Spice Jet
Spice Jet
Spice Jet
configuration. With costs like fuel, lease, maintenance remaining same per
aircraft, its per-seat costs comes down by around 20%. Better flight and
ground staff: From aircraft to crew and ground staff the focus is on
SpiceJet also actively finalizes pre-ordered (and obviously pre-paid) sandwich
and snacks. This eliminates wastage of food and jet fuel which rather
surprisingly, costs as much as Rs. 1,000 ($20) per meal.
To expand fleet, SpiceJet had unveiled a phased capacity expansion over
FY08-FY12. From a fleet of 11 aircrafts at the end of FY07, it added 15 by
FY10, and another 8 in FY11-12E, which took its total fleet size to 34. In
December 2005, it raised US$ 80 million through an FCCB (foreign currency
convertible bonds) issue, proceeds of which are being utilised for the PreDelivery Payments (PDP) of first ten aircrafts. The company also had a sale
and lease back arrangement with Babcock & Brown Aircraft Management and
Nomura Babcock & Brown, for all 16 aircrafts to be purchased during 200709. The deal is valued at over US$ 1.1 billion based on the manufacturers list
prices. Further, in January 2007, the company raised US$ 67 million (Rs 297
crore) through preferential equity allotment to strategic investors like the Tata
Group, Istithmar, KBC Financial Products (UK) and BNP Paribas. Equity funding
Investor US$ million Tata 18 Istithmar 31 KBC UK 3 BNP Paribas 15 Total 67
Source: Company, ICICIdirect Research Support Resources Required
Availability of skilled personnel Rapid growth in the industry has led to a
sustained shortage of pilots and other trained personnel in the industry. This
is aggravated by the high gestation period (more than 3 years) required for
acquiring a commercial pilots license. The training period for a cabin crew
ranges from 6 months to one year. This shortage is driving the cost of highskilled staff. Also, the limited availability of the required ground &
maintenance staff could adversely affect growth plans of the company.
among the youngest in the country. Brand Building SpiceJet's "Get more when
you fly" campaign, launched mid 2009, and received a fresh thrust with the
appointment of i-Vista Digital Solutions. Online reputation management
programme continuously tracks consumer sentiments and provides constant
creative and technology solutions. This has increased their online presence
and helped to drive customers to SpiceJet website which is the most cost
effective distribution channel for them.
9. Performance Metrics On Time Performance and Cancellations During OctDec 2009, SpiceJet consistently recorded the lowest cancellations amongst
comparable airlines. SpiceJet's performance has remained in the top tier on
these two parameters over the last few months. Their Technical Dispatch
Reliability is at an very high 99.38 %. Market Share SpiceJet's market share
has seen a significant increase despite no major capacity induction during
this period, moving up to 12.5% during Oct-Dec 2009 from 10.5% during the
same period last year. This has been possible due to better aircraft utilization.
SpiceJet has consistently carried more passengers per departure than any of