Bcra 11-4-1984
Bcra 11-4-1984
Bcra 11-4-1984
Volume 11
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ISSN 0263-760X
Volume 11
Number 4
December 1984
Some Features of Karst Geomorphology in South China
by A. C. Waltham
Cover photo:
Tower Karst along the Li River, South China
by A.C . Waltharn
Published by and obtainable from
The British Cave Research Association
30 Main Road
Somerset TA7 OEB
Transactions of the British Cave Research
December 1984 .
A. C . Waltham
The karst geomorphology of South China is summarised , special reference is made to the
relationships between cone (lithologically controlled) , hill peak and tower (tecto~ically
controlled) karsts . The Guizhou Plateau is a massive karst block with cave development mainly
in its marginal zones. The Stone Forest of Lunan is a spectacular karren field. Comment is
added on th e state of cave and karst research in China .
During the summer of 1984, the writer spent three weeks in China, taking the opportunity
to see some of the very spectacular karst scenery , and also to discuss various aspects with
Chinese karst scientists . This paper is submitted as a report of that visit . It conveys
second -hand information by commenting on some of the current thinking and research by Chinese
karst workers and describes first-hand some individual components of the karst landscape .
As the English language literature on Chinese karst is rather limited, it also summarises
some of the major features of the enormous area of karst in China .
The statistics of the Chinese karst are amazing . It covers an area of 1,300 , 000 sq kID,
of which around half a million square kilometres form the almost unbroken karst block of
Guangxi , Guizhou and Yunnan . The rocks of Cambrian to Triassic age in South China are nearly
70% limestone;
locally unbroken carbonate sequences have stratigraphic thicknesses of 3000 m,
and some individual limestone beds can be followed over an area of a million square ki l ometres .
Combine these facts with a terrain variation from plain to plateau to mountain , a climatic
range from tropical to alpine and it is easy to see why the Chinese karst is of such importance .
A map of limestone distribution in China (in Jennings , 1981) is unfairly dominated by the
enormous outcrops of Xizang (Tibet) . The cold , dry climate of this high altitude desert in
the heart of the Asian continent is not conducive to limestone solution , and the karst is
very poorly developed in this region . Infinitely more important is the great karst region
south of the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) reaching almost to the South China Sea , and to and
across the border with Vietnam . This one vast outcrop embraces both the famous tower karst
of the Guangxi lowlands, and also the high level karst of the Guizhou Plateau (Fig . 1) .
These are the most significant areas of karst in China, and both are further described below .
The Guizhou Plateau extends southwest into Yunnan and also northeast into Hunan and Hubei
where the limestone is contorted into chains of fold mountains . Immediately to the north
the huge Sichuan basin is floored by sandstone but almost ringed by limestone mountains, whose
outcrops are connected at depth beneath the synclinal floor of the basin. The Yangtze River
drains the entire basin and escape.s eastwards through the famous gorges lying between Wanxian
and Yichang in the provinces of Sichuan and Hubei . All the gorges are in limestone , formed
where the river breaches a series of massive escarpments. Vertical walls of limestone rise
hundreds of metres from the swirling brown waters , though river downcutting has dominated
almost to exclusion any true karst landforms in the area close to the river . Some of the
limestone is very massive, while parts are probably too thinly bedded to contain extensive
caves . But high above , massive limestone cliffs , fringing the escarpments and plateaux, so
resemble the characteristic cliffs of Europe ' s cavernous Urgonian limestone that the promise
of some spectacular karst is undeniable .
Further north in China , karst is of less importance, largely due to the lack of limestone
outcrops but also due to much lower solution rates in climatic regimes well removed from the
hot, wet, tropical conditions of Guangxi . Only towards Beijing (Peking) do the limestone s
extend in mountain ranges fringing the great Yellow Plain of the lower Huang He river . Near
Shijiazhuang on the borders of Shanxi and Hebei lies the great karst spring of Niangziguan .
Its flow ranges from 14 to 17 cumecs ; the small variation reflects the very large phreatic
fissure storage and also the flow from storage in a permeable sandstone caprock and does not
auger well for extensive cave development . Even nearer Peking is Zhoukoudian where fissure
caves in the limestone yielded the half million year old remains of Peking Man .
Good reviews of the Chinese karst r egions have been published in English by Zhang (1980)
and Yuan (1981) . In addition there is the famous photographic book "Karst of China"
(Institute of Hydrogeology, 1976) which suffers from a complete lack of maps; a new and
expanded edition of this is soon to be published . Finally it should be mentioned that China ' s
karst is not restricted to limestone . Qingyan, in Hunan province, has a major sandstone
karst , though it lacks underground development on anything like the scale of that in
Ven ezuala . Manchuria has, in the area of Wudalainzhi, some large l ava caves ; these contain
some l ava glaze stalactites almost to rival those of Hawaii's lava tubes , except that the
Chinese forms are dominated by l arge curtains instead of sta l agmites .
On the large scale, the karst of South China is dominated by the division between the
Guizhou Plateau and the Guangxi Plain, to gether with the intermediate zones, and these
aspects are consider ed below. But on the small scale the entire region has a chaotically
disorgani sed landsc ape , typical of karst, with a ll shapes of iso l ated and coalesced hillS
within a local reli ef normally of only a few hundred metres. It is these hills, notably
the towers, which have made China's tropical karst world famous and which continue to
provoke considerable unresolved debate, both on their origins and the extent of their
evo l utionary relationships (if any).
In the classical literature on tropical karst, two main landform types are recognised cone karst and tower karst. Cone karst is typified by that of Gunung Sewu in Java
(Lehman, 1936; Waltham et a l 1983) and the Cockpit Country in Jamaica . Individual cones
have height , width ratios of around 0.25, are rarely higher than 100 m, and though their
l ower slopes tend t o a constant 30 0 their upper parts are well rounded, often to approach
a hemispherical form (Fig. 2); valley floors between the cones are narrow and alluvia l
fl a ts are unusual. It is significant that in both Java and Jamaica, the morphology of the
cones is relativel y constant over large areas . In China, there are areas of cone karst in
the heart of the Guizhou Plateau, but the cones differe from those of the type areas . They
are isolated and surrounded by alluvial flats , their slopes vary between localities and
they are more truly conical with less rounded summits (Fig. 2).
The classic example of tower karst is the Yangshuo area of Guangxi (Fi g. 3). Individual
towers have height , width ratios of over 2, range in height from 30 m to over 200 m, and while
many do have vertical sides, others are much more irregular though still have very steep
wal ls somewhere in their profile (Waltham, 1983). Charact.eristically, towers rise from
alluvial flats, and may be as isolated individuals or in clusters with precipitous internal
valleys and depressions.
This two - fold division into cones and towers is however grossly inadequate to desc ribe
the myriad karst hillS of China. There is a complete range of hill profiles between the
extremes of cones and towers. Particularly on the margins of the Guizhou P l ateau , there are
vast numbers of intermediate forms, which cannot be described as cones, within the meaning
of Lehman, and yet are in marked contrast to the true tm.,ers of Guangxi . The dominant forms
have height,width ratios around unity, are irregular in profile, always steeper than cones
and yet not attaining the verticality of towers (Fig. 2); valleys and dOlines separate the
hills with only limited alluvia l flat development. The Chinese sometimes refer to these for ms
as " hi ll peaks" and , though this term in not as simple as cones or towers, there seems a
glaring need for it to be more widely recognised and used .
The continuing debate on the origins of cones, hill peaks and towers may well benefit from
conside r ing evidence from both inside and outside China, which is not easy with current travel
restrictions . Within China, true towers occur mainly on the Guangxi Plain, true cones are
mostly on th e Guizhou Plateau, and hill peaks occur in both areas and in the intermediate zone .
All three forms can develop in massive limestone, though some of the Guizhou cones are in
thinner bedded carbonate, and stronger beds form scars around some hills . Many hills have
no structural geological control, while some have profiles clearly influenced by their being
dissected remnants of cuestas or hogbacks;
rock mechanics determine that the finest towers
are mostly , but not exclusive l y , in nearly horizontal limestone. Most towers occur in the
tropical climate of Guangxi with annual rainfalls of around 2000 mm and mean temperature
around 21 0 C, while the cones and more hill peaks are in the sub -tropica l climate of Guizhou
with a r ainfa ll close to 1200 mm and a mean temperature about l5 0 C. The South China karst
is tectonically active ; it was affected by the Himalayan orogeny 10-20 million years ago an d
uplift has continued into the Quaternary .
The distinguishing parameters, influenti a l on hill genesis, are basically lithology,
climate and tectonics. Many of the Guizhou cones are formed in weaker , thinner bedded , more
shaley limestones - a distinction adequate to explain their morphology. However , the cone
karst of Java is formed in massive limestone, where perhaps a crucial factor is the role
of an allogenic soil cover;
so cone hills may have to be regarded as polygenetic . The hill
peak karst may be seen just as an extreme of disorganised karstic dissection formed in
optimum conditions of massive limestone, tectonic uplift and high SO l ution rates. The towers
still require a genetic distinction , which in turn must have implications on the orig ins of
the hill peaks.
The towers are not purely controlled by lithology;
their limestone is similar to that of
many other karsts. Similarly the climate of Guangxi is not unique ; in other tropical karsts ,
such as Subis and Mulu in Sarawak, vertical margins to the karst blocks do occur but the
interior s are doline fields without iso l ated tower development . Older theories on the
Chinese towers , summarised by Silar (1965), were based on the role of climate and the
considerable antiquity of the karst and saw the Guangxi tower karst as an erosional evolution
from the Guizhou Plateau - though this cannot be supported by field evidence . Tseng (1964)
saw the towers as residuals after evolution of the alluvial flats , but could not account for
their scarcity elsewhere . The classification of the Guilin tower karst in Sweeting (1978) was
purely descriptive of the degree of dissection and offers no genetic relationships. Williams
(1978) gave a fuller classification and identified the role of vertical or horizontal drainage
to distinguish respectively the cone and hill peak karst from the tower karst. The most
convincing explanation comes from Zhang (1980) who related the contrasting karsts to tectonism .
He claimed that the Guangxi towers developed by continued erosion at the margins of the
alluvia l flats where the uplift rate was equal to or slightly less than the rate of karst
denudation, while the Guizhou hill peaks formed where uplift exceeded karst erosion rates.
It appears that only this theory accounts for the differences within the Chinese karst
and a lso the rarity of to\Yer forms in most other tropical karsts . It should, ho\Yeve r, be
Fig. 1. The major topographic units and main karst areas of Southern China .
Fig.2. The contrasting hill shapes in the karst of South China and
a comparison with the conical karst of Java. Drawn from photographs.
400 Io.m
added that it is difficult to find fie ld evidence to prove the rel a tive uplift r a tes and
there a r e stil l karst scientists in China who see the contrast in g l andforms as functions
of a combination of litho logy and climatic history .
The Guizhou Plateau is a huge block of l imestone extending over an area more th a n 500 km
by 300 km . The province of Guizhou is more than 7~~ karst, and the limestone p l ateau
extends both northeast and southwest . In the central area around Guiyang it is at a n
a ltitude of littl e more than 1000m, but it rises on both sides to well over 2000m befo r e
it runs out of limestone in centra l Yunnan . Northwards it ends in the fold mountains bordering
the high level basin of Sichuan , whi l e to the south it f a lls away to the Gu a ngxi Pl a in . Its
climate is mostl y sub - tropical, though t en ds to be more temperate at the higher e l evations
of Yunnan . The limestone bedrock does not benefit ag riculture and Guizhou is one of the
poorer provinces of China ; it is sti ll densely populated, a nd the industrial city of Guiya n g
h as over a million i nh a bit ants.
The ma in karst a r ea falls broadl y into two l andscape t y pes - the central plateau , a nd the
more dissected margina l zones . The complex details of such a mas s i ve t err a in do make any
such divisions difficult to define , especially a l ong the southern borders where the karst is
contiguous with that of the Guangxi lowland. Chen et a l (1981) make the hydrogeological
distinc ti ons betwe e n the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau, the Hu n an-Guiz hou-Guangxi s lope - mountains
a n d the Hun a n-Gua ngxi-Guangdong - Jiangxi hill p l ai n (extending the latter terr a in into its
other pr ovinces) . Zhang (1980) , with a mo r e deta iled division , a n d Yan (1981) both fol l ow
bro adly the same pattern . The bound ar ies on the map (Fig . 3) a r e only approximate .
The centr a l plate au a r ea i s of low loca l reli ef , devoid of any deeply incised va ll eys .
Partly b ecause of the sheer extent of th e pl a te au , hydr au l ic gradients to the margins a r e
low and th e r e is no extensive development of deep karst drainage . Trunk drainage is l a rgel y
by surface rivers which flow on either bare limestone or a ve r y thin a ll uv i a l cover ; the
sediment is nearly a ll residual from limes t o n e sO l ut ion, as there is ve r y littl e source area
for derived material . The surface a lte rn ates between broad , a lmost level, planed - off basins
and areas of c l ose l y packed karst hills with loca l relief of l ess th an 1 00 m. The hil l s a re
most l y cones in the thin b edded limeston e aroun d Guiyang , but a r e mor e spectacular hi ll peaks
in more massive ro ck in th e Anshun a r ea . Boundaries wi t h th e basins a re commonly s tr aight
and on f au lt line s . Tectoni c fault moveme nt s of Qua tern a r y age a r e invoked to account for
the re li ef contrasts;
this is certainly plausible in view of the proven events of y oun g
tectonism a nd th e appa r e nt l ack of l ithologica l control, but the chronol og i ca l detai l s of
f aulting a nd e rosion hi stories appea r t o remain u n reso l ved . Some of th e basins a r e de sc r i bed
as pOljes ; the Anshun basin is l a rgely drained by ponors and is cut in ge n tly dippi n g
limestones with an eroded l eve l floor a nd sh a rp margi ns t o the surround hill peaks - it is
indeed a spectacu l ar va ll ey .
With r eg i o n a l water tables near the l eve l of the bas in f l oors , cave development is
limited in the central plateau karst . The Xin i u Cave , ne ar Anshun , is a foss il phreatic
system , with 400 m of passage e ndin g in three fine chambers conta inin g sta l agmi tes a nd
columns some 20m tall. Qiu (19 84) has described a recryst a lli sation sequence of ara gonit e
to column a r ca l clte to bladed calcite to g r anul ar ca l c it e related to magnesium leaching in
thi s cave . In the fina l ch amber there i s a l a rge water t abl e lake, a t the same l eve l as th e
basin f l oor outside , f r om which wate r i s pumped through a 15 cm pipeline to irrigate local
fields . At Gu i yang, t he Dixia Gongyua n cave (un derground pa rk) is 550 m l ong , a segment of
phreat ic conduit n ow isolated in a l ow hill ; it contains some o ld, coa r se , quartz river
gravels a nd much calcite infill including some shie l d formations .
The pl a te au margins
Away fro m the cent r a l a r ea of l ow reli ef , th e plateau ma r gins are increasing l y dissected
and th e greater r el i ef pe rmits deve l opment of more spectacu l a r and mo r e cavernous karst.
Th e bound aries of the marginal z on e a r e difficult to define accurate l y and Fig . 3 can on l y
be a gener a lis a tion;
the l a ndsca pes a r e complicated by many l oca l variations which could
stand as sub -zon es . The essenti a l feature is fluvial dissection - Zhang (1 980) referred to
thi s as the canyon zone . Major surface rivers have e r oded deep into the pl a t eau ; the
Hongshui He a l ong the south side is a prime examp l e . Canyons may be incised 500 m o r more ,
between hi gh l eve l blocks of spectacular hill peak karst . Withi n the karst , the water t abl e
i s commonl y 200 m be l ow the depression f l oors , and this situation is optimum for major cave
de ve l opment .
The f a mous r a ilway lin e between Gui lin and Kunming crosses t h e margin a l zon e on each s id e
of Guiyang . Ascending the southeas t flank from Luizhou i s the line immortalised by th e l ate
Joe Jennings (1981 ) when he described seeing, from the train window , more cave entrances th an
he had been into in his who l e life . There are entrances a lmost everywhere , including high
l eve l tubes 20 m in diameter , mu lti - l eve l notch caves , some huge arches a nd steepl y descending
potholes . The hill peaks of t h is ve r y specta cular ka r st are c l ose l y packed a nd vary
considerabl y in pro fi le, some being a lmost towers; a su r pris ing number of streams occupy
narrow valleys between the hi ll s , and there a re a l so ma n y sinks and risings. West of
Guiyang , the ma r g in a l zone of the karst p l ateau is equal l y spec t acu l a r . The Shuichen a r ea
lS perhaps the finest , with e ndl ess vistas of hill peaks; there are n umerous caves , va ll ey
floor sinkholes , open poth oles a n d sinking stre ams .
Away from the railway, the Zhenning area contains some of the finest karst the writer
has seen . It cannot be called tower ka r st , but the hill peaks a r e dramatic a l l y p r ecip i tous ,
ri sing 200 to 300 m above deep dolines and narrow val l eys . One hill is p i erced by a 60 m
hi gh a rch . Al ong a road l ength of just a fe w kilometres there a r e four substanti a l stream
sinks , one of which feeds to a re surgence 2 km away a ft e r passing beneath a deep doline
subject t o seasonal flooding as the cave water b acks up . The potential of the a re a for
caves , b oth ac tive and fossil , must be considerable.
Hill peak and cone karst near Zhenning on the Guizhou Plateau .
2300 6-
e l evation
elevatio n
Region .. 1
"" ~=
'(r""" j/~)
'A UI.l
"" 600
- - -~
"'~\fJ' ,~~
11/1 11
I/!--I{' I I
South China
.Fall~ \
.....R.tr.at gorge _,
--', -----
~ t ~15
'/~~ i
Dry valley
Tufa dam
Fig . 4 .
The Hangguoshu Falls and assoc i ated
features of the Dabong River Valley
(adapted from Zhang , 1982).
1~~lh~~1 ~ ~~~~~
.~ ~ I ~ ! I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n
~l ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n
"--_____A;. /
Fig . 5 .
Sketch map of the Stone Fo rest a r ea .
Road or track
Smaller pinnacle.
Alluvial fill
pinnacle a
n n
n( n
n n
A Ann
nn Remnant
Alluviated karren
~ ~
A A h
Remnant pinnacles
Fluted pinnacles and aretes in the Major Stone Forest , Shilin, Yunnan .
are deep clean meandering trenches . Loca ll y , fissures enlarge to potholes 1 - 10 m i n diameter
and the fu ll depth of the karren . Th e re a r e n o undercut notches , except on a sma ll scale i n
the few bedding pl anes , a nd fallen pinn ac les a r e few .
To the south of the Major Stone Forest (Fig . 5) , the karren continues over ma ny hundreds
of hectares , thou gh on a s li ght l y le ss spectacular scale , in an area known as the Plum Tree
Garden ; eventually the main outcrop is l ost under cover rocks on a high pa rt of the ridge .
The l a nd fo rms to the n orth a re modified by man a r ound Sh i lin l ake and the t ou rist hote l , a nd
fu r the r outcrops are broken by the morphology of the ridge .
West of the Stone Forest, the mass i ve limeston e bed dips gently beneath a low degr a d e d
esca rpment in a thinly bedded limestone and a cove r of red Clay . In the depression below the
scarp, a l luvial red c l ay suppo rt s ri ce paddies through which protrude a few low pinnacles .
A similar morphology with rundkarren pinnacles only a few metres high continues no r thwa rds
through much of Shilin vil l age , and an intermedi ate form of s li ghtly , high e r sha rper pinn ac les
occupies the western ma rgin of the Shilin J ake .
East of the Major Stone Forest, the karren continue , but as a much more dissected type formin g the Minor Stone Forest and an a rea to the southeast (Fig . 5) , and fo llowin g the ou tcrop
in between . This eastern type of karren has fewer , isolated, r emnant pinn ac l es , commonly
a round 15 m in height, dotted across a karst surface of degraded rundkarren with p artia l
soil cover and local relief of only a few metres . Even further eas t , the isolated pinnacles
are mor e widely spaced, l ower , a nd l acking the ri ll e n kar r en arete tops .
In profil e , the karren appea r to r epresen t an evolutionary sequence progressively revealed
as surface lowe rin g e xposes and modifies the dipping limeston e (Fig . 6) . The immature type
in th e west has rundkar r en blocks emerging f rom a soi l cover , with dissection increasing as
the soil surface is l owered . The main karren fissure development , within the true Ston e
F o r est type , takes place beneath a dense vegetation mat . Analogies with the active pinnacle
l andform in the rain forest of the Mulu area in Sa r a wak (W a ltham a nd Brook , 1980) are
the P inn ac l es of Gunong Api , a t Mulu , are very simil a r t o the Stone Forest
except that they are a little taller , occupy a sma ll er area , and a re more bladed due to th e
n atu r e of the l imestone jointing . The floors of the Stone For est fissures may have running
st r eams bene a th th e vegetation mat ; the higher parts of the pinnac l es , clear of the
vegetation , increasingly deve l op sharper rill e nkar ren. Continued exposure leads to degradation
of the p inn ac l es , leaving only remn an ts as in the type to the east .
In many r espects therefore , the Ston e Forest is just a n o rm a l karren , but a n extreme
form in t er ms of its scale due t o fo rtuitous geologi ca l conditions . Its spectacu l ar development
is a l so a function of its tropic a l environment , and corre l ations with the Pinn ac l es of Mu lu
may h ave implications with respect to past climates in Yunn a n.
The lowl ands of Guangxi province constitute the world ' s finest tower karst . The huge area
of a ll uvia l plain dotted with ta ll l imestone towers is known in China as the fen lin karst type tr ans l ated as the peak fores t plain . Its best known section is formed on a syn c lin a l outcrop
of Devonian a nd Ca rboniferous limestone wh i ch has the city of Gui l in at its n o rthern e nd .
Within Guilin itse lf the towers rise 50 - 100 m, but further down the Li River the towers
a re taller and even more precipitous . They CUlminate in the incredibly spectacu l a r l andscapes
around the l itt l e town of Yangshuo - generally reckoned among the Chines e to be the most
beautiful scenery in their country . The tower karst of Guilin and Yangshuo h as a lr eady been
described in the English l a nguage (Willi a ms , 1978; Zhang , 1980 ; Jennings , 1981 ; Waltham ,
and others) .
Viewed as a whole, the Guangxi karst is a ma tur e l a nd scape with a very l o ng history of
surface l owe ring a n d match ing uplift . Th e active tectoni s m is indicated b y the e rosion l eve ls
re cogni sed in profiles of the tower summits a nd the a ll uvial pl ai ns;
five levels a r e known in
a ve rti ca l r a nge of 500 m, a nd these h ave been ascr ibed to either intermittent uplift , o r step
faulting within the karst , or a combination of both , (Williams , 1978) . Ages of over 500,000
yea rs are ascribed to the a ll uv i ums of the Li River va ll ey .
Aggradational te rr aces cor r espond
with c li ff notches a nd cave levels within the adjacent towers , a nd provide furthe r evidence of
a l o n g erosion a l history .
Caves in the Guilin area
While some of th e karst towers have a clear geo logi ca l contr o l, the majority appear to be
randomly distributed across the al l uvial plain (Fig . 7) . The isolated form of most towers
is a n a tural restriction o n the potential len gth of open caves , and Gui l in must be reco gnised
as a n area of mostl y short caves . However , some of the towers d r e c l ustered into groups a nd
eve n the size of indivi dua l towers permits quite l a rge segments of fossil cave to be
preserved (for example Qixing and Lu Ti, described below) . In addition , the limestone
ex t e n ds beneath the a lluvium between the towers a nd hence bene ath the water ta bl e ; while
flooded caves do exist in this environment , little is yet known of them .
As is to be expected in a n a ll uviated tropic a l k a rst , cliff foot notch es a nd caves a r e
abun dant , both active a nd a lso aba ndonned at various h igher l eve ls. Some of the higher l eve l
dry caves have been used by man - for example the Zhen gpi cave , south of Gui lin , which is a
deeply undercut cliff foot cave conta ining sediments which h ave yielded human burial sites
9500 years old . The Yueya hi ll , just east of Guilin , has fine act i ve and fossi l not c h caves.
Tn Lon gyi n cave carved wal l inscriptions are scalloped to a he i ght 2 m above the present
wate r l evel - indi cating changes of dr a inage , probably a rtifi cia ll y induced, within the l as t
~OO ~ea rs .
T~ e back of th e no tch caves in Yueya hill reveal spec t acu l a r a nastomoses on gently
l n clln e d beddlng pl a n es . A l arger scale version of th ese i s seen in Nanx i hill , just south
of the town , wh e r e the White Snake Cave is a spectacu lar phre a tic maze of tubes , mostly a ro und
3 m in di amete ~ , a lso ~ontai~ing a zon e ?f large scale spongework . The cave was formed by
shallow phreat l c so l utlon , wl thln a vertlcal r ange of about 1 5 m, adjacent to an a lluvial flat
providing agg r essive water . Later modifications in the White Snake Cave include calcite
precipitation, l eaving some fine false floors , and vadose canyon incision in some of the
inclined tubes .
Two l a r ger caves near Gui lin (Fig. 7) are both now commercialised . L u Ti Tung (Reed Flute
Cave) , northwest of the town , has a single chamber over 250 m long packed with massive
stalagmite on a spectacular sca l e , with end l ess variety of f l owstone , gou r s , stalactites and
shields . Across the river, east of the town centre , Qixing Tung (Seven Star Cave) provides a
through -r oute of around a kilometre in a fossilised segment of trunk passage . Most of the
tunne l is 10-20 m h i gh and wide , with a broad keyhole profile , a fine phreatic roof, four
l eve ls of wall notches and deep meander undercuts ; it now contains quantities of massive
stalagmite mos t of wh i ch is inactive .
Some indication of more extensive cave development in the Guilin r egion is provided by the
Guanyan cave (Fig . 3) . This lies where a river sinks off a non - carbonate catchment , with a
flow ranging 1 - 20 cumecs which resurges on the banks of the Li River 7.5 km away . From the
sink the cave river has been fol l owed for 3500 m to a sump and there are various shafts giving
access to the passage .
Due to its sheer magnitude in China, karst occupies a significant part of environmental
research . Recorded observations go back for many centuries , though resea r ch has expanded
most dr amatically in recent years , particularly since the restraints of the Cultura l Revolution
ended in 1976 . The sca l e of modern -work can be judged by the Institute of Karst Geology ,
created in Guilin , with a staff of 270 in massive new buildings .
In consequence , the Chinese understanding of karst is impressive , especial l y when compared
to most weste rn countr i es , though there is a concentration of effort on appli ed s ubj ects
a nd
cave research lags significantly behind . The prime concern is over water r esources . Accepting
that karst hydrology is ve r y different from the conventional hydrology of uniform aquife rs,
the Chinese exploit cave water with confidence and considerably more success than their western
coun terpar ts. Pump schemes, cave dams and underground divers ions are a ll used , though there
stil l remains enormous untapped potential. Hydro - electric power generation from resurging and
underg r ound rivers is common in both Guangxi and Guizhou . Another aspect of karst research
concerns mineral o r es ; within the karst of South China, a nd partly within the caves, there
a r e economic depos i ts of gypsum , phosphate, nit r a te, detrital tin and even ma l achite copper
ore .
Civil engineering activity on karst is also the subject of extensive research . Sophisticated
geophys i cal techniques , including thermal imagery , ground radar and e lectromagnetic methods ,
h ave been appl ied with at least some success to the detection of underground voids . An enviable
state of cooperation between r esea rch a nd industry al l owed precise monitoring of an excavation
site a t Guilin with refer e n ce to the potential development of subsidence dolines in a n alluvial
e <D
Tower 6ummit
1 km
Xiangbi Shan
Fig . 7. The distribution of limestone towers, both individual and
clustered , across the alluvial plain at Gui1in.
1 96
cover over limestone . The work clearly verified the relationship between soil cavities ,
pin nac l ed rockhead and the zone of wate r tabl e fluctuation (Yuan, 1983) .
A westerner may , however, be surprised by the extent to which even app l ied karst r esearch
h as an underlying theoretical approach . Whi l e the purer veins of research are becoming l ess
popu l a r in the west , they still appear to be a major component within the Chinese way of
t hinkin g . This is not to suggest that they do not work, fo r the Chinese apply t h eory to
pract i cal probl ems in karst with a confidence stemming from vast exper ience. A mass i ve dam on
the Wu Jiang r i ver (of nor thern Guizhou) was founded on deep l y karsted l imestone; the depth
of its grout curtain was determined using the theory that h i gher leve l solution cavities shoUld
be more active, therefore sand - filled and needing grouting , while lower cavities in a zone of
slower water movement shoUld be clay - filled and hence not requiring grouting (Li, 1981)
dam and reservoir are still performing to design .
At least in part the theoretical approach to karst may be a function of the lack of
know l edge of the caves . The underground half of the karst environment does not appear to
receive its due share of attention and this is largely because of th e low level of exploration
tech niques and phi l osophy . Cave maps of high quality are not the automatic consequence of
cave expl oration that they have become in the west;
few maps appear to be avai l able , and man y
of those that are lack desirable detail . High-speed explorations , inVOlving S . R . T. and rapid
survey methods, are not a part of karst research in China . Caving techniques appear to have
progressed only to nylon rope ladders; yet some cave diving has been carried out. Then again ,
the use of man-carrying hydrogen balloons is a nove l variant which the Chinese have applied to
cave studies . Dye tracing is carried out , though there is still heavy emphasis on salt as a
tracer , and cave dating techniques have progressed to the use of r adio-carbon , uranium series ,
thermoluminescence a nd paleomagnetism .
Another contr as t in Chinese rese a rch methods is provided by their use of manpower.
Concentrat ed efforts by small exploration or resea rch teams over short field seasons appear
to be only a west e rn principle . In China success is assured by weight of numbers . The study
of the Tisu karst a rea, in Guangxi , involved the mobilisation of two thousand people ; it
revealed a total of 52 sites where groundwater was accessible in the caves . An unfortunate
restraint on cave a nd karst research in China is the unavailability of maps ; detailed
topographic maps are still r egarded as military secrets and this poses a n enormous handicap
to any geomorphological research.
A conclusion on karst res ea rch in China must be framed in terms of progress . More than
anywhere else in the world, the Chinese have learned to live with karst . They a lready have
specific l aws which ban the dumping of waste into any sinkho le - though such environmental
concern h as still not fi l tered through to the grass roots, for China has serious pOllution
problems. New industrial deve lopment is forbidden in Guilin, so that the c ity may devote itself
increasing l y to tourism in the karst landscapes . Overall , the Chinese have unparalleled
expe r ience and understanding in k a rst research . Prospects for the future are exciting and,
hopefully , will include more cooperative work a nd interchanges of ideas with karst scientists
from the west . Much has already been done, but the potential is vast .
For generous hospitality within China and the benefits of friendly discussion, the
author wishes to thank Prof. Chen Zhiping, Song Linhua , Prof. Yang Mingde, Prof. Yuan Daoxian,
Zhang Dian , Prof. Zha ng Yingjun and Prof. Zhang Zhigan . Though much of the raw mate rial in
this paper deriv es from th e work of those named , the comments and opinions are the
responsibility of the author .
Balazs, D. , 19 60 . Beitrage zur Spelaologie des sudchinesischen Karstgebietes; Karszt es
Barlangkutatas, vol. 2, pp 3-80.
Bagli , A., 19 60.
Kalklasung und Karrenbildung; Zeit. Geomorph. , Supplementband 2, pp 4 - 21.
Chen , W., Huang, X., Song, H. and Dong, B . , 1981. Karst groundwater in South Ch ina; Acta Geol.
Sinica, vol. 61, pp 149-160 .
HEGTKAR (Hydrogeological and Engine er ing Geological Team of the Geological Bur eau o f the
Kwangsi Chuang Autonomou s Region) , 1976. On the underground river system of the Tisu karst
area , Tuan County, Kwangsi, China; Special Report, 17 pp.
Institut e of Hydrogeology , 197 6.
Karst in China; Shanghai People ' s Publishing House, 140 pp.
Jennings, J.N. , 19 8 1 . Karst in China; Caving Internat . Mag., vol . 13 , pp 6 - 17.
Lehmann, H., 1936 . Morpho1ogi sche Studien auf Java; Geog . Abhand . , serie 3, pt . 9, pp 1 - 114.
Li, M., 1981. The deep karsts in Wujiang valley at Wujiangdu dam site; Proc . 8th Internat.
Congo Spel ., Bowling Green, Kentucky, pp 732-734.
Qiu, Y., 1984. Cave deposits and its diagenesis in Xiniu Cave , Zhenning , Guizhou Prov ince;
Carsologica Sinica, vol . 3 , pp 55 - 63 .
Silar , J., 19 65 . Development of tower karst of China and North Vietnam; Bull. Nat . Spel. Soc . ,
vol . 27, pp 35-46.
Song , L. , 1981 . Some characteristics of karst hydrology in Guizhou Plateau , China; Proc . 8th
Internat. Cong o Spel . , Bowling Green, Kentucky, pp 139-142.
Song, L. , Zhang, Y., Fang, J . and Gu , Z., 1983. Karst development and the distribution of karst
drainage systems in Dejiang, Guizhou Province, Ch ina; Journ . Hydrol., vol. 61, pp 3- 17.
Sweeting , M.M . , 1978. The karst of Kweilin , southern China ; Geog . Jour. , vol. 144 , pp 199-204 .
Tseng , C., 1964 . Some questions on the classification of relief types in karst r egion of
South China; Acta Geol. Sinica , vol . 44, pp 120-130.
Waltham , A . C . , 1983.
Impressions of Gui lin; Caves and Caving, No . 19 , pp 8 - 9.
Waltham, A.C. and Brook, D. B ., 1980. Geomorpho l ogica l observat ions on the limestone caves of
Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak ; Trans . Brit. Cave Res. Assoc., vol. 7 , pp 123-139.
Wa l tham , A. C . , Smart, P. L., Friederich, H., Eavis, A . J. and Atkinson, T.C., 1983 . The caves
of Gunung Sewu, Java; Trans. Brit. Cave Res . Assoc ., vo l . 10, pp 55-96.
Wi lliams , P.W ., 1 978. Karst research in China; Trans . Brit. Cave Res. Assoc . , vol . 5 , pp 29-46.
Yuan, D., 1981. A brief introduction to China ' s research in karst; In st . Karst Geol ., Guilin ,
35 pp .
Yuan, D., 1981a. On the underground stream and cave systems of Soliao karst area, Bama County ,
Guang xi, China; Proc. 8th Internat . Congo Spel. , Bowling Green, Kentucky , p 317.
Yuan, D., 1983. Problems of environmental protection of karst area; I nst. Karst Geol ., Guilin ,
15 pp.
Zhang, Y. and Mo, Z . , 1982. The origin and evolution of Orange Fall; Acta Geog . Sinica , vol.
37 , pp 303 - 316.
Zh ang , Z. , 19 80 . Kars t types in China; GeoJo urnal , vo l . 4, pp 541-570.
A . C. Waltham
Civ. Eng. Dept .,
Trent Polytechnic,
Nottingham NGI 4BU
1 98
Cave Science
Transaction s of the British Cave Res earch Association . Vol.ll, no.4 , December , 1 984 .
The three massifs of the Picos de Europa are the highest parts of the Cant a bri an mountain
range, an extension of the Pyr enees a lon g the northern coast of Spa in , and span the border
between the provinces of Santander and Oviedo . The central massif conta i ns the highest and
best known peaks in the area such as the Naranjo de Bulnes and Pena Vieja and is a popu l a r
area for tourists as well as walkers and c limbers . The eastern massif , bounded to the east
by the spectacular gorge of the Rio Deva and to the west by the val ley of the Rio Duje is
seen by a rel ative l y sma ll number of visitors . It i s to this area that the L a nc as ter
university Speleological society has mounted a caving expedition every summer since 1975.
S in ce 1 978 they h ave been joined by their Spanish friends of the Seccion De Espeleologia
Ingenieros Industriales .
At the eastern end of the massif where the Rio Deva is joined by the Ri o de Urdon is a
small hydroel ectr ic power s t ation fed by a can a l which runs a long the side of the c l iffs of
the Urdon gorge . A track follows the botto m of the go rge at first then climbs steeply up the
northern face to the little vi ll age of Tresviso , perched 70 0 m above . The Urdo n gorge
continues westward for 3 km to where its steep sides change to the broad U- shape of the
g l ac iated Sobra valley . At the head of the Sobra is the Collado de Pirue overlooking the
Duje valley and the central Picos , (Map 1) .
The most spectacular scenery in the massif is to the south , a region lmown as Anda r a .
He r e , numerous rugged peaks s urround four major depressions . The largest of these a re the
Sa r a Depression (2 x 1. 5 km) a nd Lake Depression (2 . 5 x 1 km) . *
The peaks in the southwes t
corne r of Andara a re the highest in the eastern massif and su rround a small dep r ession
containing the Evangelista mines . Finally , the flat - floored 56 dep r ess i o n , lies at the
n orthwest end of Andara . South of the Sara and EVange l ista depressio ns soaring c li ffs d r op
away in spectacu l ar fashion to the upper Deva valley nearl y 2000 m below . Two val l eys run
nor th f r om Andara down towards T r esviso - the Va l ded i ezma which joins the Sobr a valley a t the
h ead of the Urdon gorge and the va ll ey of the Rio del Torno which ends as a hanging va l l ey
overlooking the Rio de Urdon (Map 2) .
Our interest in the are a was k in d l ed in 1974 when l oca l people fro m a nearby v ill age told
us of caveS a round Tresviso, and a l so by a report in a Birmingham University Speleolog ic a l
Soc i ety journ a l which mentioned th at Tresviso is fa mous for it s cheeses (which a r e stor ed in
*The names of the se dep r essions have been coined by expedition members and are not found
on Spanish maps .
r _/- ::;;
Map 1
J -
R C 1..-6
9. -
11. - C29
12. - LA BARGA
10- FAllEN
8. -
6 -
5 - 56
I -
2 -
5 . 'sS:
Del ight. 12. R.C.A.-6 , lower En tr ance. 13 , Wh i tehouse and Cueva de Mozorrasa.
draughting caves) and surrounded by sandstone cappings. In the summer of 1975 we visited
Tresviso and explored a number of nearby caves and shafts (some used for garbage and sewage
disposal by the villagerS ! ) before descending a steep climb of 500 m down the side of the
Urdon gorge to where the canal feeding the power station could be seen . To our surprise the
canal originated, not from a dam across the gorge, but a deep resurgence pool , the entrance to
La Cueva del Agua . This find led t o the beginning of the exploration of the system which we
now believe is the major resurgence for the caves in Andara .
Several other major caves around Agua were a lso found that year, perhaps the most
import an t being Marniosa with its entrance in the side of the Sobra valley . In 1976 ,
however, our attention became divided between Agua and the Andara region.
Andara is accessible only on foot , or by a deteriorating set of tracks once used by
the Real Compania Asturiana (R.C.A . ) mining company. The whole a rea consists of barren
limestone littered with hundreds of abandoned sphalerite mines . We camped initially in
the Lake depression but soon settled on a disused miners ' hut, the White House , as a
base . At first we explored a number of shafts but all of them were choked with snow
plugs or by shattered rock . Our initial successes l ay with the mines . With such a
network of mined passages it was almost inevitable that some of them shou ld intersect
natural cave passages . These, when found, were free of ice and ice-shattered rubble and
have led to some of the deepest caves in Spain. Since then we have discovered several
other caves with natural entrances , mostly around the 56 depression .
A connection of
any of the caves in Andara to La Cueva del Agua will result in a system of 1 , 200 m to
1 , 500 m in depth.
(Figs . 1 & 2).
We first entered Agua hal f way through the 1975 expedit ion . An icy swim across the
dammed sump pool led to dry walking passage which soon dropped 5 m into a steep bedding
plane with an ominous rumbling beyond . Excitement rose as we climbed the bedding plane,
the noise growing louder a nd l oude r, until we popped out into a p as sage carrying a sizeable
streamway. Walking upstream where the water thundered over cascades was impossible so we
traversed up one side or another . After 100 m of some pretty exciting caving we reached
an upstream sump . While the rest of the party stopped to console themselves with a fag the
only non - smoker in the group decided to have a look up a tiny craw l which turned out to be
the way on . The re followed a maze of crawls and squeezes which finally entered a large
phreatic passage with potholes in the floor.
Soon we came to the Black Hole , a chamber
seemingly lar ger than it really is because of the black deposit on the walls and floor .
At the far end, a climb up orange flowstone led to Clapham Junction, the first major
crossroads . The left hand fork which we named Outer Mongolia waS dry with a mud and
calcite floor and a number of sand - choked inlets. Straight ahead from Clapham Junction
was the most obvious way on , a ramp up a steeply inclined phreatic tube but this looked
like hard work so first we turned to the right hand branch, entering a chamber with a large
brilliant white s a ndba nk. Turning left just before this chamber gave access to a passage
with a classical keyhole cross section . We made our way along the floor in some of the
finest passage we h a d found so far , a clean - washed canyon with a small stream and scallops
large enough to re s t your forearm in . Sporting traverses and climbs in the canyon opened
int o the phreatic roof tube and a sand - floored chambe r off to the right hand side .
We named the route we had just follow ed The Road to Ruin, the continuation of the steam
p assage The Road to Certain Death, the sand - f l oored c hamber The Reprieve a nd the big ,
abandoned, phreatic passages that we now strolled into, The Roads to Freedom. On that, our
first day in Agua,we also carried on up the r a mp from Cl apha m Junction and as fa r as Boulder
Hall where we stopped . In the Grade I survey we drew in the l og that evening was inserted
" All passages smaller than 3 m across omitted for clarity" .
On subsequent trips more passage was found , though not at the Same rate. At the point
where the maze leading from the main streamway to the Black Hole enters the large phreatic
pass age a climb up to the left led eventu a lly to a new high level entrance . Unfo rtunatel y ,
this route contained a long duck which sumped after rain and could not be used as a wetweather a lternative to the flood - prone streamw ay . The Road to Certain Death continued via
more traverses to a chamber with an 8 m waterfall inlet. At the top of The Ramp, a steepl y
ascending tube of 100 m, another tube led off to the left into Stalagmite Chamber ,
exquisitely decorated with a row of seven glistening white stalagmites and other formations
allover the wall . Beyond was a 9 m climb down into The Road s to Freedom. Finally , a bypass
to the long hading rift from the right of the top of The Ramp to Boulder Hall was discovered .
The Bypass was a series of climbs in and out of chambers connected by short wide sandy crawls
and off to the right of one of these crawl s a wide, steepl y ascending tube, Orangeade Arcade,
led over a series of orange mud - covered f l owstone to a choke . In the end the expedition for
1975 drew to a close with many leads in a ll parts of the cave.
In 1976, we were back in Agua again , spurred o n by the realisation that with such a large
streamway (1 . 5 m3 s- 1 in times of virtual dought) , Agua must drain a very large catchment area .
With the mountains of Andara towering up to 2 , 000 m above the entrance there was a distinct
possibility of us having a really deep system on our hands, if only a top sink could be found .
There were so many question marks on the survey from last year that severa l ways on were
almost guaranteed . Our initi al finds , however,did not live up to ou r expecta tions, as passages
were either choked or went round in circle s .
*Footnote : The history of the exploration of the caves discussed in this a rticle is also
intended to give a n accurate description of these caves . All pitches,climbs a nd other
obstacles encountered on the major routes are mentioned in the text and all pitch, climb
and passage lengths quoted are taken from the relevant surveys .
Our most promising lead waS the waterfall at the end of the Road to Certain Death . Climbing
it was more hazardous than expected but in the end the top waS reached . It turned out to be
the lip of a large deep pool . As there was no way round, it had to be swum . On the far side
waS an impossibly narrow fissure, a disappointing conclusion to at least one lead.
It waS only by luck that a way on waS found at all , when a climb up old flowstone led from
the roof of one passage to the floor of another. The party exploring the known leads in
Boulder Hall had pushed them all to their conclusions and while everyone else sat around
having a break" one enthusiastic member thrutched up a calcite wall. A few minutes later
he returned with shouts of, "It's massive - l arge phreatic tubes leading off ! ". The other
members of the party followed up the steeply-ascending calcite flow. Soon they halted at the
head of a 22 m pitch . Below this lay Brian Boru's Place, a phreatic tube with pure white
calcite flowstone, big stalagmites and helictites . Beyond, the tube ascended past several
climbs, including a 10 m calcite slope before apparently halting at a second calcite slope .
A faint roaring noise could be heard . Could it be the main streamway? It was not to be .
After ascending the second calcite flow and several more climbs a blank wall was reached.
In i~ waS a 10 cm x 10 cm hOI~ with a literally roaring draft . Many trips followed trying
to flnd a bypass to "The Howllng Hole". Again, the way on was found accidentally, this time
on a photographic trip. One of the g roup wandered over to a hole in the side of a calcite slope.
It only looked like a deep scallop or pothole at first but it waS gushing cold air .
Reluctantly the thinnest man wriggled through feet first . It got bigger, and then came
his triumphant shout - the passage had opened out again . A 6 m pitch was followed by
a large phreatic tube and from here on it waS easy gOlng . In the distance yet another
roar could be heard. This time we were confronted with a sumped pool . The difference in
air pressure between where we stood and the passage beyond was such that air waS
continuous l y driven through the sump with a fo 'r eboding booming noise . It was not till
the next trip that someone tried the free dive . The sump turned out to be only a metre
long so the rest of the party fol l owed close behind. Once again the passage continued on
past a series of climbs into a large chamber and a pitch below . With time running out the 13m
pitch was descended into a small chamber and a 4 m c limb took us to a larger chamber.
There was only one apparent way on , fo ll owing a hading rift to a beautifully decorated
chamber , since named "The Oasis " . From then on, detackling took priority with over 1>' kID
of passage explored in the last few days of the 1976 expedition .
The following year, 1977, our efforts were equally divided between Agua and the search
for a top sink in the Andara region to the south . Exploration of Agua waS thwarted fo r the
first week as a few days r ai n had made the streamway totally impassable. Once the water h ad
subsided , the cave was quickly tackled up and exploration of the known leads began .
Eventually , the breakthrough was made. The had in g rift up to The Oasis continued beyond,
up a short calcite slope and then over a second larger flow. This led to a l arge boulderfilled chamber and the rift which followed ended at a 12 m pitch. The next day , a nother
party descended the pitch into a l arge chamber with a sandy floor . This was called Consort
Hall and was to be our future underground campsite . At the opposite end of Consort Hall waS
a sandy crawl into a large phreatic tube which Gontinued past an intrusive stream (The Ripper)
to the bottom of Son of Ramp, an exposed 35 m climb up a steep l y ascending tube . Enthusiasm
was higher than ever with hundreds of metres of well decorated passage found on every trip.
Cavers literally queued to go on pushing trips and one man even went caving with a badly
burnt leg that later needed hospital treatment.
A rift continued beyond Son of Ramp over several calcite s lopes to a 12m calcite f l ow ,
an exposed climb for the first person up and subsequently laddered . At the top, a l a rg e
phreatic tube continued to an obvious junction. Down eventually became too tight but up
continued through very old phreatic pasSage to another junction . The smaller way on down
ended after a 17 m pitch,and a climb up to the left where the old phreatic passage becomes
smaller ended at the bottom of a shaft. This needed pegging .
By now, trips to the end a nd b a ck were t a king 15 - 18 hours and the idea of underground
camps was becoming increasingly attractive . If much more passage waS found at the far end
camping would become essential . The next group down Agua t a ckled the 11m aven which had
stopped the previous party. It was managed quite easily , thanks to a perfectly positioned
crack up the right hand wall. The way on from the top did not seem all that promising, an
old dusty honeycombed passage, but after only 15 m we re a che d a small chamber , adjacent to
one of larger dimensions . A wide and impressive rift headed steeply downwards , obviOUSly
"the way on " but the only ladder left waS not enough . Me anwhile , one of the group climbed
the calcite flows on the right, just before the rift , a nd then over bOUlders to a 6 m downward pitch.
The next day , more ladder was taken in and the big rift descended . Disappointingly, it
waS choked 60 m below. The draught seemed to disappe a r half way down . The alternative way
on was more successful :
the 6 m pitch dropped into a large phreatic passage continuing
upwards . The formations were beautiful and got better with every step . Fool ' s P a radise, a
series of grottos at the end , was really magni f icent . The wallS were completely cove r ed
with helictites , the biggest of which were nearly a metre in length. We must have spent at
least two hours staring at the formations - huge st a lagmites and st a lactites right down to
incredibly delicate crystal growths - an amazing pl a ce .
On the way back we checked all the side passages . All of them choked except the last.
While we collapsed a t the entrance and waited , one of the party went to investigate. A few
minutes later our reverie was shatte r ed when he stuck his head out of the hole and shouted
that he had found a big room .
Once again the formations were magnificent with more huge helictites. Unfortunate ly, we
had reached saturation point. It was not until subsequent trips that the full beauty of Dan ' s
Room, as we called it, was really appreciated . By the time we reached the surface we had
been underground for 19 hours : the decision waS un a nimous - the next trip we would start
underground camping .
Fig . 1 ,
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Cartography by S .Godden
SCRA Grade 5c
Drawn by P .L.Smart
Surveyed by LUSS
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Consort Hall waS the obvious place for a campsite. The flat dry sandy floor was ideal
and water was less than a hundred metres away . The camps were a great success . The first
concentrated on surveying and photography, the second pushed a number of l eads to their
conclusion . The. third and final camp for exploration opened up many new leads for next year .
Then explor ation gave way to the inevitable end of year detackling.
1978 waS the first year in which exploration of Agua waS based entirely from underground
camps , with up to six cavers at a time at the campsite in Consort Hall . Each group of three
cavers spent four nights in the cave. It waS also the first yea r in which an effort was made
t o loc ate a " middle entrance " to Agua somewhere on the northern end of the Sierra de la Corta .
A few entrances were discovered but unfortunately none went very far . That year we also took
radiolocation equipment and with it were able to locate Consort Hall and Fool ' s Paradise from
the surface on the Sierra de la Corta . In addition this was the first year that we were
joined by a g r oup from the Seccion de Espeleologia Ingenieros Industriales (S.E.I . I . ) of
Madrid in the exploration of Agua and the caves among the high peaks - the first of many
fruitful joint ventures .
The first objective waS a passage known to exit above a peg route climbed in 1977.
This turned out to be a series of exquisitely decorated passages later called The Winter
Gardens . Hopes were raised when a short sandy crawl was followed to a pitch into a large
chamber . The next day the g r oup returned with enough ladder to descend what turned out to
be a 40 m pitch. Disappointment awaited . The pitch dropped straight back into Dan ' s Room.
Meanwhile another g r oup had begun a bolt traverse across the top of the big rift .
After three days of bolting there was still no end in sight so they decided to look for a
route lower down. Afte r a not too difficult traverse 13 m above the floor , the rift was
left behind . A scr a mble over boulder s e nded with an 8 m pitch into a large chamber.
The next d a y th e g roup r e turned carry in g more t a ckle to the e nd . The 8 m pitch led
down to a boulder - covered floor and on the f ar side an 11 m pitch dropped down to a pool,
The Bloody Lake, that had formed in front of a massive and spectacular calcite wall . Most
of the group followed the obvious route leading off to the left into an old complicated
maze section . In the meantime one member climbed the calcite flow above The Bloody Lake
for 8 m to a hole in the wall . Another ladder was dropped 9 m down the other side into a
clean roomy passage which waS hurriedly followed by all.
It was the Spanish member of the party who stopped to put his hand to his ear . The
distant rumble was unmistakeable . Excitement turned almost to frenzy as everyone rushed
towards the sound . We had once again hit upon the main streamway . The dry passage terminated
at an impressive junction which for very good reasons became known as Colin ' s Climax . The
first group through explored the stream pa ssage as far as was possible . They also discovered
another passage leading o f f . It seemed a t first that this was dry but it soon led into
another section of streamway .
The next important finds were made by returning to the rather unspect a cul a r maze , where
a 22 m pitch into a large chamber was re a ched . At the bottom large passages extended in
two directions . Turning towards the sound of water the route soon developed into aWkward
walking passage , stumbling over boulders, climbing calcite flows a nd tr a versing holes that
dropped into a stre a mway below. The pas s ag e ended with an 11 m pitch into a known part of
the streamway. Oppo s ite was the dry pass a ge leading to Colin ' s Climax a nd another circle had
been completed . The maze was abandoned for the time being .
Attention was next focused before the 11 m pitch down to The Bloody Lake , where a climb
down between boulders ended in a chamber . A 2 m cli mb up on the far side had many small tubes
h eading away from it, most of which interconnected at various stages . At the northern end of
this complex a rift opened out into another chamber - Scrambled Egg Cha mber . A large phreatic
tube at the end o f thi s chamber rapidl y turned to a flat - out cr awl whi c h thankfully did not
last long . It open e d out again into a ple a s a nt walking passage , the floor covered with white
calcite . Traversin g around pools and stooping below formation s we c a me to a 12 m pitch
followed by a 30 m pitch . At the bottom a boulder slope ran down to a streamway sumped at
both ends . Next we checked out a small rift running away from the streamway at the bottom
of the 30 m pitch a nd eventually arrived at a 9 m pitch (Rendezvous Pitch) which dropped
straight into the s a ndy p ass age just prior to Colin ' s Climax . A climb a bove the 30 m pitch
led to a passage whi c h a ls o emerged at the he a d of Rendezvous Pitch. Thus we had completed
the 1978 Grand Circl e .
The last major find o f 1978 wa s at the bottom of the 22 m pitch at the end of the maze ,
this time turning a wa y f rom the water. A boulder-strewn pass a ge led to the edge of a short
drop that apparently choked t the bottom . Above this, however , a large phreatic passage led
off into the darkness . skillfully a small stalagmite was lassooed. Up a ladder , across a
couple of poolS and we were a t the top of what appeared to be a considera ble drop . The next
day we returned carrying more ladders and bottomed the 30 m pitch . A descending rift led
into a large sandy - floored ch a mber . More large passage led to a s hort pitch leading down
into another rift .
Across more poolS and the main passage appe a red to clos e down - a
frustrating way to end the year ' s explor a tion in Agua .
The frustrations of 1978 continued in 1979 . First was a daunting bold route up to the
perched sump at the end of The Road to Certain Death and then for 20 m above to a ramp . To
the dismay of all the r a mp just split into numerous tubes too tight for even the smallest
caver to crawl into.
At the far end of the cave things went no better . The rift le a ding away from the stream
at the bottom of the 22 m pitch , the so-c a lled 150 ft Series , was reinvestigated but, although
a number of ways on were found below the 30 m pitch, they all ended in sumped pools or chokes .
A hole in the floor of Scrambled Egg Chamber a l so ended with a 30 m descent into the start of
the 150 ft Series . The stre amway at Colin'S Climax was swum and traversed to an upstream sump .
Meanwhile the phreatic route out of Dan ' s Room had been followed to a boulder - choked
termin~chamber .
A passage off from the left hand wall of thi s route also ended at the
Terminal Chamber . Below the final climb up to the collapse are a a vertical slot opened out
into a 1 00 m pitch back down to The Bloody Lake. Many other leads similarly went round in
circ les or soon choked .
And so , after the last two years of intensive exploration, resulting in an increasingly
complex interconnecting series of passages a nd shafts at the far end - but no major route
on - our work in Agua was halted fo r the last time . In a way i t waS inevitable as exp l oration
at the so - cal l ed top camp in the Andara region was producing discoveries of new deep systems
every year a nd the tempt ation to switch a ll our ef f o rts to this area was too strong . But it
wou l d be foolish to aSsume that a way further into the mounta inside is not there to be
discovered ; perhaps one day it will be . In the meantime for all those of us who have explored
the caves around Tresviso a nd in the Andara r eg ion, Agua is the one we remember best of all and surely one of the finest cave systems in Spain .
(Fig. 3) .
Marniosa was once used as a cheese cave by the people of Tresviso who h ad explored much
of the entrance series . They had been down the first two pitches hand over hand on hemp
ropes , quite an achievement as the second one was 12 m and free hanging .
We began
exp loration of Marniosa during our first year at Tresviso , 1975 . A strong draught b l ew
through the cave , strong enough to b l owout our carbide l amps on occasions . After several
chambers , two pitches of 4 m a nd 12 m and a 4m c limb down into a short rift took us to a
l arge chamber - Morning Chamber .
Returning the next day with more tackle we descended a free - hanging 22 m pitch out of
Morning Chamber . The pitch landed in another chamber and after scrambling down a bou l der
slope on the right hand side , entered a large boulder - strewn abandoned stream passage .
A chamber off to the left was so well decorated that we hnd to stop for a break to enjoy
the view. Then le aving Smoker ' s Corner we pushed on a long the main rift passage . Sometimes
it seemed criminal to continue , the knobbly green calcite - encrusted floo r crunching bene ath
our feet as we left our muddy trail . The main way on appea red to close down but a 3 m taped
climb into a roof passage led to a smaller but very well decorated section . Further along
we again climbed back down to the main passage decorated with some very large calcite flows .
At last , a S lippery 15 m rope climb and then anothe r 4m pitch straight int o a st re amway
which r a n along a very high but narrow ri ft passage .
Heading on downstre am , we soon came to a 5 m pitch . The next 250 m were easier going
until we carne to where the water desce n ded through an eyeho le, fo r tunate l y bypassed by a
traverse and easy climb . Then after a 4 m ladder climb the going got mor e difficult and
climbing down waterfalls on loose chert made for some pretty sporting caving . We were
nearly stopped on several occasions but always manged to find a bypass to the next pitch .
Eventually , with no more tackle we came to a halt at a 10 m pitch and were forced to call
it a day after a thoroughly exciting trip .
Marniosa carried on, but not far : a sump poo l waS soon r eached and some climbs up afte r
the 10 m pitch led to a series of o ld inter connecting passages which unfortun ately only
regained the stream before the sump .
The way upstream was more difficult as the rift was narrower and many r oof falls had to
be traversed over . Some 1 . 5 - 2 km was followed to an immense chamber, The Hall of the
Mountain King . It consisted of numerous avens , some with waterfalls, others dry and any thing up to 50 m hi gh . Sandstone boulders litt e r ed the floor .
Work in Marniosa was never compl eted due to the tragic death of Tony Harrison who
s li pped on a handline climb in the cave . Exactly what happened we will never know but it
certainly dampened enthusiasm for a ve ry fine cave a nd it waS four years before Marniosa
was revisited .
Most of our new finds in 1979 were nearer the entrance . Part way down the slope below
the 22m pitch a l ow concealed crawl to the right led into a rift , the start of the Extr a
Caverns series .
expedition drew to a close for that yea r with several leads still remaining .
We have n ot been back to Marniosa since : the smaller teams viSiting the Picos from
1980 onward having concentrated on explorations in the Anda r a region . Nevertheless, it is
one of the most extensive caves we have explored in the Picos and will almost certain l y
reward a return visit with further discoveries .
While La Cueva del Agua and La Cueva de la Marniosa were undoubtedl y the most important
of our fi nds around Tresviso , the many other caves in the area should not be ove rlooked .
These caves a re all described in the 1977 report and include :
a) ~ a Cueva del Rio Chico (Fig.4) .
More than two thirds of this resurgence cave has been modified by bl ast ing, a nd a small
canal directs the stream from its origina l route for the first part of the cave . A further
100 m of walking and climbing upstream le ad via a series of deep pools to a large deep
sump pool with a strongly draughting but impassably tight hole above . Possible continu ations
include several steeply ascending ramps above the canal .
b) La Cueva de R~~~nda (Fig . 6) .
"R esplenda" is basically a massive chamber 400 m long and up to 50 m high . The entire
cave is sp lendidly decorated , especially the 170 m long final crescent- shaped section.
c) La Cueva de Conjtina (Fig .7).
A short tlght sectlon leads to a 5 m high vadose passage , past two shafts to another
pitch and a series of choked rifts .
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LENGH 2'8km
Tresviso, 8A,ntander.
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LUSS 1976
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terminal sump.
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Fig.S .
P. J.
Fig .6 .
(bOlildl::fS e)(cCpl where marked)
L -____________________________________________________________________________
FiG 7 .
LUSS 1975
ON 66" MA G.
*In the 1977 r e port the tw o separate natural cave systems entered via the Sar a mine a r e
called " Sara I" a nd " Sara 2", the fo rmer b e in g the first cave mentioned in this secti o n.
Sara 2 , by far the deeper , is si mply called " Sara" in subseq ue nt repo rt s . In this r e port
also, "Sa r a " refers to " Sara 2".
2 12
Sect ions
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Fig.S .
43" '4' ,ON
Length 13S0m.
Fig . 9 .
50m .
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RCA. 6.
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Entrance Mine
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Tresviso, Santander; Spain
qJSS 1917
Grade 5
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The following year (1978) Sara was the main objective of the top camp team . It soon
became obvious to al l who had been to the r egion the previous two yea r s tha t there was far
more snow on the surface than normal a nd thi s was to prove a ma jor hinder ance . T ackling
the tight entrance se ries was no problem but the big shaft waS a nother matter . The copious
quantities of snow melt had turn ed las t year's dry h ang into a very wate r y undertakin g .
It was ironic that the wa r mer and sunnier it was on the surface the more miserable it
became undergroun d . Severa l groups spent h ours pe r ched on tiny l edges a mi d spray a nd
freezing draughts bef o re the shaft was rigged and the previously u ndescended pitch re a ched .
The hole down th rough the boulder s opened out after 1 0 m into a huge ri ft a nd the botto m was
re ached 42 m fu rth e r down, t hankful l y we ll away from the wate r. There was no way to keep
dry on the next pitch , however, and icy water pounded off helmets a nd shoulders for most of
the 12 m descent . The stream sank into boulde r s but the way on was obvious . Climbing
steeply upwards and then over a n awkwa r d overhan g ing bou lder we re ached another l arge rift.
The next t eam descended a 24 m pitch, fortunate l y freehanging and dry . Wi th no other
pitches in sight , gear was d r opped and the y climbed ove r muddy bOUlders to regain the stream .
Disappointingly the big walking passage we h ad hoped for never materialized . Instead , the
pair (all groups were two men by thi s stage) followed a narrow meande r, crawling , climb ing
and tr ave rsing un til they came to an 8 m pitch . Then it waS a ll the way b ack again to piCk
up t he tackle. The pitch l anded in a small chamber with a rocky l edge a met r e out of the
water . This was to be the site of undergroun d bivouacs on l a ter trips . 30 m furthe r o n,
t h e roof l owered and the on l y way on appeared to be th r ough a duck. This waS 6 m long a nd
opened out onto a series of cascades .
At this stage we r ece i ved a majo r boost t o mo r a l e . F l uorescene p l aced in the Sa r a s treamway o n an earlie r trip h ad been observed in Agua . Char coal markers were unnecessary , the
whole Agua streamway h a d turned a deep fluo r escent g re e n.
Beyond the duck the p assage changed f r om n a rr ow muddy tr ave r ses to wide water- washed
climbs , cascades and pitches in good so lid r ock . The next th r ee groups fO l lowed a series
of short cascades and climbs to a muddy l edge which was trave r sed to a 10 m pitch . Seven
more of 5 , 10, 6 , 1 5 , 5 , 1 4 a nd 12 m fo ll owed . By this time much of the snow and ice o n the
surface had disappeared which was just as well , as severa l mo r e inlets had helped boost the
stream to quite respectable proportions .
Exploration h a d now r eached the head of a pit ch of unknown depth which waS rig ged dry b y
trave r sing out along a 30 cm wide l edge . The next pair descended the pitch which turned
out to be 43 m. It waS dry for most of the way but the l ast few metre s were ri ght in the
spray . An 8 m pitch in the streamway was fol l owed by a n o ther 8 m l adder climb which managed
to miss the water , a welcome relief afte r the good drenching re ce i ved on the previous two.
Around the corner waS a chance to get away from the wind and spray . The water had left a
dry oxbow and the next pitch of 6 m was into a small chamber . At the far end was yet anothe r
pitch b ack into the streamway . Enough was enough a nd the pair ex ited af t e r a 20 hour t rip.
The following group were a lso down for 20 hours . They descended the next pitch of 22 m a nd
then a nother of 24 m. The latter was hun g dry for the first 15 m but the rest of the descent
l ay in the fu l l force of the water . Yet a nother pitch fo ll owed immediately with the water
funne lling down a narrow chute .
Sara was n ow abou t 550 m d eep a nd everyone ag r eed that from now on the cave was best
tackled f rom underground bivouacs . After the campsite had been estab li shed th e re was time for
onl y one more pushing t ri p b efo re the detackling camps began . The 26th pitch was descended
for 11 m into a deep pool . Two more of 7 m and 3 m fo ll owed. Gear was left at the bottom
whil e the p a ir went on to look for the next pitch . Inste a d , they ente r ed a supe rb section of
big meandering streamway . After 100 m, the streamway n a rrowed and began to descend more
rapidl y . Several sha rp awkward squeezes e n ded in a h i ghly shatte r ed bOUlder chamber. A
c limb up and over a l arge perched block led to more constricted passage and squeezes . This
was followed by a 10 m climb down a c as c a de then more stream p assa ge which continued t o
decrease in size . Ar ound every corner they expected th e p assage to c l ose down even more a n d
become impassable .
Then the char acter of the passage changed yet aga in . Bre aki n g out of the tiqht meandering
ri f t the pair entered a l arge spacious passaqe . 30 m on , two l a rge i nl ets joined the st r eamway . Walking on a nother 20 m they re ach ed a - 1 0 m pitch . Lookin g out over the d r op , the
st r eamway could be seen wanderi ng between mudf l ats in what was definitely the bigg est chambe r
in Sara .
Then came what was perh a ps the most important decis i on of the expedition - whethe r or not
to go all the way back for the tackle and ri g the next pitch. In the end they decided to go
back for just enough gea r for thi s , a n d perh aps one more pitch . An hour later they were
down in the chamber . A large rift , 1 0 m wide a nd higher than cou ld be seen l ed off a t right
a n gles to the direction of the previous passage . Further on , the rift was full of mud - a nd
then came what they had half expected to see since enteri n g the rift, a huge sump pool with
mud high up o n th e wa lls and a n inl et enterin g on the far side . And so ended Sara, 635 m deep.
The fo llowing yea r a second entrance (Sar a 3) to Sar a waS found withi n the Sar a mine
complex . It entered the top of the big shaft which tu rn ed out to be 280 m deep a nd added
13 m t o the tot al depth of the natural cave . Another higher entra n ce (Karen) is a l so known
but this leads to Sara via mined passage and is therefore not necess a ril y an integr a l part
of the Sara cave .
Sara is b y a n y standa rds a supe r b sportin g c ave . The massively developed vertical section
down to the bottom of P24 might once have take n l arge q uantitie s of g l acial meltwater and
judging by the number of inlets and the vo l ume of wate r that f low s even when the re is little
s now on the surf ace , the active streamway ma y well be the principal mode rn drain fo r the
Sara Depression . Certainl y the stream is much l a rger th a n those e ncountered e lsewhere
in the othe r Andara caves and the streamway quite un like the tight a nd to rt uous meanders
so typical of Tere, F l owe r pot and 56 . Although Sara has on l y been surveyed to B . C . R . A .
grade 3 stand a r d the streamway appears to be heading northwes t , towards The White House .
No se rious a tt empts were ma de to look for high l eve l fossil p assages in Sara a n d these
Fig .12.
, -- - r<
LENGTH 350m DEPTH 313m
Ignoring several repulsive looking muddy crawl s in the floor, the pair traversed around
to the head of a 37 m pitch . Another quickly followed but by this time they had run out
of tackle .
The next two down explored four more pitches of 26, 19 , 5 and 10 m in this massive rift .
The last of these (subsequently named " Free Fall" after an episode in which a caver ' s
cowstail snapped while he was passing a bolt) landed in a large block-floored chamber with
a short climb down at the far en d to a fa l se floor . Here at last the roof reappeared,
descending at 45 0 to within 30 e m of the floor . A squeeze through this slot led to a split
8 m pitch into a pool a nd was fOllowed by another 10 m pitch. The way on was a roomy walkingsized passage which appeared to close down completely. Closer inspection , however, revealed
a tight 20 e m squeeze through a very n ar r ow rift . Only one person could get through to the
head of a short drop with an exceeding ly cramped takeoff .
Two more cavers went down the next day a nd spent several futile hours hammering away at
the squeeze but still could not get t o the pitch beyond . It was the next team who succeeded .
They descended a 1 0 m drop into a small chambe r with a false floor and followed a short
passage to a deep chasm . An 87 m pitch with three rebelays in a rounded shaft landed on
a wide ledg e . The conti nu ation was a 59 m deep slot, 15 m across and 2 m wide. The bottom
was choked with boulders - there waS no way on. Tere had seemingly ended 487 m below the
surface .
There waS on ly the fate of the water in Pebble Hall sti ll to be checked. On the ve r y
first d ay 's caving in the area in 1980, Tere was quickly tackled down t o this point . A few
minutes were all that waS needed to pull enough rocks away from the wall to revea l a flat-out
crawl taking the tiny streamway. It popped up almost immedi a t ely into a metre-high passage
which gradually got bigger unti l a pitch in a perfectly rou nded shaft waS reached . The next
day John ' s Pitch was descended , a fine f r ee hanging 32 m drop with an appetizing view for
most of the d escent of a high rift leading off o n the l eft . It l a nded on a pebble-covered
floor with a semicircular balcony . The course of the water to a small sump waS tight and
tortuous but above in the rift was easy going . After a bout 10 m of traver sing we descended
three awkward climbs into Toad Hall, a chamber more easily re ached by continuing the
tr ave rse over the top of these climbs a nd then descending a 10 m pitch . The familiar sequence
of pitch - rift - pitch-rift, so typical of many of the caves of the Andara region , continued
with a squeeze down in a narrow meander to consecutive pitches of 8 m and 4 m. Now came a
parting of the ways . On the right was a substa nti a l shaft , at le as t 30 m deep and 10 m across
but instead we took the " Easy Option " , a steeply descending 6 m diameter tube, quit e out of
character wi th the rest of the cave . It ended with a 4 m pitch and then a 10 m deep shaf t
(Pigs in Space) . Th i s choked at the bottom but fortunately h a l fway down it WaS pos s ible to
pendulum onto a l edge and into a smal l rift . A few metres beyond l ay a considerable drop.
The follow up group rigged what turned out t o be a splendid 116 m deep shaft named The
Fabulous Fur r y Fre ak Brothers. The shaft was broken by ledges into four pitches of 25, 40 ,
26 a nd 25 m. Then came a keyhole - sectioned passage . Anothe r pair continued down two more
pitches of 16 a nd 9 m a nd two climbs of 3 m (later rigged as pitches) into a chamber with a
very sma ll exit . At first sight the exit app eared to be blind but 2 m in was a n awkwa rd
right - a ngled bend and then a 7 m pitch into another small chamber . Norbert the Nark, as
the nex t 8 m pitch was called, was a real problem . The ri ft waS so narrow at the top that
it was impossible to sw ing the bolting h ammer more than a few cent imetres . At le as t the
bottom waS roomier, as waS the steep gully that followed.
It ended at yet anothe r pitch .
By now we were ove r 400 m down and certai nly not on just another route to the 1979 terminus .
Any doubts on this score were quickly l aid to rest as more pitches fOllowed. First , 12 m
into an elongated chamber . Tho ugh there were three ways on they a ll united at the same
shaft . The easiest route waS down a gully on the right . Then came three more pitches of
37, 12 a nd 24 m. Pa rtway down the 37 m pitch, a small s tr eam trickred down the wall, the
first water seen since the bottom of John ' s Pitch .
We got no further in 1980 , mainly as a result of too few people trying to explore too
many caves. In 1981 we decided to put a ll of ou r efforts in one c ave at a time .
Tere was
the first . The fina l descent the previous year had l anded on a boulder-covered floor with
another drop at the far end . Two more pitches of 4 m a nd 16 m took us to a wa ter splattered
shelf . Ha lf the water cascaded down a shaf t in front of us, the rest disappeared down a tiny
passage in a chamber just a round the corner .
The shaft , a damp 59 m pitch, was t ackled first . Unfo rtun ately the on l y way on, The P a in ,
was an awkward winding passage with many projections on the wa ll . Pitches of 14 m and 7 m
provided a brief interlude and then came more rift passage , too tight for furthe r progress .
Undeterred , the next team took down a lump hammer , intent on fo r cing a way through . After
some persistant hammering they got through a tight squeeze and were ~b l e to continue
climbing down the rift for another 25 m. In the e nd though, the st re am flowed away down
a diminutive passage that no a mount of h a mmering would widen.
Meanwhil e , other groups were busy investigating the shaft a t the top of the Easy Option.
This shaft could also be reached by a connecting rift at the bottom of the Easy Option,
short e ning the descent to a 24 m pitch . The way on was obvious, a set of climbs better
treated as a broken 18 m pitch down a narrow water-washed gully into a chamber . The water
sank down a n a rrow canyon running ac ro ss the floor. A 17 m pitch, a few metres beyond ,
took u s into another chamber where yet agai n another miserab l e little rift beckoned .
Fortun ate l y this only l asted for 15 m before g ivin g way to more impressive development in
the form of four sp lendid pitches of 20, 37 , 40 and 58 m in what was basically a single
shaft . Below the 58 m pitch a picturesque rift meande red away . Soon , howeve r, it became
necess a ry to get down on hands and knees to paSs through a pool of wate r with several
centimetres of glutinous mud on the bottom . Aptly named Son of Sewer , thi s sect i on
continued for 40 m mostly on h a nds and knees in mud and Water . Then a n aven entered from
above a nd the going got easier . A constricted climb down t ook us to a 2 m wide passage :
Uphill, a 6 m climb up and short crawls ended at the chamber at the bottom of the 12 m
pitch just below Norbert the Nark while " dow nhill " the water cascaded down the 37 m pitch
Fig . 13.
Plan View
1981 Extension
1980 Extension
Freak Brothers
Too tight
The Sewer
Mag north
25 Metres
- - - - Om
Fig.l" .
Extented Elevation
U"" ~[
Rift et Nothus
I~Slippys Ramp
--7 8
7 8 ~a ~ l,
. " ~1
~ ~ 3~
I~:~al ;i:,C~7 \
~~_ ~
<=::> ,.
Hard Option
\ P4
UU 15
: Pigs in Space 16
11 b
18 20
: :
.... P26
P 25
, Fat Freddy.
U~] 2r.~rl0 .
28' :
: P40
2 3 ' , P5
P 37
:-... Water
o 10 20 30 40
50 60 Mol ...
Tresviso,Santander, N.Spain
LUSS 798081
BeRA Grade 5b&3b
Depth 792m Length lkm
Lat.4312'20" Long.
Longitud. wut of Maddd
Septic Tank
'70m ~~~50
rOr 00"
P1 5
The Soak
immediately below. The way we had been following waS simply a more difficult route to a
known part of the cave and was logically named The Hard Option.
There was just one other lead left to investigate . At the top of the 59 m pitch some of
the water vanished down a tiny hole in the wall of an adjoining chamber. The chert which
blocked the e ntrance was hammered away and the little wet tube taking the water soon belled
out at the top of a 48 m shaft. Two intermedi ate rebel ays enabled us to miss the water for
most of the descent. The passage which continued at the bottom waS ominously lined with mud .
It soon lowered to a flat-out wormway half-full of mud and water which we crawled down to the
inevitable sump - except that there wasn't one. After 60 m of the most revolting passage
in the Picas , appropriately christened the Sewer, the roof li fted a nd the stream sank down
a slot in the floor. Peering up through a window in one wall we saw an ever - widening shaft
disappearing out of carbide range.
On the next trip, this 105 m inclined shaft was rigged in five sections . Three alte r native
pitches at the bottom al l united in the shaft below, most easily rigged as four pitches of
5, 11 , 8 and 19 m. The theme which started with the Sewer continued, this last section became
known as The Cess Pit and the 105 m shaft a bove it The septic Tank. From the bottom of the
19 m pitch a muddy-walled passage led off to a squeeze. The passage continued on the other
side , slanting up towards an aven and numerous tubes, all of which became too tight. Just
before the squeeze was a 5 m climb up th r ough a solution tube which ended with a 43 m pitch
into a ve ry terminal-looking sump. The bivouac set up just below Norbert the Nark the
previous day must have been one of the shortest lived ever. The surveyed depth of Tere was
- 792 m, our deepest cave in the picos so far. with no other leads left, the cave was
detackled and our efforts turned towards Flowe rpot.
Tere is quite unlike its next - door neighbour Sara. No l arge streams flow in the cave even
during periods of he avy rain and it seems that it is a t the most only a minor drain from the
Sara depression . The development is a lmost entirely ve rtic a l with the entire cave covering
a n area of less than 150 m x 150 m. Many of the p assages are directly underneath one another
and may well be developed along the same lines of mechanical weakness . Exploration of Tere
was thorough and prospects for future discoveries appear slight with one or two small roof
tubes below Vandal pitch as the only known l eads .
Flowerpot (Fig. IS) .
Flowerpot was discovered in 1980. Its p icturesque entrance at the base of a sma ll cliff
on the eastern ridge below pico del Moro was surrounded by a profusion of alpine flowers, a
pleasa~t change to the more forbidding mine entrances . As with 56, its peculiar location had
saved the 25 m entrance shaft from becoming blocked with ice and f rost-shattered debris .
A quick reconnaissance trip was sufficient to reveal two ways on. One was a second pitch
of about 30 m, the other led to a large chamber with a low roof. At the far end was a 3 m
climb down into a meander while anothe r crawl out of the chamber led back to the top of the
second pitch .
The second route, Bi ll'S Se ri es , was the first to be investigated, but closed down after
a few pitches . The other route, Ben's Series , turned out to be considerably more successful ,
beginning with the 34 m Teddy's Pitch and then the all too familiar sequence of pitch -ri ft pitch-rift etc . At least the cave waS warm and dry so far, un like Tere a nd Sara. Below
Teddy ' s pitch, a climb down in the me a nder a nd short traverse ended with three consecutive
pitches of 28, 15 and 9 m. We now found ourselves in a co ll apse chamber which we called The
Rock Garden. Here, the route we had fo ll owed met a major cross rift. We to o k the right hand
fork (The Little Weed) and after fol l owing a convoluted route back, forth and down , descended
a short ladder climb to the top of a 16 m pitch. This was soon bottomed , the meander followed
down two more pitches of 1 6 m and 8 m, and a l ong to a much wider section. F rom here a 23 m
pitch was rigged and l anded on a wide ledge, 5 m above a pool. The meander continued on over
the top of a downstre am sump , our limit of exploration fo r th a t year .
The following year a sma ll group from the S . E . I . I . continued explorat ion of Flowerpot while
we tackled Tere . After traversing over the downstream sump the meander was most easi l y
followed at stream level at first and then well above the water. Soon they arrived at a shaft
of about 40 m but the rock was so shattered th at rigging it safely was out of the question .
Instead, they traversed back a li ttle and cl imbed down 10 m in the meander to where an 8 m
pitch regained the stream. This time the shaft , Pozo Critico, was reached a nd safely descended
as a 25 m pitch . The smooth-flo ored balcony above the water made an ideal campsite from which
to base exploration for the next two days .
The cave continued as a meandering shaly rift with several aWkward sections . Then
came a 4 m pitch down to a pool with a sandy bank . Beyond, the rift passage seemed to
get smaller and smaller, through one tight section a nd then they were h a lted at a flatout crawl, too tight to squeeze through . Only a faint draught gave any encouragement .
Nonetheless, the squeeze waS enthusiastically attacked with a bolting hammer and afte r
many hours of chipping away they were through the " Autopis ta Sangrienta" (Bloody Highway) .
Now the rift widened a little and traversing became easier , a second 4 m pitch providing
a brief interl ude . Staying near roof level above a deep fissu re in the f loor th e end of
the meander was re ached . An open black void greeted them . Stones fell fo r three to four
seconds , a nd then bounced for another ten . At last, Flowerpot waS getting big .
Sadly , the Spanish group had no ropes long enough fo r "Pozo Comepiedra " - the Stone Eater Pitch- a nd as they we r e due to join their friends in the Western Massif to explore
Cemba Viella in a few days time they decided to detackle, having pushed what was
certa inl y the hardest p a rt of the cave to a depth of 350 m. A few days after the y had
gone, Tere was bottomed, surveyed and detackled, le av ing a group of cavers keen to start
on Fl owerpot , spurred on by tales of an undescended 100 m shaft.
Pozo Comepiedra in fact turned out to be an extremely impressive rift up to 20 m across.
The first pair down found themselves descending a superb f reeh anging 54 m pitch which landed
on a floor that sloped steep l y downwards to another drop of 17 m. From here it was a matter
1 . Crossing the entrance pool in Cueva del Agua , with the dam in the background .
4. Tere Mine entrance - a descent through snow and loose rock leads
natural cave.
to the
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'If', ~-
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F ig .15
8eRA Grade 3 5 8
1980" 1981
Surveyed by members of
: V'
Pozo e rl t leo
. -- -- ~ ,
"..~::.: .lb.- '<~ _ _ . _ . \
......... ___ ... .
, Po.r:o del
\"\ Corne Pied,a
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Ben S.rl..
Bill Serl
...,2 27
of scramb ling down the boulders until another overhang was reached . This was rigged but
left to the next pair to descend .
Wi th this pitch, a broken 24 m, the bottom of the 13 0 m deep rift waS reached, certainly
one of the most impressive c ave passages we had expl o red among the high peaks . Pozo
Flobalop, a 40 m deep shaft , came next.
At the bottom the stream flowed a long a high
canyon a nd then san k into a cross rift. Here the re were three choices . We co u ld fol l ow
the stream o r perhaps climb high up in the cross rift a nd traverse well above the water .
Instead we took the third alte rn ative , a sma ll hole straight ahead which seemed to take
most of the draught. This was the start of a sho rt oxbow section a nd a ft e r a broken 11 m
pitch and a 17 m pitch we were back with the water aga in . A short stream p assage ended at
the top of a deep shaft, Pozo Slugalug .
Pozo Slugalug marked the end of dry caving in Flowe rpot. This damp spray-filled 11 6 m
deep shaft wa s rigged as a series of sho r t drop s b y the next two groups d own. They then
descended two more pitches of 15 m a nd 12 m before a rriving at the top of ye t another sho rt
pitch .
At this point efforts were dive rted into setting up a campsite a t the top of Pozo
Comepiedra . It must have riva lled the camp in T e re a s one of the shortest on record because
on the next t ri p the undescended pitch waS descended for 6 m straight into a termin a l sump
pool . One enthusiastic caver following a few hours behind on a so l o trip to the bottom
c a rrying 100 m of r ope had nothin g to do but turn a r ound a nd t ake his rop e all the way out
again . All of us were greatly di sa ppointed that the cave did not go beyond it s 72 3 m depth .
Only one major system now remai ne d le f t to explore - 56.
Fl owe rpot is on the whole typical of the caves of th e And a r a r eg ion, consisting for the
first half of a single exten s ive meander with several wider sec tions and ta king a small
s tream which is fo ll owed a ll the way to the final sump . Much of this section i s we ll
decorated with old oran ge calc ite , a r a rity amon g the caves in t hi s a rea. The cave f r om
Poz o Comepiedra onwards is mo re grandly pro p o rtioned and Pozo Comepiedra i tse l f i s without
d oubt one of the most impressive passages in the picos . The re a r e no known l ea ds in thi s
l a tter s ection except perhaps high in the cross riIt bel ow Pozo S luga lug but in the first
part of the cave there may still be several possibilities at roof leve l.
(Fig.16) .
----The entrance to 56 was discovered durin g the 1 97 7 expedition when a small shakehole on
t op of the ma in ridge dividing the Lake a nd 5 6 depressions waS f ound to h ave a small hole
at the bottom . S t o nes thrown down appe a r ed to fa ll fo r sever a l seconds . The e ntr a nce was
numbered 56 but not expl ored ;
it waS j ust one of ma ny e ntr a n ces noted that ye a r . In 1978 ,
56 waS descended as part of the r ou tin e s ur fa c e work carried out each year, but unlike a ll
the other n a tur a l shafts investigated so far it was found t o continue at the bottom . A
sho rt climb down a 3 m pitch a t the entrance l ed straight onto the top of a splendid 122 m
shaft . The f irst few descents and ascents of Tigger's pitch were r ather te rri fy ing affa irs
as the pitch head was litte r ed with fist - s i zed r ocks that invari a bly pou r ed down the shaft
every time someone got on or off the rope at the top . At the b o t tom a r oomy passage ended
af ter only a few metre s a t a boulder chok e .
Fortunately there was a way thr ough into a se ri es of small interconnected chambe r s in
rock and clay impregnated with a ye llow crystalline substan ce . One o r two optimists
thought this was high grade z inc blende and th at we had st ru ck it ri ch b ut th e c r ysta lline
ma t e ri a l turned out to b e calcite and the n a me 'F oo l' s Blende Passage ' was born . Beyond
Fool's Blende Passage we a rr ived at a l a r ge chamber with a pitch at the far end . Thi s waS a
broken descent of 47 m down a wide ri ft and o n to a mud bank . Here it bec a me appa r e nt that
we were at the junction of t wo inlet ser i es , unitin g at severa l levels . We r eached the
floo r of the junc ti o n, known as the T - Junction Cafe , with anothe r 17 m pitch down a hol e
vi rtuall y below the pitch we had just desce n ded . The way on was a mean der , ve r y n a rr ow at
fi r st wi th two upward squeezes but then wide nin g a li ttle . A climb down at an even wider
section, Short Arses ' Dilemma, led to a nother jun ction. The right -ha nd fork ended at a
sump whi l e the l eft - hand route cont inued to a 4 m climb down in the rift ove r jutting sha l e
bands to a short pit c h into a chamber . Some ve ry large a nd very unstab l e blocks were perched
at the t op of this pitch and , a lthough a n a rr ow s l ot provided an a lt ernative , those
explo ring this section we r e n ot keen on making the descent , so th e cave wa s surveyed
and det a ckled .
The following yea r one or two more determined individua l s decided to have a secon d
l ook . Trave r sing over the top of Short Arses ' Di l emma , they a rrived a t t h e t op of th e
so called " unstab l e c h amber ", discovered it was now per fectly safe and descended the
4 m pitch. The chamber (T h e Abattoi r ) had an ac tive inlet e ntering on the left with a
tiny st r eam disappearing down the rift cont inuation on the far side . This section waS
quite st r e n uous , especi a l ly with t a ckle, a nd was tr ave r sed for 110 m past severa l
inl ets to a pitch back down to the water . In seve r a l places (fortun ate l y avo idab le) the
wall was cove r ed with sharp ca lcite crystals which to r e cavin g gear as we str ugg l ed
thr ough . The S l ashe r, as we called i t , in discrimi n ate l y dest r oyed numerous c av ing su it s
a n d other e q uipment . One r eaSo n people left 56 a l one waS that they cou l d n ot af ford i t !
Short l y afte r wa rd s , two gallons of con cen t r ated Rhodamine solut i on were deposited in
the stream in the chamber at the sta r t of The S l ashe r. Ten days of ve r y dry and sunn y
weather did not h e lp to move the dye a long a nd we spent seve r a l trips cav ing among pink
cascades, poo l s a nd waterfalls . Then, afte r two days of to rre nti a l r a in, repo rt s s t a rt ed
cornin g up fro m*Tr esviso of dye a ppear ing in the main strearnway of La Cueva del Agua ,
1,500 m below .
After The S l as her we descended a 14 m pitch to a she l f some 6 m above toe st r eam, then
continued fol l owing t h e mea n de r a t various levelS , up a 7 m c limb , a l ong , down a 12 m
climb, a long , down a 4 m climb a n d so o n, sometimes moving with the wa ter but more often
above i t . Beyond Bernie ' s Cafe , a l a r ge chamber used fo r a food dump , the wate r Sank down
a 3 1 m pitch. Below was a co n f luence with a choked inlet , discha rgin g a larger stream than
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the one we had been following . Further downstream the nature of the cave sudden l y changed
as the roo f descended to the top of the 23 m Pink pitch . The shaft was completely enclosed
with beautifully f l uted walls and the stream disappeared down a small tube at the bottom .
The tube gave almost immediately onto a nother long pitch , The Far Canal, whi ch, due to
the be l ling out of the shaft, could on l y be hung directly in the water. 5 m down a nd to
the left a sloping she lf gave a d ry a lternative but this invo lved a precarious pendulum
under the full force of the water to reach it. At the bottom of the dry a ltern a tive Ca
p i tch of a bout 15 m) was a sho rt pa ssage back to the wet pitch , now a drop of about 3 seconds .
The 'pitch head was bolted but not descended due t o lack of tackle .
Fortunately , two cavers on a surveying trip di scove red a huge dry parallel shaft by
climbing up in the ri ft before the top of the Pink pitch . This seemed. a much more pleasant
alternative to the Far Canal and so was the first objective of the next team down . The
Big Pitch was a superb f reeha ng fo r 118 m to a wide ledge and was followed by a 24 m pitch
to the floor of the shaft . At the top of the 24 m pitch a small window gave a tant al izing
view of a spray - filled parallel shaft. The water , which met us at the bottom, was a bright
pink so we knew we had once aga in rejoined the stream l as t seen at the F ar Canal . The water
exited a l ong a small rift and down a hole in the floor but we took the a ltern ative of
traversing over the top and down a 9 m l adde r c l imb on the far s ide . The st r eam cascaded
down a steeply inclining phreatic p assage . At the bottom was a miserab le looking sump with
a narrow rift a b ove that defied seve r al attempts to get through. There we r e no alternatives
below the Big Pitch and most peop l e were convinced that 56 was fi nished at -492 m.
In 1980 a small team returned to investigate a possible continuation above the 3 1 m pitch.
Thi s tu rned out to be a large phreatic passage so ob v ious it waS har d to imagine how we could
have missed it in the fi r st place . Af t er a short distance the passage split up into three
ways on , all of which we r e en tr a nces to the Same complicated maze . Several hou rs were spen t
crawling and c limbin g a mong sandy boulders before one route took us to a 15 m high rift
passage . Ten metres further on was an aven , a sandy depression in the floo r and a 3 - 4 m
wide inwardly draughting phreatic tube on the fa r side . The tube was quickly fol lowed to
the head of a short pitch .
The next day another pair de scended this 8 m pitch and then one of 15 m into Humbug Hall,
a large elongated chamber in dark limestone with white miner a l veins . Numerous huge
boulders littered the floor . Between the largest of these (The Humbug) and the l eft hand
wall a ri ft passage l ed off . The wate r sank down a pitch of conside r able depth but instead
they traversed a long to anothe r pitch of abou t 60 m. At the bottom was a ve r y narrow meander
which turned out to be the most unpleasant encountered so far . It was b eg rudgingly followed ,
at first above the water and then with it to a pitch of 8 m but by this time they were
thoroughl y fed up . The rock - if you could call it that - was so loose that one caver fe ll
twice a nd the tight sections were only negotiable because the walls c rumbled away as they
struggled through . Needless to say the passage was not surveyed , nor waS it eve r returned
to . There were better things afoot .
Above the 60m
pitch it waS possible to climb into a n old 4 m wide phreatic roof tube .
Here i t waS necessary to tre a d carefully as the rock was again ve r y brittle . After 50 m the
tube divided, both branches ending a t pitches . We took the ri ght h a nd route which was easier
to rig, a nd descended pitches of 7 m and 1 9 m to a large c a nyon-like pass age . The wider
branch led unde rneath the way we had just come , back to the 60 m pitch. The othe r d irect ion
was app arently "the way o n". Unfortun a tely this was as unpleasa ntly loo se as a n yth ing
we h a d met so far a nd great caution was required . After about 50 m of careful traversing
a point was r eached where it was possible to climb down for 20 m but st ill the f l oor was
not reached . It was a l so possible to climb up instead of down and after two 3 m ascents
we po pped out into a l arge chamber . Up the boulder slope on the left we met the roof - and
yet a nothe r pitch which was more o r l ess ove r the top of the u n f inished 20 m c limb . This
was the limit of exploration for 19 80 .
We did not retur n to 56 the following su mmer as our h a n ds were full with Tere , F l owerpot
a nd Dosser ' s Delight but in 1982 , with a ll other top camp systems " fi ni s h ed", 56 was our
sole objective . Some of the trips in 1980 h ad taken fifteen to e ighteen hour s so we decided
to set up a campsite between Humbug Ha ll a nd the 60 m pitch right from the start . This time
we took the l eft fork o f the roof tube just past the 60 m pitch a nd descended Death Wish
Pitch, a 15 m drop directly into the chamber which was the previous limit of exploration .
Soon we were in new territor y . The pitch a t the top of the boulder slope was 24 m into what
was effectively the start of a l a r ge canyon passage with what seemed like a n a rrow meander
wandering back and forth underneath . The direct route down the canyon wa S too loose and
dang~rous so inste ad we clambered a l ong and down a hading ri ft , Lavatory Pan Alley , fi n a l l y
popplng out through a ve r y n a rrow section to a 3 m pitch down to a balcony . A 12 m pitch
then took us back into the canyon. We continued down the mo s t obvious way via pitches of
11 m and 16 m and at l as t we were just above a streamway which we l ater found cou ld be reached
by c~imbing d~wn in several p l aces above a nd below the 16 m pitch . Although this whole canyon
sectlon contalned several deep hopes ln the floor a t various levels, we were content to follow
our n oses a lon g a more n a rr ow rift below the 16 m pitch until we a rrived at a 13 m pitch a nd
were back in the streamway once ag ain . Af ter two more pitches of 10 m and 9 m the st re a mwa y
narrowed and the wate r cascaded down a 3 m climb into the start of yet another narrow me ander ,
The C~umbles . We crawled along just a bove the water for 150 m, ou r tackle bags constantly
snagglng on l oose bltS of chert which stuck out in a ll di r ections . A chamber provided a
welcome relief towards the e nd before the meander began to widen .
The high l evel contin uation looked very loose and n asty so instead we took the " middle
road", a cl imb down in the r ift to a 29 m pitch in a dry shaft. The water sank down another
pitch fu rther back in the ri ft to take a different course of its own . The on l y way out from
the bottom of the 29 m shaft, yet another meander, was tight and awkward at the bottom so we
climbed up for 11 m and traversed over the top, descending an 11 m pitch into a small chamber
on the far side. After more traversing and a pitch of 1 6 m, we were back in a st rea~iay again,
perhaps the Same one we had le f t in The Crumbles, perhaps not. Still there waS no let up as
we were forced to traverse more rift passage, this time along the roof.
50 m l ate r, two climbs
of 10 m and 4 m took us back to the water and to the head of the split 19 m Cascades Pitch.
We arrived at a large boulder strewn chamber, a pleasant change from the ever present meanders.
Afte r clambering over boulders and down several climbs we descended a 29 m pitch into another
chamber. A short rift, a 12 m pitch and suddenly the cave had closed down again to a wet 40 m
crawl in a miserable little rift. Then came the inevitable pitch.
At this point exploration came to a halt for several days. He avy rain for two days had
made several of the pitches between Lavatory Pan Alley and The Crumbles as we ll as the Cascades
Pitch very wet and unpleasant, not to mention potentially dangerous if the rain got any heavier.
Still , after a couple of days of sunshine we were ready to go again, albeit with only enough
time f o r three more groups to continue exploration. The first of these descended the pitch out
of the Wrectum, the name we gave to the little wet crawl that marked the end of the last
pushing trip. It was 19 m to the floor of a moderate sized chamber. Soon they were descending
anothe r pitch of 12 m, half expecting anothe r meander to follow.
Instead they entered a 150 m
long phreatic section . Several creamy white stalagmites and flowstone were coated with deep
red calcite. Dripping Blood Passage was a most welcome change from the somewhat monotonous
sty le of caving that had preceded it. The stream disappeared at a small sump at the beginning,
only to reappe ar at various intervals leaving a dry-floored tube, an ideal campsite should we
ever need to move- the present one deeper into the cave . Dripping Blood Passage ended with a
6 m pitch into a pool on the floor of a chamber . Straight ahead the water dropped down
another shaft .
The second team continued down the 36 m deep Shaft and subsequent 8 m pitch. Then it was
back to the familiar meanders again . This one was traversed for 70 m at varying levels above
the floor to a 10 m pitch back to the water . Soon after , the stream sank into the floor and
was not seen again . A further 65 m of traversing ended with a 3 second drop down a shaft with
the rift continuing over the top.
The final pair set off down from the entrance . By now, just getting down to the bottom was
a hard enough task with over thir ty pitches and numerous route-finding problems. It was twelve
hours before they reached n ew territory. The 3 second drop was 38 m and waS fOllowed by more
narrow meandering passage, The Grand Canyon . The rift was followed for 70 m, up a 3 m climb,
along , down a 7 m climb , down a 6 m pitch, along and down a 10 m pitch. The passage c losed down
briefly to 1 m high, opening up again a lmost immediately beyond . They continued to climb down
in the rift until it became too tight for further progr ess . A loud noise of running water could
be h eard beyond and there were possible routes over the top but it was a long way back to the
camp and there was sti ll the survey ing and some detackling to be done. Thirty - four hours after
setting off fro m the surface they were back at the campsite . A more welcome sight cou l d
hardly be imagined . 56 was now 817 m deep with over 230 m added by the last three teams .
The 1983 expedition began in an arduous fashion , t aking the five cavers there at the
beginning eight days to carry in the 36 bags of equipment needed to rig the known parts of the
c ave , the new campsite at Dripping Blood Passage and the unexplored passages beyond.
After a couple of trips to the far end, it wa s obvious that there waS no way through
The Gr a nd Canyon . The rift at the bottom was too tight and there was no apparent way
over the top. The sounds of water he a rd the previous year had vanished although a strong
draught still persisted. Between the 6 m and 10 m pitches halfway through The Grand Canyon
was a climb down to a 5 m pitch with a duck beyond, a miserable affa ir in dry gear . Then
came two more pitches of 5 m and 7 m a nd hopes rose a s a 100 m long walking-sized passage
was fo ll owed , only to be quickly dashed as the pass a ge ended a t another impassably tight
rift .
In the meantime a third team had rigged a traverse line, the Nylon Highwa y , well a bove
the 38 m pitch into The Grand Canyon, a nd climbed down f or 20 m on the far side to the
floor of a rift whose wal ls we re encrusted with tiny aragonite crystals . After 25 m was
a 5 m climb down to Pozo Aragonito , an 11 m pitch simi l arly decorated with aragonite . The
rift which continued at the bottom , Meandro Rojo y Blanco, was well decorated with white
ca lcited walls and a dark red calcite floor. Forty metres long, it ended a t Pozo Rojo, a
39 m pitch with dark red f lowstone near the bottom .
So far, the newl y discovered section contained some o f the best sections of p a ss ag e seen
in 56, and what followed was even more impressive . Three short climbs down took the pair
to an 8 m pitch , followed immedi a tely by another of 14 m with a deep red c a lcite flow down
the face of the pitch like a frozen, blood-red waterf a ll. Beyond lay the most colourful
passage found so f a r, 70 m o f narrow fossil stre a mwa y heavil y decorated with red and white
calcite and numerous poolS along the floor. Na med Rio Rojo, it ended a t a 5 m pitch into
a deep pool, r equiring an awkward pendulum at the bottom to stay dry . A short rift fo ll owed
and then came yet another pitch .
The news of these discoveries was enough to rekindle enthusiasm among those who h a d drawn
a blank in The Grand Canyon and soon all the ava il able t a ckle was at the far end . The pitch
a t the previous limit was 10 m deep and was followed by a nother of 9 m. Twenty metres
further on the cave began to descend rapidly in st a ircase fashion. First a 2 m climb then
a 4 m pitch , then a nother nasty 3 m climb down something resembling a crumbling coalface.
Seven more pitches of 8, 7, 5 , 15, 4 , 6 and 13 m followed in quiCk succession before the
tackle ran out and three very tired cavers returned to camp .
Back at the White House cautious optimism turned to excitement. 56 was now very close to
1,000 m deep and we were still in fossil passage. The next team of four took down another
250 m of rope and it was not long before they were in new territory. At the bottom of the
13 m pitch was a slope down to a 3 m climb. This was followed by a 30 m long calcite rift
and then a small hading rift ending at successive pitches of 2, 8 and 17 m.
Now came a muddy rift passage with a slippery sloping floor . After two awkward cli ~bs
down they entered a phreatic section ominously lined with mud but still taking a discernible
draught . A 3 m climb down was fOllowed by a hands and knees crawl through a small tube then
a 3 m climb up with a 3 m climb down on the other side . The only way on seemed to be a
narrow slot in the floor, a pitch of about 5 m. The first person down found himself in a
3 m wide by 8 m high passage, descending at about 60 0 It waS ri gged to a depth of 90 m with
several rebelays before the last of the tackle r an out .
Few of us on the surface dared hope that the last group would actual ly use all of their
rop e and still not r each the bottom, but, just in case, 230 m of rope, the last remaining
scraps of the 2,000 m we had brought on the expedition , were packed into tackle bags for
o ne final pushing trip . A day l ater , four more cavers were at the campsite in Dripping Blood
Passage. Two went down to the bottom first, continuing to rig F . U . Z . 2 , the name given to
the steeply descending r a mp. This split up into two routes . The first began with a 12 m
climb and then a 10 m pitch to the head of a 4 m climb . At the bottom was a 9 m pitch straight
into a huge sump pool . The second route met the same fate, a 15 m pitch then 20 m pitch
landed in the same pool, 1169 m below the entrance . There were sti ll a n umbe r of possible
a lt ernative high level routes through the 1983 series as indeed there are throughout the
entire cave but with the ferry due to sail in a week, it was time to begin the formidable
task of detackling .
56 is without doubt the most complex and extensive of the caves of the Andara region .
There are at least three separate st r eamways in the cave but their courses cannot be determined
with certainty without extensive dye - testing. The first s tre am (dye-tested to La Cueva del
Agua) begins at the Abattoir and is followed for most of its course to the 1979 terminus , the
sump at -49 2 m. Numerous inl ets feed the st ream but even during wet periods it is not
particul a rl y large . Above P31 an older phreatic section of the cave is ente red, leading to
Humbug Hall. Here another small stream enters via an aven inlet a nd sinks down an undescended
pitch . The water is presumably , but not necess a rily, that which is encountered at the bottom
of P60 . The latter has been fo llowed for some way but not to a conclusion . Instead, exploration has been concentrated on an upper phre at ic level with subsequent vadose development for
up to 60 m below it . The roo f is eventually lost at P24 where the direction of cave
development changes by a lmost 90 0
The next section is a steeply descending canyon -like pass age and after several more pitches
anothe r active streamway is re ached. This water rises above the level of the sump at 492 m
and is therefore a separate stream from the first , but may be fed from the water below P60 .
Presumably it is the Same stream which is followed all the way to Dripping Blood Passage
a l though the water is temporarily lost for the three pitches which follow the Crumbles and
a ls o just before the Cascades pitch . The stream does not increase a ppreci a bly in size during
its visib le course and i s finally l ost just before P38, the p a rtin g of th e ways between the
Grand Canyon and the 1983 discoveries .
The rift passages from the far side of P38 to the top of F . U.Z. 2 are mo st ly dry
a lthough standing pools in the Rio Rojo suggest that a stream may f low here during
periods of high r a inf a ll . The water in F . U. Z . 2 waS a mere trickle when this steeply
descending r amp was first explored , while the stream from The Crumbles to P38 was
flowing appreciably. However , afte r several d ays of rain , F . U.Z . 2 took a s ize a ble
stream , l a rger than those e ncountered a nywhere e l se in 56 . This st ream is proba bly
distinct from the others in the cave .
The significance of 56 as a drain for the surrounding area is obscure . The position
of the massive ly developed entrance series , right under the ma in ridge sepa r at ing the
56 and L a ke Depress i ons suggests that the surface topography must have been very
different at the time that the cave was formed . The genera l horizont a l trend of cave
development in 56 is roughly northwest , a feature shared by both Flowerpot and Sa ra
and , although the cave is 2 . 6 km long , the far end is only 0 . 5 km closer to the upstream
sump in Agua than is the e ntr ance . Cl early , the task of joining these two caves is a
formidable if not impo ssible one , with nearly 4 km still between them . There is , of
course, no certainty th at the passages beyond the first streamway in 56 will eventually
head tow a rds Agua at a ll, nor can we be sure of the fate of the water in the l a tter
part of the cave . Howeve r, the sump at -1169 m is already below th e l eve l of the Rio Duje
where it passes Sotres , and Agua is still th e nearest of the possible resurgences.
Further progr ess in 56 will undoubtably depend on concentrating on upper level lea ds.
The sump at - 1169 m i s already only 180 m above the upstream sump in Agua and act ually
below the highest point in this cave . Perhaps the best hopes for an evenlual connection
of these two caves li es in the discovery of oth er cave systems between them.
JO .
grade 1
Elevation N - S
Santa nde r .
Survey Grade 5b
Fig.17 .
Elevation E-\"/
10 20
... .
If You Wanna Go To
Pittsburg Baby
40 SOlie"
~. ~ 1 :
-_... \ - TheBus
Ci ,,,'
P3 4
I P25
P1 2
.- - - - - - - Om
'. , .- Spider Pitch
_' itlt~p.......
- -- - - 294m
. '. . . 1 ~Iimb
::: -~::~[.
-.( --- ~ :=;:'ugtrt
/\ ..,...."~.. -,.... II
The Riddler
-, P15
Tresviso SantanderNSpain
BCRA Grade5b
Lat43' li4SLong" 02 IS'
Dossers Delight
..... ,
-112m - - --
Santander N Spain
BeRA Grade4
P1 2
p nd: p e ndulum
~-- -.-
Fig . 20 .
P 7. 5 m \
100 : i9h l
,,.., --- ~
T 207
Nlm a g.
too ti ght
Many individuals, groups and companies , too numerous to list , have assisted the LUSS
expeditions over the years . They ar e acknowl edged in the expedition reports.
Special thanks
should go to th e Comite Nacional de Espeleologia, the Comite Reg i ona l Noroeste de Espeleo logia
and El Grupo Espeleologia del Museo Prehistorico y Arqueo l ogico de Santander who have kindly
given permission to work in the Eastern Massif each summer . We also thank the Sports Council ,
the Lancaster University J.C.R.s , Colleges and Finance Commi ttee , the Francis C. Scott Charitable
Trus t and the Frieda Scott Char itabl e Trust for financial assistance.
Many individuals and groups have joined us for the various expeditions: th ese include the
Sec c ion de Espe l eologia Ingenieros Industriales in 1 978, 1979, 1981 & 1983; members of Whernside
Cave & Fell Centre (1977) ; Liverpool University Pothole Club (1978) ; Imper i a l College Caving
Cl ub (1978); Craven Pothole Club (1978); Kingswood Caving Group (1979) ; University of Leeds
Speleological Association ( 1 979 , 1 981 & 1982) ; Burnley Cav i ng Cl u b (1980 & 1981) ; Red Rose Cave
& Pothole Club (1982); Manchester University Speleological Society (1983) , and South Wales Caving
Club (1983).
The text is compil ed from articles and reports by the following:
Ni c k Airey , Colin Boothroyd,
Dave Bryant, Paul Castleton , Dave Checkley, Jim Cunningham , Ken Daykin, Colin Jackson, Howard
McKee , Dave Riley and Allen Williams .
Surveys are by the authors noted above plus Steve Foster, Peter Smart, Rob Davey , Hugh Firman ,
Simon Wilson, Linda Napoleon and J es Pete r so n .
Typing was b y Karin Sefton.
1974-77; Expeditions to Tresviso and the picos de Europa in Northern Spain , 68pp
L . U.S . S.
L . U.S . S .
L.U . S . S.
Sefton , M.
McKee, H.
L . U. S.S.
Daykin K.
Daykin , K.
L . U. S . S.
Daykin , K.
1 983
Tre sviso 79, An Expedition to the Picos de Europa; Caves and Caving; pp 12 - 15
pp 21-25
1981 Tresviso 80 ;
Descent;No . 44;
No . 12 .
p .18.
Caving International;
No .1 3 . pp 1 8 - 25
No.19 .
c/o L.U . S . S .
Anon. 1984 Y. U.C.P . C. & S . E.I.I. Expedition to the Picos de Europa Caves and Caving No . 23. , p.15
Anon .
1 983
Le s Speleos Dromois.
Copies of the L . U.S . S. 1978, 1979, 1981 and 1982-3 reports may be obtained from the Editor , Lancaster
University Speleological Society , c/o SRC pigeon holes , Lancaster University , Lancaster.
Mark Sefton ,
N. C.R.L .
C.S . l.R.
P . O. Box 395 ,
South Africa.
Transactions of the British Cave Research Association.
Volume 11, no . 4.
December, 1984 .
by Peter L . Smart
In excess of 1000 m of limestones of Carboniferous age are developed in the Eastern Massif of the
Picos de Europa and are overlain unconformably by Permian sandstones and shales. The structure is complex
with ENE to WSW thrust faults repeating parts of the Carboniferous sequence . The area was elevated on the
northern flank of the Cantabrian Mountains and major rivers have been deeply inci sed after stripping of the
Mesozoic cover . During the Quaternary, the Picos de Europa were glac iated and cirque development gave rise
to major high-level closed basins , which concentrated glacial meltwater into pre- existing caves. These
shaft systems , which contain ancient high-level phreatic passages, are often lithologically perched and
exhibit mUltiple phases of development. The resurgence systems are equally complex , but rapid base - level
lowering causes abandonment of the phreatic passages before extensive vadose modification .
This paper describes the geology and geomorphology of theOAndara/Tresviso area in the
Eastern Massif of the Picos de Europa . The work was conducted in co - operation with cavers
from the many Lancaster University Spelaeological Society expeditions to the area, whose
continuing as sis tance is gratefully acknowledged . Further details of the study area and
the cave s ystems discussed a r e given in the accompanying compilation by Sefton (1985) .
The geology of the Sotres/Treviso a r ea has been mapped and described by Martinez-G a rci a
(pe rs.comm . ) . The oldest rocks a re of Middle Cambrian age , and form a limited outcrop in
the val l ey below Sotres . The karst is however developed on a thick sequence of Carboniferous
rocks , greatly affected by thrust faulting, a nd capped in pl ace s by unconformable Permian
deposits (Fig . 1). The Carboniferous sequence (Table 1) commences with the Genicera
Formation of Visean age , which comprises 10 to 40 m of red nodular limestones , interbedded
with red a nd green sha les a nd radiol a rites . It is well exposed in the Lake Depression , where
it forms the basal member of the thrust-sheet exposed in the cliffs of the northern wall .
The Genicera Formation passes gra dually upward into unfossiliferous , l a minated , foetid
limestones, the l owest parts of which a r e often cherty a nd sometimes spectacularly brecci a ted .
This is the basal unit of the Caliza de Montana , and i s up to 350 m thi ck . Above , more
massive, coarse - gr ai ned grey fossiliferous limestones a re developed , giving a total thickness
of some 500 m. Carbonate deposition continued with the overlying picos de Europa Formation,
500 to 600 m thick , a nd a l so subdivided into two units . The lower unit varies from 0 to 100 m
thick , and comprises dark, fine grained, l aminated limestones with some chert (similar to those
of the Caliza de Montan a) , interbedded with dark marly shales up to 50 cm thick . The upper
unit, which is extensively exposed in the Sier r a d e la Corta , is composed of massive white
fine - grained limestones, interbedded with biocl as tic limestones containing crinoids,
brachiopods, foraminifera a n d bryozoans. Towards the top of the succession , distinctive pink
stained and grey brecciated limestones occur . These a r e frequently interbedded with nodular
limestones which wedge out r apidly l atera ll y . Th e top of the Picos de Europa Formation is
Uppe r Westphalian (late Muscovian or early Kasimovian) in age .
Table 1
Sotres Fm .
Cavandi Fm.
Puentell~s Fm.
5- 8
picos de Europa Fm .
Caliza de Mont a~ a Fm .
Genicera Fm .
4 00- 500
10 - 40
Figure 1
Und ifferentiated
Li eb ana
1 Km
Fau lt
----.--- Thrust fault
Dip ina
Cavand i Fm.
Picos de EuroQa
Fi gure 2
7777 Gorge
- - - Area covered b y
detailed maps
5 Km
:>- River
Altitude em)
Figure 3
A AA~", '1
las Vegas
de Sot res
Term in al mora in e
Closed depressio n
Gorg e
. . River
The maximum extent of glaciation in the study area, derived from field mapping.
Sca rp and
V~ V
Resurge nce
Ou twa sh
. ..:-.>::
100 m -
200 m -
2 _
51 _ _
Fi gure 4
SZ _____ _
0.25 Km
@) -
. . Phreat ic
therefore not surprising that 56 contains high level passages of an ancient and degraded
appea rance. In the vicinity of the Maze at 1660 m, there is a remarkable sponge -l ike network
of irregular phreatic passages with sandy rotten wall rock , while the highest phreatic
remnants occur at the base of Tiggers pitch at 1884 m , 1070 m above the terminal sump, and
some 1900 m above the floor of the Rio Deva gorge at L a Hermida .
The present outlet for the Andara water is the Cueva de Agua, which resurges at the head
of the Urdon Gorge below Tresviso . Earlier out lets were probably further downstream,
associated with earlier positions of the nickpoint . The huge stalagmite - choked chambers
of Resplenda, high on the .s outh wall of the gorge, could possibly represent such an earlier
resurgence .
Cueva del Agua is developed a long the strike of the beds, but individual passage segments
are frequently controlled by fractures other than bedding planes, giving a pseudo-rectilinear
plan form. The abandoned passages are predominantly phreatic , and rising segments are common ,
giving a characteristic looping elevation . In the Grand Circle, several such loops can be
recognised (Fig . 4). Th eir sequential abandonment can be demonstrated by the presence of
isolated vadose trenches deve l oped at the highest point on each loop . These define the
water-surface elevation in the active conduit. As base-level fell , there was insufficient
head to operate the higher loops, and lower phreatic passages became the major active conduits .
Uranium series dating of speleothems from such passages suggests that the long-term rate of
base-level lowering is about 0.3 m!ka, a very high value .
The efficacy of the deve l opment of the l ower phreatic passages is partial~due to t he
steep hydraulic gradients, which can drive water through the immature phreatic routes . The
present streamway has, for example, a gradient of 170 m/km (straight line distance) . Such high
values are caused by the rapidity of base-level lowering, which does not permit adjustment of
the cave passages to a particular elevation, as is amply d e monstrated by the perched resurgence
of the Cueva de Rio Chico . In Cueva del Agua , the present streamway has as yet insufficient
capacity to accommodate the seasonal high flows associated with snow-melt . The smoo th clean washed walls of the passages in the Black Hole, 20 m above the streamway, and the fretting and
pot - holing of the floor offer abundant evidence of the continuing modification of this
abandoned phreatic passage . The overall rate of vadose erosion must however be low, otherwise
more extensive trenches would be observed . This may well relate the the ephemeral nature of
such high flows , and the limited aggressiveness of the water inVOlved. Estimates obtained from
uranium series analyses of speleothems on the walls of active trenches in both Cueva del Agua
and Cueva de Marmiosa indicate vadose erosion rates of 0 .1 to 0 . 15 m!ka.
The depth of the vadose zone has increased progressively, because base level (controlled by
incision of the gorges) has fallen more rapidly that the general rate of surface lowering of
the limestones in the Andara area . The vadose zone is now in excess of 1000 m deep and is
traversed by several extensive, surveyed cave systems, some of which lead to active streamways .
In contrast, relatively few systems of any size are known elsewhere in the area , except where
recharge is concentrated into sinking streams on the margins of the impermeable Permian rocks,
for inst ance , at Torca la Barga. Whilst it is true that location of entrances in the areas of
bare limestone is easier than in the beech woods at lower elevations , and that mining activity
has greatly assisted access in the Andara area , there are two possible geomorphological
explan ations . Karstification has proceeded for a grea ter time in the Anda r a area, thus there
has been time for the development of extensive and complex vadose systems, even with the slow
rate of erosion. In 56 , it is clear that there are many different phases of vadose development,
with capture of earlier trenches into more recent developments (for instance, just beyond
Humbug Hall), multiphase trenches, and invasion shafts. However, the glaciation of the major
depressions is probably of greater importance. The glaciers concentrated basal meltwater in the
floor of the depressions (the topographically lowest position in the cirque) where it drained
underground into shafts . This is particularly noticeable in the high-altitude depression south
of pico Jierro where numerous shafts are found in the base of the cirque depressions. The huge
281 m deep Heinous Sh a ft in S a ra , which takes very little water at present, is thus an
essential l y fossil sub - glacial drain, formed when much larger volumes of water passed under ground at this point . The sub-glacial origin also explains the formation of shafts at points
which receive no significant present drainage, such as Tiggers Pitch at the entrance to 56.
Ice flowing northward over the present edge of the Lake Depression wa s buckled a nd deeply
creviced , directing surf a ce meltwater to the gl a cier base at this point . Similarly, the
numerous shaft systems such as Flower Pot in the Moro Depression, are formed on the rear walls
of the cirques , where meltwater penetrates down the bergschrund .
The vadose caves are predominantly shaft systems due to the great depth of the unsaturated
zone , although lower gradient sections such as the Sara streamway are found . These are
associated with lithological perching, as , for instance , in the Crumbles in 56 , which is held
up by thick tabUlar cherts . However, many of the known systems do not demonstrate lithological
perching as they are developed down vertically extensive fractures in the vicinity of the
San Carlos fault zone. The complex superimposed shafts of Tere , which are known to cut
through quite thick shale horizons, are proba bly the best illustration of this effect .
In other areas , the passage may develop down - dip , guided by such shale bands. The
Aberfan pitches in 56 have a bedding roof sloping at 60 0 developed above a thick black
earthy shale. However , in 56 much of the known passage ignores the general attitude of
the beds, and is controlled by abandoned phreatic passages , developed along joints and
other fractures . The complex of multi-level canyons and multiple active streamways in
the Humbug Hall area provides a c l assic example . Different routes have been developed
at different times as the location of inputs has changed, and new routes have been opened
from the f loor of existing passages. Because of the antiquity of the caves , and the
changes of input associated with glaciation , a bewildering complexity of vadose passages
has developed, the current active route often being the most immature and poorly developed .
It has not been possible in this brief overview to present full and detailed evidence
relating to the points discussed. Nevertheless, it is clear that the caves of the Picos
de Europa have a very long and complex history, which is strongly affected by the
repeated Quaternary glaciations of this area. More detailed work on the hydraulics and
morphology of the cave systems, and their present- day erosion rates, is now necessary to
quantify this effect.
I would like to thank the many members of the Lancaster University Spelaeological Society expeditions ,
who have both directly and indirectly assisted in this work and, in particular , Colin Boothroyd, Nick
Airey, Dave Checkley, Howard Jones and Paul I bberson . Financial assistance from the University of Bristol,
British Geomorpho logical Research Group, and N.E.R.C. Grant GR3/5049, is gratefully acknowledged . The
diagrams were drawn by Simon Godden.
Sefton , M. 1985. Cave explorations around Tr esviso, Pico s de Europa , Northern Spain.
Vol. II, n o . 4, pp 1 99 - 237.
Cave Science .
Smart, P.L., Andrews, J.L. & Kamal i. 1981. Q~~8ern~3~ evolution of the Eastern Massif of
the Picos de Europa , Spain, based on
U speleothem chronology .
Terra Cogni ta. Decembe r, 1 981.
Peter L.Smart,
Geography Department
University of Bristol
Bristol , BS8 lSS
Cave science
Transactions of the British Cave
Trevor D. Ford
The evidence within the stratigraphic r ec ord for the former presence
of ancient karstic surfaces or underground fe atures in Britain is
r ev iewed.
Bare or covered palaeokarsts occur with the Carboniferous
Limestones of Derbyshire, the Mendip Hills, South and North Wales,
and Yorkshire. Features of subterranean hydrothermal karst are
present in Derbyshire and the Mendip Hills . Sub- Triassic "fi ssures "
with vertebrate bones and plants are r ecorded in Somerset , Avon and
South Wales . Similar features of ear l y Jurassic age are present in
the same areas , coupled with phe nom e na assoc i ated with marine
planation . Solution p ipes are widespread in the upper surface of the
Chalk. A palaeokarst with solution collapse structu r es is noted from
Cambrian limestones in Northwest Scotland .
If palaeokarst is defined as the record of development of karstic
landforms, either surface or underground, in any erosion cycle prior to the
present, then it is widespread in the Carboniferous Limestone outcrop areas
of Britain.
Palaeokarstic features are particularly well developed in the
Peak District of Derbyshire, in Wales and the Mendip Hills of Somerset .
Published studies of palaeokarst in these areas are few and the studies have
generally been made as a side-line to other aspects of stratigraphic or
sedimentary history.
A number of other areas have more limited palaeokarsts
in rocks ranging in age from Cambrian to Cretaceous. Each area is considered
Karst surfaces may be classified as (a) bare or uncovered karst, i.e.
that which develops on a fully exposed limestone surface; (b) covered karst,
i.e . that which develops under a cover of soil or other superficial deposits;
(c) interstratal karst, i.e. that which develops by solution along a bedding
plane or unconformity after the overlying beds have been deposited; and (d)
buried karst, i . e. any of the above buried by younger strata after development.
Most of the palaeokarsts discussed herein fall within category (b) in their
genesis though they are now seen as within (d) owing to their being within the
stratigraphic record .
Some instances of interstratal karst are also
considered herein.
Erosion surfaces within the Carboniferous Limestone and palaeokarstic
features developed subsequently in the Peak District have been described
previously by the present author (Ford, 1964, 1969, 1972, 1977); by Walsh et al
(1972), Walkden (1974 , 1977, 1981) and Oakman (1984) (Fig . l . ). The outcrop is
some 4u km long from north to south and 15 km wide.
The stratigraphic
sequence of beds exposed totals s ome 500 m but at least another 1100 mare
known from a deep borehole (Dunham, 1973) .
The base of the limestones is thus
nowhere visible . The exposed sequence presents a wide variety of lithofacies
broadly referrable to a palaeogeography of marginal reef complexes around the
fringes of the outcrop and lagoonal calcarenites in the ce ntr e . The
contemporary deep water facies outside the reefs is poorly exposed.
Dips are
generally low and do not often exceed 15 0 , but gentle folding on east - west axes
in the east, and north-south axes in the west yields a complex o utcrop pattern .
Intermittent vulcanicity is manifested as a series of basaltic lava flows and
tuffs interbedded with the limestones (Walters and Ineson, 1981; Ineson and
Walters , 1983).
Thin tuff horizons, usually less than 30 cm thick, are
frequently present between the thicker lavas (Walkden, 1974) .
Limestone sedimentation in the British Carboniferous was demonstrated by
Ramsbottom (1973) to have proceeded as a series of cyclic transgressions and
regressions reflected in cyclic change s in lithological characters and fossil
Each cycle in theory can, a t the time of maximum rearession of the
sea, result in exposure of the lime sediment surface.
If the relative uplift
is sufficient, erosion may occur with the consequent development of either
palaeosols in the uppermost bed of limestone in each cycle or of surfaces
Bou ndary of
LImestone outcrop
MaIn pIpe- ve in
hydrothermal karst
Area s 01 pr e - Namurian
pa ta eok ar sllc erosIOn features
develop me nts
, !
- ~---
.::l i-==--CRICH
Fig .l. Sketch map showing the distribution of palaeokarstic fe atu r es
in the Carboniferous Limesto ne of the Peak District, Derbyshire .
f~ a".. \Jrj
l. I Jn(S I ~j ll '"
!>I", J t '
B(.ju l d., ,. ~
F I S51 In ' ~:
" <l V 5
')/ 1"
with fluvio-glacial silts and sands occur in the same quarry faces and indicate
that solutional p r ocesses have continued into recent times, thereby suggesting
that inter stratal processes are more likely as an explanation for the
shale-filled dolines.
Both around Castleton and elsewhere in Derbyshire rare patches of an
insoluble r e sidue of chert g r avel sug~est either late Dinantian or
pre-Namurian weathering of the limestone surface or of interstratal solution at
a later stage.
The evidence is unfortunately sparse and equivocal.
Post - Carboniferous uplift and erosion
Following the first main phase of upfolding of the South Pennine anticline
in late Carboniferous times, the re gion was subjected to erosion during Permian
and Triassic times, in which a large part of the Upper Carboniferous
delta-swamp sediments were removed.
The evidence is sparse but it seems that a
part of the southern end of the limestone massif became exposed by late
Permian time s and magnes ium-rich brines percolated down from the evaporite- rich
sea into the Carbonif erous Limestone and resulted in areas of intense
The increased poros ity has resulted in the development of
karstic features at more recent dates, e .o. (l) the sub-Pliocene sink - holes
(2) caves along the dolomite-limestone boundary a nd (3 ) dolomite tors,
discussed below.
No actua l landforms can be attributed to the Permian period.
However , Triassi c beds do rest directly on the limestone in a small area of
the south-western part of the limestone massif.
The unconformity is probably
a palaeokarstic surface but it has not been described in detail.
At Breedon-on-the-Hill on the Derbyshire/Leicest ershire border two inliers
of dolomitized Carboniferous Limestone project through the cover of Upper
Triassic Mercia Mudstone . (formerly Keuper Marl). The inliers were effectively is
islands in a Triassi c desert lake and are variously flanked by coarse boulder
breccias, s c rees of dolomite clasts and by Mercia Mudstone.
A few fissures are
filled with mudstone, sometimes with local enrichments of hydrothermal minerals.
A few fissures have yielded sp a rse re ptile bones.
Hydrothermal palaeokarst
The galena - sphalerite-fluorite-baryte-calcite deposits o f Derbyshire are
thought to have originated fr o m hydrothermal solutions penetrating (a) into
fault fractures and joints resulting from the late Carboniferous earth
movements, (b) into favourable lithologies of limestone to yield replacement
ore deposits and (c) into pre-existing cavities .
The last two categories are
commonly confused in De r byshire under the local terms of 'flats' and 'pipes'.
Broadly, a flat is a bedding- cont r olled ore- body, either by replacement or by
filling a bedding cavity , whilst a pipe is any other form o f cavity lined or
filled by the mineral suite, often with associated metasomatic replacement.
A review of processes of mineralisation has been published recently by Ineson
and Ford (1982) . What is more importan t from the palaeokarst point of view is
the origin of the cavities and the processes of their formation (Fig. 3).
Temper atures of mineralisation as shown by fluid inclusion studies were around
80 0 to 1000C and these, together with structural evidence, suggest that the
limest on e massif was still buried by Upper Carboniferous strata at the time of
mineralisation to a depth of at least 2 km and possibly 3 km.
The chemistry of
the mineralising solutions indicates that they were extremely dilute, and the
palaeokarstic impli cation is of large bodies of hot water moving through the
limestone mass, probably escaping eventually at the surface as hot springs.
The widespread deposition of ca lcite, often in freely grown crystals of large
size , suggests that the hydrothermal waters were not aggressive during
mineralisation, but that doe s not exclude an early, pre-mineralisation,
aggressive phase being responsible for pipe-vein caver ns.
Such hydrothermal fluid movement would exploit any geological weakness in the
Faults and joints are obvious weaknesses but the more subtle ones
include (a) the voids between the boulders of the pre-Namurian boulder bed,
now partly filled with the Blue John variety of fluorite deposits in Treak
Cliff at Castleton (Ford, 1969) (Fig . 2); (b) calcite- lined solution caverns at
the boundary of porous dolomitised limestones resting on relatively impermeable
unaltered limest one as in Masson Hill and the Golco nda Mine (Ford and King,
1965, 1966); (c) solution cavities developed along the contacts with tuff
horizons and lined or filled with hydrothermal minerals, as in Masson Hill, at
Matlock and many other localities and (d) cavities developed from
stromatactis porosity in buried reef limestones as in the Blende Vein cavern jn
Magpie Mine (Worley, 1976){Plates 4 & 5). These and other types of hyd rothermal
mineralisation karst are illustrated in Fig. 3.
Circulation of groundwater in
these has , at various subsequent stag es, resulted in their re-utilisation as
phreatic drainage pathways, wit h resultant collapse of the mineral linings into
alluvial breccias in the bottoms of pipes.
Still later the introduction of
allochthonous surface sediments in either paraphreatic or vadose conditions has
modified the hydrothermal palaeokarstic features and has resulted in the
mixture of the insoluble mineral residues with the inwashed sediments .
open cavities
--::----------- --:.. ~
4 Columnar
white Calcite
3 Sphalerite
25 2
Hydrothermally mineralized caves of type (c) are common in Masson Hill (Fig . 4)
overlook i ng the gorge of the River Derwen t at Mat l ock.
Subsequ ent re-ut i l i zation
of t hese old caves by phreatic water movement i n Ple i stocene (and possibly
Pliocene) t i mes was followed by the inwash i ng of fluvio-glacial fills
(Noel , Shaw & Ford, 1 985) . Former extensio n s of these re j uve n ated hydrothermal
caves may have been signicant in the evolution of the Derwe n t gorge.
Another Pleistocene cave owing its initiation to the hydrothermal karst of
the past is that in Treak Cliff at Castleton .
Here the void system in the
boulder bed partly infilled with Blue John fluorspar is assoc i ated with
pre- Namurian phreatic caves within the reef limes to n es simila r ly filled with
Blue John fluorspar.
Both these caves and the remaining voids later provided
a poten t ial phreatic drainage route and this was used by allogenic drai n age
during the progressive removal of the Namurian shale cover .
Inwashed loess i c
material l ater mixed with the collap s ed insoluble Blue John residue partly
filling the cave system .
The Sub- Pliocene pockets and their deposits
From post-Triassic times to mid-Cenozoic the Carboniferous Limestone
massif of the Peak District was almost certainly buried under a cover of
Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments of which no trace survives.
Whether any
phr e atic development took place as a result of slow - movin~ deep waters is
unkn own .
By mid-Cenozoic times the Pennine fold was uplifted again and
erosion was rejuvenated .
Most of the Triassic, Permian and remaining Upper
Carboniferous cover was removed from the limestone.
Little can be
reconstructed of this process, but by the end of Miocene times it can be argued
that an escarpment o f the Lower Triassic Sherwood Group conglomerates
(formerly known as Bunter Pebble Beds) was retreating southwards from the
southern margin of the limestone outcrop .
Fans of pebble gravel, sand and
clays spread northwards at the foot of the scarp into a braided low gradient
river system draining the South Pennines leaving a sheet of clastic sedimen ts,
the Brassington Formation (Boulter et al . 1971; Walsh et al . 1972), ~esting on
the limestone (Fig.5A) .
Relics of this sheet are now preserved only in a
series of solution collapse structures and were formerly known as ' Pocket
Deposits ' (Yorke 1954 - 61) .
They have been worked for many years for their
content of kaolinitic sands, used in refractory brick manufacture .
processes of dismemberment of the formerly continuous sheet have been
described by Ford (1967, 1969, 1972, 1977) and Walsh et al. (1972 , 1980).
Quarrying operations for the refractory materials have revealed palaeokarstic
phenomena at the margins of the pits.
Patches of angular chert gravel up to
5 m thick resting on the dolomitised limestone surfaces and dragged down by
collapse indicate the former presence of an insoluble chert residue over parts
of the l imestone surface.
Resting on the chert gravel in a few cases are
patches of Namurian shale, again about 5 m thick, and showing a weathering
profile from unweathered blue - black shale below to reddish purple above,
characteristic of warm temperate conditions .
Whilst these relics are small
and scattered they indicate the former presence of a combined covered and
i n terstratal karst landscape in a warm climate - a palaeokarst having both a
veneer of a former cover and of the insoluble residue present in the region
before the deposition of the Brassington Formation sands and clays.
fossil plants in the clays are of Mio - Pliocene boundary age (Boulter 1971) , so
that this covered palaeokarst is probably of Miocene or even earlier age.
The margins of the pockets show deeply weathered dolomitised limestone ,
with joints etched out and filled with sand to a depth of several metres but
structures in the p o cket deposits themselves clearly indicate that these open
joints are due to post - depositional collapse and the sagging of the Brassington
Formation sands into interstratal karst cavities .
The limestone solution
necessary for the devel o pment of these in turn requires a hydrological drainaqe
system in the sub-surface res urging in a nearby valley at lower altitude (Ford
1972) (Figs . 5B & C) . Whilst Pleistocene erosion has destroyed the evidence of
the latter , relics of the possible intermediate cave drainage h a ve been
discovered in caves penetrated by the Golconda lead and barytes mine (Ford and
King 1965, 1966).
Some of these are effectively developments of hydrothermal
Thus a Mio- Pliocene covered palaeokarst is demonstrated by the presence
of the Brassington Formation, by the residual chert gravels and shale patches,
and by the caves of the Golconda Mine .
The development of the inter stratal
karst by collapse took place before Pleistocene till covered the sagged
deposits unconformably .
The same general area as the pits with the Brassington Formation sands
a n d clays is also characterised by the presence of dolomite tors (Ford 1963 ,
These crags are thought to have been developed by periglacial
circumdenudation of decalcified partly dolomitised limestone durinq the later
Pleistocene , but some may be survivors from a comparable glacial/periglacial/
interglacial cycle in earlier Pleistocene times .
oo 0
' : . .0 ,:
0 0
666 666 6
Chert gravel
o .. .? :' .
.? . o. . 0
0 : '.'0 : .
. ' .. 0 .. . . 0
.': 0 .' :.
. .
'. '
A A A 4 A 4 A 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 6 A A 6 A A A 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 666 666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 A 6 6
Sands , grave ls and clays of the Neogene Brassington Formation , larae ly derived from
the r eceding Triassic escarpment on the left
from dissolv ed upper beds of dolomitized Carboniferous Limestone. Bedded galena- baryte
mi ner al deposits lie in cavit i es
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
666 666 6 6 6
66666 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 666 666
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
.. ' . D '6
'. .: C> .q .
Further solution allows co llapse of Brassingt o n For~ation into " pockets " with subseque nt
erosion of most of the remaining horizontal Brassinqton For mation . Collapse dr ag s down
chert grave 1 (and some re lics
co re s of 'o ld s
Jurassic In contac t
Trlassicl Jurassic
bone-bearing ca ves
Unconformity cave
0 0
__:_:_'-y OBSTER
sagging layers of fill into theru Some fills indicate the former existence of
thin Rhaetian or Liassic covers ~hich were trimmed off by Middle Jurassic times,
demonstrating that the inter-fissure surfaces are themselves planes of marine
The faunas have been taken to suggest that they lived on upland
areas well above sea-level but the discovery of glauconite grains and marine
palynomorphs in the silts at Tytherington (Marshall and Whiteside 1980;
Whiteside and Robinson 1983) suggests that the limestones may have formed
low-lying islands and some fissures may have been effectively dolines, cenotes
or even 'Blue Holes' like those of the Bahamas.
The present upland surface of the Mendip Hills is thus a rejuvenated
Triassi c island surface, which has been subjected both to tectonic strains
opening fissures and to slow phreatic solution, with marine planation in the
middle Jurassic,
a nd some limited Pleistocene trimming.
The fissures both
acted as pitfall traps and had some small vertebrates washed in by storm
There is little evidence of lateral caves being developed off the fissures
in Triassic times, though a few quarry sections suggest the formation of caves
followed by roof collapse, as at Slickstones Quarry at Cromhall, north of
Bristol. Fossil reptilian remains occur both in the silty sediments of the
cave fl oor s and in between the collapsed boulders.
Reptile remains are locally
dispersed in re-deposited derived Carbon if erous Limestone microbreccias (Fraser
& Walkden, 1983).
None of the major cave systems known today can be attributed directly to
Triassic beginnings, though tectonic stresses may have initiated some of the
opening of controlling j oints and bedding planes . Wookey Hole cave is partly
developed in the Dolomitic Conglomerate but extends without any obvious change
in morphology into the Carboniferous Limestone behind.
The high permeability
of the Dolomitic Conglomerate may have been a factor in speleogenesis but here
it is not in itself evidence of a subterranean Triassic palaeokarst.
A minor example of interstratal karst is the cave in Cloford Quarry
developed along the unconformity between the middle Jurassic Inferi or Oolite
and the underlying Carboniferous Limestone (Drew and Ingle Smith 1972). The
age of initiation is unknown but it may well be no older than Quaternary .
The coastal sections of the Carboniferous Limestone of Red Wharf Bay on
the east coast of Anglesey have lonq been famed for their sandstone-filled
potholes in the limestone (Fig.8; Pl .6 ) .
Noted by Greenly (1901) they have been
described by Baughen & Walsh (1980) and by Walkden & Davies (1983). The coast near
Trwyn Dwlban provide sections of several hundred sandstone pipes , which Walkden
and Davies have shown to occur at nine different stratigraphic horizons, each
terminatin g a carbonate regression cyclothem . The pipes are commonly 5 or 6 m
deep and 1 or 2 m wide and contain sandstone showing bedding to various degrees.
Most of the sandstone bodies are truncated on the foreshore by modern marine
erosion but in the cliffs various relationships can be seen. Many are truncated
and the next limestone cyclothem lies directly on top, but a few show a thin
sandstone bed passing from one pipe to another a few metres away.
evidence of channelling of cyclothems into each other is also present .
Walkden a nd Davies (1983) have co nc luded that the pipes are palaeokarstic
phenomena due to overbank solution when regression took place at the end of a
Some such overbank solution was beneath a sheet of fluvio - deltaic sand,
presumably with a soil providin g acid ic meteoric waters.
Removal of lar ge
parts of the sand sheet took place during channelling episodes and was completed
in some cycles by the succeeding marine transgression.
A wider palaeogeographic view can be inferred by the Carboniferous
Limeston e here being deposited in a shelf sea environment close to the
Ordovician volcanic mountains of Snowdonia whence the sand was derived .
Regression exposed the limestone shelf to terminate the carbonate part of each
cycle with palaeosols followed by the fluvial effects with channels, overbank
spills of sand and the accompanying solutional effects (Walkden and Davies
The pipes and related bedding surfaces may be classed as covered
As in other areas , the Carboniferous Limestone sequence is marked by a
number of palaeokarstic or palaeosol surfaces at the terminations of cyclothems
(Somerville 1969a & b) but these do not seem to have any subsequent
speleogenetic significance (Fig.8). ,
, 1
Trla lc/Jur lc
518mbr. Odu
Sub -Mil ia ton. Gr it Cave
k rn a
and in Flintshire
s ands and clays
these bear clo s e
of Derbyshire and
Carboniferous strata are folded into a large synclinal basin trending
east - west so that the limestone outcrops in a narrow band on North and South
Crop s , on either side of the coalfield.
The South Crop is steeply - dipping and
h as been greatly denuded and locally transgressed by Triassic strata.
and J urassic strata also lie unconfo rmably on subsidiary folds in the
Carboniferous Limest o ne in South Glamo rgan (Fig.9). , Comparable folds in the
Carboniferous Limest o ne of t he Gower Peninsula and South Pembrokeshire are
characterised by small areas o f coars e 'g a sh-breccia' regarded by some as
relics of the Triassic transgressi o n but there is no direct evidence of either
age or origin of the breccias . Thomas (1971) regarded them as being of
tectonic origin related to late Ca rbo nif e rous folding , occasionally with
solutional c oll ap se f e atures sup erimpo s e d.
There is a general thinning o f the Ca rboniferous Limestone towards the
north- east in the eastern part of t he No rth Crop.
This is partly due to
overstep by the lowest beds of the Millstone Grit across the various units of
t h e limestone sequence , and partly due to progressive thinning of the uni t s
themselves .
These thin limestone cycl o thems are often bounded by emergence
surfaces, characterised by palaeosols and palaeokarsts.
Wright et al. (1981)
Wright (1982 , 1984a & b) have argued that these are largely evidence of
intra-Dinantian covered karst. Mammilated and pot-holed surfaces have been
noted in the Gower Peninsula whilst on the North Crop palaeosols are
r epresented by textures including rhizoliths , glaebules and vadose cements
overlying phreatic cements .
Rubbly calcareous clays on such surfaces appear to
represent collapsed kavornossen karren (Wright 1982) .
Needle-fibre cements
suggest a relationship to microbiological soil activity possibly by fungi
(Wright 1984b) . A palaeokarstic surface at the top of the Gilwern Oolite shows
extensive solution piping .
Speleogenesis has occurred at the top of the
Oolite , a mongst other horizons , and it may be that intra - Dinantian
palaeokarsts have been significant in the origin of Pleistocene cave passages .
The sub-Triassic landscape of So uth Glamorgan is one of Carboniferou s
Limestone islands surrounded by lithified fossil scree slopes.
The 'islands '
developed in Permo- Triassic times and, like the Mendip Hills , may be presumed
to have been relict uplands in a Triassic semi - arid landscape . An outline
description of a palaeokarstic surface has been published by Thomas (1952) and
several f i ssures filled with bone - bearing sediments have been noted (e . g.
Robinson , 1957 , 1971) . As in the Mendip Hills these contain a mixture of small
reptile bones , with a few early mamma ls and fish remains in a fine clastic
matrix and pitfall trapping mechanisms have been invoked . Fragments of
coniferous wood and spores were also found (Lewarne and Pal lot 1957 ; Harris
These suggest
a Rhaetic to Lowest Lias age and Harris suggested that
t h eir charcoal - like appearance indic a ted their possibly having been burnt in a
scrub fire and then washed into the fissure .
On the North Crop the Carboniferous Limestone, generally some 200-300 m
thick , is overlain unconformably by the b a sal Millstone Grit quartzitic
sandstones .
The junction is an unco nformity with the base of the sandstones
almost c ompletely across the limestone outcrop in the extreme
The contact is poorly exposed but where it is visible , minor solution
features occur.
Owen and Jones (1966) drew attention to small scale cave-like
features beneath the unconformity filled with quartzitic sand and pebbles and
Thomas (1973 , p. 74) suggested that they might represent a karst landscape now
buried below the Millstone Grit.
However, the evidence is largely masked by
subsequent collapse having led to extensive inter stratal karst . Described by
Thomas (1963 , 1973, 1974) the features include an extensive collapse doli n e
field , shallow subsidence depressions and foundered masses of the quartzitic
s andstones .
These features have resulted from the solution of limestone under
a cover of sandstones up to 200 m thick and Thomas has proposed that the only
possible mechanism for the chaotic jumble of collapsed blocks is collapsed
caverns of vast size.
None of these has yet been demonstrated to exist , though
the Siambre Ddu cave , near Brynmawr, with its sandstone roof, may be an
imminent collapse of this type (Thomas 1974 , p. 150) (Fig . 9)
The collapse dolines number some thousands spread over about 60 km length
of limestone outcrop.
Individual dolines may be as small as 25 m diameter but
many are more than 100 m across. Foundered masses of Millstone Grit may be as
much as 3 km in length .
The depth of collapse is uncertain but Thomas tho u ght
that some founde red masses may have gone through the whole thickness of th e
Carboniferous Limes tone, i.e. more than 200 m.
The chronology of solution and
collapse has not bee n wo r ked out but Thomas suggested that many of the features
were so freshly d eve l oped on a surface previously covered by Devensian
glaciation that they were in effect post-glacial and hence not palaeokar st.
However, he also suggested that some isolated foundered masses of sands t o ne on
the limestone dip-slopes well- removed from parent Mil ls tone Grit outcrops could
be regarded as 'fossil inter-stratal karst'.
Once isolated, they coul d be
planed off by glacial erosion and may date back to early i n the Ple i stocene or
perhaps even earlier.
Interstratal s o l ution collapse on this scale has not been found elsewhere
in Britain and the re ason is probab ly because it is only in South Wales that
the basal Millstone Gr it beds are coarse permeable sandstone s wh i ch all ow acid
waters to percolate di rectly into the limestone.
Elsewhere in Britain th i ck
shales intervene.
Comparable inters tratal and buried karsts between the Carboniferous
Limestone and Namuri an have been noted in Belgium and West Germany (Wright
1984b) .
'Pockets' of t he limestone surface fi lled with deeply weathered mat erial
derived from the Mill stone Grit have heen described in the Vaynor and Cwa r y r
Ystrad quarries o f the North Crop by Battiau- Queney (19 80, 1984a & b).
She has
argued that the limes tones between the pockets resemble buried tower kar s t a nd
that the fill in the pockets between the towers was derived from tropica l soils of
ferralitic and ferrug i n ous types such as would be generated in a relatively hot
and wet climate.
Later soil profiles suggest further pedogenes i s after fill
Whilst n o dating evidence is available Battiau-Queney has suggested
and early Tertiary age for the tower karst and a later (early Neogene) age for
the burial and fill s tage. Further research is obviously needed to determine
the relationship between the featur es and interpretation of Battiau-Queney a nd
the pre- Namurian a n d in ter stratal karsts described by Thomas.
Palaeokarst in the classic caving area of the North Pennines is le ss
obvious, bein g r es tr icted to palaeosols at the end of transgression-regr e s s i o n
cyclothems and t o s ol u tion-pitting beneath shale bands (v7altham 1970, 1 971,
1974). These pit f e atures have only been seen underground where they h ave been
intersected by c a ve s.
Waltham has observed cross-sections of depression s in the
base of shale ban d s as much as one metre deep and 3 metres wide.
Since t he y
can only be s e en in two dimensions it cannot be proved whether they are
cross- sections o f circular pits like those in Anglesey or whether they are
sections through c h a nnel- fills.
A few shale-filled fissures suggest the f o rmer
presence of grykes in exposed erosion surfaces. A few of the s hale band s ca rry
thin coal seams indicatin g the former presence of terrestrial so i ls and
vegetation cover on exposed limestone platforms. Waltham's work (1970 , 197 1,
1974) has ampl y demons trated the signifi cance of the shale beds in
The vari o usly dolomitised Cambro-Ordovician Durness limestones of the
extreme northwest o f Scotland have recently been shown to contain a
stratigraphic br eak e n compassing most of Middle and Upper Cambrian time (Pa lmer,
McKerrow and Cowi e 19 80; S . C. Wright 1983). The Sangomore Formation re sts o n a
palaeokarst surfac e o f the Sailmhor and Eilean Dubh Formations on the south
shore of Balnakeil Bay .
Breccia-filled fissures pass down from the palaeokarst
surface into the l owe r f ormation s by as much as 150 metres.
The brecc i as have
apparently yielded a f ew uppe r mo s t Cambrian marine fossils whose signif i cance
is not yet understood .
The breccias have been attributed to the former
presence of evaporites a n d collapse due to solution thereof on the same
principle as the Broken Beds in t he Purbeck rocks (Upper Jurassic) of Lu l worth
Cove in Dorset.
No detailed description is yet available.
The folded a nd fa u lted Devonian limestones of Berry Head and the adjac ent
Shoalstone Beach n ea r Brixham contain numerous sandstone dykes (Richter 1 96 6).
Although these g i ve the impre s sion of being true palaeokarstic features,
detailed studies hav e shown that they are tectonic fissures opened, some times
several times, by the stresses of folding.
Some fissures close upwards , whilst
others cut thr o u g h earlier fissure-fills.
The fills are of almost structu r e l ess
red sandstone, of ten with radial calcite srowing inwards from the walls.
calcite probably indicates a stage of phreatic growth in open fissures and the
sand was virtually sucked in from the unc o nformable cover of Permian fluvial
sediments. A single instance of a true cave filled with red sandstones has
been noted by Richter but otherwise there are n o palaeokarstic features.
Throughout southern and eastern England the Upper Cretaceous Chalk is
covered unconformably by fluvia l or marine Palaeogene sands.
thicknesses of chalk were eroded before deposition of the cover on a gently
inclined surface .
In almost every exposure of the contact there are sandfilled "pipes" extending down into the chalk to depths of more than 10 metres
(Kirkaldy , 1950). They can be classified as inter-stratal karst and are
generally thought to have orig inated by sub-surface solution of the soluble
chalk below the unconformity . Particularly fine examples have been described
at South Mimms to the north of London (Thorez et a1. 1971) (Plate 8). Others
occur in the cliffs of Studland Bay in east Dorset and at Cuckmere Haven in
Sussex (Castleden 1982) (Plate 9).
At the last lo cality pipes abo u t 1.5 to
2m in diameter can be seen to penetrate the whole depth of the chalk cliff,
some 20m, into the foreshore platform. The cover is a series of soliflucted
sa nds and gravels , with components indicating derivation from the former
Palaeogene cover , together with early Pleistocene gravels and wind - blown
These can be seen to sag into the pipes. The chalk margins of
the pipes , particularly those seen on the foreshore, are indurated by
deposition of a cryptocrystalline cement through a thickne gso f about 15 cm.
Cylinders of indurated chalk from which the fill has been removed stand as
much as a metre high on the wave - cut platform. Similar features have been
described from the Norfolk coast near Sheringham, where the chalk is covered
by early Pleistocene Weybourne Crag gravels (Burnaby , 1949).
Here he noted
that the topmost few cms of the chalk are indurated whether in pipes or not,
and showed small scale desiccat i on cracks , from which he argued that the
pipes were a bare karst landscape solution phenomenon. This deduction now
needs re - examination, as it is difficult to see how a bare land surface of
chal k c o uld have concentrated run - off into the widely spaced pipes.
There are numerous horizons in the sequence of Jurassic limestones and
clays throughout Britain where hardgrounds occur.
These are surfaces within
limestone clay successions characterised by encrustations of oysters and other
bivalves and bearing vertical burrows by crust aceans, 'worms' and other
organisms .
(Pa lmer and Ftirsich 1974 ; Sellwood 1978). The underlying limestone s
show evidence of early lithification but otherwise they indicate only a period
of non - sedimentation with little evidence of emergence and the formation o f
sub- aerial palaeokarsts.
Int erstratal karst in the Purbeck Beds of the Dorset Coast occurs in the
form of Broken Beds - massive block breccias resulting fr om the subsurface
solution o f gypsum beds and col l apse of the overlying strata.
A soluti o n-collapse structure containing Cretaceous chalk in a depression
in Upper Carboniferous greywackes , underlain by Carboniferous Limest one , in the
Gweestin Valley , north of Killarney, has been described by Walsh (1966).
suggested a mechanism of 'rapid submarine intra - Cr~taceous karstic subsidence' .
Solution hollows containing unconsolidated sands occ ur in several parts of
central Ireland.
Covered by thick Pleistocene boulder c l ay , relative ly little
is known about them, but they seem to be comparable with the Pocket Deposits o f
Derbyshire and may thus indicate a Pliocene pa l aeokarst (Murphy 1962).
Thanks are due t o Drs . A.C. Wa l t ham a nd V.P. Wright f o r th e ir cri tica l r ea ding a nd
cons t ruc tiv e c omm e nts o n e arly dr a fts o f this r ev i e w.
Mrs. S. Button and Mrs.K.Taylor .
drew the d i ag r ams .
Adams , A. E. 1980 . Calcr e te p r o fi les i n t he Ey a m Lime s tone (Carboniferous ) o f Derbys h ire : pe tro l ogy
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Walsh , P . T. & Brown , E .T. 1971 . Solution subs i dence outliers containing probable Tertriary
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palaeosol . Geol. Jour ., Vol . 19 , pp . 23 - 32 .
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Chapter in New Trends in Karst Geomorphology, eds . M. M. Sweeting & K. Patterson.
Geo- Abstracts, Norwich (in press) .
Yorke, C . 1 954- 6 1 . The P oc ket Deposits of Derbyshire. Private Publns ., Birkenhead .
Trevor D. Ford,
Geology Dept .,
University of Leicester ,
Leice ste r LEl 7RH
August 1984 .
(1) 63-64.
Ocea n hole sites on Andros.
See Villar , E.
See Willis , R.G .
Blue Holes 1982 expedition medical report .
(1) 57-59.
See Willis, R . G.
Invertebrates at Niah Great Cave, Batu Niah National Park,
(2) 89-91 .
Further water tracing experiments at Castleton, Derbyshire.
(2) 86 -88 .
See Villar, E.
(1) 9 -22.
The Blue Holes: descript i on and structure.
See Villar, E.
See Gascoyne , M.
Palaeokarst in Britain (4) 246-264
(3) 154 - 159.
Hypothermia in cavers .
Uranium-series ages of speleothems from Bahamas Blue Holes
a nd their significance .
(1) 45-49.
Uranium series dating of speleothems, Part II. Results from the
Yorkshire Dales and implications for cave development and
Quaternary climates.
(2) 65 - 85.
Limestone and volcanic caves of the Fiji Islands.
(2) 105-118.
See Villar, E.
Medical equipment for caving expeditions.
(3) 171-174.
Principles of first a i d treatment following a major under0round
accident .
(3) 167-170.
See Warner, G.F.
Lateral facies changes , unconformitie s and stratigraph ic rev ersals :
their significance for cave sediment stratigraphy.
(3) 175-184 .
Cave development under Andros Island, Bahamas.
(1) 50- 52.
Outline geology of the Bahama islands.
(1) 7- 8.
Report of the 1981 & 1 982 British cave diving expeditions to
Andros Island.
(1) 1-64.
See Farr , M.
Preliminary observat ions on the biology of inland Blue holes ,
Andros Island .
(1) 53-56.
See Villar, E .
Cave flooding and underground survival.
(3) 160- 166 .
Cave Explorations round Tresviso, Picos de Europa, N. Spain .
(4) 199-237.
The hydrology of the inland Blue Holes , Andros Island.
(1) 23-29 .
Geology , geomorphology and speleogenesis of the Eastern Massifs ,
Picos de Europa, Northern Spain .
(4) 238-245
See Villar , E.
See Villar, E.
Air temperatures and air interchanges at Altamira Cave (Spain) .
(2) 92 - 98 .
Ambient temperature variations in the Hall of Paintings of Altamira
Cave due to the presence of visitors .
(2) 99 -104 .
Cave diving equipment and techniques o n the British Blue Holes
expeditions 1981 - 1982 .
(1) 60- 62.
Some features of Karst Geomorphology in South China .
(4) 185-1 98 .
Ecological studies in the marine Blue Ho les of Andros Island,
Bahamas .
(1) 30-44.
See Palmer, R.J.
The caves of Gunung Sewu , Java .
(3) 119-153 .
Andros Island
Principles of first aid treatme nt followin g a major
underground accident.
(3) 1 67 -170 .
Villar et al. Air temperatures and air interchanges at Altamira
Cave (Spain).
(2) 92-98 .
Villar et al . Air temperatures and air interchan ge s at Altamira
Cave (Spain).
(2) 92-98 .
Villar et al . Ambient temperature variations in the Hall of
Paintings o f Altamira Cave due to the presence of v isitors .
99 - 104.
Benjamin. Ocean hole sites on Andros.
(1) 63 - 64.
Pa lmer and Williams . Cave development under Andros Island,
(1) 50-52 .
Andros Island
Andros Island
Andros Island
Andros Island
Bahama Islands
Batu Niah
Blue Holes
Blue Hol es
Blue Holes
Blue Holes
Blue Holes
Blue Holes
Blue Holes
British expedition
British expeditions
Cave accident
Cave development
Cave Exploration
Ch in a
Ecological studies
Expedi ti o n s
Mar in e
Medical equipment
Med i cal report
Niah Great Cave
Niah National Park
Ocean ho l e
Picos de Europa
Picos de Europa
Palaeoka rst
Sed i ment
Spa i n
Spe l eogenesis
Spe l eothems
Temperatur e s
Volcanic caves
Water tracing
Yorkshire Dales
compiled and edited by T. D. Ford
published by "Geo-books" c / o Geo-Abstracts Ltd.
University of East Anglia, Norwich
469 pages.
11.50 soft back; 15 hard back.
Available from B.C.R.A. Sales
B.C.R.A. Sales
science , includ i ng geology , geomorpho l ogy , hydrology , chemistry , physics , archaeology and
biology in their application to caves , as well as technological matters such as exploration,
equipment , surveying, photography and documentation . Papers may be read at General Meetings
held in various parts of Britain, but they may b e submitted for publication without being
read. Manuscripts shou l d be sent to the Editor, Dr. T . D. Ford , Geo l ogy Department , University
of Leicester , Leicester LEl 7RH , who will be pleased to advise in cases of doubt about the
preparation of manuscripts . The Transactions is normally issued four times a year to paid- up
members of the British Cave Research Association . Subscriptions are due on 1st January
annually .
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