List of Primary and Secondary Grammar Descriptions For A Selection of Bantu Languages

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List of primary and secondary grammar descriptions

for a selection of Bantu languages

revised and expanded
4 juli 2008

Compiled by
Jouni Filip Maho

W1 = 15 : W2 or = 13 : T = 97 (1900-1997)

[Anon.] 1900. Essai de grammaire kikemba. Saint-Cloud (?): Impr. Belin Frres. Pp xv,
vii, 391.


[Anon.] 1995. PST 1995 special lessons: Bemba. Peace Corps Zambia. Pp 94.


Belin, Jean-Paul. 1959. Learn Bemba by speaking it. Mbala (Northern Rhodesia): White
Fathers Mission. Pp 319.


Fox-Pitt, Thomas Stanley Lane [Comdr.]. 1939. Chibemba note book: a short list of
words [...] with an elementary grammar of the language of the Awemba tribe of Northern
Rhodesia. London: Longmans. Pp 84.


Givn, Talmy. 1969. Studies in ChiBemba and Bantu grammar. PhD thesis. Dept. of
Linguistics, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

Givn, Talmy. 1972. Studies in ChiBemba and Bantu grammar. Supplement 3 to Studies
in African linguistics. Los Angeles: African Studies Center & Dept. of Linguistics,
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Pp vii, 248.


Heusden, P.R. van. 193x. Grammaire et exercises pratiques chibemba-franais. Kiniama

(?): Mission Salsiennes.


Hoch, Ernst. 195x. Bemba grammar notes for beginners.

Hoch, Ernst. 1963. Bemba grammar with exercises. Chinsali: Ilondola Language Centre.
Pp vii, 3, 200.


Lammond, William. 1916. Lessons in Bemba, being one hundred easy graded lessons.
Pp 122.

Lammond, William. 1923. Lessons in Bemba, being one hundred easy graded lessons.
Second edition. Brussells: A. Vromant & Co. Pp 160.

Lammond, William. 19xx. Lessons in Bemba. New (third) edition. Lusaka: Northern
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ. Bureau.

Lammond, William. 19xx. Lessons in Bemba. New (fourth) edition. Lusaka: Northern
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ. Bureau.

Lammond, William. 19xx. Lessons in Bemba. New (fifth) edition. Lusaka: Northern
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ. Bureau.

Lammond, William. 19xx. Lessons in Bemba. New (sixth) edition. Lusaka: Northern
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ. Bureau.

Lammond, William. 1953. Lessons in Bemba. New (seventh?) edition. Lusaka: Northern
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ. Bureau.

Lammond, William. 1957. Lessons in Bemba. Eighth edition. Lusaka: Northern Rhodesia
& Nyasaland Publ. Bureau. Pp 140.

Lammond, William; Sim, G.W. 1957. Supplement to lessons in Bemba. Lusaka:

Northern Rhodesia & Nyasaland Publ. Bureau. Pp 84.


Mann, Michael. 1977. Outline of Bemba grammar. In: Language in Zambia: grammatical
sketches, pt. 1, p. (?). Ed. by Michael Mann, Mubanga E. Kashoki & John Lisle Wright.
Lusaka: Inst. of African Studies (IAS), University of Zambia.

Mann, Michael. 1997. Outline of Icibemba grammar. Lusaka: Bookworld Publ. Pp 56.


Nol, E. 1935. Elements de grammaire kikemba.


Oger, Louis. 1979. Learn Bemba the easy way. Chinsali: Ilondola Language Centre.

Oger, Louis. 1983. Icibemba cakwa chiti mukulu, 2 vols. New (second) edition. Chinsali:
Ilondola Language Centre. Pp 225; 259.


Robertson, William Govan. 1904. An introductory handbook to the language of the

Bemba-people (Awemba). London Missionary Society (LMS). Pp xxii, 545.

Robertson, William Govan. 1907. Language of the Bemba-people. London.


Sambeek, Jan van. 1955. A Bemba grammar. Arranged by W.A.R. Gorman and amended
by the Publications Bureau Staff. Cape Town: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp ix, 117.


Schoeffer, [Rev.]. 1907. Grammar of the Bemba language as spoken in northeastern

Rhodesia. Edited by J.H. West Sheane, arranged and with a preface by A.C. Madan.
Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp 72.


Sims, George W. 1959. An elementary grammar of Cibemba. Fort Rosebery (Northern

Rhodesia): Mansa Mission, Christian Missions in Many Land. Pp 227.

W1 = 8 : W2 or = 1 : T = 113 (1884-1987)

Baumbach, Ernst J.M. 1987. Analytical Tsonga grammar. Pretoria: University of South
Africa (UNISA). Pp 311.


Berthoud, Paul. 1884. Grammatical note on the Gwamba language of South Africa.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, new series, v.
16, p. 45-73.


Berthoud, Henri. 1908. Shangaan grammar. incomplete, unpublished manuscript. Pp 56.


Junod, Henri-Alexandre. 1907. Elementary grammar of the Thonga-Shangaan language.

Lausanne. Pp 98.

Junod, Henri-Alexandre. 1932. Elementary grammar of the Thonga-Shangaan language.

Second edition. Lausanne: Libr.-Impr. Runies. Pp 100.


Marivate, Cornelius T.D. 1974. Real Tsonga. King Williams Town: Educum Uitgewers.
Pp 92.


Marivate, Cornelius T.D. 1976. Mayana kitsonga. Johannesburg: Better Books. Pp 104.


Nkondo, Curtis P.N. 1981. Xiletelo xa Xitsonga. Turfloop: University of the North.


Ribeiro, Armando [Padre]. 1965. Gramtica changana (tsonga). Caniado

(Moambique): Editorial Evangelizar. Pp x, 510.

W1 = 31 : W2 or = 26 : T = 131 (1875-2006)

[Anon.] 189x. First Manganja lessons. Blantyre: Mission Press. Pp 22.

[Anon.] 189x. Manganja grammar. Blantyre: Mission Press. Pp 24.

[Anon.] 1917. Grammar and exercises in Chi-manganja. Blantyre: Mission Press. Pp



[Anon.] 1930. Grammar la cinyanja. Nyasaland: White Fathers Mission.


[Anon.] 1963. Chichewa intensive course. Lilongwe & Likuni (Nyasaland): Chichewa
Language Centre.

[Anon.] 1969. Chichewa intensive course. Lilongwe: Lilongwe Language Centre in

association with the Malawian Catholic Church. Pp 144.


[Anon.] 1995. PST 1995 special lessons: Nyanja. Peace Corps Zambia. Pp 91.


Arnaud, L. 1922. Latino-Chinyanja grammatica, 2 vols. Roma: Typographia Campitelli.


Arnaud, L. 1922. English grammar for Nyanja. Rome: Typographia Campitelli for the
Montforts Marist Fathers.


Behrs, Jan; others. 1980. Learning Chichewa: teachers manual. Peace Corps language
handbook series. East Lansing: African Studies Center, Michigan State University. Pp


Bentley, Mayrene [Mimi] E.; Kulemeka, Andrew Tilimbe. 2001. Chichewa. Languages of
the world/Materials, #345. Mnchen: Lincom Europa.


Bulley, M.W. 1925. A manual of Nyanja, as spoken on the shores of Lake Nyasa, for the
use of beginners. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Pp viii,


Caldwell, R. 1897. Chi-nyanja simplified. London: Zambesi Industrial Mission. Pp 88.

Caldwell, R. 1915. Chi-nyanja simplified. Second edition, with key. London: Zambesi
Industrial Mission. Pp 88, 44.

Caldwell, R. 1955. Chinyanja simplified. Third(?) edition. London: Zambesi Industrial



Chafulumira, E.W. 1966. Grammar wa Chinyanja.


Henry, George. 1891. Grammar of Chinyanja, a language spoken in British Central

Africa, on and near the shores of Lake Nyasa. Livingstonia: Mission Press.

Henry, George. 1904. Grammar of Chinyanja, a language spoken in British Central

Africa, on and near the shores of Lake Nyasa. Second edition. Aberdeen: G. & W.
Fraser. Pp viii, 232.


Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 1904. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Glasgow
& Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 1907. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Second
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 1914. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Third
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 1916. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Fourth
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp. Pp xx, 299.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 19xx. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Fifth
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 1922. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Sixth
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 19xx. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Seventh
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Hetherwick, Alexander [Rev.]. 1932. A practical manual of the Nyanja language. Eighth
edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.


Kamtedza, J.D.G. 1964. Elementos da gramtica cinyanja. Lisboa: Junta de Investigaes

do Ultramar (JIU) pelos Missionarios da Companhia de Jesus. Pp 146.


Kishindo, Pascal J.; Lipenga, Allan L. 2003. Parlons chichewa: langue et culture du
Malawi. Paris: LHarmattan. Pp 162.


Lehmann, Dorothea A. 2002. An outline of Cinyanja grammar. Lusaka: Bookworld Publ.

Pp viii, 47.


Louw, J.K. 1980. Chichewa: a practical course, 2 vols. Pretoria: Dept. of Publishing
Services, University of South Africa (UNISA). Pp 283.


Mangoche, M.V.B. 1990. Chichewa guide for tourists. Blantyre: Dzuka Publ.

Mangoche, M.V.B. 1997. Chichewa guide for tourists. Revised edition. Blantyre: Dzuka
Publ. Pp 59.


Nankwenya, I.A.J. 1979. Galamala wa Chichewa = Grammar of Chichewa. Blantyre:

Dzuka Publ. Pp 79.


Ngoma, S.; Chauma, Amos M. 2006. Effective Chichewa/Chinyanga course for

foreigners. E+V Publ. Pp 56.


Price, Thomas. 1941. The elements of Nyanja for English-speaking students, pt. 1.
Blantyre: Church of Scottland Mission. Pp 129.

Price, Thomas. 1943. The elements of Nyanja for English-speaking students, pt. 2.
Blantyre: Church of Scottland Mission. Pp [130]-304.

Price, Thomas. 1946. The elements of Nyanja for English-speaking students. Second
edition. Blantyre: Church of Scottland Mission. Pp xiv, 282.

Price, Thomas. 1953. The elements of Nyanja for English-speaking students. New(?)
edition. Blantyre: Church of Scottland Mission.

Price, Thomas. 1957. The elements of Nyanja for English-speaking students. New(?)
edition. Blantyre: Church of Scottland Mission.

Price, Thomas. 1962. The elements of Nyanja for English-speaking students. New
edition. Blantyre: Hetherwick Press. Pp 272.


Procter, Lovell James; Blair, John Andrew. 1875. Grammar and vocabulary of the
Manganja language. London: William Clowes & Sons. Pp 66.


Riddel, Alexander. 1880. A grammar of the Chi-nyanja language as spoken at Lake

Nyassa. Edinburgh: McLaren for the London Missionary Society (LMS). Pp 150.


Salaun, N. 1978. Chichewa intensive course. Lilongwe: Likuni Press & Publ. House. Pp

Salaun, N. 19xx. Chichewa intensive course. Second edition.

Salaun, N. 1993. Chichewa intensive course. Third edition. Lusaka: Teresianum Press.


Samu, Samu M. 1985. Chichewa language manual. Washington DC: Peace Corps. Pp


Sanderson, George Meredith; Bithrey, W.B. 1925. An introduction to Chinyanja.

Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp. Pp 98.

Sanderson, George Meredith; Bithrey, W.B. 1939. An introduction to Chinyanja. Second

edition. Glasgow & Blantyre: African Lakes Corp.

Sanderson, George Meredith; Bithrey, W.B. 1953. An introduction to Chinyanja. New(?)

edition. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd for the African Lakes Corp. Pp 107.

Sanderson, George Meredith; Bithrey, W.B. 1958. An introduction to Chinyanja. New(?)

edition. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd for the African Lakes Corp. of Glasgow and Blantyre,
Nyasaland. Pp 107.


Sato, Max; Swann, Celia; Aicken, Alex. 1998. Tiyeni! Chichewa language course for
newcomers to Malawi. Self-published. Pp ix, 135.


Stevick, Earl W.; Hollander, Linda. 1965. Chinyanja: basic course. Washington DC:
Foreign Service Inst., US Dept. of State. Pp xxii, 351, tapes.


Swann, Celia. 19xx. Tiyeni! Chichewa language course for newcomers to Malawi. Selfpublished.

Swann, Celia. 1999. Tiyeni! Chichewa language course for newcomers to Malawi.
Second edition. Self-published. Pp 142.


Thomson, Thomas Davidson. 1947. A practical approach to Chinanja. Salisbury: African

Newspapers Ltd. Pp 63.


Watkins, Mark Hanna. 1933. A grammar of Chichewa: a Bantu language of British

Central Africa. PhD thesis. University of Chicago.

Watkins, Mark Hanna. 1937. A grammar of Chichewa: a Bantu language of British

Central Africa. Language dissertations, #24; special issue of Language, v. 13, n. 2.
Philadelphia: Linguistic Society of America. Pp 158.

W1 = 17 : W2 or = 11 : T = 119 (1882-2001)

[Anon.] 1926. Grammar syoluganda. Bukalasa (Tanzania?): Mission Press for the
White Fathers.


Ashton, Ethel O.; Mulira, Enoch M.K.; Ndawula, E.G.M.; Tucker, Archibald Norman.
1954. A Luganda grammar. London, New York & Toronto: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp


Chesswas, John Douglas. 1954. The essentials of Luganda. Kampala: Eagle Press. Pp vi,

Chesswas, John Douglas. 1959. The essentials of Luganda. New edition. Kampala: Eagle

Chesswas, John Douglas. 1963. The essentials of Luganda. Third edition. Nairobi &
London: Oxford University Press. Pp xiv, 203.

Chesswas, John Douglas. 1967. The essentials of Luganda. Fourth edition. Nairobi &
London: Oxford University Press. Pp xiv, 203.


Crabtree, William Arthur. 1902. Elements of Luganda grammar, together with exercises
and a vocabulary. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) for the
Church Missionary Society (CMS). Pp 266.

Crabtree, William Arthur. 1921. A manual of Lu-Ganda. Cambridge: The University

Press. Pp xx, 254.

Crabtree, William Arthur. 1923. Elements of Luganda grammar, together with exercises
and vocabulary. New edition. Kampala & London: Uganda Bookshop in association with
the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Pp 266.


Gorju, Julien. 1906. Du ruganda au runyoro et au runyankole: essai de grammaire

compare. Alger. Pp vi, 42.


Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi. 19xx. Luganda elementary course. Kampala: Makerere

University College. Pp 56.

Kamoga, Fred[erick] Katabazi; Stevick, Earl W. 1968. Luganda basic course.

Washington DC: Foreign Service Inst., US Dept. of State. Pp xxxvi, 345, tapes.


Katamba, Francis X. 1974. Aspects of the grammar of Luganda. PhD thesis. University
of Edinburgh.


Kirwan, Brian Edmond Renshaw; Gore, P.A. 1951. Elementary Luganda. Kampala:
Uganda Bookshop. Pp 150.


Livinhac, Leon. 1885. Essai de grammaire ruganda. Paris: F. Lev pour la Socit des
Missionnaires de Notre-Dame des Missions dAfrique. Pp xiii, 98.

Livinhac, Leon. 1890. Grammaire luganda. Nouvelle dition. Pp 134.

Livinhac, Leon. 1894. Manuel de langue luganda comprenant la grammaire et un recueil

de contes et de lgendes. Nouvelle dition, revue par C. Denoit. Einsiedeln (Suisse):
Benzinger & Co. Pp 290.

Livinhac, Leon. 1914. Manuel de langue luganda. Nouvelle dition, revue par P.H. le
Veux. Pp xv, 475.

Livinhac, Leon. 1921. Grammaire luganda. Nouvelle dition, rvu par A. Wollters. Alger:
Impr. des Missionnaires dAfrique. Pp xiii, 238.


Matovu, Kasalina Byangwa N.; others. 1994. Luganda self-instructing learners manual.
Kampala: Makerere University. Pp iv, 143.


Morris, Edward G.; Snoxall, Ronald A. 1930. A Luganda-Swahili handbook, 2 parts.



Pilkington, George Lawrence. 1891. A hand-book of Luganda. London: Society for

Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Pp 93.

Pilkington, George Lawrence. 1901. A hand-book of Luganda. Reprint, with a few

corrections. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Pp vi, 95.


Ssabalangira, J.T.K. 1927. Grammar Enganda. Mango (Uganda?). Pp 128.


Ssekamwa, J.C. 1963. Ebisoko kyawandiikibwa. Kampala: East African Literature



Sseruwagi, Januarius. 2001. Die Luganda-Sprache: eine praktische Einfhrung.

Diplomarbeit. Inst. fr Afrikanistik und gyptologie (IFAA), Universitt Wien.


Veux, R. le. 1882. Manuel de la langue luganda. Troisime dition. Alger: Maison-Carre,
Impr. des Missionnaires dAfrique (Pres-Blancs). Pp 475.


Wilson, Charles Thomas [Rev.]. 1882. Outline grammar of the Luganda language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Pp xii, 158.

W1 = 6 : W2 or = 0 : T = 75 (1904-1979)

Betbeder, Paul; Jones, John. 1949. A handbook of the Haya language. Bukoba: White
Fathers Printing Press. Pp 83.


Bona-Baisi, Ignace J. 1960. Amateca goruhaya (gramatica).


Herrmann, C. [Hauptm.]. 1904. Lusba, die Sprache der Lnder Kisba, Bugbu,
Kjamtwra, Kjnja und Ihngiro. Mitteilungen des Seminars fr orientalische Sprachen, v.
7 (III), p. 150-200.


Kuijpers, Em. 1922. Grammaire de la langue haya. Boxtel (Hollande): Prokuur van de
Witte Paters. Pp 294.


Nurse, Derek; Byarushengo, Ernest Rugwa; Philippson, Grard. 1979. Haya. African
languages/Langues africaines, v. 5 (1) (spec. theme: Description of sample Bantu
languages of Tanzania, ed. by Derek Nurse), p. 4-15, 23-26.


Rehse, Hermann. 1912/13. Die Sprache der Baziba in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Zeitschrift fr

Kolonialsprachen, v. 3, p. 1-33, 81-123, 201-229.

W1 = 13 : W2 or = 5 : T = 153 (1854-2007)

Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel. 1854. Entwurf einer Grammatik der Herero-Sprache,
Teil 1. Bonn. Pp 51.


Booysen, J.M. 1982. Otjiherero: n volledige grammatika met oefeninge en sleutels in

Afrikaans. Windhoek: Gamsberg Publ. Pp 304.


Brincker, Peter Heinrich. 1886. Wrterbuch und kurzgefasste Grammatik des OtjiHrero, mit Beifgung verwandter Ausdrcke und Formen des Oshi-Ndonga-Otj-Ambo.
Heraugegeben von C.G. Bttner. Leipzig: T.O. Weigel. Pp viii, 351, 31.

Brincker, Peter Heinrich. 1897. Vergleichende Grammatik des Otjiherero, Osikuanjama

und Osindonga.


Brockmann, Heinrich. 1941. Einfhrung in die Hererosprache. Swakopmund. Pp viii, 59.


Bttner, Carl Gotthilf. 1887/88. Sprachfhrer fr Reisende in Damaraland. Zeitschrift fr

afrikanische Sprachen, v. 1, p. 252-294.


Elderkin, Edward Derek. 2003. Herero (R31). In: The Bantu languages, p. 581-608. Ed.
by Derek Nurse & Grard Philippson. Language family series, #4. London & New York:


Hahn snr, Carl Hugo. 1857. Grundzge einer Grammatik des Herer (im westlichen
Afrika) nebst einem Wrterbuch. Berlin, London & Paris: Wilhelm Hertz; Williams &
Norgate; Libr. C. Klincksieck. Pp x, 197.


Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael]. 1909. Die Sprache der Herero in DeutschSdwestafrika. Deutsche Kolonialsprachen, #1. Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer. Pp


Mhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika. 2007. Referential grammar of
Herero (Otjiherero), a Bantu language of Namibia. Southern African languages and
dialects, #3. Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag. Pp 372.

Mhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg; Marten, Lutz; Kavari, Jekura Uaurika. 2002. A
grammatical sketch of Herero (Otjiherero). Grammatische Analysen afrikanischer
Sprachen, #19. Kln: Rdiger Kppe Verlag. Pp 127.


Ohly, Rajmund. 1985. Herero: academic handbook, pt. I-III. Windhoek: Dept. of African
Languages, University of Namibia.

Ohly, Rajmund. 1990. The Herero language: an outline. Windhoek: Dept. of African
Languages, University of Namibia.

Ohly, Rajmund. 1999. A grammatical sketch of Herero. Studies of the Dept. of African
Languages and Cultures, #25. Warsaw: Inst. of Oriental Studies, Warsaw University. Pp


Seidel, August. 1892. Praktische Grammatiken der Hauptsprachen DeutschSdwestafrikas: 1. Nama (Sprache der Nama-Hottentotten), kurzgefasste Grammatik,
analysierte Lesestcke, nebst einem nama-deutschen und einem deutsch-nama
Wrterbuch; 2. Otyiherero (Sprache der Herero), kurzgefasste Grammatik, analysierte
Lesestcke nebst einem otyiherero-deutschen und einem deutsch-otyiherero Wrterbuch;
3. Oshindonga (Sprache des Ndonga-Stammes der Ovambo), kurzgefasste Grammatik,
Lesestcke nebst einem oshindonga-deutschen und einem deutsch-oshindonga
Wrterbuch. Die Kunst der Polyglottie, #37. Wien & Leipzig: A. Hartlebens Verlag. Pp
x, 180.

Seidel, August. 1909. Praktische Grammatiken der Hauptsprachen DeutschSdwestafrikas. Zweite Auflage, verbessert. Die Kunst der Polyglottie, #37. Wien &
Leipzig: A. Hartlebens Verlag. Pp xii, 180.


Vedder, Hermann Heinrich. 1958. Einfhrung in die Hererosprache. Okahandja:

Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft. Pp 144.


Viehe, [Friedrich] [Wilhelm] Gottlob. 1897. Grammatik des Otjiherero, nebst

Wrterbuch. Lehrbcher des Seminars fr orientalische Sprachen, #16. Stuttgart &
Berlin: Verlag von W. Spemann. Pp xii, 140.

W1 = 45 : W2 or = 11 : T = 347 (1652-1999)

[Anon.] 1895. Elments de la langue congolaise. Catholic Missionary Society. Pp 95.


[Anon.] 1931. Petite grammaire de la langue du bas-Congo (kikongo). Leuven.


[Anon.] 1951. Kikongo unifi: grammaire et exercises. Lopoldville.


Bentley, Mrs H.M. 1896. Guide de conversation en franais, congolais, portugais et

hollandais. Pp 188.

Bentley, Mrs H.M. 1911. Guide de conversation franais-congolaise. Bruxelles: Min. des
Colonies, Belgique. Pp 123.


Bentley, William Holman [Rev.]. 1887. Dictionary and grammar of the Kongo language,
as spoken at San Salvador, the ancient capital of the Old Kongo Empire, West Africa.
London: Baptist Missionary Society in association with Trbner & Co. Pp xxiv, 718.

Bentley, William Holman [Rev.]. 1895. Appendix to the dictionary and grammar of the
Kongo language, as spoken at San Salvador, the ancient capital of the Old Kongo Empire,
West Africa. London: Baptist Missionary Society. Pp vii, [719]-1052.


Bittremieux, Leo. 19xx. Grammaire du dialecte ancien du yombe, non publi.


Butaye, Rne [R.P.]. 1901. Grammaire kikongo.

Butaye, Rne [R.P.]. 1910. Grammaire congolaise. Deuxime dition. Roulers: Jules de
Meester. Pp 90.

Butaye, Rne [R.P.]; Meulenijzer, P. 1927. Dictionnaire de poche kikongo-franais et

franais-kikongo (ntandu), avec notions de grammaire. Deuxime dition.


Calloch, J. [R.P.]. 1905. Manuel de conversation de la langue itke (Brazzaville). Paris.

Pp 90.


Cannecatim, Bernardo Maria de. 1805. Colleco de observaes grammaticaes sobre a

lingua bunda, ou angolense. Lisboa: Impr. Regia. Pp xxii, 218.


Carrie, [Father]. 1890. Grammaire de la langue fiote, dialecte du kakongo. Loango &
Paris. Pp 198.


Carter, Hazel; Makondekwa, Joo. 1970. Maloongi makikoongo / Kongo course (dialect
of Zoombo, Angola). School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of

Carter, Hazel; Makondekwa, Joo. 197x. Maloongi makikoongo / Kongo course (dialect
of Zoombo, Angola). Second edition. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
University of London.

Carter, Hazel; Makondekwa, Joo. 197x. Maloongi makikoongo / Kongo course (dialect
of Zoombo, Angola). Third edition. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS),
University of London.

Carter, Hazel; Makondekwa, Joo. 1979. Maloongi makikoongo / Kongo course (dialect
of Zoombo, Angola). Fourth edition, revised. School of Oriental and African Studies
(SOAS), University of London. Pp v, 199.

Carter, Hazel. 1987. Kongo language course = Malongi makikongo: a course in the
dialect of Zoombo, northern Angola. African language teaching, #1. African Studies
Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Pp 180.


Clercq, Auguste de [Pre]. 1907. Grammaire du kiyombe. Anthropos: internationale

Zeitschrift fr Vlker- und Sprachenkunde, v. 2, p. 449-466, 761-794.

Clercq, Louis de [R.P.]. 1921. Grammaire du kiyombe. Kongo-Overzee bibliotheek, #5.

Bruxelles: Goemare. Pp 95.


Coene, A. [R.P.]. 1960. Kikongo: notions grammaticales, vocabulaire franais-kikongonerlandais-latin. Tumba (Angola): Mission Catholique. Pp 197.


Delplace, E. 1895. Elments de la langue congolaise, suivis dun choix de phrases

gradues et de deux vocabulaires. Bruges: Descle de Brouwer. Pp 96.


Dreau, Lon. 1955. Cours de kikongo. Namur (Belgique): Ad Wesmael-Charlier. Pp



Descourvires, M. 1770. Essay dune grammaire congo, suivant laccent Kakongo ou

Malemba. Roma: Muse du Congregation de la Propagande. Pp 48.


Diarra, Boubacar. 1989. Gramtica kikongo. Luanda: Inst. de Lnguas Nacionais. Pp 107.


Fabrio, R. del; Petterlini, F. 1977. Gramtica kikongo. Padova (Italia): Missionrio dei
Capuccini Veneti.


Galland, Henri. 1914. Lexique franais-kikongo, avec notes grammaticales. Bordeaux:

Impr. Gounouilhou. Pp 155.


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W1 = 14 : W2 or = 3 : T = 119 (1876-1995)

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W1 = 16 : W2 or = 9 : T = 155 (1841-1996)

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Swanepoel, C.F. 1979. Mathe le leleme, 3 vols. Pretoria: University of South Africa
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W1 = 26 : W2 or = 15 : T = 113 (1893-2006)

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Brauner, Siegmund. 1995. A grammatical sketch of Shona, with historical notes. Dritte
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W1 = 11 : W2 or = 1 : T = 91 (1894-1985)

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