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Wisnu : good morning sir?
Agung : good morning, please sit down and make yourself as comfortable as
Wisnu : thank you
Agung : well, your name is wisnu?
Wisnu : yes, I am
Agung : ok. I want you to tell about your life
Wisnu : ok. My Name is Wisnu, my complete name is Rony Wisnu, I am 17 years
old, My hobby Is Singing and blogging, I was a graduate student in SMK KI HAJAR
Agung : waw,,, very good, ok. where do you live?
Wisnu : I live Jl. Suko asri Ponorogo,
Agung : how Many your sister?
Wisnu : I have a sister
Agung : ok, do you have worked before?
Wiisnu : yes, I previously worked at BNI BANK
Agung : hem,, certainly a lot of his experience you? but why did you come out
and why the company chose to work at (BNI Bank)?
Wisnu : I'm quit because the company is not stable, I decided to join this
company because I saw this company a good and promising career path for me.
Agung : ow so thats your reason, now I want to ask you, whats ability to be your
Wisnu : Im master of management science and marketing, speech, computer
operations system and English language.
Agung : ok, then how much salary do you want during the work here?
Wisnu : for my salary, I want to be adjusted with the ability and the results of my
work, and the company can see it.
Agung : ok. I think enough, thank you for your cooperation. do have any
questions before you get out?
Wisnu : yes sir, when I can find out the results of this test?
Agung : 2 weeks after this, we will provide information.
Wisnu : ok. thank you sir, I really hope that can be accepted
Agung : yes, good luck for you
Wisnu : ok, thank you sir, good bye
Agung : yes, please
Contoh 1:
A : Good morning. Please sit down.
Selamat pagi. Silahkan duduk
B : Good morning.
Selamat pagi.
A : What is your name please?
Siapa nama Anda?
B : My name is Jennifer Dawson
Nama saya Jennifer Dawson
A : Please tell me little bit about yourself, Miss Dawson.
Ceritakan sedikit tentang diri Anda, Nona Dawson
B : I am graduate of Stanford University, majoring in Public Relation, with GPA of 3,85. I have
several job experiences which are written on my curriculum vitae.
Saya adalah lulusan Universitas Stanford, jurusan Public Relatin dengan IPK 3,85. Saya
memiliki beberapa pengalaman kerja yang tertulis dalam daftar riwayat hidup saya.
A : Is that so? Do you have computer skills? Do you speak any other languages?
Begitukah? Apakah Anda memiliki keterampilan komputer? Apakah Anda bisa bahasa
B : Yes, I do have computer skills. I can operate MS Office, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, and
A :
B :
A :
B :
A :
B :
Contoh 2:
A : Good morning, Mr. David Jones. How are you this morning?
Selamat pagi, Tuan David Jones. Apa kabar Anda pagi ini?
B : Good morning to you too, Sir. I am fine, thank you.
Selamat pagi juga untuk Anda. Saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih.
A : Are you ready for the job interview?
Apakah Anda siap untuk wawancara kerja?
B : Yes, I am
Ya, saya siap
A : How did you know about the job vacancy in this company? What interest you to apply as the
marketing staff in this company?
Bagaimana Anda tahu mengenai lowongan kerja di perusahaan ini? Apa yang membuat
anda tertarik untuk melamar sebagai staf pemasaran di perusahaan ini?
B : I read the advertisement on Sunday edition of the Sun. I am interested to apply as a
marketing staff because I love meeting new people. I can get new knowledge by meeting
new people.
Saya membaca iklan lowongan di sura kabar The Sun, edisi hari minggu. Saya tertarik
melama sebagai staf marketing karena saya senang bertemu orang-orang baru. Saya bisa
mendapatkan pengalaman baru dengan orang-orang baru.
A : Do you have any experiences in the same field?
Apakah Anda punya pengalaman kerja di bidang yang sama?
No, I don't have any experience, I am a fresh graduate from Cambridge University.
Saya tidak mempunyai pengalaman, saya baru lulus dari Universitas Cambridge.
A : What do you know about this company?
Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang perusahaan ini?
B : I don't know much about this company because I haven't been long in Chicago, but from
what I've heard, Riverdale is a well known even organizer here in Chicago. I'll be very happy
and proud if I can be a part of the Riverdale team, Sir.
Saya tidak tahu banyak tentang perusahaan ini karena saya belum lama berada di Chicago,
tapi menurut yang saya dengar, Riverdale adalah sebuah event organizer yang sangat
terkenal di Chicago. Saya akan sangat senang dan bangga jika saya bisa bergabung dengan
tim Riverdale, Tuan.
A : Do you have any ambition in your life that you want to achieve? If you do, what is it?
Apakah Anda memiliki ambisi dalam hidup Anda yang ingin Anda raih? Jika iya, apa?
B : I would like to have my own business one day and be successful enterpreneur.
Saya ingin memiliki bisnis sendiri suatu hari nanti dan menjadi seorang pengusaha yang
A : Are you aware that this position sometimes will need you to work overtime? Do you mind
with that?
Apakah Anda sadar bahwa posisi ini kadangkala akan membuat Anda bekerja lembur?
Apakah Anda keberatan dengan itu?
B : No, I don't mind working overtime, if that is one of my responsibilities as a marketing staff.
I also don't mind if this requires me to travel out of town.
Saya tidak keberatan bekerja lembur, jika memang itu tanggung jawab saya sebagai
seorang staf marketing. Saya juga tidak keberatan jika pekerjaan ini menuntut saya untuk
bepergian keluar kota.
A : Our company needs a confident person to be a part of our team, and I think you're the one.
But before I make that decision, you will have to do a written test which is held in the next
Perusahaan ini membutuhkan orang yang percaya diri untuk menjadi bagiantim, dan saya
pikir Andalah orangnya. Tapi sebelum saya bisa mengambil keputusan itu, Anda harus
melakukan tes tertulis yang akan diadakan di ruang sebelah.
B : Thank you for your time, Sir. I hope we'll be in touch very soon.
Terima kasih atas waktu anda, Tuan. Semoga kita bisa segera berkomunikasi lagi.
A : Good bye, Mr. Jones. And good luck for the written test.
Selamat tinggal, Tuan Jones. Dan semoga berhasil pada tes tertulisnya.
(ceritakan pendidikan, pengalaman aktifitas sosial atau keorganisasian, bidang yang didalami
dsb. Ingat, jangan nyebutin nama, tanggal lahir atau alamat ya, soalnya itu udah diketahui dr
resume ataupun cv anda)
If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?
I usually have a very high standard in my job. Sometimes if I work in a team I feel dont
understand about my friends low standard. So I will try to understand that everyone have
their own standard in work.
(sifat baik yang diganti dengan sifat yang lebih baik lagi. bukan sifat buruk diganti dengan
sifat baik)
(ingat, ini hanya pertanyaan. Jawaban anda harus selalu berpihak pada pekerjaan, terlepas
kenyataannya nanti gimana. Mungkin itulah yang disebut professionalism.)
34. How do you handle your emotion?
EA: I see that to handle emotion is not easy, but usually I try to understand other and try to
share with them about my problem. So we can understand each other.
(intinya ceritain aja cara lu ngeredam emosi)
35. Are you a team player or a single player?
EA: I am good as both a team player and a single player. It depends on our work need in the
field. I am so flexible for that.
36. What will you do if we dont hire you?
Jawabannya kudu pede abis.
EA: I dont think so. I am sure that I can join in this company, because I have all
requirements those needed by this company. Dst.
Contoh Wawancara atau Interview Kerja Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Di bawah ini adalah
pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang umum ditanyakan pada saat wawancara kerja beserta contohnya.
Zidan: I know this is a good company which is engaged in public service. I also interested in
this companys motto that our priority is the consumers pleasure. So beside work for myself
I can help the people as our consumer, especially children that become the priority.
Mr. Anto: You have worked in PT. Angkasa but why did you quit your previous job?
Zidan: I cant grow to be a good employer in my last previous company. I want to find a new
challenge and situation so that I can develop my skill and give a good contribution for this
Mr. Anto: why do you want this job?
Zidan: I found myself that I have a good qualification to work in this company as an
accountant. Moreover, I have experience as an accountant in my previous company.
Mr. Anto: From the application that came to us, why should we hire you?
Zidan: I know that this company needs an employer who has a good qualification and high
motivated. I believe that I am qualified for that position. Moreover, I am good in work as a
team or individually.
Mr. Anto: Talking about salary, what is your salary requirement?
Zidan: I would rather not decide that yet. I believe that this company will be consistent with
the market and give the proper salary.
Mr. Anto: Well, I have got and noted your information. I will consider your application. You
can wait the further information from us.
Zidan: Thank you for your time sir. I am looking forward to hearing your decision soon.