Friday Bulletin 635

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Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Issue No. 635


Friday Bulletin

The Weekly Muslim News Update

Improve on relations with

Muslim leaders, govt told

work with Muslim
leaders in addressing
the problem of radicalization.
Wajir West MP Abdikadir Ore Ahmed said
that while Muslim leaders have been willing
to take bold measures
to address this growing
problem, the lackluster
support from the government is not helping much in the efforts
to counter the security
The MP pointed to the
failure to implement recommendations
by leaders from North
Eastern to address
the rising incidences
of insecurity in the region. We had a good
meeting with President
Uhuru Kenyatta where The outgoing Saudi Arabian Cultural Attache Anwar Abdulaziz al Souly adorns Ahmed Muhammad
he accepted to work on Ibrahim who emerged the winner of the male event of the Jamia mosque Quran memorization competiour recommendations tion with is robe. Sharing his joy is the acting ambassador of Saudi Arabia Ali Othman. Story on Page 9
but up to 70 percent of
these recommendations have not been
implemented, he said during the launch
of Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) movement at a Nairobi The Bura Girls High School principal who that the institution was sponsored by
directed Muslim students to go to church Christians. Those who defied the move
hotel on Tuesday.
by force should be punished, National As- were sent home for what she said was
The legislator told the government to work
closely with community leaders saying that sembly majority leader Aden Duale has indiscipline.
He said the action from the school printheir understanding of the issues in the said.
community is a vital component in effec- Addressing the 18th annual Iftar fundrais- cipal was no different from the actions of
tively addressing the problem of terrorism ing of the Malindi Education and Develop- Al Shabab as both aimed at creating a
and radicalization. On his part, the Na- ment Foundation (MEDF) in Malindi town, wedge between Muslims and Christians
tional Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF) Duale termed the principals directive un- and threaten the mutual peaceful cochairman Abdullahi Abdi urged the State to constitutional as and has the potential to existence among Kenyans of different
religious persuasions.
positively engage with Muslims and not to divide Kenyans along sectarian lines.
see the community through a lens of mis- There are many Muslim schools with He stressed that such attempts to drive
trust and suspicion. Policymakers should Christian students and their principals have a wedge between Christians and Musstop the suspicion that every Muslim is a never forced them to attend Islamic prayers lims must be strongly resisted and the
potential terrorist, he said.
in mosques, he said. In a move which ig- government has an obligation to take
He observed that while some positive nited the anger of parents and the Muslim stern actions against those whose acstrides have been registered in the rela- community, the school Principal Assumpta tions have the potential to stir religious
tions between the community and the gov- Munyao last week forced Muslims students discord.
ernment, a lot needs to be done to change to attend church services on the premise
Continued To Page 2
Continued To Page 5

'Punish principal who forced Muslim girls to attend church'

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The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Bura Girls, a tip of the iceberg in religious intolerance in schools

The unfortunate event at Bura Girls Secondary School in Taita Taveta county once again
brought to the limelight the discrimination
which Muslim students face in schools on
account of their religious beliefs.
In a clear violation of their constitutional
rights and their religious convictions, the girls
were forced to attend mass in a church and
since the beginning of Ramadhan, their iftar
(breaking the fast dinner) has been served
after their night prep lessons-several hours
after the elapse of the fast.
The angry students had no choice but to protest against the victimization and this earned
them a suspension from the school administration.
The school is a public school funded by the
tax payers who include Muslims though it is
being run by the Catholic Church who are its
After the new constitution was promulgated
in 2010, many Kenyans were optimistic that
it would bring a momentous change with regards to the protection of the rights of each
citizens as the Basic Rights enshrined in the
nations supreme laws-so we were told- provided enough safeguards to ensure that the
rights of all Kenyans irrespective of ethnic
of religious backgrounds were not violated.
To Muslims, of much regret is that this noble
ideals still remains on paper as their rights
have continuously been violated as seen
from the extra judicial disappearances, killings and the wanton discrimination of stu-

dents in educational institutions.

The case at Bura Girls is the tip of the iceberg as the incidents of violation of the
rights of Muslim students such as forcing
them to attend church services and denial
of space to observe their religious practices
are very much prevalent in schools especially those run by the Catholic Church.
Female students have consistently been
denied their right to wear the hijab which is
a mandatory practice for Muslim girls and
some of these institutions have found Judges in the court corridors who adhere to their
intolerant thoughts and have gone ahead
to issue legal verdicts which have outlawed
the wearing of the hijab is in some schools.
What is of great concern is that while these
violations continue on a growing scale,
policymakers at the educational ministry
continue to look the other way seemingly
oblivious about the abuse and denial of the
rights of Muslim students.
Apart from issuing circulars to schools affirming that wearing the hijab is a constitutional right for Muslim students and forcing them to attend religious events which
do not subscribe to their faith is another
constitutional violation, no concrete steps
have been taken to prevent these abuses,
a move which virtually gives a green light
for the schools to continue with their discriminative and illegal policies.
Three years ago, a mosque under construction at Olkejuado School was demol-

ished by students at the instigation of

some school board members, last year
construction of a mosque at Kakamega
High School came to a stop after the
area Senator opposed the project while
many Muslim students in various public schools continue to be denied their
basic rights and despite the myriads of
complaints from parents and the Muslim leadership, no action has been taken by the education ministry.
Time and again, the government has
continued to remind Kenyans of the
importance of tolerance and cohesion
to cement national unity but it appears
when it comes to clear cases of intolerance and denial of justice towards
Muslims, this mantra is easily forgotten.
This culture of impunity has reached
unaccepted levels and as a first step,
action should be taken against the
school Principal of Bura Girls who
should be dismissed from her position
as her actions point to religious intolerance which goes against sacrosanct
national values. Further, it is imperative that education ministry takes bold
steps in ensuring that the rights of Muslim students are safeguarded and protected. There are no lesser Kenyans
and on this matter the buck stops with
the education ministry and the cabinet
secretary in charge Jacob Kaimenyi.

Curfew in NEP and Coastal counties finally lifted

'Punish principal who

forced Muslims to church'

The government finally lifted the curfew

imposed on four Northeastern and Coastal
region counties. The order to remove the
dusk to dawn restrictions came nine days
into the month of Ramadhan and followed
strenuous calls from Muslim leaders to
have the curfew lifted.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery said the curfew would not apply during the Muslim holy month of Ramadhan
and that the government would monitor the
situation for a review.
Last week, the government also lifted the
suspension of licenses of 13 Somali-owned
money transfer companies as well as the
four bus companies in the countrys North
Eastern region, which were given the green
light to remain in business.
The National Transport and Safety Authority also granted E-coach, G-coach, City to
City and Sabrin bus services the authority
transact business subject to their insurance
licenses being reinstated as well by the insurance regulatory authority.
In his goodwill message to Muslims at the
onset of the month of Ramadhan, President
Uhuru Kenyatta had directed the Cabinet
secretary and security agencies to review
the curfew and security measures introduced by government in the four counties
to enable Muslims to fulfil their religious obligations without any impediment.
The President also asked Nkaissery and

Page 2

Inspector-General of Police Joseph Boinnet

to enhance security throughout the country
during the period.
The government imposed a dusk to dawn
curfew on Garissa, Wajir, Mandera and Tana
River counties following the deadly Garissa
University College attack on April 2 by Al
shabaab militants where 147 people were
reported killed. The Council of Imams and
Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) has lauded the
government for listening to the concerns of
Muslims and considering by lifting the curfew
in the four counties.
National chairman Sheikh Abdalla Ateka said
the move will now allow the Muslim faithful
undertake their religious obligations without
any hindrances. Ateka however called on
the government to ensure that security of the
Muslim faithful and their constitutional rights
are guaranteed and respected and that they
are not harassed by security agencies.
In the aftermath of the April 2 Garissa University college attack, the government released
a list of 86 businesses and individuals linked
with terror activities and suspended their licenses. The attack and the resultant security measures introduced by the government
brought the economy of the North Eastern
region to its knees. Most sectors of the economy are still reeling from the effects of the
increased terror activities in the region with
education bearing the brunt as teachers left
the region en masse.

Continued From Page 1

In Nairobi, the Wajir West MP Abdikadir Ore Ahmed strongly condemned
the move by the school principal saying that it threatened religious harmony.
This are among the things which infuriate Muslims. The government should
come and ensure that actions is taken
against those who forced Muslim students to attend church, he saidduring the launch of a movement to fight
against extremist ideas.
Meanwhile, the case has been lodged
at the High Court in Nairobi demanding
the administration of Bura Girls High
School to unconditionally allow 38
Muslim students who were suspended
for refusing to attend a church service
to resume their studies.
Under a certificate of urgency filed at
the courts human rights division, a
parent Amina Bakari Hamisi contends
that the public school in Taita Taveta
county discriminated and violated the
rights of the Muslim students after they
were forced to attend mass in total disregard of their religious faith.
Through her lawyer, Ali Mahmoud Muhammad, she asked the court to allow
the suspended students to uncondiContinued To Page 11

The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

How fasting protects against extremism

Sheikh Abu Al-Hasan `Ali Nadawi
The institution of fasting could easily be
carried to the extreme. A popular misconception about it was that its real purpose
was to annihilate the desires of the flesh
altogether and provide an opportunity for
self-mortification in the last degree. It was
supposed that the more one practiced abstinence, abjured the comforts of the world,
endured hunger and thirst, and gave the
proof of fortitude and endurance, the more
one would become the favorite of the Lord
and join the ranks of the pious and the persevering.
This fallacious belief had given rise to such
an exaggerated notion of worship, especially fasting, among the religiously and
ascetically inclined sections of the ancient
faiths that they prolonged the period of abstention from food and drink by delaying
inordinately the time of iftar (the meal taken for fast breaking at sunset) and eating
suhur (the light meal which Muslims make
a little before dawn) very early or not at all.
They regarded things like iftar and suhur
as weaknesses to succumb to, which were
disgraceful for those who aspired for greater heights in religion and spirituality. Sometimes these people fasted continuously for
days and did not eat or drink anything in
the night as well. Many over-enthusiastic
Muslims and those among them that were
given to making innovations in faith also
took guidance from their example.
But such extremism is patently un-Islamic.
It amounts to distortion of religion, to making alterations in it out of one's own impulse or choice, and pursuing the path of
penance and flagellation. It paves the way
for mischief and constitutes an open challenge to the divine proclamation: And He
hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship. (Al-Hajj 22:78)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) said, "This faith is easy and whosoever wrestle with it (i.e., takes it to extremes
and overburden himself with difficult duties)
will end up defeated. So, follow the path of
rectitude and moderation." (Al-Bukhari)
The Islamic Shari`ah comes down heavily on extremism in fasting. It advocates
positively the practice of suhur before the
commencement of the fast. The Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) himself
declared it to be a sunnah for Muslims. It
is related by Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be
pleased with him) that he (peace be upon
him) once said, "Eat suhur for there is
blessings in it" (At-Tirmidhi).
Again, it is related by `Amr ibn Al-`Aas (may
Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) once
said, "What distinguishes our fasting from
the fasting of the other people of the Book
is suhur" (Muslim).
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon
him) also forbade the delaying of iftar and
condemned it as the way of extremists
among the People of the Book and a sign
of mischief and perversion. It is related by

Suhail ibn Sa`d (may Allah be pleased with

him) that he (peace and blessings be upon
him) said, "So long as people are prompt in
iftar they will remain on the side of virtue"
Likewise, it is preferable to make a late
suhur and such also was the conduct of
the Companions. It is related by Zaid ibn
Thabit that they "took the suhur with the
Prophet and then stood up for salah." On
being enquired about the time intervening
between the two acts he replied that it was
equal to what was needed for the recitation
of fifty verses of the Qur'an.
We further learn from `Abdullah ibn `Umar
that there were two muadhins of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Bilal
bin Rabaah and `Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum. The Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him) once said, "Bilal calls Adhan at
night. So, eat till Ibn Umm Muktum gives
the Adhan." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
In his work Hujjatullahi Al-Balighah, Shah
Waliullah wrote, one of the main objects
of fasting is to discourage unnecessary
speculation and hairsplitting and to block
the path of extremism. This mode of worship was known to and practiced by the
Jews and Christians as well as the devout
Arabs, and, thinking that the institution of
fasting was rooted in severe self-denial
and asceticism, they indulged in excessive
abstinence and invented many devices of
mortification on their own. This is where
distortion of faith sets in which is sometimes of a quantitative and sometimes of a
qualitative nature.
In the sphere of quantity, the discouragement of extremism can be imagined from
the fact that the Prophet forbade the Muslims against fasting on one or two days immediately preceding the month of Ramadhan (some of the Muslims used to fast on
the 30th day of Sha`ban out of their fear
that there might have been a mistake in
the sighting of the moon and the month of
Ramadhan might have started a day earlier: this is known as the fast of "the doubt
Similarly, the disallowing of the fast of `Eid
is based on the consideration that if the
extremists will make it into a laudatory observance others also will follow their example and it will lead to perversion of faith.
Extremism, in fact, is born out of over-cautiousness and the fast of "doubt" belongs to
the same category.
In the sphere of quality, instances of the
discouragement of excess are furnished
by the prohibition of continuous fasting
(i.e., on each day of the year), the exhortation regarding suhur, and the command to
make it late because all this exaggeration
and extremism is the product of ignorance.
Fasting denotes the fulfillment of a divine
command. Just as it is disallowed to eat
and drink and seek the satisfaction of other
sensual appetites after the break of day,
however powerful the urge is for them, ab-

stention from food and drink is prohibited

after sunrise, however strong the impulse
may be for self-denial and asceticism.
The deciding factor is not one's own inclination but the Word of Allah, and the disregard of His will and the audacious display of one's courage and spiritual stamina
against His judgment is identical to defiance of faith. The more a fasting person is
free from the hold of desire and resigned to
the divine will, the more he will be true in
his submission and removed from the taint
of vanity and self-conceit.
Sayyid Abul Hassan Ali Nadawi (1914-99)
was indisputably one of the greatest exponents of Islam in the second half of the
twentieth century. He was awarded the King
Faisal International Prize for Service to Islam
in 1980 and the Muslim Personality of the
Year Award from DubaI in 1999.

From the Prophet's Traditions

I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say:
"Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will
have what he intended. Thus, he
whose migration (hijrah) was to
Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing
he might gain, or for a wife he
might marry, his migration is to
that for which he migrated."
[Bukhari & Muslim]


DATE: 4TH July 2015

Venue Jamia Multi Purpose Hall
Time 4:30 pmSUNDAY
Lecture: Khasara ya ulimwengu kuigura
Qur'an by Sheikh LECTURE
Hammad Muhammad
Kassim-Former Chief Kadhi of Kenya
Lecture at Jamia Mosque
Iftar cards available at Ksh 1500 for
adults and Ksh 750 for children

Topic :ItikaafSUNDAY
and Laylatul
By:Sh. Juma Muhammad Amir
Date: 4th jULY 2015
Time: 2-4 pm
Venue: Jamia Multi-Purpose Hall
Topic :Kumwogopa
By: Sheikh Ali Abdalla
Date: 4th and 5th June 2015
Time: 10 -12 pm
Venue: Makina Kibra

Page 3


The Friday Bulletin

Raya Al-Jadir

Consider these tips for a successful Ramadhan

1- Lack of food, sugar and caffeine

will undoubtedly affect our mood
but that is not a reason to vent
your anger on others; Remember if they are fasting, then they are in
a similar situation and if they arent
fasting, then you dont know what
they might be going through. Be in
control of your mood.
2- Fasting does not mean misery;
smile as you leave the house,
smile at the people you meet on
the street. Looking happy may encourage others to see the beauty
of your faith.
3- Shopping for this holy month
is not a competition or a race to
stockpile all of the Ramadhan
specialties dont push people out
of the way with your trolley, make
space for the disabled and elderly,
queue in an orderly manner and
dont try to beat the other shoppers.
The best things come to those who
wait and who knows what may befall you if you rush and what you
could miss out on if you dont take
your time?
4- When at work or school, devote
your time, energy and concentration wholeheartedly. Arrive on
time, treat colleagues and customers politely, complete tasks
adequately and try your best to
love what you do. Pace yourself,
but dont get sloppy; continue to
do your best during this blessed
5- Connect with people, not just
family and friends but strangers
too, whether it is via greetings, a
simple smile or even inviting them
to share dinner/tea.
If your neighbor is elderly or someone who lives alone, ask them
over to your house - an extra plate
will not make a difference to your
housekeeping - or just send them
over some food.
6- Recycle your leftover food and
general waste: if iftar was not fully
consumed, then it can be stored
for the next day. Otherwise, give it
to people who might be in need or
homeless or even take it to your
local mosque where they might
serve the food for suhoor.

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Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Our prophet was a strong proponent of sustainable use and cultivation of land and water, proper
treatment of animals, plants and birds and the equal rights of users.
7- Serve the community. Fasting has many benefits such as teaching us patience, endurance and
empathy. Try to be involved in a community activity or cause that will be like sadaqah.
It could be keeping your street clean, ensuring the less fortunate within the area are offered help,
giving a weekly/daily class to children/adults or even contributing to a community project.
8- Refrain from judging others. If you see someone eating, try to understand why they may not
fast - they may have various reasons. Remember, it is not your place to comment or judge peoples actions.
9- Islam is a religion of peace, knowledge and coexistence; this month, focus on those elements
by forgiving peoples trespasses on you, seeking out knowledge in an area you are lacking and
reaching out to people of other faiths. Inviting them to experience an iftar is a good gesture.
10- Health and sport is an important aspect of Islam. Exercise/walk daily and eat well and healthily. Do not obsess over food but rather enjoy the fresh air and the natural beauty of Allahs creation.
11- Finally, Time Management: Ramadhan is only 30 days and it is the best time to fix our relationship with our God, ourselves and the people around us. So it is not a time for TV, sleeping, shopping but rather a time to be as spiritually and socially excellent as possible.

The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

7 spiritual productivity habits to develop this Ramadhan

Muhammad Faris
1) Praying the sunnah prayers before and/or after prayer
I know its easier to just pray the obligatory prayers and rush out
of the mosque, however, when we realize the rewards were missing from not praying these Sunnah prayers, we wont leave them.
Over the years I learned theres only ONE way of getting yourself to pray these Sunnah prayers constantly: Get into the habit of
praying them! Soon theyll become part and parcel of your Salah.
2) Remembrance of Allah after salah
Again, its easier to rush out of Salah to our busy lives, but honestly, how long does it take to recite the supplications after Salah?
(Answer: 5-7 minutes!). If youre not sure what Im referring to, you
may find the supplications in the widely available small booklet
Hisn Muslim. Nowadays youll find phone applications with these
supplications. Again, get into the habit of reciting them daily after
each Salah and theyll become part of your Salah experience.
3) Morning/evening remembrance of Allah
These are a beautiful set of duas/ remembrances from the Sunnah
of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him which he used to say
before sunrise and before sunset. They are true stress relievers,
and energy boosters, and never fail to make my day/evening feel
4) Night prayer
Alhamdulillah, during Ramadhan we have the wonderful Taraweeh
prayers to attend. These are of course part of the Night prayer or
tahajjud of the Night. If youre new to night prayer or dont pray
it constantly during the year, make sure you attend Taraweeh
prayers each and every night, and give yourself a no-excuse
policy. Continue to pray them for the entire 30 days; that will set
you on better footing to offer the Night Prayer after Ramadan in
shaa Allah.
5) Dhuha prayer
If you want a Muslims secret to a productive day, it is these 2
rakahs; known as Dhuha prayer which you may pray at any time
after sunrise, all the way till before the sun reaches its zenith
(around 30 minutes before Dhuhur). The reward of this prayer is
similar to giving charity on behalf of every bone in your body, and
the energy and buzz you feel during the day is amazing.
6) Supplications before you sleep
You just had a long day, and youre super tired. You climb into
bed and you want to hit the sack but wait! Before you do, can
you give yourself just 10 more minutes to recite the supplications
before sleep? Thats all. Try them to have the most beautiful sleep
ever and wake up for Fajr easily in shaa Allah.
7) Reciting one hour of the Quran each day
Notice: I said here recite one hour of Quran each day and not one
juz or one surah. The amount of Quran you read here is not as important as the quality of your understanding. If you spend one hour

What is Ramadhan?

Ramadhan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam the ninth

month of the Muslim calendar, preceded by the month
of Sha'aban and succeeded by the month of Shawwal.
Ramadhan is the Month when Muslims observe a dawn
to dusk complete fast. They do not take any liquids (not
even any water), no food, no gossiping or saying anything malicious against another person.
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadhan?
The first reason of course, is that is a command from
Allah which is aimed at increasing piety among Muslims.
The Arabic word for fasting means to 'refrain', to
discipline yourself to avoid doing certain things which
would be quite normal during the other twelve months
of the year.
It is also meant to teach Muslims to appreciate how
much better off they are than millions of other fellow
Muslims. So by refraining from drinking (even water)
and food, for the long daylight hours, they should be
reminded of those much less fortunate, for whom severe shortage of water and food is a way of life, not
something merely done one month of the year.
By reminding themselves of this fact, it is hoped that
not only will they be more sensitive to those less fortunate, but to try to do something practical to help them.
Can younger children fast during Ramadhan?
Indeed they can, and in fact many even as young as
four or five, are encouraged to fast for a few hours a
day during Ramadhan, to begin to appreciate the significance of the Holy month.
As they get a little older, most families encourage
their children under 12 to fast for half a day, until
they reach twelve years old, when all Muslim children
are expected to fast for the full dawn to dusk period.
Interestingly (and perhaps surprisingly to non-Muslim
children), many who are approaching twelve look forward to being old enough to fast for the full day, more
than anything else.
It means to them, that they are now being treated the
same as an adult, and all the responsibilities that adulthood brings.

'Improve on relations with Muslim leaders'

Continued From Page 1

the mistrust which is the main factor behind the violations of the
rights of Muslims under the pretext of fighting terrorism.
Abdullahi also took a swipe at the media for their continued misrepresentation of Muslims through adopting phrases which deliberately serves to link Islam and Muslims with violence. Despite
our complaints, there are continually using the terms Jihadist or
Islamist that are offensive to Muslims, he said.
In his remarks, the deputy secretary general of the Supreme
Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) Hassan Ole Naado called
for adherence to the law in the fight against terrorism saying that
some of the measures taken have only proved to be counterproductive to the drive. When you kill one person, you help to recruit
twenty to their cause, he said while referring to the extra judicial
killings of suspects which Muslim leaders and rights groups have
blamed on the government security machinery.
In his speech, the interior Principal Secretary Monica Juma acknowledged the efforts made by the Muslim leadership in combating terrorism and said that the government remains committed to
work with the Muslim leadership. The government is committed

to cooperate with the community to make the country more secure

and peaceful for every citizens, she said.
This is an equivocal stand against extremism. We need to reclaim
and take charge against the ideology which is misusing Islam to
perpetuate acts of violence in the name of religion, said the chairman of the BRAVE steering committee Mustafa Yusuf Ali.
He also urged Christian leaders not to be party to the attempts divide the country along religious lines noting that in many incidences, remarks from church leaders have only served to increase religious tensions in the country.
A member of the steering committee Dr. Abdullahi Wako said the
initiative was conceived to clear the image of Islam which had
been tainted by the actions of extremist groups. Islam is peaceful religion but some people have misused the faith to propagate
violence. he said. For a longtime Muslims had not boldly stood
up to address this realty and this is the time for Muslim to stand
out and be counted in the efforts to fight the growing cases of terrorism, Dr. Wako added.

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The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Waislamu washauriwa kufuata mafunzo ya Quran

Wito kwa Waislamu kote nchini kuzingatia na kufuata mafunzo
yaliyomo ndani ya Quran tukufu yalishamiri na kutawala khutba
kwenye hafla ya kuhitimisha mashindano ya uhifadhi na usomi
wa Qurani kwa wavulana yaliyomalizika Jumapili iliyopita katika
msikiti wa Jamia Nairobi.
Katika ujumbe viongozi mbalimbali waliohutubu waliishauri jamii
ya waislamu kujenga maadili mema ya usomi na kufuata mafunzo
adhimu ya Quran na Sunnah za Mtume Muhammad Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasalam ili kupata uongofu na ufanisi katika maisha yao ya
hapa duniani na kesho Akhera.
Viongozi hao walisisitiza kwamba kuna umuhimu wa waislamu kutilia maanani mafunzo ya Quran na Sunnah za Mtume Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasalam ili kujenga imani kamilifu kwa Mola wao na pia
kudumisha maadili na mwendo mwema ili kupata radhi toka kwa
Mwenyezi Mungu .
Viongozi hao wakiongozwa naye Professa Abdullatif Essajee aidha waliwahimiza waislamu kuipa kipau mbele elimu wakisema
kwamba elimu ni jambo la mwanzo aliloamrishwa Mtume Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam na ni njia ya pekee itakayoipelekea
jamii hiyo kupiga hatua za kimaendeleo na kujenga akhlaq au
tabia njema miongoni mwa jamii hiyo.
Pia walitoa wito kwa wazazi katika jamii ya waislamu kuekeza
rasilmali zao katika sekta ya elimu kwa kuwapa watoto wao nafasi ya kusoma na kundeleza elimu ili kuwafanya wawe watu wa
kutegemewa katika jamii na taifa kwa jumla.
Professa Abdullatif alisema kwamba uislamu ni mfumo kamili
wa maisha ambao una mafunzo ya mantiki zote za kumuongoza
mwanadamu katika wema na ufanisi, aidha aliipongeza jamii ya
Wasomali kwa kuwa mstari wa mbele katika kukuza na kuendeleza usomi na uhifadhi wa Qurani miongoni mwao hivyo basi akaishauri jamii hiyo kutumia weledi huo katika kuhubiri na kudumisha
amani katika maeneo yenye tetesi.
Alitoa changamoto kwa jamii nyengine za Waislamu humu nchini
kujitokeza na kuiga jamii ya Wasomali katika kukuza usomi na
uhifadhi wa Quran,akisema kwamba uislamu haukuja tu kwa
jamii ya Wasomali, Waarabu, Wahindi au Waswahili bali ni dini ya
walimwengu wote.Nimekuwa nikiyatathmini na kuyafuatilia kwa
ukaribu sana mashindano haya ya usomi na uhifadhi wa Qurani
tangu yalivyozinduliwa miaka sita iliyopita ndugu zetu toka jamii
ya Wasomali wamekuwa wao ni washiriki na wadau wakuu kwa
muda huu wote. Wako wapi ndugu zetu wengine? Aliuliza.Natoa
wito kwa ndugu toka jamii nyengine humu nchini kujitokeza ili kutoa ushindani kwa ndugu zetu Wasomali katika mashindano ya
siku zijazo.Professa Abdullatif aliongezea kusema.
Akizungumza kwenye hafla hiyo afisa anayesimamia maswala ya
dini na utamaduni katika ubalozi wa ufalme wa Saudia humu nchini anayeondoka Sheikh Anwar bin Abdul Aziz alitoa himizo kwa
Waislamu humu nchini kudumisha maadili ya Kiislamu ili kuwa
mfano mwema wa kuigwa.
Sheikh Anwar aliupongeza uongozi wa msikiti wa Jamia Nairobi
kwa huduma zake kwa umma wa Kiislamu humu nchini, akisema
kwamba kwa kiwango kikubwa Waislamu wamefaidi pakubwa na
huduma zinazotolewa na msikiti huo.
Aidha Anwar aliwashukuru viongozi wa kamati ya msikiti huo kwa
ushirikiano wao na ofisi yake kwa muda wote ambao amehudumu
humu nchini, akisema kwamba waliifanya kazi yake kuwa rahisi.
Bwana Anwar anaondoka humu nchini baada ya kuhudumu kwa
kipindi cha miaka mitano.
Naye mgeni wa heshima katika hafla hiyo kaimu balozi wa Saudia
humu nchini Sheikh Ali al-Uthmani alipongeza msikiti wa Jamia
kwa harakati zake za kutangaza na kueneza Uislamu kote nchini,
na kuahidi kwamba ubalozi huo na serikali ya Saudia itaendelea
kushirikiana na msikiti huo katika harakati hizo.
Balozi Ali aliongezea kusema kwamba serikali ya Saudia pia itatoa
usaidizi katika miradi mbalimbali ya maendeleo humu nchini kwa
manufaa ya Wakenya.
Kwa Upande wake Mwenyekiti wa msikiti wa Jamia Sheikh Muhammad Osman Warfa aliupongeza ubalozi wa Saudia humu nchini na
shirika la Africa Muslim Agency kwa ufadhili wa mashindano ya
Usomi na uhifahi wa Quran tangu pale yalivyozinduliwa, akisema

Page 6

kwamba ufadhili huo umeufanya msikiti wa Jamia kuwa kivutio na

kituo muhimu katika kutoa huduma mbalimbali kwa manufaa ya
umma wa Kiislamu humu nchini.
Naye mwenyekiti wa Majlis Ulamaa ya Jamia Sheikh Fathudin
Thangal aliwahimiza Waislamu kuwa na tahadhari dhidi ya maadui
wa Uislamu ambao wanajifanya kuwa wao ni miongoni mwa waislamu lakini kila mara wamekuwa wakimkashifu Mtume pamoja na
kuwakashifu Maswahaba na kuwazulia uwongo, huku wakifasiri
aya za Quran kwa kinyume ili kuafikia malengo yao ya kuwafarakisha waislamu wa sunni.
Katika mashindano hayo ya awamu ya sita kwa wavulana yaliwavutia washiriki mia moja na kumi na moja toka madrassa arobaini
na nne mbalimbali zilizoko maeneo ya Nairobi na viunga vyake.
Washindi katika mashindano hayo ya siku nne walipewa tuzo na
zawadi mbalimbali kama ishara ya kutambua juhudi zao na kuwapa hamasha.
Mashindano hayo yalikuwa yamegawanywa katika vitengo
vinne,Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim Abdi toka Madrassa Zaid AlKheir iliyoko mtaa wa Eastleigh aliibuka mshindi katika kitengo
cha uhifadhi wa Quran nzima .
Ahmed alipewa tuzo ya pesa taslimu shilling sabini na ahadi ya
laki moja ziada kutoka kwa mfadhili pamoja na ufadhili wa kwenda
kutekeleza ibada ya umra kule Makka yeye pamoja na wazazi
wake, ufadhili huo ulitolewa na afisa toka ubalozi wa Saudia hapa
nchini anayeondoka Sheikh Anwar bin Abdul Aziz Al-Souly.
Nayo kampuli ya usafiri ya Senator ilitoa ufadhili sawiya na huo
kwa Ismail Okemwa kijana mdogo aliyesilimu yeye pamoja na
wazazi wake, mvulana huo alichukua nafasi ya pili katika kitengo
cha Juzuu kumi ambapo alitunukiwa zawadi ya shillingi elfu ishirini
pesa taslimu na anatarajiwa kwenda Makka kutekeleza amali ya
umra yeye pamoja na wazazi wake.
Imam Sheikh Muhammad Swalihu kwa upande wake alitoa wito
kwa waalimu wa Madrassa kuwapa wanafunzi ufahamu wa nguzo
na sharuti za swala ili waweze kuwajibika ipasavyo pindi wanapotekeleza amali hiyo akisisitiza kwamba usomi na uhifadhi wa
Qur'ani pekee hautoshelezi.
Sheikh Swalihu alifichua kwamba mwakani msikiti wa jamia utatoa nafasi kwa washiriki na washindi katika mashindano hayo
kuongoza swala ya taraweehe, hivyo akawahimiza kujizatiti katika
masomo yao.
Wakuu waliokuweko kwenye hafla hiyo ni pamoja na Mkurugenzi
mkuu wa shirika la Africa Muslim Agency Daktari Ismail Hassan,
katibu mkuu wa msikiti wa Jamia Abdulbarry Hamid, naibu wake
Ibrahim Ahmed Yusuf, Abdulhamid Slatch, Abdulkadir Hawa miongoni mwa wengine.

Mbunge kuwasilisha hoja bungeni kuhusu

ulazimishwaji wanafunzi waislamu kanisani
Mbunge wa Mvita Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir amesema atawasilisha hoja bungeni kufuatia hatua ya mwalimu mkuu wa shule
ya wasichana ya Bura kuwalazimisha wanafunzi wa dini ya kiislamu kuingia Kanisani.
Abdulswamad alifichua kwamba amepokea malalamishi kutoka
kwa wazazi wapatao 20 wakiwa wameandamana na watoto wao
kutaka kuwanusuru kwa kuwasilisha hoja bungeni wakisema ni
hatua ya kuwadhulumu haki zao na kwenda kinyume na uhuru
wakuabudu uliohakikishwa ndani ya katiba.
Akizungumza kwenye Iftar huko Malindi, mbunge huyo ametaja
msukumo huo kama usiofaa na kusema kuna haja ya viongozi
kutolinyamazia swala hilo kwani ni ishara ya kuleta chuki na mgawanyiko katika sdini.
Abdulswamad alikuwa ameandamana na gavana wa kaunti ya
Kilifi AmasonKingi, gavana wa Mombasa Ali Hassan Joho na
wabunge wengine.
Itakumbukwa kuwa mapema wiki iliyopita wanafunzi takriban 30
kutoka shule ya upili ya wasichana ya Bura kaunti ya TaitaTaveta walifukuzwa shule kutokana na madai ya kudinda kuingia
Hata hivyo mwalimu mkuu wa shule hiyo Asumtha Munyao amepinga madai hayo akisema wanafunzi hao walitumwa nyumbani
kutokana na ukosefu wa nidhamu.
Continued To Page 7

The Friday Bulletin

Muhammad Abdallah Al-Ma'awiy


Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Ushindi Katika Ramadhaan

Vita wakati wa Ramadhan

9. Sultan wa Misri wakati huo wake, Qitz Mahmuud Mudhaffar
akiongoza jeshi waliokuwemo wanazuoni, vijana, wazee na hata
wanawake, mkewe akiwemo ndani yake walipambana na Matatari
ambao walikuwa wanatisha na kuogopewa. Hawa watu walivamia
na kuiteka miji mingi katika dola ya Kiislamu pamoja na kumuua
Khalifah wa Banu Abbaas, mwaka 1258 M. Baghdad ambao ulikuwa ni mji mkuu wa dola hiyo ulivunjwa kabisa. Kwa hofu waliokuwa nayo Waislamu walikuwa na msemo: Ukisikia Matatari
wameshindwa basi usisadiki.
Lakini walitokea waliowashinda watu hao majabari. Sultan Qitz na
mujahidina wake walipambana na Matatari katika Vita vya Ayn
Jaalut huko Palestina tarehe 25 Ramadhaan 658 H (1260 M) miaka miwili pekee baada ya kuuliwa kwa Khalifa. Qitz alinyanyua
hima na hamasa ya mujahidina wake. Chini ya uongozi wake,
Waislamu walishikanishwa juu ya Imani, umoja, zana za kivita za
chuma ili kupambana na adui.
Matokeo yake yalikuwa ni ushindi wa wazi kabisa katika wakati wa
udhaifu na unyonge. Hata leo tunaweza kupata ushindi na aina
hiyo ya uongozi. Kadhiya ya Afghanistan iko hai machoni petu
walipoondoa tofauti zao na kupigania kwa sababu ya Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala), Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) Aliwasaidia
na kuweza kuishinda dola iliyokuwa kuu ya USSR (Urusi).
10.Ndugu zetu huko Afghanistan walipigana na Warusi kwa Ramadhaan 10 mfululizo (1979 1988) bila kupumua.
11Ukinzani na mapigano dhidi ya maadui wa Uislamu bado yanaendelea kwa miongo kadhaa katika nchi kama Palestina, Kashmir, Phillipine, Bosnia, Chechniya na kadhalika.
12.Vita vya Ramadhaan 1973 baina ya majeshi ya Kiarabu na
Wazeyuni imeonyesha kuwa lau nchi za Waislamu watashikana
mikono na kuungana kwa ikhlasi na kupigana dhidi ya adui kwa
ajili ya Allah basi adui atatoka mwenyewe katika eneo hilo.
Lakini wakati masharti ya kupata ushindi yalikosekana Waislamu
walishindwa katika mwezi huo mtukufu wa Ramadhaan. Mojawapo ya kushindwa vibaya sana Waislamu ilikuwa ni katika Vita
vya Balata Shuhadaa, pale Waislamu waliposhindwa na Wakristo
katika eneo la milima huko Ufaransa mnamo tarehe 1 Ramadhaan
114 H. Katika enzi zetu hizi mauaji ya Waislamu ndani ya Msikiti
wa Ibraahimiy huko Khaliil (Hebron), Palestina ni ya kuzingatiwa. Waislamu walikuwa wakiswali Swalah yao ya Alfajiri mnamo
tarehe 15 Ramadhaan 1414 H (25 Februari 1994) pale Mzeyuni
mwenye siyasa kali, Dkt. Bharuch Goldstein alipoingia ndani ya
Msikiti huo huku nje jeshi la Israeli likimlinda na kufyatua risasi.
Kwa dakika chache aliwaua muswalina 30 na kuwajeruhi wengine
zaidi ya 75.
Kwetu sisi kutoka katika janga hili la balaa inafaa tuwe na suluhisho, la sivyo shida na matatizo yatazidi. Kwa mtazamo wa
haraka ni kuwa mustakabali katika hii dunia ni kwa Uislamu hata
wakichukia makafiri, lakini majukumu ni lazima yabebwe na kila
mmoja wetu. Kila mmoja wetu anafaa kucheza dauru yake ili kuweza kufikia malengo yetu. Hili ni lazima lichukuliwe kama timu
ambapo kila mmoja ana jezi na namba. Je, mimi na wewe tutacheza namba gani katika timu hiyo?
Mabadiliko ni lazima yaanze sana kwani kesho kesho haifiki na
ngoja ngoja huumiza matumbo. Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala)
Anatueleza: Hakika Allah Habadili yaliyoko kwa watu mpaka wabadili wao yaliyomo nafsini mwao (13: 11). Njia ya sisi kwenda
mbele ni kufuatilia muongozo ufuatao:
1. Mazoezi ya Kimwili: Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) Anatueleza
kwamba: Basi waandalieni nguvu kama muwezavyo, na kwa farasi waliofungwa tayari-tayari, ili kuwatishia maadui wa Allah na
maadui zenu, na wengineo ambao hamuwajui, lakini Allah Anawajua. Na mkitoa chochote katika Njia ya Allah mtarudishiwa, na
wala nyinyi hamtadhulumiwa (8: 60).
Na Mtume wa Allah (swalla Allaahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam)
anatuambia: Muumini aliye na nguvu ni bora na anapendwa zaidi
na Allah kuliko Muumini aliye dhaifu (Muslim). Hata wanawake

hawakuachwa nyuma katika mas-ala haya ya kujiweka katika hali

ya maandalizi na mazoezi. Wakati mmoja Aaishah (radhiya Allaahu anha) alishindana mbio na Mtume (swalla Allaahu alayhi
wa aalihi wa sallam) naye akashinda (Ahmad na Abu Daawuud).
Hivyo, ni muhimu sana kwetu kuwa na matayarisho hayo.
2. Mazoezi ya Kiroho: Ni muhimu kwa Waislamu kujitolea mhanga
kwa ajili ya kuzisafisha nyoyo zao kwa kusoma, kujua maana na
kuzingatia maamrisho yaliyomo ndani ya Qur-aan pamoja na kushikamana barabara na Sunnah. Ni lazima walime na kupalilia
ndani ya nafsi zao hisia ya kutekeleza Ibadah kwa mfano Swalah,
Funga, Dhikr na aina nyengine za Ibadah ambazo zitatuleta sisi
karibu na Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) za faradhi na za Sunnah.
Haya yanatakasa na kuzisafisha nyoyo zetu. Jambo hili linatakiwa
lipatiwe umuhimu mkubwa kabisa.
3.Mazoezi ya Kiakili: Ikiwa ni katika Misikiti au katika vyuo vya
masomo Waislamu wanatakiwa wajengwe kiakili. Akili zao zinatakiwa zifunguliwe na masikio yao yatolewe taka na uchafu. Hili
litawaimarisha na wao kuweza kutathmini mambo yanavyoendelea kwa muono wa Kiislamu. Ni muhimu kuwa na programu na
duruus ambazo zitamlenga Muislamu pamoja na changa moto
aina zote zinazomkumba katika ulimwengu huu wa utandawazi.
Hizi halaqaat za taalimu zitawaimarisha Waislamu katika dini yao
pamoja na akili zao. Vitabu tofauti vinaweza kuchaguliwa ili mradi
baada ya miaka kama 2 3 tunaweza kukaa na kutathmini faida
pamoja na kuangalia udhaifu uliopo. Masomo ambayo yanaweza
kuwepo ni kama Tafsiri ya Qur-aan, Hadiyth, Siyrah, Aqiydah,
Fiqhi, Tajwiyd, mambo yanavyojiri wakati huu, kutazama dini na
madhehebu nyengine pamoja na kuangalia zile itikadi na harakati
zilizo dhidi pamoja na kuwa na uadui mkubwa na Uislamu, na kadhalika.

Bodi itakayosimamia madrasa zote Kenya

nzima kuundwa
Miungano ya Maimamu wakishirikiana na walimu wa madrassa
wametakiwa kuja pamoja na kuunda bodi itakayosimamia madrassa zote Kenya nzima.
Akizungumza kwenye mkutano na walimu wa madrassa katika
eneo bunge la Mvita naibu kamishna wa kaunti ya Mombasa
Mahmoud Salim amesema kuundwa kwa bodi hiyo kutasaidia kusuluhisha maswala ya walimu hao na pia kusaidia kuleta amani
kote nchini.
Aidha bwana Mahmoud amewataka waislamu kujitokeza kuwasaidia walimu hao wa madrassa ili kujikimu kimaisha na kuwapa
nguvu ya kuendesha shughuli za kuwaelimisha watoto kwenye
madrassa kwa njia rahisi.
Wakati huo huo Mahmoud amewataka viongozi wa kidini na wale
wa kijamii kukaa kwenye meza ya majadialiano ili kujadili mbinu
mwafaka zinazoweza kusaidia kuondoa itikadi mbovu iliyoko
miongoni mwa vijana kutokana na mafunzo potofu.
Alisisitiza kwamba vita dhidi ya itikadi mbovu na ugaidi zaweza
kufaulu tu ikiwa viongozi wa kidini na wale wa kijamii na serikali
watashirikiana na kukutana kwenye meza ya majadiliano,akisema
kwamba majadiliano ni njia ya pekee inayoweza kujenga imani na
kubadili fikira za watu wenye itikadi potofu na kuwapelekea kuwa
raia wema.
''Twahitaji kuchukua hatua za majadiliano ili kutathimini sababu
kuu zinazowapelekea vijana kushawishika na itikadi hizo ili kupata
suluhisho la kudumu.Hivyo basi natoa wito kwa viongozi wa kidini,
kijamii na washika dau wengine kushirikiana na serikali ili kuafikia
ufanisi.'' Mahmoud alisema .
Mahmoud alisema kwamba amani na uwiano ni viungo muhimu
katika jamii kwa kuafikia ufanisi wa kimaendeleo katika nyanja tofauti za kiuchumi na kijamii.
Kwa upande wake mkuu wa kikundi cha vijana cha Tijara, Hassan
Shariff Karama ameitaka serikali kuwahusisha walimu wa madrassa kwenye kamati za nyumba kumi kwani wanawajua kwa undani
watoto na hata wazazi jambo ambalo litasaidia kuleta amani na
uwiano mashinani.

Page 7

Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

The Friday Bulletin

Breaking those addictions during Ramadhan: Happy new you

Maaryah Zain
Ramadhan is always the month where
people talk about making changes, engaging in good deeds and breaking bad habits, i.e., the non-beneficial deeds. But does
it really work?
How does one really engage in breaking
those bad habits? Though I am not professor in sociology, and am still self-studying
such behavioral sciences, I do believe in
the heartiest of hearts that bad habits can
be broken. And this is especially true during Ramadhan.
Its true that we reached the last third of
Ramadhan. However, its never too late;
you can start today!
A bad habit is a string of bad deeds that
have become repetitive or even addictive.
They could be as simple as indulging in
front of the television, over-eating, overspending, back-biting, vain talk, instigating
quarrels with others, not lowering ones
gaze, and generally engaging in activities
that could bring us closer to zina (adultery). Whatever it is, Ramadhan is probably the best time to make those changes.
Cultivate a deep love for Allah and the
The first step to break an addiction is to
cultivate a deep love for Allah and the
Quran. In fact, being very aware about
the benefits of fasting alone rather than
skimming the fast on the surface makes a
whole lot of difference when it comes to
breaking bad habits.
In the Quran it says:"O you who believe,
fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you
may guard against evil." (Al Baqarah: 183).
Guarding ones self against evil is one of
the underlying notions of the fasting month,
but this can only be achieved through fasting with sincerity and for the sake of Allah alone. Without that conscientious effort, fasting becomes difficult and full of
resentment. But when fasting becomes
an integral part of loving Allah, the entire
Ramadhan becomes light weight and a joy
to please Allah and Allah alone. With this,
the determination to worship transposes
into determination to break bad habits for
the sake of Allah.
Find the motivation to break that habit
While being familiar with the Quran and
the hadith, Muslims who want to break
their addictions should be able to pin point
their bad habits and pay heed to the direction to actually change their ways.
So which habit do you really want to break?
Is it smoking and / or constant food bingeing? Well, fasting certainly stops one from
doing both during the day. Make a resolution to not break the habit after night fall.
Remember that Allah says: Eat of the
good things, which we have provided for
you, (Al-Baqarah: 173).
In Surah Ar-Rahman, Allah talks about
balance and nutrition for good health, so
this is a good motivation to break the bad
habit of smoking and food bingeing, when
both habits bring more harm than good to
ones body. Accordingly, one of the two

Page 8

blessings humans are deluded by is good

health. The measure of good health is
only noticed when one falls ill and both
smoking and bingeing cause illnesses and
downplay the importance of good health in
every way.
Is wasting time becoming a bad habit and
the feeling of unproductiveness becoming
over-whelming? Then recall the important
verse in the Quran, al-Asr, reminding us
that time is limited and what we do with
our time will be questioned on the Day of
Is the habit of quarreling with others,
something you want to break? Do you wish
to have better control over your temper?
Allah has provided ways to conquer temper flares through performing ablution and
others, such as curbing anger by sitting
and then lying down. Saying the Istaghfar
is a good way to keep Satans reckonings
at bay. (This was reported in the 'Musnad'
of Ahmad). Remember also that it is the
whispers of Satan, though he is locked up,
that causes us to argue with each other
and break apart in disunity.
Is back-biting and vain talk a problem?
Surah Al-Humazah talks about both bad
habits very sternly. And in a narration
amongst Imam Nawawis Hadith compilation, Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him) reminds to speak
good otherwise remain silent.
Is addiction to the opposite gender
no matter in what form, leading to zina?
There are various levels of zina (adultery), and each one is prohibited, lest our
lower selves venture out into the more severe stages. Then a fruitful reminder would
be in this verse: Tell the believing men to
lower their gaze and be modest. That is
purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what
they do. And tell the believing women to
lower their gaze and be modest, (An-Nur:
In a hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported as having
said: And the eyes commit zina (adultery).
Their zina is gazing.
Whatever the habit is, whatever the addiction that is leading to laziness, ignorance
and deviation from the Straight Path, it can
be broken as long as we are reminded of
the injunctions of the Quran and the corresponding hadith narrations. To read up
and search for enlightenment is a blessing on its own, and searching would lead
to understanding, and understanding will
lead to practice in sha Allah.
Engage in good deeds to break bad
Engaging in good deeds will help break
bad habits as they will bring us closer to
Allah in full sincerity. What is more, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be
upon him) narrated that good deeds wipe
out sins, thus should be again a motivation in keeping with the best of intentions,
behavior and actions.
Surah Hood revealed important advice
from Allah: "And perform Salat (prayer),

at the two ends of the day and in some

hours of the night (i.e. the five compulsory
Daily prayers). Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds. That is a reminder
(an advice) for the mindful (those who accept advice)."
This verse was in response to an incident
whereby a man unlawfully kissed a girl and
went to the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) for help.
The Prophet announced that this verse
was for all the believers, (Bukhari), thus
for Muslims even today, quickly engage
in good deeds to wipe out bad inklings or
even intentions before they turn into actions. And if one falls into the trap of a bad
habit again, quickly repent to Allah and ask
for forgiveness with the intention to never go down that path again. Even half a
date in charity will save one from Hell-fire
Keep good company
The Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him): A good friend and a bad friend
are like a perfume-seller and a blacksmith:
The perfume-seller might give you some
perfume as a gift, or you might buy some
from him, or at least you might smell its
fragrance. As for the blacksmith, he might
singe your clothes, and at the very least
you will breathe in the fumes of the furnace, (Bukhari and Muslim).
Similarly, the Quran says: And keep yourself patient by being with those who call
upon their Lord in the morning and the
evening, seeking His countenance. And
let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do
not obey one whose heart We have made
heedless of Our remembrance and who
follows his desire and whose affair is ever
in neglect, (Kahf: 28).
In all cases, the camaraderie of good companionship resonates throughout Islamic
history. It is so important to keep friends
who strive to better themselves and the
spillover effects of doing so will affect
those around them. To break an addiction
or bad habit, keep close to those who have
similar goals and in turn, the togetherness
will infuse collective Love for Allah and
enhance the need to engage in good and
shun evil.
Ramadhan is the month of Miracles and
part of those miracles are making changes
for the better. Remember Allah, and Allah
will keep you in Mind. Ask and He will respond. And Allah never goes back on His
If you are on a mend, keep steadfast to
your beliefs; if you want to make a change,
go ahead and push forward with all the
might you have, if you have a bad habit
you want to break, do it and dont look
back. And always remember to ask from
Allah through dua and never give up on
His Mercy. Allah provides miracles every
day of the year, and it happens to those
who love Him and whom He loves in return.


The Friday Bulletin

Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Umrah Prize for Jamia Quran winner

A momentous prize of a
journey to Makkah to perform Umrah, the lesser pilgrimage was the top award
for the overall winner of the
6th edition of the annual Jamia Mosque Quran Memorization Competition which
closed on Sunday.
The winning package for
Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim from Madrasatul Zaid al
Kheir in Eastleigh put a big
smile to his two parents who
were also awarded a trip to
Makkah for Umrah.
In addition, Ahmed who took
the top slot in the category
of committing to memory
all the thirty chapters of the
Quran, also took home a
Sh170, 000 cash prize and
an automatic ticket to contest in the regional Quran
competition slated for next week in
Mombasa. The competition
brings contestants from
Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar,
Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda
and Burundi.
Madrasa Zaid al Kheir also
produced the winner in the
female category which was
held a fortnight ago weeks
ago. In addition to the Sh70,
000 cash prize and the

Umrah trip Aisha Abdishakur

Muhammad received with her
two parents, she will also receive an additional Sh100, 000
awarded by a well-wisher.
The coveted prize came from
the office Saudi Arabian Cultural Attach which together with
Africa Muslim Agency (AMA)
have for the last six years been
the main sponsors of what
has become one of the Jamia
mosques important annual activities.
One of the captivating performances in the competition
came from ten-year-old Ismail
Okemwa Ombui who thrilled
the congregation with his melodious recitation. A son of a
revert and a student at the
madrasatul Quran in Sigona,
Kiambu county, his recitation moved the crowd earning
him the second position in the
10 chapter category. He was
also awarded a trip to Umrah
together with his father by a
Nairobi travel agency, Senator
In all, 104 participants showcased their skills in in the fourday event committing to memory the Quran featuring in four
memorizing the
whole Quran, 15 chapters, 10
and 5 chapters.

Youth-based lectures and discussions on
important issues facing Muslim youths.

Sh. Mohamed Swalihu Jamia Mosque Imam

Sh. Mohamed Uthman Chancellor Raf Univesity
Sh. Mohamed Umal Imam Masjid Abubakar
Sh. Muhija Muzee Khadib Mbagathi Mosque
Abduba Dida former Presidential candidate
Sh. Rashid Ali Nairobi Deputy Chief Khadi & Khadi



y & How
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1. Use you
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2. Our relatio
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3. The
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4. Good khu
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5. Beware of
A Session
6. Open Q&
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7. Our Relati
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8. Whom sho

p discussions
9. Dynamic grou
youths feel at ease
designed to help
situations, increase
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stand criticism and
confidence, with
peer pressure

10.Open Q&A Ses
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11.The most belo
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12.Repel the evil
on exalted standard
13.Verily you are
of character



14.Open Q&A Ses
e in Allah's mercy.
15.Never lose hop
Do not despair

Venue: Raf University Hall,

South C Opp.
Madina Mosque

The Saudi Arabian Cultural Attache Anwar Abdulaziz al Souly

presents an award to the winner of the girls event Aishah
Abdulshakur Muhammad
In the 15 chapter category, Abdiaziz Ahmed Maalim from madrasah
Muadh ibn Jabal emerged the winner taking home a Sh35, 000 cash
prize while Ali Abdinasir Liga from Mahad Banin took the top slot in the
10 chapter category earning himself a Sh25,000 cash prize.
Abdallah Said Muhammad also from Mahad Banin took the honours in
the 5 chapter category taking home a cash award of Sh12,500.The
participations shows a bright future of for the Ummah as our young
boys and girls relish in committing to memory the Quran, said the
Jamia Mosque chairman Muhammad Osman Warfa.
He also paid glowing accolades to the outgoing Saudi Arabia Cultural
Attached Anwar Abdul Aziz al Souly describing his a great friend for
Kenyan Muslims. During his five year tenure in the country, he has
worked closely and supported the activities of Muslims in the country,
he said.
Al Souly on his part said even though he was leaving the country,
Kenya remained at his heart and pledged that his successor will continue supporting Muslim centred activities in the country.
In his remarks, the chairman of the Majlis Ulamaa of Jamia Mosque
Sheikh Fathuddin Thangal urged Muslims to firmly adhere to the
teachings of the Quran and Sunnah and urged the faithful not to be
misled by groups masking themselves under the Islamic tag but with
an insidious agenda to harm Islam from within. Let us be wary of
these groups which have corrupted the pristine teachings of Islam as
taught by Prophet salallau alayhi wa sallam and embraced teachings
which defame noble Muslim personalities, he said.
In his remarks, Prof Abdulaltif Essajee, a university of Nairobi lecturer and member of the Jamia Mosque Committee told parents and
madrasa teachers to ensure that children not only memorized the
Quran but also understood its meaning and teachings. We have an
obligation to encourage our children to not only commit the Quran to
memory but also learn and understand it, he said.
He praised the Somali community for inculcating the memorization
culture among children at an early age and urged other communities
to emulate their example Vast majority of the participants come from
one community. Other community should also follow suit as the Quran
was not revealed to Somalis but all Muslims, he said.

Date: Saturday July 4

to Sunday July 5
Time: 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

TAQWA SACCO would like to invite all our members to our annual general meeting that will take place SUNDAY 12TH JULY
None members who want to register as members of TAQWA
SACCO or wish to transfer from other SACCOS may attend as


Page 9

The Friday Bulletin

Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Women Prison visits:

From the Qur'an

"Certainly will the believers have succeeded. They who

are during their prayer humbly submissive. And they
who turn away from ill speech. And they who are observant of zakah. And they who guard their private parts.
[QUR'AN Suratul Mu'minun 23-1-6 ]

Page 10

Removing primary caretakers Mothers- inflicts trauma

on children, harms family structures, destabilizes communities, and places financial burdens on relatives who
assume caretaking responsibilities and taxpayers who assume costs associated with foster care. In addition, incarcerated parents with children in foster care are at serious
risk of losing parental rights to their children forever. The
worrying part is the stigma that is associated with having
to grow up with no mother because she was found guilty
of a crime.
Like all young people, children of incarcerated parents
need nurturing and support, and maintaining family ties
helps them process their parents absence and reduce
the trauma of separation. For incarcerated parents, staying connected with their children can motivate them to
participate in prison programs, ease family reunification
after release, and greatly reduce the likelihood that they
will return to prison. All the women prisons have quite a
number of young children who range from ages of one to
four. They suffer the same fate as they have to deal with
inmates who have babies at times and must be provided
for until they attain the age of 4 years when they are then
allowed to join their families. The basic requirements are
medical, clothes, diapers and day care facilities. This can
be very strenuous to the government budget that does not
come handy. Other stakeholders and people of good will
should care and that is how Ummah Foundation comes
in. In a way to supplement the limited government efforts,
Ummah Foundation time and again has been supporting
women inmates by providing a one year supply of sanitary
kits, diapers, children clothes, and assorted uncooked
foodstuffs during this holy month of Ramadhan to help the
Muslim inmates
As we all understand Prison work is very challenging but it
is good to appreciate that through rehabilitation we accept
that inmates are incarcerated as a punishment and not for
punishment and we should all facilitate their behavioural
and attitude changes. This requires professionals such as
psychologists, psychiatrists, Imams, pastors, counsellors
and social workers to team up and bring the change in
the society starting from prisons. We also need to know
that prisoners rehabilitation should be a primary concern
of any advanced societys prison system could really be
thought of as dangerous at all. That way people get out of
jail after serving their time and almost inevitably commit
further crimes, create more victims and cost the state and
society obscene amounts of public money.
It is our humble appeal to all that are concerned that we
are all duty bound as a society to provide for our inmates
if they need education, let them have it. If they need work
skills, give them training. If they have behavioural or psychological problems or have issues with drug or alcohol
abuse, provide the necessary treatments. And if they are
mentally ill, dont put them in prison in the first place and
once in prison, lets not forget they are human beings,
mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters and have feelings and needs as we all need. These simple measures
are all it would take to bring a better public safety and cost
efficient outcome by ensuring that more people come out
of prison able, willing and motivated to be good neighbours and citizens.
Contact us:
Ummah Foundation
Village Plaza, Ngara Rd, Nairobi
P.O. Box 58717- 00200
Tel;+254-202680610/13, 0734845277,

The Friday Bulletin


Ramadhan 16,1436/ July 03, 2015

Eastleigh residents decry police harassment during Ramadhan

Eastleigh residents in Nairobi have decried increased police harassment during
this holy month of Ramadhan.
Despite President Uhuru Kenyattas assurance in his Ramadhan message to Muslim
faithful that they would be allowed to exercise their religious obligations without any
impediment, police have taken advantage
of this period to harass and extort money
from innocent worshippers.
Residents have complained of heightened
harassment by police officers since the
start of the holy month saying the police
have perfected the art of harassing innocent Kenyans and openly asking for bribes
in the estate predominantly inhabited by
Muslims and Somali community.
With or without documents no one is safe
as worshippers to and from the mosque
are stopped on the way and asked to
produce their identity documents and for
those who have not carried them have to
part with cash to regain their freedom,
said Ahmed Muhammad a victim of police
Last week two students Muhammad Abdi
and Abdikani Sheikh were among many
who were arrested at the Sewerage area
in Eastleigh Section 3 by plain cloth police
officers and slumped with an accusation of
loitering and creating disturbance.
They were later bundled into a waiting
police vehicle and taken to Shauri Moyo
police station. Efforts by the relatives to
have the boys released were futile as the

officers at the station openly asked for

Sh5, 000 for each of them to be released.
Those without documents or with alien ID
cards were also asked to buy their freedom which cost up toSh10,000.
After several hours later the two suspects had not booked in the Occurrence
Book (OB) asthe police turned the reporting area into a negotiationsdesk revising
the figure to Sh1,000. The two were later
released at around 2 am in the night after
the intervention of a journalist who called
the Inspector general of police Joseph
Boinett and the Augustine Mutembei
OCS Shauri Moyo police station.
The following morning through his twitter
handle Boinett promised to take against
the officers. Indeed the alleged harassment last night was brought to my attention. Rest assured that appropriate action
will follow. Kenyans must hold together
and suffocate the forces of corruption,
he tweeted. It is however, not clear if any
action was taken against the police officers.
When contacted for comment Augustine
Mutembei the OCS at Shauri Moyo police station denied the bribery claims and
harassment allegations leveled against
his officers describing the claims as not
genuine and in bad faith.
As the OCS I am not aware of such allegations but if the claims are anything to
go by I am willing to address official complaints made to my office by the public,
he told the Friday Bulletin.

Duale to Obama: Dont promote homosexuality in Kenya

National Assembly Majority Leader Aden
Duale said US President Barrack Obama
should not use his agenda to promote homosexual activities during his visit to the
country. He affirmed that the government
will not succumb to pressure from Western
countries to legalize depraved acts such
as homosexuality.
Speaking during a funds drive in aid of
madrasah teachers in Kilifi South in Kilifi
County, Duale said Kenya was ' a God
fearing nation'' and that it will not be
swayed to adopt policies that favour ''Irreligious unions'' stressing that homosexuality went against Islamic and traditional
Africa values.
Said he: We want to tell Obama that if one
of the agendas of his visit is to push for the
adoption of same sex marriage, we wont
accept, adding, We need to practice values that are worthy to avoid the destruction of our society at the behest of negative
foreign influences.
President Obama is scheduled to visit
Kenya for the Global Leadership Summit
to be held in Nairobi on July 25-26. Early this week, the US leader applauded a
landmark ruling by the US Supreme Court
which legalize homosexual relations. During his visit, the US President is scheduled
to meet with President Uhuru Kenyatta
and Opposition leaders.
The deputy president William Ruto has

also told the US president not to promote the homosexual agenda while in
the country. Over Sh7 million was raised
during the fundraising event which was
also attended by the Kilifi governor Amason Kingi who called on Muslims to guard
against bad elements in the community
soiling the image of Islam.
At the same time Muslims in Western region have spoken against homosexuality
and called on President Uhuru Kenyatta's
government to declare it a crime in the
country as enshrined in the constitution.
Led by Sheikh Ibrahim Sadallah, Imam
Kakamega Jamia Mosque, they asked
Muslims not to support any law and policies that goes against the scripture.
He expressed his concerns that some
groups under the guise of fighting human
rights are promoting immoral and illegal
practices which go against established
faiths and traditions and undercuts the
family value of procreation. ''Our constitution has outlawed homosexuality or
lesbianism. Those coming up with human
rights should know that those so called
human rights have no values,'' Sadalla
''Even animals don't engage in same sex
practice yet they are less privileged mentally than us. Why should we belittle ourselves to the animals in the jungle? He

Mutembei said he has given clear instructions to his officers not to harass Muslims
going for night prayers during this month of
I do not take such allegations lightly, and if
any of my officers is found engaging in such
malpractices I will personally take the appropriate action Mutembei added.
Eastleigh residents have called on Interior
cabinet secretary Joseph Nkaissery and the
Inspector General of Police to intervene and
make sure that the police officers do not
engage in harassments but instead work
on measures to build confidence and trust
among the local people.
For many years it has become the tradition
for residents of Eastleigh, California and
Majengo areas to witness contingents of
plain clothed and uniformed police officers
carrying up swoops where scores of people
are arrested and only released after buying
their freedom.

Bura Girls case goes to court

Continued From Page 1

tionally continue their studies and order the

school not to compel them from participating in a religious function which is contrary
to their faith.
Compelling the Muslim students to attend
church services and observe Christian way
of worship is contrary to article 32 (4) of
the constitution of Kenya, read the court
papers. The decision is unconstitutional,
unjustified, against national values, unilateral, made in bad faith, discriminatory and
contrary to the laws and the constitution of
Kenya, the petition further read.
The parent further revealed that the school
also failed to provide the students with
meals at the required time of breaking the
fast during the month of Ramadhan, a further violation of the freedom of religion as
per the constitution.
She further complained that the national
school which is under the sponsorship of
the Catholic Church has refused to allow
the Muslim students to wear the hijab,
which contravenes the rights of the Muslim
students to manifest their faith as stipulated
in article 32 (2) of the constitution. The respondent have failed in their fundamental
duty to observe, respect, protect and promote the rights and freedom of a minority
religious community as demanded by the
constitution, she further said.
The school board management and the Attorney General are named as respondents
in the petition.
The incident happened on June 21 when
the students who were observing the fast
of Ramadhan were found by the deputy
principal hiding near the school store in an
attempt not to contravene their faith by attending an ongoing church service as mandated by the school administration.
They were suspended the following day on
the grounds for disobedience to school authority and negligence to school routine.

Page 11

Muslim scholars reject China's Ramadhan ban

A leading international Muslim scholars union has criticized China's
apparent ban on fasting the holy month of Ramadhan in the Muslim
dominant Xinjiang district, urging the Asian country to respect Muslim faith. "Continuous religious and ethnic persecution over Muslims,
especially in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, is against
Chinese and international law," the International Union of Muslim
Scholars (IUMS) said in a statement released last week.
The Union went on to condemn Chinese government policies in the
district including forcing restaurants to sell food on Ramadhan days as
well as forcing parents to sign on banning their children from observing the fasting month.
The statement offered no explanation as to exactly what laws it was
directly referring to. It added that the policy "is also contrary to the
fourth Geneva Convention in 1949 approved by China," and called the
apparent ban "a clear violation of one of the most important principles
of modern international law."
The Union called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other international organizations to protect Muslims.
Moreover, the IUMS warned that China's failure to offer more freedoms to Uighur Muslims will give scholars a sign to spread news
among Muslims worldwide which would result in severe effect on the
Chinese economy. Every year, Chinese authorities have repeatedly
imposed restrictions on Uighur Muslim in the northwestern region of
Xinjiang every Ramadhan.
Earlier in December, China banned the wearing of Islamic veiled robes
in public in Urumqi, the capital of the province of Xinjiang.
The law in the predominantly Muslim region came as Beijing intensified its so-called campaign against religious extremism that it blames
for recent violence.
Earlier in 2014, Xinjiang banned the practicing of religion in government buildings, as well as wearing clothes or logos associated with
religious extremism.Last May, Muslim shops and restaurants in a Chinese village in northwestern Xinjiang have been ordered to sell cigarettes and alcohol or face closure. (

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Masjid Committee, P. O. Box 100786-00101 Nairobi, Tel: 2243504/5 Fax: 342147
E-mail: Printed by Graphic Lineups Limited-Kweria Road

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