Anti Virus Protection Policy
Anti Virus Protection Policy
Anti Virus Protection Policy
1 Overview
This policy is an internal IT policy which defines anti-virus policy on every computer including
how often a virus scan is done, how often updates are done, what programs will be used to
detect, prevent, and remove malware programs. It defines what types of files attachments are
blocked at the mail server and what anti-virus program will be run on the mail server. It may
specify whether an anti-spam firewall will be used to provide additional protection to the mail
server. It may also specify how files can enter the trusted network and how these files will be
checked for hostile or unwanted content. For example it may specify that files sent to the
enterprise from outside the trusted network be scanned for viruses by a specific program.
2 Purpose
This policy is designed to help prevent infection of Baghdad University
computers, networks, and technology systems by computer viruses and
other malicious code. This policy is intended to help prevent damage to user
applications, data, files, and hardware.
3 Scope
All faculty, staff, students; as well as vendors, contractors, partners,
collaborators and any others doing business or research with the University
that involves access to University computers, networks and/or technology
systems, will be subject to the provisions of this policy. Any other parties,
who use, work on, or provide services involving Baghdad University
computers, networks, and technology systems will also be subject to the
provisions of this policy.
4 Policy Statements
All computers owned by the University and used by faculty and staff must
have the most recent version of anti-virus provided by the University
All PC's are to be configured such that they schedule regular operating
system updates as provided by the vendor (Windows updates).
6 Enforcement
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7 Revision History
Date of
Summary of Change
Mar 2015
BU Policy Team
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