Crew Timer System
Crew Timer System
Crew Timer System
Loco info includes the complete loco details like type of the
loco, name and number of the loco. It is also used to know that
how many types of locos are present at a particular division
according to the sections. Section points include the complete
section details. It also maintains the list between the sections.
LP Schedule and Priority modules includes to know the
schedule of the loco pilots using the auto remainders in
different sections and to know the priority of the loco pilots
using auto timer system.
Remainder and Graph module includes the auto indicators to
identify the movement of the loco at odd hours. It is also used
to generate the graph automatically by entering the time at
different stations based on the section wise. Loco Inspector
Movement module includes the complete movements of the
loco inspectors according to section wise through online. This
module also used to know the repair schedule of the loco.
Crew Scheduling:
Crew has to be called two and half hour to three hours prior to
the scheduled signing on. Signing on is a physical act when
the staff presents itself at the place of the duty at the scheduled
called time. Crew scheduling requires ear marking of
individual staff for every requirement. The requirement may
Daily train arrangement, which is based on shift
wise/daily train schedule given by the control.
Schedule for pilots, waiting duty staff etc.(this schedule
normally does not change on day to day basis the expected
duty hours of such staff may vary and is given in the
Serving call:
Call-books are sent to running staff 2 hours before reporting
time. Calls served only to those running staff staying within
7-8 kilometers radius of the lobby .Staffs on fixed roster or
passenger link are not served calls. Other running staffs are
required to report on their own if they stay outside the
An Automated Timer System That Maintains Crew Details: Crew Timer System
Software Tools used for this system are Netbeans Ide 7.0 and
Adobe Dreamweaver
Sign On:
Crew signs ON before departure of the train by entering the
time of reporting to the lobby. He reports for duty at a
predefined time before the time mentioned in his call.
This system is built using spiral model approach of the
software engineering.
The spiral model is a software development process
combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages,
in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and
bottom-up concepts. Also known as the spiral lifecycle model
(or spiral development), it is a systems development method
(SDM) used in information technology (IT).
Sign off:
Crew signs OFF normally within 15 min of the departure of
the train. In case there is a yard terminating load or a power
changing activity the time limit within which the crew has to
sign OFF from the train arrival time is decided by the lobby
While signing OFF, the driver is required to do:
Enter the Train number, Arrival time, and sign OFF
Report track and signaling defects/irregularities
noticed on run.
Perform the breath analyzer test.
Opt for 6 hours at out.
& Release
Figure 1: Spiral Model
Hard Disk
40 GB and above.
Existing Method:
he Crew Operating Timer System that exists now is a manual
process. The information regarding loco pilots, the locos they
are assigned, sign-in/off duties is recorded in the registers.
The working hours of locos pilots, Pre-arrival detention and
pre-departure detention etc. are calculated manually. Manual
processing is more in the existing system, which makes the
tasks complicated and time consuming. It is even tedious
process to generate reports.
B. Software Specification
Operating system : Windows XP
: JSPs
: Oracle 10g
Publications, 2005,
[HTML help file] Available: Teamlib.
[4]Basic Java Course Material. Ivytech Infosystems, Bangalore: Ivytech
Infosystems, 2001. [E-book] Available:
[5]Budi Kurniawan. Java for the Web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB: A
Developer's Guide to J2EE Solutions, Indiana Polis: New Riders
Publishing, 2002. [E-book] Available: Files Bay.
[6]Calvin Austin, Monica Pawlan. Advanced Programming for the Java 2
Platform. New Jersey: 1999. [E-book] Available:
[7]Cliff wooton. Java Script Proggramers reference, Wrox publications,
[E-book] Available: netLibrary e-book
[8] Ivan Bayross. SQL, PL/SQL Programming language for Oracle,second
Ed. Reading, East Delhi.
[9] Software Engineering, A practitioners Approach- Roger S. Pressman,
(6th edition). Mc.GrawHill International Edition.
[10]Deepak Alur, John Crupi, Dan Malks. Core J2EE Patterns; Best
Practices and design strategies, (First Ed). Reading, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall / Sun Microsystems Press, 2001. [E-book] Available: netLibrary
[11]Jerry Bradenbaugh. JavaScript Application Cookbook, San Jose:
OReilly, 1999. [E-book] Available: netLibrary e-book.
The functional requirements of the Crew Timer System
1. Loco Info
2. Section Info
3. LP Schedule and Priority
4. Remainders and Graph
5. Loco Inspector Movement
Loco Info:
This module includes the complete loco details like type of
the loco, name and number of the loco. It is also used to know
that how many types of locos are present at Vijayawada
division according to section wise.
Section Info:
This module includes the complete section details. It is also
contains the station wise list between the sections.