Big Brothers Big Sisters Social Media Plan
Big Brothers Big Sisters Social Media Plan
Big Brothers Big Sisters Social Media Plan
Although Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County has a rather narrow audience when compared to
many other, large-scale organizations, they also have some competitors in Maryville and the surrounding
area that have the same need for volunteers, and nearly the same audience. Some of the key
organizations competing for similar audiences in Nodaway County include, Habitat for Humanity, New
Nodaway Humane Society, and the Nodaway County Ministry Center. Each of these organizations has a
Facebook page, while three of the four have Twitter accounts. Habitat for Humanitys Facebook page
only has 71 likes and is posted to about once weekly. Their fairly new Twitter account has only five
followers, but is used at about the same frequency as the Facebook page. New Nodaway Humane
Society has a Facebook page that is frequently updated, as well as a Twitter page with 545 followers.
The Nodaway County Ministry Centers Facebook page has 183 likes and is posted to a few times a
Goals and Engagement Strategy
In order for Big Brothers Big
Sisters to successfully reach their goals,
they must reach their target group of
volunteers, and cultivate a community
that is energetic, committed, and
dependable. It is important to reach Big
Brothers Big Sisters target audience
where they are, and an easy way to do this is to leverage their existing behaviors. In this case, it would
be important to reach the target audience through social media platforms. Using various social media
vehicles will help to fulfill the goal of increasing volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway
County. The following are some goals for Big Brothers Big Sisters and some suggestions to help satisfy
those goals.
Goal: Increase volunteers
Strategy: Share childrens stories on YouTube for emotional appeal to potential
The campaign on YouTube would primarily revolve around telling the stories of children.
Many times, stories that are used to appeal to potential volunteers are those from other
volunteers. Using childrens stories about their time with their Big Brother or Big Sister
could show the impact that mentorship could have from a childs perspective.
Strategy: Appeal to potential volunteers child-at-heart through a Facebook campaign
A campaign on Facebook would revolve around the theme of adults getting to re-live their
childhood. Big Brothers Big Sisters could begin putting out posts to encourage Bigs to do
activities with their Littles that remind the Bigs of fun times during their childhood. In order
for this to work, BBBS would need to encourage Bigs to take a picture and share it on
Facebook and tag Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County. This would add pictures and
posts to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway Countys Facebook page, and increase
awareness of the opportunity to volunteer and have fun with a child. Another way to help this
When writing descriptions on the pins, it is important to suggest that Bigs and Littles who
complete the activity share a picture on Facebook, Twitter, etc. This will create engagement
across platforms and can be a sub-promotion of sorts because people will see Bigs and Littles
doing fun things together and be interested in how they might also be able to get involved
and have fun. An example of an engaging pin description is shown in the pin of the Rice
Krispy treat with sprinkles.
Creating shareable Twitter content gets the Big Brothers Big Sisters name out to new people,
but does not necessarily need to always be related to BBBS events and marketing. While
sharing important brand-based information via Twitter is important, it is also helpful to create
content that followers can enjoy purely for humors sake, and then tie it back to BBBS with a
link or question.
Overview Tab
o In the overview tab, Admins can see how many page likes they have and how many
new page likes they have for each week, which helps measure if the posts are
attracting new likers instead of just getting to the same people. It also shows how
many people the pages posts are reaching, which can help measure if the posts are
effective in reaching potential new volunteers. Engagement is also important with
current likers, through sharing and liking the posts, current likers can help BBBS get
more likes through sharing posts, and this shows if this is being done or not. Through
this overview, BBBS can quickly see how they are reaching fans and volunteers
through their Facebook posts.
o This tab also shows an overview of posts by the page, and briefly shows how the post
is preforming. This is an easy way to see how posts compare to each other and what is
attracting engagement from visitors to the page. It also shows what posts are reaching
the most people, which can be used to determine what is posted in the future and what
needs to be boosted in order to reach more people.
Likes Tab
o The second tab under insights is all about likes on the page. It shows the total page
likes on a timeline, which helps measure when the most amount of people are liking
the page, with BBBS it can show when the best time to promote volunteering would
be, based on when the most likes occur. It also helps to measure how well the page is
doing currently, and help know where it needs to improve to gain more page likes
through comparing average likes over time.
o Facebook insights also shows where page likes occur, which can be used to measure
what techniques of attracting likes are already working and should be continued, and
what things are ineffective and should not continue to be funded or should be
improved. This can be used to measure performance on Facebook and determine how
successful Facebook campaigns are or if they should start advertising the search for
more volunteers through this medium.
Reach Tab
o The next tab is all about reach, this graph shows the engagement with posts that helps
reach others that are likers of the page. This can be used to measure what posts are
reaching the most people and what is engaging to fans and/or volunteers.
Page visit measurement can be used to measure how new techniques are either
gaining more page visits or not improving the number of page visits. New techniques
can be used to attempt to gain more visits. This also measures what is interesting and
draws viewers to the actual page, not just the original post
o This graph is helpful for measurement because it shows when fans are online and
active which shows when it is best to post to best reach the audience of BBBS.
o These graphs measure the demographics of the fans of the Facebook, making it
possible to measure what posts are attracting and determine what needs to be done to
reach more of a certain sex or area of fans.
Other Measurement Tools
o Offers ability to monitor multiple social media accounts
o Free
o Can schedule posts and track popularity
Comparison Chart
o Useful for tracking changes over time
o Can see trends
o Simple
Overall, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nodaway County is in a place where, with the proper social media
strategies, they will be able to increase volunteers and bring awareness to an organization that does so
much for the children of Nodaway County.