Ace 3 Sniper Guide
Ace 3 Sniper Guide
Ace 3 Sniper Guide
the AtragMX.
created by :
Firstly this is the procedure you will take to effectivly range, adjust and kill a
target followed by the methods in which to do so.
1. Range target
2.Open kestrel
3.Open AtragMX
4.Range adjustments
5.Wind adjustments
6.Temprature adjustments
7.Humidity adjustments.
8.Altitude adjustments.
9. Direction of fire.
10. Target inclination.
Now equip your AtragMX in your ACE3 interaction menu, in your equipmet
slot and it will appear on your screen like below:
simply clicking "gun list" and then scrolling through the list to find your
chosen weapon.
Wind Adjustments:
Open your kestrel using the ACE 3 interaction menu and it will appear on
screen, we now need a reading for the following:
1.Headwind speed
2. Wind direction
Headwind speed
Press the "down arrow" untill you see the title "headwind" on the kestrel then
simply type the numbers into the "wind speed section" in the "target" tab on
the AtragMX like below:
Simply press "shift-k" and a "small arrow" will appear in the top right of your
screen, then imagine that arrow was on the OUTSIDE of a clock poiting at the
numbers, this number must then be placed in the "wind direction (clock ) "
section like below.
note : this arrow says 10'oclock, so you would type in 10 to the section.
emember to click done !
Select the "Humidity" setting on the kestrel, then type the value into the
humidity section. AFTER clicking the atmosphere tab and selecting "TBH" like
shown below:
Direction of fire
Now use your rangefinder to find the "direction of fire", simply look at the
target , cycle through to the next fuction and when ranged the left numbers
are what you need.
NOTE : you must be on the setting show below with "degrees" shown on both
The left hand side number shows the direction of fire, simply enter this into
the correct field like shown below.
Inclination Angle
The right hand side shows the "Inclination Angle" this must also be calculated
and entered before taking the shot.
After this whole process if you now press update on your AtragMX it will show
all of the correct and updated calculations see below , allowing you to give
the correct information the the sniper that is needed.
Blue shows the correct elevation and wind adjustment which you tell the
sniper to adjust too.
Upon receving this information the sniper can now make the relevant
adjustments to his scope and begin engageing targets .
Also when information has been passed into the AtragMX it will create its
own range tables allowing the shooter/spotter more easy access to
information , and less readings to calibrate when time is not of the essence.
Thanks for reading i hope you all enjoy and i hope this helps you become a
more proficient spotter and sniper :)