Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law
Stefan Voigt
Max-Planck-Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Jena (Germany)
Copyright 1999 Stefan Voigt
The chapter discusses both the normative and the positive approach towards the
economic analysis of constitutional law. With regard to the normative branch,
Buchanans approach is shortly presented and evaluated. With regard to the
positive branch, it is differentiated between research which is interested in
explaining the choice of constitutional rules on the one hand and research
which is interested in explaining the outcomes that (alternative) constitutional
rules bring about on the other. Concerning the first research direction, a
distinction between explicit and implicit constitutional change is proposed.
Concerning the second direction, concepts such as the separation of powers,
unicameral vs. bicameral systems and direct-democratic institutions are
discussed. The entry closes with a proposal to complement the two existing
branches with an art of constitutional political economy which is conjectured
to make the economic analysis of constitutional law more relevant in real world
processes of constitutional choice.
JEL classification: K0
Keywords: Normative Constitutional Economics, Positive Constitutional
Economics, Constitutional Rights, Economic Growth
1. Introduction
The economic analysis of constitutional law has not been one of the most
researched topics within law and economics. The special issue of the
International Review of Law and Economics on Constitutional Law and
Economics (1992) is rather exceptional. The research program known as
constitutional economics or constitutional political economy has primarily
been developed by scholars emanating from public choice, that is, the
application of economics to political science (Mueller, 1989, p. 1). James M.
Buchanan, the most prominent proponent of constitutional economics, has
described law and economics as a related subdiscipline that remained, however,
closer to orthodox economic theory because the standard efficiency norm
remains central to it (Buchanan, 1987a, p. 586). Scholars of constitutional
economics have broadened the standard research program of economics:
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Constitutional Law
decision costs and continue: on the other hand, if the basis of representation
can be made significantly different in the two houses, the institutions of the
bicameral legislature may prove to be an effective means of securing a
substantial reduction in the expected external costs of collective action without
incurring as much added decision-making costs as a more inclusive rule would
involve in a single house (ibid., p. 235f.). The larger the majority required to
reach a certain decision, the lower the external costs connected with that
decision because the number of opponents to a decision is negatively correlated
with the required majority. On the other hand, it will become increasingly
difficult to reach a decision at all because the decision costs are positively
correlated with the required majority. One possibility of keeping the external
costs down is to require a supermajority (say of 3/4 or 5/6) in the single-house
system. Supermajorities in a single-house system and simple majorities in a
two-house system can thus be considered as alternatives. Buchanan and Tullock
now conjecture that - given identical external costs - the decision costs would
be lower in a bicameral than in a unicameral system.
Miller and Hammond (1989) inquire into the effects of bicameralism and
the executive veto - which is sometimes simply considered the third chamber
- on stability in the sense that it reduces the probability of cycling majorities
la Condorcet or Arrow (1951). They conclude that bicameralism and the
executive veto increase stability. The stability-enhancing effect of bicameralism
depends on some preference difference between the two chambers.
Levmore (1992) somewhat changes the focus of the analysis when he
conjectures that a bicameral system might be better suited than a corresponding
qualified majority in a unicameral system to reduce the power of the agenda
setter. Bicameral systems are often interpreted as a break against overly active
legislatures. Levmore relates this interpretation to the concept of federalism in
a double sense: First, all federations have a bicameral legislature. Secondly,
(f)ederalism is likely to increase the chance of regulation because federal
arrangements nearly always create some overlap in jurisdictional
responsibilities so that there are multiple sources of regulation (ibid., p. 159).
According to Levmore, federations tend to produce active legislatures but come
systematically along with bicameral systems which tend to reduce legislator
Concerning the effects of bicameral systems, one could analyze whether the
legislative activity in bicameral systems is indeed lower than in unicameral
ones, whether this is reflected in government consumption of economic output
and whether there are even different growth rates. For a clear-cut comparative
analysis of institutions the description of the exact functioning of the
institutions to be compared is, however, primordial. One would have to inquire
how a mediation committee influences the functioning of a bicameral system
and how a presidential veto influences the decision and the external costs. More
general inquiries into the (economic) effects of the separation of powers could
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Constitutional Law
C. Outlook
John Neville Keynes proposed a tripartite division of political economy,
introducing the art of political economy besides the more standard positive
and normative branches. This art deals with possibilities of reducing differences
between Is and Ought (Keynes, 1955). It almost suggests itself to conceive
of an art of constitutional political economy analogously. This art would itself
have to have a positive foundation: knowledge about the possibilities to modify
constitutions intentionally is primordial for such a third branch. If one thinks
that constitutional economics is potentially relevant for real world constitution
writers, then one must be disappointed with the degree to which insights from
this research program have entered into the newly written constitutions of
Central and Eastern Europe. In order to become more relevant, it seems
essential to work on the third branch.
A central presumption of both branches presented in Sections 2 and 3 is
that constitutional rules constrain human behavior and that they can therefore
be relevant for explaining it. Representatives of the new institutional economics
would broaden this presumption and claim that institutions in general constrain
human behavior. It thus almost suggests itself to plead for an integration of
constitutional economics into the new institutional economics. Whereas
Brennan and Hamlin (1995) argue that one can conceptualize the new
institutionalism as a subordinate research program, one can also argue exactly
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the other way round: if one does not start with the assumption that
constitutional design is possible to a large extent and if one is furthermore
critical of the assumed hierarchy of rules, and rather points to the complex
interdependence between informal constraints and formal rules (North, 1990)
or between internal and external institutions (Kiwit and Voigt, 1995), one
would tend to conceptualize constitutional economics as part of the new
institutional economics.
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