Impact of Malaria at The End of Pregnancy On Infant Mortality and Morbidity

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Impact of Malaria at the End of Pregnancy on

Infant Mortality and Morbidity
Azucena Bardaji,1 Betuel Sigauque,2,3 Sergi Sanz,1 Maria Maixenchs,2 Jaume Ordi,1 John J Aponte,1,2
Samuel Mabunda,4 Pedro L Alonso,1,2 and Clara Menendez1,2

Centre for International Health Research and Department of Pathology, Hospital Clinic, Institut d'Investigacions Biome`dicas August Pi i
Sunyer, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 2Manhic
xa Health Research Centre, Mozambique; 3National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Maputo,
Mozambique; and 4National Directorate of Health and National Malaria Control Program, Ministry of Health, Maputo, Mozambique.

Background. There is some consensus that malaria in pregnancy may negatively affect infants mortality and
malaria morbidity, but there is less evidence concerning the factors involved.
Methods. A total of 1030 Mozambican pregnant women were enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled
trial of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, and their infants were followed up
throughout infancy. Overall mortality and malaria morbidity rates were recorded. The association of maternal and
fetal risk factors with infant mortality and malaria morbidity was assessed.
Results. There were 58 infant deaths among 997 live-born infants. The risk of dying during infancy was
increased among infants born to women with acute placental infection (odds ratio [OR], 5.08 [95% confidence
interval (CI), 1.7714.53)], parasitemia in cord blood (OR, 19.31 [95% CI, 4.4484.02]), low birth weight (OR, 2.82
[95% CI, 1.276.28]) or prematurity (OR, 3.19 [95% CI, 1.148.95]). Infants born to women who had clinical
malaria during pregnancy (OR, 1.96 [95% CI, 1.133.41]) or acute placental infection (OR, 4.63 [95% CI, 2.10
10.24]) had an increased risk of clinical malaria during infancy.
Conclusions. Malaria infection at the end of pregnancy and maternal clinical malaria negatively impact survival
and malaria morbidity in infancy. Effective clinical management and prevention of malaria in pregnancy may
improve infants health and survival.

During the last 20 years, mortality rates in infants and

children ,5 years old have declined steadily worldwide
[1]. However, there are still many areas in the world
with unacceptably high rates of infant mortality,

Received 13 May 2010; accepted 25 October 2010;

Potential conflicts of interest: none reported.
Presented in part: Fifth Pan-African Conference on Malaria, Nairobi, Kenya,
November 2009.
Trial registration number, NCT00209781. Registry's URL:
Reprints or correspondence: Azucena Bardaji, MD, MSc, Barcelona Centre for
International Health Research, Hospital Clinic, Universitat de Barcelona, Villarroel,
170, 08036 Barcelona, Spain (
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011;691699
The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the
Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiq049

especially in Sub-Saharan Africa [2]. Many causes have

been identified as responsible for infant deaths in developing settings, such as human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV), respiratory infections, diarrhea, prematurity, malaria, and malnutrition [35]. However,
the cause of most infant deaths remains unknown in
many developing countries, because most children die at
home, few deaths are attended by qualified personnel,
and information on specific causes of death is often of
poor quality [6, 7].
Malaria infection during pregnancy has been said to
cause infant mortality indirectly through its contribution to low birth weight and premature delivery,
and it has been estimated that it would be responsible
for 75,000200,000 infant deaths in the sub-Saharan
region [814]. Some studies have examined this association. Two studies conducted in Sudan and
Uganda, respectively, found that peripheral malaria
infection during pregnancy was not associated with
Malaria in Pregnancy and Infant Survival

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increased infant mortality [15, 16]. Similarly, another study in

Kenya found that placental malaria was not associated with
postneonatal mortality in both HIV-positive and HIVnegative mothers [17]. On the other hand, a study in Zaire
found that maternal peripheral infection significantly increased the risk of perinatal death; however, placentas were
not examined in this study, and the HIV infection status of
women in the study was not available [18]. Two more studies
in Malawi found that the risk of dying during the postneonatal
period was higher for infants born to women with placental
malaria infection [19, 20]. Thus, there is still inconclusive
evidence in the literature as to the true impact of maternal
malaria on infant survival and the factors involved in this
There is more consistency with regard to the effect of maternal malaria on the risk of malaria infection during infancy. In
Cameroon the prevalence of malaria parasitemia between 4 and
6 months of age was higher among offspring born to women
with malaria-infected placentas than in those born to women
without placental infection [21].Two other studies carried out in
Tanzania and Gabon showed that infants born to multigravid
women with placental infection had higher risk of parasitemia or
clinical malaria, respectively, than those born to multigravid
women without placental infection [22, 23]. A more recent
study, conducted in Kenya, found that infants exposed to
malaria in utero, but without evidence of immune priming,
had an increased risk of malaria infection and anemia during
childhood [24].To contribute to the understanding of the
effect of malaria in pregnancy on infants health, which would
help guide control policies in pregnancy, the association of
maternal and fetal factors with the risk of mortality and
clinical malaria during the first year of life was studied in
southern Mozambique.
Study Area and Population

The study was carried out in Manhic

xa, Maputo Province,
a semirural area in Southern Mozambique. A Demographic
Surveillance System is carried out by the Centro de Investigac

em Saude de Manhicxa (CISM) and covers Manhic

xa town and
surrounding villagesthe Manhic
xa study areawith a total
population under surveillance of 80,000 inhabitants. Adjacent
to the CISM is the Manhic
xa District Hospital (MDH), a 110-bed
health facility. The characteristics of the study area have been
described in detail elsewhere [25]. Malaria transmission of
moderate intensity is perennial with some seasonality. The estimated entomological inoculation rate for 2002 was, on average, 38 infective bites per person per year. Anopheles funestus is
the main vector [26, 27].
More than 90% of pregnant women attend the Antenatal
Clinic (ANC) at least once during pregnancy and 80% of the

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Bardaj et al.

deliveries in this area are institutional (A. Nhacolo, personal

communication). In 2005 the infant mortality rate was of 77.4/
1000 live births, and the mortality rate in children ,5 years old
was 148/1000 live births [28]. At the time of the study, malaria
control in pregnancy relied on case management only [29].
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV relied on
the administration of a single dose nevirapine to the mother
and the newborn [30].
Study Design

The study was carried out as part of a randomized placebocontrolled trial of intermittent preventive treatment with
sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and long-lasting insecticide-treated
bed nets for malaria prevention in pregnancy (trial registration
number: NCT00209781) [31]. A total of 1030 women were
enrolled into the trial at the ANC of the MDH from August 2003
to April 2005, after giving informed consent. There were 1004
live-born infants (501 in the sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine group,
503 in the placebo group); 7 were lost to follow-up owing to
migration (3 in the placebo group, 3 in the sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine group) or refusal (1 in the sulfadoxinepyrimethamine group), resulting in a total of 997 live-born
infants that were followed up until 12 months of life and
included in this analysis.
An ongoing clinical surveillance system established at the
MDH covers all pediatric outpatient and inpatient visits up to 14
years of age. At each consultation, a standardized questionnaire,
recording demographic and clinical data, is completed for each
attending child. Blood films are prepared for malaria parasite
examination, and the hematocrit is measured if there is a history
of fever in the preceding 24 h or if the axillary temperature was
>37.5C. Clinical malaria episodes are treated according to
national guidelines [32]. During the study, a clinical surveillance
system was also established at the MDH maternity clinic for all
pregnant and puerperal women attending with clinical complaints. Study personnel recorded demographic, obstetric,
and clinical information. A capillary blood sample for parasitemia examination and anemia screening was collected if
a woman reported clinical symptoms suggestive of malaria. All
women were offered voluntary counselling and testing for HIV,
and those testing positive and their children were given prophylaxis with nevirapine and referred for adequate clinical
At delivery, blood samples were collected from the mother
and the umbilical cord for hematological and parasitological
determinations. Placental blood and tissue samples were also
collected for malaria infection examination. A capillary blood
sample was collected from the mother and the infant for parasitological and hematological determinations 8 weeks after delivery. Twelve months after birth a capillary blood sample from
the infant was obtained for parasitological and hematological
assessment. Deaths occurring during the follow-up period were

Table 1. Maternal Factors and Infant Mortality

Table 2. Fetal Outcomes and Infant Mortality

Infant Mortality

Infant Mortality

Maternal Factor





(n 5 58)

(n 5 939)

(n 5 58)

(n 5 939)












13 pregnancies





>4 or pregnancies





HIV test























Rapid plasma reagin

syphilis test









Able to read and/or write





Unable to read or write







Malaria episodes
during pregnancy








P valuea




















































Cord blood parasitemia




Fetal anemia (hematocrit,





Low birth weight








Premature delivery



Fetal Outcome
Sex of newborn


Intervention group


P valuea

NOTE. a Unadjusted P value (Fishers exact test).

Refused voluntary counseling and testing.

recorded from hospital records and through the demographic

surveillance visits.
Laboratory Methods

Thick and thin blood smears were Giemsa stained and read with
a light microscope to quantify parasitemia according to standard, quality-controlled procedures [27, 33]. To identify maternal and infant anemia, hematocrits were read in a Hawksley
hematocrit reader (Hawksley & Sons) after centrifuge in a microhematocrit centrifuge. Maternal HIV status was assessed
using the Determine HIV-1/2 Rapid Test (Abbott Laboratories) and positive results were confirmed by the Uni-Gold
Rapid Test (Trinity Biotech). Syphilis screening was performed with the rapid plasma reagin test, (Syphacard, Wellcome). Placental biopsies and impression smears from
placental blood were processed and read according to standard procedures [34, 35].
Statistical Methods and Definitions

Differences in proportions were estimated with Fishers exact

test. Continuous values were evaluated with the nonparametric




Placental malariab




Not infected





Past infection





Acute infection




Chronic infection








Unadjusted P value (Fishers exact test).
Past infection was defined as the presence of malaria pigment but not
parasites; acute infection, as the presence of malaria parasites and minimal
pigment; and chronic infection, as the presence of malaria parasites and

Wilcoxon test. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated using logistic

regression. Univariate and multivariate analysis were done to
evaluate the association between a group of maternal and fetal
factors and the risk of infant death and malaria morbidity.
Factors included in the models are shown in Table 1 and Table 2.
Variables for the multivariate analysis were selected using the
backward-stepwise elimination procedure removing variables
with a P value of ..05. Study women without a result available
for the HIV test were classified as unknown data. Apart from
this, the majority of unknown data (placental infection status,
birth weight, gestational age) was due to deliveries occurring
outside the study health facility, mostly at home. The survival
analysis of death between birth and the first birthday, or
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censoring by withdrawal, whichever occurred first, was estimated using Cox regression models. Data analysis was performed using Stata 11 software (Stata).
Maternal clinical malaria was defined as P. falciparum asexual
parasitemia of any density in a peripheral blood slide plus any
signs and/or symptoms suggestive of malaria disease, such as
referred history of fever in the last 24 h, fever (axillary temperature, >37.5C), pallor, arthromyalgias, headache, or history of
convulsions. The definition of clinical malaria in infants used in
the passive morbidity surveillance was presence of fever (axillary
temperature, >37.5C) or a history of fever in the preceding
24 h plus a P. falciparum asexual parasitemia of any density on
a blood slide. The duration of a malaria episode was estimated as
28 days to avoid counting the same episode twice. Subjects were
not considered at risk during the 28 days after an episode and
did not contribute to either the denominator or the numerator
during this period. Fetal anemia was defined as a hematocrit
level in cord blood ,37%. According to a previous definition
based on histological examination, placental infection was
classified as past (presence of malaria pigment only), acute
(presence of parasites and minimal pigment), or chronic
(presence of malaria parasites and pigment). Active infection
includes both acute and chronic infection [36].

Table 3. Risk Factors for Infant Mortality: Adjusted Multivariate

Model (n 5 967)a
Risk Factor

(95% CI)

HIV test







Any malaria episodes during







Premature delivery





Low birth weight (,2500 g)





Fetal anemia (hematocrit, ,37%)








Cord blood parasitemia






Placental malariac

There were 1004 live-born infants born to the 1030 enrolled

pregnant women, of whom 997 infants (99%) were included in
the analysis. There were 58 infant deaths, 25 in the neonatal
period (,28 days after birth). Of the 25 infants who died within
the neonatal period, 20 (80%) died within the first week of life
(early neonatal mortality).
Univariate Analysis of Maternal and Fetal Factors and
Association with Infant Mortality

Table 1 and Table 2 show the crude analysis of maternal and fetal
factors respectively and their association with infant mortality.
Maternal HIV status (21/197 [11%] vs 31/645 [5%]; P 5 .009),
a positive rapid plasma reagin test (12/116 [10%] vs 46/881
[5%]; P 5 .034)], and clinical malaria episodes during pregnancy (10/89 [11%] vs 48/908 [5%]; P 5 .031) were all significantly associated with an increased risk of dying during infancy.
Premature delivery (10/40 [25%] vs 37/907 [4%]; P , .001),
low birth weight (19/116 [16%] vs 37/872 [4%]; P , .001), cord
blood parasitemia (4/9 [44%] vs 46/825 [6%]; P 5 .002), and
acute placental malaria infection (7/42 [17%]; P 5 .008) were
also associated with an increased risk of infant mortality.
Multivariate Analysis of Maternal and Fetal Factors and
Association with Infant Mortality

The adjusted analysis of the association between maternal and

fetal outcomes with infant mortality is shown in Table 3. Among

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P value


Not infected




Not infected
Past infection



Acute infection









Intervention group






NOTE. a Factors included in the models are those shown in Table 1 and
Table 2. CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; OR, odds
Refused voluntary counseling and testing.
Past infection was defined as the presence of malaria pigment but not
parasites; acute infection, as the presence of malaria parasites and minimal
pigment; and chronic infection, as the presence of malaria parasites and pigment.

infants born to HIV-positive mothers, the risk of death was

more than twice as high as that in infants born to HIV-negative
mothers (OR, 2.59 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.354.98];
P 5 .005). Infant mortality was strongly associated with both
low birth weight and prematurity (OR for low birth weight, 2.82
[95% CI, 1.276.28]; P 5 .012; OR for prematurity, 3.19 [95%
CI, 1.148.95]; P , .001).
The risk of dying during infancy was also independently associated with malaria infection of the placenta (P 5 .012). This
increased risk was mainly accounted for by women with acute
placental malaria (OR, 5.08 [95% CI, 1.7714.53]). Cord

blood parasitemia was also significantly associated with an increased risk of infant mortality (OR, 19.31 [95% CI, 4.4484.02];
P , .001]. There were more infant deaths among women who
had an episode of clinical malaria during pregnancy, although
this difference was of borderline statistical significance (OR, 2.14
[95% CI, 0.905.10]; P 5 .087].
Interestingly, when just the postneonatal period was considered, the risk of death was also higher among infants born to
women who had acute placental infection (OR, 5.79 [95% CI,
1.8118.51]; P , .019), parasites in the cord blood (OR, 21.30
[95% CI, 3.56127.36]; P , .003), or clinical malaria during
gestation (OR, 2.84 [95% CI, 1.037.86]; P , .045).

not have placental malaria (P , .001). Figure 1 shows the

Kaplan-Meier curves of the time to first or only clinical malaria
episodes in infants by parity and placental infection. The incidence rate of clinical malaria episodes among infants born to
women with placental infection was 0.28 episodes per personyear at risk, compared with 0.09 among infants born to women
without placental infection (P , .001). This difference
was similar in all parity groups (P 5 .001 in primigravid
women, P 5 .012 in women with 13 previous pregnancies, and
P , .001 in women with >4 previous pregnancies).

Multivariate Analysis of the Risk of Clinical Malaria in the First

Year of Life

This study builds on previous evidence showing a negative impact of malaria infection during pregnancy on the risk to malaria
in the infant [21, 23, 37]. It also confirms the inconclusive evidence on the negative effect of maternal infection on infants
survival [1820].
The detailed placental examination done in this study revealed that placental infections occurring at the end of pregnancy are those most likely to have an impact on infants
survival. This is supported by the independent, significant association of both acute placental infection (parasites with or
without minimal pigment deposition) and cord blood parasitemia with an increase in the infants risk of death. The inflammatory changes associated with malaria infection in the
placenta may compromise the transfer of metabolic and nutrient
factors, as well as fetal oxygen supply, all of which may negatively
affect the developing fetus [3942]. In addition, it has been
reported that placental malaria is associated with a reduction in
the placental transfer of antibodies [43, 44]. This may affect the
immune status of the newborn and thus make the infant more
vulnerable to infectious diseases [45, 46]. The latter could explain why the effect of acute placental malaria seems to extend
beyond the neonatal period.
Little is known of the actual impact of congenital malaria,
defined as the presence of cord blood parasitemia, on the infants health in endemic areas other than an increased frequency
of anemia a few months after birth [47]. Cord blood parasitemia
is usually of low density, but it may be more frequent than
previously thought, as is shown when molecular techniques
are used for parasite detection [48]. Malaria parasites may
cross the placenta either during pregnancy or at the time of
delivery. Vertical transmission of malaria is likely to have
important implications for fetal and newborn development.
Direct infection of the fetus may be associated with preterm
delivery and fetal growth restriction or could increase
the likelihood of stillbirth. Fetal exposure to blood-stage
malaria antigens may also have profound long-term effects
during infancy by priming the immune responses of the fetus,
inducing immune tolerance, or both [24, 48]. Depending on
the effect on the fetal immune system, exposure to the

Table 4 shows the adjusted analysis of the association between

maternal and fetal factors and infant malaria morbidity. Infants
born to women who had clinical malaria episodes during
pregnancy had nearly twice as high a risk of having clinical
malaria during the first year of life as did infants born to women
who did not have malaria during pregnancy (OR, 1.96 [95% CI,
1.133.41]; P 5 .016]. The risk of clinical malaria was also increased in infants born to women with placental malaria infection. This increased risk was accounted mainly for women
with acute placental infection (OR, 4.63 [95% CI, 2.1010.24]),
followed by chronic infection (OR, 3.95 [95% CI, 2.077.55])
and past infection (OR, 3.06 [95% CI, 1.944.82]; P , .001).
Children born to women with HIV infection had a lower risk of
clinical malaria episodes during infancy (OR, 0.50 [95% CI,
0.300.85]; P 5 .017]
Placental Malaria and Malaria Morbidity in the Infant

A total of 135 first clinical malaria episodes were recorded

among the 997 infants followed up during the first year of life.
Of these episodes, 102 (75.7%) malaria episodes occurred
among infants born to women with any placental infection
(presence of pigment and/or parasites at histological examination and/or in the impression smear), and 33 (24.3%) occurred
among infants born to women without malaria infection in the
placenta (P , .001). Among infants born to primigravid
women, 38 (84.4%) of the 45 first malaria episodes recorded
occurred in infants born to women with placental malaria,
compared with 7 (15.6%) episodes recorded in infants whose
mothers did not have placental infection (P , .001). Among
infants born to women with 13 previous pregnancies, 33
(68.8%) of the 48 episodes recorded occurred in infants whose
mothers had placental infection, compared with 15 (31.2%)
malaria episodes among those whose mothers did not have
placental infection (P 5 .018). Finally, among women with >4
previous pregnancies, 31 (73.8%) of 42 clinical malaria episodes
occurred in infants born to women with placental infection,
compared with 11 (26.2%) among infants whose mothers did


Malaria in Pregnancy and Infant Survival

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Table 4. Risk Factors for Clinical Malaria Episodes in Infants (n 5 997)a

Univariate Model
Risk Factor


(95% CI)

Maternal HIV test

Multivariate Model
P value


(95% CI)














Any malaria episodes during pregnancy





Maternal midupper arm circumference

.22 cm
<22 cm















Placental malariac


Not infected

Past infection






Acute infection





Chronic infection








13 pregnancies


>4 pregnancies







Intervention group



Rapid plasma reagin syphilis test










Able to read and/or write

Unable to read or write



Sex of newborn





Premature delivery









Low birth weight



Fetal anemia (hematocrit, ,37%)











Cord blood parasitemia









P value

Factors included in the models are those shown in Table 1 and Table 2. CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; OR, odds ratio.
Refused voluntary counseling and testing.
Past infection was defined as the presence of malaria pigment but not parasites; acute infection, the presence of malaria parasites and minimal pigment; and
chronic infection, the presence of malaria parasites and pigment.


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Bardaj et al.

Figure 1. Time to first or only clinical malaria episode in infants born to women with placental malaria compared with those born to women without
placental malaria, by parity. Infants born to women of all parities (A), primigravid women (B), women with 13 previous pregnancies (C), and women
with >4 previous pregnancies (D). P values adjusted by season: ,.001 (primigravid women), .014 (13 previous pregnancies), ,.001 (>4 pregnancies),
and ,.001 (all gravidities). P values adjusted by previous malaria episodes during pregnancy: .002 (primigravid women), ,.026 (13 previous
pregnancies), ,.001 (>4 pregnancies), and ,.001 (all gravidities).

parasite antigens in utero may cause a reduced (priming) or

increased (immune tolerance) susceptibility to malaria in the
infant [49].
An alternative explanation for the increased risk of infant
mortality associated with the presence of parasites at the end of
pregnancy may be the occurrence of confounding factors that
are independently associated with both the risk of malaria and
death. These may be poor socioeconomic, nutritional or other
health-related factors. In this study no difference was observed
in socioeconomic or nutritional factors between women with
and those without malaria infection during pregnancy or at
delivery (data not shown).
The presence of parasites in the placenta was also associated
with an increased incidence of malaria episodes during infancy.
Again, this association might be explained by a similar level of
exposure to the infection in both mother and infant, or it may
indicate an increased immune susceptibility to malaria in the
infant due to in utero antigenic exposure [24].
Malaria morbidity during pregnancy has not been reported in
other studies in which peripheral and/or placental infection was
studied in relation to outcomes in infants. Importantly, clinical
malaria episodes during pregnancy were associated with both
a trend to increased infant mortality and a significant increased

incidence of malaria episodes during infancy. These effects

were independent of the presence of placental malaria, suggesting that pathophysiological mechanisms other than those
associated with placental infection may be responsible for the
negative impact of maternal malaria on infant health. This also
indicates that in addition to implementating malaria-preventive
strategies, it is also important to improve the detection and
adequate treatment of malaria episodes during pregnancy.
In this cohort of infants, clinical malaria episodes were
more frequent, and the incidence of first or only episodes
higher among infants born to mothers with placental malaria.
This increased incidence of malaria episodes in infants born to
women with placental malaria was similar across all parity
groups (Figure 1). These results do not support findings from
a Tanzanian cohort of infants in which this association varied
with parity, being significant only among multigravid women
[37]. In that study the authors speculate that differences in
inflammatory reactions in the placenta between primigravid
and multigravid women were responsible for the increased
risk of malaria in infants born to multigravid women with
placental infection. Our results are consistent with those of 2
other studies that found no parity difference in the risk of
malaria among infants born to women with placental
Malaria in Pregnancy and Infant Survival

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infection [23, 24]. This discrepancy indicates that the role of

parity in the relationship between placental infection and
malaria morbidity risk in infants is not completely resolved,
and more careful research still needs to be done to understand
the pathogenic mechanisms of maternal malaria and its impact on infants health.
Other factors such as low birth weight, prematurity and
maternal HIV infection, have all been reported elsewhere to be
associated with infant mortality [8, 12, 50]. Interestingly, maternal HIV infection was associated with a reduced risk of clinical malaria in infants. This might be explained by
the occurrence of deaths in these infants before the age when the
risk of clinical malaria begins to increase at 6 months [32].
Even though pregnant women in this study received all or
part of the currently recommended malaria-preventive measures, the occurrence of poor pregnancy outcomes associated
with the infection was not completely abolished. It is important
to keep in mind that neither of these measures are 100% effective
in preventing malarial infection. More effective antimalarial
drugs for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy with
prolonged prophylactic effect, as well as increased compliance
with the use of insecticide-treated bed nets could further reduce
the harmful effects of maternal malaria on infants.
In summary, the results of this study confirm that malaria
during pregnancy, particularly in the last stage, may be determinant for infant health. These findings emphasize the importance of developing and implementing effective malaria
control strategies throughout gestation in women of all gravidities and also suggest that their beneficial effects in infants may
extend to the first year of life.
This work was supported by the Banco de Bilbao, Vizcaya, Argentaria Foundation (grant number BBVA 02-0). The Centro de
xao em Saude de Manhic
xa receives major core funding
from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation.
We are grateful to the women who participated in the study. We also
thank the staff of the Manhic
xa Health Center, especially those at the maternity clinic, and the staff at the Manhic
xa Health Research Center (CISM).
Special thanks to Sonia Amos for her dedication throughout the study.

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Malaria in Pregnancy and Infant Survival

JID 2011:203 (1 March)


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