W CFSP Grants

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Southern California Area Office Water Conservation Field Services Program Grants

(based on original awarded amount)




Metropolitan Water District


Inland Empire Utilities Agency


California Urban Water Conservation Council


City of San Diego



Eastern Municipal Water District

Lake Arrowhead Community Service District

Project Title

The project incentivizes builders to install California Friendly plants in

new developments
Chino Basin Water Efficient Demo Projects
The project demonstrated water efficient landscape technologies
Market Research Survey for Landscape Task The project will create a market research survey for implementation
by the Landscape Task Force.
Mapping Interface Enhancements to Urban
The project will increase landscape efficiency through water audits
Vegetation Satellite Imagery
with an estimated savings of 15% by using satellite imagery.

California Friendly Median/Large Landscape

Irrigation System Rebate Program

Automatic Meter Read

Long Beach Water Department



Long Beach Water Department

Outdoor Water Use Efficiencies


Mission Resource Conservation District

Irrigation Technology Demonstration Project

Metropolitan Water District


California Friendly Pilot Program




World Water Forum

California Friendly Median/Large Landscape Irrigation System Rebate

Program will target landscape water use in medians, parkways and
large landscapes Multiple benefits include an estimated 20%
reduction in water use totaling 50.4 afy; runoff reduction; knowledge
transfer; and reduced demand for imported water supply.
The project proposes to install an Automatic Meter Reading (AMR
Project) to increase water use efficiency to offset future demands on
the Districts limited water supplies.
The purpose of this project is to help people use irrigation timers more
efficiently by notifying them, via email, when their timer should be
adjusted and by how much.
The purpose of this project is to implement three activities within an
urban school: (1) replace irrigation system , (2) purchase and install
of weather-based irrigation controller and (3) the design and construct
a demonstration garden.
The purpose of the project is to achieve water savings by changing
the attitudes and behaviors of residential and agricultural water users
with regard to the decisions they make about how to manage and
conserve water outdoors.

Water Savings


40 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


200 acre-feet


50 acre-feet





2,500 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


1,155 acre-feet

The purpose of the program is to underscore the importance of water

quality and conservation issues, Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California (MWD) along with other partners will establish a
grant competition for community colleges and universities. Grants will $
be offered for research and development on the implementation of
water-use efficient concepts or technology that can be cost-effectively
implemented in water-stressed regions, locally or internationally.



0 acre-feet



Metropolitan Water District

Otay Water District

Innovative Conservation Program

Cash to Grass


County of Riverside

Wood Crest Library Water Wise Garden


City of San Fernando

Conservation Garden - Heritage Park


San Jacinto Basin Resource Conservation District

Forage Crop Irrigation Demo


West Valley Water District

Conservation Study and Plan Development


California Urban Water Conservation Council

Smart Urban Landscapes



Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District

Joshua Basin Water District

Multi-Stream Rotor Sprinkler Head Retrofit


Desert Water Conservation Demo Project

The ICP provides grant funding to explore the water and energy
savings potential and practicality of new water conservation
technologies. The ICP projects will enhance existing data and/or
generate new data on innovative water/energy conservation
The Cash to Grass Project will focus on working with a developer to
install water-wise landscapes in front yards within a development or
directly with the new homeowners. The more visible the water-wise
landscape, the better chance it has of catching on with the developer
community as well as with the new homeowner.
The purpose of this funding is toward construction of a Water-Wise
Garden as an educational and conservation resource for public in the
County of Riverside.
Heritage Park will be constructed on a vacant City 3 acre parcel to
include a conservation garden with native plantings, riparian plantings,
dry stream bed system to retain storm water, and the installation of an
irrigation water management system using CIMIS, and educational
signage identifying plant material.
This project provides for the demonstration of precision irrigation
management and scheduling strategies for dairymen growing forage
crops (primarily alfalfa) in the San Jacinto Valley of western Riverside
County. The project will improve irrigation efficiency and application
uniformity, improve crop yields and prevent crop stress.
The District will develop a water conservation plan for its service area
and conduct a pilot study to identify whether ET controllers or
moisture sensing irrigation controllers generate significant water
savings within the two microclimate zones
The Council will develop guidelines and residential landscape design
templates that will facilitate the installation of more water efficient
landscapes, promote the use of innovative irrigation technologies, and
improve the publics understanding of good water management, thus
achieving the highest potential outdoor water savings at the lowest
practical cost.
The District intends to run a sprinkler retrofit program that will reduce
the need for imported water, save customers money, and reduce
irrigation runoff in their service area. EVMWD will supply Multi-stream
rotor sprinkler heads (MP rotor) to customers, verify installation and
scheduling, and then track water savings.
The District proposes to develop a set of professional residential
landscape plans unique to the High Desert. The landscape plans will
be developed to meet the requirements of the model landscape
ordinance for single family homes. The model landscape ordinance
will limit water usage in new development.


0 acre-feet


8 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


20% annually


0 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


320 acre-feet


0 acre-feet










Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Los Angeles San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council

Municipal Water District of Orange County

San Diego County Water Authority

West Basin Municipal Water District

Western Municipal Water District

City of Corona

Metropolitan Water District

Municipal Water District of Orange County

The District proposes to implement a pilot project to assess the

effectiveness and determine the relative strengths/weaknesses
associated with offering a high efficiency clothes washer (HECW)
point-of-sale (instant) rebate to LADWP customers.
The Project will demonstrate how Low Impact Development Strategies
can be applied to existing urban infrastructure to address runoff
Residential Landscape Retrofit Demonstration
management, water conservation pollution reduction and treatment,
for Water Conservation and Water Supply
flooding, and habitat creation by retrofitting a residential street with
state-of the-art Best management Practices (BMPs).
MWDOCs goals for the project are to quantity municipal water
system losses and identify the source of those losses. The
investigation will use international methods adopted by the
Water Loss Management Program
AWWA/IWA in water auditing and water balance, and utilize
spreadsheet software prepared and adopted by the AWWA/IWA
Water Loss Control Committee.
This pilot program will provide landscape water budgets to the top
25% of single family residential lots using aerial imagery to measure
Residential Water Budget Pilot Program
the landscape.
The District will implement an innovative CII Program that provides
business and facilities with incentives, resources, and technical
assistance to install water efficient equipment. The program will
Water Efficiency Equipment Installation
inspect as many as 100 cooling tower sites and 100 industrial sites to
determine potential participation of the business or industry.
The Demonstration Program includes several focused activities
intended to increase efficiency and reduce outdoor water use for
residential and high water commercial/industrial/institutional (CII)
Water Conservation Demonstration Project
consumers with the Districts retail service area. The Demonstration
Program activities include irrigation retrofits for large landscapes and
preparation of educational tools for residential landscaping.
The City proposes to coordinate and administer the direct installation
of Weather Based Irrigation Controllers a Residential Pilot Program
that will reduces the need for imported water, save customers money,
and reduces irrigation runoff in their service area.
Residential Pilot Program
The ICP provides grant funding to explore the water and energy
savings potential and practicality of new water conservation
technologies. The ICP projects will enhance existing data and/or
Innovative Conservation Program
generate new data on innovative water/energy conservation
The program provides businesses with engineering surveys to identify
water saving process improvements and offers financial incentives to
help implement the recommended changes. The Program targets the
following four industry sectors: Food Processing, Textile
Industrial Process Expansion Program
Manufacturing, Metal Plating, and Electronics Manufacturing.
Reclamation funding will assist MWDOC in continuing this program
Residential High Efficiency Clothes Washer
Instant Rebate Program


30 acre-feet


2 acre-feet


4,754 acre-feet


125 acre-feet


120 acre-feet


75 acre-feet


240 acre-feet/year


200 acre-feet


603 acre-feet



Rancho California Water District

Demo Study-Avocado Groves


San Diego County Water Authority

Smart Landscape Retrofit Program


West Basin Municipal Water District

Water Conservation Plans


City of Long Beach

Drought Resistant Garden


Eastern Municipal Water District

Landscape Information Database





Inland Empire Utilities Agency

Los Angeles San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council

Metropolitan Water District

Metropolitan Water District

California Friendly Landscape Program

Green Alleyway Landscape Retrofit

Conservation Market Study

World Water Forum

The District is proposing the use of weather-based smart irrigation

controllers at avocado groves in the Rancho California Water District
service area.
The project will consist of researching, developing, and implementing
a comprehensive and integrated water-efficient landscape retrofit
program targeting common interest developments. The project will
integrate several ongoing elements from SDCWAs landscape
conservation program.
The District will assist its water purveyors in developing their own local
water conservation plans.
The Department is proposes to develop a water conservation
education and sustainable drought-resistant landscaping technology
demonstration garden on the site of the Aquarium of the Pacific in
Long Beach.
The District proposes developing a Landscape Information Database
that will update and improve the accuracy of landscape areas
estimated for over 130,000 of EMWDs customers. When used in the
implementation of the allocation based water rate it is estimated that
this program could improve water efficiency approximately 5% over
the implementation of the rate without this database.
The Agency is proposing to provide rebates for 33 or more residential
landscape sites and 36 or more residential landscape audits as
funding becomes available. The Agency proposes to provide a
workshop series for residents and professionals and develop and
distribute a landscape manual.
The project will retrofit an alleyway using state of the art Best
Management Practices (BMPs) to demonstrate how Low Impact
Development strategies can be applied to retrofit urban infrastructure.
The purpose of the study is to explore the potential for increasing local
water supplies and reducing urban runoff pollution by increasing
infiltration of storm water runoff.
The District is evaluating its urban incentive programs to determine
the most efficient use of financial resources to achieve maximum
water savings. The results of the study will provide a direction for
Metropolitans future conservation programs.


20% reduction


441 acre-feet




400 acre-feet


25 acre-feet


4 acre-feet

The purpose of the program is to underscore the importance of water

quality and conservation issues, Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California (MWD) along with other partners will establish a
grant competition for community colleges and universities. Grants will $
be offered for research and development on the implementation of
water-use efficient concepts or technology that can be cost-effectively
implemented in water-stressed regions, locally or internationally.


10,000 acre-feet


0 acre-feet




City of Anaheim

West Basin Municipal Water District

City of Corona

Water Use Efficiency Master Plan

Landscape Irrigation Program

Water Use Efficiency Master Plan


Upper San Gabriel Municipal Water District

Water Conservation Master Plan


Municipal Water District of Orange County

Water Use Efficiency Master Plan


Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Power Distribution System Water Audit and

Component Analysis

The project will develop and adopt a forward-thinking Plan that will
outline specific program concepts and optimal delivery methods for
each water-saving technology under consideration. Using a board
economic analysis, the costs and benefits for each program concept
will be provided in order to establish the recommended program mix
and implementation options. The City will develop performance
measures to evaluate progress and monitor timing and resource
requirements of the recommended programs to ensure water use
efficiency can be achieved in a cost effective manner.

The program will provide landscape surveys and high-efficiency

irrigation nozzles to residents and the Commercial, Industrial and
Institutional (CII) sectors throughout the District's service area.




1,478 acre-feet

The plan will identify the large water consumers in the City and create
strategies it improve their efficiency. The Plan will also identify costeffective and innovative capital improvement projects that will help
conserve water including increasing reclaimed water use, groundwater $
recharge, and updating inefficient and outdated infrastructure. One of
the most important objectives of the plan is to pave the way to identify
and prioritize water conservation projects that will help the City
achieve their 20% by 2020 State mandated target. The plan is
estimated to reduce per capita use by 16 gallons per day.

The purpose of the proposed project is to develop a Water
Conservation Master Plan for the Upper District with the objective of
utilizing it as a tool for effectively implementing conservation measure
to augment water use efficiency and achieve increased water savings.
The purpose of the Water Use Efficiency Master Plan is to develop a
written plan defining how MWDOC will comply with the new state goal $
of a 20-percent reduction in municipal and industrial water use by the
year 2020.
The purpose of this project is to conduct a Distribution System Water
Audit and Component Analysis that will examine the efficiency of the
LADWP's water distribution system to evaluate real and apparent
losses. The project is expected to save 12, 600 acre-feet per year.



0 acre-feet




12,600 acre-feet






Municipal Water District of Orange County

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Irvine Ranch Water District

Eastern Municipal Water District

National Water Research Institute

Water Smart Landscape Program


Landscape Water Use Efficiency Research

Joint Energy and Water Pilot Program

Water Efficient Guidelines for New


Quantify Urban Water Use and Costs due to


The program is designed to provide short-term and long-term training,

on-site assessment and certification by providing educational
workshops, and cost/benefit measurement tools in combination with
site specific assessment. It is estimated that 6,700 acre-feet per year
will be saved by this program.

The Landscape Water Use Efficiency Applied Research Project will

conduct field research and analyses to encourage the development of
innovative outdoor water management technologies and practices.
MWD seeks to leverage its research funding by cost sharing with
Reclamation to (1) conduct water savings analysis for smart
controllers that have been installed for more than four years using
regional data, and (2) identify water savings opportunities by
surveying conditions for landscape water use behaviors and use of
irrigation devices within MWD's service area.
The purpose of the pilot program is to determine the effectiveness of
integrating a water component into Southern California Edison's
existing small and medium-sized business non-residential audit
program. Success integration will benefit the water and energy utility
customers by offering them an integrated, water and electric energy

The goals of the program are to 1). Discover and review water use
efficiency practices, 2). Recommend applicable portions, 3). Develop
water savings potential, 4). Publish a guidebook.

The program will focus on the assessment and development of

potential mitigation strategies to respond to high concentrations of
salinity in imported water from the Colorado River and local water.


6,700 acre-feet


0 acre-feet


31 acre-feet



154 acre-feet


3 acre-feet


City of Corona

The purpose of the project is to conserve water. They City request

grant funds to purchase and install centralized weather-based
irrigation controllers at five separate elementary school sites.
Centralized Irrigation Controllers for Targeted
Installation of state-of-the-art, wireless weather-based centralized
District Schools
controllers will create a centralized network throughout and existing
irrigation system. Overall, the City estimates that he proposed project
will save an estimated 400 AF over the next 20 years.


400 acre-feet





Municipal Water District of Orange County

Mesa Consolidated Water District

Chino Basin Water Conservation District

The proposed California Sprinkler Adjustment Subscription System

(CSASS) seeks to encourage and promote implementation of water
efficiency measures. The system will email an ET index to subscribed
homeowners or businesses with automatic sprinkler systems that
have a percent adjust feature. The proposed SCASS will streamline
access to the Sprinkler Adjustment Index by pushing the information
out to subscribers who request voluntary participation. The proposed
program will save an estimated 260 AF over 5 years.


Water Use Efficiency Benchmarking and

Master Plan

The purpose of the proposed Water Use Efficiency Benchmarking and

Master Plan for Mesa Consolidated Water District is to quantitatively
benchmark Mesa Waters water use efficiency program and activities,
and to develop a written plan defining how Mesa Water will comply
with the new State goal of a 20-percent reduction in municipal water
use by the year 2020. The objective is to implement the Master Plan
to achieve the water savings goal at the lowest possible cost while
maintaining a balance of quality programs desired by customers and
the general public throughout Mesa Waters service area.


Chino Basin Residential Weather Based

Irrigation Controller Install Program

The Chino Basin Residential Weather Based Irrigation Controller

Install Program (Program) will install 300 Weather Based Irrigation
Controllers (WBICs) to residential homes within the Districts service
area and provide two years of data monitoring. The Program will
provide better irrigation management for 300 residential accounts and
the reduction of approximately 225 acre feet per year (AFY) of water
supply year-round. Indirect benefits from reduced water use include
reduced energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions from water
conveyance, deferred generation of new water sources, and water
quality benefits from reduced urban runoff.


California Sprinkler Adjustment Subscription


260 acre-feet


225 acre-feet



Rancho California Water District

Residential Irrigation Efficiency Program

The Residential Irrigation Efficiency Implementation Program (RIEIP)

shares the goals for improving local and regional water supply
reliability through water conservation efforts that are outlined in both
the Districts Integrated Resources Plan and the Upper Santa
Margarita Watersheds Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.
These local and regional Plans are both consistent with the California
Water Plan. The RIEIP is estimated to reduce water consumption at
participating sites by 5,490 acre feet over a ten-year period.


549 acre-feet




Municipal Water District of Orange County

Spray-to-Drip Conversion Pilot Project

The Spray-to-Drip Conversion Pilot Project (Project) will demonstrate

water savings and increased efficiency of irrigation systems. The
outcome is an anticipated water savings benefit of 188 acre-feet per
year. The statistically quantified water savings established through
the Project will contribute to setting rebate rates for a broader program
within the MWDOC and Metropolitan Water District of Southern
Californias (MWD) service areas. The Project can be used as a
template for new irrigation conversion programs and its structure can
be emulated by any agency thereby making implementation more


188 acre-feet

Municipal Water District of Orange County

The Commercial/Institutional/Industrial (CII) Performance-Based

Water Use Efficiency Program (Program) protects surface,
groundwater, and ocean quality by reducing dry weather runoff and
pollution from existing landscapes; employing landscape water use
techniques that promote the infiltration and beneficial use of water;
CII Performance Based Water Use Efficiency
and reducing treating CII wastewater discharged into the ocean. The $
Program promotes region-wide utilization of BMPs that are
appropriate to non-point source pollutants to prevent potential
pollutants from entering municipal storm drain systems and aquatic
ecosystems during wet/dry weather. The Program water savings goal
is 113 acre-feet-per year (AFY).


113 acre-feet



Rancho California Water District

Blueprint for Water Use Efficiency

The Blueprint for Water Use Efficiency (Blueprint) project will provide
a thorough analysis of urban and agricultural water use efficiency
within the Districts services area, and will propose implementation of
urban conservation measures and agricultural water use efficiency
strategies, resulting in a clear direction of programs and activities to
meet the Districts water efficiency goals and objectives through a
balanced set of proposed programs.


0 acre-feet


50 acre-feet

The Fiscal Year 2013 Innovative Conservation Program (Program)

has multiple anticipated benefits including finding new water
conservation devices that help advance water use efficiency over
current practices and technologies. The Program is one of the few
opportunities where all applicants can apply for funding to test water
savings and reliability of new devise.


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Innovative Conservation Program

The long-term benefits of the Program include making more water

available due to improved managements, reduced energy costs due
to reduced pumping from the Colorado River and Bay-Delta, reduced
per capita use due to conservation and efficiency in landscape
irrigation, improved water supply reliability due to reduced irrigation
demand during warmer months when reservoir levels are lower,
delayed construction of new supplies due to reduced demand,
improved water quality due to reduced landscape runoff, and
assistance with endangered species efforts in the Colorado River and
Bay-Delta due to reduced diversions.
The Program also meets the objectives of Reclamations Water
Conservation Field Services Program and helps meet the Secretarys
High Priority Water Conservation Goal.


The Johnny Carson Park Irrigation Retrofit (Retrofit) project has

multiple benefits associated with it including: making potable water
available for other uses, reducing the amount of wastewater
discharged to the Los Angeles River, improving water reliability, and
improving landscape irrigation efficiency.


City of Burbank

Johnny Carson Park Irrigation Retrofit

The Retrofit project will save an estimated 30 acre-feet per year of

water and $38,778 in operation costs per year. Additionally, the
Retrofit project will save an estimated 19,560 kWh reducing energy
costs by $2,934 per year.


30 acre-feet

The Retrofit project also meets the objectives of Reclamations Water

Conservation Field Services Program and helps meet the Secretarys
High Priority Water Conservation Goal.


City of Upland

Smart Median Water Efficient Irrigation

System Retrofit

The SmartMedian Water Efficient Irrigation System (Retrofit) project

will improve water management and result in quantifiable water
savings through water conservation. The Retrofit project will save an
estimated 7 acre-feet (AFY) with an estimated lifespan of 10 years.
Additionally, the Retrofit project will assist the City with SBX7-7 wateruse reductions goals, as stated in the Citys 2010 Urban Water
Management Plan.

Coin/Operated High-Efficiency Clothes

Washers for Laundromats and Multi-Family

The Coin/Card Operated High-Efficiency Clothes Washers For

Laundromats and Multi-Family Buildings (Program) will be a large
potential source of overall water savings. It is estimated at least onethird of all Long Beach residents use coin/card operated laundry
facilities. The Program will lead to a direct water savings estimated at
25.7 acre feet (AF) of water per year for a total of 257 AF over the life $
of the Program. The Program could also result in an energy savings
of 1.6 million kWh per year. The Program expands several
established water use efficiency programs in place, and encourages
Long Beach residents to continue their excellent conservation
principles of using less water in the community.


7 acre-feet


City of Long Beach

75,000 25.7 acre-feet



Eastern Municipal Water District

Water Use Efficiency Master Plan


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

World Water Forum


Municipal Water District of Orange County

Online Irrigation Base Schedule Calculator

Since the 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) was

developed, EMWD has seen demand drop lower than projected. The
Water Use Efficiency Master Plan (WUEMP) will evaluate the
assumptions made about active conservation in the 2010 UWMP. It
will identify and update the targets for saving water through active
conservation and provide portfolio of projects and actions that can
meet or exceed the SB7x-7 targets. The WUEMP is expected to save
0 acre-feet per year (AFY) since this is a planning document.
The World Water Forum College Grants Program Fiscal Year 2014
(WWF) stimulates and advances new and innovative ideas on water
conservation and use efficient technologies, applied research
concepts and communications strategies that have the potential to
enhance water savings, quality and supply sources. The WWF also
increase equitable access to improved drinking water and sanitation
for Southern California and internationally, water-stressed regions,
including developing nations. The research of the WWF Colleges
contributes to several core conservation initiatives, including the
20x2020 law.
The Online Irrigation Base Schedule Calculator (Calculator) Project
will result in water savings and runoff reduction, yielding improved
water reliability and reduction on the reliance on imported water within
the Project area.
Anticipating that the Calculator will be utilized by at least 50 new
people per month, the associated water savings goal is 26 acre-feet
per year (AFY) or 131 lifetime acre-feet (AFL) over the anticipated fiveyear life. This will, in turn, result in savings of in 0.4 million kilowatthours over the project life and a reduction of 60 metric tons of CO2
emissions per year.

50,000 0 acre-feet

100,000 0 acre-feet


26 acre-feet


The Santa Ana River Watershed LIDAR/Inferred Imagery Landscape

mapping Demonstration Project (Project) will improve water use
efficiency by providing an accurate ground picture of irrigated
landscaping vs. non-irrigated landscaping when applying budget
based tiered water rates. Irrigation of landscaping within the Santa
Ana Watershed accounts for approximately 70% of the water
delivered to average customer.



Santa Ana Water Project Authority

San Diego County Water Authority

The direct anticipated benefit is to prove in concept that agencies can

use the infrared photogrammetry and LiDAR data to accurately
LIDAR/Infrarred Imagery Landscape Mapping measure the areas of irrigated vs non-irrigated ion in the watershed.
Demonstration Project
A secondary benefit is that this study can lay the ground work for a
watershed wide, infrared photogrammetry and LiDAR data collection
effort that would benefit all government agencies within the
watershed. Future benefits of this watershed wide project would be in
water conservation. With the use of this technology the watershed
agencies will know the outdoor water needs of individual customers
and can notify the customer of over watering. Additional benefits are:
identification of turf area in the watershed for turf reduction programs;
identification of impervious pavement for pervious pavement
replacement; and identification of invasive plant species for removal.

WaterSmart Turf Replacement Program

The WaterSmart Turf Replacement Program (Program) plans to

provide incentives for conversion of approximately 267,000 square
feet of turf to water-efficient landscaping. At a savings of 0.00014
acre-feet per year (AFY) per square foot, this would result in water
savings of approximately 37 AFY or 373 acre-feet (AF) over a 10-year
project lifespan.


0 acre-feet

100,000 37 acre-feet




Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District

West Basin Municipal Water District

Instant Hot Water System Rebate Program

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District will expand its current rebate
program to include Instant Hot Water Recirculating Systems. These
systems cost approximately $180-$200 at local hardware stores and
can be installed directly onto an existing traditional water heater by the
homeowner or a plumber. The installation of an Instant Hot Water
Recirculating System will enable hot water to run almost immediately
from faucets and showers, when needed, reducing the amount of cold
water being lost. Performance will be measured by comparing
baseline water usage numbers of each pre-qualified home against
water usage after installation of the hot water recirculation unit. The
District anticipates being able to review data monthly for each
household, with upwards of 6-8 months of data. Water conserved is
the primary benefit of this program. Through implementation of the
rebate program among approximately 700 homes, the District
anticipates an estimated water savings of 24.6 AFY. Performance will
be measured by comparing baseline water usage numbers of each
pre-qualified home against water usage after installation of the hot
water recirculation unit.

75,000 24.6 acre-feet

Water Use Efficiency Master Plan

West Basin Municipal Water District will update their Water Use
Efficiency Master Plan to include water conservation measures
through 2020. The plan will 1) analyze current water conservation
targets; 2) analyze current Gallons Per Capita per Day (GPCD) per
retail water agency; 3) adjust or develop new water conservation
targets if needed; 4) review current conservation programs; 5)
analyze, explore and incorporate new conservation programs; 6)
evaluate West Basins current rate structure and provide
recommendations; and 7) evaluate West Basin ability to meet their
targets as identified in their current 20x2020 water conservation goals.

60,000 0 acre-feet




Upper San Gabriel Municipal Water District

Municipal Water District of Orange County

Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District proposes to

provide quantifiable water savings by reducing outdoor water usage
through enhanced landscape irrigation measures through Phase 3 of
this Large Landscape Survey and Retrofit Program. The project will
evaluate landscape efficiency and retrofits to large landscape sites
that currently use high water consuming devices, and replacing them
with high efficiency devices. Devices identified for retrofits include
Large Lanscape Survey and Retrofit Program
Smart irrigation controllers and high efficiency sprinkler nozzles.
Phase 3 will provide an average annual water savings of
approximately 80 acre feet per year (AFY), with an estimated lifespan
of 10 years. Total water savings over the lifespan of the Project is
800 AF. The Program targets parks and schools, the highest water
users within the commercial, industrial and institutional classification,
that are located within Upper Districts service area.

California Friendly Technical Design

Assistance Project

100,000 80 acre-feet


Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWSOC) will demonstrate

a California Friendly Technical Design Assistance (Project)
component to the MWDOC Turf Removal Incentive Program
(Program) aimed at optimizing landscape conversion benefits to
reduce outdoor water consumption and irrigation runoff. This Project
involves MWDOC providing technical assistance, as a pilot, to 125
residential and commercial sites as a means to promote landscape
renovations by providing turf removal tutorial and detailed site design
template resources. Based on past Program participant follow-up, the
predominant barrier to turf removal project completion was the need
for technical assistance. Providing technical assistance will ensure
the comprehensive California Friendly landscape includes selecting a
climate appropriate plant palette, encouraging onsite infiltration, and
implementing efficient irrigation design and management. California
Friendly plantings require less than half the irrigation required by
turfgrass. The proposed Project will target the removal of 250,000
square feet of non-functional turfgrass and installation of California
Friendly landscapes with climate appropriate greenscapes and
permeable hardscapes. The landscape improvements will yield 34
AFY (336 lifetime-AF) of water savings.

98,965 34 acre-feet



Total Savings

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Innovative Conservation Program

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will evaluate the

water savings potential and reliability of innovative water savings
devices and technologies. Metropolitan will expand opportunities and
enable broad participation in the program by leveraging its funding
with Reclamation to multiply the number and/or scope of the devices
evaluated. Since the establishment of the Innovative Conservation
Program in 2001, Metropolitan has received over 280 applications
requesting $29.8 million of funding from six solicitations showing
public interest in the program. The Innovative Conservation Program
(ICP) promotes the study of implementing new technologies through a
competitive grant process. The water savings and estimated project
life for 2015 ICP will depend on the types of projects chosen and their
experimental designs. Demonstrating these new technologies will
support the acceptance and implementation of these new water use
efficiency devices or strategies throughout the region. In 2013, the
Innovative Conservation Program selected 13 new devices and
technologies. Included in these 13 projects were a diverse range of
field or lab studies such as new soil amendments, irrigation devices,
water audit applications, agricultural irrigation technology, rain water
harvesting strategies, and grey water recycling systems.

100,000 0 acre-feet



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pFad v3 Proxy

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