Cellular Manufacturing Thesis
Cellular Manufacturing Thesis
Cellular Manufacturing Thesis
Chapter Page
4.0 Methodology 45 - 46
5.0 Results 47 - 50
7.0 Footnotes 55 - 57
8.0 Bibliography 58 - 59
1.0 Introduction
literature of the 1990’s. Hundreds of companies including such giants as Toyota and Dell
Computer as well as small manufacturing entities have successfully implemented this technique
and have realized dramatic improvements including; reduced inventories, higher quality, shorter
lead-times and greatly improved operating efficiencies. In a study, published by the National
Association of Manufactures, 1042 American Factories were surveyed and 56% of them were
Cellular Manufacturing is a manufacturing approach that challenges the traditional Job Shop
approach for organizing a factory. In the Traditional Job Shop, manufacturing is organized by
When a product is manufactured it is usually built in a large batch which is then routed through
each of the departments where it waits in line (queue) to be worked on before being moved to
This paper is intended to explain what Cellular Manufacturing is and to identify the potential
benefits and common pitfalls to avoid. A well documented case study of a Long Island based
manufacturer that has successfully undergone a transition from a traditional Job Shop to a
NY. and examine the trials, tribulations, and lessons learned by this struggling manufacturer of
Further, we will discuss the operational definitions for this company relative to Quality,
Customer Service, Material Management and Manufacturing Planning and Control. We will
analyze the key metrics used by EHC before, during and after implementation.
Finally, we will analyze the results of the implementation and discuss additional opportunities for
This topic was selected for a thesis for two reasons: First, because there is actually very little
The implementation approach that is detailed in the case study (section 3.0) has been
such as; team building, benchmarking, just in time (JIT) manufacturing, project management,
industrial engineering, total quality management (TQM), kanban, visual techniques, training and
change management.
Second, since I was directly involved in the implementation of these techniques, I have gained
valuable “first hand” knowledge and experience in the implementation process. Additionally, I
have witnessed many impressive results from companies who have undertaken the cellular
approach and feel an obligation to document this process and add to the overall body of
Cellular Manufacturing has become a very popular topic in manufacturing today. But, what is
Cellular Manufacturing and how does it differ from other traditional manufacturing methods?
What are the advantages and limitations of the various methods, and why are so many companies
which when used together, can provide a high level of synergy that can yield “breakthrough”
In this section and in the case study, which follows, we will look at each of these techniques and
Traditional approaches to manufacturing include the Process Flow and the Job Shop layouts. The
PROCESS FLOW approach may be thought of as the classic assembly line that typically
arranges workstations, machines and resources in a linear path. 4 This type of approach lends
itself well to repetitive manufacturing where the same product is made over and over again (such
as chemical processing). The lines are usually highly automated and therefore are very efficient. A
limitation of the Process Flow is that it is inflexible and cannot respond quickly to market shifts or
In a JOB SHOP approach, workstations, machines and resources are arranged according to the
function or process to be performed.5 This means that all holes are drilled in the Drilling
department, all machining is done in the Machining department and all assembly is done in the
Assembly department. This type of layout is extremely flexible and is ideal for manufacturers that
Produce one-of-a-kind, highly specialized, or a small variety of dissimilar products. One pitfall of
the Job Shop is that it is perceived to be efficient only when all equipment and machinery is highly
utilized. This philosophy breeds high Work-In-Process (WIP) Inventories, since large batches of
production materials are issued to workcenters to keep them humming along (high utilization).
Additionally, this large WIP inventory increases manufacturing lead-times, hides quality and
scheduling problems and frequently results in greater occurrences of rework and obsolescence.
in the case study, functioned as a job shop prior to converting to cellular manufacturing.
Both the Process Flow and Job Shop approach tend to be PROCESS FOCUSSED. That is, the
emphasis is placed on optimizing each individual manufacturing step being conducted and does
not consider the process as a whole. This sub-optimization is efficient for the individual process
but not necessarily for the whole process of the end product.
Figure A.
In the illustrations in Figure “A”, we can see the layouts for both the Process Flow and the Job
Shop. In both cases the product is processed along the path of departments A, B, C, D, & E. In
the Job Shop the product physically moves around the facility or facilities until each manufacturing
The product must wait in line called “queue” at each workcenter until it can be processed. This
queue time dramatically increases the total processing (lead-time) for the product. Studies have
time. 6
In the Process Flow environment queue time is minimized however the process is “tuned” to a
very small variety of products and flexibility is dramatically reduced. In both cases
(Job Shop and Process Flow) the environments are Processed Focused. Because of this,
performance measurements are tied to the efficiency of the process rather then the
quality and quantity of the product being produced. This is one key difference between these
a hybrid that combines the efficiency of the Process Flow with the Flexibility of the Job Shop. 7
A Cell approach arranges the factory into PRODUCT FOCUSED Manufacturing units called
cells. Each cell contains the required machines and resources necessary to build an entire product
or sub-assembly from start to finish. Unlike the Job Shop, product is built in cells using the one-
piece-flow concept.
The Job Shop and the Process (or continuous flow) environments are process focused.
What this means is that each individual process is optimized without consideration to what
happens as a whole. The Cell approach is product-focused, meaning that each cell is designed to
run a particular product or family of products. See Figure “B” for an illustration of a
Manufacturing Cell.
Input A B
Empowered Operators C
Output E D
Figure B.
One facet of the cell approach is that operators must be cross-trained to operate all the different
types of equipment contained in the cell. This is actually well received by the
Operators as it adds variety to the job and improves their skills which may lead to
higher earning capacity. Most importantly, it provides flexibility. Figure “C” lists the advantages
of Cross Training and Job Rotation as documented under the Toyota Production System. 8
1. An ability to quickly increase or decrease the numbers of workers in a shop to match an
increased or decreased demand.
2. Workers get less tired and are more attentive, leading to a reduction in factory accidents.
3. Working relationships between workers improve as feelings of work discrimination are
4. Senior workers get to teach their skills to the younger workers and valuable expertise is not
5. Since workers participate in all the processes of the shop, they feel a sense of ownership in
safety, quality, cost, and production.
6. The system creates an environment for examining the process and encourages suggestions for
improving the process.
Figure C.
In a Cell, Operators are given total responsibility for the product they produce and are
improvements. This means that quality and rework problems are seriously minimized since cell
operators can quickly detect nonconforming parts or materials and take immediate corrective
actions. The Cell Operator are given the authority to Stop Production if they determine that they
Limitations of Cellular Manufacturing - While the benefits of Cells can be dramatic - they are
better suited for some environments than for others. Cells are usually less flexible than Job Shops
because they do not have the same range of equipment. Additionally, the cell approach may
require increased investments due to the duplication of equipment (since several cells may require
The manufacturing approach to be selected should depend on the type of product being made,
the product mix, the process steps involved, requirements of the customer and the companies
Typically the best suited environments for conversion to cellular manufacturing are those that have
limited product variations / product families and an adequate volume to warrant the change. The
conversion to cellular may necessitate the duplication of some manufacturing resources (which will
be committed to cells). For example a continuous flow manufacturer such as an oil refinery would
extremely high volume. It is probably most efficient in its current configuration. However, a
manufacturer that produces power tools may support both the volume and variety considerations
and lend itself well to a cellular environment. This topic is graphically depicted in Figure “E”.
Many manufacturers are converting to a Cellular Manufacturing approach because they recognize
Manufacturing Cells are products oriented they tend to be more customer focused and responsive
to customer needs.
In a Cellular Manufacturing environment, the operators are cross-trained and learn each product
intimately. The advantage of this is that an operator in one area of the cell can
see how his or her activities can impact downstream activities. This usually generates
improvement ideas from the cell operators which in-turn drives greater efficiency and higher
Now, since the cell is product focused rather that process focused, it is the output of good
products that is the primary metric used to evaluate the success of cell -- not the efficiency or
Cells are measured on their ability to produce good products - this is a very tangible
measurement and easily grasped by the cell operators. Manufacturers that have implemented
Cellular Manufacturing have identified many benefits that have accrued to their organizations. A
recent survey identified this partial list of benefits shown in Figure “D”. 10
Figure D.
The benefits of Cell manufacturing can be further enhanced when a Kan Ban (pull) scheduling
The Cellular approach is not recommended as universal solution. The approach will be most
effective when matched to the environment that has the most to gain. One way of analyzing the
manufacturing approach is to determine the appropriate strategy for the firm. A simple tool to do
Job Shop
Figure E.
In Figure “E”, the first position represents the low-volume, high variety-manufacturing situation
call a Job Shop. The positions proceed down the diagonal to batch, line and then to the very
This volume / variety matrix can be used as a conceptual tool to determine which specific
process should be used for a given firm. Any process choice that is made which is inconsistent
with the position on the diagram will result in increased production costs. 13
Basically this diagram shows that high variety manufacturing is usually at the opposite end of the
scale from high volume manufacturing. Let’s take a closer look at each type of manufacturing
JOB SHOP – Also known as a functional layout because similar machines are grouped
together. Volumes are very low and variety is high. This is the most common type of
processes such as machining, drilling welding etc. At the low variety end of the spectrum typical
products would include specialized test equipment and other “one of a kind” type items.
As volume increases, the product is produced in “batches” which are sized using the Economic
Order Quantity (EOQ) formula, which suggests the appropriate batch size to use. This is based
on machine set-up time & cost along with the volume of the product to be run. 14 As volume
increases and the transition from Job Shop to Batch and line configuration occurs, so does the
amount of work in process and consequently so does lead-time. In fact, In a typical job shop,
80% of the time an order is in the factory it is not being worked on - it is waiting on line to be
processed. The elimination of batch production presents one of the best arguments for the
“batches” to economize the set-up costs that are associated with running the specific part.
While this may be an improvement over the job shop, it does generate a lot of extra inventory in
order to justify the amount of set-up time required to change from one product to another.
LINE – It is similar to batch but, with greater volume and less variety. It should be pointed out
that both batch and line configurations are designed to minimize the need for repeated set-ups
As new techniques for set up time reduction (such as SMED) are becoming more widely used
Continuous manufacturing represents a special case because most products never progress from
low volume / high variety to the very high volume / very limited variety configuration that
Of course there are many varying degrees of each of the above environments and it quite
possible for an entity to have more than one category co-existing under the same roof.
The greatest benefits of implementing Cellular Manufacturing are obtained when the product (or
product family) volumes are reasonably high and the variety is relatively
low. By this definition we can usually exclude the pure Job Shop and Continuos Flow
environments which function in the extreme ends of the volume variety matrix.
Typically, the greatest benefits for conversion to Cellular Manufacturing can be realized for
products that are in the range between Job Shop and Batch on the volume variety matrix.
Set-Up Time Reduction - This is a vital step in the implementation process because set-up
time must be reduced before lot sizes can be reduced. Going back in history, it was the concern
for the efficient use of machines that resulted in E.O.Q. and “Batch” manufacturing . It simply
did not make sense to set-up a machine that could have taken hours, only to run the machine for
minutes. Since machine set-ups took a considerable amount of time and because the process
was being measured on output and on machine utilization, the batch concept was born.
More recently methods for reducing set-up such as Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
have been introduced. These methods have dramatically reduced Set-Up times giving way to
the reduction of lot sizes and ultimately to the concept of One Piece Flow manufacturing. Set-
Up time can be broken into two components; first there is External set-up time which is the time
available to begin the set-up that does not interrupt production. Once a set-up is planned, all the
tools and fixtures needed to perform the set-up should be available at the machine before it is
shut down. Set-up time can typically be reduced by 50% or more just by focusing on the
external issues. Next there is Internal set-up time which is the time the machine must actually
be switched off to complete the set-up. Some of the techniques used to reduce Internal set-up
time include using “quick disconnect” type fittings, using hydraulic clamps instead of bolts and
standardizing the size of all the molds, dies and fixtures used. To reduce set-up times both
Internal and External times must be reduced. Both of these concepts will be discussed in
The One-Piece Flow concept is also part of the JIT philosophy. Under the one-piece flow
philosophy the lot size is reduced to one piece. For each piece beginning production, one piece
is completed. This approach can only be applied once set-up times have been reduced. The
benefit here is that inventory is minimized to exactly what the customer wants. In the JIT
philosophy excess inventory is considered waste and it should be avoided. While the goal is to
achieve a lot size of “one”, this rarely happens. The best approach is to reduce lot sizes down
to the smallest number of units that is practical. For example, a lot size that normally was 1000
may be reduced to 100, A lot size that normally was 10 may now be run at 1. A lot size of one
KanBan is a Japanese word which when translated means “card”. These cards are used as
developed by Toyota, limits production to exactly what is needed at the present time.
No product is built unless it is needed right away. In the Toyota Just-In-Time system the
The origination of Kanban is actually an interesting story. Kanban, like many of the glamorized
Japanese concepts, had its beginning in the United States. The father of kanban was Taiichi
Ohno - Vice President of manufacturing for Toyota. As the story goes, Taiichi was visiting the
U.S. and while walking through an American grocery store he received his inspiration when he
noticed how each product in a the store had a dedicated amount of shelf space. What he found
most useful was that a shelf was restocked only after a customer removed product from it. Mr.
Ohno felt this concept could serve a critical role in reducing manufacturing work-in-process
(WIP) and when he returned to Japan with this concept, Kanban was born. 17
3.0 Case Study – Electronic Hardware Corporation
The following is an actual Case Study of a local manufacturer, which implemented Cellular
Manufacturing and associated JIT techniques. The Case Study is presented as twelve-step
process that began in 1993 and is credited for turning this company around.
components consisting primarily of control knobs for the aerospace, industrial and consumer
EHC is a mature, thirty-four year old privately owned company employing approximately ninety
people in a union environment. The company was founded in 1962 as a supplier to the growing
defense industry and continued to grow until the mid. 1980’s. When defense spending
decreased by the early 1990’s the company was struggling for survival.
Cash flow was poor and accounts payables were stretched beyond one hundred days.
Suppliers were beginning to refuse to ship raw materials. The situation was bleak and time was
running out.
One —Assemble the team. The Project Team should consist of those individuals who will be
Teams consisting of five to eight people are usually appropriate to achieve the proper group
dynamics.18 In this case the primary team consisted of seven people; President, Director of
Manufacturing, Engineering Manager, Quality Manager, Two Manufacturing Managers and the
from upper management and everyone on the project team. It is a radical re-thinking of
how the company conducts business and the teams will encounter many obstacles including;
training and cross training of employees, supervisors and (most importantly) managers. Existing
paradigms must be dispelled as individuals (and teams) learn to “think outside the box”.
In this case the transition to Cellular Manufacturing was the top priority—it had to be. The team
believed that this approach would dramatically improve efficiency and lower manufacturing
the team held monthly status meetings on Saturdays. None of the team members had any prior
experience in this area so self-education became the first order of business. The team allocated
the first thirty minutes of each meeting to self-training. This included a group study of videotapes,
books and articles that were available on the subject and received periodic mentoring from a
local consultant.
Secondary teams were commissioned as needed to examine and reengineer processes such as
order entry, factory layout, flowcard design, and to implement new initiatives such as Kanban
The organization had little or no budget to finance this undertaking, so the cell team had to be
very creative. Improvising became a way of life in order to provide the resources necessary to
proceed. Existing machines and tooling were cleverly reconfigured to operate in the new
benchmarking is relatively new as a competitive tool for business. In the early 80’s Xerox and a
few other large organizations began to study performance gaps between themselves and their
Today, benchmarking has become a common technique for all types of businesses. In the
manufacturing industry we typically compare our organization with those of our competitors.
service) rather then strictly by competition. Using this approach companies who are “best in
Typically key process measurables such as delivery performance, quality, lead-time, and
inventory turns are compared to the same measurables of other successful organizations.
Naturally, it is necessary to know your organization’s key metrics or measurables before you
can benchmark against other organizations looking for the “best in class”.
At EHC it was necessary to put systems in place to record many of the key metrics such as
quite obvious that if there were a “worst in class” category EHC would have qualified for it.
One very useful approach to use during the Benchmarking phase is to actually visit successful
companies and see what makes them different from your own company. Although this is not
always easy (in fact it can be quite difficult to visit a competitor) it can generally be arranged if
the right contacts are established and the reason for the visit is understood.
At EHC it was we found useful to participate in professional societies such as The American
Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), The Society of Manufacturing Engineers
(SME) and the American Society for Quality (ASQ). These societies often conduct plant tours
at successful companies.
EHC managers attended as many of these facility tours as possible. Some of the companies
visited included; Davis Optical in Hauppauge - which had received the New York State
Governors Excelsior Award, AIL Systems in Commack - also an Excelsior Award winner,
Astoria, Ademco in Syosset, Entenmanns in Bayshore and Harley Davidson in York PA - just
to mention a few.
An additional source of information are manufacturing symposiums which offer excellent
opportunities to hear success stories from other companies -- there is nothing wrong with
Three—Analysis. The next step in getting to know your business is a sales / production
analysis. Since many companies produce diverse product lines it is necessary to determine
which products will produce the greatest economic benefit if incorporated into a focused
factory. Typically, these are products that are produced in a repetitive or continuous flow
The analysis is used to determine which manufacturing processes the products have in common.
Products are sorted into “family groups” by common characteristics such as the Manufacturing
Routings and Bills of Materials.20 This step is fairly easy if the company uses intelligent part
Once Product Family Groups have been identified, the Pareto technique can be used to target
the product families that will provide the “biggest bang for the buck”. That is, the products that
run at the highest volume, have the most processes and components in common, and generally
The analysis of a companies products (see Figure “F”) can reveal significant links between
many products which were considered otherwise discrete. In this case, the sales analysis
revealed that sixty percent (sales value) of the products produced had very similar attributes. A
common denominator between these products (knobs) was they used a similar component
Therefore, all knobs with bushings were now considered to be part of the same family—the
bushing family. Because of high volume in both sales and units produced, the team agreed to
pursue the bushing product family for the first project since it offered the greatest economical
Buy &Finish
Buy & Sell
AP / 0 6 9%
14% Bushings
CELLS 1-7 56%
Test Jacks CELLS 1-7
Mech. Assy.
11% Backlighted
Figure F.
Four—The bushing family group shared many of the same processes and therefore
used similar types of equipment. Even though products in the family group were comparable,
they were not identical, so additional processes and equipment needed to be considered for the
manufacturing cells. The most desirable approach to cellular manufacturing is to build the entire
approach should be to assemble a series of cells each building a logical sub-assembly and
Because the entire product (plastic knob assemblies) could be built in the same cell, Electronic
I. Determine what equipment (common and unique) will be necessary to accommodate the
product family. To accomplish this a simple process matrix is developed. The matrix is used to
match each process to the equipment required to perform the process. By using the matrix,
common and unique equipment can be identified for each product to be run in the cell.
Next we determine how many cells will be required (or can be built with the existing
equipment) to manufacture the entire family group. To do this two things are needed;
II. Capacity Analysis. At EHC a detailed time study of each process used by the bushing
family group was performed. In this case between 6 and 10 operations were required to
manufacture a knob. Since a cell is intended to function as a continuous flow process, the
slowest operation (constraint) will determine the throughput of the cell (a troop cannot
(rough-cut) of a cell. With the approximate capacity established, the number of cells required
III. Equipment Inventory. Once the equipment has been identified an inventory must be taken
to determine which assets are available for the cell(s). EHC had no formal asset inventory, so
the company took this opportunity to photograph each piece of equipment and affix a numbered
inventory tag to it. A specification sheet was completed for each item inventoried to identify
attributes such as physical size, power, water, and air requirements, as well as the general
condition of the equipment. The photograph was attached to the specification sheet and filed in
a three-ring binder. This information proved to be indispensable during the cell design and
layout stages. If equipment needs to be purchased, (and some may) this is a good time to
In this case, we calculated that seven cells would be required to meet the demand for the
bushing product. Each cell would be staffed with two operators. All seven cells were designed
to carry out all the manufacturing steps necessary to build a complete product. In this case, from
a molded plastic shell to a completed knob which is packed and ready for immediate shipment
to the customer.
understood and carefully managed. The first step is to actually “map” the existing process flow.
This is accomplished by identifying all of the activities involved and sequences in the
manufacturing process. This information is graphically displayed on a flow chart. It is crucial that
all activities be completely understood prior to changing them. This will insure that no process
step of the process must be carefully defined. There are a number of project management tools
The most common program management techniques are the Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT), the Critical Path Method (CPM) and Gantt Charting.
There are a number of companies that sell PC based software to support project management.
The decision to use these packages will depend on how closely a project needs to be tracked
and the level of detail required for management. At Electronic Hardware, the requirement was
to simply identify what needed to be done, who would do it and when it was required.
At EHC it was determined that the PERT and CPM methods were “overkill” for our purposes.
We simply defined the critical action steps (called milestones) planned completion dates, and the
individuals who would be responsible. All this information was entered on a Gantt chart that was
reviewed at the weekly cell meetings.24 Once the members of the team understood how this
technique worked, schedule compliance became a team effort and variance were kept to a
Six—The Prototype. At EHC a Prototype cell was designed and assembled for use as
a “test bed” to prove out the cell concept and to expose any potential problems which could
not be anticipated. The cell was arranged in a “C” configuration that would support two
operators, one working from the inside and another working on the outside.
The throughput and the quality of the knobs produced on the prototype cell exceeded
the expectations of the cell team and met with high marks by the cell operators and the
The “C” configuration is used to minimize the distance traveled between operations and
eliminate the “waste” of unnecessary movement.25 Once the prototype cell was in operation the
team was able to obtain valuable feedback from the operators. Cell operators offered numerous
suggestions for improving the process and the ergonomic factors affecting cell performance.
Many of these suggestions were incorporated into the design of the remaining six cells.
Figure G.
Seven—Plant Layout. To accommodate the Cells and KanBan staging areas, much of
the facility had to be rearranged. At EHC we constructed a mock layout and entered it into
Auto Cad. Using the software we were able to move entire departments around to come up
with the best layout. The actual physical moves were conducted after hours and on weekends
manufacturing process improvement program. As each of the cells came on line the team
realized that changes to the existing tooling fixtures and molds were necessary to achieve rapid
tool changes.
Fast tool changes were important because our intention was to make the cells flexible and
replace large batch production with small lot production driven by Kanban. The initial Set-Up
time was nearly one hour it has been continuously reduced to approximately twelve minutes.
Figure H.
Nine —Total Quality Management. TQM is the common thread and driving force of
the continuing improvement process used to develop the Cellular Manufacturing environment.
At EHC numerous cross-functional process improvement teams were formed and each took on
a specific mission. The materials team identified newer and less expensive plastics, the order
entry team found ways of reducing the “front end” cycle time and our KanBan team identified
which components were best suited for KanBan and trained the operators how the system
Each team made significant contributions to the goals of cellular manufacturing and the progress
of these teams was tracked and shared at regularly scheduled team presentations - as well as
posted on the team bulletin board for all the company to see.
The defect prevention team established modified Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques
Each cell was supplied a kit containing all necessary quality tools such as Calipers, Go / No-Go
gauges, Thread gauges and Depth gauges. Operators were trained how to use these tools and
most importantly, they were empowered to STOP PRODUCTION if a process went out of
This was difficult at first, because the previous philosophy was NEVER STOP
PRODUCTION! The transition from “command and control” to employee empowerment was
very interesting and could easily become a case study onto itself.
The transition required both the direct labor employee and the manufacturing
management team to change behaviors. Initially, we believed the direct labor operators were
afraid to assert themselves but in several cases we determined that it was actually the supervisor
that was at fault. For example, if a defect was identified the operator was expected to switch
on the warning light and stop production. When this did not happen on several cases, it was
learned that it was the direct supervisor who was at fault - not the operator.
The supervisors did not like the negative publicity of having a line (under their control) stop -
they felt it would hurt their numbers and make them look bad. This issue was
corrected by providing additional training for factory supervisors and operators. In a few cases
Ten—Kanban. Kanban is a Japanese word that literally means card. In the Toyota
production system this “Card” is used to initiate the “PULL SYSTEM” for manufacturing
scheduling. Kanban / Pull Systems are used as a scheduling technique and to eliminate the
The system is used to supply the cells with component parts as needed to manufacture
end items. These component parts include; molded plastic shells produced in house, as well as
How the system works—EHC uses a three bin Kanban system; Two bins are located at the
point of use, and one bin is located at the supplier (internal or external). The Kanban system
uses yellow colored bins which have sample parts attached to them for positive recognition by
the operators. See Figure “I” for the Six Rules of Kanban. 26
Figure I.
Internally supplied parts—As soon as a bin is emptied (each bin contains enough parts for
one shift) it is returned to the internal supplier and a reserve bin is taken and returned to the
point of use. The empty bin signals the supplier to make new parts and once the bin has been
filled the supplier stops production of this item (no waste). The supplier has twenty-four hours to
complete the transaction. The second bin at the point of use is extra—it is kept as emergency
was started and agreed to support the JIT / Kanban system. When a bin containing a purchased
part is emptied, it is brought to the Receiving Department. Next, the operator faxes a Kanban
request form to the supplier. The supplier immediately ships replacement parts to EHC using a
next day delivery service. Once the replacement parts arrive, they are placed into the empty bin
and returned to the point of use. The operator who ordered the parts will now inspect them and
put them into the Kanban system. Note: The operator performs the scheduling,
Eleven—The Visual Factory. At EHC the seven new cells manufactured products
accounting for approximately sixty percent (60%) of the total dollars shipped. Because of the
financial impact, downtime and missed schedules could create very serious problem. At the start
of the program measuring cell downtime and throughput was difficult because of the lack of
systems and timely information. Because the existing computer system was “State of The
Ark” (not “State of the Art”) technology, it took a minimum of twenty-four hours to get
necessary to develop a system which would provide real time feedback so that immediate
corrective action could be taken. This problem was solved by implementing a visual system
that utilized inexpensive devices such as warning lights, color coded bins
and dry erase boards. These “visual aids” were used to track schedules and highlight
production problems -- they took the “guess work” out of planning and scheduling.
Warning Lights—A red warning light was mounted above each cell to be used to indicate if
the cell was experiencing a quality problem, production problem or delay (including repairs or
machine set-ups). The cell operators were empowered to stop production if the process
generated defects. The warning light provides instant feedback to the manufacturing and quality
manager and supervisors who take immediate action to resolve any problems.
Schedule Boards —To provide “real time” information on the throughput performance of each
cell, inexpensive Dry-Erase boards were mounted on the cells. These boards are used to
display the hourly performance of each cell. Schedules are set based on the Reasonable
The schedule is cumulative over the entire eight-hour shift and the operators enter their actual
production for each two-hour time segment. If a cell is on or ahead of schedule, the operators
enter the production number using a GREEN marker. If the schedule is not achieved the
All cells and schedule boards face the same direction so factory managers and floor supervisors
can obtain a “status at a glance” and offer help if needed. The schedule boards worked so well
in the cells that this concept was extended to many of the other non-cell operations such as;
sales bookings, shipments etc. The results have been excellent - the employees know what is
Colored Bins - Prior to the cell project, various size and color bins were used to contain the
WIP. This was very confusing and unproductive. Work in Process (especially rework) was lost
for weeks at a time! The team instituted a new system which; a) standardized the size of the bins
used and b) established a color code for the bins. A three-color system was adopted: Yellow /
Blue / Red. YELLOW bins are designated for Kanban use only BLUE bins are used only for
mix of work on the EHC factory floor can now be assessed and rework can no longer hide!
In addition to KanBan bins, we found it helpful to color code all sorts of things including factory
paperwork -- to identify special types of jobs such as; engineering tests or customer samples. It
is amazing how much you can improve the focus on something by color coding it!
Twelve - Training. Training must begin at the start of the project and never stop!
Within six months all seven cells at EHC had been placed into operation. Training became a
major focus for the cell team. Operators who previously had only one simple task (such as
working a Drill Press) were now responsible for several operations (such as Drilling + Taping +
Reaming + SPC). To complicate matters, most of the operators spoke little or no English.
An English as a Second Language (ESL) training program was instituted—and continues today.
The employees were educated on JIT, Kanban and Statistical Process Control, Telephone
enterprise. This paper introduces Cellular Manufacturing, Kanban scheduling and Visual
As discussed, a cellular manufacturing can provide many benefits including; reduced inventories
and cycle times, improved quality and operational efficiencies, better cash flow, greater
This paper examines how one struggling small manufacturer with limited resources, revitalized its
The paper is organized to provide the reader with a fundamental understanding of the techniques
utilized in Cellular Manufacturing. The case study is written to provide clear examples how
these techniques can be implemented, their expected benefits and any potential pitfalls, which
can be avoided.
Since this is an area of study that is relatively new, some of the materials utilized and referenced
are obtained from periodicals such as Journals, Conference Proceedings, and the Internet. In
addition, many of the ideas presented come from direct observations and “hands on”
The company used in the case study, Electronic Hardware Corporation is the author’s former
employer where he held the positions of Director of Manufacturing (1993- 1997) and Vice
Professional Credentials - The author is recognized by the American Production and Inventory
Control Society (APICS) and is certified at the Fellow Level (CFPIM). The distinction of
being a Certified Fellow in Production and Inventory Management is achieved by less than 2%
of the societies 70,000 members worldwide. In addition, the author is past president and
member of the board of directors of the Long Island Chapter of APICS and has served as an
the Electronic Hardware Corporation. Here are some of the measurable benefits accrued to
Work In Process inventory (WIP) - is the actual work on the manufacturing floor. This
inventory was reduced by 55% as a result of the elimination of “batch “ production and the
Manufacturing lead-time - Because there is a direct relationship between the amount of WIP
in the manufacturing process and the manufacturing lead-time, the reduction of WIP caused a
(the time a job must wait in line at a work center before it can be worked on). Once the queue
time was eliminated, jobs could be run in the factory in 1/5 of the time they formerly took - and
80% improvement.
at the beginning of the project - when it was first measured and recorded.
Following implementation this number began to rapidly improve and has continued to the
Customer returns - One definition of quality that I like is “shipping a product that does not
come back to a customer who does”. Clearly the use of customer returns is a key measurable.
In 1993, roughly 4% of the orders shipped by EHC were returned for various quality problems,
This number has been reduced to less than 1% in 1999. The goal is
Efficiency - Is a key measurable for a manufacturing entity. The higher the efficiency, the
lower the cost of manufacturing. In terms of measuring efficiency at EHC, the factory
per direct labor employee per hour. One month following implementation this same
rate exploded to 60 units per hour. That is one unit per minute! This was a whopping 55%
improvement. This rate has fluctuated between 58 and 70 pieces per hour depending on the
Increased Sales - In the year following the implementation sales increased by nearly 36%
as customers realized that they were now receiving higher quality products when they wanted
This increase has been difficult to maintain, as control knobs are part of a shrinking market i.e.
the world is now using digital products and knobs are used with analog devices.
The company has been diversifying its product mix and applying cellular manufacturing
techniques for all new products developed. Additionally, EHC has recently won a major
Cash Flow - As the purchasing philosophy was changed to buy only what was needed and only
when it was needed cash outflow was reduced. And since lead-times were 80% lower, raw
materials were rapidly converted into salable product. This resulted in a positive cash flow and
EHC was able to turn a profit starting with the first year of implementation and has continued to
These profits have been used to pay off creditors, reinvest in the business and are shared with
the employees in the form of a bonus. Additionally, the profits have been used to invest in other
ranging from the direct labor employee who was cross - trained and learned
new skills to the top level managers who received a renewed since of pride, achievement
At the beginning of this process morale was at an all time low. For three years prior to
implementation, layoffs and “right sizing” had been management’s answer to offsetting the ever
in pay. Finally, rather than another layoff, EHC and the collective bargaining unit (union) agreed
Once company management began to realize the benefits (PROFIT!) of the cellular
manufacturing process, EHC was able to stabilize the workforce. Next, the normal
40-hour week was reinstated. At contract negotiations, the company was finally able to provide
needed to begin hiring more employees to keep up with the work that came poring in from
happy customers.
While there were no statistical tools used to measure employee morale, it was clear from the
smiles on the operators and managers faces that they were happier than they had been in years.
It was not just the job stability and the wage increase, it was the pride of being part of a
company that had reinvented itself and empowered its people to use all their talents.
The improvements were so dramatic that other companies began to notice – by 1995 EHC had
become the company that others would benchmark against. In 1996 Electronic Hardware was
6.0 Discussion
Visual Factory techniques has had an astonishing impact on the Electronic Hardware
Corporation. Listed in Figure “J” below are some of the measurable benefits accrued to EHC
Figure J.
The most important benefit was the positive cash flow that was reinvested and used to pay
down creditors. In 1994 EHC showed a profit for the first time since 1987, and in
1995 EHC had one of its best years ever - since being founded in 1962! In 1996 EHC was
awarded the APICS Small Business of The Year by the local APICS chapter.
6.2 What’ Next
In 1999 Electronic Hardware Corporation carefully positioned itself for the new millennium. To
do this the company had identified three major goals – each of paramount importance.
1. The company would attempt to go public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO)
2. The company would compete on a major government contract that would either place it as
the sole source for knobs and mechanical components stocked in the government supply
system or loose this bid and 50 % of its business to a competitor
3. The implementation of a new Macola integrated computer system that would automate
many of the manual Accounting, Purchasing and Inventory Control activities. Additionally
this system would be necessary to make EHC Y2K compatible.
By December of 1999, EHC had achieved each of the major undertakings described
Electronic Hardware Corporation was able to achieve these difficult goals because it had made
a commitment to continuously improve its processes, procedures and people since the beginning
of the Cellular manufacturing initiative in 1993.
6.3 Conclusion
Over the past six years Electronic Hardware Corporation has undergone many changes
manufacturing such as plastics, has continued to grow - especially from the Pacific Rim
countries. In a candid discussion with the owners of EHC, it was acknowledged that the
company would not have survived the new millennium if it had not pursued its 1994 strategic
Like many companies that have attempted to implement new manufacturing philosophies, EHC
rearranging a facility without loosing any production time, we were blind sighted
by others.
One of the most challenging obstacles was resistance to change. Oddly enough this resistance
was more common amongst the supervisory level than the rank and file employees. When you
manufacturing (cells consisting of dissimilar equipment) its becomes easier to understand the
supervisors concerns.
For example, EHC encountered a highly resistant supervisor in the drilling department. This
individual was slow to respond to requests from the cell team and had become very cynical
about the project -- he basically looked to derail it whenever he had the opportunity. Once it
was learned that this individual (who was very competent and had run the drilling department for
many years) was concerned about loosing his job, the approach became obvious -- training and
education. As the resistant employee learned more about the process and how he could use his
skills to improve the cells, he actually became a strong advocate for the cause and helped
In conclusion, the journey from a job shop to cellular manufacturing environment is not an easy
road but the rewards are well worth the efforts. While EHC never developed a formal list of
do’s and don’ts for implementing manufacturing cells, the following list of critical success factors
from Black & Decker Corporation is an excellent guide for any company considering a radical
7.0 Footnotes
“The Celling out of America.” The Economist, 17 Dec. 1994, p. 63.
Queue is defined as “A waiting line. In manufacturing, the job at a given work center
waiting to be processed. See American Production and Inventory Control Society, APICS
Dictionary 9th ed. (Falls Church: APICS – The Educational Society of Resource Management,
1998), p. 79.
Lee R .Nyman, ed. Making Manufacturing Cells Work. (Dearborn: Society of
Manufacturing Engineers, 1992) , p. 73.
Job Shop is defined as “An organization in which similar equipment is organized by
function”. See APICS Dictionary 9th ed. P. 47.
Blair R. Williams, Manufacturing for Survival. (Reading: Addision-Wesley, 199+6),
p. 217.
Wantuck, p. 147.
Williams, p. 341
Empowerment is defined as “A condition whereby employees have the authority to
make decisions and take action in their work areas without prior approval. See APICS
Dictionary 9th ed. P. 30.
.Nyman, P. 32.
Kanban is defined as “ A method of Just-in-Time production that uses standard
containers or lot sizes with a single card attached to each. It is a pull system in which work
centers signal with a card that they wish to withdraw parts from feeding operations or suppliers”
See APICS Dictionary 9th ed. P. 48.
Waren M.H Graeme, and Colin L. Moodie, Cellular Manufacturing. (Purdue
University: Technical Assistance Program, 1993), p 3-4
APICS. CPIM Certification Review Course: Systems and Technologies. (Falls
Church: APICS – The Educational Society of Resource Management, 1995), p. 1-14.
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is defined as a type of fixed order-quantity model
that determines the amount of an item to be purchased or manufactured at one time. APICS
Dictionary 9th ed. (Falls Church: APICS – The Educational Society of Resource Management,
1998), p. 29.
SMED is an abbreviation for Single Minute Exchange of Die. This is a JIT technique
used to minimize Set-Up times.
Wantuck, p. 24-25.
“Simulating Kanban Systems in the Appliance Industry” Mabrouk, Khaled M.
Appliance Engineer, Feb. 1996,p. 88-92.
Michael Jaycox, , “Team Work: How to Get Nonbelievers to
Participate in Teams”. Quality Progress, (March 1996) p. 45-49.
Gregory H. Watson, The Benchmarking Workbook. (Cambridge: Productivity
Press, 1992), p. 8 - 9.
Nyman, P. 76.
Pareto’s law is defined as “ A concept developed by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian
economist, that states that a small percentage of a group accounts for the largest fraction of the
impact, value, etc. See APICS Dictionary 9th ed. P. 66.
Nyman, P. 74.
Goldratt, Eliyahu M., The Goal. (Great Barrington: North River Press, 1992),
p. 115
Gantt chart is “The earliest and best-known type of planning and control chart,
especially designed to show graphically the relationship between planned performance and
actual performance over time”. See APICS Dictionary 9th ed. P. 39.
Wantuck, p. 145.
Japan Management Association, Kanban: Just-In-Time at Toyota. (Cambridge:
Productivity Press, 1989), p 88.
Subrata Das, “How to make cells stick from a cultural point of view”.
Institute for International Research, The 9th Annual Work Cells Symposium;.
Scottsdale, AZ. February 22, 1999.
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