA-DER, (2005) Eit Temsil iin Cinsiyet Kotas: Erkek Demokrasiden Gerek
Demokrasiye, KA-DER Head Office Publication.
WWHR (Women for Womens Human Rights- New Ways),(2002), The New Legal Status of
Women in Turkey, Istanbul.
WWHR (Women for Womens Human Rights- New Ways), (2000), Women and Sexuality in
Muslim Societies, Istanbul.
KA-DER Ankara Local Politics Study Group, (2004), Kadn Bamza:Yerel Ynetimlerde
Kadn Katlm ve Temsili Kampanyas, 2003-2004, KA-DER-Ankara and KASAUM
Local Politics Study Group, (2006), Cinsiyet Eitlii Yolunda Yerel Siyaset Raporu, Yarn
in Bugnden Kampanyas, KA-DER Ankara, Ankara.
L.Yldz Tokman, Sema Kendirci, (2006), Yerel Ynetimlere likin Yasal Dzenlemeler
erevesinde Kadnlara Yer Amak, Yarn in Bugnden Kampanyas, KA-DER Ankara
Local Politics Study Group , Ankara.
7.1.7. Periodicals
Amargi, no. 1, 2, 2006. (Amargi Kadn Akademisi yayn)
Kadn almalar Dergisi, no.1, 2, 2006 (stanbul Bykehir Belediyesi yayn)
Uan Haber, zel say, no.23., 2006. (Uan Sprge yayn)
World Bank
Feride Acar, et.all, (eds.) 2003, Bridging Gender Gap in Turkey: A Milestone Towards
Faster Development and Poverty Reduction, Poverty Reduction and Economic
Management Unit, Europe and Central Asia Region.World Bank, Country Gender
Assessment Report of Turkey ( 4)
Study group (dr. Nur Otaran, et.all.), 2003, Gender Review in Education, Turkey 2003,
UNICEF Publication, (in English),
TBMM (Grand Turkish National Assembly), 2006, Tre ve Namus Cinayetleri ile
Kadnlara ve ocuklara Ynelik iddetin Aratrlarak Alnmas Gereken nlemlerin
Belirlenmesi Amacyla Kurulan (10/148, 182, 187, 284, 285) Esas Numaral Meclis
Aratrma Komisyonu Raporu (Special Investigation Commission Report/ Research for
Specific Measures Against Honor Killings and Violence Against Women and Children )
(Special Report of Turkish National Assembly on honor killings and domestic violence).
( 7)
(report part 1-In Turkish) (report part 2-In Turkish)
IHD, 2005, nsan Haklar hlalleri Raporu,(Annual Report on Violation of Human Rights),
including the number of womens rights violation, (
IPC (Istanbul Policy Center), 2005, Avrupa Birliine Giri Srecini zleme Program /
Kadnlar ve Erkekler iin Eit Frsatlar: Trkiye (Program for Monitoring the Turkeys
Accession Process to European Union / Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
Monitoring law and practice in Turkey), (by Nevin enol, Ceren at, Aysun Sayn),
Sabanc University and Open Society Institution. (
CEDAW, 2005, Concluding Comment: Turkey, CEDAW/C/TUR/CC/4-5, 15 February
2005 (Turkish State Report on CEDAW monitoring process) ( 8) ,
CEDAW, 2003, The Fourth and Fifth Combined Periodic Report of TURKEY June,
( 9) ,
CEDAW, 2004, Shadow NGO Report on Turkeys Fourth and Fifth combined
Periodic Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against
Women for submission to the CEDAW, by Womens Human Rights Foundation- New
Ways, ( 10a in Turkish) ( 10b in English)
CEDAW, 2004, Shadow NGO Report on Turkeys Fourth and Fifth combined
Periodic Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against
Women for submission to the CEDAW , by CEDAW Steering Comittee ( 11) (in
DGSPW, 2000, Avrupa Birlii Srecinde Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasas ve KadnErkek Eitlii Politikalar, DGSPW Publication, Ankara.
KAGDER, 2005, Social and Economic Status of Women in Turkey. ( 37)
Nkhet Kardam, 2004, The role of national mechanisms in promoting gender equality
and the empowerment of women: Turkey experience, UN/ DAW, EGM/National
Machinery/ 2004/EP 2. ( 12)
On Political Participation
KA-DER, Local Politics Task Force, 2006, Local Policies Towards Gender Equality
Report by KA-DER - May 30, 2006 Ankara. ( 13)
KA-DER-Women for Local Politics Study Group, 2006, Bir de Buradan Bak: Cinsiyet
Eitsizlii bir Kadn sorunu Deil Toplumun Sorunudur, (Manual for Engendering
Social Projects) by Serpil Sancar, Selma Acuner, lknur stn, Aksu Bora, Lara Romaniuc,
Kader- Ankara and UNDP Publication, Ankara. ( (In Turkish)
KA-DER, 2004, Kadnlarn Yerel Seimler Bildirgesi (Decleration of Women for Local
Election-2004), KA-DER-Ankara. ( 15) (in Turkish),
KA-DER, 2004, Kadn Sorunlarna zm Aray Kurultay, (Looking for the Strategies
for Womens Affairs - Future Search) 2003 stanbul. ( 16) (In Turkish)
Ev-Eksenli alan Kadnlar alma Grubu, 2005, Ev Eksenli alan Kadnlar I. lke
Konferans Sonularna Dayanan Eylem Plan ncelikleri, (Home-Centered Women
Workers Group, Priorities for Action Plan Based on Final Resolutions of 1st National
Congress), Ankara. (in Turkish) ( 20)
KAMER, 2004, No More if onlys, Killings in the Name of Honor, Annual Report 2004,
Publication of KAMER, Diyarbakr. ( bu u raporun 6. blm: Project for the development
of permanent methods In the struggle aginst killings committed under the guise of
honor in the southeast and east anatolia regions 2005 report )
KAMER, 2003, We Will Not Get Used To, Killings in the Name of Honor, Annual
Report 2003, Publication of KAMER, Diyarbakr.
Kadn Dayanma Vakf, 2003, Kadna Ynelik iddetle Mcadele Alannda BelediyeKadn Kurulular birlii: Deneyimler, Sorunlar, zmler Atlyesi, (Foundation
for Womens Solidarity, 2003, Cooperation Between Local Governments and Womens
NGOs on Violence Against Women: Experiences, Problems, Solutions) (eds.) N. Ik, N.
Kara, Publication of Foundation for Womens Solidarity, Ankara. (in turkish9)
Related Website:
8.4. Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women
F. Kardam, et.all, 2006, The Dynamics of Honor Killing in Turkey: Prospects for Action,
Summary: Qualitative research results on 195 cases of honor killings in South East Anatolia.
Related Website:
Related Document:
KAMER, 2006, S.O.S. Hotline Statistics, August 1997-july 2006, KAMER Foundation
Summary: 2368 applicants data related with the type of violence, age, marital status,
education, etc
Related Website:
Related Document: (In Turkish)
Sosyal ve Kriminolojik Aratrmalar alma Grubu, 2003, Kadna Ynelik iddet, stanbul
Bilgi niversitesi nsan Haklar Merkezi, stanbul. (Social and Criminological Studies Group,
2003, Violence Against Women, Istanbul Bilgi University, Human Rights Center) (
Summary: According to comparative research results to the first step done in 1997,
womens awareness against and resistance to violence are increased.
Related Website:
Related Document:
8.5. Women and Family
Do. Dr. Hakan Ylmaz, et.all, 2006, Trkiyede Muhafazakarlk: Aile, Ekonomi, Din, Bat.
(Turkish Conservatism: Family, Economy, Religion, West), TESEV. (unpublished) (doc. no.
31) (doc. no. 35)
Summary:A research done by a group of researcher from Bosphorus University reached the
result that the family values have more importance and central than to respecting the state
authority for Turkish conservatism which is based on womens honor and capability in
managing family affairs.
Related Website:
Related Document: Not published online
Aksu Bora, lknur stn, 2005, Scak Aile Ortam: Demokratikleme Srecinde Kadn
ve Erkekler, Alglar ve Zihniyet Yaplar, (Warm Hands of Family: Women and Men,
Perceptions and structures of Mentality in the Process of democratization) TESEV
Publications, stanbul. (
8.6. Reproductive Health of Women
HUNEE (The Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies), 2002, Niteliksel Aratrma:
Gebelii nleyici Yntemler ve stemli Dkler (Qualitative Research: Contraceptives
and Abortions)
Summary: Results of periodical data collecting on family planning and serial data on related
Related Website:
8.7. Women in Decision Making
UNDP, 2006, Trkiyede Siyaset ve Kadn Kamuoyu Aratrmas, stanbul (Politics and
Women in Turkey: Public Opinion Research), (
Related Website:
Related Project: Empowering women in politics project (Siyasette kadn glendirme
projesi) - Related Website:
Prof. Dr. Ersin Kalaycolu, Prof. Dr. Binnaz Toprak, 2004, Yaam, st Ynetim ve
Siyasette Kadn TESEV. (Women in business, Management and politics) , ( 33)
Related Website:
8. 8. Women in Universities
Eitim-Sen, niversite Ynetimlerinde kadnlara Yer yok! (There is no place for women in
Universitiess Head Officies), (
all these documents are available in apendix document atached to the project file.
Doc. No 12: United Nations, 2004, Nkhet Kardam, The Role of National Mechanisms in
Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women: Turkey Experience, UN/
DAW, EGM/National Machinery/ 2004/EP 2.
Doc. No 13: KA-DER, Local Politics Task Force, 2006, Local Policies Towards Gender
Equality Report by KA-DER - May 30, 2006 Ankara.
Doc. No 14: KA-DER-Women for Local Politics Study Group, 2006, Bir de Buradan Bak:
Cinsiyet Eitsizlii bir Kadn Sorunu Deil Toplumun Sorunudur, (Manual for
Engendering Social Projects) by Serpil Sancar, Selma Acuner, lknur stn, Aksu Bora,
Lara Romaniuc, Kader- Ankara and UNDP Publication, Ankara.
Doc. No 15: KA-DER, 2004, Kadnlarn Yerel Seimler Bildirgesi (Decleration of Women
for Local Election-2004), KA-DER-Ankara.
Doc. No 16: KA-DER, 2004, Kadn Sorunlarna zm Aray Kurultay, (Looking for
the Strategies for Womens Affairs - Future Search) 2003 stanbul.
Doc. No 17: KA-DER, Positive Discrimination for Womens Political Representation,
Draft Proposals for Gender Equality Legislation (Amendments to Political Parties Law and
Election Law), 2004.
Doc. No 18: Eitim-Sen (Teachers Union), 2004, Sorgulamak ve Deitirmek in, I. Kadn
Kurultay Sonu Raporu, (For Asking and Changing, I. Womens Congress of Eitim- SenFinal Resolution) , Ankara.
Doc. No. 19: KESK (Confederation of Public Servants), 2004, "Szmz rgtlyoruz,
Hayat Deitiriyoruz", II. Kadn Kurultay Sonu Bildirgesi, (Raising our voice, changing
our life, II. Womens Congress of KESK-Final resolution), Ankara. (in Turkish)
Doc. No. 20: Ev-Eksenli alan Kadnlar alma Grubu, 2005, Ev Eksenli alan
Kadnlar I. lke Konferans Sonularna Dayanan Eylem Plan ncelikleri (HomeCentered Women Workers Group, Priorities for Action Plan Based on Final Resolutions of
1st National Congress), Ankara. (in Turkish)
Doc. No. 21: Ev-Eksenli alan Kadnlar alma Grubu, 2004, Trkiye HOMENETe
Doru: Ev Eksenli alan Kadnlar I. lke Konferans Sonu Bildirgesi, (Towards
HOMENET: Home-Centered Women Workers, I. National Congress-Final Resolution)
Ankara. (in Turkish)
Doc. No 22: Nfusbilim Dernei, 2005, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Gstergeleri Oluturma
Eylem Plan, KSSGM iin hazrlanm rapor. (Population Studies Association, 2005, Action
Plan for designing National Gender Equality Indicators special report prepared by National
Machinery-DGSPW), (in Turkish)
Doc. No 23: Kadnn nsan Haklar Vakf-Yeni zmler, 2003, Kadnn nsan Haklar
Eitimi Program 1995-2001- Deerlendirme Raporu, by Nkhet Kardam (Women for
Womens Human Rights-New Ways, 2003, Training Program for Womens Human Rights.
follow up report by Nkhet Kardam. (in Turkish)
Doc. No 24: DGSPW, 2004, Response of Republic of Turkey to the Questionnaire on
Implementation of Beijing Platform for Action, (in English)
Doc. No 25: UNICEF, 2003, Study Group (dr. Nur Otaran, et.all.), Gender Review in
Education, Turkey 2003, UNICEF Publication, (in English)
Doc. No 26: European Training Foundation, 2003, Background Study on Labour Market
and Employment in TURKEY, nsan Tunal, FINAL REPORT/June 27.
Doc. No 27: T.C. Babakanlk, 2006 Personel ve Prensipler Genel Mdrl, Genelge:
ocuk ve Kadnlara Ynelik iddet Hareketleriyle Tre ve Namus Cinayetlerinin
nlenmesi in Alnacak Tedbirler.
Doc. No 28: 2006/17 Sayl Babakanlik Genelgesi Kapsamnda Genel Mdrlmze
letilen Kurum Ve Kurululara Ait Faaliyet Raporlarnn zeti: KSSGM Faaliyet Raporu
Doc. No 29: Eitim-Sen, 2006, niversite Ynetimlerinde kadnlara Yer yok! (There is no
place for women in Universitiess Head Officies) (in Turkish)
Doc. No 30: stanbul Bilgi niversitesi nsan Haklar Merkezi, 2003, Sosyal ve Kriminolojik
Aratrmalar alma Grubu, Kadna Ynelik iddet, stanbul. (Social and Criminological
Studies Group, 2003, Violence Against Women, Istanbul Bilgi University, Human Rights
Doc. No 31: TUSIAD, 2000, Kadn-Erkek Eitliine Doru Yry: Eitim, alma
Yaam ve Siyaset, (by Mine Tan, Yldz Ecevit, Serpil Sancar) (Pub. no.; TSAD-T/200012/290) (Towards Gender Equality: Education, Employment, Political Participation), Istanbul.
(in Turkish, executive summary in English)
Doc. No 32: UNDP, 2006, Trkiyede Siyaset ve Kadn Kamuoyu Aratrmas, stanbul
(Politics and Women in Turkey: Public Opinion Research).
Doc. No 33: Prof. Dr. Ersin Kalaycolu, Prof. Dr. Binnaz Toprak, 2004, Yaam, st
Ynetim ve Siyasette Kadn, TESEV. (Women in Business, Management and Politics).
Doc. No 34: Do.Dr. Attila Hancolu, Banu Akadl zgmen, 2003, Kadnlarn Temel
zellikleri ve Statleri, HUNEE, TNSA.
Doc. No 35: Do. Dr. Hakan Ylmaz, (et.all.), 2006, Trkiyede Muhafazakarlk: Aile,
Ekonomi, Din, Bat: lk Sonular zerine Genel Deerlendirme. (in Turkish)
(Conservatism: Family, Economy, Religion, West), TESEV. (unpublished).
Doc. No 36: Aksu Bora, lknur stn, 2005, Scak Aile Ortam: Demokratikleme
Srecinde Kadn ve Erkekler, Alglar ve Zihniyet Yaplar, (Warm Hands of Family:
Women and Men, Perceptions and structures of Mentality in the Process of democratization)
TESEV Publications, stanbul.
Doc. No 37: KAGIDER, 2005, Social and Economic Status of Women in Turkey.
Doc. No 38: IHD, 2005, nsan Haklar hlalleri Raporu, (Annual Report on Violation of
Human Rights, including the number of womens rights violation.)
Doc. No 39: UNDP, 2006, Human Development Report 2006.
Doc. No 40: World Economic Forum, 2005, Womens Empowerment: Measuring the
Global Gender Gap.
Gender: In addition to age, gender is one of the universal dimensions on which status
differences are based. Unlike sex, which is a biological concept, gender is a social construct
specifying the socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and women are to follow.
Gender equality: Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. Women are entitled
to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an
indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty. Yet discrimination
against women and girls - including gender-based violence, economic discrimination,
reproductive health inequities, and harmful traditional practices - remains the most pervasive
and persistent forms of inequality. In addition, women and girls bear enormous hardship
during and after conflict and other humanitarian emergencies.
The equal participation of women and men in the development of their societies, and the
equal access to the benefits of developmentis still out of reach for most women worldwide.
Women continue to have fewer rights, lower education and health status, less income, and
less access to resources and decision-making than men. Nevertheless, womens critical
roles in food production, income generation, management of natural resources, community
organization and domestic responsibilities are essential for sustainable development. If
equitable and sustainable progress is to be achieved, womens status must be improved,
their rights must be respected, and their contributions must be recognized.
A "gender-equal society" is a "society in which both men and women, as equal members,
have the opportunity to participate in all kinds of social activities at will, equally enjoy political,
economical and cultural benefits, and share responsibilities." In such a society, the human
rights of men and women are equally respected. Women who desire an active role in society
may participate in activities of their own choosing, while men could enjoy a fulfilling home
and community life. A gender-equal society is a society built by men and women as equal
Gender Mainstreaming
The concept of bringing gender issues into the mainstream of society was clearly established
as a global strategy for promoting gender equality in the Platform for Action adopted at the
United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing (China) in 1995. It
highlighted the necessity to ensure that gender equality is a primary goal in all area(s) of
social and economic development.
"Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women
and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in any area
and at all levels. It is a strategy for making the concerns and experiences of women as well
as of men an integral part of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres, so that women and
men benefit equally, and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal of mainstreaming is
to achieve gender equality."
Mainstreaming includes gender-specific activities and affirmative action, whenever women or
men are in a particularly disadvantageous position. Gender-specific interventions can target
women exclusively, men and women together, or only men, to enable them to participate in
and benefit equally from development efforts. These are necessary temporary measures
designed to combat the direct and indirect consequences of past discrimination.
Mainstreaming is not about adding a "woman's component" or even a "gender equality
component" into an existing activity. It goes beyond increasing women's participation; it
means bringing the experience, knowledge, and interests of women and men to bear on the
development agenda.
It may entail identifying the need for changes in that agenda. It may require changes in goals,
strategies, and actions so that both women and men can influence, participate in, and benefit
from development processes. The goal of mainstreaming gender equality is thus the
transformation of unequal social and institutional structures into equal and just structures for
both men and women.
Violence against women
Violence against women and girls includes physical, sexual, psychological, and economic
abuse. It is often known as "gender-based" violence because it evolves in part from women's
subordinate status in society. Many cultures have beliefs, norms, and social institutions that
legitimize and therefore perpetuate violence against women. The same acts that would be
punished if directed at an employer, a neighbor, or an acquaintance often go unchallenged
when men direct them at women, especially within the family.
Two of the most common forms of violence against women are abuse by intimate male
partners and coerced sex, whether it takes place in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.
Intimate partner abusealso known as domestic violence, wife-beating, and batteringis
almost always accompanied by psychological abuse and in one-quarter to one-half of cases
by forced sex as well. The majority of women who are abused by their partners are abused
many times. In fact, an atmosphere of terror often permeates abusive relationships.
The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993)
defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is
likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including
threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public
or in private life."
by families on family members who are believed to have brought "shame" on the family
name.Some victims are driven to suicide from the pressure of their families.
It transcends beyond Muslim communities and affects women from a wide range of racial
groups. Womens lives are increasingly being controlled and it is often women who are
refuse to live up to their defined roles who become victims. The phenomenon of honour
killing is global and has been reported all over the world on a regular basis i.e. in Iran, Turkey,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Bangladesh, Algeria, Brazil,
Ecuador, Morocco, India, Israel, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Balkans, Sweden, Holland,
Germany, Italy, Yemen and many more places.
Although thousands of women are murdered by their families each year in the name of
honour, yet it is not possible to have a correct statistics of the number of victims of honour
due to the lack of information and availability. The murders frequently go unreported and
often remain as a private family affair; no truthful official statistics are available on the
practice or its frequency.
According to United Nation reports, every year, 5000 women are murdered under the pretext
of Honour Killings worldwide. This is just the tip of the iceberg; the reality is far higher. It
shows only official reports and doesn't mention unreported murders in rural areas, missing
women, those who their birth never been registered, neither their death. It doesnt include
thousands of women and young girls who burned themselves to death and committed
suicide because of family pressures, religious or cultural issues, forced marriages, domestic
violence, etc.