GenderCommProposal Reyno
GenderCommProposal Reyno
GenderCommProposal Reyno
Bea Reyno
USC Councilor
102nd University Student Council
University of the Philippines Diliman
AY 2015-2016
It has been said that the University of the Philippines (UP) is a microcosm of Philippine
society. It is a melting-pot of the best and the brightest students from different social,
political, and cultural backgrounds. In a community as diverse as UP, the University
Student Council (USC) is primarily tasked to ensure that students rights are upheld and
are respected by all sectors inside the university. The USC must ensure that no student
suffers from discrimination regardless of her/his social, political, cultural background,
of her/his physical and mental disabilities, and her/his sexual orientation and gender
identity, among others.
The USC is then tasked to create a Gender Committee that is assigned to make UP a safe
space for women and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)
community, sectors that are usual subjects of discrimination inside and outside the
The USC being the prime student institution inside this microcosm is expected to lead
campaigns and services that will reverberate inside and outside Diliman, in the hopes of
influencing the larger community that we belong to.
Committee Structure
Policy Unit The creation of a unit tasked to study the implementing rules and
regulations (IRR) of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Code and Magna Carta of
Women for UP Diliman, look into the spending of the Gender and Development
Fund by the Gender Office, and make subsequent recommendations. This unit
shall also draft an Anti-Discrimination Declaration reflective of the newly-passed
Anti-Discrimination Ordinance of Quezon City.
Alliance of Gender Advocates (AGENDA) The USC shall be able to provide a
venue for gender advocates from all over the country to converge and converse on
the relevant issues surrounding the LGBT community. This assembly also aims to
launch an anti-discrimination and equality campaign.
Anti-Discrimination Youth Consortium The USC shall spearhead the formation
of a national alliance of youth advocates primarily tasked to lobby for the AntiDiscrimination Bill. This Alliance may also aid in passing local antidiscrimination policies inside their universities. This may be launched during the
University Freshie Month (UFM).
Anti-Sexual Harassment Campaign In coordination with the Office of AntiSexual Harassment, the USC shall organize an aggressive campaign against
sexual harassment inside the university. The USC shall invite representatives
from fraternities, sororities, varsities, organizations, and LGBT and womens
groups inside the university to help materialize this campaign.
UP PRIDE WEEK 2015 Convene LGBT organizations to synergize activities for
the UP Pride Week. Initial ideas: Flash-mobilization at the AS Lobby carrying the
banner of this years theme to kickstart the week. During this week, there will be
designated gender-less restrooms available. Other activities: a forum on hate
crimes, marriage equality, signature campaign for the ADB and recruitment for
ADB Youth Consortium, LGBT movement exhibit at the AS Lobby, participation
in the UP Pride March
International Womens Day Exhibit on feminism and the movement at the AS
Lobby. Series of talks on divorce, abortion, marriage equality, and the struggles
the women are still facing today.
Gender x Edres Inclusion of a gender lens in the Baliktaktakan series. For
example, gender dimensions in agrarian reform or labor migration.
Local Gender Committees Campaign for the institutionalization of gender
committees in local college councils.
Gender Platform of Presidentiables and Senatoriables Online Hub In line with
the partys proposed 2016 UP Presidential Debate, the USC shall craft an
interactive online platform where the Presidential and Senatorial candidates can
present and discuss their specific gender platforms.
SOGIE for Freshies During the UFM, the USC shall be able to dedicate at least a
half-day seminar on Gender Sensitivity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
and Expression and Sex Education for freshies.
Mobile Gender Talks The USC shall hold seminars and film showings in
dormitories, local colleges, and communities inside the campus at least twice a
month covering gender sensitivity, sexual orientation and sexual education.
#DemandRH 2015 marks the first year of the full implementation of the RH
Law. The USC shall spearhead a forum on its current situation by inviting
speakers from the civil society, Department of Health, and local government
units, and afterwards create an action plan for UP students who want to be
involved in this agenda.
#GettingToZero On December 1, the World AIDS Day, the USC shall organize a
forum with HIV patients and experts as speakers. This aims to humanize HIV
and go beyond the usual reporting of statistics. The USC shall also invite
personalities inside UP and invite them to get tested for HIV at a booth inside the
venue to aid in destigmatizing HIV-testing.
Peer Counseling The USC shall be able to dedicate at least half a day at the start
of each semester training members of organizations to become peer counselors,
in order to assist orgmates who are being confronted with confusion and
Gender Podcast A bi-monthly podcast tackling issues from feminism, hatecrimes, marriage equality to other gender-related issues. May be promulgated
through a Youtube/Soundcloud channel.
Gender Committee Mini-Website (As per the approval of the Mass Media
Committee) This website shall have the Gender Committee Calendar, where all
the scheduled campaigns and activities of the committee are posted. Also in the
website is the Gender Desk (patterned after the National Youth CommissionSTRAW Desk) where students can forward sexual-harassment and genderrelated grievances. There will also be a primer on feminism, the LGBT,
HIV/AIDS etc. An embed account shall also be posted in this website,
where students can freely ask questions on gender and sexuality.
HIV Testing and Adolescence Center The USC shall help in establishing a
University Adolescence Center, a center where students can get tested for HIV for
free, and are afforded with basic reproductive health services.
Proponents Credentials