9 Theological Hermeneutics (YDS 13-205)
9 Theological Hermeneutics (YDS 13-205)
9 Theological Hermeneutics (YDS 13-205)
If the first topic is that asking about meaning of texts, what or where is
the meaning of a text, the second one is, how do we understand, by what
process. What is it to understand, given the facts (1) that mere verbal
reiterations arent the same as understanding and (2) that there is some
parallel between the meaning and our understanding of it, i.e., that there is
a certain mystery to the text.
We have what it means in, with, and through the words, but the words
arent all thats there. And whatever else is there is cognate to, and
therefore accessible to understanding. So we ask, What is it to understand?
Both topics interpretation as theory of meaning and interpretation as
theory of understanding have evoked considerable skepticism on the part
of some people. It is as though the two words erected into mental or
intellectual constructs having their own reality certain words and related
ones (consciousness) that make sense in many different ways, but not
in that way. Have to take account of that protest. However, protesters and
their opponents do have in common one thing.
You may not be able to draw up general rules for interpreting texts but you
are confronted with literature, i.e., with distinctively human works,
concepts, content or the uniquely human, the unique spiritual aspect of a
text. This in contrast a science that studies the life of signs within society
showing what constitutes signs, what laws govern them.1 Linguistic
study has its ordering principles not so much in the history of a language as
in the logic of relation and oppositions among the signs of any given
language-system at a particular time. Robert Scholes: the essence of
poetry [is] in its verbal formulations as they emerge in poetic syntax.2
Theological hermeneutics Bible
(a) Perspicuity of Bible vs. need for interpretive community, tradition,
teaching authority;
(b) Unity of the Bible
(c) Inspiration of the Bible in three ways: Reliable information, true
teachings, verbal inspiration.
My own agenda:
(a) Relative unity of canon
(b) Narrative sense
(c) Unity ?through Testaments