Method Statement of Pipeline Works
Method Statement of Pipeline Works
Method Statement of Pipeline Works
Method Statement
Project Management
This project is Laying of Bulk Distribution System and Construction of Reservoirs
(Package-3) Contract No: KUKL//BDS-SRT/01/03.
This chapter describes the construction method of this BDS project including pre-construction survey
and setting out, working area clearance, general precaution before excavation, civil concrete works,
DI pipe, HDPE pipe and fittings transportation and storage, trench excavation dewatering and bedding
extra soil stock and disposal, pipeline laying, valve fittings service installation, backfill, water
pressure test, pipeline clean and disinfection, related sewer pipeline removal and re-installation
manhole and different chamber works in detail reinstatement, construction of reservoirs and undertake
different civil works.
The Contractors Works are expected, as a minimum, to comprise the following steps:
Survey of Existing Service Connections
Pipe works
o Installation of Di pipes from dia 1000 `mm to 500 mm.
o Bulk distribution system between branch reservoirs.
o Install bulk meters and valves at all needed cross connections in pipes.
Repair / rehabilitation or replacement of sewer pipes according to design.
o Extension of network to areas not adequately served.
Other works:
Construction of reservoirs at Balaju(Capacity of 7000 cum).
o Repair roads according to given requirements wherever needed.
o Repair other utility lines in case they are damaged during the work.
o Provide alternative sources of water for people while being disconnected from water
system during the implementation and hydrostatic testing.
1. Pre-Construction Surveys and Setting Out
We shall verify all measurements and be responsible for their correctness. Any differences which may
be found between actual measurements and the dimensions given in the Contract Documents shall be
submitted to the Engineer. Site bench marks shall be accurately and safely established, maintained and
removed upon completion of the Work, before the Work, or any part thereof, are commenced, shall
make a complete survey, and take levels, of the Site and agree on the dimensions and elevations upon
which setting out of the works shall be based. These levels shall be related to the bench marks and
shall be plotted and drawn up .After agreement of the drawings, these levels shall form the basis of
setting out of the Works.
2. Clearance of Work Areas and Protection of overhead underground and surround service
Prior to the start of any work, lay-out the right-of-way, working areas, clearing, and pavement cutting
to insure a proper recognition and protection of the adjacent properties.
Ensure that the general shape, profile, and levels of the area are not materially altered during clearing
and grubbing operations.
In order to avoid re-clearing or to control dust or erosion may have to clear and grub at the latest
practicable stage of construction. As technical requirement clearance including
The removal of all trees and bushes (complete with roots), other vegetation, rubbish, fences,
and all other material that may interfere with the construction of the Work.
The disposal of all material resulting from the clearing
The removal of all rocks and boulders of size up to 0.2 m 3 that are lying on the surface to be
1. Project camp
Provide adequate housing with all necessary amenities and facilities for his staff and labor. The type
of housing, as accommodation containers, pre-fabricated or in-situ buildings or even rental. During
the whole period of existence, from setting up through operation to final removal upon completion of
the Works, fully responsible for constantly carrying out all measures necessary for safeguarding the
natural environment affected by camp or camps.
Cause the least possible interference with existing amenities, whether man-made or natural. No trees
shall be felled.
Latrine and ablution facilities and first-aid services shall be provided in sufficient type and numbers to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.
On completion of the Works or as soon as the facilities provided by the Contractor are no longer
required, the Contractor shall remove such facilities and clear away all surface indications of their
presence. Each camp area shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Minimum pressure requirements
Pressure loggers will be installed within each BDS area that will continuously record the
pressure in the network. The location of loggers will be determined in consultation with
the Engineer. The pressure data will be collected and provided to Engineer for validation.
The pressure loggers will be et to record at time intervals of no more than 10 minutes
and the data will be downloaded at intervals of 7 days of less and the total duration of
the monitoring within each BDS will be 30 days, the analysis will be carried out at
intervals of 7, 14, and 30 days.
The pressure monitoring will be used to analyze the average pressure within each
BDS as well as pressure fluctuation during 24 hours. The pressure monitoring will be used
for the network function compliance along with the assessment of physical losses that
are defined either as 15% or less of the volume (flow monitoring) or an average of 100
liters per connection per day when the system is pressurized at 10m average (pressure
Maximum real loss requirements
Flow monitoring will be used for assessment of real losses and BDSwater balances. There
will be three methods conducted such as full BDS pressure test, night flow monitoring,
and water balance.
The real losses will be determined based on the recorded readings of the bulk flow
meters recording the flows in and out of the BDS, and the domestic consumption meters
installed at each house connection. The readings will be taken over the period of 30 days
and they will be verified by the Engineer.
Before the asphalt concrete works starts the base surface will be cleaned of dust with air compressor.
Where required wire brush will be used. Appropriate type of bitumen will be heated to required
temperature in the decanter machine, carried to the site in bitumen distributor kerosene added for cut
back in appropriate follow and bitumen sprayed at required rate for prime coat. Traffic movement will
not be allowed for minimum 24 hours of applying prime coat or as permitted by the site condition and
with the approval of the Engineer. Operation for asphalt concrete works will commence. Surface will
be cleaned with air compressor. Bitumen binder of appropriate grade (cut back bitumen binder, 80/100
bitumen and diesel or kerosene oil cutter) will be sprayed at specified rate with the help of bitumen
distributor.This will immediately follow by rolling through pneumatic road roller. Necessary passes of
road roller will be applied to achieve compaction.. Any excess material will be removed or deficiency
added and surface brought to required level with further rolling where required.
The heating temperature of bitumen and quantity of adhesive agent will be determined by trial with
approval of the Engineer.
After the main works are completed the Kerbstone works, sign boards, sign board posts etc. will be
fixed. On issue of taking over certificate equipment, surplus materials, rubbish and temporary work of
every kind shall be cleared and removed. The site will be left clean and in a workman like condition to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Forms for concrete shall be constructed of metal or timber suitably lines where required and be of a
substantial and rigid construction to shape and dimensions shown on the drawing. Where metal forms
are used bolts and rivets shall be countersunk and will grounded to provide smooth and plane surface.
Where timber is used it shall be seasoned. Forms shall be mortar tight and shall be made sufficiently
rigid by the use of ties and bracings to prevent any displacements or sagging between supports. It
shall be strong enough to with stand all pressures, ramming and vibration. Immediately before
concreting all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned.
Removal of the form-work will be affected as per specification. The period shall be suitable increased
in case of temperatures lower than specified and for any other conditions tending to delay the setting
of concrete.
Steel shall be clean and free from loose rust and loose will scale at the time of fixing in position and
subsequent concreting.
Reinforcement steel shall conform accurately to the dimensions given in the bar bending schedule
shown on relevant drawing.
Bars will be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions operated by hand or power to attain
Immediately after compaction concrete shall be protected against harmful effects or weather including
rain, running water and drying process. It will be covered with wet sacking, Hessian or other similar
material approved by the Engineer soon after the initial set and shall be kept continuously wet for a
period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement or as directed by the Engineer.
Immediately after removal of forms all fins caused by form joints, all cavities produced by the
removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions, honey comb sports, broken edges or corners
shall be thoroughly cleaned and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine
aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the grade of concrete.
Safety will receive due attention. Work force will be provided with helmet, gumboot, hand glove,
mask, and special dress appropriate with the nature of the work. Fire extinguisher and first aid
requirements will be available stand by.
For pedestrians and vehicular traffic, control will be achieved through traffic sign, flag man, road
barrier as required.
Local labors will be employed. Timetable will be fixed for local labour and overtime facilities will be
granted if necessary. Local labour will be used as much as possible.