Masterlist Silibus RCSI

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Junior cycle 1


NM1 Introduction to the nervous system file

NM2 Surface anatomy and osteology of the lower limb file
NM3 Membrane potentials. file
NM4 Femoral region, anterior and medial compartments of the thigh

NM5 Neurotransmission file
NM6 Fertilization, blastocyst, two layered embryo, notochord. file
NM7 Gluteal region, posterior compartment of the thigh. file
NM8 Notochord, neural tube, segmentation, myotomes, dermatomes.
NM9 Embryology of the Limbs: myotomes, dermatomes,
developmental defects file
NM10 Hip joint and popliteal fossa file
NM11 Leg, dorsum of foot, flexor retinaculum, venous drainage of
lower limb. file
NM12 Neuromuscular junction file
NM13 ANS I file
NM14 ANS II file
NM 15 Knee, ankle and tibiofibular joints. file
NM 16 Foot, peripheral pulses. file
NM 17 Weightbearing, locomotion, the back file
NM18 ANS pharmacology file
NM 19 Surface anatomy: nerve injuries. file
NM20 Muscle structure and contraction. file
NM21 Regulation of muscle contraction and energy sources. file
NM22 Muscle mechanics file
NM23 Smooth and heart muscle file
NM24 Neuromuscular junction pharmacology file
NM25 Fast and slow muscles, muscle disorders

Hemopietic and Immune system


HIS1 Anatomy of Haematopoietic/Immune systems 1 file

HIS2 Body fluid compartments, osmolality file
HIS3 Plasma Proteins file
HIS4 Clinical Enzymology 1 file
HIS5 Clinical Enzymology II file
HIS6 Haemoglobin file
HIS7 Haemopoiesis file
HIS8 Blood Clotting file
HIS9 Erythrocyte biochemistry file
HIS10 Blood transfusion file
HIS11 Anticoagulant Drugs file
HIS12 Fibrinolysis and Thrombolytic Drugs file
HIS13 Thrombosis and Anti-Platelet Drugs file
HIS Tutorial 1 file
Immune System
HIS14 Introduction to Cells and Systems of Immune System file
HIS15 Inflammation file
HIS16 Innate Immune Cells and their Roles in Immunity file
HIS17 T cell Biology file
HIS18 B Cell Biology and Antibody Function file
HIS19 Infection and Disease file
HIS20 Infection and Immunity Bacterial Infection file
HIS Tutorial 2 file
HIS21 Infection and immunity Anti-Viral immunity file
HIS22 Overactivation of the immune response Hypersensitivity and
Autoimmunity file
HIS23 Vaccination and Immunotherapy file
HIS24 Arachidonic Acid and Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
HIS25: Other Anti-inflammatory Agents file
HIS26: Rheumatoid Arthritis file
HIS27: Immune suppressants 1 file
HIS28: Immune suppressants 2

Alimentary system

AS1: Disposition of the autonomic nervous system file

AS2: Physiology of mastication & swallowing file
AS3: Anterior abdominal wall & surface anatomy file
AS4: GIT motility file
AS5&6: Gastric function file
AS7: General arrangement of the abdomen file
AS8: Embryology of the gut tube 1 file
AS9: Stomach, duodenum, coeliac vessels file
AS10: GIT hormones file
AS11: Embryology of the gut tube 2 file
AS12: Functions of the Colon file
AS13: Superior mesenteric vessels, bowel and pancreas file
AS14: Liver & extrahepatic biliary system file
AS15: Liver biosynthetic functions file
AS16: Pharmacokinetics: Drug absorption and distribution file
AS17: Liver - Detoxification and Excretion file
AS18: Kidney, adrenal gland, ureter file
AS19: Diaphragm, posterior abdominal wall file
AS20: Bile & jaundice file
AS21: Pelvis, pelvic diaphragm, uterus, ovaries, vagina file
AS22: Bladder, prostrate, seminal vesicles file
AS23: Rectum, anal canal, ischiorectal fossa file
AS24: Anal & urinary sphincters file
AS25: Perineum, pouches, urethra, penis, vulva file
AS26: GI Pharmacology 1 file
AS27: Surface anatomy of the abdomen file
AS28: GI Pharmacology 2

Concept and Principles of Biomedicine


CPB1 The Cell and Biomolecules file

CPB2 Nucleic acids, gene structure & Gene Expression file
CPB3 Proteins file
CBP4 Carbohydrates file
CPB5 Lipids file
CPB6 Biological Membrane Structure file
CPB7 Enzymes file
2. Pharmacology (Pharm)
CPB8 Introduction to Pharmacology file
CPB9 Ligand Receptor Interactions 1 file
CPB10 Ligand Receptor Interactions 2 file
CPB11 Receptor Response Pathways 1 file
CPB12 Receptor Response Pathways 2 file
CPB13 Receptor Response Pathways 3 file
3. Metabolism
CPB14 Principles of Nutrition file
CPB15 Digestion and Absorption of Protein and Carbohydrates file
CPB16 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids - The Handling of Iron in
the Body file
CPB17 Post-Absorption Processing of Protein file
CPB18 Post-Absorption Processing of Carbohydrates file
CPB19 Post-Absorption Processing of Lipids file
4. Intermediary Metabolism (IM)
CPB20 Introduction to Metabolism file
CPB21 Glycolysis file
CPB22 Bioenergetics 1 file
CPB23 Bioenergetics 2 and Introduction to Anabolic Pathways; file
CPB24 Anabolic Pathways of Gluconeogenesis file
CPB25 Anabolic Pathways and Redox file
CPB26 Concepts of Clinical Testing file
5. Integration of metabolism (ITGM)
CPB27 Dietary States and Metabolic Processes file
CPB28 Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1 file
CPB29 Inborn Errors of Metabolism 2 file
CPB30 Fat Soluble Vitamins
CPB31 Water Soluble Vitamins file
CPB32 Trace Nutrients file
CPB33 Obesity and Eating Disorders file

CPB34 Drug Discovery file

CPB35 Drug Evaluation

Health Behaviour and Society


HBS1 Introduction to objectives and format of course file

HBS2 Perception and Pain file
HBS3 Building Blocks of Behaviour I: Learning file
HBS4 Building Blocks of Behaviour II: Memory file
HBS5 Intelligence and IQ Testing file
HBS6 Personality & illness file
HBS7 Predicting & Measuring Health Behaviour I; Project
Introduction file
HBS8 Predicting and Measuring Health Behaviour II file
HBS9 Seeking Healthcare file
HBS10 Health Screening - Factors Predicting Uptake file
HBS11 Specific Behaviours - Smoking file
HBS12 Specific Behaviours - Alcohol Use file
HBS13 Specific Behaviours - Inactivity, Poor Diet and Obesity file
HBS14 Specific Behaviours - Eating Behaviours file
HBS15 Specific Behaviours: Risky Sexual Behaviour file
HBS16 Social Context - Group Influences on Individual Behaviour file
HBS17 Introduction to Stress and Health file
HBS18 Psychological Disorders and Illness: file
HBS19 Human development: Infancy file
HBS20 Human development: Childhood file
HBS21 Human Development : Adolescence file
HBS22 Human Development: Adulthood and Ageing file
HBS23 Adherence file
HBS24 Course Summary

Junior cycle 2
Cardiorepiratory and Upper Limb

CVRUL1. Introduction/Cardiac Cycle file

CVRUL2 ECG. file
CVRUL3. Arrhythmias file
CVRUL3a Electrophysiology of Cardiac Muscle. file
CVRUL4 Breast, Pectoral Muscles, Clavipectoral Fascia. file
CVRUL5 Nervous control of the heart/cardiac output I file
CVRUL6 Nervous control of the heart/cardiac output II file
CVRUL7 Haemodynamics. file
CVRUL8 Arterial system. file
CVRUL9 Thoracic Cavity, Intercostal Space, Intercostal Nerve,
Osteology. file
CVRUL10 Anterior mediastinum, pericardial cavity, heart, coronary
vessels, surface anatomy file
CVRUL11 Venous System and Lymphatics file
CVRUL12 Special Circulations. file
CVRUL13 Pulmonary Circulation. file
CVRUL14 Cardiac Failure. file
CVRUL15 Chambers of Heart, Conduction System, Auscultation. file
CVRUL16 Treatment of Lipids file
CVRUL17 Lungs, Segments, Movements of Breathing. file
CVRUL18 Antianginal Therapy. file
CVRUL19 Treatment of Cardiac Failure file
CVRUL20 Heart Tube, Great Vessels and Atrial Septation. file
CVRUL21 Foetal Circulation, Changes at Birth, Defects. file
CVRUL22 Superior and Posterior Mediastinum file
CVRUL23 Cholesterol. file
CVRUL24 Axilla, Brachial Plexus file
CVRUL 25 Plasma Lipoproteins file
CVRUL26 Autonomic Nervous System of the Thorax. file
CVRUL27 Antihypertensive Drugs file
CVRUL28 Scapular Region, Shoulder Joint file
CVRUL29 Antiarrhythmics file
CVRUL30 Mechanics of Ventilation I file
CVRUL32 Mechanics of Ventilation II file
CVRUL33 Biochemistry of Lung, Surfactant. file

CVRUL34 Work of Ventilation Including Airway Resistance I file

CVRUL35 Work of Ventilation Including Airway Resistance II file
CVRUL37 Ventilation/Perfusion Relationships file
CVRUL38 Carriage of Oxygen file
CVRUL39 Anterior and Posterior Compartments of the Arm file
CVRUL40 Cubital Fossa, Forearm, Ulna, Radius file
CVRUL41 Carriage of Carbon Dioxide file
CVRUL42 Control of Ventilation file
CVRUL43 Hand, Carpus I file
CVRUL44 Altitude Physiology file
CVRUL45 Respiratory Failure. Dr Richard Costello file
CVRUL46 Hand, Carpus II file
CVRUL47 Posterior Compartment of Arm and Forearm, Dorsum of
Hand, Extensor Muscles file
CVRUL48 Pulmonary Pharmacology: Bronchodilators. file
CVRUL49 Pulmonary Pharmacology: Anti-Inflammatory Drugs,
Oxygen Therapy. file
CVRUL50 Peripheral nerve injuries of the Upper Limb; joints file
CVRUL51 Cardiorespiratory Adjustments in Exercise

Genitourinary and Endocrine


GE1 Introduction to the GE Module file

Urinary tract structure and nephron function
GE2 Urogenital ridge, kidney, gonad file
GE3 Elements of renal function, renal circulation file
GE4 Control of renal circulation, glomerular filtration file
GE5 Renal clearance file
GE6 (Renal) Tubular function/physiology file
GE7 Countercurrent mechanism file
Water/acid-base balance and regulation of osmolality and pH
GE8 Water & electrolyte balance file
GE9 The renin angiotensin system file
GE10 Nitrogen excretion, urine composition and urine analysis file
GE11 Renal control of acid base balance file
GE12 Acidosis/alkalosis file
Drugs and the kidney, renal failure, micturition reflex
GE13 Pharmacokinetics II - Drug elimination file
GE14 Diuretics file
GE15 Renal failure file
GE16 Urinary bladder/micturition reflex file
General concepts of endocrinology
GE17 Cellular mechanisms of hormone action file
GE18 Hypothalamus-pituitary-target organ axes: feedback control 1
GE19 Hypothalamus-pituitary-target organ axes: feedback control 2
Thyroid hormone, parathyroid hormone and the regulation of calcium
GE20 Thyroid hormone - synthesis, transport and cellular
mechanisms file
GE21 Effects of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism file
GE22 Calcium homeostasis file
GE23 Agents to treat disorders of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
Hormones of the pancreas (insulin, glucagon) and their principle
metabolic actions
GE24 Insulin synthesis, release and action file
GE25 Glucagon and other diabetogenic hormones file
GE26 Effects of acute and chronic hyperglycaemia file
GE27 Pharmacology of diabetes mellitus file

Hormones of the adrenal gland(hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) and

GE28 The biochemical synthesis of steroid hormones file
GE29 Effects of adrenal hormones file
GE30 Steroid pharmacology: use of synthetic agents file
GE31 Shock file
Endocrinology of reproduction
GE32 Biochemistry of the main gonadal hormones file
GE33 Gametogenesis, implantation, foetal membranes and placenta
GE34 Cloaca, uterus, external genitalia file
GE35 Pregnancy file
GE36 Biochemistry of the mammary gland and lactation file
GE37 Reproductive pharmacology

Molecular medicine

MM1 - Cell Biology 1 Introductory cell biology 1 [cell structure] file

MM2: Cell Biology 2 - Introductory Cell Biology 2 - Cellular
differentiation and stem cells file
MM3: Cell Biology 3 - Genome Structure [DNA, chromatin,
chromosome structure & organisation] file
MM4: Cell Biology 4: Introductory cell biology 3 [Cell division] file
MM5: Cell Biology 5: DNA replication file
MM6: Cell Biology 6: Transcription file
MM7: Cell Biology 7: Translation file
MM8: Cell Biology 8: Regulation of gene expression 1 file
MM9: Cell Biology 9: Regulation of gene expression 2 file
MM10: Cell Biology 10: Dynamic regulation of proteins file
MM11: Applied 1: Disease Diagnosis - protein analysis file
MM12: Genetics 1: Mendelian genetics 1 file
MM13: Genetics 2: Mendelian genetics 2 file
MM14: Genetics 3: Mendelian genetics 3 file
MM15: Applied 2: Disease Diagnosis - Molecular biology methods 1
MM16: Applied 3: Disease Diagnosis - Molecular biology methods 2
MM17: Genetics 4: Cytogenetics file
MM18: Genetics 5: Aspects of clinical genetics file
MM19: Genetics 6: Genetics of cardiovascular disease file
MM20: Cancer 1: Life and Death of the Cell 1 file
MM21: Cancer 2: Life and Death of the Cell 2 file
MM22: Cancer 3: Cancer cell biology 1 [DNA damage, repair,
oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes] file
MM23: Cancer 4: Cancer cell biology 2 [angiogenesis & metastasis
MM24: Cancer 5: Introduction to cancer chemotherapy 1 file
MM25: Cancer 6: Cancer Chemotherapy 2 file
MM26: Cancer 7: Cancer cell biology 3 [case-studies, animal models,
molecular diagnostic tools] file
MM27: Genetics 7: Pharmacogenetics file
MM28: Applied 4: Gene therapeutics & gene therapy file
MM29: Applied 5: Antimicrobial Agents 1 file
MM30: Applied 6: Anti microbial agents 2 file

Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare

PSQ1 Introduction to objectives and format of course file

PSQ2 Introduction to team working skills file
PSQ3 Social determinants of health and illness file
PSQ4 Risk Perception file
PSQ5 Ethical principles in health settings - Introduction I file
PSQ6 Ethical principles in health settings - Introduction II file
PSQ7 Quality and Safety in Healthcare file
PSQ8 Patient Safety - Human factors file
PSQ9 Patient safety - Human factors in surgery file
PSQ10 Patient Safety - Decision making file
PSQ11 Health outcomes file
PSQ12 Complementary and alternative medicine file
PSQ13 Placebos file
PSQ14 Injury - Torture file
PSQ15 Injury - Intentional and Unintentional file
PSQ16 Access to quality healthcare - Introduction file
PSQ17 Communication file
PSQ18 Access to quality health care - physical disability file
PSQ19 Access to quality health care - intellectual disability file
PSQ20 Access to quality health care - palliative care file
PSQ21 Patients for patient safety

Junior cycle 3

NS1 Overview of brain structure file

NS2 The nervous system and some developmental problems file
NS3 Review of organisation of CNS file
NS4 Synaptic transmission file
NS5 Pathophysiology of excitation and inhibition file
NS6 Cervical Spine, Cord and Nerves file
NS7 Antiepileptic drugs file
NS8 Posterior triangle of neck file
NS9 Sensory receptors and pathways file
NS10 Spinal Reflexes and muscle sensory receptors file
NS11 Motor pathways file
NS12 Anterior triangle of neck file
NS13 Mechanisms of pain perception file
NS14 Limbic System & Hypothalamus file
NS15 Neurodegenerative disorders and anti-dementia agents file
NS16 Scalp, face, parotid file
NS17 Temple, infratemporal fossa, TMJ file
NS18 Cerebellum, vestibular system & basal ganglia file
NS19 Opioid analgesic drugs file
NS20 Third ventricle, related structures & cortex file
NS21 Posture and gait file
NS22 Skull osteology file
NS23 Consciousness, unconsciousness, sleep & EEG file
NS24 Antiparkinsonian agents file
NS25 Stress and psychoneuroimmunology file
NS26 Submandibular region file
NS27 Intellectual Disabilities file
NS28 Drugs of abuse file
NS29 Cranial fossas, meninges, sinuses & intracranial bleeds file
NS30 Brain blood vessels and intracerebral bleeds file
NS31 CSF, blood-brain barrier & intracranial pressure file
NS32 Branchial arches file
NS33 Mouth, tongue, pharynx and palate file
NS34 Neurobiology of Emotion and Motivation file
NS35 Cognition and Assessment

NS36 Anaesthesia file

NS37 Psychological Disorders 1 file
NS38 Development of the tongue, palate, thyroid and face file
NS39 Orbit, eyeball and lacrimal apparatus file
NS40 Neural crest, eye and ear file
NS41 Psychological disorders 2 file
NS42 Retinal function & visual perception file
NS43 Optic pathway/lesions & visual reflexes file
NS44 Cranial nerve function file
NS45 External and middle ear file
NS46 Autonomic system in the head and neck file
NS47 Hearing file
NS48 Psychological disorders 3 file
NS49 Temporal bone, inner ear, IAM, VII & VIII file
NS50 Psychological disorders 4 file
NS51 Temperature Control file
NS52 Anxiolytics, antidepressants & antipsychotics 1 file
NS53 Psychological and Cognitive Aspects of Addiction file
NS54 Nose and paranasal sinuses file
NS55 Anxiolytics, antidepressants & antipsychotics 2 file
NS56 Psychotherapy 1 file
NS57 Larynx and phonation file
NS58 Psychotherapy 2


EBH S1 Measurement, error and bias file

EBH S2 Summarising data with graphs and numbers file
EBH S3 Confidence intervals file
EBH S4 Hypothesis tests file
EBH S6 Measuring risks and benefits in medicine file
EBH S7 Meta-analysis and systematic reviews file
EBH S8 Qualitive Research Methods file
Research Topics
EBH R1 Introduction to evidence-based health file
EBH R2 How scientific papers are structured file
EBH R3 Samples and sampling file
EBH R4 Controlled (clinical) trials file
EBH R5 Cohort studies and studies of natural history and prognosis

EBH R6 Case control studies file
EBH R7 Evaluating screening and diagnostic tests file
EBH R8 Linking genes and diseases file
EBH R9 Identifying causes of diseases
EBH ES1 Why should research be ethically regulated? file
EBH ES2 What makes research ethical? file
EBH ES3 Protecting participants individually and collectively file
EBH ES4 Researching vulnerable groups and sensitive issues file
EBH ES5 Research in developing countries file
EBH ES6 The ethical treatment of animals file
EBH ES7 The External validity of medical research file
EBH ES8 The role of industry sponsorship file
EBH ES9 The medicalisation of society

Theme 1: Measuring health and disease
PIH1 Introduction to Public and International Health file
Intro to the PIH team project writing a systematic review file
PIH2 The health of the people, health of populations file
PIH3 Measuring disease frequency file
PIH4 Measuring death rates file
PIH5 Measuring the burden of disease (DALY) file
PIH6 Patterns of disease: the demographic transition file


PIH7 Patterns of disease: the epidemiological transition file

PIH8 Sources of data on population health file

Theme 2: Epidemiology and prevention: chronic noncommunicable

PIH9 Health promotion, theory and practice (alcohol) file
PIH10 Disease prevention: levels and strategies file
PIH11 Screening principles file
PIH12 Epidemiology and prevention of cancer file
PIH13 Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases file
PIH14 Epidemiology and prevention of lung cancer) file
PIH15 Epidemiology and prevention of diabetes file

Theme 3: Infectious diseases: epidemiology surveillance and response

PIH16 Epidemiology of infectious diseases file
PIH17 Controlling infectious diseases file
PIH18 Infectious disease surveillance file
PIH19 Immunisations file
PIH20 Disease outbreaks file

Theme 4: Environmental and occupational epidemiology

PIH21 Occupational Health (1) file
PIH22 Occupational Health (2)
PIH23 Public health emergencies file
PIH24 Environmental health and disease (1) file
PIH25 Environmental health and disease (2) file

Theme 5: Planning and providing services

PIH26 Context of International & Multi lateral Organisations in Health
Care file
PIH27 Doctors and the managerial process file
PIH28 Health Economics file
PIH29 Economic evaluating of Health Interventions file
PIH30 Public Health: Health Policy file
PIH31 Health systems International (1) file
PIH32 Health Systems International (2) file
PIH33 Health Systems Ireland

Mechanisms of Disease Pathology (MDPL)
Pathology Lecture Notes

CR - Pneumonia file

CR - Pulmonary TB file

CR - Bronchiectasis & Asthma file


CR - COPD file

CR - Pulmonary Fibrosis file


CR - Revision file

CR - Lung Tumours file


CR - Hypertension file

CR - Ischaemic Heart Disease file


CR - Cardiomyopathy file

CR - Aneurysms / Arteritis file


CR - Valvular Heart Disease file


CR - Heart Failure and circulatory/oedema file



Mechanisms of Disease Microbiology (MDML)

Microbiology Lectures & E-Learning Notes

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection file


Lower Respiratory Tract Infection file


E-Learning Notes: Upper & Lower RTIs file

Cardiovascular Infections file


E-Learning Notes: Cardiovascular infections

Clinical Medicine Lectures (CML)

Cardiovascular lectures:

CR - Symptoms and signs of cardiovascular medicine file


CR - Vascular Risk Factors file


CR - ECG Interpretation file


CR - Acute Coronary Syndrome file


CR - Heart Failure file


CR - Valvular Heart Disease file


CR - Syncope and Arrhythmias file

Respiratory Lectures:

CR - Symptoms and signs of respiratory medicine file


CR - Pneumonia file

CR - COPD & A1AT Deficiency file


CR - Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchiectasis file


CR - Interstitial Lung Disease file


CR - Lung Cancer file


CR - Tuberculosis file

CR - Asthma

Surgery Lectures

CR - DVT / PE file

CR.- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm file


CR - PVD / Venous Disease

Mechanisms of Disease Pathology
Pathology Lecture Notes

Introduction to Pathology file


Neoplasia I-VI file


Cell Injury & Cell Death file


Acute Inflammation file


Chronic Inflammation file


Introduction to Haematology file


Postmortem file

Healing & Repair file


Amyloid file

Immunology lectures file


Ischaemia & Infarction file


Thrombosis & Embolus file



Mechanisms of Disease Microbiology (MDML)

Microbiology Lectures & E-Learning Notes

Defences Against Infection file


Introduction & Classification of Microorganisms file


E-Learning Notes: Introduction to Microbiology file

E-Learning Notes: Classification of Microorganisms file

Bacterial Morphology & Physiology file


E-Learning Notes: Bacterial Morphology & Physiology file

Bacterial Genetics file


E-Learning Notes: Bacterial Genetics file

Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections file


E-Learning Notes: Overview of Bacterial Infections file

E-Learning Notes: Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections file

Introduction to HCAIs & Infection Prevention & Control file

E-Learning Notes: Introduction to HCAIs & Infection Prevention &
Control file

Innate & Adaptive Immunity Against Infection file


Occupation Health & Infection Prevention file


Appropriate Use of the Microbiology Laboratory file


E-Learning Notes: Appropriate Use of the Microbiology Laboratory file

Streptococci file

E-Learning Notes: Streptococci file

Staphylococci file

E-Learning Notes: Staphylococci file

Neisseria file

E-Learning Notes: Neisseria file

Mycobacteria file

E-Learning Notes: Mycobacteria file

Humoral Immunity Against Infection file


Clinically Important Bacterial Pathogens I file


E-Learning Notes: Corynebacteria, Listeria & Brucella file

E-Learning Notes: Chlamydia, Mycoplasma & Rickettsia file

Clinically Important Bacterial Pathogens II file


E-Learning Notes: Haemophillus, Legionella & Bordetella file

E-Learning Notes: Spirochaetes file

Enteric Gram-negative Bacilli file

E-Learning Notes: Escherichia spp, Klebsiella spp, Pseudomonas spp
& Proteus spp

E-Learning Notes: Salmonella spp & Shigella spp file

Introduction to Viruses file


E-Learning Notes: Introduction to Viruses file

Respiratory Viruses file


E-Learning Notes: Respiratory Viruses file

Gastrointestinal Viruses file


E-Learning Notes: Gastrointestinal Viruses file

Microbial Evasion & Assessment of Immune System file


Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) file


E-Learning Notes: Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) file

Introduction to Fungi file


E-Learning Notes: Introduction to Fungi file

Introduction to Antibiotics & Their Classification file


E-Learning Notes: Introduction to Antibiotics file

Mode of Action of Antimicrobials & Mechanisms of Resistance file


E-Learning Notes: Mode of Action of Antibiotics file

E-Learning Notes: Mechanisms of Reistance file

Antibiotic Stewardship & Important Resistant Bacteria file


E-Learning Notes: Antibiotic Stewardship file

Antifungals & Antivirals file


E-Learning Notes: Antifungals

Mechanisms of Disease Pathology (MDPL)
Pathology Lecture Notes

Introduction to Blood/Anaemia file


Benign Lymphoid Proliferations file


Lymphomas I file

Lymphomas II file

Lymphomas III file


Plasma Cell Dyscrasias file


Bone Marrow Disorders and Thymus & Spleen file


Revision Lectures

Mechanisms of Disease Microbiology (MDML)

Microbiology Lectures & E-Learning Notes

Opportunistic Infections file


E-Learning Notes: Opportunistic Infections file

Immunodeficiency & Infection file


Immunisation file

E-Learning Notes: Immunisation

Clinical Medicine Lectures (CML)


Intro to chemo and radiotherapy file


Anaemia file

Thrombophilic disorders file


Leukaemia file

MDT sessions

Intermediate cycle 2
Tropical Medicine (TropMed)
Introduction to International Health & Tropical Medicine Folder


Mechanisms of Disease Pathology (MDPL)

CNSLM - CNS I- Brain Tumours Folder

CNSLM - CNS II - Stroke Folder
CNSLM - CNS III - Multiple Sclerosis Folder
CNSLM - CNS IV - Head Injuries Folder
CNSLM - CNS V - Neurodegenerative Disorders Folder
CNSLM - Molecular Biology I Folder
CNSLM - Molecular Biology II Folder
CNSLM - Bone Pathology I & II- Metabolic Bone Disease, Fractures &
Tumours Folder
Radiology Folder
CNSLM - Skin pathology Folder
CNSLM - Bone Pathology III - Joints Folder
CNSLM & REGUB - Calcium & Phosphate Metabolism Folder
CNSLM - Immunology - Vasculitis Folder
CNSLM - Immunology - Connective Tissue disease Folder
CNSLM & REGUB Revison Lecture - Prof Mary Leader Folder

Microbiology Lectures & Lecture Notes

CNSLM - Meningitis / Brain Abcess Folder

CNSLM - Viral Pathogens of the CNS / Encephalitis Folder
CNSLM - Soft Tissue Infections Folder
CNSLM - Bone Infections Folder

Clinical Lectures: Department of Surgery

CNSLM - Head Injury and Brain Tumours Folder

CNSLM - Musculoskeletal Trauma Folder
CNSLM - Skin Tumours Folder
Necrotising Fasciitis MDT Lecture Folder

Clinical Lectures: Department of Medicine

Transient Ischaemic Attack and Stroke Folder
Epilepsy Folder
Rheumatoid Arthritis Folder
Parkinsons Folder
Cognitive impairment Folder
Multiple Sclerosis Folder
Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis Folder
Connective Tissue Disease Folder
Neuropathy and Myopathy Folder
Sero-negative Arthritis Folder

Section 1: Mechanisms of Disease Pathology (MDPL)
REGUB - Electrolytes and Acid Base Status Folder
REGUB - Clinical Chemistry of Fluid Balance Folder
REGUB - Biochemical Investigation of Endocrine Disorders Folder
REGUB - Renal Pathology I - V Folder
REGUB - Diabetes I & II Folder
REGUB - Male GU Folder
REGUB - Female Genital Tract I; II & III Folder
REGUB & CNSLM - Calcium & Phosphate Metabolism Folder
REGUB - Breast Pathology I Folder
REGUB - Breast Pathology II Folder
REGUB - Endocrine Pathology I Folder
REGUB - Endocrine Pathology II Folder
REGUB - Revision Lectures Folder
Revision Lecture - Dr Tony Dorman Folder
Section 2: Mechanisms of Disease Microbiology (MDML)
REGUB - Urinary Tract Infections Folder
REGUB - Sexual Transmitted Infection Folder

Section 3: Clinical Lectures (Surgery)

REGUB - Testicular & Prostate Tumours Folder

REGUB - Renal & Bladder Tumours Folder
REGUB - Breast Cancer I and Breast II Folder
REGUB - Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Folder
REGUB - Breast Cancer Screening Folder
Breast and Thyroid MDT Lectures Folder

Section 4: Clinical Lectures (Medicine; CML)

Diabetes type 1 Folder
Diabetes type 2 Folder
Acute Kidney Injury Folder
Chronic Renal Failure/ Nephrotic and nephritic syndrome Folder
Clinical approach to acid-base disorders Folder
Pituitary and Adrenal Disorders Folder
Thyroid Disorders Folder

Mechanisms of Disease Pathology (MDPL)
GI HEP - Introductory review of basic principles in pathology Folder
GI HEP - Liver II Folder
GI HEP - Liver III Folder
GI HEP - Liver IV Folder
GI HEP - Gall stones and Pancreatitis Folder
GI HEP - Pancreas and biliary tract Folder
GI HE- Upper GI Folder
GI HEP - Inflammatory diseases of the bowel Folder
GI HEP - Tumours of the Large Bowel Folder
GI HEP - Small Bowel Disease Folder
GIHEP - Anaemia Folder
GIHEP - Revision Lectures Folder
Mechanisms of Disease Microbiology (MDML)
GI HEP - Viral Hepatitis Folder
GI HEP - Anaerobes / Peritonitis Folder
GI HEP - Food Poisoning Folder

Clinical Lectures (CML) {Surgery}

GI HEP - Pancreatitis & Pancreatic Cancer Folder
GI HEP - Anorectal Disease & Symptoms of IBD Folder
GI HEP - Colorectal Neoplasia Folder
GI HEP - Acute Abdomen / Ischaemia / Perforation Folder
GI HEP - Surgical - Jaundice MDT Folder
Clinical Lectures (Medicine)
Jaundice and Liver Disease 1 Folder
Jaundice and Liver Disease 2 Folder
GI bleed/Peptic Ulcer Disease Folder
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Folder
Malabsorption Folder

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy