Kalki Avtar in English
Kalki Avtar in English
Kalki Avtar in English
Reviews of scholars on the following book
This relationship will increase their brotherhood, resulting in a spirit of
not opposing each other. Personal differences cannot be removed until there
is no spirit of sharing each others joys and sorrows, caring for each others
safety and a sportsman spirit. There are many subsects and schools of
thought even in Indian Hindus and Muslims, but their petty differences donot
effect their culture. The result is that all the Hindus and Muslims are united
internally. Similarly if basic or middle level beliefs and principles differ, if
Hindus and Muslims care for each others security, share each others joys and
sorrows, accept heart felt unity during games, then the day is not far off that the
fear of the global aggression will vanish forever.
Sanskrit university
9 Adhyapak nivas
Jagatgunj, Varanasi Phone No. 36016
25-stanly road
Shri Gopal Chand Mishra
M.A. (Sanskrit Ved)
Vyakaran Acharya
X-head of Sanskrit department
Prayag University
The spirit of the ancient belief that all the religions are similar was
further strengthened by reading the research paper on the topic of research
and comparison of kalki avthar and Mohammed (PBUH) saheb the similarity
presented in the book is based on Vedic dharma only.
The religious conquest of this (kalki) prophet and its factors viz;
horses and sword etc; and their description can make any person having
belief on Vedas, think that today it is not the vision of future but is a part of past
history. The study of the book results in the proof that kalki of bhagwat is our
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb only.
However, there is no need of these references for proof of this
solid fact but as good wishes I will only say that this Endeavour of apadhyay
may succeed in removing differences of Hindu-Muslim ways of thinking
Shri Ashlok Tiwari
Lavedi, etawah (U.P.)
This book on the subject of comparative study of Kalki and
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb is undoubtedly updated, worth consideration
and based on logical arguments and hope will bind the different points of
view of Muslims and Hindus in a thread and construct such a world which
will be free of intolerance, beneficial and full of happiness.
Shri Ram Bhuvan Mishra
Dist. Bhajkol hua
Mirzapur (U.P.)
After reading the book Kalki avthar and Mohammed (PBUH)
saheb I am confident that Kalki and Mohammed (PBUH) are one.
Shri Inderjet Shukla
I have studied deeply the research work of Pundit Ved Prakash
Apadhyay comparative study of Kalki avthar and Mohammed (PBUH)
saheb. In this research comparative study of Indias ancient literature and
Islamic literature is a worth appreciation important work work about kalki
avthar. It will be very effective to declare the religious differences of the
present era, useless, thus, once again the whole world will start believing in
one God and common brotherhood of the whole mankind and love will be
established. We hope that this book of research will be liked by followers of all
religious And they will come in the light of global brother, rising above the
intolerant and blind beliefs.Thus this endeavour will give message of a great
Our good wishes are there for the avthars endeavour to be beneficial.
Doctor Ram Sahai Mishra Shastry
Bahadurgunj, Allahabad.
By reading this research work it self I am feeling that the differences in
hindu and Muslim, two famous religions as well as the ancient type of Hindutva
is again understood by me.
Pundit Ram Bahadur Mishra
Logavan, Kabhiyavu
So far no such book worth considering is published which have tried
to bind different by thread of unity
Ashlok Kumar Jaiswal
Member Saraswat.
Prayag executive committee,
Saraswat Vedant Prakash Sangh
Allahabad (V.P.)
12. Hindu Musalman Ekta (unity) written by Pundit Sunderlalji Hindustani
culture society 145 Mithigunj Allahabad.
13. Quraan-e-Majeed.
Urdu and English
14. Shama-el-e Tirmizi by Moulana Mohammed Zakaria
15. Sarwar-e-Alam by Mohammed Muslim Publisher Jayyad press
September 1960 Kishangunj
16. Seerathun nabi by Shibli Naumani and Syed suliman Nadvi
Publisher Maktbae Maarif azamgarh Fourth edition 1958
17. Ashah-us-siyar by Hakeem Abul barkath Abdur Raoof publisher Noor
Mohammed. Asahulmaktba Karaehi September 1932.
18. Jamaul fawaad by sulaiman publisher Aashiq Ilahi Khairia press
19. Mohammed (PBUH) and Mohammedanism by Reverend Bosworth
20. Roman Empire decline and fall by Edward Gibbon publisher
E.P.Detand Co New York 1210
The sermons of Mohammed (PBUH) by lane pool publisher
Memilden & Co (London) 1882.
22. Encydopidia of world history by W.L. Langer publisher Gearge G.
harrep and Co.limited published in America
23. History of ancient Indias Civilisation by R.C. Dutt revised edition
1893 publisher Kegan Paul Trench Turner and Co. LTD. London
24. Appology for Mohammed (PBUH) by Godfrey Higgins publisher
Allahabad reform society Darya abad 1929
Life of Mohammed (PBUH) by sir William Myur publisher Smith elder and
co. London 1877.
In this research paper the ancient Indian legends and Islamic legends
similarities are detailed. In the Islamic legends the place which is for prophets
and messengers of God, the same place is there for avthars in the Indian
legends. Muslims believe that Mohammed ](PBUH) saheb was the last of the
prophets and in the Indian legends kalki is believed to be the last avthar.
Prophets come only in foreign countries and avthars only in India. It is not
possible, since the whole earth belongs to God. there is no Doubt about it. In
the ancient literatures of all the countries, those countries are termed as great.
No In the ancient literatures of all the countries, those countries are termed as
great. Now Indian or foreigner will term his country as inferior. Prophets came
only in Arabia and not in India, this is also a personal opinion. Avthars came
only in foreign countries, it is also a personal opinion. After coming to know that
Mohammed ](PBUH) saheb is the last prophet I had a strong urge of studying
about kalki in Puranas. According to Indian legends some eras (kal yugs)
passed in which the happenings about kalki avthar and the happenings during
that era, their comparison I did with the life of Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb and
found it to be correct. There was a little difference here and there same like the
differences in biographies of Ramji. These differences were also similar some
people react on this sayingHari Anant Hari Katha Anant (Hari endless and
biography of Hari also endless). I am also doing this work saying the same. I do
not wants to declare kalki a story since the story is always fictious. It cannot be
declared reliable as per the principles of fact or truth.
The possible disaster by atomic tests of scientists can be warded off
by thoughts of religious unity. It is not appropriate to live in water having
enemity with crocodile that is the reason that my research is the foundation of
religious unity. The supporters of national integrity will not object on this
religious paper. If any one can have objection they are only intolerant person. If
they come out of their cocoons and see the world then their imagination of
thinking their cocoons as the world, will be discouraged. The voices of god may
be published with permission of god with this aim only I have started this type of
research. I cannot say definitely whether someone has written something
earlier on this topic but it is indicated in Sarware Alam that kalki and
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb are one and the same.
Sarware Alam by Mohd. Muslim publisher Jayyad press kishangunj Delhi
September 1960.
My research paper will spread light in India and abroad since this
book is written by the grace of God.In it there are some astonishing things.
They are not my thoughts. They are either quotations of Vedas and Puranas or
these thoughts were created in my mind by divine revelations I am fully
confident that after reading this research paper a wave of unity will surge not
only in Indian society but also in the whole world, and the mayhem in the name
of religion will end. If people get wisdom, they will themselves join in each
others festivals and become a symbol of unity. No one becomes Hindu,
Muslim or Christian by name. If I call sirajulhaq Satyadeep, Abdullah as pundit
Ramdas or Ramesh and Abdur Raheem as Bhagwandas, they will not feel
offended because the translation of their names in Sanskrit is the same. If they
want they can translate my name in Arabic as noorul Huda. I pray God that
followers of all religions particularly Hindus and Muslims may unite again. This
research paper of mine may spread goodwill among people. There may be
friendship throughout the world and every one may get benefited. After reading
comparative study of kalki and Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb some persons
may doubt that based on the biographies of Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb
people have created the character of kalki, That is why I have given references
of ancient religious books, out of them the era of writing Puranas, I am proving
through latest references, Since no one so far could conclude decisively about
the same. The later historians while deciding about the era of shooth sutras,
Upanishads and Puranas etc; have used word possibly which is evident that
were unable to decide. At the outset I will clarify that what was the opinion of the
past scholars about the era of Puranas? After clarifying it I will decide about the
era of Puranas and later write about the main subject.
The era of Puranas as per W.L. Logger is 400years after Jesus Christ.
According to him Ramayan and Mahabharat were composed after 200 A.D.
There are following flaw in the said statement of Mr.Langer.
1.The composer of Ramayan Valmiki and composer of Mahabharat Vyasji
were contenporaraies, which is in fact wrong, since the premier poet Valmiki
can never be contemporary of Vyasji. The reason for this that Valmiki was in
the era of Ram. Since sita who was abandoned by Ram was guarded by
Valmiki in his Ashram. This proves the fact that Valmiki was in the era of
Ram. Not only this Valmikiji has completed his epic in his Ashram. This is
also confirmed.
2. The era of Rams life is Tritya Yug. Hence the composition of Ramayanm is
also possible in Tritya Yug only. The Mahabharat was composed by Ved
Vyasi in Duapar Yug.
3. Meeting of Shukraj with Jesus Christ is proved in futures Puran and this
Shukraj was successor of Vikrmadatya that means the era of Vikramadatya
Ramayan and Mahabharat were the topics of puranas.
Therefore, due to the above-mentioned these reasons the statement
proves to be wrong.
1. Puranas, the irregular statement of kings in which the traditional legends are
included, in their present form were written in the 400A.D. and after that
(Encydopedia of world history by W.I.Langer Page43)
Mahabharat the epic is written by poets of many generations and most
probably written round about 200B.C. and was revised in the early days of our
era. (Encydopedia of world history by W.I.Langer Page42)
Futures Puran Pratisargparva Tritya Yug, chapter Durit Yug Ashlokas
Futures Puran Pratisarg parva Tritya khand Chapter Duritya Ashlok 21
Panini (300,350 c) (Encydopedia of world history by W.I.Langer Page 62)
Budhism was founded in this era only. Its founder was Siddhartha (563,483)
He was of Gautam Dynasty and Mountain tribe sakia who obtained
deliverance (Encyclopedia of world history Page 41)
As far as language is concerned, the language of Puranas is ancient,
since it is free from the bondage of grammar. Sanskrit words are used freely;
this was the era between the Vedic era and the prevailing Sanskrit era. The era
of puranas according to langer is Mahatma Budh preached his religion in the
language Pali which was the language of conversation those days. The books
of Budhism prove this. Since the language was progressive Sanskrit was
defaced and converted to Pali languages, which became Prakrit, then
upbhransh and finally todays Hindi. Thus the era of Sanskrit proves to be the
era after Gautam Budha.Any language does not change very soon. The
process of chaging takes thousands of years. Before, the period of Gautam
Budha, the grammer of conversation was used in Sanskrit language
conversation also. The era of Paimeni who formed the grammer of language
was one thousands years after Gautam Budha and was round about 1463
A.D. Paimenis formation of grammer also proves that those days due to effect
of writings, there was only a way of making it by heart which had no strict rules.
The language of Puranas is of an era prior to paimeni. The writings of Puranas
in free Sanskrit proves them to be writings of middle of 1401A.D. These were
superficial assessments which are baseless, because all the scholars were
doubtful about this and at the time of forming the opinion itself, probably,
possibly, or question mark? Was used. Vow on the basis of colourful effect of
Puranas, we present the era of their writing.
Futures puran is one of eighteen Puranas in which future prophesies are
made. In the 12 chapter of Bhagwat Puran in the middle of the last age, there
is a prophecy of Kalkis birth, and his qualities. In the first chapter also in
Ashlok No.
24,Kalki is recognized as last avthar. In futures Puran also in
prati sarg Parva Vyasji starts description of events from Hazrath Adam
(PBUH) saying o! Heart hear the complete events of futures kalyug and be
satisfied. Futures Puran Prati Sarg Parva, first volume chapter 14 , Ashlok 24.
This statement proves that Puranas are written prior to Hazrath Adam
(PBUH). Therefore are only Two hundred and sixty years left for end of
Dwapar yug, when Hazrath Adam (PBUH) was born .5070 years have passed
after Kalyug. Hence Hazrath Adam (PBUH) was born 5070+2208=5278 years
ago. At that time writing was not invented. Hence Ashloks were learnt by heart.
In the days of Hazrath Noah (PBUH) Sanskrit was used, because Vishnu was
delighted, he blessed hazrath Noah with Sanskrit in the form of words. This
language was named Maeech language. Hazrath Noah (PBUH) got three
sons Sam, Ham and Yafs. From here the family of language was devided.
From Sam, Samese, And from Ham, Hamese.Being successor of hazrath
Adam (PBUH). The Puranas writing era is proved to be 7278 years ago from
present age. This is completely possible, though some persons may have
objection over this, Prior to Hazrath Adam i.e. in the era of Puranas, there
were four castes based on character and action, not on birth. Shudra could
Become Brahmin and Brahmin could become Shudra. When create of all the
creatures the God is one, there can never-difference of caste based on birth.
The way of walking, body, skin, hair, meat, stomach, face, joy, grief and
condition are similar in all human beings, hence all are equal. Then how can
there be differences of castes among human beings. There are four castes in
Rig Veda Brahmin, Khshatri, Vaish and Shudra.
1.Future Puran Prathi Sarg Parva Vol.I chapter 14
2. __________do_____ first, middle and last chapter.
3. ____________________do__________________
4.Futures Puran Varaha Parva, Chapter 40
5. _____________________do_________________
6. ____________________do_________________
In fact this does not mean that they acquire the caste by birth. In
means that declaration of caste on the basis of qualities, character and action.
Whichever was favorite to a person, he adopted them and belonged to that
Thus, the era of writings of puranas and description of the situation of
that era is aimed to say that understanding of Puranas is not that easy. In a
chapter of Bhagwat Puran, there is collection of ashloks of all the 18 Puranas.
Due to this no one dared to increase even one ashloka.
Now, in the name of God I would clarity the term avthar. I was
directed to do so by Professor Saraswat Prasadji Chaturvedi ex head
department of Sanskrit university and 1008 Swamy Raman and Saraswati. I
am grateful to both the scholars.
Pundit Ved Prakash Upadhyay
M.A. (Sanskrit-Ved)
Research Scholar Sanskrit
Prayag University
1.Rigveda 10-60-12 Atharved 16-1-6,31-11,3-12-5
Meaning of Avthar
The word avthar means coming to the globe earth. The
meaning of the words Eashwar Ka avthar is to take birth of a Mahatma to
communication the message to all. The God encircles everything. To say that
the God stays at a particular place or goes here and there will mean limiting an
unlimited being. Somewhere his light shines in a particular style. At some other
place it is hidden. For example at some places the sun. The Gods place is on
the seventh and highest sky which is highest of all the seven skies above us,
where neither the sun shines and nor the moon or stars are to be seen.
1.There the light of god is spread so much that the light of the sun and the moon
is nothing there. The light of the sun illuminates the planets; similarly the light of
god illuminates every thing. Some loved Mahatma of God to benefit people of
the world takes birth in the world or out of the persons born in the world some
one of pure heart and flowers character is blessed with the knowledge He sees
the light of God and gets knowledge without getting educated in the words of
Eashwar ka avthar the word ka is the word which shows the relationship with
God acquires the place of avthar. Who is related to God? He is related to God
who obeys him. In Rigved such person is called Keri The meaning of the word
Keri in Hindi is one who praises God. This is in Arabic Mohammed. There
may be a doubt that all the persons who praise God can be called Mohammed
but it is not so. The word Mohammed or Keri is particularly meant for the
person who specially praises God the word coined for the particular person
becomes his symbol or identity. Hazrath Adam (PBUH) also praised God but his
name was not Mohammed. So, the conclusion is that every person who is
related to god and who
1.Shweta Shooth Upanishad (Chapter 6 mantar 14)
Praise him cannot be Keri. Here we are only Talking about the last
avthar, we are not describing the history of avthars and prophets. I would like to
say particularly one thing that the word avthar in Sanskrit is the same like
Prophet in English and deliverer of the world in Arabic. There were different
avthars for different countries, because one avthar can not deliver all the
countries, but the last avthar is different, when he comes his religion becomes
superior to all the religion in the world. Now we will ponder over reasons of the
last avthar.
1.Rig Veda 2-12-6
2.Hindu Muslim Ekta (unity) by Sunderlalji Page 26-30
10. The avthar comes for protection of sadhus and to eliminate the enemies.
11. Avthar comes when religion is on the verge of destruction
12. When violence, murders and burglaries are rampant avthar is born
13. In view of changes in people according to era and changes in religion for
them, avthar comes to give new shape to old principles of religion avthar
comes if the above said reasons are prevailing
2. Master of sword use: The last avthar is said to be master of art of using the
sword in addition to riding the horse. The enemies will be eliminated by
the sword of last avthar not by atom bomb etc, This is worth thinking over
that this is atomic era not the era of sword. The biggest quality of the last
avthar is that his dress and etiquettes will be according to the period and
countrys traditions. He will have a behaviour of his caste and community
in which he will be born.
3. Having all the eight qualities: Puranas haves described his all the eight
good qualities and virtues.
4. Protector of the world: The word jagath pati means saviour or protector of
the world.
5. Asadhu daman crushing the goons: The woth praising quality of the last
avthar is that he crushes the goons and not the good people
6. Work with the help of four colleagues: The word bharath means one
who helps. There will be four helpers of the last avthar who will help him
by all means.
7. Help through Gods: Gods will descend from heavens to help in preaching
religion and crushings goons.
8. Denier of Kali: The meaning of kali are Satan. The satan will be
defeated by the last avthar
9. The last light: In the period of last avthar, there will be so much light that
can not be compared, and there never had been any other avthar with so
much illumination.
10. Elimination of dacoits in the guise of kings: Bhaqwat puran says the last
avthar will eliminate all the dacoits in the guise of kings.
Kalki puran chapter 2 Ashlok 5 Hey god! I will destroy satan 12-2-16 with
four colleagues
Bhagwath puran 12-2-20: Travelling the world on fast face horse he will
who is iiluminated incomparably will eliminate dacoits in the guise of
11. The fragrance of the body: The fragrance of the body of last avthar will be
in the air which will alter the hearts of people.
12. Instructor of very big society: The last avthar will be deliverer of a very big
society. He will punish who are distant of religion and bring them on the
right path.
13. Birth on 12th day of the month magh: The last avthar will be born on shukl
pakash month of magh (vaisakh) on 12th day as per kalki puran
14. Birth in the house of high priest of shambhal: Birth will be in the house of
bigh priest of the place of shambhal having the light of vishnu. The name
of his mother will be sumathi. All these qualities will be there in the last
Satyug; The name of this yugis karat yug covering 17,28,000 years.
Dwapar yug; After tritya yug comes dwapar yug constiting of 8,64,000
Avthar will come in future but before his arrival the earth will be
crushed with the atrocities, then what is the use of avthar? In Geetha also it is
said that whenever justice gets damaged or injustice becomes rampant then
avthar comes to protect sadhus and elimanation of goons and establishment
of one religion avthar comes in yug 2 now it is to be seen whether these
condition in which avthar comes have passed or passing?
1. Bhagwath geetha
It is definite that the last avthar will be born in kal yug. Kal yug started
5071 years ago. The time of last avthar is after passing of some part of kalyug
or its completely passing. The condition will be such that it will become difficult
for people to even eat their full
The second thing which is worth thinking over is that the last avthar
will be born when sword will be used in wars, and horses for riding. In
bhagwath puran it is clearly mentioned that the just protector of the world will
crush the enemies riding on the fast paced horses given by gods and having
all the 8 good qualities. This is not the period of horses and swords, this is the
age of atom bombs and tanks, the age of swords and horses is over thus it is
proved that the last avthar will be born in the days of horses and swords which
have passed. Horses and swords were in use nearly 1400 years ago and after
about 100 years of that gun powder was invented in Arabia with combination of
coal and soda. The declaration of date of birth is also necessary in kalki puran
date of birth of last avthar is mentioned as madhav month, shukl paksh and
date 12th
Clarifaction of place
This is decided without any controvery that the place of last avthar will
beshambhal village. No one can be satisfied with only name of the village
unless there is no details about this it is necessary to decide first that shanbhal
is only name of a village or the description of the village shanbhal can not be
name of a village because had it been name details would have been givenof
its situation. But no where in puranas it is mentioned that where this village is
1. Kalki puran chapter 2 Ashlok 4
On searching in India if there is any village by name shambhal
anywhere no such man was born 1400 years ago there who can be called as
deliverer of people. Further the last avthar is not an ordinary man that on his
birth no change will come in the society. Therefore it should be accepted that
shanbhal is an adjective and not a noun now we must think over its meaning.
People may have doubt that shanbhal means water fountain which
it is understood is place near water. The answer is here flood in ganges they
mean flood in the village near the river ganges not flood in the water of ganges.
Then why cant meaning of shambhal be understood similarly when you
accepted similar meaning of flood in ganges then why not here?
This is also worth thinking over about the place of the last avthar that
there should be water near that place the place should be peaceful and
attractive. The place of avthar is always sacred and clear i.e. There should be
cleanliness at the place there should be no violence and the place should be
place of pilgrimage where pilgrims come.
The word shanbhal means the place of peace the place of last avthar
should be peaceful free of violence and enemity and intolerance.
It is not necessary that the last avthar should be born in India only or
should speak Sanskrit or hindi only. Language of life style is always in
accordance with the country and the period of avthars same language and
lifestyle was necessarty then the avthars of all countries would have had same
language and life style. It is lack of knowledge to say that avthar should be
born in India only is India only the favourite place of God ? and not other
countries are people are there only in India and not in other countries?
Therefore the last avathar can be born out of India also and he will speak
language of that country and follow the life style of that country only but
religiouslessness and injustice in view of the times this is clear that in India no
such person was born nearly 13 or 14 hundred years ago which could be
according to parameters oft the last avthar.
All the puranas mention the place of kalki avatar as shanbhal or
sanbhal both the words sanbhal and shanbhal are same in the statement of
the proof of last avthar the decision will be taken about the place.
In the vedic era all the hindus were united and equal. But now
because of caste system unusual differences of high and low were rampant
the caste system which in vedic era was based on adopting noble character,
now became based on birth. This adversely affected the institution of society
adversely. constitution was so framed that it was full of partisan attitude.
Brahmin, how cruel he may be could not be given capital punishment but if any
persons of lower caste had illegitimate sexual relationship with a married
woman of higher caste, he was given capital punishment but if a man of a
higher caste had illegitimate sexual relation with a married woman of lower
caste, he was given nominal punishment if any person of lower caste advised
any person of higher caste boiling oil was poured in his mouth. If any such
person abused his tounge used to he catas punishment women were made
Note: According to wachas peethan there are 30 sacred spots in
shanbhal here there are seven sacred places are also possible by name latto
and manth as per some scholars. 30 famous idols were also found at shanbhal
as per muslim scholars. Muslim scholars call place of peace as shanbhal
A History of civilization in ancient India by R. C. Dutt volume 3
1. Page 281
4. Page 331
2. Page 243
3. Page 308
5. Page 342-343
Drinking was a symbol of a royal pride for kings. Even the women of
royal family use to drink wine openly. There used to be a crowd of goons on
roads. The search of God was done in forests and mountains. The fictious
ideas and the ghosts and evil spirits were also worshipped.
Most probably such worst conditions never prevailed prior to roman
and Persian empires which were prevailing in the early seventh century. After
fall of by zantine empire the complete empire was broken the evil thoughts and
evil doings of priests resulted in spoiling the image of Christianity condition
was so worst that we cannot even imagine of it in present age if these worst
conditions are spoken of in detail, no one ever will believe it but there are
evidences of domination of such evils that no one can doubt them. The society
was derailed due to frequent wars and animosities. Blood flew like rivers in
cities and towns. Jesus christ had rightly said that i have not brought peace but
sword of disasters. In these days in area of arabia the religion of Mohammed
(PBUH)] emerged which was away from wars of roman empire. Its was
destined for this religion to cover the whole world like a cyclone and blow away
government the rulers and their attitudes just like a gale blows away dust.
It is proved by historic evidences that before the birth of Mohammed
(PBUH)] saheb many evils were prevailing in christians . (translation of holy
Quran by george seel first edition foreward page 25 & 26 ) George seel has
written in the preface of the translation of Quran that the priests of churches
have broken religion to pieces. Peace, love and virtues were for away from
them. They had forgotten the real religion. Idol worship started shamelessly.
Prior to Mohammed (PBUH)] the combination of christanity and idol worship
changed into a new shape. Due to this idol worship was rampant in christians.
Three Gods were installed in place of the only one God mother of jesus christ
the holy mary declared mother of a God. A history of civilisation in ancient india
by R.C. Dutt vol 3 page 461 perhaps in no previous period had the empire of
the persia or the oriental part of Roman empire had been in a more deplorable
or unhappy state than at the beginning of the 7th century. In consequence of
the weakness of byzntine despots, the whole frame of government was in
state of complete disorganization of most frightful abuses and corruption of
priests. The christian religion had fallen into a state of degradation scarcely at
this day conceivable and such as would be absolutely incredible had we not
evidence of it the most unquestionable, the feuds and animosities of the
almost innumerable seets had risen to the greatest possible heights, the
whole frame of society was loosened, the towns and cities flowed with blood.
Well indeed had jesus propherised when he said he brought not peace but
sword (applogy for Mohammed] by Godfrey higgins page 1)
At this time in a remote and almost unknown corner of the arabia at a
distane of civil brolls which were tearing to pieces of roman empire arose the
religion of Mohammed] a religion destined to sweep like a tornado on the
surface of earth to carry before it empires kingdoms and systems and to
scatter them like the dust before the winds.
horse was favourite of Mohammed (PBUH)]. He had horses (hazrath)
Anas says i saw Mohammed (PBUH)] riding a horse a sword was
hanging from his neck. Mohammed (PBUH)] had many swords, one he
got in heritage second named zulfeqar and third qalai are famous in them.
In bhagwath puran the last avthar is called jagath pathi. Jagath means
the world and pati means protector through his sermons saviour of the
declining society this society is not a limited society this is the world in
quran it is said regarding Mohammed (PBUH)] saheb ! Mohammed
](PBUH) announce that you are messenger of God for the whole world.
He explained to umme hani daughter of Abu Talib that during the night he
had performed his devotions in the temple of JERUSALEM he was going
forth to make his visions known. When she configured him not thus
expose himself to the derisions of unbelivers (life of Mohammed]
(PBUH) by Sir William Muir page 125)
Bukhari ki hadees
In another place it is said that very pure is the God who revealed the holy book
on his worshipper so that he may warn the whole world against sins.
This way the personality of Jagath guru and his importance both are eniment.
Asadhu daman; Regarding kalki it is written that he will eliminate
rogues. This saying is hundred percent true about Mohammed (PBUH)]
saheb. He also crushed rogues it is said in Quran also that those who were
killed, were also permitted to fight, since they were targeted by cruelty. God
has full strength of helping them, thoes worshipper so that he may wose
who were throwen out of their houses only because they said that God is
the God. Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb corrected the dacoits and educated
them about oneness of God, and opposed including Gods in his worship.
He opposed idol worship he has said about the religion this is not a new
religion the word islam means the religion which makes people obey the
commands of God. The word ved also means the voice of God and the
religion which enforces it is vedic religon. That means there is similarity
between vedic religion or Islam those who do not follow both they are
called atheist or non-believers. Their opposition and their crushing is
In these circumstances Mohammed (PBUH) was born there was
domination of dacoits and rogues. Girls were murdered prior to his birth
qabad was the first king of persia. He was impressed by the sermon of
mazdak, and announced that wealth is common property no one can claim
it to be his own. As a result he crossed his boundary later Mohammed]
(PBUH) was such a personality who defeated all the myths and
succeeded in establishing dignity of religion.
Surah furqan joseph 1
Birth in the house of highest priest; It is said about kalki that he will be
born in the house of highest priest Mohammed (PBUH) saheb was also
born in the highest priest house who was highest priest of kabatullah
makkah mozzama.
Clarificaiton about father and mother; The name of kalki mother in the
kalki puran is sumathi (sonwathi) that means peace loving and having soft
spoken nature fathers name is vishnu yash means very pure and
worshipper of God. The name of mother of Mohammed (PBUH) saheb is
Amena peace loving and fathers name was Abdulla means subject of
Allah or vishnu.
The description of birth of last avthar; Kalki is said to be the last avthar
of last age Mohammed (PBUH) saheb also announced that I am the last
prophet that is why muslims do not believe any other prophet or avthar.
The word kalki means as per dictionery one who eats custard apple and
washes the blot Mohammed (PBUH) saheb also ate custard apple and
dates and he washed the ancient blot of denial and including others in
worship of God.
1.Kalki avthars father name will be vishnu yash Vishnu = Allah
yash= subject vishnuyash=Abdullah kalki mothers name will be
sumathi (somwathi) somwathi=peace loving i.e, Amena his father
will expire before his birth and later mother also expire. History
confirms this (sarware Alam page 10 & 11)
2. Kalki is last of 24 avthars bhagwath puran chapter 1 paragraph 33
ashlok 25
3. Sarware Alam page 10.
Arrival from north and the sermon; It is written in kalki puran that after
birth kalki will go towards a hill get educated by parshurarnji later will go
towards north and will return Mohammed (PBUH) saheb also went
towards a hill after birth got educated by Gabriel (PBUH) later the Qurans
revealation started, later he went towards north to madina munnawarra
and returned to south and toured his place of birth. The same event is
mentioned about kalki in puranas also.
Gift of a horse from shiv; Shiv will gift a horse to kalki which will be
miraculous. The God gifted a horse named Burraq to Mohammed (PBUH)
which was also miraculous.
Defeat of kali with four brothers; Kalki puran says kalki will defeat kali
satan with four brothers. Mohammed (PBUH) saheb defeated satan with
four colleagues viz Abu bakar (RA) Omer (RA) Othaman (RA) and Ali (RA)
later they succeded Mohammed (PBUH) saheb and preached religon of
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb based on oneness of God and free of
including others in worship
Help of Gods; Kalki puran says Gods will help kalki in wars. In the war
of Badar angels descended from heaven for help of Mohammed (PBUH)
saheb. Quran says God helped God help in the battle of Badar when you
were few. Therefore have fear of God and thank him. When you were
asking believers is Allah not enough for you to send 3000 angels to help
you, but you must be patient and fear Allah, then Allah helped by sending
5000 angels when you prayed for help from Allah then your Allah accepted
it and said I will send one thousand angels for your help.
O Believers remember the grace of Allah when armies came against you then
we also sent against them the hurricane and such armies which you could
not see, and what ever you were doing that was beig seen by Allah
Having the complete light; It is said about kalki that he will be having
the complete light that is he will be so handsome which can not be
described or defined regarding Mohammed](PBUH) Saheb also said that
Mohammed ] (PBUH) Saheb was most handsome of all human beings
and of an ideal character more than anyone else and a warrier.
Statement about date of birth; In kalki puran about the date of birth of
kalki it is written that he will be born in Madha maas in shukl paksh
dwadashi and Mohammed (PBUH)] Saheb was born on twelth rabiul
awwal. Twelth rabiul awwal means 12th of lunar month i.e, shukl paksh
The fragrance of body; As per shrimad Bhagwath puran the fragrance
of kalkis body will purify the hearts.
The fragrance of Mohammed] (PBUH) sahebs body is famous who ever
shook hands with him his hand used to have fragrance for the whole day.
The servant of Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb said that whenever he went
out of house, fragrance of his body used to mix in the air.
Once Umme Sulaiman collected the sweat of Mohammeds] (PBUH) body.
He asked what do you do with this she said we mix it the scent because it is
best of all the scents.
1.Quran surah ahzab ayath no 9
2.Bhagwath puran chapter 12, paragraph 32, ashlok 20
3.Jamaul fawaid page 279 Anass statement in Bukharis hadith
4.Kalki puran paragraph 2 ashlok 4
5.Ashaus siar page 49
6.Bhagwath puran chapter 12 paragraph 32 ashlok 21
7.Shemaile tirmizi compiled by moulana mohd zakaria page 206
8.Anas his servant says we always used to know when Mohammed]
](PBUH) has issued forth from his chembers by the odours of firdous
perfume that filled the air Life of Mohammed ] (PBUH) saheb by sir
william muir page 342
Having eight divine qualities; Bhagwath puran chapter 12, states kalki
has eight divine qualities these eight qualities are knowledge of that which
is not present, high family, control on self revealation, physical strength
very less speaking, philonthrophist and gratefull.
wishes the wishes are subject to heart. If you control the heart you will have
self control. Somebody may object the man who marries a women, then he
should be termed as full of lust and sex crazy instead of that how can he be
called a man of self control he must know that yogiraj sri krishna had more
than 600 Queens? Yogi is free of greed and lust, even if he is engaged in
worldly affairs just like the leaves of lotus which remain away from water
even being in water. Similarly, yogi man (who reaches God) also though
engaged in worldly affairs and enjoyment remains away from them. Hence
marriages of Mohammed](PBUH) saheb is also according to custom of
men in the world. It makes no difference in his freedom from wishes.
D. Revelation: This is fourth quality of the eight divine qualities. Revelations
means which is told by God through messengers divine knowledge
whichever form it may be is called revelation. Revelation was made on
Mohammed](PBUH) saheb has attended the place of prophecy. Sir
William Muir also writes about Mohammed](PBUH) saheb that he was
deputy (caliph) of Allah so it is proved that Mohammed](PBUH) and kalki
avthar were similar.
1. Dignity and kindness patience crushing wishes and creating a circle of
persons who loved page 525 Life of Mohammed](PBUH) saheb by sir
william muir publisher smith elder and company london.
2. These are the first revelation that came to Mohammed (PBUH) saheb that
he believed that he heard then spoken by an angel from heaven is beyond
doubt page xxxI introduction speeches of Mohammed (PBUH) saheb by
lane pool.
Upon this Mohammed](PBUH) saheb felt the heavenly inspiration
and read as he believed the decrees of God which he afterwards
promulgated in koran. Then came the announcement O ! Mohammed]
(PBUH) sahebs life it was his call to renounce and to take the office of
prophet. Page 98 Mohammed](PBUH) saheb and Mohammedanism by
Reveren Bosworth Smith.
He was now the servant the prophet the vicegerent of God page 48
Life of Mohammed](PBUH) saheb by sir william muir.
E. Physical strength: It is fifth quality of the eight qualities. Mohammed]
(PBUH) saheb was having physical strength more than anyone else. A
body builder named Rukkana lived in a cave. He belonged to Quarish
Mohammed](PBUH) saheb asked him reason for not believing God and
not fearing him. The body builder asked clarification. Mohammed (PBUH)
saheb said you are very courageous if I defeat you in a duel will you believe
God? He accepted then Mohammed](PBUH) saheb defeated him twice,
but the body builder did not accept him as prophet and did not believe
F. Less speaking: Less speaking is believed to be a great virtue of great
persons. Mohammed](PBUH) saheb also kept quite most of the time. But
whatever he spoke. In debates also Mohammed](PBUH) saheb used to
be calm but the people of Arabia loved to hear him speak
G. Philanthrophy: Philantrophy is an essential part of religon. Giving
charity is seventh quality of the eight qualities. There is detail of all the eight
qualities in the puranas. Mohammed](PBUH) saheb was always busy
distributing charity. There used to be crowd of poor at his house. He never
disappoint any one sir william muir also declares him to be very handsome,
healthy, strong, and philanthrophist.
1. See asahus siyar page 79 and Life of Mohammed](PBUH) saheb page
523 by sir william muir
2. He was of great tacutirity but when he sppoke it was with empphasis and
deliberation and no one culd forget what he said page xxIx introduction the
speeches of Mohammed](PBUH) saheb by lane pool.
3. In his inter course with others he would sit silent among his companions for
a long time together but truly was more eloquent than other mens speech
for the moment, speech was called for it was forthcoming in the shape of
some weight apothegm or proverb such as Arab love to hear page 110,
Mohammed](PBUH) saheb and Mohammedanism by R Bosworth Smith.
4. Indeed outside the prophets house was a bench or gallery, on which were
always to be found a number of poor who lived upon his generosity and
hence were called the people of the bench page 523, the life of
Mohammed](PBUH) saheb by sir william muir
H. Gratefulness: It is eighth quality gratefulness. This is the last quality in
puranas the eight qualities are prophesized. As we have clarified earlier in
the above we have clarified about seven qualities of Mohammed](PBUH)
saheb no historian can deny the existence of gratitude in him. His quotes
about Ansar clearly prove his gratitude.
I. Sermons based on revelations: It is well known about kalki that the
religion, he will establish will be vedic religion. The Quran revealed through
Mohammed](PBUH) saheb is the word of God. This is clear even if people
accept it or not. Therefore the process character, love respect, etc is inspired.
The same teachings are there in vedas also. The idol worship is criticized in
Quran, teachings of God is ordered and according to teachings of Qurans
Muslims offer prayers five times a day compulsorily. Brahmin community
priests perform sandhya thrice daily. Similarly we see that now as a
repetition we will present similarities in the basic teachings of vedas and
1. Ken upnishad (sam ved Talabkar brahmin) chapter 1 mantra 3
2. Quran 6-102 to 104
3. Quran surah 1 gospel 5
4. Agnay nay saptha roy Aganbad 2-279, 1 ba ya, 23,40,43,7,3,36 tha sa
2,24,3,4,43,3, tha aa 2,7,2,2,3, se aa 2,7,7,shathkara 14,7,3,2,
5. Quran 112,1-4
6. Shwetha shuthra upanishad chapter 6, mantra 21
7. Quran 21,32,
8. Rigved 2090,9 samved 627, ather ved 29, 6, 2, ba ya 32,2, They aa 3-122 Quran As Sajda Rukoo 42, gospel 6.
Not beleving vedas gospels of God and not accepting its advices is atheism
Atheism means not accepting. The word kafer is also used in Quran in the
same sense. Kufr means to deny or to forget. The believers of God and
prophet are made to say that whatever you say we deny it.
9. The meaning of musalman is obedient of Gods order in short God,
gospels and Godly human beings. As hearing the sermons of Godly
persons and avoid it is supposed to be a sin, similarly over looking the
message of prophets is also supposed to be a sin. The opposite word of
kaafer is musalman and opposite word of nastik is aastik. No musalman
would like to have contacts with a kaafer and no aastik would like to even
speak with aastik. In india there are 75% aastiks and 25% nastiks and kafer
there are more nastiks in educate community. Nastik and kafer are
synonymous similarly muslim and aastik are synonymous.
10. As far as word hindu is concerned, it is a new word. Ancient indian religion
was called arya dharam or sanathan dharm arya dharm means best
religion and santhan dhram means the religion which is being followed
from ancient times. Sanskrit word sakar becomes hakar in persian.
Persian used to come upto banks of indus and used to change the
alphabet S of sindh to alphabet H. Therefore the word sindh became
hind and the other word sthan became stan like this the word hindustan
was created. The residents of hindustan were called hindu and these two
words became common in english the alphabet h of hind was deleted and
adding ia word india was invented and the residents were called Indians.
i.e, the words bhartiya hindu and indian have the same meaning. If some
one doses not accepts this it is his ignorance the residents of india
muslims, christans, dravid, kaul, kirat, bheel, parsi, sinthal, all are hindu. It
is proved by the linguistic knowledge too. Hindu dharm, indian dharm,
sanathan dharm or arya dharm differ only due to language
1. Quran 33,34
2. Bhavishya puran chapter 33, paragraph 3 ashlok 24.
Not only me the, whole educated community with the aim unity of all
countries and becoming impartial will definitely recognise this research paper
and make the countrys passionate life peacefull. Which kalki is believed to be
bhagwan by indians musalman are followers of same kalki. It is said about
kalki that he will benefit indians a lot. On the basis of this spirit every indian
should call bimself hindu or indian believe kalki because he is the last avthar
who will ride horse and keep a sword. The coming era is moving away from the
era of horses and swords. Do not think that indian muslims are aliens since
they will be proved to be great well wishers of indians. Islam and musalman
are arabic words which mean the religion of obeying Gods commands or
sanathan dharm and Aastik.
Those who follow religion blindly. Limit the santhan dharm and not
understanding other religions only oppose them, they are burnt in the furnace
of Gods kingdom. I have not penned this research paper with any spirit of
partiality. I was ordered by him who knows everything that sometimes there is
some controversy among hindus and muslims and both kill each other in the
name of God. This is disliked by God. Punishing is the duty of justice. It is
implementation is not the responsibility of the adviser. It is the responsibility of
the God. A human being is not capable to compel any body to do anything
jesus christ prophesised about the ahmed ved vyas ji described in detail about
the kalki. I am here to stand witness to them. Christians may believe him.
I have got in comparable matter about kalki and Mohammed]
(PBUH) saheb, after reading which i am surprised that the kalki for whom
Indians are waiting have come and he is Mohammed](PBUH) saheb. If one
has got some painful doubt it is the result of ignorance. Basically, principles of
all the religions are some but narrow minded people do not understand.
Some time ago to remove the vices crated in the vedic dharm
mahatma gautam religion other than vedic dharm. But when it was read in the
details of 24 avthars in puranas that mahatma gautam budh is 23rd avthar
then people came to know that his religion was their own religion, and
mahatma gautam is also an avthar. Then the difference of vedic and vedas
was removed and today the followers of budh dharm are also included in the
followers of vedic dharm. Similarly after studying the religion revealed through
Mohammed] (PBHU) saheb and its teachings seems to be opposite to vedic
dharm but when i read about kalki and 24 avthars in bhagwat puran and read
details about him in 12th chapter then similarities were seen with
Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb and i am confident that he is kalki only the
teachings of his religion confirms vedic dharm only. If not now when all will
come to know about it the Muslims religion Islam will be acceptable like other
religions practiced in India such as vaishnav, shaiv, budh, jain and shakat
religions. Further, indians and muslims will constitute a very big society.
Religion does not spread by physical force or weapons. When by the grace of
god people come to know about the truth of religion then they themselves
adopt the best religion, it is the durty of religious leaders that they educate
people about principles of religion. When they get belief, they will accept it. No
one accepts any religion by rioting. The religion is not concerned with dress or
life style or beard or the hairs. This is only overt bodily qualities. Religion is
concerned with heart- felt ideas due to which the journey of light completes in a
better way.
Every Hindu, Indian should know that he is only not Hindu; Muslims
and Christians staying here are also Hindus because the word Hindu means
one who resides in India. I request Muslims that the words Hindu and
Hindustan is their contribution only whose (Hindi) translation is mentioned
above. Therefore, they should not hesitate to call themselves Hindu. The
caste system in india was concerned with the occupations not with birth. The
word caste is related occupation they adopt. Worshippers of God and just
Muslims are also Brahmins the believers of God are all musalman or aastik.
Musalman is not the one who keeps long hair is brahmin or khatri or vaish or
shoodra. From the ancient times beard is grown by followers of both the
religions. In India the differences of high and low will not end and equality is not
practiced till then peace and well being is not possible. I will avthar another
book on this subject later because this research paper does not have so much
Saraswat prakash vedant sangh
Religion is divided into many pieces due to which the religion is defaced. It is
necessary to join all these pieces together and arrangement of sat yug.
To create belief on the Gospels, vedas and vedant, the comparative study of
Islam, christianity and vedic religion and thus giving the message of believing
in one God and unity of society, to throw out blind beliefs in the guise of religon,
inside the society, just like a fly dropped in milk, to bring thre religon of people
limited to age old tradition, out of the limited circle of life and preaching a
broader religion is the main purpose of sangh.
This sangh is not connected with politics. (vedic religion Godly
religion obeying Gods commands, and in religion is the relationship of sugar
and sweetness. If there is message of oneness of God in vedic dharm, then
there is practice on oneness of God in Islam)
Wait for the book vedic dharm and Islam religion
A Flying glance on Dr. Ved Prakash
Mohammed] (PBUH) Sahab.
The struggle for Religious integrity on the basis of Vedas and Puranas
by Dr.Ved Prakash Apadhyay through his book Kalki avthar and Mohammed
(PBUH)] Sahab, was read by me. In an era of narrow mindedness and
existence of matured viewed and fully aware persons like Dr.Apadhyay is not
less than a light house, who tries to fill the gap of differences between
religions, who tries to search for similarities among religions and on the basis
of these similarities tries to integrate the religions. His struggle is a valuable
one. He does not care that this struggle will be like a call in the desert or like a
parrots chirping in the high pitch sounds of music. Not only this there is a high
possibility that there will be strong opposition of his book.
Hazrath Gulam Nabi Shah Sahab Naqshbandi is also equally worth
praising that he has discovered this worthy book which is precious like a
diamond and now getting published the urdu and English translation of the
same, as it is , Though some of the quotations of this book are contradictory to
Isalamic beliefs. But in an era when muslims are being termed as extremists,
intolerant, narrow minded and Islam as (may God forbid) a religion preaching
terrorism. When an avthar like Samuel Huntingetons book clash of
civilizations has become policy of the worlds most blood thirsty war monger
George W.Bush, who has started Crusades, the struggle of Hazrath Ghulam
Nabi ShahSaheb Naqshbandi is worth praising.
Doctor Ved Prakash Apadhyay has written this research paper with
immense hard work. That is why we find references of Vedas, Puranas,
Upanishads along with the holy Quraan, the hadiths Biography of prophet
](PBUH) and other books frequently, which is a proof of his hard work. But
presumably he has not studied these books directly but has dependance on
their translations. This may be due to not knowing the language of the books.
Hence there are some mistakes in the translation of gospels at some places.
In a standard research paper like this it should have been avoided. Doctor
Apadhyay has detailed the similaries of Kalki avthar and the last prophet as
per Vedas and Puranas and referring to the details of prophet Mohammed]
(PBUH), his family, His birth place, and himself, has admitted that Kalki avthar
and the last prophet Hazrath Mohammed](PBUH) are one and the same. He
has also admitted that so many evils such as Idol worship, the system of
castes etc. have become part of Vedic religion. But Doctor Apadtyay in the
conclusion of the book invites the followers of Hazrath Mohammed ](Peace
be unto him) to accept Vedic religion, since it is a divine religion in which it was
prophesized that after thousands of years hazrath Mohammed](PBUH) will
come. Not only this all the details about him were narrated, which have proved
to be correct hundred percent.
In this connection, it is necessary to point out towards a basic
misunderstanding that Islam is a religion brought by hazrath Mohammed]
(PBUH). In fact Islam was the religion of prophet Adam (PBUH) also, and after
him of all the prophets also. The Gospel of God in the holy Quraan clearly
states that we have sent our messengers (prophets) in every corner of the
world. Thus, there is no reason that no messenger was sent to India.
Definitely prophets should have been sent to India also, and definitely they
should have been blessed with gospel in the form of divine books. Therefore,
any true Muslim who is aware of his religion thoroughly, cannot deny that
definitely prophets should have come to India with their divine books.
Since, the learned doctor Apadhyay has proved with reference to
Ashlokas of Vedas that in Vedas there is a detailed narration about prophet ]
(PBUH),his birth ,his family, his birth place, and his personality, which has
been proved hundred percent true, therefore,most probably Vedas and
puranas may be those gospels which were given to the prophets who were
sent to India.Quraan is a book of directions, it is not an encyclopaedia or a text
of history in which the names of all the prophets will be mentioned. Due to
necessity of the context, some prophets and some gospels names were
mentioned. The reference of whom was unnecessary, they were not
mentioned. Asper the complete belief no Muslim can become a complete
Muslim unless he believes Gods all names, all his characteristics, all his
angels, prophets and their books .In believing those prophets and books
whose names are not mentioned in the holy quran, there may be some
hesitation. It can be said that they most probably be the prophets and these
their books, but denying them will be totally wrong. If any Muslim does so, the
reason may be his ignorance of the religion.
Secondly, it is to be pointed out that before arrival of prophet
Mohammed] (PBUH) all the prophets who were sent were confined to the
particular country or nation, where they were sent. Prophet Mohammed]
(PBUH) being the last of all the prophets, thus it was necessary that a
universal and comprehensive religion should be evolved which should be
practicable for the universe, it should not be confined to any particular religion
or country or nation. Further more, because the community of religious
leaders in view of their vested interests have revised their concerned holy
books made some addition and some deletion in them. Hence many basic
principles were deleted and many unconcerned quotations were added in the
holy books. therefore, it was also essential to give a comprehensive gospel
and also to ensure that it remains secure and unaltered till dooms day. hence
the holy quran was revealed and as a security system of the gospel by the
system of learning it by heart (Hifz) it was ensured that every alphabet of the
holy book remains secure and alteration became impossible.
The learned writer of Kalki Avthar and Mohammed](PBUH) saheb
has proved with solid arguments thet Hazrath Mohammed](PBUH) were
kalki avthar i.e.the last avthar (messenger) or the last prophet. He was sent to
remove all the evils which had become part of Vedic religion and to purify it. He
has also admitted that the religion he preached was true. Therefore, it will be
logical to believe in the last prophet or in the words of doctor Apadhyay kalki
avthar or last avthar or last prophet and his religion. In view of this, inviting to
believe a previous religion Vedic Dharm in which according to the confession
of doctor apadhyay himself, many evils have become parts, how far can be
logical and correct.
If Doctor Ved Prakash Apadhyay and other learned persons like him ponder
over this with an open mind, it will be better.
The truth is transparent may God bless to believe the clear truth, Amen.
(Trial of religion integration on the basis of Vedas and Puranas) Kalki Avthar
Opinions of scholars.
Index of reference books
Meaning of avthar
Reasons for avthar
Reasons of the last avthar
Qualities of the last avthar
Era of the last Avthar
Description of place of birth.
Era of global social and religious changes
Aim of the last avthar
Teachings of Vedas and the quraan
The conclusion
Reviews of scholars on the following book
This relationship will increase their brotherhood, resulting in a spirit of
not opposing each other. Personal differences cannot be removed until there
is no spirit of sharing each others joys and sorrows, caring for each others
safety and a sportsman spirit. There are many subsects and schools of
thought even in Indian Hindus and Muslims, but their petty differences donot
effect their culture. The result is that all the Hindus and Muslims are united
internally. Similarly if basic or middle level beliefs and principles differ, if
Hindus and Muslims care for each others security, share each others joys and
sorrows, accept heart felt unity during games, then the day is not far off that the
fear of the global aggression will vanish forever.
Sanskrit university
9 Adhyapak nivas
Jagatgunj, Varanasi Phone No. 36016
25-stanly road
Shri Gopal Chand Mishra
M.A. (Sanskrit Ved)
Vyakaran Acharya
X-head of Sanskrit department
Prayag University
The spirit of the ancient belief that all the religions are similar was
further strengthened by reading the research paper on the topic of research
and comparison of kalki avthar and Mohammed (PBUH) saheb the similarity
presented in the book is based on Vedic dharma only.
The religious conquest of this (kalki) prophet and its factors viz;
horses and sword etc; and their description can make any person having
belief on Vedas, think that today it is not the vision of future but is a part of past
history. The study of the book results in the proof that kalki of bhagwat is our
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb only.
However, there is no need of these references for proof of this
solid fact but as good wishes I will only say that this Endeavour of apadhyay
may succeed in removing differences of Hindu-Muslim ways of thinking
Shri Ashlok Tiwari
Lavedi, etawah (U.P.)
This book on the subject of comparative study of Kalki and
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb is undoubtedly updated, worth consideration
and based on logical arguments and hope will bind the different points of
view of Muslims and Hindus in a thread and construct such a world which
will be free of intolerance, beneficial and full of happiness.
Shri Ram Bhuvan Mishra
Dist. Bhajkol hua
Mirzapur (U.P.)
After reading the book Kalki avthar and Mohammed (PBUH)
saheb I am confident that Kalki and Mohammed (PBUH) are one.
Shri Inderjet Shukla
I have studied deeply the research work of Pundit Ved Prakash
Apadhyay comparative study of Kalki avthar and Mohammed (PBUH)
saheb. In this research comparative study of Indias ancient literature and
Islamic literature is a worth appreciation important work work about kalki
avthar. It will be very effective to declare the religious differences of the
present era, useless, thus, once again the whole world will start believing in
one God and common brotherhood of the whole mankind and love will be
established. We hope that this book of research will be liked by followers of all
religious And they will come in the light of global brother, rising above the
intolerant and blind beliefs.Thus this endeavour will give message of a great
Our good wishes are there for the avthars endeavour to be beneficial.
Doctor Ram Sahai Mishra Shastry
Bahadurgunj, Allahabad.
By reading this research work it self I am feeling that the differences in
hindu and Muslim, two famous religions as well as the ancient type of Hindutva
is again understood by me.
Pundit Ram Bahadur Mishra
Logavan, Kabhiyavu
So far no such book worth considering is published which have tried
to bind different by thread of unity
Ashlok Kumar Jaiswal
Member Saraswat.
Prayag executive committee,
Saraswat Vedant Prakash Sangh
Allahabad (V.P.)
12. Hindu Musalman Ekta (unity) written by Pundit Sunderlalji Hindustani
culture society 145 Mithigunj Allahabad.
13. Quraan-e-Majeed.
Urdu and English
14. Shama-el-e Tirmizi by Moulana Mohammed Zakaria
15. Sarwar-e-Alam by Mohammed Muslim Publisher Jayyad press
September 1960 Kishangunj
16. Seerathun nabi by Shibli Naumani and Syed suliman Nadvi
Publisher Maktbae Maarif azamgarh Fourth edition 1958
17. Ashah-us-siyar by Hakeem Abul barkath Abdur Raoof publisher Noor
Mohammed. Asahulmaktba Karaehi September 1932.
18. Jamaul fawaad by sulaiman publisher Aashiq Ilahi Khairia press
19. Mohammed (PBUH) and Mohammedanism by Reverend Bosworth
20. Roman Empire decline and fall by Edward Gibbon publisher
E.P.Detand Co New York 1210
The sermons of Mohammed (PBUH) by lane pool publisher
Memilden & Co (London) 1882.
22. Encydopidia of world history by W.L. Langer publisher Gearge G.
harrep and Co.limited published in America
23. History of ancient Indias Civilisation by R.C. Dutt revised edition
1893 publisher Kegan Paul Trench Turner and Co. LTD. London
24. Appology for Mohammed (PBUH) by Godfrey Higgins publisher
Allahabad reform society Darya abad 1929
Life of Mohammed (PBUH) by sir William Myur publisher Smith elder and
co. London 1877.
In this research paper the ancient Indian legends and Islamic legends
similarities are detailed. In the Islamic legends the place which is for prophets
and messengers of God, the same place is there for avthars in the Indian
legends. Muslims believe that Mohammed ](PBUH) saheb was the last of the
prophets and in the Indian legends kalki is believed to be the last avthar.
Prophets come only in foreign countries and avthars only in India. It is not
possible, since the whole earth belongs to God. there is no Doubt about it. In
the ancient literatures of all the countries, those countries are termed as great.
No In the ancient literatures of all the countries, those countries are termed as
great. Now Indian or foreigner will term his country as inferior. Prophets came
only in Arabia and not in India, this is also a personal opinion. Avthars came
only in foreign countries, it is also a personal opinion. After coming to know that
Mohammed ](PBUH) saheb is the last prophet I had a strong urge of studying
about kalki in Puranas. According to Indian legends some eras (kal yugs)
passed in which the happenings about kalki avthar and the happenings during
that era, their comparison I did with the life of Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb and
found it to be correct. There was a little difference here and there same like the
differences in biographies of Ramji. These differences were also similar some
people react on this sayingHari Anant Hari Katha Anant (Hari endless and
biography of Hari also endless). I am also doing this work saying the same. I do
not wants to declare kalki a story since the story is always fictious. It cannot be
declared reliable as per the principles of fact or truth.
The possible disaster by atomic tests of scientists can be warded off
by thoughts of religious unity. It is not appropriate to live in water having
enemity with crocodile that is the reason that my research is the foundation of
religious unity. The supporters of national integrity will not object on this
religious paper. If any one can have objection they are only intolerant person. If
they come out of their cocoons and see the world then their imagination of
thinking their cocoons as the world, will be discouraged. The voices of god may
be published with permission of god with this aim only I have started this type of
research. I cannot say definitely whether someone has written something
earlier on this topic but it is indicated in Sarware Alam that kalki and
Mohammed (PBUH) saheb are one and the same.
Sarware Alam by Mohd. Muslim publisher Jayyad press kishangunj Delhi
September 1960.
My research paper will spread light in India and abroad since this
book is written by the grace of God.In it there are some astonishing things.
They are not my thoughts. They are either quotations of Vedas and Puranas or
these thoughts were created in my mind by divine revelations I am fully
confident that after reading this research paper a wave of unity will surge not
only in Indian society but also in the whole world, and the mayhem in the name
of religion will end. If people get wisdom, they will themselves join in each
others festivals and become a symbol of unity. No one becomes Hindu,
Muslim or Christian by name. If I call sirajulhaq Satyadeep, Abdullah as pundit
Ramdas or Ramesh and Abdur Raheem as Bhagwandas, they will not feel
offended because the translation of their names in Sanskrit is the same. If they
want they can translate my name in Arabic as noorul Huda. I pray God that
followers of all religions particularly Hindus and Muslims may unite again. This
research paper of mine may spread goodwill among people. There may be
friendship throughout the world and every one may get benefited. After reading
comparative study of kalki and Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb some persons
may doubt that based on the biographies of Mohammed] (PBUH) saheb
people have created the character of kalki, That is why I have given references
of ancient religious books, out of them the era of writing Puranas, I am proving
through latest references, Since no one so far could conclude decisively about
the same. The later historians while deciding about the era of shooth sutras,
Upanishads and Puranas etc; have used word possibly which is evident that
were unable to decide. At the outset I will clarify that what was the opinion of the
past scholars about the era of Puranas? After clarifying it I will decide about the
era of Puranas and later write about the main subject.
The era of Puranas as per W.L. Logger is 400years after Jesus Christ.
According to him Ramayan and Mahabharat were composed after 200 A.D.
There are following flaw in the said statement of Mr.Langer.
1.The composer of Ramayan Valmiki and composer of Mahabharat Vyasji
were contenporaraies, which is in fact wrong, since the premier poet Valmiki
can never be contemporary of Vyasji. The reason for this that Valmiki was in
the era of Ram. Since sita who was abandoned by Ram was guarded by
Valmiki in his Ashram. This proves the fact that Valmiki was in the era of
Ram. Not only this Valmikiji has completed his epic in his Ashram. This is
also confirmed.
2. The era of Rams life is Tritya Yug. Hence the composition of Ramayanm is
also possible in Tritya Yug only. The Mahabharat was composed by Ved
Vyasi in Duapar Yug.
3. Meeting of Shukraj with Jesus Christ is proved in futures Puran and this
Shukraj was successor of Vikrmadatya that means the era of Vikramadatya
Ramayan and Mahabharat were the topics of puranas.
Therefore, due to the above-mentioned these reasons the statement
proves to be wrong.
1. Puranas, the irregular statement of kings in which the traditional legends are
included, in their present form were written in the 400A.D. and after that
(Encydopedia of world history by W.I.Langer Page43)
Mahabharat the epic is written by poets of many generations and most
probably written round about 200B.C. and was revised in the early days of our
era. (Encydopedia of world history by W.I.Langer Page42)
Futures Puran Pratisargparva Tritya Yug, chapter Durit Yug Ashlokas
Futures Puran Pratisarg parva Tritya khand Chapter Duritya Ashlok 21
Panini (300,350 c) (Encydopedia of world history by W.I.Langer Page 62)
Budhism was founded in this era only. Its founder was Siddhartha (563,483)
He was of Gautam Dynasty and Mountain tribe sakia who obtained
deliverance (Encyclopedia of world history Page 41)
As far as language is concerned, the language of Puranas is ancient,
since it is free from the bondage of grammar. Sanskrit words are used freely;
this was the era between the Vedic era and the prevailing Sanskrit era. The era
of puranas according to langer is Mahatma Budh preached his religion in the
language Pali which was the language of conversation those days. The books
of Budhism prove this. Since the language was progressive Sanskrit was
defaced and converted to Pali languages, which became Prakrit, then
upbhransh and finally todays Hindi. Thus the era of Sanskrit proves to be the
era after Gautam Budha.Any language does not change very soon. The
process of chaging takes thousands of years. Before, the period of Gautam
Budha, the grammer of conversation was used in Sanskrit language
conversation also. The era of Paimeni who formed the grammer of language
was one thousands years after Gautam Budha and was round about 1463
A.D. Paimenis formation of grammer also proves that those days due to effect
of writings, there was only a way of making it by heart which had no strict rules.
The language of Puranas is of an era prior to paimeni. The writings of Puranas
in free Sanskrit proves them to be writings of middle of 1401A.D. These were
superficial assessments which are baseless, because all the scholars were
doubtful about this and at the time of forming the opinion itself, probably,
possibly, or question mark? Was used. Vow on the basis of colourful effect of
Puranas, we present the era of their writing.
Futures puran is one of eighteen Puranas in which future prophesies are
made. In the 12 chapter of Bhagwat Puran in the middle of the last age, there
is a prophecy of Kalkis birth, and his qualities. In the first chapter also in
Ashlok No.
24,Kalki is recognized as last avthar. In futures Puran also in
prati sarg Parva Vyasji starts description of events from Hazrath Adam
(PBUH) saying o! Heart hear the complete events of futures kalyug and be
satisfied. Futures Puran Prati Sarg Parva, first volume chapter 14 , Ashlok 24.
This statement proves that Puranas are written prior to Hazrath Adam
(PBUH). Therefore are only Two hundred and sixty years left for end of
Dwapar yug, when Hazrath Adam (PBUH) was born .5070 years have passed
after Kalyug. Hence Hazrath Adam (PBUH) was born 5070+2208=5278 years
ago. At that time writing was not invented. Hence Ashloks were learnt by heart.
In the days of Hazrath Noah (PBUH) Sanskrit was used, because Vishnu was
delighted, he blessed hazrath Noah with Sanskrit in the form of words. This
language was named Maeech language. Hazrath Noah (PBUH) got three
sons Sam, Ham and Yafs. From here the family of language was devided.
From Sam, Samese, And from Ham, Hamese.Being successor of hazrath
Adam (PBUH). The Puranas writing era is proved to be 7278 years ago from
present age. This is completely possible, though some persons may have
objection over this, Prior to Hazrath Adam i.e. in the era of Puranas, there
were four castes based on character and action, not on birth. Shudra could
Become Brahmin and Brahmin could become Shudra. When create of all the
creatures the God is one, there can never-difference of caste based on birth.
The way of walking, body, skin, hair, meat, stomach, face, joy, grief and
condition are similar in all human beings, hence all are equal. Then how can
there be differences of castes among human beings. There are four castes in
Rig Veda Brahmin, Khshatri, Vaish and Shudra.
1.Future Puran Prathi Sarg Parva Vol.I chapter 14
2. __________do_____ first, middle and last chapter.
3. ____________________do__________________
4.Futures Puran Varaha Parva, Chapter 40
5. _____________________do_________________
6. ____________________do_________________
In fact this does not mean that they acquire the caste by birth. In
means that declaration of caste on the basis of qualities, character and action.
Whichever was favorite to a person, he adopted them and belonged to that
Thus, the era of writings of puranas and description of the situation of
that era is aimed to say that understanding of Puranas is not that easy. In a
chapter of Bhagwat Puran, there is collection of ashloks of all the 18 Puranas.
Due to this no one dared to increase even one ashloka.
Now, in the name of God I would clarity the term avthar. I was
directed to do so by Professor Saraswat Prasadji Chaturvedi ex head
department of Sanskrit university and 1008 Swamy Raman and Saraswati. I
am grateful to both the scholars.
Pundit Ved Prakash Upadhyay
M.A. (Sanskrit-Ved)
Research Scholar Sanskrit
Prayag University
1.Rigveda 10-60-12 Atharved 16-1-6,31-11,3-12-5
Meaning of Avthar
The word avthar means coming to the globe earth. The
meaning of the words Eashwar Ka avthar is to take birth of a Mahatma to
communication the message to all. The God encircles everything. To say that
the God stays at a particular place or goes here and there will mean limiting an
unlimited being. Somewhere his light shines in a particular style. At some other
place it is hidden. For example at some places the sun. The Gods place is on
the seventh and highest sky which is highest of all the seven skies above us,
where neither the sun shines and nor the moon or stars are to be seen.
1.There the light of god is spread so much that the light of the sun and the moon
is nothing there. The light of the sun illuminates the planets; similarly the light of
god illuminates every thing. Some loved Mahatma of God to benefit people of
the world takes birth in the world or out of the persons born in the world some
one of pure heart and flowers character is blessed with the knowledge He sees
the light of God and gets knowledge without getting educated in the words of
Eashwar ka avthar the word ka is the word which shows the relationship with
God acquires the place of avthar. Who is related to God? He is related to God
who obeys him. In Rigved such person is called Keri The meaning of the word
Keri in Hindi is one who praises God. This is in Arabic Mohammed. There
may be a doubt that all the persons who praise God can be called Mohammed
but it is not so. The word Mohammed or Keri is particularly meant for the
person who specially praises God the word coined for the particular person
becomes his symbol or identity. Hazrath Adam (PBUH) also praised God but his
name was not Mohammed. So, the conclusion is that every person who is
related to god and who
1.Shweta Shooth Upanishad (Chapter 6 mantar 14)
Praise him cannot be Keri. Here we are only Talking about the last
avthar, we are not describing the history of avthars and prophets. I would like to
say particularly one thing that the word avthar in Sanskrit is the same like
Prophet in English and deliverer of the world in Arabic. There were different
avthars for different countries, because one avthar can not deliver all the
countries, but the last avthar is different, when he comes his religion becomes
superior to all the religion in the world. Now we will ponder over reasons of the
last avthar.
1.Rig Veda 2-12-6
2.Hindu Muslim Ekta (unity) by Sunderlalji Page 26-30
10. The avthar comes for protection of sadhus and to eliminate the enemies.
11. Avthar comes when religion is on the verge of destruction
12. When violence, murders and burglaries are rampant avthar is born
13. In view of changes in people according to era and changes in religion for
them, avthar comes to give new shape to old principles of religion avthar
comes if the above said reasons are prevailing