This document provides the meanings of many Hebrew and Greek names that appear in the Bible. It lists names beginning from A to Z and provides the origin and meaning of each name. Some key points are that many names have meanings related to God or the Lord, such as Emmanuel meaning "God with us", Isaiah meaning "the salvation of the Lord", and Jesus meaning "the Lord saves". Other names have meanings related to attributes, such as Daniel meaning "God is my judge" and Samuel meaning "heard by God".
This document provides the meanings of many Hebrew and Greek names that appear in the Bible. It lists names beginning from A to Z and provides the origin and meaning of each name. Some key points are that many names have meanings related to God or the Lord, such as Emmanuel meaning "God with us", Isaiah meaning "the salvation of the Lord", and Jesus meaning "the Lord saves". Other names have meanings related to attributes, such as Daniel meaning "God is my judge" and Samuel meaning "heard by God".
This document provides the meanings of many Hebrew and Greek names that appear in the Bible. It lists names beginning from A to Z and provides the origin and meaning of each name. Some key points are that many names have meanings related to God or the Lord, such as Emmanuel meaning "God with us", Isaiah meaning "the salvation of the Lord", and Jesus meaning "the Lord saves". Other names have meanings related to attributes, such as Daniel meaning "God is my judge" and Samuel meaning "heard by God".
This document provides the meanings of many Hebrew and Greek names that appear in the Bible. It lists names beginning from A to Z and provides the origin and meaning of each name. Some key points are that many names have meanings related to God or the Lord, such as Emmanuel meaning "God with us", Isaiah meaning "the salvation of the Lord", and Jesus meaning "the Lord saves". Other names have meanings related to attributes, such as Daniel meaning "God is my judge" and Samuel meaning "heard by God".
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Aaron (Hebrew) - Ex. 4:14 - a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength.
Abel (Hebrew) - Gen. 4:2 - vanity; breath; vapor.
Abiathar (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 22:20 - excellent father; father of the remnant. Abihu (Hebrew) - Ex. 6:22 - he is my father. Abijah (Hebrew) - 1 Chron. 7:8 - the Lord is my father. Abner (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 14:50 - father of light. Abraham (Hebrew) - Gen.17:5 - father of a great multitude. Abram (Hebrew) - Gen. 11:27 - high father; exalted father. Absolom (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 15:2 - father of peace. Adam (Hebrew) - Gen. 3:17 - earthy; red. Adonijah (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 3:4 - the Lord is my master. Alexander (Greek) - Mark 15:21 - one who assists men; defender of men. Amaziah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 12:21 - the strength of the Lord. Amos (Hebrew) - Amos 1:1 - loading; weighty. Ananias (Greek, from Hebrew) - Acts 5:1 - the cloud of the Lord. Andrew (Greek) - Matt. 4:18 - a strong man. Apollos (Greek) - Acts 18:24 - one who destroys; destroyer. Aquila (Latin) - Acts 18:2 - an eagle. Asa (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 15:9 - physician; cure. Asaph (Hebrew) - 1 Chron. 6:39 - who gathers together. Asher (Hebrew) - Gen. 30:13 - happiness. Azariah (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 4:2 - he that hears the Lord.
Bible Names start with B (m)
Barak (Hebrew) - Judges 4:6 - thunder, or in vain. Barnabas (Greek, Aramaic) - Acts 4:36 - son of the prophet, or of consolation.
Bartholomew (Aramaic) - Matt. 10:3 - a son that suspends the waters.
Baruch (Hebrew) - Neh. 3:20 - who is blessed. Benaiah (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 8:18 - son of the Lord. Benjamin (Hebrew) - Gen. 35:18 - son of the right hand. Bildad (Hebrew) - Job 2:11 - old friendship. Boaz (Hebrew) - Ruth 2:1 - in strength.
Bible Names start with C (m)
Cain (Hebrew) - Gen. 4:1 - possession, or possessed. Caleb (Hebrew) - Num. 13:6 - a dog; a crow; a basket. Christian (Greek) - Acts 11:26 - follower of Christ. Claudius (Latin) - Acts 11:28 - lame. Cornelius (Latin) - Acts 10:1 - of a horn.
Bible Names start with D (m)
Dan (Hebrew) - Gen. 14:14 - judgment; he that judges. Daniel (Hebrew) - 1 Chron. 3:1 - judgment of God; God my judge. David (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 16:13 - well-beloved, dear. Demetrius (Greek) - Acts 19:24 - belonging to corn, or to Ceres.
Bible Names start with E (m)
Ebenezer (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 4:1 - stone or rock of help. Elah (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 17:2 - an oak; a curse; perjury. Eleazar (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:25 - the Lord will help; court of God. Eli (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 1:3 - the offering or lifting up. Elihu (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 1:1 - he is my God himself. Elijah (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 17:1 - God the Lord, the strong Lord. Eliphaz (Hebrew) - Gen. 36:4 - the endeavor of God.
Elisha (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 19:16 - salvation of God.
Elkanah (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:24 - God the zealous; the zeal of God. Elnathan (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 24:8 - God hath given; the gift of God. Emmanuel (Latin, Hebrew) - Isaiah 7:14 - God with us. Enoch (Hebrew) - Gen. 4:17 - dedicated; disciplined. Ephraim (Hebrew) - Gen. 41:52 - fruitful; increasing. Esau (Hebrew) - Gen. 25:25 - he that acts or finishes. Ethan (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 4:31 - strong; the gift of the island. Ezekiel (Hebrew) - Ezekiel 1:3 - the strength of God. Ezra (Hebrew) - Ezra 7:1 - help; court.
Bible Names start with F (m)
Bible Names start with G (m) Gabriel (Hebrew) - Dan. 9:21 - God is my strength. Gera (Hebrew) - Gen. 46:21 - pilgrimage, combat; dispute. Gershon (Hebrew) - Gen. 46:11 - his banishment; the change of pilgrimage. Gideon (Hebrew) - Judges 6:11 - he that bruises or breaks; a destroyer.
Bible Names start with H (m)
Habakkuk (Hebrew) - Hab. 1:1 - he that embraces; a wrestler. Haggai (Hebrew) - Ezra 5:1 - feast; solemnity. Hosea (Hebrew) - Hosea 1:1 - savior; safety. Hur (Hebrew) - Exodus 17:10 - liberty; whiteness; hole. Hushai (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 15:37 - their haste; their sensuality; their silence.
Bible Names start with I (m)
Immanuel (Hebrew) - Isaiah 7:14 - God with us. Ira (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 20:26 - watchman; making bare; pouring out.
Isaac (Hebrew) - Gen. 17:19 - laughter.
Isaiah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 19:2 - the salvation of the Lord. Ishmael (Hebrew) - Gen. 16:11 - God that hears. Issachar (Hebrew) - Gen. 30:18 - reward; recompense. Ithamar (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:23 - island of the palm-tree.
Bible Names start with J (m)
Jabez (Hebrew) - 1 Chron. 2:55 - sorrow; trouble. Jacob (Hebrew) - Gen. 25:26 - cheater; that supplants, undermines; the heel. Jair (Hebrew) - Num. 32:41 - my light; who diffuses light. Jairus (Hebrew) - Mark 5:22 - my light; who diffuses light. James (Hebrew) - Matt. 4:21 - same as Jacob. Japheth (Hebrew) - Gen. 5:32 - enlarged; fair; persuading. Jason (Hebrew) - Acts 17:5 - he that cures. Javan (Hebrew) - Gen. 10:2 - deceiver; one who makes sad. Jeremiah (Hebrew) - 2 Chron. 36:12 - exaltation of the Lord. Jeremy (Hebrew) - 2 Chron. 36:12 - exaltation of the Lord. Jesse (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 16:1 - gift; oblation; one who is. Jethro (Hebrew) - Exodus 3:1 - his excellence; his posterity. Joab (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 26:6 - paternity; voluntary. Joash (Hebrew) - Judges 6:11 - who despairs or burns. Job (Hebrew) - Job 1:1 - he that weeps or cries. Joel (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 8:2 - he that wills or commands. John (Hebrew) - Matt. 3:1 - the grace or mercy of the Lord. Jonah (Hebrew) - Jonah 1:1 - a dove; he that oppresses; destroyer. Jonathan (Hebrew) - Judges 18:30 - given of God.
Jordan (Hebrew) - Gen. 13:10 - the river of judgment.
Joseph (Hebrew) - Gen. 30:24 - increase; addition. Joses (Hebrew) - Matt. 27:56 - raised; who pardons. Joshua (Hebrew) - Exodus 17:9 - a savior; a deliverer. Josiah (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 13:2 - the Lord burns; the fire of the Lord. Josias (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 13:2 - the Lord burns; the fire of the Lord. Jotham (Hebrew) - Judges 9:5 - the perfection of the Lord. Judas (Latin) - Matt. 10:4 - the praise of the Lord; confession. Jude (Latin) - Jude 1:1 - the praise of the Lord; confession. Justus (Latin) - Acts 1:23 - just or upright.
Bible Names start with K (m)
Bible Names start with L (m) Laban (Hebrew) - Gen. 24:29 - white; shining; gentle; brittle. Lazarus (Hebrew) - Luke 16:20 - assistance of God. Lemuel (Hebrew) - Prov. 31:1 - God with them, or him. Levi (Hebrew) - Gen. 29:34 - associated with him. Lot (Hebrew) - Gen. 11:27 - wrapt up; hidden; covered; myrrh; rosin. Lucas (Greek) - Col. 4:14 - luminous; white. Luke (Greek) - Col. 4:14 - luminous; white.
Bible Names start with M (m)
Malachi (Hebrew)- Mal. 1:1 - my messenger; my angel. Manasseh (Hebrew) - Gen. 41:51 - forgetfulness; he that is forgotten. Marcus (Latin) - Acts 12:12 - polite; shining. Mark (Latin) - Acts 12:12 - polite; shining. Matthew (Hebrew) - Matt. 9:9 - given; a reward.
Matthias (Hebrew) - Acts 1:23 - the gift of the Lord.
Melchizedek (Hebrew, German) - Gen. 14:18 - king of justice. Micah (Hebrew) - Judges 17:1 - poor; humble. Micaiah (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 22:8 - who is like to God? Michael (Hebrew) - Num. 13:13 - poor; humble. Mishael (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:22 - who is asked for or lent. Mordecai (Hebrew) - Esther 2:5 - contrition; bitter; bruising. Moses (Hebrew) - Exodus 2:10 - taken out; drawn forth.
Bible Names start with N (m)
Nadab (Hebrew) - - Exodus 6:23 - free and voluntary gift; prince. Nahum (Hebrew) - Nahum 1:1 - comforter; penitent. Naphtali (Hebrew) - Gen. 30:8 - that struggles or fights. Nathan (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 5:14 - given; giving; rewarded. Nathanael (Hebrew) - John 1:45 - the gift of God. Nehemiah (Hebrew) - Neh. 1:1 - consolation; repentance of the Lord. Nekoda (Hebrew) - Ezra 2:48 - painted; inconstant. Nicodemus (Greek) - John 3:1 - victory of the people. Noah (Hebrew) - Gen. 5:29 - repose; consolation.
Bible Names start with O (m)
Obadiah (Hebrew)- 1 Kings 18:3 - servant of the Lord. Omar (Arabic, Hebrew) - Gen. 36:11 - he that speaks; bitter. Onesimus (Latin) - Col. 4:9 - profitable; useful. Othniel (Hebrew) - Joshua 15:17 - lion of God; the hour of God.
Bible Names start with P (m)
Paul (Latin) - Acts 13:9 - small; little.
Peter (Greek) - Matt. 4:18 - a rock or stone.
Philemon (Greek) - Phil. 1:2 - loving; who kisses. Philip (Greek) - Matt. 10:3 - warlike; a lover of horses. Phineas (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:25 - bold aspect; face of trust or protection. Phinehas (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:25 - bold aspect; face of trust or protection.
Bible Names start with Q (m)
Bible Names start with R (m) Reuben (Hebrew) - Gen. 29:32 - who sees the son; the vision of the son. Rufus (Latin) - Mark 15:21 - red.
Bible Names start with S (m)
Samson (Hebrew) - Judges 13:24 - his sun; his service; there the second time. Samuel (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 1:20 - heard of God; asked of God. Saul (Hebrew) - 1 Sam. 9:2 - demanded; lent; ditch; death. Seth (Hebrew) - Gen. 4:25 - put; who puts; fixed. Shadrach (Babylonian) - Dan. 1:7 - tender, nipple. Shem (Hebrew) - Gen. 5:32 - name; renown. Silas (Latin) - Acts 15:22 - three, or the third. Simeon (Hebrew) - Gen. 29:33 - that hears or obeys; that is heard. Simon (Hebrew) - Matt. 4:18 - that hears; that obeys. Solomon (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 5:14 - peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses. Stephen (Greek) - Acts 6:5 - crown; crowned.
Bible Names start with T (m)
Thaddaeus (Aramaic) - Matt. 10:3 - that praises or confesses. Theophilus (Greek) - Luke 1:3 - friend of God. Thomas (Aramaic) - Matt. 10:3 - a twin.
Timothy (Greek) - Acts 16:1 - honor of God; valued of God.
Titus (Latin) - 2 Cor. 2:13 - pleasing. Tobiah (Hebrew) - Ezra 2:60 - the Lord is good. Tobias (Hebrew) - Ezra 2:60 - the Lord is good.
Bible Names start with U (m)
Uriah (Hebrew) - 2 Sam. 11:3 - the Lord is my light or fire. Uzziah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 15:13 - the strength, or kid, of the Lord.
Bible Names start with V (m)
Victor (Latin) - 2 Timothy 2:5 - victory; victor.
Bible Names start with W (m)
Bible Names start with X (m) Bible Names start with Y (m) Bible Names start with Z (m) Zacchaeus (Hebrew) - Luke 19:2 - pure; clean; just. Zachariah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 14:29 - memory of the Lord Zebadiah (Hebrew) - 1 Chron. 8:15 - portion of the Lord; the Lord is my portion. Zebedee (Greek) - Matt. 4:21 - abundant; portion. Zebulun (Hebrew) - Gen. 30:20 - dwelling; habitation. Zechariah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 14:29 - memory of the Lord. Zedekiah (Hebrew) - 1 Kings 22:11 - the Lord is my justice; the justice of the Lord. Zephaniah (Hebrew) - 2 Kings 25:18 - the Lord is my secret. Zerubbabel (Hebrew) - 1 Chron. 3:19 - a stranger at Babylon; dispersion of confusion.