Special Purpose Diodes
Special Purpose Diodes
Special Purpose Diodes
Zener Diode
A silicon pn juntion device
Desing to operate in reverse breakdown region.
act as voltage regulator
Temperature coefficient
It specifies the percentage change in zever voltage for
Derating power
The derating power is expressed in mW/C.
P(derated)=P(max) (mW/C)T
tuning diodes.
depletion region.
Basic operation
Capacitance is determined by the parameters of plate area
(A),dielectric constant
As reverse bias voltage inceases depletion region
widens,effectively increasing the plate seperation thus
decreasing capacitance.when reverse biased voltage
decreases the depletion region narrows thus inreasing
Optical Diode
There are three types ..
Quantum Dots
It stands for light emitting diode.
Basic operation.
When the device is forward-biased, electrons cross the
pn junction from the n-type material and recombine
with holes in the p-type material. Recall from Chapter
1 that these free electrons are in the conduction band
and at a higher energy than the holes in the valence
band. The difference in energy between the electrons
and the holes corresponds to the energy of visible
LED biasing
The forward voltage across an LED is considerably
1.SEVEN segment display
Standard LEDs are used in indicator lamps and
One common application of an infrared LED is in
Industrial application
LED is used in an industrial application.like it is used
Traffic lights
LEDs are quickly replacing the traditional bulbs in
traffic lights
Arrays of tiny LEDs form the red,green and yellow
Array of LED has three advantages brighter
light,longer life time and less energy consumption
LEDs in array are connected either in parallal or in
Quantum Dots
Quantum dots are form of nanocrystals made from
The photodiode is a device that operates in reverse
The photodiode has small transparent window that
allow the light to strike the pn junction.
Basic operation
When reverse biased a diode has very small leakage
current.the same is true for photodiode
The reverse current is produced by thermally
generated electron hole pair in depletion region
Which are swept through the pn junction by the
LASER diode
The term LASER stands for light amplification by
Schottky diode
These are high current diodes used primerly in high