Water Tube Boiler
Water Tube Boiler
Water Tube Boiler
design allows the use of lower quality feed. It is easy to clean and easy to maintian
and replace tubes. Disadvantages are the large number of handhole doors and the
extensive brickwork. The drum is all welded and the casing bolted
Steam drum
In the early designs the drums were riveted or solid forged from a single ingot, but
for modern boilers the drum is generally fabricated from steel plate of differing
thicknesses and welded. The materials used are governed by classification society
rules. Test pieces must be provided.
The cylindrical drum is normally constructed from four plates. Two dished
End plates, a thick wall tube plate ( thicker to accommodate the holes drilled in it
without increased stress) and completed with a thinner wrapper plate.
Construction takes the form of rigidly clamping the descaled, bent
wrapper and tube plates together. In addition test pieces cut from the original
material are attached to the construction in such away that the longitudinal weld
extends either sided of the join. These pieces are later removed and shaped test
shapes cut out from specified areas including across the weld.
The longitudinal weld is critical ( taking twice the circumferential stress)
and is normally carried out by specialised automatic machinery using submerged arc
The dished end pieces are accurately aligned and welded.
On completion the construction is cleaned and non-destructive testingsuch as x-ray photography, carried out. Final machining is carried out and any stub
pieces and doublers attached. The now complete drum is heat treated at 600 to
The final process is hydraulic testing to classification requirements.
Natural circulation within a boiler is due to the differing specific gravities of the water
at the differing temperatures, the steam drum provides a reservoir of cool water to
give the gravitational head necessary for natural circulation. Cool water entering the
steam drum via the feed lines provides the motive effect for the circulation
distributing it to the downcomers.
Also the space within the drum provides for the separation of the steam
and water emulsions formed in the water walls and the generating tubes. Water
droplets entrained with the separated steam are removed by separating components
fitted in the drum as well as the perforated baffle plates fitted at the water line.
The space above the water line provides for a reserve steam space
needed to maintain plant stability during manoeuvring conditions.
Also fitted are the chemical injection distributing pipe and the scuming
The smaller the drum is made, the less thickness of material that is
required. However, the limitation to how small is that sufficient space must be
allowed for the separation of water from the steam before passing out to the
superheater space otherwise dryers must be used. Also, due to the smaller reserve
of water, larger fluctuations in water level occur during manoeuvring.
Water drum
Distributes feed water from the downcomers to the headers and generating tubes.
Provides a space for accumulating precipitates and allows them to be blown down.
Water drum size is limited to that required to receive the generating
tubes, for modern radiant heat boilers with only a single bank of screen tubes and no
generating tubes between the drums, the water drum has been replaced by a header
and the downcomers fed straight to the waterwall headers. With system blow down
is done at the steam drum. Too small a water drum can cause problems of
maintaining ideal water level and little steam reserve
These have a similar purpose to the water drum but are smaller in size. Due to their
reduced size they may have a square cross section without resorting to exceptional
thickness. .
Generating tubes
Consists of a large number of small diameter tubes in the gas flow, more commonly
found in boilers of an older design
For roof fired boilers the generating bank may consist of one or two rows
of close pitched tubes. For a modern radiant heat boiler the generating bank has
been omitted to allow the replacement of the water drum by a distribution header, a
bare tube economiser is fitted generating 5% of the steam capacity. The generation
bank is normally heated by convection rather than radiant heat.
For a set water circulation the tube diameter is limited to a minimum as
the ratio of steam to water can increase to a point where the possibility of
overheating could occur due to the lower heat capacity of the steam.
The number of tubes is limited to prevent undercooling of the gas flow
leading to dew point corrosion
Screen tubes
These are larger bore tubes receiving the radiant heat of the flame and the
convective heat of the hot gasses. The large diameter keeps the steam/water ratio
down hence preventing overheating. There main duty is to protect the superheater
from the direct radiant heat. On a modern marine radiant heat boiler the screen wall
is formed out of a membrane wall
Waterwall tubes
Contains the heat of the heat of the furnace so reducing the refractory and insulation
Comes in three designs
water cooled with refractory covered studded tubes
Close pitched exposed tubes
Membrane Wall
These are large diameter unheated i.e. external to the furnace, their purpose is to
feed water from the steam drum to the water drum and bottom headers.
Riser/Return tubes
These return steam from the top water wall headers to the steam drum.
Superheater tubes
These are small diameter tubes in the gas flow after the screen tubes. Due to the low
specific heat capacity of the saturated steam they require protection from
overheating in low steam flow conditions, say when flashing.
These are large diameter tubes designed to support part of the weight of the
superheater bank of tubes.
Material requirements
Tube temperatures for the water cooled sections is considered to be saturation
temperature plus 15oC. Solid drawn mild steel is generally used.
Tube temperatures for convection superheater sections is considered to
be final superheat temperatures plus 30 oC. For Radiant heat a higher temperature is
For Superheater tubes operating above 455 oC a Chrome Molybdenum
alloyed steel is required.
Advantages of membrane/monowalls
These were originally introduced in land power stations after experience had been
gained in making the lower parts of the furnace sufficiently tight to hold liquid ash.
This was achieved by welding steel strips between the floor tubes. Further
development resulted in completely gas tight furnace wall panels being constructed
by welding together either finned tubes or normal plane tubes with steel strips in
between and welded. In both methods he longitudinal welds are done by automatic
processes and panels of the required size are built up in the factory ready for
installation into the boiler in one piece.
Entire walls may be prefabricated
Maintenance costs, particularly of insulation are lower
Lower quality fuels may be used due to the much reduced amount of insulation reducing
problems of slagging
Simplified water washing procedures
Due to gas tight seal there is no corrosion of outer casing.
A disadvantage would be that tube replacement following failure is more
difficult. Also, the possibility of entire walls parting from the drum can occur during a
furnace explosion.
Increased efficiency due to the longer length allowed for the flame giving
more time for complete combustion. This also allows more heat to be
released as radiant rather than convective cutting down the required
number of screen wall generating tubes
The longer period allowed for complete combustion means that less excess
air is required, this has the knock on effect of lowering the Dew Point of the
flue gasses.
Equal length flames
Better gas flow
For roof fired the effect of each flame is the same, foir side firing it differs.
To keep within the design limitations the boiler must be operated to the
highest effect flame with the other two operating at reduced effect
Hot gasses acting on the thick section tube plate set up a temperature gradient
leading to creep, plastic flow to relief thermal stress and high tensile stress on the
surface at cool down. In addition grain growth leads to the metal becoming brittle
A more severe form may lead to distortion of the entire drum in two
possible directions. The thick section tube plate is exposed to the heat of the furnace