Project The 2011 Social Shopping Study
Project The 2011 Social Shopping Study
Project The 2011 Social Shopping Study
Brief I:
Consumer Research Dynamics,
Mobile and User-Generated Content
June 2011
Table of Contents
I. Thoughts from the Author
II. Survey Methodology and Demographics
III. Product Research
IV. User-Generated Content
V. Stay Tuned - Brief II: The Facebook Factor
VI. About the Companies
Todays shopper is savvy with almost black belt certification in researching product and pricing.
There is a method to their madness where they are willing to make a significant investment in
time when the reward reaped is finding the right product at the right price. For the past five years
the e-tailing group, with sponsorship from PowerReviews, has investigated the role of customer
reviews, trending that behavior and social shopping to keep pace with consumer activity. 2011
has been a volatile year for ecommerce with a multitude of dynamics in play from social media
and community to mobile. Aware of these changes, in this years survey we explored consumer
utilization of social media across a range of merchants and channels to understand perception,
interest, and propensity to buy based on that engagement. Secondly we sought to comprehend the
consumers level of interest in community, at retail and across the web. We wanted to know the
implications for researching and shopping behavior, particularly as it relates to Facebook, which
is the beneficiary of much of the community attention. That portion of the study and our findings
will be shared in Brief II.
Consumers told us loudly and clearly in our April 2011 Social Shopping Survey that they must
receive rewards, via price or points, in order to expend time. Despite any perceived loyalty,
research fueled most shopping. In fact, the groundwork for this two-part brief was based on the
webs capacity to provide complete details better than almost any channel. Shoppers ability to
access information at home, in the office or via mobile puts even greater pressure on the retailer
to enable that process by providing comprehensive information. Consumers are gravitating to
powerhouses like Amazon, who many see as the defacto retailer for comparison shopping,
finding credibility in these destinations through problem solving prior to purchasing.
As in our prior joint surveys, there appears to be several personality types that dominate the 2011
findings, ranging from heavyweights that invest significant time researching to those who might
only give limited time and lip-service to such behavior. We see similar social patterns playing out
on the social front where some consumers are heavily invested while others are more voyeuristic
toward that approach.
Within each brief and research component we will note the respondents introductory premise.
From there, food-for-thought questions that we contemplated prior to deploying the study will be
served up, followed by supporting questions for in-depth insights. The Facebook Factor and a
discussion surrounding community-related behavior will be uncovered in Brief II and round out
the ever-changing social landscape.
Think Social!
Lauren Freedman President, the e-tailing group
100 adults with the following demographic profile completed an online survey:
Respondents shopped online four times or more during the past year, spending at least rs12,500
online annually for products and services.
65 /above
Male Female
What is your
$1,500 or more
How much do you spend on products
and services online annually?
II. Survey Methodology & Demographics
Weekly Several
times a
Once a
4 times
per year
How often did you shop online for
products during the past year?
Introductory Premise
We would like to gain a better understanding of how you decide which product best suits your
needs; what research tools and channels you find most helpful, regardless of where you
ultimately buy the product (online, in-store, from a catalog), and regardless of finding the best
Food-for-Thought Questions
To develop the research methodology, our two companies brainstormed todays emerging
dynamics of selling and those that are directly related to user-generated content. They included
general usage, consumption patterns, and changes that have resulted based on the current
merchant landscape including brand growth, channel access, and in particular, social and mobile
Does user-generated content consumption continue to play a greater and evolving role in
consumer behavior relative to researching and purchasing product?
Does search still dominate the consumers path to finding the right product?
As Amazons power and prowess progresses will consumers increasingly seek out their
efficiency model making Amazon a one stop destination for finding product and comparing
Will comprehensive user-generated content results in greater consumer loyalty towards those
As broader access to user-generated content across social and mobile channels is seen, will it
wield greater influence and expand locales for consumer consumption?
With direct-to-consumer growth among brands, what changing dynamics will be seen relative
to user-generated content among passion brands such as Converse, Under Armor, Burts Bees,
Top Line Findings: Product Researching
Consumers invest greater time researching but shoppers are on a mission to find the best price
Search engines serve as the shopping point-of-origin when researching product
Customer reviews continue to wield the greatest influence on buying behavior
Google Shopping features see strong early adoption
Mobile usage relative to shopping is mostly centered on competitive pricing
III. Product Research
What percent of your overall shopping involves
researching products online?
Product Research Orientation
Each year we wonder if information seeking behavior will begin at different points of entry.
Since more manufacturers than ever have gone direct to the consumer, our curiosity pushed us to
explore where shoppers begin their search. Respondents confirmed that search engines are still
the main starting point for research with retail close behind and manufacturers serving as a
launch for most others.
A few hours
A day
A few days
A week
A few weeks
A month
More than a month
When shopping for an information-intensive product (computer, appliance,
television, etc.) how much time do you typically spend online researching
prior to completing the purchase?
I start with a search engine and look for top search results for products I desire
I start with retailer sites that sell the product Im looking for
I start with the manufacturers site
I reach out to my social network on Facebook for recommendations
I pose a question on Twitter
When researching branded products online prior to purchasing (e.g. HP computer,
Panasonic TV, Nike shoes) which of the following most closely represents where you would
begin that process?
Overall, how often do you use social sites such as Facebook and Twitter for your shopping
research to gather ideas?
Google Utilization
Beyond social networks, Google has expanded their reach further into shopping, warranting a
question that explores consumer utilization of the search engine. We were careful to separate out
general Google behavior, which is commonplace for all of us when we view shopping results.
Given Googles influence, particularly in searches for specific products, SKUs, and almost
anything shopping, it was not surprising to see that 57% of respondents had compared prices
while 58% had read product reviews there and just over half (51%) had used Google Shopping to
find local businesses. This is noteworthy as greater emphasis is being paid to the local market
based upon the competitive nature seen among Groupon or other local engines.
Customer reviews (user-generated product reviews) Q&A (customers asking and answering
questions about products on-site)
Community forums (for conversations among customers or between you and other
Videos (viewing user-generated videos or creating your own)
Facebook fan page (company fan page on Facebook)
Facebook newsfeed (friends talking about products)
Mobile (iPhone application, text alerts)
Twitter (monitor, respond to, and post tweets)
Please indicate the impact of the following Community and Social tools on your buying
behavior. (Top-2: significant/good impact)
up prices on the retailers mobile site where I am intending to buy Scan bar codes to learn
more about a specific product (i.e. product information, product images, video, customer
reviews etc.)
Look for competitive prices on comparison shopping engines (Price Grabber,
Scan QR codes and compare prices to other retailers
Scan QR codes to learn more about a specific product (i.e. product information, product
images, video, customer reviews etc.)
Check in to take advantage of apps such as Shopkick or Foursquare that allow you to
receive points, rewards or badges for visiting local retail stores Make a purchase on your
phone at another retailer
How likely are you to do each of the following using your mobile phone when researching a
product while in a physical store? (Top-3)
Introductory Premise
Shoppers rely more and more on user-generated or peer-based content including product
reviews and ratings. We wish to understand more about how and where you use this content.
Food-for-Thought Questions
The balance of this brief is centered on what and where user-generated content may be accessed.
Additionally we sought to understand respondents willingness to be participants or bystanders
relative to user-generated content.
Would user-generated content continue to play an important role when conducting product
research online?
Is the consumer research dynamic still dominated by search to find the right product quickly?
Knowing that efficiency and timesaving are core to the online value proposition, will Amazon
and other dominant retailers become important one-stop destinations for finding product and
comparing prices?
Top Line Findings: User-Generated Content
Amazon is the defacto site for product reviews and price checking
Ratings and reviews remain the most critical product information desired by shoppers
Behavioral differences are not seen relative to user-generated content among manufacturers and
Review Sites (e.g. Buzzillions, Epinions, CNet)
Search Engines (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo)
Retailers (e.g. Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Home Depot, Nordstrom)
Manufacturers (e.g. HP, Ralph Lauren, Clinique, Nike, Lego)
Please tell us how credible (or trustworthy) you feel the user-generated content (e.g.
customer reviews and ratings, recommendations, etc.) is from each of the following
locations. (Top-2: extremely/very credible)
User Generated Content Availability
Product reviews were ranked the most critical user-generated content for researching on a
retailers site with Q/A following closely behind. It is also interesting to note that liking product,
a relative newcomer to retail sites, has already surpassed both product likes and community
forums. In my mind this emanates from its ease of use and ones ability to connect with others,
with only minimal commitment.
Retailers (e.g. Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Home Depot, Nordstrom)
there is a distinct possibility as the tool has had limited time to resonate with shoppers and its
presence on 36% of the EG100 sites is not nearly universal across retail sites.
Rate a product purchased
Like a retailer (e.g. Best Buy, Target, Crate & Barrel)
Like a manufacturer (e.g. Apple, Lego, Under Armour)
Share with others product you have browsed on a website
Share with others a product you have purchased from a website
When thinking about products or brands, how often do you participate in each of the
following activities? (Top-3: all the time/very often/sometimes)
Consumers have once again embraced user-generation content. Its impact can be seen
excessively across many devices and touch points. We look forward to exploring The Facebook
Factor in Brief II along with other community elements that contribute to online social dynamics.
- including Staples,, Room & Board, ESPN, Neutrogena, Quicksilver, and