Impressions - February 2010
Impressions - February 2010
Impressions - February 2010
From the
Vice Principal’s Desk A Sweet Journey by Ms Candice Chong
the festive season, in addition to the usual
leaving the children with the best part - decorating
service activities. Service learning is also a
key component of our new student leadership
about 15 big and small gingerbread Ti m
men with icing, M&Ms and en…
chocolate sprinkles. Many a dm
On 6th January we had our first Staff-Student er
“dressed” their gingerbread
Games. It was a great opportunity for the
using icing!
we decor ate
Regarding IB authorisation, SIS was accorded
and experimentation.
‘Candidate School’ status by the IB Organisation
All in all, it was a fun-filled day
in Dec 2009. We are now halfway through the
authorisation process, and should be granted for our PY1 students!
the status of ‘IB World School’ in 2011, in
time for the implementation of the Diploma
Programme in Aug later that year. Ou
r fu
Our secondary school building project is on Sprinkle, sprinkle on
tu re
ba ke r s ork!
a re ha r d at w
track and we look forward to moving into the my golden coat
new campus for the start of the 2011/12
academic year.
The secondar y school still has room to
Singapore International School
grow, and with the support of staff, parents In this issue: 新加坡國際學校
and students we will attain the same good
A Sweet Journey An Inter-Disciplinary Study of the Holocaust
reputation as the primary school and establish
Sharing the Christmas Festive Joy One-to-One Laptop Programme
a name for ourselves in Hong Kong. Success
SIS Sports Programme
Inspires Success!
華文老師 英文課程序
New Staff Appointment
Ms Caroline Yeow News Flash! SIS Walkathon 2010
Developing Students into Leaders
Vice Principal (Secondary)
Sharing the
Christmas Festive
by Mr Heng Yew Seng
and the making of Christmas ornaments. At the end of the event, the TTTS students were
treated to tasty goodies and presented with gift hampers.
enj The TTTS students were delighted by the warmth and kindness of our students. Likewise,
d th we enjoyed the concert items presented by the TTTS students showcasing their talents. It was a
eir su
rprise gift
hampers memorable Christmas celebration for both TTTS and SIS students.
“The TTTS students are just “I was a chaperon and “I felt very nervous at first
like us. They play hard and helped to take care of the when I explained the game
know how to have fun. I TTTS students. We had a as they did not seem to
feel contented that I could great time together, playing understand me. So I spoke
share the joy of Christmas games and talking. I feel more slowly and clearly.
with the TTTS students and that the event was very When I saw them nodding
that they have enjoyed the meaningful.” with understanding, I felt very
celebrations.” Yap Melissa, S1T encouraged and happy.”
Ching Tze Lam, S3B Justin Chan, S2G
The Christmas CIP was a fun day for all! A wonderful day ended with a wonderful feast
The TTTS students impressed us with a SIS students shared their Students from S1H and TTTS Everyone enjoyed a round of musical chairs
choreographed version of Do Re Mi musical talents with the worked together to create
TTTS students beautiful Christmas ornaments
周老 師 :閱讀示
南京行之感 蘇燕萍老師
會 ”,收穫頗豐。對我來說,這是一次“多感”的學習之旅。
感激— 個人有所得,往往來自他人的恩澤。這次我得到校長、副校長的支持,才獲得
上 路
南京一行的機會;更得到許多同事的協助,才得以暫時卸下工作,匆匆收拾行裝踏上旅 的小 間小
花》 鄉
程。我衷心地感激他們。 的
感受— “行是知之始,知是行之成”是陶行知先生提出的一個重要教育理論。走在行
一蓮,不僅讓人深深地感受到鄉村校園的純樸,也使人不禁想去探索大自然中蘊藏著的豐 專題演 個幸
長: 福
富知識。這些都切實地印證了陶行知先生的“知行”思想。 校 的
感動— 成功是由夢想開始的。行知小學的楊瑞清校長秉“走在行知路上,創造精彩
感染— 聽君一席話,勝教十年書。參加這次的教育交流會,聽三位中國著名語文特
他們身上散發出的教育長者的風範光彩,以及言語中透露出的對教育、對莘莘學子的無限 —藝
感悟—生活即教育,社會即學校,教學做合一。這次的學習之旅, 濃濃
感想之三:學海無涯,希望我們和學生一樣,都是勤奮的終身學習者。 春
們相信只要有心,“鐵杵”一定會“磨成針”的! 雙
走近李 白 》
Developing Students
into Leaders by Mr Matthew Grey
A Prefect Reflects
value of the prefects to the school
community. Since then, the Prefects
have been gradually raising their
by Sasha Ang P5Y
profile while developing their
This year was the first time for me to be a prefect. I think leadership skills further. At the
that being a prefect is a challenge to many of us, one PTA Christmas Fair, they were
of the reasons being that some of us rarely speak up in able to test their collaborative and
class. It is hard for us to tell other students what to do organisational skills. The two stalls
and what not to do, especially if you do not know them. run by the Prefects proved to be
On the other hand, I think being a prefect is quite fun, very popular and it was particularly
as there are many activities that we get to experience, pleasing to see how all logistical
such as the prefects’ writing competition, the prefects’ problems were solved efficiently
training sessions and the prefects’ camp. and without any significant adult Serving others at work, at play, and at the dinner table
Being a prefect this year has taught me a lot of intervention.
important things, such as respecting others as well as Although we are only half way
yourself and caring for others and their feelings. For through the year, all the Prefects
example, when you need to talk to others you should have faced a number of challenges
not be proud and talk to them in a proud voice just so far. They are finding out what
because you are prefect. It is important to talk to them they possess a flair for and
respectfully so that you will be respected by them identifying areas in which they
for being a good role model. Being a prefect is not need to develop their skills further.
just about being a leader, but also about learning to Whatever it is, they are all finding
be humble. out how they look on a horse.
Problem Solving activities at the Leadership Camp
Never Again – by Ms Lisa-Michelle Haitana &
an inter-disciplinary study of the Holocaust Ms Nicole Barriale Wong
Sylvain Gilbert, a hidden child who survived quest to discover more information about Hana Brady, the name on a suitcase that was loaned to
the Holocaust, said that the responsibility of her Tokyo Holocaust Research Center by the Auschwitz Museum. After many months of sending
remembering the Holocaust is being passed letters, making phone calls, and a visit to the Theresienstadt prison camp, Fumiko was able to locate
down to the next generation. It will be their job Jorge Brady, Hana’s older brother, who had survived the camps. Through this event, the students
to stand up for what is right. were able to connect with one individual child and see how the loss of her life affected so many
The next generation that Sylvain speaks other people.
of includes our students at SIS, and we On 27 January 2010, the officially designated United Nations Holocaust Memorial Day,
are preparing them for this role through six Secondary 2 students led the school in a simple ceremony during morning assembly,
education. With a cross-curricular unit of study remembering the victims of the Holocaust and other 20th century genocides. Later
in Secondary 2 history and English spanning that afternoon, the students listened to a talk given by Sara Pecenac. She told how her
twelve weeks, guest speakers, and a display of Muslim family rescued a Jewish family in Sarajevo during World War II. Almost fifty
featured books in the library, we are offering a years later, that same Jewish family helped Sara and her family escape the Bosnian
multifaceted view of the Holocaust. ethnic cleansing.
Beyond studying the horrifying facts of the The guest speakers and the focus of the lessons in class not only
Holocaust, the Secondary 2 students also helped the SIS students to understand the Holocaust and S tudents with M
s Sa
ra P
analysed primar y sources that focused ensure it never happens again but also helped to get ece
on German propaganda. This exercise them to think for themselves and stand up for
opened their eyes to the manipulation and what is right in any situation. In the process,
dangers of stereotyping. It also helped them we hope to prepare them to become
critically assess the actions of the common leaders who can guide our world toward
German people. a more peaceful and just future.
In their English classes, the Secondary 2 “We have to learn about the past so
students added to their understanding of the that in the future we will not make
Holocaust through the fictional account of one the same mistakes again. Our
girl who finds herself being rounded up for actions shape our future.”
“relocation,” a euphemism for being sent to a Nikki Wei (S2W)
concentration camp. The Devil’s Arithmetic
allowed the students to empathize with a
character their own age and made the study of
the Holocaust more tangible.
The entire Secondary school gathered to listen Ms Fumiko Ishioka
and Ms Lara Brady
to Fumiko Ishioka talk about Hana’s Suitcase with our Vice Principal
on 25 November 2009. Fumiko recounted her Ms Caroline Yeow
A display of Holocaust-related Ms Fumiko Ishioka, director of Tokyo Holocaust Ms Sara Pecenac sharing her Pictures of Hana’s suitcase that started
literature in the library Research Centre outside the Holocaust experiences at an assembly talk Fumiko's search for the Brady family
noticeboard at the Wanchai campus
Six Secondary 2 students who led the school Students and teachers in attendance at the UN Roundtable discussion with Ms Fumiko Ishioka and Ms
in a reflective ceremony on UN Holocaust Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony in Hong Kong Lara Brady on the Holocaust
Remembrance Day on 27 January 2010
Paving the way for a
by Mr Bernard Ng & Mr Declan Burke
The Sports
at SIS
by Mr Patrick Wong
“Hanging around” the Chin Up Bar Rope skipping conducted by All students and some teachers participated in a match based on Round
HK Rope Skipping Academy Robin format and the top eight players of each level have advanced to the
Teaching teamwork and sportsmanship by introducing new sports: New Sports CCA: Outdoor Education
Netball for S1 and Ultimate Frisbees for S3. S2 will learn Floorball All activities encourage collaboration, perseverance and care.
in Semester 2.
Michael Jordon’s Interclass competitions have been organised for Aikido provides a platform for students who wish to develop a strong
successor: Air Oliver all the students.
character, perseverance and a desire to overcome challenges.
Teachers vs Secondary 3 students S1 Interclass Netball Competition Practices with Sensei Nagai: Students practise Ukemi (techniques
Tachiwaza - mae (standing, of the attacker)
attacks from the front)
Introducing the I have had an enjoyable time teaching Mathematics and Science at SIS
for the past two and a half years. During this time I have coordinated a
Health Education Knowledge and technology are growing exponentially in the twenty-
first century. To prepare our students for the challenges of the future,
it is imperative for them to become scientifically literate. This means
by Mr Chin Joong Fui
that the Science education that students receive should go beyond
that of acquiring scientific facts. It has to include the cultivation of the
Scientific Method, curiosity for the unknown and the development of an
inquiring mind.
Over the years, the Science Department at SIS has put in place many
initiatives to develop inquiry-based learning in our students. I seek to
work with all stakeholders to inspire our students with the wonderment
that comes through the learning of Science.
News Flash!
Together, we build our future
by Ms Angela Ho
All students and parents are invited to participate in the walkathons which are
great warm-up sessions before the sports events. Prizes and certificates will be
given to the top fundraisers.
Details of the events and the sponsorship forms will be sent to all students in February.
Walk the journey with SIS! Mark the dates in your calendar now!
More News!
Assembly talk by Hong Kong
Sinfonietta at Wanchai campus
on 10 March
Achievement Board
Congratulations to all award winners!
The Sixth HK Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition for Primary Schools
Ng Hoi Hei Janson P6L
Ooi Yujian P6L
GOLD Award
Kok Zi Qi P6T
Ho Wen Xi Timothy P6A
Hong Kong Student Challengers Chess Tournament organised by Hong Kong Chess Association
Hui Hin-Ching Humphrey P4L 3rd in Age Group 6-9 and 12th
overall out of 47 competitors (all
age group)
Oh Yao Teng Benjamin P3J 5th in Age Group 6-9 and 18th
overall out of 47 competitors (all
age group)
2009 Hong Kong Juniors Chess Championships
Oh Yao Teng Benjamin P3J 4th runner-up in Age Group 8-10
Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Swim Meet
Name Class Event Position
Yip Sum Yu Megan P6A 100m Freestyle 3rd
50m Butterfly 4th
Boys (A)
Tai Man To Brian P6L 100m Freestyle 3rd
50m Backstroke 3rd
Ma Cheuk Man Justin P4W 100m Freestyle 4th
Lee Ching Zheng Peter P4K 50m Butterfly 2nd
Ma Cheuk Man Justin P4W
Lee Ching Zheng Peter P4K
Relay 4th
Chan Chris P4C
Law Hong Bo Milton P4A
Leung Ho Lam Thomas S1 W 100m Freestyle 2nd
rd th
International Schools Sports Federation Swim Meet Finals Team Result: Boys 3 Girls 4
Name Class Event Position
Megan Chan P5Y
Kirsten Chan P6A Girls U12 200m Medley relay 4th
Megan Yip P6A
Ingrid Lim P6C
Justin Ma P4W
Sphere Lin P5L Boys U12 200m Freestyle relay 3rd
Peter Lee P4K
Brian Tai P6L
Megan Yip P6A Girls U12 100m Individual Medley 4th
Kirsten Chan P6A Girls U12 50m Backstroke 3rd
Brian Tai P6L Boys U12 100m Individual Medley 2nd
Boys U12 50m Freestyle 3rd
Peter Lee P4K Boys U12 50m Butterfly 4th
Boys U12 50m Backstroke 2nd
Aaron Fung P5Y Boys U12 100m Backstroke 4th
Justin Ma P4W Boys U12 50m Breaststroke 2nd
Megan Chan P5Y
Paige Wei P5L
Girls U12 200m Freestyle relay 2nd
Megan Yip P6A
Ingrid Lim P6C
Justin Ma P4W
Aaron Fung P5Y
Boys U12 200m Freestyle relay 3rd
Peter Lee P4K
Brian Tai P6L
Leung Ho Lam Thomas S1 W 50m and 100m Freestyle 3rd
Chan Hiu Ki S2 F 50m Freestyle 2nd
Chan Hiu Ki S2 F
Chan Ying Yu Corina S2 F
200m Medley relay 3rd
Yiu Ashley Emily S2 G
Wei Tong Li Nikki S2 W
Hong Kong School Sports Federation – Hong Kong West Area Primary School Sports Meet
Name Class Event Division Position
Marcus Ho P5H Softball Throw B Boys 1st (New Record)
Adrian Lee P5Y 100m Sprint B Boys 1st
Clarence Mok P5H 4 x 100m Relay B Boys 2nd
Adrian Lee P5Y
Marcus Ho P5H
Terry Lam P5H
Ryan Wan P4W 100m Sprint C Boys 2nd
Richard Wong P4A 4 x 100m Relay C Boys 2nd
Ryan Wan P4W
Betrand Law P4A
Aedon Sneddon P4A
Darren Chow P6C 4 x 100m Relay A Boys 4th
Lucas Chan P6T
Lee Sheung Chak P6L
Jasen Lo P6T
Kristen Chan P6A 4 x 100m Relay A Girls 4th
Tam Heiyi P6T
Catherine Yung P6L
Catherine Fong P6T
Lee Sheung Chak P6T 200m A Boys 5th
Mao Hei Ying P4F 100m C Girls 5th
Tam Hei Ying P6T 200m A Girls 6th
Latest Results
61 Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (Secondary)
Name Class Category / Level Position
Chan King Man陈景泯 S1H Individual 1
61st Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (Primary/Chinese)
Name Class Category / Level Position
Lai Tsam Yu Stephanie 黎沁瑜 P1S Individual 2nd
Zhang Yim Nam 张艳楠 P1W Primary 1 and 2 (Girls) 2nd
Chung Valerie Sophia 钟珈侬 P1G 3rd
Kok Zi Suen 郭子瑄 P1S 3rd
Chen Tsz Laam 陈梓岚 P2T 2nd
Hui Ming Hei 许明希 P1W Individual 2nd
Yuen Lok Hei 袁诺曦 P1W Primary 1 and 2 (Boys) 3rd
Sum Chiu Ngai 岑昭毅 P2T 2nd
Yung Zi Hao 容梓灏 P2W 2nd
Tam Tsz Tao Bernard 谈子滔 P2T 3rd
Goh Kai Xin 吴凯昕 P3Y Individual 3rd
Tao, Amy L. 陶亮 P4F Primary 3 and 4 (Girls) 2nd
Chan Cheuk Yan Chloe 陈婥欣 P4A 3rd
Tam Yang Andrea 谭焮 P4L 3rd
Yeung Ying Him Alvin 杨应谦 P3M Individual 2nd
Siu Chun Kit 萧晋杰 P4C Primary 3 and 4 (Boys) 1st
Siu Chun Kit 萧晋杰 P4C 2nd
41 Students P2 Group Merit
Primary 1 and 2 (Boys and Girls)