Constitutional Law

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Stefan Voigt
Max-Planck-Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Jena (Germany)
Copyright 1999 Stefan Voigt

The chapter discusses both the normative and the positive approach towards the
economic analysis of constitutional law. With regard to the normative branch,
Buchanans approach is shortly presented and evaluated. With regard to the
positive branch, it is differentiated between research which is interested in
explaining the choice of constitutional rules on the one hand and research
which is interested in explaining the outcomes that (alternative) constitutional
rules bring about on the other. Concerning the first research direction, a
distinction between explicit and implicit constitutional change is proposed.
Concerning the second direction, concepts such as the separation of powers,
unicameral vs. bicameral systems and direct-democratic institutions are
discussed. The entry closes with a proposal to complement the two existing
branches with an art of constitutional political economy which is conjectured
to make the economic analysis of constitutional law more relevant in real world
processes of constitutional choice.
JEL classification: K0
Keywords: Normative Constitutional Economics, Positive Constitutional
Economics, Constitutional Rights, Economic Growth

1. Introduction
The economic analysis of constitutional law has not been one of the most
researched topics within law and economics. The special issue of the
International Review of Law and Economics on Constitutional Law and
Economics (1992) is rather exceptional. The research program known as
constitutional economics or constitutional political economy has primarily
been developed by scholars emanating from public choice, that is, the
application of economics to political science (Mueller, 1989, p. 1). James M.
Buchanan, the most prominent proponent of constitutional economics, has
described law and economics as a related subdiscipline that remained, however,
closer to orthodox economic theory because the standard efficiency norm
remains central to it (Buchanan, 1987a, p. 586). Scholars of constitutional
economics have broadened the standard research program of economics:


Constitutional Law


Standard economics is interested in the analysis of choices within rules, thus

assuming rules to be exogenously given and fixed. Constitutional economics
broadens this research program by analyzing the choice of rules using the
standard method of economics, that is, rational choice.
Buchanan defines constitutions in their most basic sense as a set of rules
which constrain the activities of persons and agents in the pursuits of their own
ends and objectives (Buchanan, 1977, p. 292). Defined as such, quite a few
rule systems could be analyzed as constitutions: a firms partnership agreement
as well as the statute of a church. Although such rule systems have indeed been
analyzed from the point of view of constitutional economics (for a firms
constitution, see Gifford, 1991, or Vanberg, 1992), the rule system analyzed
most often remains the constitution of the state. Two broad avenues in the
economic analysis of constitutions can be conceived of: (1) The normative
branch of the research program is interested in legitimizing the state and the
actions of its representatives. In other words: it is interested in identifying
conditions under which the outcomes of collective choices can be judged as
fair or efficient. (2) The positive branch of the research program is
interested in explaining (a) the emergence and modification of constitutional
rules and (b) the outcomes that are the consequence of (alternative)
constitutional rules (for a similar demarcation of the topic, see Mueller, 1996).
The chapter is organized as follows: Part A will be devoted to normative
constitutional economics whereas Part B will deal with positive constitutional
economics. The chapter closes with an outlook.

A. Normative Constitutional Economics

2. Methodological Foundations
Normative constitutional economics could deal with a variety of questions, for
example: (1) How should societies proceed in order to bring about
constitutional rules that fulfill some criterion like being just or efficient? (2)
What contents should the constitutional rules have? (3) Which issues should be
dealt with in the constitution - and which should be left to sub-constitutional
choice? (4) What characteristics should constitutional rules have? and many
more. Buchanan answers none of these questions directly but hopes to offer a
conceptual frame that would make them answerable. The frame is based on
social contract theory as developed most prominently by Hobbes. According to
Buchanan (1987b, 249), the purpose of this contractarian approach is
justificatory in the sense that it offers a basis for normative evaluation. Could
the observed rules that constrain the activity of ordinary polititics have emerged
from agreement in constitutional contract? To the extent that this question can


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be affirmatively answered, we have established a legitimating linkage between

the individual and the state.
The value-judgment that nobodys goals and values should a priori be more
important than those of anybody else, that is, normative individualism, is the
basis of Buchanans entire model. One implication of this norm is that societal
goals cannot exist. According to this view, every single individual has the right
to pursue her or his own ends within the frame of collectively agreed upon
rules. Therefore, a collective evaluation criterion that compared the societal is
with some ought cannot exist since there is no such thing as a societal
ought. But it is possible to derive a procedural norm from the value judgment
stated. Buchanan borrowed this idea from Wicksell (1896): agreements to
exchange private goods are judged as advantageous if the involved parties agree
voluntarily. The agreement is supposed to be efficient, good or
advantageous because the involved parties expect to be better off with the
agreement than without it. Often, the exchange activities are considered to be
taking place only between two parties, the seller and the buyer. Buchanan
follows Wicksell who had demanded the same evaluation criterion for decisions
that affect more than two parties, at the extreme an entire society. Rules that
have consequences for every single member of a society can only be looked
upon as advantageous if every single member of that society has voluntarily
agreed to them. This is the Pareto criterion applied to collectivities. Deviations
from the unanimity principle could occur during a decision process on the
production of collective goods, but this would only be within the realm of the
Buchanan model as long as the constitution itself provided for a decision rule
below unanimity. Deviations from the unanimity rule would have to be based
on a provision that was brought about unanimously.

3. Giving Efficiency Another Meaning

Normative constitutional economics thus re-interprets the Pareto criterion in
a twofold way: it is not outcomes but rules or procedures that lead to outcomes
which are evaluated using the criterion. The evaluation is not carried out by an
omniscient scientist or politician but by the concerned individuals themselves:
In a sense, the political economist is concerned with what people want
(Buchanan, 1959, p. 137). In order to find out what people want Buchanan
proposes to carry out a consensus test. The specification of this test will be
crucial as to which rules can be considered legitimate. In 1959, Buchanan had
factual unanimity in mind and those citizens that expect to be worse off due to
some rule changes would have to be factually compensated. This test would
thus be equivalent to a modified Kaldor-Hicks-criterion. In the meantime,
Buchanan seems to have changed his position: hypothetical consent deduced


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by an economist will do in order to legitimize some rule (see, for example,

Buchanan 1977, 1978, 1986). This position can be criticized because a large
variety of rules seem to be legitimizable depending on the assumptions of the
scientist who does the process. Scientists arguing in favor of an extensive
welfare state will most likely assume risk-averse individuals while scientists
who argue for cuts in the welfare budgets will assume people to be risk-neutral.

4. Critical Evaluation of Normative Constitutional Economics

The possibility of hypothetical consent crucially depends on the information
assumptions. Buchanan and Tullock (1962, p. 78) introduced the veil of
uncertainty in which the individual cannot make any long-term predictions on
her or his future socioeconomic position. Rawls (1971) veil of ignorance is
more radical because the consenting individuals are asked to decide on
proposed rules as if they did not have any knowledge on their individual fate.
Rawls veil is thus more demanding on the individuals. Both veils assume a
rather curious asymmetry concerning certain kinds of knowledge: on the one
hand, the citizens are supposed to know very little about their own
socioeconomic position, but on the other, they are supposed to have at their
disposal a consistent theory concerning the working properties of alternative
constitutional rules (Reisman, 1990, pp. 23-30 describes the differences
between the two conceptions of the veil).
In order to discuss the usefulness of the conceptual frame, suppose for a
moment that it is impossible to legitimize a currently valid constitutional rule
and that some constitutional economist has proposed an alternative rule for
which she has ascertained a hypothetical consent. Further suppose that it is
impossible to transform the hypothetical consent into majorities with which the
constitution could be changed. Clearly, the non-legitimizable status quo would
prevail over the legitimate constitutional rule.

B. Positive Constitutional Economics

Positive constitutional economics can be divided into two parts. On the one
hand, it is interested in explaining the outcomes that result from (alternative)
rule sets. Here, constitutional rules are part of the explanans. On the other
hand, it is interested in explaining the emergence and modification of
constitutional rules. In that case, they are the explanandum.


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5. Constitutional Rules as Explanandum

5.1 Procedures for Generating Constitutional Rules
Constitutional rules can be analyzed as the outcome of certain procedures used
to bring them about. Elsters (1991, 1993) research program concerning
constitutional economics puts a strong emphasis on hypotheses of this kind. He
inquires about the consequences of time limits for constitutional conventions,
about how constitutional conventions that simultaneously serve as legislature
allocate their time between the two functions, about which effects the regular
information of the public concerning the progress of the constitutional
negotiations has and about how certain supermajorities and election rules can
determine the outcome of conventions (Elster, 1991, p. 30). Some of Rikers
articles (1983, 1984) can also be interpreted as an encouragement to search for
hypotheses of this kind. He calls for an extension of traditional rational-choice
theory pointing to the fact that in its traditional form it is incapable of taking
into account dynamic and creative processes which structure the decision room
of the actors.
This part of constitutional economics does not offer a general perspective
on the process of constitution-making (Elster, 1993, p. 174). There is, however,
a large number of case studies (see, for example, the volume edited by Goldwin
and Kaufman, 1988).
5.2 The Relevance of Preferences and Restrictions for Generating
Constitutional Rules
Procedures are a modus of aggregating inputs and can therefore never bring
about constitutional rules by themselves. It is therefore only a logical step to
analyze whether a bunch of potentially relevant variables can explain the choice
of certain constitutional rules. There are good reasons - and some empirical
evidence - to assume that (1) the individual preferences of the members of
constitutional conventions will directly enter into the deliberations, and that (2)
the preferences of all the citizens concerned will be recognized in the final
document in quite diverse ways. This would mean that rent-seeking does play
a role even on the constitutional level, a conjecture that is often excluded by
representatives of normative constitutional economics.
McGuire and Ohsfeldt (1986, 1989a, 1989b) have tried to explain the
voting behavior of the Philadelphia delegates as well as those of the delegates
to the 13 state ratifying conventions that led to the US Constitution. Their
statistical results show that merchants, western landowners, financiers and
large public-securities holders, ceteris paribus, supported the new constitution,
whereas debtors and slave owners, ceteris paribus, opposed it (ibid., 1989a,


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5.3 Explicit Constitutional Change

The two approaches towards constitutions as explananda just sketched are
rather static. A third approach focuses on explaining the modifications of
constitutions over time. Constitutional change that results in a modified
document will be called explicit constitutional change here whereas
constitutional change that does not result in a modified document - that is,
change that is due to a different interpretation of formally unaltered rules - will
be called implicit constitutional change.
One approach towards explaining long-run explicit constitutional change
focuses on changes of the relative bargaining power of organized groups. Due
to a comparative advantage in using violence (see North, 1981), an autocrat is
able to establish government and secure a rent from that activity. As soon as an
(organized) group is convinced that its own cooperation with the autocrat is
crucial for the maintenance of the rent, it will seek negotiations with the
autocrat. Since the current constitution is the basis for the autocrats ability to
appropriate a rent, the opposition will strive after changing it. In this approach,
bargaining power is defined as the capability to inflict costs on your opponent.
The prediction of this approach is that a change in (relative) bargaining power
will lead to modified constitutional rules (Voigt, 1997).
Explicit constitutional change can be sought by interest groups who try to
convince legislators to change the constitution. If constitutional change is only
sought in a disequilibrium, the interest group seeking change must perceive its
own relevance as having changed. Boudreaux and Pritchard (1993) analyze the
hitherto 27 amendments to the US Constitution from an economic perspective.
They begin with the conjecture that a lobby-group interested in constitutional
change principally has two possibilities of seeking its realization: it can either
lobby for a simple law or it can lobby for constitutional change. The second
option is, however, more expensive. The trivial prediction of rational choice
theory is that the group will choose the option with the higher expected utility.
In order to be able to make predictions about the option chosen, it is therefore
necessary to specify the cost and benefit categories implied. Boudreaux and
Pritchard specify two categories and predict a demand for constitutional change
in cases in which the costs of maintaining an interest group over time are high,
and todays opposition is weak but expected to be strong in the future.
5.4 Implicit Constitutional Change
Implicit constitutional change has been defined as a changed constitutional
interpretation that occurs although the formal constitutional document remains
unchanged. This means that the conceptual separation between choice of rules
on the one hand and choice within rules on the other has been factually blurred.
This possibility must be disturbing to the proponents of normative
constitutional economics. To adherents of positive constitutional economics, it


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amounts to an analytical difficulty because the identification of what is

analyzed as the valid constitution either as explanandum or as explanans
becomes more difficult. At the same time, the possibility of implicit
constitutional change also becomes an object of inquiry. It can be asked which
variables determine the scope and extent of the implicit constitutional change
to be expected.
Suppose a constitution in the sense of constitutionalism exists and the
government branches are legislature, executive and judiciary. If all government
representatives have at their disposal a certain latitude concerning the
interpretation of the constitution, it can be argued that all branches can bring
about implicit constitutional change. If an independent judiciary exists, it seems
plausible to assume that it has most latitude in causing implicit constitutional
change because it has the power to judge the constitutional conformity of the
actions of the other two government branches. It can now be argued that the
judiciary is subject to a number of constraints among which those laid down in
the original constitutional document play a rather marginal role. Instead, the
current preferences of the other branches are more relevant restrictions. There
are various factors that determine the latitude that justices have in bringing
about implicit constitutional change. Cooter and Ginsburg (1996) show that it
depends on the number of chambers whose consent is needed to pass fresh
legislation. The higher its number, the more difficult it will be for the other
branches to correct implicit constitutional change by changing the
constitutional document explicitly. They further show (ibid.) that it depends on
the existence of a dominant disciplined party. If such a party exists, it will be
more difficult for the justices to bring about implicit constitutional change.
Other variables that influence the amount of implicit constitutional change
include the following: (1) If implicit constitutional change can only be
prevented by changing the document explicitly, the necessary majority becomes
a factor. The more inclusive it is, the more difficult it will be to prevent such
change. (2) The possibility of referenda should be another explanatory variable.
If the population at large can overturn the justices, they have an incentive not
to deviate too drastically from the preferences of the median voter. (3) The
extent of implicit constitutional change should be higher in common-law
systems than in continental-law systems because in the first group decisions by
justices become directly applicable law (see also Voigt, 1999).

6. Constitutional Rules as Explanans

In the previous section of this chapter, constitutional rules have been analyzed
as explananda. Such an analysis is only of interest if it can be shown that
constitutional rules are themselves relevant to bringing about certain results or


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patterns that concern economists or social scientists in general, in other words:

if constitutions matter. Possible explananda include per capita income, its
growth rate, but also income distribution.
6.1 The Separation of Powers
The analysis of economically relevant consequences of the separation of powers
has long been neglected almost entirely. In a survey article, Posner (1987)
writes that the separation of powers increases the transaction costs of
governing. This would hold for welfare-enhancing as well as for redistributive
or even exploitative measures. North and Weingast (1989) use the British case
of the seventeenth century to demonstrate that the separation of powers can
secure property rights because it is one way for the governing to credibly
commit themselves.
Brennan and Hamlin (1994) develop a revisionist view of the separation
of powers. To make their point, they draw on standard monopoly models used
in economics and distinguish between a horizontal and a vertical separation of
powers. Starting out with a monopoly, the introduction of the horizontal
separation amounts to two (or more) suppliers competing for demand and thus
to the introduction of duopoly (or oligopoly). The equilibrium price will then
be below the monopoly price and consumer rent will subsequently increase. A
vertical separation of powers also entails a division of the original monopoly,
albeit in a different way: now single functions of the process are divided; there
is, for example, one monopolistic firm that produces certain goods and a second
monopolistic firm that distributes it. Brennan and Hamlin call this functional
separation of powers too. The (individually) maximizing strategies of the
vertically separated firms will at best lead to the monopoly price, but usually the
price will even be higher and the accruing consumer rent will thus be lower
than in the original monopoly. Brennan and Hamlin argue that the separation
of powers doctrine as conventionally understood is equivalent to the functional
separation of powers and will therefore not protect citizens from exploitation
by the governed. The horizontal separation of powers could, instead, have
beneficial results. In order to unfold, it needs to entail an exit option for
citizens as well as the absence of strong externalities between competing states.
6.2 Unicameral vs. Bicameral Systems
A first attempt to compare the differential effects of unicameral and bicameral
legislatures dates back to Buchanan and Tullock (1962, Ch. 16). In their
analytical frame, that decision rule is optimal which leads to a minimum of
interdependence costs which are defined as the sum of decision-making costs
and those external costs an actor has to bear in case his individually most
preferred outcome is not the outcome of the collective choice. They conjecture
that in comparison with unicameral systems bicameral systems have higher


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decision costs and continue: on the other hand, if the basis of representation
can be made significantly different in the two houses, the institutions of the
bicameral legislature may prove to be an effective means of securing a
substantial reduction in the expected external costs of collective action without
incurring as much added decision-making costs as a more inclusive rule would
involve in a single house (ibid., p. 235f.). The larger the majority required to
reach a certain decision, the lower the external costs connected with that
decision because the number of opponents to a decision is negatively correlated
with the required majority. On the other hand, it will become increasingly
difficult to reach a decision at all because the decision costs are positively
correlated with the required majority. One possibility of keeping the external
costs down is to require a supermajority (say of 3/4 or 5/6) in the single-house
system. Supermajorities in a single-house system and simple majorities in a
two-house system can thus be considered as alternatives. Buchanan and Tullock
now conjecture that - given identical external costs - the decision costs would
be lower in a bicameral than in a unicameral system.
Miller and Hammond (1989) inquire into the effects of bicameralism and
the executive veto - which is sometimes simply considered the third chamber
- on stability in the sense that it reduces the probability of cycling majorities
la Condorcet or Arrow (1951). They conclude that bicameralism and the
executive veto increase stability. The stability-enhancing effect of bicameralism
depends on some preference difference between the two chambers.
Levmore (1992) somewhat changes the focus of the analysis when he
conjectures that a bicameral system might be better suited than a corresponding
qualified majority in a unicameral system to reduce the power of the agenda
setter. Bicameral systems are often interpreted as a break against overly active
legislatures. Levmore relates this interpretation to the concept of federalism in
a double sense: First, all federations have a bicameral legislature. Secondly,
(f)ederalism is likely to increase the chance of regulation because federal
arrangements nearly always create some overlap in jurisdictional
responsibilities so that there are multiple sources of regulation (ibid., p. 159).
According to Levmore, federations tend to produce active legislatures but come
systematically along with bicameral systems which tend to reduce legislator
Concerning the effects of bicameral systems, one could analyze whether the
legislative activity in bicameral systems is indeed lower than in unicameral
ones, whether this is reflected in government consumption of economic output
and whether there are even different growth rates. For a clear-cut comparative
analysis of institutions the description of the exact functioning of the
institutions to be compared is, however, primordial. One would have to inquire
how a mediation committee influences the functioning of a bicameral system
and how a presidential veto influences the decision and the external costs. More
general inquiries into the (economic) effects of the separation of powers could


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try to proceed by way of comparative institutional analysis, that is, by

comparing common features of constitutions which do know a separation of
powers with those which do not.
6.3 Direct-Democratic vs. Representative Institutions
Representatives of normative constitutional economics ask on what rules the
members of a society could agree behind a veil of uncertainty. If they agree on
a democratic constitution, they would further have to specify whether and to
what extent they want to combine representative with direct-democratic
elements. In order to make an informed decision, the citizens would be
interested to know whether there are systematic relationships between these
institutions and the patterns that they are interested in.
In a number of papers, Bruno Frey and his various co-authors argue that
referenda are a feasible and effective institution for having the preferences of
a societys members reflected in the public goods bundle produced by the
politicians. Referenda could make politicians cartels directed against the voters
ineffective (Frey, 1994, p. 338). In 39 percent of the referenda that took place
in Switzerland between 1848 and 1990, the majority among the population was
different from the majority in Parliament (Frey and Bohnet, 1994, p. 73) which
is interpreted as a proof of the hypothesis of a better reflection of voters
preferences via referenda. Pommerehne already showed in 1978 that ceteris
paribus tax rates are lower when taxpayers decide for themselves on the bundle
of public goods supplied (for an overview over comparative studies, see
Pommerehne, 1990). Additionally, taxpayer honesty is positively correlated
with voters chances to participate directly in the choice of the bundle of public
goods to be supplied (Pommerehne and Frey, 1992).
6.4 Individual Rights and Economic Growth
The question of whether societies whose constitutions grant individual rights
to their citizens grow faster than societies that do not has often been answered
using democracy as a proxy for individual rights. The results of those studies
have been mixed at best (for a survey, see Przeworski and Limongi, 1993).
Bhalla (1994) proposes to search for a relationship not between democracy and
growth rates but between political, civil and economic rights on the one hand
and growth rates on the other. He finds a positive correlation not only between
individual liberty and economic growth but also between political and civil
rights and enrollment in secondary schools and a negative one between political
and civil rights and infantile mortality. Bhalla shows that the availability of
human capital is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for sustained
economic growth. This will only occur if economic liberties come along with
human capital. His study is thus also a challenge of the so-called new growth
theory. Up to now, the most comprehensive study on the relationship between


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individual economic liberties and growth is due to Gwartney, Lawson and

Block (1996). For the period between 1975 and 1995, 103 countries are
evaluated on an index comprising 17 components that puts special emphasis on
the security of property rights and the freedom to contract. Two results are of
special interest in this context: (1) There is a clearcut positive relation between
individual economic liberty and per-capita income. There is reason to
hypothesize that this not merely a correlation but also a causality: countries
scoring best on the index of economic liberties first carried out liberalization
and became wealthy only later on. (2) Economic liberties are also significantly
correlated with a societys rates of economic growth. Countries that liberalized
most between 1975 and 1995 without exception secured positive growth rates.
To sum up: Economic liberties seem to enhance economic growth.
Direct-democratic rights tend to make sure that citizen preferences are better
reflected in policy outcomes. A federal structure might help to tame Leviathan
and make the economic liberties more secure. Some normative conclusions thus
almost seem to suggest themselves. Before drawing them, one needs, however,
to clarify the conditions that have to be fulfilled in order to implement any of
the above institutions successfully.

C. Outlook
John Neville Keynes proposed a tripartite division of political economy,
introducing the art of political economy besides the more standard positive
and normative branches. This art deals with possibilities of reducing differences
between Is and Ought (Keynes, 1955). It almost suggests itself to conceive
of an art of constitutional political economy analogously. This art would itself
have to have a positive foundation: knowledge about the possibilities to modify
constitutions intentionally is primordial for such a third branch. If one thinks
that constitutional economics is potentially relevant for real world constitution
writers, then one must be disappointed with the degree to which insights from
this research program have entered into the newly written constitutions of
Central and Eastern Europe. In order to become more relevant, it seems
essential to work on the third branch.
A central presumption of both branches presented in Sections 2 and 3 is
that constitutional rules constrain human behavior and that they can therefore
be relevant for explaining it. Representatives of the new institutional economics
would broaden this presumption and claim that institutions in general constrain
human behavior. It thus almost suggests itself to plead for an integration of
constitutional economics into the new institutional economics. Whereas
Brennan and Hamlin (1995) argue that one can conceptualize the new
institutionalism as a subordinate research program, one can also argue exactly


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the other way round: if one does not start with the assumption that
constitutional design is possible to a large extent and if one is furthermore
critical of the assumed hierarchy of rules, and rather points to the complex
interdependence between informal constraints and formal rules (North, 1990)
or between internal and external institutions (Kiwit and Voigt, 1995), one
would tend to conceptualize constitutional economics as part of the new
institutional economics.

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