Yoga PDF
Yoga PDF
Yoga PDF
This article is about the umbrella term yoga which includes religion, philosophy, and practices. For one of the
six Hindu philosophy schools, see Rja yoga. For the popular yoga that explains and emphasizes the physical practices or disciplines, see Hatha Yoga.
For other uses, see Yoga (disambiguation).
Yoga (/jo/; Sanskrit: , Listen) is a physical,
1 Terminology
The origins of Yoga have been speculated to date back in the Padmasana posture.
to pre-vedic Indian traditions, but most likely developed
around the sixth and fth centuries BCE, in the same as- In Vedic Sanskrit, the more commonly used, literal mean1
3 Schools of Yoga
The term yoga has been applied to a variety of practices and methods. The well-known Hindu schools of
Yoga being Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Laya
Yoga and Hatha Yoga, but also including Jain and Buddhist practices. Yoga Sutras of Pantajali, constitute classical Ashtanga Yoga (the eight limbs), also called Raja
3.1 Buddhism
Goal of Yoga
have become increasingly popular in the wider world, Vajrayana Buddhism, founded by the Indian
with many non-Buddhists taking them up for a variety Mahasiddhas,[48] has a series of asanas and pranayamas,
of reasons.
such as tummo (Sanskrit cal )[4] and trul khor which
parallel hatha yoga.
3.2.4 Shaivism
Raja Yoga
Main articles: Shaivism, Shaiva Siddhanta and Nath
Hatha yoga
ality in Jainism along with the Three Jewels.[51] Meditation in Jainism aims at realizing the self, attain salvation,
take the soul to complete freedom.[52] It aims to reach
and to remain in the pure state of soul which is believed
to be pure conscious, beyond any attachment or aversion.
The practitioner strives to be just a knower-seer (Gyata-
Modern wellness
are said to directly enliven the bodys inner
According to Feuerstein, breath control and curbing the
mind was practiced since the Vedic times.,[90] and yoga
was fundamental to Vedic ritual, especially to chanting
the sacred hymns[91]
The Pali canon contains three passages in which the Buddha describes pressing the tongue against the palate for
the purposes of controlling hunger or the mind, depending on the passage.[101] However there is no mention of
the tongue being inserted into the nasopharynx as in true
khecar mudr. The Buddha used a posture where pressure is put on the perineum with the heel, similar to even
modern postures used to stimulate Kundalini.[102]
process for the disentanglement, and outlines
practical techniques for the gaining of release,
or isolation-integration (kaivalya).
The Yoga Yajnavalkya is a classical treatise on yoga attributed to the Vedic sage Yajnavalkya. It takes the form
of a dialogue between Yajnavalkya and his wife Gargi,
A sculpture of a Hindu yogi in the Birla Mandir, Delhi
a renowned female philosopher.[146] The text contains
Patanjalis writing also became the basis for a system re- 12 chapters and its origin has been traced to the peferred to as Ashtanga Yoga (Eight-Limbed Yoga). riod between the second century BCE and fourth century
Hatha Yoga
Modern history
The rst Hindu teacher to actively advocate and disseminate aspects of yoga to a western audience, Swami
Vivekananda, toured Europe and the United States in the
1890s.[178] The reception which Swami Vivekananda received built on the active interest of intellectuals, in particular the New England Transcendentalists, among them
R. W. Emerson (1803-1882), who drew on German Romanticism and the interest of philosophers and scholars like G. F. W. Hegel (1770-1831), the brothers
August Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845) and Karl Wilhelm
Friedrich Schlegel (1772-1829), Max Mueller (18231900), A. Schopenhauer (1788-1860) and others who
had (to varying degrees) interests in things Indian.[179]
4.6.2 Medicine
Main article: Yoga as exercise or alternative medicine
Potential benets for adults While much of the medical community regards the results of yoga research as
signicant, others point to many aws which undermine results. Much of the research on yoga has taken
the form of preliminary studies or clinical trials of low
methodological quality, including small sample sizes, inadequate blinding, lack of randomization, and high risk
of bias.[196][197][198] Long-term yoga users in the United
States have reported musculoskeletal and mental health
improvements, as well as reduced symptoms of asthma
in asthmatics.[199] There is evidence to suggest that regular yoga practice increases brain GABA levels, and
yoga has been shown to improve mood and anxiety more
than some other metabolically-matched exercises, such as
walking.[200][201] The three main focuses of Hatha yoga
(exercise, breathing, and meditation) make it benecial
to those suering from heart disease. Overall, studies of the eects of yoga on heart disease suggest that
yoga may reduce high blood-pressure, improve symptoms of heart failure, enhance cardiac rehabilitation, and
lower cardiovascular risk factors.[202] For chronic low
back pain, specialist Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs has
been found 30% more benecial than usual care alone
in a UK clinical trial.[203] Other smaller studies support
this nding.[204][205] The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs
programme is the dominant treatment for society (both
cheaper and more eective than usual care alone) due to
8.5 fewer days o work each year.[206] A research group
from Boston University School of Medicine also tested
yogas eects on lower-back pain. Over twelve weeks,
one group of volunteers practiced yoga while the control
group continued with standard treatment for back pain.
The reported pain for yoga participants decreased by one
third, while the standard treatment group had only a ve
percent drop. Yoga participants also had a drop of 80%
in the use of pain medication.[207]
There has been an emergence of studies investigating
yoga as a complementary intervention for cancer patients.
Yoga is used for treatment of cancer patients to decrease
depression, insomnia, pain, and fatigue and to increase
anxiety control.[208] Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR) programs include yoga as a mind-body technique to reduce stress. A study found that after seven
weeks the group treated with yoga reported signicantly
less mood disturbance and reduced stress compared to
the control group. Another study found that MBSR had
showed positive eects on sleep anxiety, quality of life,
and spiritual growth in cancer patients.[209]
Yoga has also been studied as a treatment for
schizophrenia.[210] Some encouraging, but inconclusive, evidence suggests that yoga as a complementary
treatment may help alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia
and improve health-related quality of life.[16]
Implementation of the Kundalini Yoga Lifestyle has
shown to help substance abuse addicts increase their quality of life according to psychological questionnaires like
the Behavior and Symptom Identication Scale and the
Quality of Recovery Index.[211]
Tibetan Buddhism
Yoga physiology
Zen Buddhism
Christian meditation
6.4 Islam
in the context of yoga possibly competing with and eroding participation in Islamic practice.[258]
As of May 2014, according to Irans Yoga Association,
Islamic Republic of Iran has approximately 200 yoga centres, a quarter of them in the capital Tehran, where groups
can often be seen practising in parks. This has been met
by opposition among conservatives.[259]
[4] See, for example, Rhys Davids & Stede (1921-25), entry for jhna1 "; Thanissaro (1997); as well as, Kapleau
(1989), p. 385, for the derivation of the word zen from
Sanskrit dhyna. PTS Secretary Dr. Rupert Gethin, in
describing the activities of wandering ascetics contemporaneous with the Buddha, wrote:
"...[T]here is the cultivation of meditative
and contemplative techniques aimed at producing what might, for the lack of a suitable technical term in English, be referred
to as 'altered states of consciousness. In
the technical vocabulary of Indian religious
texts such states come to be termed 'meditations ([Skt.:] dhyna / [Pali:] jhna) or
'concentrations (samdhi); the attainment of
such states of consciousness was generally regarded as bringing the practitioner to deeper
knowledge and experience of the nature of
the world. (Gethin, 1998, p. 10.)
See also
Yoga physiology
List of asanas
List of yoga schools
Yoga series
International Yoga Day
Jacobsen writes that Bodily postures are closely related to the tradition of tapas, ascetic practices in
the Vedic tradition. The use by Vedic priests of
ascetic practices in their preparations for the performance of the sacrice might be precursor to
Whicher believes that the proto-Yoga of the Vedic
rishis is an early form of sacricial mysticism
and contains many elements characteristic of later
Yoga that include: concentration, meditative observation, ascetic forms of practice (tapas), breath
renounces both desires and actions, and is therefore depicted as being steep and very dicult in the Bhagavad
[18] Werner writes, The word Yoga appears here for the rst
time in its fully technical meaning, namely as a systematic training, and it already received a more or less clear
formulation in some other middle Upanishads....Further
process of the systematization of Yoga as a path to the
ultimate mystic goal is obvious in subsequent Yoga Upanishads and the culmination of this endeavour is represented by Patanjalis codication of this path into a system
of the eightfold Yoga.[113]
[19] Worthington writes, Yoga fully acknowledges its debt to
Jainism, and Jainism reciprocates by making the practice
of yoga part and parcel of life.[153]
[20] Eliade, Mircea, Yoga - Immortality and Freedom, Princeton, 1958: Princeton Univ.Pr. (original title: Le Yoga.
Immortalit et Libert, Paris, 1954: Libr. Payot)
[21] The Meditation school, called 'Ch'an' in Chinese from
the Sanskrit 'dhyna,' is best known in the West by the
Japanese pronunciation 'Zen'"[228]
[22] Exact quote: This phenomenon merits special attention
since yogic roots are to be found in the Zen Buddhist
school of meditation.[231]
10 References
[1] White 2011.
[2] Chogyam Trungpa (2001) The Lions Roar: An Introduction to Tantra. Shambhala. ISBN 1-57062-895-5
[3] Edmonton Patric 2007,pali and its sinicance p. 332
[4] Lama Yeshe (1998). The Bliss of Inner Fire. Wisdom
Publications. pp. 135-141.
[5] Denise Lardner Carmody, John Carmody (1996), Serene
Compassion. Oxford University Press US. p. 68.
[6] Stuart Ray Sarbacker, Samdhi: The Numinous and Cessative in Indo-Tibetan Yoga. SUNY Press, 2005, pp. 12.
[7] Tattvarthasutra [6.1], see Manu Doshi (2007) Translation
of Tattvarthasutra, Ahmedabad: Shrut Ratnakar p. 102
[8] Samuel 2008, p. 8.
[9] Werner p. 119-20
[10] Whicher, pp. 3839.
[11] James Mallinson, Sktism and Hathayoga, 28 June
2012. <URL> [accessed 19 September 2013] pg.1
Scholarship on hathayoga, my own included, unanimously declares it to be a reformation of tantric yoga introduced by the gurus of the Nath sampradaya, in particular their supposed founder, Goraksa.
[27] Jacobsen, p. 4.
[28] White 2011, p. 6.
[90] P. 531 The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice By Georg Feuerstein (2002)
[94] Datta, Amaresh (1988). Encyclopaedia of Indian Literature: devraj to jyoti. Sahitya Akademi. p. 1809. ISBN
[95] Wynne, pp. 34.
[96] Richard Gombrich, Theravada Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988, p. 44.
[97] Barbara Stoler Miller, Yoga: Discipline of Freedom: the
Yoga Sutra Attributed to Patanjali; a Translation of the
Text, with Commentary, Introduction, and Glossary of
Keywords. University of California Press, 1996, p. 8.
[98] Wynne, p. 92.
[99] Wynne, p. 105.
[100] Wynne, p. 95.
[101] Mallinson, James. 2007. The Khecarvidy of Adinath.
London: Routledge. pg.17-19.
[107] Jacobsen, p. 8.
[110] Feuerstein, Georg (JanuaryFebruary 1988). Introduc- [134] For yoga acceptance of samkhya concepts, but with ading Yogas Great Literary Heritage. Yoga Journal (78):
dition of a category for God, see: Radhakrishnan and
Moore, p. 453.
[111] White, David Gordon. Yoga in Practice. Princeton Uni- [135] For yoga as accepting the 25 principles of samkhya with
the addition of God, see: Chatterjee and Datta, p. 43.
versity Press 2012, page 14.
[112] White, David Gordon (2003). Kiss of the Yogini. Chicago: [136] Mller (1899), Chapter 7, Yoga Philosophy, p. 104.
University of Chicago Press. p. 224. ISBN 0-226-89483[137] Zimmer (1951), p. 280.
[138] For Patanjali as the founder of the philosophical system
[113] Werner, p. 24.
called yoga see: Chatterjee and Datta, p. 42.
[114] Jacobsen, p. 10.
[140] For raja yoga as a system for control of the mind and
connection to Patanjalis Yoga Sutras as a key work, see:
Flood (1996), pp. 9698.
[141] For text and word-by-word translation as Yoga is the inhibition of the modications of the mind. See: Taimni,
p. 6.
[119] Ch. 2.48 Bhagavad-Gita As It Is by A.C. Bhak[142] Barbara Stoler Miller, Yoga: Discipline of Freedom: the
tivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Yoga Sutra Attributed to Patanjali; a Translation of the
Text, with Commentary, Introduction, and Glossary of
Keywords. University of California Press, 1996, page 9.
[120] Gambhirananda, p. 16.
[121] Jacobsen, p. 46.
[122] Fowler, p. xlv.
[123] Whicher, p. 2526.
[124] Wynne, p. 33.
[125] Larson, p. 38.
[126] Radhankrishnan, Indian Philosophy, London, George [147] Divanji, Prahlad, ed. (1954). Yoga Yajnavalkya: A TreaAllen & Unwin Ltd., 1971 edition, Volume II, p. 342.
tise on Yoga as Taught by Yogi Yajnavalkya. B.B.R.A.
Societys Monograph No. 3. Bombay, India: Bombay
[127] Radhankrishnan, Indian Philosophy, London, George
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. p. 105.
Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1971 edition, Volume II, p. 344.
[148] Mohan, A.G. (2010). Krishnamacharya: His Life and
Teachings. Shambhala Publications. p. 127. ISBN 9781-59030-800-4.
[129] For an overview of the six orthodox schools, with detail on
the grouping of schools, see: Radhakrishnan and Moore, [149] Tattvarthasutra [6.2]
Contents, and pp. 453487.
[150] Niyamasara [134-40]
[130] For a brief overview of the yoga school of philosophy see:
[151] Zydenbos, Robert. Jainism Today and Its Future.
Chatterjee and Datta, p. 43.
Mnchen: Manya Verlag, 2006. p.66
[131] Karel Werner, The Yogi and the Mystic. Routledge 1994,
page 27. Patanjalis system is unthinkable without Bud- [152] Zydenbos (2006) p.66
dhism. As far as its terminology goes there is much in
[153] Worthington, p. 35.
the Yoga Sutras that reminds us of Buddhist formulations
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12 External links
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Star, Selmo, CIreland, Luk, WayneLVN, SmackBot, Aditya1975, Baodo, Tigerghost, Cubs Fan, Saravask, Karma2Grace, Tarret, KnowledgeOfSelf, Non sequitur, Unyoyega, Jacek Kendysz, Sue Anne, Thunderboltz, Abiectus, Devanampriya, BiT, HalfShadow, Dana murty,
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OrphanBot, Munishkr, Jtbobwaysf, Pvharikrishnan, Krsont, RedHillian, WACourson, Shreesha, Metta Bubble, Nakon, JonasRH, Jiddisch,
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Qmwne235, Vijaykum, Will Beback, Apalaria, WeaksauceXP, Dandelion1, Krashlandon, Harryboyles, Kuru, Zaphraud, Jaywryu, Ramayan, Mgiganteus1, RichMorin, Green mo, IronGargoyle, RandomCritic, JHunterJ, Bless sins, Slakr, Flaviohmg, MrArt, PRRfan, 2T,
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KillerBicycle, Dycedarg, Mothergodchurch, Morgantzp, Belphegor192, Punanimal, VForVendetta, Rkc 25, CWY2190, Sudhakar ks, Anmolchandhok, Dgw, Lentower, Gregbard, Mapletip, Skenus, Cydebot, Kingofgames2, Kanags, Asddsa, Speedygonzalous, SyntaxError55,
Travelbird, JFreeman, Coolkiddo69, Wildnox, Babub, Viscious81, Dougweller, Christian75, DumbBOT, ChairYoga, Omicronpersei8,
Sagargemini, Darren996, FrancoGG, Epbr123, Klasovsky, Qwyrxian, Luciasquirrel, Geo M, OrangePeel, Hellodan, N5iln, Sendbinti,
Ldp linux, Mojo Hand, Brendanwinter, Marek69, Esowteric, John254, Pastafarian Nights, Sindo, J. W. Love, OrenBochman, Nick Number, B-ham, Escarbot, Gossamers, AntiVandalBot, RobotG, Majorly, Luna Santin, Oxley1165, Seaphoto, NightwolfAA2k5, Julia Rossi,
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Propaniac, Magioladitis, Murgh, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Jimbrown76, AuburnPilot, KarateLady,, JNW,
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Samirdude21, Arnuld, Squids and Chips, Pahool, KINGx67, Sakthi24, HB enthu, Redtigerxyz, JameiLei, Ivan Zezyulya, Debnathsandeep,
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Uddhava, Sueannharkey, AlleborgoBot, Kehrbykid, Logan, NHRHS2010, Calin99, Mahayogini, Cloclofoshosho, Vagyoga, GoonerDP,
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ignignot, StaticGull, Jbgreen, Dabomb87, Denisarona, PlusDrawn, That-matty-kidd, Mr. Granger, RegentsPark, Rajgupta18, Elassint, Callumazoo, ClueBot, LAX, Eno fo to, Dakinijones, Shyamdash, The Thing That Should Not Be, Wmaykut, Samitshah1, Swetkyz, Garyzx,
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Eeekster, Piccadilly Sirkus, Abrech, BobKawanaka, Eternalvoyageur, Rudraksha108, Vivio Testarossa, Simon D M, Mit027*, Sun Creator, Arjayay, Printer222, Singhalawap, Phantom654321, Thesarahshow, Knowz, GoodTimesOrc, BOTarate, Sk8terboy3, Thingg, Right
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Flewis, Mann jess, Materialscientist, Nisarga1, A123a, Tarungulati83, Citation bot, Eumolpo, Irek Biernat, Neurolysis, ArthurBot,
Rbarton59, Nifky?, LilHelpa, Xqbot, Suddha, TinucherianBot II, The sock that should not be, Bihco, DKong27, Missmiscellanea, Nasnema,, Laryssaxo, Day000Walker, Anna Frodesiak, Yoga Mat, Almabot, Makeswell, CaiusNero, J04n, Abce2, Frosted14,
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Maluskarhrishikesh, Pun, Carmichael, Traintogain, AndyTheGrump, Hajjmaster1, Theismcontrib, Vivrekarnitin, Maxikopy, Taenzee, Lklusener, Jmahon12, ClueBot NG,, Wbmag129, Gareth Grith-Jones, Eternali2097, Grandpa jlc, Nobody60, This
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