7 Days With The Holy Spirit

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The key takeaways are that the Holy Spirit is given to believers as a Counselor and Helper to guide, teach and strengthen them. The passage provides a 7 day devotional on learning about the different roles of the Holy Spirit.

According to the passage, the Holy Spirit is given to believers forever as a Counselor, Helper, Intercessor and Strengthener to guide and support them through challenges in life.

The passage mentions that one can receive guidance from the Holy Spirit through prayer, asking for direction and listening for responses. It also says Peter was led by the Holy Spirit to meet Cornelius and share the gospel with him.


These devotionals provide a reference point for the believer to learn more about the Person of
the Holy Spirit. Choose a quite spot as you book your appointments with the Holy Spirit get
your bible, pen and notebook ready. This will surely be the beginning of an incredible journey
with the Holy Spirit.
God bless.


And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counsellor, Helper,
Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby) that He may remain with you forever. John
14:16 AMP
The Lord Jesus was teaching his disciples about the need for them to be strong and remain faithful as he
would soon be taken from them. Thomas, one of the disciples, queried the Lord, saying they didnt know
the way and how were they supposed to follow faithfully? Several times, we have asked a similar
question: Lord, I dont know how Im going to make it through this situation; Lord, how will I know what
to do? Lord, how am I supposed to stand when Im the only one who believes in my office? Lord, my
family all think Im crazy to stand firm on my beliefs and not compromise for the good of all, what do I
It is often in the midst of adversity that we become a doubting Thomas. We are often able to stand by
our covenant with God and not compromise our relationship with the Lord when there are no
challenges or storms to face. When the going gets tough, the tough get going - is a popular saying but it
seldom applies to the majority. It is hard to be tough when you are faced with lack and hunger and you
are offered some money for casual sex. It is hard to be tough when you are faced with demotion
because you will not comply with your boss directive to use alternative invoices and receipts. It is hard
to be tough when your children have been thrown out of school and you are offered a large cheque, on
the condition that you join them.
Jesus understood that completely and he therefore he made provision for us. He asked our Heavenly
Father to give us the best support available, the best friend available, the best special adviser available the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is with us - forever! We are not supposed to face lifes
challenges alone! We have a Strengthener that will lift us up when we are weighed down by life itself.
We have a Standby that will keep our spirits up and running when we are alone and cannot feel warmth
near us. We have an Advocate that will speak up for us when the enemy bombards us with guilt for
errors of the past. We have unlimited access to unlimited help from our Divine Helper - The Holy Spirit!
All we have to do is to ask for the Spirit! Ask in faith and trust God; He never goes back on His word!
Today, as you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to be your Advocate, your Counsellor, your Intercessor, your
Strengthener and your Helper, in Jesus name.
Further Study: John 14:15-18.
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your


But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all
things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26 NKJV
Yesterday we learnt that we are not alone in this world. In his infinite wisdom, our Heavenly Father
made provision for us to have access to unlimited support, if we ask for it.
In our text today, we see the Lord Jesus encouraging his disciples not to worry about their future when
he has been taken away from them. He reassures them that the Holy Spirit will continue to teach them
the mysteries of the Kingdom; He would teach them everything they needed to know and so their future
was secure.
This same word applies to us today. We have the Holy Spirit with us to teach us all things. We often get
afraid when we are faced with the unknown - job interview, marriage proposal, child birth, JAMB exams
- and the majority of us give in to our fears. Even when we try to face these fears, we are unable to
think straight because of the overwhelming emotions that surge through us, inhibiting our ability to
reason clearly. As children of the Most High God who have given their lives to Christ, we dont have to
be afraid. We dont have to let the spirit of fear have its way in our lives. We have a Strengthener that
will be with us through it all. Isaiah 40:29 says He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him
who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. AMP
The Lord knew that we would be faced with fear and so it is not unusual to be afraid; neither is it a sign
of weakness. As human beings we have the ability to sense danger and withdraw from it. Unfortunately,
our different life experiences have caused us to develop a heightened sense of fear and dread when
faced with unknowns. The Lord has promised to never leave us; we have him with us 24/7, in the person
of the Holy Spirit. God has empowered us! The Amplified translation of 2 Timothy 1:7 elaborates: For
God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear),
but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and
discipline and self-control. The Holy Spirit empowers us to walk in the reality of this verse on a daily
Today, as you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to empower you and strengthen you, such that you walk in love,
your mind is calm and you have self-control and discipline, in Jesus name.
Further Study: John 14:15-18
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your


But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all
things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26 NKJV
Let us spend one more day meditating on this truth - the Holy Spirit is our Teacher. In a world where the
World Wide Web has brought a world of knowledge to every individual who has access to a mobile
phone, the role of a teacher has become debatable. Who needs a teacher when you can read up the
information and apply it yourself? Who needs a teacher when you can research anything about
anything, in a range of languages from the comfort of your home?
The value of a teacher is known when you realise that you are faced with new and difficult information
and you have no idea where to begin your research or how to apply your breadth of knowledge. The
value of a teacher is known when you move into unfamiliar territory (such as a surgery, a courtroom, a
political debate, a Further Maths or Chemistry lesson) and your research fades in the light of the reality
before you.
There are some of us who are faced with lawsuits, queries and petitions. For some others, family
meetings have been summoned to address your case and you dont know what to say or what to do.
The Lord says to you, Now when they take you [to court] and put you under arrest, do not be
anxious beforehand about what you are to say nor [even] meditate about it; but say whatever is
given to you in that hour and at that moment, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy
Spirit. Mark 13:11 AMP. Any situation that puts you on-the-spot can be likened to a courtroom. You
can have this confident assurance from God, if you have the Holy Spirit. You can be at peace in all
situations, if you develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit where you listen for his voice, his
promptings in your heart and you obey his leading.
As Rome was not built in one day, we cannot become proficient at hearing the voice of the Spirit
overnight. Our Teacher wants to help us through our journey of life. He is not like our earthly teachers
or lecturers who may sometimes be there to make sure you dont get an A. The Holy Spirit is there
to facilitate our learning by taking our hand and walking us through life, one step at a time.
Today, as you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a listening heart, such that the noise of society will be
silenced and you will hear His voice loud and clear, in Jesus name.
Further Study: Acts 1:1-4
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your


And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men
shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17 NKJV
The book of Acts recounts the exploits of the Apostles and many great believers of old, who took a bold
stand for God. These were men and women who, by their lifestyle choices, made a difference in their
generation. Some of these men were the 12 disciples who, only a few months earlier, had denied Jesus they all took off when He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. Even the great Apostle Peter, denied the Lord
three times before the cock crowed. So what happened to transform these scaredy-cats into lions
that could speak to thousands boldly? What happened to the man Peter who could not face a little girl
in the courtyard, but then faced the religious leaders, Roman leaders and even death by crucifixion?
Peter and all the other men of old were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. They gathered and
prayed in an upper room in Jerusalem, according to the word of the Lord, until they received power
from God - they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
As we have read in the previous studies, the Lord promised to send us support in our journey on earth
by sending us His Spirit. We have seen the Holy Spirit as our Strengthener and our Teacher. Today we
see the Holy Spirit as our Helper. When we are weak, He gives us strength. When we are afraid, He gives
us courage. When we are ill, He empowers our bodies to receive healing. When we are confused, He
gives us wisdom. When we are in doubt, He gives us clarity. Like the Apostles, when we are unsure of
what the future holds and we dont know what to do or where to go, the Holy Spirit fills us, gives us
visions and dreams (goals and insight into the future), leads us, educates us and speaks through us.
The Lord has promised to pour out of His Spirit on all of us but we must do something to receive this
promise - we must find our upper room and stay there until we receive. In our day, the upper room is a
mindset - a mind that it set on receiving the promise. We must be determined not to walk this journey
on earth alone. We must be determined within ourselves to believe and to receive. Our expectations (as
the righteous) will not be cut off, Proverbs 10:24.
Today, as you pray, ask the Lord for the upper room mindset and wait on Him to fill you (afresh) with
His Holy Spirit, in Jesus name.
Further Reading: Acts 2:14-18
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your

...The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of
counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord -... Isaiah 11:2 NIV
The bible tells us in Philippians 2:6-8 that our Lord Jesus took on the very nature of man, even though he
was God; walked in complete obedience to the will of the Father and endured the cross. In the text for
today, we see our heavenly Father foretelling, through the prophet Isaiah, the coming of the Lord Jesus
- as a root from Davids line who will be filled with the Spirit of God. Even the Lord Jesus had to be filled
with the Spirit in order to fulfil his mandate successfully on the earth.
Matthew 3:16 sheds more light on this: As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the
water. At that moment, heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a
dove and lighting on him. After he was baptised, then the Lord was led by the Spirit into the
Do you wonder why success in life seems like an impossibility for believers? Do you desire to achieve
greatness both in your chosen career and in your ministry? You need the Holy Spirit. You need to be
filled with the Spirit and to maintain an active, vibrant connection with Him. Your sworn enemy, the
devil, will use many strategies in warring to interrupt your connection with the Spirit; movies, novels,
idle chatter, family ties, even church activities! Several years ago, the Lord spoke to me to seek to know
Him more than I seek to serve Him. That may sound strange to some people but the truth is, God desires
a relationship with us that goes beyond good works; that is why He has called us to be Sons and not
Each man and woman has a peculiar destiny and you will not be fully satisfied until you have found your
niche. The Holy Spirit is your Guide. He is the one to lead you into greatness, into achieving your full
potential in all areas of your life. Whether your mandate is to be the next political mover-and-shaker in
your nation, to be the next global mogul in your industry, or to be the best parent to your children,
priority should be given to cultivating an atmosphere that is conducive for the Spirit of God, where your
life is a welcome dwelling and the Spirit of God is able to guide you into a successful future.
Today, as you pray, appreciate the guidance of the Spirit and ask for grace to clear up any clutter that is
preventing you from receiving clear direction, in Jesus name.
Further Study: Isaiah 11:1-5
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to
preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind
up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the
opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,... Isaiah 61:1 AMP
Yesterday, we learnt that to be successful in all areas of life, as believers, we need to be filled with the
Spirit of God. Some people say they are already successful and therefore dont necessarily need to be
baptized in the Spirit. Let us examine a case study from the Bible.
There was a top military officer, a Captain of the Italian Regiment, who was a devout man. He feared
God with all his household, gave alms to the poor very regularly and prayed to God always. He was an
example of your average religious Joe who knows what to do and ensures he obeys the
commandments. This man had a vision, in which an angel appeared to him and asked him to send for
Simon Peter, who would tell him what to do. The question one might ask is: why didnt the angel just tell
him what to do? Aha! God was going somewhere. Peter had a similar angelic visitation and went off to
meet this man, in obedience to divine instructions. When they met and Peter began to speak to him, the
bible records that the Holy Spirit fell on all those who were present, who heard the word. This man had
invited his friends over so all could benefit from knowing what God wanted of them. (Acts 10)
Today, we meet the Holy Spirit our Instructor. The Lord led the man - Captain Cornelius - to hear the
word of life and thereby receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit that would make him a true success. He
could have remained a good man but because he prayed continuously, asking God for guidance, the
Lord sent a man to him, through whom he could hear the word and receive the Holy Spirit.
Dear friend, it is important to hear the word today and in faith, receive the Holy Spirit. Our Divine
Instructor has a lot to tell us and He will ensure that we fulfil our mandates on this earth. The same
Spirit that descended on the Lord Jesus, will descend on us, if we ask Him to. Then we will fulfil our
divine mandate as written in Isaiah 61; then we will lead truly successful lives.
Today, as we pray, ask again for grace to clear up any clutter that is preventing you from receiving clear
direction, and receive divine instructions to fulfil your mandate, in Jesus name.
Further Study: Isaiah 61:1-6
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for
as we ought, but the Spirit HImself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be
uttered. Romans 8:26 NKJV
Today, we meet the Holy Spirit our Intercessor. In 2002, I was in my kitchen cooking a meal when I felt a
sudden sense of urgency in my heart; a sense of panic gripped me. I tried to quieten my thoughts but
the urgency was intense so I began to pray in the Spirit. I didnt leave the kitchen as it was about 3pm
and I needed to make dinner before going off for the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship meeting, in
the evening. I continued to pray until the feeling of panic lifted. I went off to the fellowship and a
brother - who was a personal family friend at the time, stood up and gave a testimony of deliverance
from a terrible accident this afternoon, at about 3pm! My heart skipped and I felt a witness within me
that I had been praying for him!
It is amazing how the Lord directs out prayers - in line with the will of the Father. Our text for today says
- we do not know what we should pray for as we ought to - we do not know what the Father has in
mind for us; we do not know who is scheming and plotting to get us out of that office; we do not know
who is looking at our children with malicious intent. What we do know is this: we have an Intercessor
who knows all things, one who can send our prayers in the right direction, at the right time. We have an
Advocate who will contend with any and every contention and ensure that we overcome.
Note that the earth is the realm of man as God gave man dominion over it - which unfortunately was
lost to the devil, in the garden of Eden. The Second Adam (Our Lord Jesus Christ) has taken back that
authority and offers it freely to all who accept His Lordship. He offers us His Spirit also so that we are not
left alone, at the mercy of the wiles of the devil. We have the Spirit of Truth as our Intercessor so that
we can legislate the will of God on the earth and it will be established! Praise the Lord!
Today, as we pray, thank God for his provision of an Advocate and spend a few minutes praying in the
Spirit, legislating His will in every area of your life, in Jesus name.
Further Study: Romans 8:18-27
Maturity Habit: Pray without ceasing - speak to the Lord about everything and expect a response to your

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