The Mission of Jesus
The Mission of Jesus
The Mission of Jesus
Memory Text/Luke 19:10 (NKJV) For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that
which was lost.
Q1: If this is Jesus mission statement, what are the two main objectives of His
3. The lost coin didnt know it was lost and didnt know how to find its way back to its
4. This represents people who dont care if theyre lost and dont want to be saved.
5. It also represents those who think theyre right with God by their good works and dont
know that they need a Savior.
6. The lost son knew he was lost and knew the way back home.
7. This represents people who know they are lost and know the gospel is the only way to
be saved.
Q3: Which two lost things needed a seeker to find them?
1. The lost sheep needed a seeker because it didnt know the way back home.
2. In the same way lost people who dont know the gospel need someone to share it with
3. The lost coin needed a seeker because it didnt know it was lost and didnt know how to
find its owner.
4. In the same way, lost people who dont care that theyre lost need someone to share
with them Gods plan for a better life.
Q4: Why didnt the father go seeking for his son?
1. His son knew that he was lost and knew the way back home.
2. The son didnt need anyone to tell him he was lost or show him the way home.
3. The last thing he wanted was to go home.
4. He was in a state of rebellion against his father and his rules.
5. He wanted to be as far away from his father as possible so he could live it up without
feeling guilty.
6. It would have been useless for his father to search for him.
7. Love cannot be forced.
8. All the father could do was hope that he would come to his senses and come back
9. How does this relate to lost people?
10. Some people know they are lost and they also know the gospel of how to be saved.
11. For them, they dont need anyone to tell them theyre sinners or that Jesus is the only
12. God simply continues His goodness towards them in hopes that they will repent and
come home.
[Personal testimony]
Q1: What happens in each parable when the lost is found and what does that
represent? (Luke 15:7,10)
1. In each parable, when the lost is found, there is great rejoicing.
2. Jesus doesnt leave us wondering about the application of these parables.
3. The point of each parable is that there is joy in heaven over one lost sinner who
4. It reminds me of the course of the song by Ponder and Harp:
Theres only one thing that were sure about,
That can make the angels jump and shout,
Its when a sinner makes the Lord his choice,
Thats when the angels rejoice.
Q2: What happened that prompted Jesus to tell these parables? (Luke 15:1-2)
1. Jesus told these three parables in response to the Pharisees that complained that Jesus
receives sinners and eats with them.
2. So we have two classes of people listening to these parables: sinners and Pharisees.
Q3: How are these two classes of people represented in these three parables?
1. The sinners are represented by the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.
2. The Pharisees are represented by the ninety-nine just persons who need no
3. They are represented by the lost coin in that they did not know they were lost nor how
to be saved.
4. They are represented by the older son who would not celebrate the return of his
younger brother but complained bitterly against him.
The Father
Q1: How does Jesus picture the father in this story?
1. Anxious for his son to return. Looking at the horizon hoping to see him.
2. Overjoyed when he sees his son returning.
3. Anxious to forgive, to receive, to accept, to love, to rejoice over his repentant son.
12. The prodigal got grace when his older brother wanted to see him get justice.
Q3: What did the older brothers attitude toward justice and grace reveal about
1. It revealed that he was seeking to be rewarded for his good works rather than by the
grace of God.
2. He saw his relationship with his father as one based on justice rather than grace.
3. He told his father all the things he had done for him without getting any reward.
4. The father corrected him by saying:
Luke 15:31 (NKJV)
And he said to him, Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.
5. Here is the fathers offer of grace to the older son.
6. Constant fellowship with the father (you are always with me) and an inheritance that
includes all that I have [the father speaking].
Q4: What does the older brother do with his fathers offer to join the party and
celebrate grace rather than exact revenge.
1. If someone begrudges grace and forgiveness to others, it is a sure sign that he himself
has never experienced grace and forgiveness.
2. We love because He first loved us.
3. We forgive because He has forgiven us an infinite debt.
4. We are gracious to others because God has been gracious to us.
5. Will the older brother confess his hatred, his lack of forgiveness, his desire for revenge
and go in to the party?
6. Jesus leaves the parable unfinished. He does so intentionally.
7. Its a challenge to the Pharisees to join the party and rejoice in the grace of God.
8. Its also a challenge to us.
9. Are we hoping to be rewarded for our good works?
10. Or are we celebrating the grace of God that can forgive both the externally rebellious
and the internally jealous, unforgiving, and ungrateful.
Rich Man and Lazarus
Recall the story of the rich man and Lazarus.
Q1: What was Jesus conclusion to the story? (Luke 16:31)
But he said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will
they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.
Q2: What do you think the main point of the parable is?
1. This is a parable.
2. It is the last of five parables in Luke 15 and 16 (Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Prodigal Son,
Unrighteous Steward, and Rich Man and Lazarus)
3. The purpose of a parable is to teach one main point.
4. This was a common Jewish story that Jesus stood on its head.
5. Possible lessons from the parable are:
6. Riches in this life are not necessarily a sign of Gods favor.
7. Lack of riches in this life is not necessarily a sign of Gods disfavor.
8. There is no second chance in the life to come. Our destiny is fixed here.
9. A miraculous resurrection will not persuade those who reject the word of God.
10. In fact, Jesus did raise Lazarus from the dead, and the Pharisees wanted to kill Him.
11. Jesus Himself rose from the dead, and the Pharisees, by and large, did not believe.
Q3: In what ways is the rich man the flip side of the prodigal son?
1. The rich man never lost his wealth; the prodigal lost everything.
2. The rich man never came to his senses; the prodigal came to his senses when he came
to the end of his rope.
3. The rich man never repented; the prodigal repented, confessed, and asked forgiveness.
4. The rich man was lost and stayed lost; the prodigal was lost but ended up found.
5. The rich man was tormented; the prodigal was the center of a party.
6. The rich man represented the Pharisees; the prodigal represented the sinners.
Blind Bart
Q1: What did blind Bartimaeus do when he heard Jesus was passing by? (Luke 18:38)
1. He called upon Jesus to have mercy upon him.
Q2: What did he do when people told him to shut up?
1. He cried out all the more for Jesus to have mercy on him.
Q3: When Jesus confronted him, what did he ask for?
1. He asked that he might receive his sight.